Bot for the game mad king. Cheats for Mad King (mod for gold and silver). Rank and titles

In order for you to become the most powerful warrior who is able to easily deal with any enemy, you will need quite a lot of strength. Here everyone can get their hands on the riches of the new world and glory. But for this you need knowledge of game secrets and nuances. Our knowledge base will help you do Mad King walkthrough as successful as possible.

Travel notes


Stamina consumption occurs during a call in travel notes. The scale provides 150 units of stamina, which accumulate at 10 units per hour. There is also the possibility of replenishing stamina with capsules, which are small, medium and large (20/40/80). Also, endurance can be purchased for gold: for 10 gold, you can buy 40 endurance.

Where to get the spirit to increase the stardom of the generals

This material can be obtained for killing generals in the hidden level of "travel notes". Only it is not advised to do this in the early stages of the passage, because for one battle you will need 20 units of stamina. For example, to raise one star, General Nathan needs 30 units of his spirits, that is, you will need to kill him 30 times in the hidden level, and for this you need to spend 600 units. endurance that will recover after 60 hours. The same amount of stamina makes it possible to pump the skills of another general by three.

Chin and workout points

You get training points for almost every event, but what are they for? You cannot spend them. You can only use it to increase the rank of your character. You can view their number in the corresponding tab, as well as in the arena window.

Wild Horses Event

The passage of this event does not cause any particular difficulties. To do this, you will most likely need no more than five minutes. The reward in this event is not significant, but nice.

To start the event, you need a certain period of time, which is indicated. Open the "event hall" tab located in the upper right corner of the screen and press the "participate" button. After that, you find yourself on the territory of the event. Three tasks are provided, the completion of which brings different rewards.

  1. Tame white horses. To tame a horse, you need to click on it and wait for your character to saddle it. Then a certain scale appears in front of you, as in the picture above. For taming to be successful, you need to press three times in time while the bar is full above the win / lose line.
  2. Obstinate horses. The execution of this task is identical to the previous one.
  3. Kill the groom. The NPC "groom" is almost constantly at the entrance to the location (after entering the location, turn right and walk up a few steps). Difficulties and problems with killing him often do not arise.

Faction cart event guide

This event starts at 15:00 Moscow time. The duration of the event is 15 minutes. The essence of the event: three carts are provided (one for each faction). The task of each faction is to protect their wagon, but at the same time it is also necessary to destroy the wagons of the opponents. Also, additional individual tasks are provided here, the completion of which brings additional reward.

You get a reward in the form of silver even for dealing damage to an opponent's wagon. Everything is simple here. Often times, factions are sent to destroy enemy wagons and leave their own unprotected.

If, upon reaching level 210, your HP is not particularly durable, then it is best to attack and destroy the vehicles of opponents from afar, because when you come close to the enemy, you risk that you will be merged by members of other factions under AOE. And you do not need this at all, because time is about dealing damage, and, accordingly, getting silver.

Siege event

This event starts at 23:00 Moscow time. Duration: 30 minutes. It is not held every day. To participate, as usual, press the button "participate" and move to the location of the event. Purpose: capture the flags of opponents and protect your own. There are six flags on the map (2 for each faction), they are marked with red dots.

The spawn location is located in the center of the map. Each second of possession of the flag brings the team 400 silver (1 - 400, 2 - 800, and so on). To prevent lags during the event, it is better to hide other faction members and generals with effects. Then your task is to attack the enemy's flag, for its subsequent capture, that is, it must be destroyed.

Which weapon will be used: bow or saber, depends on your HP. A variety of situations can occur here, but often the tactics in this event are set by the leader of the faction or officers, so you also need to closely monitor the faction chat.

Faction boss event guide

The start time of this event falls at 20:00 Moscow time. Its duration is 15 minutes. Held daily. This event is of great importance both for you and for your faction as a whole. This is where you get a very useful reward (shown in the picture above).

The essence of the event: 13 bosses appear in turn, each next one results in the killing of the previous one. The reward shown above is given every time a boss is killed. The passage is simple: targeting the boss, choosing weapons (sabers), delivering joint attacks. If your character begins to lose his health, then you can simply go behind the boss and continue to strike.

In no case should you run away from the boss if he is attacking your character. Indeed, at the time when you run, and the boss is behind you, then the other team members will be able to inflict much less damage on him. The consequence of this will be the loss of precious time and your team will be able to destroy fewer bosses. In this event, every second matters a lot.

Passage of the "fight for the seal"

This event starts at 20:30 Moscow time. Duration - 30 minutes. It is not held every day. Click on the button "participate" and you are transferred to the location of the event. Here, a map opens in front of you, consisting of three platforms, on each of them there is a point for the respawn of one faction. Objective: the faction needs to capture the seal in the center and hold it for 15 minutes in order to win. If none of the opposing sides succeeded in doing this, then victory is awarded to the faction that managed to hold the seal for the longest time in total.

The tactics here are quite simple: immediately run to the center of the map to print. If you are not the owner of special vitality, then you should choose a bow for your armament. Otherwise, you won't even be able to touch the seal, you will be quickly merged. Therefore, such heroism should be left to the tops or just tenacious characters. You'd better find a position that is comfortable for shooting and slowly merge opponents who are trying to capture the seal.

If, nevertheless, the enemy managed to seize the seal, then it is necessary to throw all the forces in order to drain the one who did it. Killing the enemy leads to the return of the seal to the center of the map and a new possibility of capturing it appears. If your character belongs to durable tanks, then do not hesitate and rush right into the thick of what is happening, trying to capture the seal in all ways that are available to you. Having captured the seal, it is usually carried to the respawn point of their faction, that is, where it is most convenient to defend it.

While moving the seal to the spawn point, do not forget to protect the follower who carries it. First of all, those opponents who are trying to destroy the print medium should be attacked. It is worth saying that the print medium is very easy to recognize, it just becomes this seal itself.

Mad King walkthrough video

Video walkthrough with the CBT game

Browser-based MMORPG Mad King will take the player into a crazy whirlwind of events and adventures. Once online, the Monkey King ruled, unrestrained in his anger and rage. For his violent temper, the king was imprisoned for many centuries, the task of the main characters is to find the lord's dungeon. The main trump card of the inhabitants of the game world is a penchant for elemental magic. It is thanks to her that brave players will be able to make friends, or even subjugate the creatures of light and darkness.

Registration in the game

You can get into the wonderful world of Mad King using your profile on VK, Facebook or OK. Another way is to register on the official website of the game by entering an email address and a freshly invented password.


Mad King - Colorful World

There are already a hell of a dozen servers in the game, so feel free to poke at any of them and go on to adventure! The first thing that catches your eye is that the character never sits still, he constantly communicates with the inhabitants, fights hordes of monsters and gives kicks in the ass to bosses. Some of them, for example, the same Monkey King, being defeated, gives the player the right to use his power in critical situations. This is great!

The game mechanics of Mad King involve a real-time combat system.

This means that the main character will fight often, a lot and hot. And all this without uploading separate pictures of the battlefield, everything happens here and now. The character is endowed with 6 fighting techniques, which he uses in a lightning-fast combination. In case of big trouble, the user presses the letter button and summons the totem of one of the defeated superheroes.

It is also worth mentioning that players have the opportunity to constantly improve weapons, melt stars into equipment, pump character characteristics, tame pets, and much more.

Advantages / Disadvantages

Advantages- 100% employment of the player with the character and the game process, decent graphics and animation in the browser.

Flaws- sometimes the player does not quite understand what kind of leapfrog is going on around him, however, it’s even more fun.

System requirements

The system requirements of Mad King are very democratic, the game is browser-based, therefore, in addition to it, you only need the Internet and free time!


Mad King is a project with a very pleasant portrayal and energetic gameplay, mixed with a fusion of eastern legends and the world of fantasy. As the saying goes, it is pleasant for the eye and for the hands to have something to touch!

Mad King is a browser-based RPG MMO that is radically different from its brethren. Modern graphics, extraordinary characters, memorable dungeons and epic battles await you. Are you ready to plunge into bloody battles and prove your superiority over other gamers? Then register and join the battle. Thanks to the interesting training, even a beginner will not find it difficult to master the gameplay.


Three unique classes await you in the game. You can transform into:

1) Punisher - a merciless warrior who fights on the front line;
2) Siren is a pretty blonde who specializes in spells;
3) Sentinel - a bulletproof tank capable of holding back the onslaught of enemies.

Screenshots for Mad King

The protagonist plays a key role in the victory. Depending on the chosen strategy, you can put everything on the attack and enlist the support of DDs or balance the team with versatile characters. Traveling around the world, look into taverns, where you can easily find new comrades in arms. In the meantime, collecting the perfect team, enjoy gorgeous graphics, mountains, rivers of fire, underwater palaces and other memorable locations. In addition, you will meet monsters, go in search of treasures, make friends, have a wedding, buy a house, etc.


As you progress through the storyline and level up, you will visit new lands. A total of 18 zones, dark dungeons, boss encounters, sieges, and more await you. Ready to fight in the arena, upgrade equipment, strengthen skills, team up with other gamers and conquer new territories? To attract new gamers to the game, the developers have added cool horses. They not only increase the speed of movement, but also strengthen the team. Wings, fashionable suits and accessories will help you to change the appearance of your character.

Official site of the game Mad King

In Mad King, you have to complete tasks, collect things, train pets, buy wings and acquire legendary armor. To increase your chances of winning, you will also have to find various artifacts, amulets and precious shields. In addition, you must enlist the support of 12 zodiac signs and find invincible generals. Their experience is invaluable if you are planning to break into the top. As for the pumping of things, for this you will need special materials obtained in dungeons. After customization, the armor will become stronger, and the sword will begin to do much more damage.

The smart development will allow each player to plunge into a fantastic and magical world, where everyone will actually have a new life. From the beginning of the game, you need to choose which of the three characters you will have to play in your small journey to the top of fame.

It is enough only to use the existing positive character traits of each represented character in order to win very soon and demonstrate the highest result in the outcome of each confrontation. Use all your strengths to break the records of the existing people in the leaderboard.


Cheats for Mad King:

Here are the essential cheats for the game:


Benefits of using cheats:

  • no need to enter data from your account anywhere, no one will see your username-password
  • you do not need to download anything, which means you are maximally protected from viruses
  • use of cheats without restrictions - enter the code as many times as you want
  • unique tracking protection system, you can not be afraid to get banned in the game
  • codes are entered into the console, which means they do not depend on the version of your operating system

The most common question is where to enter cheats for the game Mad King. They need to be entered into the console, which can be called by pressing the key with the Russian letter Ё (usually to the left of the one on the keyboard). For the console to appear, the game must be running in a browser. Please note this does not work in all browsers!

The Mad King knowledge base will tell you more about the gameplay elements. You will also learn about the features of the classes and types of equipment that are available in the game.

There is even nothing to say, because the interface is clear from the very beginning, what and where:

  1. Information about your character is located here: general battle rating, character name, character level, amount of gold and silver, as well as VIP level.
  2. All the actions available for passing the event and dungeon are located, where you will fight the forces of evil. 3) Map and several menus to customize the game.
  3. A list of your tasks that will give you a nice bonus to the quality of experience and gold. Also, below are tips for improving your character in the game.
  4. The main menu of interaction with all the possibilities of the game. There is an improvement, a menu of wings, pets, zodiac, artifacts and synthesis items. In general, this menu is the most frequently used in the game.
  5. The battle menu, where your skills and menus are located, which are responsible for the groups and your transformation into one of the gods.
  6. Your character's ultimate ability.
  7. Chat and battle log displaying received items and invitations from other players.
  8. A window that shows what kind of bonus you will receive when you reach a certain level.
the Punisher- a dangerous warrior who uses berserk abilities in his tactics. The punisher's weapon is also appropriate, it is a large sword that takes out everything in its path, cuts enemies and creatures in half.
The Punisher is good for those who do not want to get wrapped up in the choice of a class or are completely new to a similar genre. Also, the punisher is unique in its attacking abilities and attack power. In a head-to-head battle, it is very dangerous and there were rarely cases when someone survived.

Siren- a dangerous and beautiful witch, trained from other sirens, she took over all the abilities and their power to fight the enemy. Destructive spells and powerful magical abilities await you. Uses a large fan in the weapon slot, which cuts through enemies if they manage to approach the siren.

Siren is well suited for players looking to delve a little deeper into the game's mechanics. You will also have a lot of impressions from the game, because the class of the siren is very versatile and when you reach 120 and 220 levels you can change weapons, and when you change it, the whole gameplay changes immediately, because when you put on one-handed swords, the siren spins in all directions and cuts everything on its own paths. But when putting on a bow, it will endow the arrows with special properties and send them to the underworld.

Guardian- a defensive class in the game, which brings variety to the gameplay, not everyone can tank about it. And for a successful adventure through the game, you need to pump exactly those characteristics that the tank needs. And if you try to make a tank look like a punisher, then you will fail because the Sentinel is a guard.

If you want to play Mad King but you just don't know how to level up, then a few tips for leveling will help you:
  1. Leveling up on the main quests. A standard and very simple way of leveling up, in which you will simply go through the storyline and get all the necessary resources for pumping and character development, but no more. A good way if you want to finish the storyline faster.

  2. Leveling in dungeons. Quite a difficult method that requires pumped equipment and a little skill to play for the selected class. After all, dungeons are not always easy and you need to meet the combat rating requirements.

  3. Leveling up in events. In Mad King, there are always some events that you can complete and get a lot of rewards and experience. But this method gives less experience than quests.

  4. Leveling up on daily tasks. This method is identical to leveling up on the main quests. But to complete daily tasks, you just need to kill a pack of monsters (60-100 pieces) and the task is completed.

  5. Leveling up on raid bosses. One of the most dangerous methods, but one of the best. For after killing a boss, you can get a rare item or part of an item to create a rare artifact or assistant.

Pets and the zodiac

These are two great features that are available to you when you reach level 50-70. Pets, like the zodiac, are a great addition to stats. But pets are a donation service and are bought only for a while. Actually, the pets themselves are an expensive pleasure, so we advise you not to spend at low levels on such a pleasure (well, how to say, on an unnecessary thing).
The zodiac is much more interesting. After all, the zodiac can be improved and made better thanks to the directions of magic: darkness, light, fire, ice, earth, nature. It can also be improved with particles of the soul of the zodiac itself, which is obtained from events and dungeons.
Pets can also improve, but they have a lower combat rating and give a passive bonus to the experience gained. Pets are very expensive and can only be used in dungeons to gain more experience.

Rank and titles

The game also has a system of ranks, in which you can also invest and get nice bonuses.
Chin is a rank that improves for special conditions, after completing which points are given. And after accumulating a certain amount of experience, you can increase your rank.

Ranks are distinctive signs above the heads of the characters, they can stand out among the crowd and attract the attention of other players. But that's not all, because each of the achievements adds to one or more characteristics. But if you do not like to brag, then the developers have made the following feature especially for you: You can not display a beautiful image of your status and receive the same bonus from all ranks.

Equipment and interactions with it

Equipment gives you the bulk of your Battle Rating, and can be used to climb to great heights. And in order not to change clothes all the time, you can simply improve them and add a few special effects.


Let's start with smelting, because it is she who can give you cool equipment. The essence of smelting is the destruction of unnecessary items of various types, from items for the mount, to items of equipment for your hero.
Items available for smelting are immediately displayed in the smelting menu. You just have to press the button to start the process. All items will be smelted and you will be given smelting points or crystals of wings, mount, etc. And already with the required amount of experience, you can forge an item of legendary (yellow) quality, which will give a great advantage in the fight against evil.


Strengthening is a simple weapon sharpening, for sharpening you just need good equipment for your level, a little silver and the skill of clicking on the mouse.

Honestly, enhancing items by 5-10 sharpenings will not give a particularly strong effect. But sharpening 30-50 improvements will give you a huge increase in performance several times.


Star rating increases the number of stars on an item (maximum star level 20). But here everything is not so simple and you need to have special "Stars", which are divided into qualities: green, blue, purple, yellow, red.

And after you acquire such materials, you can improve the performance. And to increase the stardom of the level, there is a certain chance of successful improvement.


It is a common feature for RPG games, but interesting. Enchanting will allow you to make weapons better with the help of special "enchantment stones". Actually, these stones give your equipment special effects.
A good way to upgrade equipment for high levels. For stones are a very rare resource that can be earned for quests and in raid battles with bosses.



A very important component of the game is the dungeons and various tests that can be completed when reaching a particular level of the character.
You can go through the "Tower of Uncleanness", in which you will fight with an endless crowd of opponents. And from the enemies themselves, the reagents necessary for improvement will fall.
The "Dungeon Hall" is a room in which you can select the desired dungeon and go through it. For completing dungeons, you will receive valuable and useful rewards and a large amount of experience.
But there are dungeons like "kill the boss", such dungeons are nowhere easier and you get almost the same rewards for killing just one boss. Modes such as "Resident Evil", "Travel Notes" and more.


There are quite a few differences from PVE, because battles differ only in the location of the camera and the skills used, because in some PVP modes it is forbidden to use some skills.
"Storm" is a seizure of a server city where you can become the mayor or deputy mayor. The capture takes place like this: two teams of approximately the same battle rating in general.
Territory capture- very interesting land grab mode. The capture brings a large amount of resources every day. Well a feast is provided if you complete the assigned tasks.
"Arena"- a simple but interesting arena. On which, you will face other players and fight them for your position in the ranking and arena rewards. By the way, the rewards in the arena are very generous.
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