Моды для майнкрафт 1.8 9 на превращение

Morph Mod is one of the amazing mod that will enables the user to morph into any sort of morph by the time after killing it. You can have the freedom to cycle through all the whole morphs that you have and the user can turn out to be anything at any time. Having your own body can be a total fun and exciting however, how about considering using the in order for you to totally turn out to be one of the critters in the world.

From the beginning, as the user of the game, you will be able to perceive the , which is the greatest and diverse additive to you game in Minecraft. By simply putting this matter, you can utilize this mod for you to change yourself into any kid of the mobs that you can look within the world. Either if it’s an ender dragon, a chicken or even a pig or skeleton, you can freely control it as long as you can have it through. There would be no kinds of restrictions and by the use of this mod; you can do whatever you want in the game.

What can you expect from it?

What you need to anticipate with the version of is the reality that you can mix the mod along with the others that will carry living entities that later on can right away transform into bosses devoid of any sort of issues.

You are able to achieve 8 different and distinct abilities within the . Whether you want to go for climbing or maybe floating, flying, fire immunity, sunburns and water allergies as well as hostility and swimming, all of which flawlessly blend into a huge and great experience. In order for you to discover and distinguish your abilities in the game, what you just need to do is to find at the morph GUI that is situated nearby the name of the morph, that you will eventually like for guarantee.

What are the mod features?

The Morph Mods will let you get the following:

  • Browse recently stored morphs along with the HOME/End keys. By the time that the selector is open, you can make use of the mouse for you to browse.
  • Acquire the majority of the living mobs by killing them. This contains other silverfish, players, turrets as well as the descriptive books.
  • Get rid of the morph using the DELETE/BACKSPACE key. Bear in mind that you can’t eliminate your original condition or even the morph that you are presently using.
  • Choose a morph with RETURN/LMB/ENTER key. It will just take you four (4) seconds to the transition involving morphs, at the same time you can’t get morphs while you are morphing.
  • Close the selector of morph by using RMB/ESCAPE key.

is absolutely the most exciting reason why you should opt for this Minecraft game. With it, you can certainly bring your total virtual gaming experience to the next level.


Хотелось ли Вам когда-нибудь превратиться в зомби и пугать других игроков, или же стать крипером и взорвать любое строение? С модом Morph для Minecraft 1.7.2/1.7.10 вы сможете сделать это!

Данная модификация позволяет игроку превращаться в любое существо из игры. Для того, чтобы совершить превращение, необходимо убить моба и потом нажатием по клавише квадратной скобки ("[" или "]") выбрать его в меню, нажав Enter. Вы можете стать как агрессивным существом, например, пауком, так и вполне мирным, к примеру, котом или летучей мышью. В наверняка понравится Morph Mod, ведь с ним игра станет намного разнообразней, и, возможно, вы сможете делать то, что не могли делать будучи обычным человеком.

На этой странице можно скачать мод на превращение в мобов для Майнкрафт 1.7.10/1.7.2. Для его работы необходим Forge и iChunUtil, которые можно взять на нашем сайте.

Инструкция для Morph Mod

Для начала необходимо убить моба и после чего поглотить его форму. Чтобы совершить превращение, необходимо использовать клавиши квадратных скобок [ или ]. Откроется меню, в котором можно выбрать нужного моба. После того, как вы выбрали жмем Enter. У вас есть возможность добавить моба в избранное - в меню выбираем нужную форму, зажимаем Shift и нажимаем на клавишу ~. Чтобы попасть в меню Избранного, зажимаем ~.

Видео обзор


  1. Скачать мод на превращение в мобов Morph 1.7.2/1.7.10 и iChunUtil.
  2. Установить

Мод Morph для Minecraft 1.7.10 1.8 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.5.2

Уникальный мод Morph для Minecraft 1.7.10 1.8 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.5.2 позволяющий перевоплощаться в других живых созданий из игры. Мод был создан профессиональными программистами и дизайнерами для специального конкурса, в нем не наблюдаются ни тормозов, ни лагов. Теперь у Вас появляется два новых предмета – меч с специального редкого сплава и такой же лук. Они не просто наносят врагам высокое число урона, а еще и позволяют Вам перевоплощаться в убитых врагов. Да, теперь можно убить свинью и тут же стать свиньей.

Изображения мода Morph сделаны в игре Minecraft

Вы сможете увидать себя в роли муравья, лошади или вообще птицы. Кроме того, с помощью мода Morph можно принимать вид редких врагов, например боссов. Убить сильного босса непростая задача, но у Вас есть уникальное оружие. К сожалению, специальные возможности врагов Вам не передаются. Так что получить способности боссов не получиться, что немного огорчает. И еще, после того, как убили любое существо, оно попадает в Ваш список перевоплощений. Вы в произвольное время можете выбрать животное из этого списка и стать ним. Хотите стать Гарри Поттером, так становитесь им, всего лишь надо , который добавит магические палочки.

Are you one of those minecraft players who have been wishing that they have some different experiences that they can’t find within their own bodies? Then get ready for 1.13.1 because it is out to blow your mind. This is because you are just about to experience something that is totally new to your whole minecraft experience. Even if you plan using Morph Mod on or any other version, you will get the maximum satisfaction based on the efforts that the developers have decided to put into it.

Turn into almost any mob

When minecraft came out, there were lots of mods which have been added to make the game appear more real than it used to be. However, despite all these additions, none was able to offer the wonderful and unique experience that Morph Mod brings into the game. Imagine the chance to change into another player. Wouldn’t that be cool? You sure be it would be. That is not all as you can even turn into a mob or a villager. Whichever one that you choose, it doesn’t just matter. All that will be required of you is to make the right selections and you will be transformed in no time.

Hey! Even if you have decided to turn into a fowl or sheep, you will be very free to do it. one thing that makes this mod to be fantastic and worth all the attention that it is getting is that it strikes a balance between making you turn into those friendly creatures and also turning you into some violent ones as well. That means you can also change into zombies and skeletons. Better be careful on this one because turning into one of those critters also exposes you to the attacks that they will get.

This has a lot in stock for you. It is no big deal whether you are playing minecraft 1.10 or any other version as you will always enjoy it to its fullest. The way it works is that you can’t just turn into something like that. You must have eliminated it at some point in the game. For instance, you get rid of zombie; it simply means that you now have the chance of turning into a zombie. You can also turn into a player but the only problem is that you won’t be able to possess their gear.

Morph Mod Usage

  • Browse previously acquired morphs with the (defaults) [ / ] keys (Square brackets, normally next to the Enter/Return key). Hit them to open the Gui and scroll up and down, hold shift to scroll left and right. (Works with the mouse as well, once the selector is open!). The mod will try it’s best to prevent duplicate morphs, however it cannot guarantee that.
  • Select a morph with the Enter/Return/LMB. It takes ~4 seconds to transition between morphs, and you cannot acquire new morphs while morphing.
  • Remove a morph with the Delete/Backspace button. You however, cannot remove your original state, or the morph you are currently using.
  • Close the morph selector with the Escape/RMB. It will auto close if there is another Gui open.
  • Add a mod to favourites with the ~ key, when in the Morph Gui. You can also hold the ~ key to open a radial menu to morph into your favourites!

Morph Mod Abilities

Abilities are basically “characteristics and skills”, but for simplicity’s sake, they’re called abilities. Packaged with the mod right now there are 11 abilities, some good, some bad. They are as follows:

  • Climb
  • Fall Negate
  • Float
  • Fire Immunity
  • Hostile
  • Sunburn
  • Water Allergy
  • Poison Resistance
  • Wither Resistance
  • Potion Effect

Morph Mod Installation

This guide will explain how to install this mod for Minecraft 1.12 and older versions. All download links can be find below.

  1. Download and install .
  2. Download Morph Mod.
  3. Open the Mods folder for that go in Start and Run : %appdata%\.minecraft/mods.
  4. Drag the files to your mods folder (once downloaded Minecraft Forge and test it should auto create this folder).
  5. Open your and make sure to use the profile the forge api created.

Note: If you are still having to download or install the file, do not hesitate to ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

Download Morph Mod and Become any Mob

All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods, follow the download link below. If the version that you want to download is not listed in the download links below, visit the official Morph Mod Minecraft Thread . If you were still not able to find the right version for you, please leave us a comment and we will be providing the download link.

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