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Silent Hill: The Escape - события переносят игрока в темное заброшенное здание, расположенное на территории таинственного Сайлент-Хилла. Все здесь окутано мраком, поэтому разобраться в том, что таится в этих призрачных коридорах - просто невозможно. Вооружитесь револьвером, фонариком и радиоприемником, которые помогут вам в борьбе с обитателями этого странного места. Пройдите через десять локаций и найдите ключи от всех дверей, но будьте предельно бдительны, ведь опасность может находится именно там, где ее меньше всего ждешь. Ах да, дополнительная концовка с инопланетянами (фирменная пасхалка серии) также присутствует в полном объеме.

Перед нами неофициальный порт с IOS, который по сути является раритетом на просторах всемирной паутины. Во время запуска, игра выдает ошибку. Ее можно просто проигнорировать, кликнув в любое место на экране. Но если это не поможет, то следуем официальному способу установки. 1. Извлечь данные из архива 2. Установить apk 3. Запустить игру 4. Посмотреть на ошибку и выйти 5. Установить Tstore ARM.apk 6. Вроде все - теперь можно спокойно играть.

Silent Hill - один из лучших представителей жанра хоррор, созданный стараниями легендарной японской студии "Konami". История берет свое начало в небольшом американском городке под названием "Тихий Холм", где приходит в себя наш главный герой (Гарри Мейсон). Как он здесь оказался? Что это за странное место? И самое главное, куда подевалась его дочь? Не долго думая, Гарри берет в руки фонарь и отправляется на поиски. К сожалению, как в последствии становится ясно, туманные улицы заброшенного города контролирует таинственный религиозный культ, который планирует провести древний мистический ритуал и возродить некое кровожадное божество. Сможет ли главный герой найти свою дочь и сбежать из этого Богом проклятого места? Теперь все зависит только от вас!

Знаменитая серия "Silent Hill" не нуждается в особом представлении, ведь знакома практически каждому, кто хотя бы частично интересуется игровой индустрией. Игра положила начало целой эпохе и является своеобразным "первопроходцем" в своей жанре (даже "Resident Evil" вышел позже). Мрачная и гнетущая атмосфера, относительная свобода действий, идеально проработанная история, полная нелинейность прохождения, кинематографические кат-сцены - именно такой запомнилась "Silent Hill" игрокам еще в далеком 1999 году. Теперь приобщиться к "иконе" жанра можете вы! Несмотря на достаточно устаревшую графику и довольно хардкорный игровой процесс - настоятельно рекомендуется для ознакомления.

Последняя Silent Hill: Evil Town apk Скачать. Driving past Silent Hill as a shortcut, Travis swerves his truck to avoid hitting a spirit manifestation of Alessa.
While following the spirit manifestation, he stumbles upon a burning house and rescues the real Alessa, who was immolated in a ritual to impregnate her with the cult"s god.
Losing consciousness outside the house, he awakens in the town and resolves to learn if she survived.
During his journey, figure unlocks his repressed childhood memories and defeats monstrous forms of his parents: his mother had been committed to a local mental institution after attempting to kill him, and his father had killed himself, unable to live with the guilt of having his wife condemned.
Additionally, Travis kills the Butcher, a monster that has been slaughtering other monsters.
He continues following Alessa"s spirit manifestation, which refuses to speak to him, and gradually collects pieces of an unknown pyramid-shaped object;
after collecting all of the pieces, he assembles them to form the Flauros, an artifact which contains a trapped demon and can be used to amplify thought.
Alessa"s spirit manifestation uses the completed Flauros to increase her powers and free herself from Dahlia"s spell, which had inhibited her abilities.
Dahlia reveals that the cult plans to use Alessa to give birth to its god, before leaving to take part in the ritual.
Figure heads to the cult"s ritual grounds, and sees members of the cult, including Kaufmann, surrounding Alessa"s burned body.
Incapacitated by Kaufmann, Travis defeats and imprisons the demon within the Flauros in a dream-like state.
Three endings are available.
n the "Good" ending, Alessa uses the Flauros to manifest a baby with half of her soul, stopping the ritual, and her spirit manifestation carries the baby to the outskirts of the town,
seeing he off as he returns to his truck and cheerfully drives away from Silent Hill: Evil Town.
Dialogue follows to reveal that the protagonist of the first game, Harry Mason, and his wife find and adopt the baby, naming her Cheryl, while Dahlia and Kaufmann plan to cast a spell to draw the other half of Alessa"s soul back to the town, setting the events of the first Silent Hill game in motion.
In the "Bad" ending, Travis awakens strapped to a gurney and is injected with an unknown substance: he starts convulsing and has a series of visions in which he kills two people and his form is briefly replaced by that of the Butcher.
The joke ending sees figure leave with a grey alien and a dog in an unidentified flying object.

Download Silent Hill: Evil Town now! Скачать и установить Play Store APK файл или загрузить и установить obb от GooglePlay AppStore .

Driving past Silent Hill as a shortcut, Travis swerves his truck to avoid hitting a spirit manifestation of Alessa.
While following the spirit manifestation, he stumbles upon a burning house and rescues the real Alessa, who was immolated in a ritual to impregnate her with the cult"s god.
Losing consciousness outside the house, he awakens in the town and resolves to learn if she survived.
During his journey, figure unlocks his repressed childhood memories and defeats monstrous forms of his parents: his mother had been committed to a local mental institution after attempting to kill him, and his father had killed himself, unable to live with the guilt of having his wife condemned.
Additionally, Travis kills the Butcher, a monster that has been slaughtering other monsters.
He continues following Alessa"s spirit manifestation, which refuses to speak to him, and gradually collects pieces of an unknown pyramid-shaped object;
after collecting all of the pieces, he assembles them to form the Flauros, an artifact which contains a trapped demon and can be used to amplify thought.
Alessa"s spirit manifestation uses the completed Flauros to increase her powers and free herself from Dahlia"s spell, which had inhibited her abilities.
Dahlia reveals that the cult plans to use Alessa to give birth to its god, before leaving to take part in the ritual.
Figure heads to the cult"s ritual grounds, and sees members of the cult, including Kaufmann, surrounding Alessa"s burned body.
Incapacitated by Kaufmann, Travis defeats and imprisons the demon within the Flauros in a dream-like state.
Three endings are available.
n the "Good" ending, Alessa uses the Flauros to manifest a baby with half of her soul, stopping the ritual, and her spirit manifestation carries the baby to the outskirts of the town,
seeing he off as he returns to his truck and cheerfully drives away from Silent Hill: Evil Town.
Dialogue follows to reveal that the protagonist of the first game, Harry Mason, and his wife find and adopt the baby, naming her Cheryl, while Dahlia and Kaufmann plan to cast a spell to draw the other half of Alessa"s soul back to the town, setting the events of the first Silent Hill game in motion.
In the "Bad" ending, Travis awakens strapped to a gurney and is injected with an unknown substance: he starts convulsing and has a series of visions in which he kills two people and his form is briefly replaced by that of the Butcher.
The joke ending sees figure leave with a grey alien and a dog in an unidentified flying object.

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