Моды на майнкрафт 1.8 reis minimap

Rei’s Minimap is one of the most dynamic modification tools to enhance your gaming experience when playing Minecraft. It will add a brilliant, custom-looking map into all gaming screens. The map is highly customizable and looks just like the ones you’d normally see in other MMO games, like LoL and Guild Wars, for example.

Its best feature is where it helps guide through a number of locations, travel across long distances and steer clear of gangs, dangerous animals and other unsavoury characters that are designed to interrupt the smooth playing experience.

The map can be configured by setting out things like , alter the transparency and add in new objects as you see fit. Moreover, it is compatible with various map visibility .

Rei’s Minimap Mod for Minecraft has many features including an ability to quickly process commands, show exquisite map rendering, express semi-transparent blocks and use a bump map expression of height; this is where you can alter the map’s display to give it a tilt effect.


The features of Rei’s Minimap Mod for Minecraft also includes cave mapping, biome colouring, entities radar implementation and the feature where you can automatically generate block colours from your texture pack. The features also have an ability to express the way the light so dynamically changes, create those way points, indicate where slime spawning chunks occur and you can change key configurations while playing the game.


  • You can also set waypoints and remember deathpoints. By pressing the (by default) “.” or “~” key, you can view a list of options. Macs may have issues. You can easily edit the keys from the config folder or in-game in the menu.
  • To do this on a Mac, go to Mac HD > Users > Username > Library > Application Support > Minecraft > mods > rei_minimap > keyconfig.txt. You can find the menu hotkey and set it to whatever key you want.

How to install:

  • Rei’s Minimap is relatively easy to install and you will need to begin by downloading and installing . However, if you have version 1.7.2 you will have to download the zip file here: For 1.7.2:
  • Version 1.7.2 is not compatible with Forge. You need to manually put the files into the Jar and delete “meta-inf” folder.
  • Now navigate to the “Start” menu and select “Run” and type: %appdata%/.minecraft/
  • Enter that and then open the Mods folder and move the .zip file there that was downloaded in the earlier step. Then close everything up and run Minecraft to see if the game runs smoothly.
  • There are a couple of pieces of software that can be used to help the installation process run smoothly: and both work well and can be used for installing this mod.

Download Links:

For Minecraft 1.8 (The Rei’s Minimap no more coming updates, but the Zan’s Minimap are update and ready for Minecraft 1.8! It is really a nice way to start the day!)

Миникарта для Майнкрафт — в данном разделе вы сможете скачать Майнкрафт мод на карту. Это одни из самых популярных модификаций, ведь без карты в игре с большим открытым миром, как без рук. Вы сможете здесь подобрать мод на миникарту с подходящим для вас функционалом, например помимо стандартного функционала добавляющего карту местности, вы сможете устанавливать метки с любым названием для более быстрого ориентирования на местности. Также здесь представлены более читерские варианты с радаром показывающим ближайших мобов, игроков и редкие ресурсы, такие как алмазы и изумруды. Здесь вы найдет моды на карты для всех актуальных версий игры, даже для тех которые вышли совсем не давно. Если вам полюбился какой то конкретно мод добавляющий миникарту, но он не обновился до нужной вам версии заходите по чаще и как только выйдет новая верися, она появиться на сайте. Или же все таки вам стоит попробовать другие не мене достойные для вашей сборки модификации.


Rei’s Minimap Mod is the latest game that supports versions of 1.8 and 1.7.10. These are dynamic modification tools that will enhance gaming experience once you play Minecraft. It will add some brilliant and custom maps in your gaming screens.

1.11.2, 1.8,1.7.10 has the best features to offer you that would guide you trough many locations, steer clear gangs, travel across long distance, unsavory characters and dangerous animals that are designed to interrupt the smooth experience in playing. It is a kind of map that will allow you to add some customizations, unique abilities and location options for you to spot the animals and mobs. Having huge list of features, you can now easily navigate the underground because of its cave features or above ground with detailed map and compass.

This map is considered to be extremely detailed to allow you see different colors that are barely noticeable. Furthermore, you can see different types of surface types, caves, biomes and a lot more. Rei’s Minimap Mod Minecraft has other highlights. These include the following:

The Minimap is located in top right corner where you can enable and disable through the use of M key. You also have the chance to disable or enable any features of map.

It has locator that will allow you to see the locations of the mob spawners, NPC villagers and animals in the game. It will give you the ability to avoid some attacks. The further you get from all of these things the lighter marker for them to become where it easily gauge safe distance.

The compass will allow you to see your directions and even your co-ordinates below or above the game. To see this, there is a need for you to pause for a while in your game and you need to press F3 . By means of this, you will know where you are exactly going.

The waypoints are easy to set on any location in the map where it includes places you never explore or the place you want to return to. You can put color on the code of your waypoint to make it more organize and at the same time you can keep track places you are using.

Itis customizable that will allow you to change the transparency and size of the current map itself. You can add or remove some features of this map. In addition, you can adjust the view of the map and let you zoom it in or out. Or customize the keys to stop it to go above mods of others.

Rei’s Minimap mod 1.11.2/1.8.9/1.7.10 has different features that will provide you the capability to have a quick process of commands, express semi-transparent blocks, show exquisite map and use bump map expression of heights. With this, you can alter the maps display and to have a tilt effect in the game. Check out mod and enjoy an improved Minecraft experience.


How to install:

To install on your Minecraft client , do the following:

  1. Download and install the correct .
  2. Run Minecraft once to ensure that Minecraft Forge is installed correctly. A Mods button should now be available in the main menu.
  3. Download a copy of the Rei’s Minimap jar (zip) and save it to the directory %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods . The mods directory is created by Minecraft Forge in the previous step.
  4. Run Minecraft and enjoy!
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