Board game manager. Economic board game "Top Manager Manager board game old rules abbreviated


The economic board game "Manager" is one of the most popular options. It is interesting that "Manager" was very popular in the Soviet Union, while the classic "" remained little known.

This is an economic game, the rules of which define classic and aggressive methods of business strategy, and will be of interest to teenagers and adults even now. In many reviews and comparisons of board games, “Manager” is among the top most popular. By playing the board game “Manager,” you can feel like the owner of a future business empire and hone the reflexes of a financial shark.


The Manager game can be played by two to six people. All the action takes place on a playing board, divided into cells, which represent the corresponding areas, that is, branches and enterprises. At your disposal there will be cards with the names “Notice” and “Surprise”. In this case, you can acquire the “Right to Property” in the process. The rules provide for the use of banknotes of almost all existing denominations.


Before the game process, you need to put cards with the name “Right to Property” on the plots. Cards with other names should be placed on the playing field to which they correspond. After this, one of the players is appointed as a banker who will accept and issue banknotes to the participants. Initially, everyone receives bills totaling 20 thousand.

Rules, game progress

The rules of the “Manager” board game provide an opportunity to test your abilities in the strategic management of a business structure.

The gameplay begins from the “start” position. The first participant rolls the dice and thereby begins the game. The move in the board game “Manager” is made by the participant whose dice rolled the higher number. Next, participants enter the playing field clockwise. Every time a participant passes the “start” position again, he receives another 20 thousand.

Once the player finds himself on a property that does not yet belong to anyone, he can buy it for himself by giving the banker the required amount. If such a plot is already owned by another player, then he pays the required amount for rent. A participant who has three plots of the same color receives the right to build his branches and enterprises on this territory.

Owners of plots of identical colors have a special advantage. In this case, they have the right to charge double rent. As soon as the participant lands on the “Notice” or “Surprise” cards, he takes a card from the deck and completes the tasks.

Players can sell plots where nothing has yet been built to each other at a price agreed upon among themselves.

Players can pledge their property, but this rule does not apply to enterprises and branches. No one has the right to claim it until the participant is completely ruined. Ruin occurs at the moment when a participant owes the bank more than the amount that is in his hands.

Players who are caught colluding must immediately leave the game, having first given all their property and buildings to the bank.

Determination of the winner

Determining the winner in the “Manager” board game is quite simple. Either the entire process lasts until the participants are completely ruined, except for one, who is declared the winner, or the winner is the player whose total property value exceeds that of all other participants.

The game is for children, and the rules are for adults. In my opinion, they are difficult for children to understand on their own.

Manager is an economic game for young people. This is an exciting, lively game. Since the events that appear on the board during the game change very often, the players receive excellent training in quickly calculating economic situations and mathematical analysis.

The game helps develop business skills such as:

  • composure
  • creative activity
  • ability to accurately navigate in choosing a solution

    The game can be played by 2 to 6 players. The game consists of:

  • a playing board divided into squares representing sections.
  • There are 2 cubes
  • 6 chips
  • 26 branches
  • 12 enterprises
  • two decks of cards: “Surprise” and “Notice”
  • “Property Rights” cards, each such card corresponds to a specific cell of the field.
  • bank notes of various values.
    Place the Property Rights cards under the edge of the game board according to the name of the property. Place the Surprise and Notice cards on the spaces indicated on the board. Each player receives one chip, which represents him during the game, and bank notes worth 20,000 rubles. One of the players is chosen as the banker.

    Everyone takes turns throwing the dice. The player with the highest total starts the game first. He places his chip on the “Start” cell, rolls the dice and moves in the direction of the arrow by the number of cells corresponding to the sum of the dice rolled. The player on the left continues the game and then goes clockwise. Players begin the next turn from the very cell where each chip remains. If the piece lands on a site owned by another player, he is obliged to pay him a rental fee. It should be noted that players must carry out all operations before the next roll of the dice. If one of the players rolls a “double” (two identical numbers on both dice), then this gives him the right, after passing the chip, to roll again. If he rolls a "double" three times in a row, he goes to the Exchange (however, he keeps all the properties and money he acquired). Throughout the game, the pieces circle several times. Every time a player stops or passes through the “Start” cell, the bank pays him 2,000 rubles.

    When a player lands on a property that does not belong to anyone, he has the opportunity to buy this property from the Bank at the price indicated in the cell. If he wants to buy it, he pays to the Bank its price indicated on the site and receives a “Right to Property” card, which he takes out from under the edge of the playing field and places the top side on the table in front of him. If the player refuses the offer to make a purchase, the banker must immediately auction it off to the highest bidder. All players and the one who originally refused the purchase take part in the auction if they want to. The price is determined by the banker. It is recommended that players buy any property, since the game loses interest if there are unsold properties in the Bank.

    When a player, whether he rolled a die or drew a card, lands on a lot owned by another player, the owner of that lot receives a rental fee in accordance with the prices indicated on the “Property Rights” card. If the owner forgets to claim his rental fee before the subsequent dice roll, the rental fee should not be claimed. If a cell contains one or more branches, the rental fee becomes higher than the fee for a plot freed from any branches (prices are indicated on the “Right of Property” cards). If this plot is pledged, no rental fee will be charged. The mortgaged property is determined by turning the card face down on the table, under the playing field, according to the field.

    A huge advantage is to own the property rights of all plots of the same color. In this case, the owner will charge double the fee for any unfinished plot of this group (whether other plots of this group are developed or not). If there is one mortgaged property in a group, this group is considered incomplete. You can only build on plots of the same color that are in the same hands. The benefit is to build branches and businesses rather than simply own a site, since the fees for hiring businesses are higher than the fees for hiring vacant sites. Before the start of his next turn, a player can exchange or sell plots to other players, with the goal of forming complete groups of the same color. It is in everyone's best interest that players negotiate these operations because the players' interests increase from the moment they can start building.

    Having stopped on the “Surprise” or “Notice” cell, the player takes the top card from the deck, respectively, and, following the instructions given there, again places the card under the deck facing the table. If a player receives a “Exit Exchange” card, it becomes his property and remains with him until it becomes necessary. After use, it must be returned to the deck. It can be sold to another player for a price set between them. Having stopped on the “Win” or “Fine” cell, the player receives or pays the specified amount to the bank, respectively.

    8 .BANK
    Choose a player as a banker who will become a good appraiser (at the auction). The banker takes part in the game; he must separate his personal capital from the capital of the Bank. The bank stores not only capital, but also branch and enterprise chips before they are purchased by players. The bank makes payments on cards and issues profits, sells properties, branches and enterprises, and receives the value of the “Right to Property” card purchased by players. He puts plots of land up for sale at auction, lends money against collateral, at a price of half the sale price indicated on the “Right to Property” caste.


  • If the chip lands on the Broker cell.
  • If he draws the “Go to the Exchange” card.
  • . If he throws a double 3 times in a row. The player sent to the exchange must place a chip directly on the “Exchange” cell.

  • If the player ends up there during the normal course of the game, then his stay on the exchange is considered a “Simple Visit”. He suffers no penalty on his next turn. 10 . THE PLAYER EXITS THE EXCHANGE
  • By throwing a "double" on one of the 3 turns of the subsequent game.
  • Using the card “You are exempt from visiting the Exchange”
  • Having paid a fine of 500 rubles.

  • When a player is sent to the Exchange, he must wait for his next turn in the game (even if he owns the “You are exempt from visiting the Exchange” card). A player must not remain on the exchange after his third turn in the game. Having thrown the dice for the 3rd time, he must (if he has not done a “double” before) pay a fine of 500 rubles or use the “You are exempt from visiting the Exchange” card and advance his chip by throwing the dice. During his stay on the exchange, the player can collect taxes from rental fees, build on his plots, buy, sell, or mortgage the "Right to Property".

    A player who has 3 plots of the same color has the right to build branches and enterprises on them. Only one enterprise will be established on each site. It is necessary to have 3 branches on each site of a full group of the same color before setting up an enterprise. The price he must pay for each branch or business is listed at the bottom of each lot and Title card.
    For example: if the player owns a complete group of cards of the same color; Before the next roll, he can buy 1 or several branches from the bank in order to build them on one or more plots of the same color that he owns. Construction should proceed evenly, i.e., on each site of the same color, one branch (or one enterprise) can be placed in one turn.
    For example: A player cannot immediately place 2 or 3 branches on one plot if there is only one branch or none on another plot of the same group. If a player, having no money, resells his buildings to the Bank, he must also evenly remove one building from each plot of the same color in descending order. During the game, the Bank may not have enough branches and enterprises for those wishing to purchase them. In this case, players must wait until someone sells or returns them to the Bank.

    Undeveloped plots can be sold or exchanged between players at a price suitable for both. No plot can be sold, mortgaged or exchanged if there is at least one building (branch or enterprise) on it. All buildings can only be sold to the Bank. The bank pays in cash 1/2 the price of the enterprise and 1/2 the price of the sum of all branches.

    13 . 3ALOG
    The enterprise and branches can never be mortgaged. Mortgaged property cannot be sold or exchanged - it changes ownership only in the event of bankruptcy. When a player needs money, he can pledge a plot (or several) to the Bank, having first sold all the buildings from them. In this case, the “Right to Property” card is turned face down under the playing field, according to the location.

    If a player owes more than he can pay, he gives his valuables to the Bank and leaves the game. The bank pays the creditor the full amount of the debt. Bankrupt branches and enterprises are returned to the Bank. The released “Property Rights” cards are placed under the playing field according to the location and can be purchased.

    Participants in the game should not help each other preserve their values. The bank lends money only against collateral. The player, who looked like someone else's chip, pays 100 rubles to the Bank. Game participants caught colluding must leave the game, returning all their attributes to the Bank.

    Rules of the board game Manager

    1. The game is for children, and the rules are for adults. In my opinion, they are difficult for children to understand on their own.
      Manager economic game for youth. This is an exciting, lively game. Since the events that appear on the board during the game change very often, the players receive excellent training in quickly calculating economic situations and mathematical analysis.
      The game helps develop business skills such as:
      creative activity
      ability to accurately navigate in choosing a solution
      The game can be played by 2 to 6 players. The game consists of:
      a playing board divided into squares representing sections.
      There are 2 cubes
      6 chips
      26 branches
      12 enterprises
      two decks of cards: Surprise and Notice
      Property Rights cards, each such card corresponds to a specific cell of the field.
      bank notes of various values.
      Place the Property Rights cards under the edge of the game board according to the name of the property. Place the Surprise and Notice cards on the spaces indicated on the board. Each player receives one chip, which represents him during the game, and bank notes worth 20,000 rubles. One of the players is chosen as the banker.
      Everyone takes turns throwing the dice. The player with the highest total starts the game first. He places his chip on the Start cell, rolls the dice and moves in the direction of the arrow by the number of cells corresponding to the sum of the dice rolled. The player on the left continues the game and then goes clockwise. Players begin the next turn from the very cell where each chip remains. If the piece lands on a site owned by another player, he is obliged to pay him a rental fee. It should be noted that players must carry out all operations before the next roll of the dice. If one of the players rolls a double (two identical numbers on both dice), then this gives him the right, after passing the chip, to roll again. If he rolls a double three times in a row, he goes to the Exchange (however, he keeps all the properties and money he acquired). Throughout the game, the pieces circle several times. Every time a player stops or passes through the Start cell, the bank pays him 2,000 rubles.
      When a player lands on a property that does not belong to anyone, he has the opportunity to buy this property from the Bank at the price indicated in the cell. If he wants to buy it, he pays the price indicated on the plot to the Bank and receives a Right to Property card, which he takes out from under the edge of the playing field and places the top side on the table in front of him. If the player refuses the offer to make a purchase, the banker must immediately auction it off to the highest bidder. All players and the one who originally refused the purchase take part in the auction if they want to. The price is determined by the banker. It is recommended that players buy any property, since the game loses interest if there are unsold properties in the Bank.
      When a player, whether he rolled a die or drew a card, lands on a lot owned by another player, the owner of that lot receives a rental fee according to the prices shown on the Property Title card. If the owner forgets to claim his rental fee before the subsequent dice roll, the rental fee should not be claimed. If a cell contains one or more branches, the rental fee becomes higher than the fee for a plot cleared of any branches (prices are indicated on the Right of Property cards). If this plot is pledged, no rental fee will be charged. Determined by
    2. if you give out 20 thousand then how to buy cooperatives
    3. I don’t understand these rules either. although everyone knew perfectly well when we were 10-13 years old. and now I don’t understand half the rules at all
    4. At the beginning, each player receives one chip, which represents him during the game and which he places on the Start square, and bank notes in the amount of 20,000 (the monetary unit in the game has no name). There is also a bank that owns all the other money and all the plots. The bank is also the world's piggy bank into which fines are paid and from which gifts are given. After this, the players take turns rolling the dice and moving clockwise by the number of cells corresponding to the sum of the dice rolled. If a player lands on a property that does not belong to anyone, he can buy that property from the Bank by paying a nominal price, after which he receives a Property Rights card. If you enter a plot owned by another player, you must pay the owner of that plot a fee for us. It is an additional advantage to own the property rights of all plots of the same color. In this case, the owner charges double the rent, and can also build branches and businesses on them, increasing the rent. In this case, the enterprise can be established only after the construction of 3 branches. Undeveloped plots can be sold or exchanged between players at a negotiated price. You can also pledge them, receiving half the cost from the bank, but you will have to buy them back for the full price. The enterprise and branches can never be mortgaged. If a player owes more than he can pay, he gives the valuables he owns to the bank and leaves the game. Bankrupt branches and enterprises are returned to the Bank. The released Right to Property cards are placed under the playing field according to their location and can be purchased in a further game.

    Hello future millionaires!
    Haven't made your first million yet?
    - No?!

    Then our board game “Manager” is just for you.

    It will serve as a springboard for a meteoric rise in the careers of future successful entrepreneurs.

    In a short period of time, you will learn to raise your material condition to its apogee.

    After an exciting journey along the business road, you can easily earn huge money in real life.

    When you become an adult and rich, you will often remember our game.

    Rules of the board game Manager

    Preparing for the board game Manager

    The board game Manager played by 2 to 4 people. Along the perimeter of the playing field there are 8 “enterprises” of different colors, each of which consists of 3 divisions. Each division corresponds to a share indicating its value. The shares are laid out on the playing field before the start of the game, covering their units. Among the participating players, a banker is selected who manages money transactions and the head of an insurance company who oversees the correctness of the bank's lending transactions. Cut the "CHANCE" cards, collect them into a deck and place them in the "CHANCE" sector in the center of the playing field.

    Board game progress manager

    Participants place the chips in the “Start” sector. The order of moves is determined by lot. Movement around the playing field is carried out clockwise. The banker gives each player 15,000 euros and 24 property chips of a certain color, corresponding to the color of the player's chip. Each subsequent circle, passing the “Start” sector, players are given 500 euros. Having placed a chip on a free unit, the player can buy it by paying the “bank” the amount written on the share or on the field cell of this unit. Having purchased a unit, the player removes the share and keeps it for himself, and in its place places a property chip of his color.
    If a player needs money, he can pledge any of his shares (or several) to the “bank”, but only for half of its value, or offer to sell it to other players for an agreed price. In exchange for money, the share remains in the “bank” for the duration of one round. Having completed 1 round and not having collected the required amount to buy back the share from the bank (for its full value), it is automatically sent to the playing field. If, as a result of the next move, the player stops at an already purchased branch, he must pay the owner the rent indicated in the first line of the lease. If two branches of one enterprise belong to a rival, then the participant is obliged to pay the amount indicated in the second line. If a player buys out all the branches of one enterprise, he becomes a monopolist and rivals, entering the branches of his enterprise, pay rent at the third line tariff. When entering the “Tax Inspectorate 500 fine per branch” sector, the player pays to the “bank” a fine in the amount of 500 euros from each branch owned by him.
    Each round, passing through the “Tax Inspectorate” sector (regardless of whether the player stopped in the sector or not), each participant pays 300 euros to the bank’s treasury in the form of taxes for each branch owned by him.
    Each player, entering the "CHANCE" sector, draws a card from the deck; the specified condition is a necessary rule for its implementation.
    Once in the "Exchange" sector, the player rolls the dice 3 times in a row without leaving the playing cell. When throwing two identical numbers (for example, two fives), the participant receives 2,000 euros, makes a move and receives another bonus move. If during 3 dice rolls a player fails to throw two identical numbers, a fine of 1,500 euros will be charged from his personal funds.
    When entering the “Income” or “Prize” sector, the player is paid from the bank the amount indicated in the game sector.
    If a player stops in the “Rest” sector, he misses 1 turn.

    Determining the winner of the board game Manager

    1. The game lasts until all players except one are completely bankrupt - he is the winner.
    2. The winner is the player whose amount of cash and money invested in enterprises is greater than the rest.

    The manager board game set includes:

    • 1 playing field.
      • 2 game dice.
      • 1 sheet with game rules.
      • 4 game pieces.
      • property chips 100 pieces.
      • shares of branches 24 pcs.
      • chance cards 24 pcs.
      • game money 135 pieces.

    Game box size: 38 x 25 x 5 cm.

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