Games on literary works for younger students. Literary game for elementary grades "Whoever reads a lot knows a lot" Scenarios of a literary game for elementary school children

The script of the literary game

The Magical World of Charles Perrault.

Gavrilyak I.M.,

primary school teacher 2K

Purpose: to activate and stimulate the literary activity of students.

    to summarize the knowledge of children about the biography and work of Charles Perrault;

    determine the level of erudition of students, expand ideas about fairy tales;

    to teach to argue their point of view, to increase the creative interest of children;

    develop flexibility of thinking, creative recreative imagination, voluntary sustained attention, coherent oral and written speech, enrich vocabulary;

    to bring up moral character traits, aesthetic taste, activation of positive motivation for reading activity.

Equipment: an exhibition of books by Charles Perrault, a presentation, a flipchart, cards with the text of telegrams, props for the Museum of Fairytale Things, tokens for spectators, prizes for participants.

Game progress.

I. Organizing time.

Fanfare sounds, the teams take their places.

II. Introduction by the librarian.

Information about the biography of Sh. Perro, his work.

How I would like

Live in a magical house

Where are fairy tales kept?

Like poetry in an album

Where the old women are the walls

Gossip at night

About everything in fairy tales

Seen firsthand

Where is the fire in the fireplace

Creates comfort

And on the bookshelf

Miracles live

Where in an old chair

Slightly squeaking with a pen,

Composes fairy tales

My friend is Charles Perrault.

I think you also know and love the fairy tales of Charles Perrault since childhood. And today we will once again visit the magical world of his fairy tales, find out which of you is a connoisseur of his fairy tales.

There are two teams in our literary game. Please introduce yourself...

Command presentation. Business card. Jury presentation.

("Rike Tufted", "Gingerbread House")

III. Competition program.

1. Warm-up "Museum of fabulous things."

The magic bell sounds, it invites you to the "Museum of Fabulous Things". There are various items on the tables in front of you. You must determine which fairy-tale characters they belong to. But be careful, among them there are items that are not related to the fairy tales of Charles Perrault.

On two tables in random order are:

    magic wand ("Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella");

    pumpkin ("Cinderella");

    glass slipper ("Cinderella");

    spindle ("Sleeping Beauty");

    boots ("Puss in Boots", "Thumb Boy", "Cinderella");

    pebbles ("Boy-with-finger");

    basket with pies ("Little Red Riding Hood")

    jug ("Sorceress");

    flower ("Sorceress");

    pearls ("Sorceress")

    toad ("Sorceress")

    snake ("Sorceress");

    ring ("Donkey skin");

as well as items that are not related to the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault:


  • soft toy;

    mobile phone;

    pencil, etc.

2. Game for the audience "Mathematical Kaleidoscope" ( while the teams are preparing answers):

    How many sons did the miller have? (Three).

    how many months did the cat bear tribute to the king? (two or three).

    How many times did the Ogre make his transformations? In whom? (Two: into a lion and a mouse).

    How many years must an enchanted princess sleep? (A hundred years).

    How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (Sixteen).

    How many sorceresses were invited to be godmothers to the princess? (Seven)

    How many children did the lumberjack have? (Seven)

    How many times has the woodcutter taken his children into the woods? (Two)

    How many daughters did the ogre have? (Seven)

HOST: Are the teams ready to give an answer? Let's give them the floor.

Team responses to the Museum of Fabulous Things competition.

JURY: Sums up the competition and announces the winner of the competition.

3. Competition "Wonderful transformations".

The host rings the bell and announces the second competition for the "Wonderful Transformations" teams. Many of the items that we have just talked about are magical, with their help you can make transformations. Please name what and in what fairy tales of Ch. Perrault transformations take place? (The host gives the floor to the representatives of both teams in turn).

Sample responses from children:

    Cannibal turns into a lion ("Puss in Boots")

    Cannibal turns into a mouse ("Puss in Boots")

    Pumpkin turns into a carriage ("Cinderella")

    Rat - in the coachman ("Cinderella")

    Mice - into horses ("Cinderella")

    Poor dress in a luxurious outfit ("Cinderella")

    The princess pricks her finger with a spindle and falls into a long sleep ("Sleeping Beauty")

    The words of the youngest daughter turn into flowers and gems ("Sorceress")

    The words of the eldest daughter turn into snakes and toads. ("Enchantress")

JURY: Evaluates the answers, names the winner of the competition.

4. Competition "We're going to the ball!"

LEADING: (Rings the bell). Remember how in the fairy tale "Cinderella" the sisters were going to the ball? Each dreamed of looking her best in order to please the prince. They came up with intricate hairstyles for themselves, and Cinderella helped them. After all, no one knew how to pin lace or curl curls as skillfully as she did. So the sisters are going to the ball. And so are we! Our fourth competition is called "Let's go to the ball!".

Task: make a fabulous hairstyle for a model girl in a ball gown. (on the tables there are additional props: hairpins, bows, lace…)

5. Game - a quiz with the audience "What? Where? When?"

LEADING: While the teams are gathering for the ball, we offer the audience a quiz “What? Where? When?":

    Why is the stepdaughter called Cinderella? (She often sat in a corner near the fireplace on a chest of ashes).

    What did Little Red Riding Hood carry to her grandmother? (A pie and a pot of butter).

    Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother? (Lumberjacks)

    What did the Cannibal eat for dinner? (ram)

    What was the name of his master Puss in Boots? (Marquis de Carabas)

    What did the elder brothers of the Marquis de Carabas inherit? (The elder one is a mill, the middle one is a donkey).

    What was in the golden boxes that were given to the fairy godmothers? (Spoon, fork and knife are made of pure gold)

    What did Cinderella lose when she ran away from the ball? (Crystal shoe)

    What had to happen for Sleeping Beauty to wake up? (The prince must kiss her)

    What will happen to those who fall in love with a beautiful but stupid princess? (He will become as handsome as she).

HOST: Are the teams ready to show us their success?

Representatives of the teams demonstrate how they coped with the competitions, present hairstyles and outfits.

JURY: Comment and name the winner of the competition.

5. Competition "Fairytale etiquette"

LEADING: The heroes of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault are distinguished not only by intelligence and cunning, but also by good manners.

The ringing of the bell announces a new competition - "Fairy Tale Etiquette". Good manners and taste are manifested not only in conversation and dancing, but also in behavior at the table, in the ability to set the table. Which fairy tale mentions a beautifully set table?

On what occasion was it? (In the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", in honor of the christening of the princess.)

Remember how the table was set? (In front of the fairies, unusual dinnerware and a box of pure gold were placed. The boxes contained a golden spoon, a fork and a knife of the finest work, studded with diamonds and rubies.) Now the representatives of the teams will also set the table in compliance with all the rules of etiquette.

Two tables have everything you need for this: Tablecloth, napkins, plates, cups, spoons, forks, knives, and other utensils. As well as vases and flowers.

6. Crossword for viewers.

LEADING: While the teams are completing the task, guess the crossword puzzle:

The word should appear horizontally: A person who tells or composes fairy tales.


1. The most famous color of the headdress from Ch. Perro's fairy tale? (Red)

2. What was the name of the royal son, nicknamed Hohlik? (Rike)

3. What skin replaced the dress of the princess? (Donkey)

4. Stepdaughter's name? (Cinderella)

5. The nickname of the hero of one of the fairy tales is Blue ...? (Beard)

6. A boy as tall as ...? (finger)

7. The girl met a poorly dressed woman at the well, it turned out that she was ...? (Enchantress)

8. Although she slept for 100 years, she was still ... ? (Gorgeous)

9. He walked in boots ... (Cat)

HOST: Look at the chic tables set by our teams. Whose table is better?

JURY: Comment and announce the winner of the competition.

7. Competition "Magic telegram".

HOST: Attention! Guys, we received telegrams from the heroes of Charles Perrault's fairy tales. Whoever quickly guesses from which fairy tale and rings the bell first, he answers.

    “Everyone! Everyone! To all princes and queens! We kindly ask you not to disturb us for the next hundred years. I want to sleep!". The signature is illegible... Who is this telegram from? (from Sleeping Beauty).

    "The evening would soon come

And the long-awaited hour has come,

To me in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairy ball. Who sent this telegram? (Cinderella)

    Who is this telegram about?

“My mother loved me very much.

She gave me a hat." (Red Riding Hood)

    "And I'm small, but remote!" (Boy-with-finger).

8. Competition - homework "Tales for all time".

Children had to write essays, poems, fairy tales based on Ch. Perrault's fairy tales. All works are collected in a collection. The jury is presented with a collection of creative works "Tales for All Seasons". At this time, team representatives present their collections, read poems, excerpts from essays, etc.

IV. Summarizing.

JURY: Announces the winning team, names the most active viewers who answered the quiz questions. Certificates, prizes, souvenirs are handed out.

V. Reflection "We draw a fairy tale!"

Children draw to the music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".

HOST: And now our competition has come to an end. Dear friends, never part with fairy tales, let them lead you on their magical paths...

Computer presentation for a literary quiz game for children of primary school age Author of the quiz game, design: Proshuta Lyubov Lvovna (acting head of the library) Author of the fairy tale: Panova Tamara Vyacheslavovna (head of the department) Children's Library-branch 43 CLS 1 SAO GUK Moscow

As soon as the library halls are empty, and the door closes behind the last employee, extraordinary events begin to occur in the library. The toys that sit quietly on the bookshelves during the day gather with noise and laughter around the giraffe, surrounded by outlandish plants, and take their places to hear a new story. Maxi, the dog Fik, told about these incidents in secret

Nobody noticed how it happened. The Vrednilus computer virus has entered the library. Having got out of the computer, he did his dirty deed - he stole magic items from fairy tales. Vrednilus believed that one should not waste time reading fairy tales, one should not read anything at all, but only play, play and play computer games. Why do you think you need to read fairy tales?

In our history, such fairy-tale heroes turned out to be victims. From the fairy tale about the frog princess, the magic ball disappeared, which pointed the way to the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal, where Vasilisa the Wise was languishing in captivity. Cinderella lost her glass slipper and couldn't go to the ball.

And Ole-Lukoye could not find his wonderful umbrella with pictures, which he opens at night over good children so that they dream of fairy tales. There was only a black umbrella left for naughty children ... And which of the storytellers came up with Ole himself? And the fairy tales are so mixed up even with their names that no one can guess their former names without your help!

Stop! - said Pinocchio. - I think I know whose hands this is. In the Three Minnows tavern, I heard Karabas Barabas and Duremar talking about the fact that a new villain has appeared in our fairy-tale land, whom even they are afraid of. And his name is a computer virus Vrednilus.

That's good! - everyone was noisy. - Let's not postpone the matter indefinitely. We have very little time left. It will start to light up soon. RESSI sniffed at the computer in the subscription hall and confidently ran down the long corridor towards the stairs leading to the first floor. Electronics, Alice and everyone else ran after them. Going downstairs, RESSI ran to the door of the computer class and, standing on her hind legs, barked loudly. Having run up, the Electronics opened the classroom door. The dog ran into the room and, growling, stopped near the computer in the corner.

A small man, dressed in black and wearing dark glasses, crawled out from behind the monitor. Seeing RESSI and the fairy tale characters, he was frightened and said that he was joking that he would not be there again. But no one believed him. Electronics and Alice ordered to return to the heroes of fairy tales everything that he had taken from them without permission. The Vrednilus virus obeyed.

What are we going to do with it? Pinocchio asked. We decided to sharpen it in a jug. Seal that jar with seven seals and throw it into the ocean. To fulfill the punishment was the honor of the genie from the magic lamp. Which he gladly did. And fairy tale characters returned to their books. Let's add to those already guessed those fairy tales that we have not yet remembered, but whose heroes actively take part in incredible events!

When the library staff came to work in the morning, the books and toys stood in their places, and no one knew anything about the night incident. But this is just one of Uncle Giraffe's stories! And he has a lot of them! So, dear guys, TO CONTINUE! WAITING FOR YOU!

Literary game for children on knowledge of fairy tales

Fairy tale quiz for primary school children

Klimanova Tatyana Anatolyevna, primary school teacher, MAOU OOSh s. Krasny Yar, Balakovo district.
Material Description: This literary game is intended for children of primary school age and their parents. This material can be useful for primary school teachers as well.
Target: Consolidation of knowledge about the names, heroes, authors of children's fairy tales
- to remember the heroes of fairy tales
- develop thinking, memory, imagination
- educate interest and love for fairy tales
Quiz progress.

Stage 1: "Magic Tool"
Remember from which fairy tale the subject
1. Boots (Puss in Boots)
2. Shoe (Cinderella)
3. Pea (Princess on the Pea)
4. Egg (Hen Ryaba)
5. Stove (Swan geese)
6. Trough (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)
7. Arrow (The Tale of the Frog Princess)
8. Golden key (Golden Key or Pinocchio's Adventure)
Stage 2: "Question-answer"

1. Where did the crane put his treat in the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane" (In a jug)
2. What is the name of the fairy tale in which the cockerel choked on a grain (Cockerel and bean seed)
3. What medicine did Malvina Pinocchio give (castor oil)
4. Where did the fox want to fry Zhikharka? (In the oven)
5. What did the wolf fish for in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox" (on the tail)
6. When did Pinocchio's nose grow? (when he lied)
7. What did Cinderella lose at the ball? (shoe)

8. Who did brother Ivanushka turn into? (In a kid)
9. What was the name of the city in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", in which only kids lived? (Zmeevka)
10. Who made Pinocchio? (Carlo)
11. What was Karabas-Barabas proud of (beard)
12. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood carry pies (grandmother)
13. How many dwarfs did Snow White live with? (At seven)
14. The name of the fairy tale in which the girl went for snowdrops (Twelve months)
15. Who lives in a house on chicken legs (Baba Yaga)
Stage 3 "Guess who is the author of the fairy tale"

1. Fly-Tsokotuha (Chukovsky)
2. The Princess and the Pea (Andersen)
3. Kid and Carlson (Lindgren)
4. Ugly Duckling (Andresen)
5. Adventure Dunno and his friends (Nosov)
6. Cinderella (Ch. Perrot)
7. Twelve months (S. Marshak)
Stage 4. "Crossword"

3. The seller of leeches in the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventure of Buratino (Duremar)
5. What fairy tale character lives on the roof? (Carlson)
7. Who worked as a postman in the village of Prostokvashino (Pechkin)
8. Who helped Gerda get into the castle of the prince and princess? (Deer)
9. What was the name of the dog from the fairy tale "Turnip" (Bug)

1. What was the name of the writer of the city of Zmeevka in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (savvy)
2. What did Mukha-Tsokotuha buy at the bazaar (Samovar)
3. The smallest girl (Thumbelina)
4. Girl with blue eyes (Malvina)
6. What was the name of the doctor of the green city in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends" (Pilyulkin)

All participants of the game are awarded with sweet prizes

Julia Lesnikova
Game-journey for younger students "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"

For children 9-10 years old

Game description:

The game takes place within the walls of the library, 2 teams of 10-15 people each take part in it. Teams come up with a name, motto. They start at the same time, from the designated place, in this case, a book exhibition. On each route, they will be asked questions, and whoever is quicker to show ingenuity will earn more points.


book exhibition "In a magical country...» ;

A box with things (boots, a needle in a plastic egg, an arrow, an apple, a ball of thread, a mirror);

Crossword blank (2 sheets, see attachment);

Tokens (for correct answers).



Pupils of 8.9 grades (4 people)

Fairy tale characters(cat and fox, crane and heron)

Librarian: Hello guys! Welcome to the book house, to the library. Books…. Our faithful and wise friends, our good advisers. They live next to us in cabinets and on shelves. One has only to want to reach out a hand, and they will lead us through forests, seas and various countries tell amazing stories, tell wonderful secrets...

Having made friends with a book, one must try to be a good owner and an attentive reader. There are wonderful words about book: "A day without a book is a day wasted". I hope that today will not be lost for you, because we are going on a journey through pages of favorite fairy tales.

a piece of music plays in the background fairy tales, librarian is reading:

Librarian: Far, far away is the kingdom, an immense state - Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. beautiful country! And who ever visited it, will remain a prisoner forever. The trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are the most painted, the birds are the most sonorous, and the monsters are the most terrible.

Are you ready to hit the road - path: to see the white light, to look at people, to show oneself?

The path is long, and so that you do not get lost, cope with the tasks, route sheets will help you.

Start. Book exhibition.

Itinerary I "Literary Literacy"

Librarian: So, I will give you the first task. Task number 1 (teams are responsible in turn, students receive tokens for correct answers)

1. All fairy tales can be divided into two groups - folk and literary:

What does folk mean fairy tales? (fairy tales, which were invented by the people, hence the name "folk")

What does literary fairy tales? (lit. fairy tales there are author's and folklore, author's - a work of art invented by a writer, and folklore - created on the basis of folklore, that is, the authors use heroes borrowed from their folk fairy tales, legends)

What Russian writers you know storytellers? (Bianki V.V., Zakhoder B.V., Bazhov P.P., etc.)

What foreign writers do you know? (Andersen G. H., Grimm, Charles Perrault, etc.)

What is common in all fairy tales of the world? (Good always triumphs over evil)

2. What kinds fairy tales you know who are in these fairy tales protagonist?

- Animal Tales(in fairy tales about animals, the main characters are wild and domestic animals, birds and fish);

- Tales of magic(in magical fairy tales there are magical objects and images, miracles are performed;

household fairy tales(in household fairy tales miraculous events occur (the worker defeats the devil, the person acts, he is from the people's environment, he fights for justice; in laziness is ridiculed in a fairy tale, the greed of the rich, glorifies the mind, ingenuity of ordinary people).

Route sheet II "Meeting at the edge of the forest with the heroes fairy tales»

Student 1: Task number 2. name fairy tale and its characters.

(the group answers in turn, for the correct answers, students receive tokens):

Russian national fairy tales

1. He got tired of lying - he rolled from the window to the mound, from the mound to the grass, from the grass to the path - and rolled along the path ( story"Kolobok", heroes: grandmother, grandfather, gingerbread man, hare, wolf, bear, fox)

2. In the hut, the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow. And on the bench sits a brother, plays silver apples. ( story"Swan geese", heroes: girl, boy, swan geese, stove, apple tree, milk river, Baba Yaga, mouse)

3. The girl took the largest spoon and sipped from the largest cup ( story"Three Bears", heroes: girl, bear Mikhailo Ivanych, bear Nastasya Petrovna, bear cub Mishutka)

Literary fairy tales

1. And yet I had a friend, the best friend in world: a moderately plump man in his prime, the world's best steam engine specialist, the world's best pie eater, the world's best nanny ( story"Carlson, who lives on the roof" Astrid Lindgren, heroes: baby, Carlson, dad, mom, "housekeeper", puppy)

2. A small duckling appeared in the poultry yard, and before that it was ugly ( story"Ugly duck" G. H. Andersen, heroes: mother duck, ducklings, "ugly duck", in the future a beautiful swan, wild geese, a cat, a chicken, an old woman, a horse, swans, a respected duck)

Student 1: And now I will guess riddles, but not simple ones, but about "evil spirits" fabulous:

1. fairy tale heroine, owner of the first aircraft (Baba Yaga)

2. What is the name of the sister of Baba Yaga, the mistress of the swamp? (Kikimora)

3. fairy creature, an inhabitant of the forest, the so-called Spirit of the forest (Goblin)

4. The loneliest representative of evil spirits (Water)

5. The evil spirit of the unknown gender: "Not a man, not a woman" (famously one-eyed)

Itinerary III "Magic box"

Student 2: Task number 3.

Magic items in there are fairy tales,

Heroes of desire they fulfill:

Flying carpet - to rise above the world,

A wonderful pot - to eat sweet porridge.

Come on, try and you, my friend,

Collect magic items box.

In the chest are fabulous magic items. Guess the riddle, name the object and the name fairy tales in which it occurs.

1. Many miles ahead.

How would you get through them faster?

You try to put them on -

You will overcome the path in an instant ( subject: walking boots, story"Prophetic dream")

2. With the help of this item, you can make the most wonderful things, or you can kill the evil and terrible Russian folk hero fairy tales(subject: needle in egg "Koschei the Deathless")

3. With the help of this item, the hero of the Russian folk fairy tales found his happiness - a wise beautiful wife who was bewitched ( subject: arrow, story"Princess Frog")

4. Golden, round,

Grows on a tree

You touch it - smoothly,

Take a bite - sweet. ( subject: Apple, fairy tales: "Magic Ring", "Wild swan", "Rejuvenating Apples")

5. I am fluffy, soft, round,

There is a tail, but I'm not a cat.

I often jump hard

I'll show up under the chest of drawers. ( subject: ball, fairy tales: The Frog Princess, Vasilisa the Wise, Mary the Nesmeyana)

6. And shines and shines,

It doesn't flatter anyone.

And tell the truth to anyone -

Everything as it is will show him ( subject: mirror, story: « Story about the dead princess and the seven heroes" A. S. Pushkin)

Itinerary IV "Guess the crossword"

Student 3: Task number 4.

How long, how short are you walking along Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic, but found themselves near strange hut. She stands on chicken legs. Turns around itself. Who lives here? If you correctly guess the crossword puzzle horizontally, then vertically you will read the name of the negative heroine of many fairy tales.

1. Baba Yaga's home? (hut)


3. The second name of the tablecloth? (self-assembly)

fairy tales? (ripple)




3. S A M O B R A N C A

5. L I G U S H K A

6. G U S L I

7. S T U P A

Itinerary V

Pupil 4: Task number 5. « Fairy tale is a lie Yes, there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows "

From any fabulous stories can be retrieved "lesson", you just need to be very careful, observant when reading the text. Fairy tales they are sure to teach something, exposing cowardice and meanness, lies and violence, hypocrisy and betrayal. Therefore, they make us better and kinder.

fabulous heroes have prepared for you a staging of episodes from fairy tales. Your task is to determine what these episodes teach.

1. Russian folk story"Cat and Fox".

“The fox saw the cat and marvels: “How many years I have been living in the forest, but I have not seen such an animal”.

Bowed to the cat and asks:

Tell me, good fellow, who are you? What is your name?

And the cat arched its back, spread its mustache and He speaks:

I am from the Siberian forests Kot Kotofeich.

Let's go visit me, Kot Kotofeich.

The fox brought the cat to her hole, and they began to live together ... "

(you need to be polite to each other, hospitable)

2. Russian folk story"Crane and Heron".

“The Crane became bored while spending his century alone, and he decided to marry ...”

I'll go and woo the Heron! - and paddled through the swamp. He kneaded the dirt for seven versts, he did it by force. Barely caught his breath, and knocks on hut:

Heron, are you home?

Home, where else can I be! What do you want, lanky?

Marry me!

Laughed back Heron:

No, Crane, I won't go! you on yourself take a look: your legs are long, your clothes are short. You are not a match for me! Yes, and I have nothing to feed you.

So the Crane went home without salty slurping (deceived in their expectations, not having achieved what they wanted). A Heron thought: “And why did I send him away? Than to live alone, I'll marry the Crane ".

And went to the other end of the swamp. Somehow got there knocking:

Crane, marry me!

You're one-legged, when was the last time you looked in the mirror? I don't want to marry someone like that.

The heron wept with shame and returned to her room...

This is how they still walk through the swamp one after another ... "

(it is important to be kind, not arrogant, not touchy. People need to be appreciated, understood. Those who loves only himself, is not easy in life. These people are often left alone.)

Finish. Book exhibition.

Librarian: Well done boys! Here you are back from your trip! Did you like the game?

I wish that after today you have the desire to continue your journey into the world fairy tales. AT fairy tales good always triumphs over evil. Ingenuity, mind defeat evil force. In real life, the same laws often apply.

teacher book,

teacher book,

The book is a reliable companion and friend.

The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,

If you let go of the book...

Our journey is over! But now you can continue it yourself, once you open favorite book, and go!


1. Baba Yaga's home?

2. The name of the boy who was carried away by the swan geese?

3. The second name of the tablecloth?

4. What is the name of the chicken from the Russian folk fairy tales?

5. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of the prince?

6. With what tool did the Cat manage to save the Rooster?

7. The device on which Baba Yaga flies?

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