Бактерия мод minecraft

Bacteria Mod 1.12 and 1.11.2 has been referred to by many minecraft players as a double edged sword mod. This is because it can bring about fun for players and at the same time cause problems. This means that it has a very destructive nature. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a great mod because it surely is and you will experience this first hand once you start making use of it today. Just by its name, there is no doubt that you can tell easily what it has been created to accomplish in the world of minecraft.

Bacteria Mod has been developed to bring bacteria to your world. This can only point to danger most especially when you are not aware of the exact steps to take so as to have it controlled. Sponges will be greatly required to have most blocks crafted. After that, you will need to have it placed beneath a layer of water. Bacteria will be grown by then which can easily be crafted into colonies. This is one of the most creative mods in the world of minecraft which will improve your overall experience. You will understand how to make it work once you start using it today.

How to install Bacteria Mod

This guide will explain how to install Bacteria Mod for Minecraft 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.8.9 and older versions.

  1. Update you Minecraft for the mod version.
  2. Download and install .
  3. Download the Bacteria Mod file.
  4. Open the Mods folder, for that go in Start and Run : %appdata%.minecraft/mods .
  5. Drag the downloaded Bacteria-Mod-x.x.x.jar into the “mods” folder.
  6. Open your and make sure to use the profile the forge api created.

Download Bacteria Mod for Minecraft

All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods. If the version that you want to download is not listed in the download links below, visit the official

The Bacteria mod is both a fun but equally useful and destructive mod. It’s as simple as the name suggests, it introduces bacteria to Minecraft. This could mean good or nefarious things but fortunately the bacteria is controllable if you know what to do.

You’ll need sponges to craft Must blocks. Then place those under at least one layer of water. They’ll eventually grow bunches of bacteria that you can then craft into colonies.

Once you have a few colonies you can place them below a block or blocks that you want them to be able to destroy. They’ll refrain from destroying anything else but what you choose. So for example if you placed a colony below a patch of water then activated it with redstone, the bacteria will quickly destroy all water in its path, leaving all else unharmed.

The replacer bacteria is another method of massive replication with this mod. It will eat whatever type of block is below it, then replace it with whatever block is above it. Again it needs to be activated with redstone. This is one that could get massively out of hand as well.

When something gets beyond your control, then the jammer is a necessary item. Once pressed, it will automatically stop any bacteria from continuing its spread. It won’t fix any devastation but it will at least prevent further issues from happening.

Many blocks are created out of bacteria in Minecraft, so it’s always a very good idea to spruce up the way the bacteria works in order to acquire much better results. That’s where the Bacteria Mod 1.8 comes into play because it allows you to use the own high reproduction system that the bacteria has in order to generate multiple and acquire immense results.

The Bacteria Mod Minecraft allows you to add sponges to the as this does make the user experience more refined and fun all around. It’s a really neat user experience and one that does pay off big time. Another thing to note is that the bacteria is customizable and you can modify it as you see fit during your gameplay sessions.

Not all players use bacteria in Minecraft and that’s why the modmight not be for everyone, but there’s no denying that this does provide a whole lot of value here and the gameplay does bring incredible results right off the bat which is what matters the most.

You can use it in a variety of ways, mainly because it has two functions. It can eat and play with blocks, with the latter being a very interesting and funny function to begin with, you can rest assured of that.

If you want to begin, you will need to find a few sponges in the lakes or rivers then check out the must bacteria will grow only if water is above it and you have to keep that in mind at all costs. You will be able to get some bacteria from here and then you can use it to craft an entire colony of bacteria unlike never before, in a really exciting and fun way to begin with.

Beginning: Search some sponges in rivers, lakes or in the ocean, or craft them if you don’t want to search! Then craft some Must, place it under water, and let it grow. The Must grows only if water’s above them , example in the Video! If the Must is grown(lighter green) , you can harvest it! If the must is not fully grown, it will just drop the Must block. If it is grown you get some Bunch of Bacteria . Then craft some bacteria colonies!

Bacteria: Bacteria can be “tamed” to eat a special type of block like dirt, stone, water, lava, etc. You just have to place a bacterium colony, place all types of blocks you want it to eat directly above it (grass and dirt are the same, you don’t have to place both) and finally power it by redstone or just place a redstone torch next to it! You will see it spread! (All spreading Bacteria blocks are of one colony!)
If not changed in the config file, the bacteria blocks will remember their food also when you save and load the world again!

Replacer: Will automatically set the block type below as food and will replace it with the block type above!
To start, just power it with redstone!

Jammer (item): The Jammer item is a remote control which sends a jamming signal to ALL bacteria colonies in the world!

Jammer (block): You can place a Jammer wherever you want the bacteria to stop. If the Bacteria reaches it, all Bacteria blocks of that colony will die! (Other colonies will continue to spread)

Isolation (Bricks by default): Build a rectangle/square/circle/whatever horizontally on the ground and place bacteria in the middle! they won’t eat below it so they won’t grow out of the area you defined!


Goto %appdata%.minecraftconfig and open TeNNoX_Bacteria.properties with notepad!

In this file you can change the IDs and other settings:

  • bacteria speed – how fast the bacteria will spread (1 – fastest, more – slower, default 50)
  • isolation blockID – the block which you can isolate bacteria spread with, like seen in the video! (default bricks)
  • randomize bacteria spread – if not active, all bacteria will spread with always the same speed (default true)
  • save food to NBT – if active, the bacteria blocks will remember their food on world save/load (default true)
  • Enable Achievements – some users experience bugs with achievements enabled so I added an option to disable them


Злой двойник Стива круглосуточно сидит в лаборатории, где изобретает оружие судного дня, но его преследует лишь череда неудач. Разрушительный мод Bacteria поможет гениальному злодею уничтожить мир при помощи колонии бактерий, которые пожирают указанные блоки. Агрессивные микроорганизмы почти моментально осушают океаны, превращают зеленые поля в безжизненные пустыни и величественные горы в пустоту и ущелья. Единственный способ остановить ненасытных троглодитов - построить специальное устройство. Хорошая новость в том, что они могут послужить для созидания. Правильный ученый обязательно ознакомится с рецептами и не навредит природе, но первым делом необходимо скачать мод на бактерии для Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.7.2, 1.6.4 или 1.5.2.


С чего начать?

Найдите несколько губок в реках, озерах или океане. Создайте, если не хотите искать. Затем сделайте плесень, поместите ее под воду и позвольте расти. Она станет светло-зеленой, а значит пришло время собирать урожай и создавать колонию.

Рецепты крафта

  • Must (плесень) - главный компонент из губки.
  • Бактерии умеют есть грязь, камень, воду, лаву и прочие компоненты игрового мира. Поместите их над блоком Bacteria и активируйте процесс красным камнем, Редстоун-факелом или рубильником.
  • Replacer (Заменитель) превращает съеденные блоки в другие. Разместите «еду» над ним, а замену снизу.
  • Jammer - пульт управления, останавливающий бактериальный армагеддон.
  • Блок Jammer носит ту же функцию, но срабатывает при контакте.
  • Bacterium Splash Potion - зелье «Бактериума».

Видео обзор Bacteria Mod

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