Скачать шейдеры для ман 1.9 4


Rudoplays Shaders Shaders Pack mod is a used to improve image quality and environment of Minecraft, for those with good configuration, stable operation. If you like Minecraft experience under a completely new perspective, it is a Shaders Shaders Pack Rudoplays for you. Download the new RudoPlays Shader today and enjoy! What some awesome YouTubers say about the Shaders: Looks like a new game! -Keralis.


How to install RudoPlays Shaders Mod for Minecraft:

2) Create a new profile, and select “Use Version: Forge” in the edit profile menu. Run Minecraft, and close it after it has reached the main screen.

4) Navigate to your .minecraft folder, and locate the folder named mods.

5) Place the GLSL mod jar file in this folder.

6) Run Minecraft once again. This time, do not close it.

7) Download a version of Sildur’s Shaders.

8) Once again, look in your .minecraft folder, and find the newly generated folder; shaderpacks.

9) Place the RudoPlays Shaders Mod download file into the shaderpacks folder.

10) In Minecraft, you should see a “Shaderpacks” option in the option menu. Click on this option and choose RudoPlays Shaders Mod from the list of shaderpacks on the left.

11) Open a world or connect to a server and enjoy RudoPlays Shaders Mod.

Are you one of those Minecraft lovers who want constant changes in their Minecraft and who gets bored while playing in the same Minecraft world again and again. Then Shaders Mod is the right thing for you. Shaders Mod provides a spectacular quality of textures which will recreate your Minecraft world.

The mod has multiple options to play with. Initially you can advance some buffers, shadow map, normal map, specular map. On the other hand you can use these options to change the complete look of the Minecraft world. The appearance will completely rely on how user can customize his pack.

Shaders Mod Download:

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Release Date: 18th June, 2017
Version 2.7.0
File Size: 318 KB
Supported version: Minecraft 1.12.2
Download Mod (Direct):

Updated Summary

Name Size Release Version Status
320 KB 29th December, 2016 1.11.2 Released
322 KB 30th June, 2016 1.10.2 Released
328 KB 14th June, 2016 1.9.4 Released
327 MB 14th June, 2016 1.9 Released
210 KB 22nd January, 16 1.7.10 Released

Release Note of Shaders Mod

It can work with OptiFine_1.8.0_HD_U_D1. (install OptiFine before ShadersMod)
Forge/FML can load it from mods folder but it still has some graphics glitch.
It is normal that ShadersMod does not appear in Forge/FML mod list.

How to Install Shaders Mod

To get the mod working first you need to install Minecraft Forge, make sure it matches your game version.
Tip: Forge is an API that lets you run multiple minecraft mods simultaneously without compatibility issues
After installing Forge, download and save the mod .jar file to your computer.
Now you need to open Minecraft installation directory.
To do that, Open Minecraft launcher, click “Edit profile” and then click “open game dir” from the bottom.
Now open “mods” folder, if you don’t find it, create one.
Drop the mod JAR file into the mods directory. Do not try to extract or unzip it.
Launch Minecraft using Forge profile. The installation will automatially continue.

Долой простые пиксели с квадратной прорисовкой! Мод на шейдеры GLSL Shaders для Майнкрафт максимально улучшает графику, делает её реалистичной и современной. Играли в новые игры? Освещение и детализация хитов современности поражает красотой. Пришло время сделать кубический мир красивым и сияющим, но сначала необходимо скачать мод на шейдеры на Майнкрафт 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.9 или 1.10.2!


  • Дополнение не требует хитрых манипуляций и дополнительных настроек.
  • Шейдеры добавляют множество новых эффектов и анимации в Minecraft
  • Игроки смогут наслаждаться реалистичными солнцем и дождем, мягким освещение факелов и ламп, покачиванием листвы и травы.
  • Мод поддерживает тени и включает эффект живой воды.

Преобразите игровой мир, благодаря невероятно красивым графическим эффектам! Чтобы поиграть в любимую игру с совершенно новой и реалистичной графикой, нужно лишь скачать GLSL Shaders 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.9 или 1.10 и установить шейдеры в Minecraft.

Видео обзор GLSL Shaders


  1. Загрузить Minecraft Forge.
  2. Скачать мод GLSL Shaders 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.8.9, 1.9, 1.9.4 или 1.10.2 и поместить в папку mods.
  3. Переместить архивы с шейдерами в папку shaders в игре.
  4. Выбрать профиль Forge в лаунчере и войти в игру!
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