Board games Preparatory group. Didactic games aimed at the sensory education of children of the younger preschool age of a card file (younger group) on the topic. The game "Where is our home?"

Salibaeva Angela Ramazanova,


MBDOU CRR D / S "Tanya"

Surgut district of P. Fedorovsky

The leading activities of children of preschool age is gaming activities. The didactic game is a verbose, complicated, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both the game method of teaching children of preschool age, and the form of teaching children, and fromreprehensive gaming activities, and a means of comprehensive education of the child.
Didactic games promote:
- development of cognitive and mental abilities: obtaining new knowledge, their generalization and consolidation, expansion of their ideas about the subjects and phenomena of nature, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; Development of the ability to express their judgments, making conclusions.
- Development of children's speech: replenish and activate the dictionary.
- socio-moral development of a preschooler: In such a game, the knowledge of the relationship between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature occurs, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to give up if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc.
Didactic game structure Forms basic and additional components. TO the main components include: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material. TO additional components: plot and role.
Holding didactic games includes: 1. Consumption of children with the content of the game, the use of didactic material in it (showing items, pictures, brief conversation, during which the knowledge and presentation of children are specified). 2. Extraction of the progress and rules of the game, while the clear execution of these rules. 3. Came of gaming actions. 4. Definition of the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a playing, fan or arbitrator (teacher directs the actions of the players by the Council, the question, reminder). 5. Approach the outcome of the game - a responsible moment in manual it. According to the results of the game, you can judge its effectiveness, whether it will be used by children in independent gaming activities. Analysis of the game allows you to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. So it means to properly organize individual work with them.

Education in the form of a didactic game is based on the desire of a child to enter the imaginary situation and act according to its laws, that is, meets the age characteristics of the preschooler.

Types of didactic games:

1. Game with objects (toys).

2.Anast-printed games.

3. Clear games.

Didactic games - They differ in the training content, cognitive activities of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, the role of the educator.

Games with objects - Based on the immediate perception of children, correspond to the desire of a child to act with objects and thus get acquainted with them. IN games with objects Kids learn to compare, establish similarities and differences in items. The value of these games is that with their help, children get acquainted with the properties of objects, the size, color. When familiarizing children with nature in such games, using natural material (plant seeds, leaves, pebbles, a variety of flowers, bumps, sprigs, vegetables, fruits, etc. - What causes children a living interest and an active desire to play. Examples of such games: "Not I am mistaken "," describe this subject "," What is it? "," What is first that then "and others.
Pictures - printed games -this is An interesting occupation for children when familiarizing with the world around the world, the world of animals and plants, lively and inanimate nature. They are varied by types: "Lotto", "Domino", paired pictures "You can successfully develop speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, learn to model life diagrams and make decisions, develop self-control skills.

Verbal games - This is an effective method of education of independence of thinking and speech development in children. They arebuilt in words and acts of playing, children independently solve a variety of thought tasks: describe items, highlighting the characteristic signs of their signs, guess them according to the description, find similarities and differences in these items and nature phenomena.

IN The children's process are clarifying, enshrine, expand ideas about nature objects and its seasonal changes.

Didactic games - Travels are one of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activities of children.

The didactic game in inadmented activities - contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children in children, develops basic mental processes, observation, thinking.

The joint activity of parents and teachers is an individual advising parents, information stands, mobile folders, thematic exhibitions with the proposed material - gives a more effective result in working with children.
For the development of children's knowledge about the world around, their systematization, the education of a humane attitude towards nature I use the following didactic games:

Material used:

Games with objects
"What it is?"
Purpose: clarify the submission of children about the subjects of inanimate nature.
Material: Natural - Sand, Stones, Earth, Water, Snow.
The course of the game. Children are offered pictures and, depending on what is drawn on it, it is necessary to decompose the natural material, respectively, answer what is it? And what? (Large, heavy, lung, small, dry, wet, loose). What can I do with him?
"Who is powered by?"
Purpose. Fasten the ideas of children about animal food.
The course of the game. Children from the bag get out: carrots, cabbage, raspberry, bumps, grain, oats, etc. They call him and remember which animal feeds on this meal.
"Babes on the branch"
purpose . Fasten the knowledge of children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach them to belong to one plant.
The course of the game. Children view the leaves of trees and shrubs, call them. At the suggestion of the teacher: "Baby, find your branches" - the guys pick up to each leaf the corresponding fruit. This game can be carried out with dried leaves and fruits throughout the year. Prepare materials for playing children themselves.
"Find what I will show"
Didactic task. Find a subject in similarity.
Equipment. On two trays decompose the same sets of vegetables and fruits. One (for the tutor) to cover with a napkin.
The course of the game. The tutor shows for a short time one of the items hidden under the napkin, and again removes it, then offers children: "Find a tray on another same and remember how it is called." Children in turn perform the task until all fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin will not be called.
"What is first - what then?"
Purpose. Fasten children's knowledge about the development and growth of animals.
The course of the game. Children are subject to objects: egg, chicken, chicken layout; kitten, cat; Puppy, dog. Children need to position these items in the correct order.
"It is when?"
Purpose. Clarify the presentations of children about seasonal phenomena in nature.
The course of the game. Each of the children has substantive pictures with a picture of snowfall, rain, sunny day, cloudy weather, hail goes, wind blows, hang icicles, etc. and plot pictures with images of different seasons. Children need to properly decompose their pictures.
"Magic train"
Purpose.Secure and systematize the ideas of children about trees, shrubs.
Material.Two trains carved from cardboard (in each train 4 cars with 5 windows); Two sets of plants cards.
Game traffic:On the table in front of the children lies the "train" and the cards with the image of animals. Educator. Before you, train and passengers. They need to be placed on cars (in the first - shrubs, in the second - flowers, etc.) so that one passenger is visible in each window. The one who first places animals by cars correctly will become the winner.
Similarly, this game can be carried out to secure representations about various groups of plants (forest, garden, meadow, vegetable garden).
"Four pictures"
Purpose.Fasten the presentation of children about the environment, develop attention and observation.
The course of the game.The game consists of 24 pictures with the image of birds, butterflies, animals. The master mixes the cards and distributes them to the participants of the game (from 3 to 6 people) equally. Each player must select 4 identical card content. A beginner game, having considered its cards, one of them transmits the seating on the left. He, if he needs a card, leaves it myself, and any unnecessary also transmits a neighbor on the left, etc. Picking up the card, each playing folds their drawings down. When all possible kits will be selected, the game ends. The participants of the game turn the collected cards, lay them out four so that everyone can be seen. Won the one who has more correctly selected cards.
Games verbal
"When does it happen?"
Purpose.Clarify and deepen the knowledge of children about the days of the year.
The course of the game.
The educator reads short texts in verses or prose about the years, and children are guessing.
"Find what I'll tell you"
Didactic task. Find objects on the listed features.
Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are unfolded around the edge of the table so that they are clearly visible to all children distinctive signs of items.
The course of the game. The educator describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, calls the shape of vegetables and fruits, their painting and taste. Then the teacher offers some of the guys: "Show on the table, and then call what I told about." If the child coped with the task, the educator describes another item, and another child performs the task. The game continues until all children guess the subject by the description.

"Guess who is it?"
Purpose. Fasten the presentation of children about the characteristic signs of wild and pets.
The course of the game. The educator describes the animal (its appearance, habits, habitat ...) Children must guess about whom is in question.
"When does it happen?"
Purpose. Clarify the submission of children about seasonal phenomena.
The course of the game. Children offer leaves of different plants with various colorful, bumps, you can Herbarium from flowering plants, etc. Depending on the time of year. Children need to be called the time of year, when there are such leaves, branches, flowers.
Outdoor games
"What we take to the basket"
Purpose: consolidate in children knowledge about what kind of harvest is collected in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.
To learn to distinguish the fruits at the place of their cultivation.
To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of people conservation people.
Materials: Medallions with image of vegetables, fruits, cereals, messengers, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.
The course of the game. Some children have medallions depicting different gifts of nature. Others have medallions in the form of a basket.
Children - Fruits for mercury music diverges around the room, movements and facial expressions are depicting a bad watermelon, a gentle strawberry, hiding mushroom in the grass, etc.
Children - baskets must in both hands to score fruits. Prerequisite: Each child should bring the fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). Wins the one who fulfilled this condition.
Cups - Koreshki
Did. Task: Teach children to make a whole of parts.
Materials: Two hoops, pictures of vegetables.
Game stroke: option1. Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Put them so that the hoops intersect. In the hoop, it is necessary to put the vegetables in which the roots are in the food, and in the hoop of blue - those that are used.
The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows his children and puts it into the right circle, explaining why he put a vegetable here. (In the area of \u200b\u200bcrossing the hoop, vegetables must be used, and the tops and roots are used: onions, parsley, etc.
Option 2. On the table lie tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take the top, the second - roots. On the signal, everyone runs the swarming. On the signal "Once, two, three - I find your couple!", You need
Game with ball "Air, Earth, Water"
Did. Task: consolidate the knowledge of children about objects of nature. Develop auditory attention, thinking, intelligence.
Materials: Ball.
Game Travel: Option1. The consipient throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "forty". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. For the word "dolphin", the child responds "water", on the word "wolf" - "Earth", etc.
Option2. The educator calls the word "air" the child caught the ball must call the bird. On the word "land" - animal living on earth; On the word "water" - the inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.
Nature and man.
Did. Task: consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what a person has been created and what does nature give a man.
Materials: Ball.
The course of the game: The tutor spends a conversation with children, in the process of which clarifies their knowledge that the subjects around us or are made by the hands of people or exist in nature, and the person uses them; For example, forest, coal, oil, gas exists in nature, and at home, the plants create a person.
"What is done by man"? Asks the tutor and throws the ball.
"What is created by nature"? Asks the tutor and throws the ball.
Children catch the ball and answer the question. Who can't remember, misses his move.
Choose the desired one.
Did. Task: Fasten knowledge about nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.
Materials: Side pictures.
Game stroke: Subject pictures scattered on the table. The educator calls any property or a sign, and children must choose as many items as possible, which have this property.
For example: "green" - it can be pictures of a leaf, cucumber, grasshopper cabbage. Or: "wet" - water, Ross, cloud, fog, frost, etc.
Where is snowflakes?
Did. Task: Consolidate knowledge of various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.
Materials: Cards with a picture of various water conditions: waterfall, river, row, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, couples, snowflake, etc.
Stroke Game: Option 1 . Children go round a circle round cards. The cards are depicted various water states: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, couples, snowflake, etc.
During movement in a circle, words are pronounced:
That summer came. The sun lightly lit up.
It was hotter to sparkle, where we look for snowflake?
With the last word, everyone stops. Those who are needed by the desired pictures should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:
Finally, winter came: Footage, blizzard, cold.
Go out to take a walk. Where to look for snowflake?
Reggle choose the desired pictures and explains the choice.
Option 2. . Lying 4 wrap with the image of four seasons. Children must disseminate their hoops cards, explaining their choice. Some cards can correspond to several times of the year.
The conclusion is made from answers to questions:
- What time of year, water in nature can be in a solid state? (Winter, early spring, late autumn).
Birds flew.
Did. Task: clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bbirds.
The course of the game: The teacher calls only birds, but if he suddenly is mistaken, then children should turn or clap. For example. Birds flew: pigeons, tits, flies and haircuts.
Children are inhibit -. What's wrong? (flies)
- And who are who? (insects)
- Birds flew: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, daws, pasta.
Children are toggle. - Birds flew: pigeons, cunits ...
Children are toggle. Game continues.
Birds flew: Pigeons Tyitsa,
Daws and hairstyles, chibisms, hairstyles,
Storks, cuckoo, even owls - Singles,
Swans, Skvorts. All you are well done.
Outcome: The tutor, together with children, clarifies the migratory and wintering birds.
When does it happen?
Did. Task: Teach children distinguish signs of seasons. With the help of a poetic word to show the beauty of different times of the year, a variety of seasonal phenomena and people's classes.
Materials: For each child, pictures with scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Game Traffic: The educator reads a poem, and children show a picture with the image of the season, which is stated in the poem.
Spring. On the clearing, the paths are made by blade.
With a tubercle, the stream runs, and under the tree the snow lies.
Summer. And light and wide
Our quiet river. We run swim, splashing with fish ...
Fall. Slugging and yellowing, grass on the meadows,
Just green frills in the fields. The cloud of the sky covers, the sun does not glitter,
The wind in the field will, rain dries.
Winter. Under blue skies
Gorgeous carpets, shiny in the sun, snow lies;
Transparent forest one black, and a spruce through the frost green
And the river under the ice shines.
Did. Task: clarify knowledge of children about the time of flowering of individual plants (for example, daffodil, tulip - spring); Golden ball, Astra - autumn, etc.; Learning to classify on this basis, develop their memory, intelligence.
Materials: Ball.
Games: Children stand in a circle. The educator or child throws the ball, calling the time of year when the plant grows: spring, summer, autumn. The child calls the plant.
What made of what is done?
Did. Task: Teach children to determine the material from which the subject is made.
Materials: Wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell., Key, etc.
Game stroke: Children take different objects from the bag and called, pointing out what every item is made.
Did. Task: Develop the ability of children to guess riddles, relate to the verbal image with the image in the picture; clarify knowledge of children about berries.
Materials: pictures for each child with an image of berries. Book of riddles.

The course of the game: on the table before each child there are pictures of the rags. The teacher makes a riddle, the children find out and raise the picture-to-guess.
Edible - inedible.
Did. Task: consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.
Materials: basket, subject pictures with an image of edible and inedible mushrooms.
The course of the game: on the table before each child there are pictures of the rags. The teacher makes himself a riddle of mushrooms, children find out and put a picture-to-guess of edible mushroom in baskets.
Planet plans correctly.
Did. Task: consolidate knowledge about the main planets.
Materials: Belt with sewed rays - ribbons of different lengths (9 pieces). Caps with a picture of the planets.
On this planet such heat
What is there to be dangerous, friends.

What is our hottest planet, where is it located? (Mercury, because it is closer to the sun).
And this planet is a terrible stuffed,
Her warm ray did not take it.
-What is it for the planet? (Pluto, because it is on all the planets from the Sun and the fewer planets in size).
A child in the hat "Pluton" takes for the longest ribbon number 9.
And this is the planet to us all the road.
Our life gave us a planet ... (All: Earth)
-What orbit is the planet earth rotates? Where is our planet from the sun? (On 3rd).
A child in the hat "Earth" is taken behind the ribbon number 3.
For planet Earth, two planets are close.
Friend, the names of them will soon be called. (Venus and Mars).
Children in the caps "Venus" and "Mars" occupy the 2nd orbits, respectively, and the 4th orbits.
And this planet is proud of himself
Since it is considered the largest.
-What is it for the planet? What orbit is it? (Jupiter, orbit №5).
A child in the hat "Jupiter" takes place number 5.
Planet rings are surrounded,
And this was different from all. (Saturn)
The child is "Saturn" occupies orbit number 6.
And what kind of green planets? (Uranus)
The child in the appropriate hat "Neptune" occupies orbit number 8.
All children occupied their places and begin to rotate around the "Sun".
There is a circle dance planets. Each has its own size and color.
For each path is defined. But only on Earth peace is in life in life.
Useful - uncommon.
Did. Task: consolidate the concepts of useful and harmful foods.
Materials: Cards with the image of products.
The course of the game: put on one table what is useful, on the other - which is not different.
Useful: Hercules, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc.
Unpublished: chips, fatty meat, chocolate candies, cakes, "yard", etc.

Used Books:

A.I. Sorokina "Didactic game in kindergarten."

A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic Games in kindergarten."

"Certificate of publication in the media" series A № 0002253, bar code (receipt number) 62502669050070 Date of departure December 12, 2013

We invite teachers of the pre-school education of the Tyumen region, YNAO and KMAO-Ugra publish their methodical material:
- pedagogical experience, copyright programs, methodological benefits, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), Forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish from us?

In kindergarten board games for children 3-4 years old, as well as babies and preschoolers - not just one of the types of entertainment, and an important tool in the development of emotions, the inner world, a psychological rod, character. The main task of the teacher lies in the right selection of games corresponding to the age category of the guys and their interests in the kindergarten. In modern "computer" time, children often lose opportunities at home fully play at the table - looking at adults, they prefer phones, consoles, televisions. That is why the qualitative organization of table leisure, introduced into a kindergarten, is so important and relevant.

Board games for children 2-3 years old (younger group)

Kids 2-3 years old often do not speak, do not catch the differences in colors and forms, do not know the names of objects. The educator needs to offer such children to the development of speech, visual and auditory perception, care. To play together without the help of adult guys can not yet, so the teacher acts as a coordinator and mentor in the garden group.

The children of the younger group are very inquisitive and interested in all new for themselves. Offer them to play bright pyramids, lotto of pictures, large puzzles, build towers. Each game should be bright, beautiful and safest. No small details (chips, cubes), sharp items - the default kindergarten should be a place in which is always safe for the child. You can make your own finger theater and offer to play a scene along with children.

"Guess and name"
From the box you get pictures with the image of various items (fruits, transport, birds, etc.). The child must call what he sees.
"Where whose house"
The task of kids is to compare animals with the place of their habitat correctly. It can be printed puzzles, purchased pictures, magnets or magnetic boards.
"Fourth extra"
Of the proposed options for animals, plants, insects, birds, food and other things are cleaned too much. The child himself must define a sign that choose - in the event of a failure, the teacher suggests a speech from afar.

Board games for children 3-4 years old (middle group)

At the age of 3 years, the child is already actively communicating with its surrounding peers and in the power together with them to study something and open. At this stage, board games for children 3-4 years old may acquire new rules, and the teacher acts as an arbitrator on the "field". A joint activity is intended to develop a sense of justice - kids learn to rejoice not only to personal victory, but also the success of peers. The girl will gladly get involved in worrying in dress up, whether paper heroines with various homemade outfits or bulk dolls. Dressups can be carried away not only for the sake of the diversity of leisure, but also for the sake of understanding of the principle and. The boy will perfectly cope with the most complex designer.

Those board games for children are 3-4 years old who have been successfully accepted by children in the younger kindergarten group can be a little complicated for the average. For example, as a task set in front of a child, it will not be easy to name the subject in the picture, but give it a versatile characteristic (color, features, purpose). Develop the speech of children, offering to be expanded to answer questions, apply facial expressions, pronounce individual sounds.

"My house"
Children are offered separate parts of the house (door, windows, pipe, staircase) or rooms (sofa, chandelier, painting, refrigerator), which must be collected in one design. At the same time, each added detail must be voiced and reasoned. A 4-year-old kid can make an alignment on the example of his own apartment.
Children are distributed cards with different images. From the general box, the tutor (or someone from the guys) pulls on one chicken and calls what is depicted on it. Kids must carefully examine cards for compliance. Who will fill its card correctly, he won.
It is necessary to make pictures, comparing all sides of the existing cubes. These are complicated puzzles.

Board games for children 5-6 years old (senior group)

Starting from 5 years, children can be prepared for school: heaviness is brought up, vocabulary and logic develops, interest in creativity and knowledge is developed. At this stage, children can independently invent board games and enter the rules in them, the ability to analyze what is happening without the participation of an adult person appears. For a preschooler, kindergarten is the last step to school, from which you need to take a maximum benefit.

For 5-6 years of age, manufacturers have created a lot of board games, where you need to find investigative relationships, establish facts. Boys and girls can buy or come up with games on topics: machines, home cleaning, fashion. It would be nice to introduce that the guys learned to the dies of computing.

"Calendar of Nature"
The child needs to establish a correspondence between the selected months inherent in the sediment, temperature.
"Find a cub for mom"
It is necessary to compare pictures of various animals, birds and their young correctly.
"What? Where? When?"
A versatile game for the development of 5-6 year old children. Constructed on the principle of quiz.

The choice of desktop games for kindergarten children can make not only educators, but also creative parents. Sadik, his atmosphere, talented staff and even the boys and girls themselves are able to tell what they would be more fun to play at the table, what kind of leisure they are generally considered for the most interesting. This is an excellent help for classes, organizing free time, as well as an alternative to bad weather walking.

Design Games are a special category of games that, unlike the rest, require participants not only attention, logical thinking, speed of reaction and observation, but also certain ability to use a pencil or handle. The game makes the child first think and only then draw certain items on a sheet of paper, as it will erase the drawing then it will be difficult.

The wall-printed games are quite complicated, so children are able to learn to play them only from 5-6 years of age. But despite this, they are very interesting and perceived by babies always with pleasure.

Cheerful pencil

Purpose of the game:develop attention, observation, memory, the ability to quickly find changes and missing items in the subject.

Equipment:pure paper sheets, preferably in the cell, red and blue pencils for each participant of the game.

Age: 5-6 years.

Game traffic:children are dismissed by couples, they receive sheets of pure paper and carefully listen to the rules of the game, which are to be able to give a partner to specify a drawing of a line or another line (for example, to lead to the right, and now up).

After that, on the sheet, each remains a certain broken line made by a red pencil. Now the participant who gave commands to his partner, his pencil itself takes a blue pen and on his sheet of paper begins to repeat the existing drawing. A special rule is that the length of the lines from which the broken is built should be approximately the same.

The next stage of the participants who played pairs are changing roles, and now another child gives instructions that must be performed. At the same time, children not only repeat such concepts as "up", "down", "to the right", "left", but also learn to repeat the drawing on another sheet alone, which requires certain attention and the ability to focus on the plane.

Magic chopsticks

Purpose of the game:teach children to group items on their properties and accessories to a category or another, improve the ability to generalize, develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

Equipment:10-15 counting sticks, pencil, eraser and white paper sheet.

Age: 5-6 years.

Game traffic:the educator offers children the following task: it is necessary to fold from the prepared chopsticks a specific figure, such as a triangle or a rectangle. Then he asks how many wands needed for this.

When the guys answer the questioned question, it should be suggested to draw the same figure on a sheet of paper, and it should be about the same size. If for the guys it is still difficult to perform a similar task, then a ruler can come to the aid, to use which they usually already know how.

You can also offer to assemble the square from the counting sticks, ask for children to call his distinctive signs and show, as possible with only one wand turn it into 2 triangles.

When the guys fulfill this task, it is necessary to trace that they correctly move the figures on the paper sheets using a pencil. During the classes, special attention should be paid to the rules for using pencil and eraser, show how to use the ruler to use the lines to be smooth.


Purpose of the game:waving attention, memory, the ability to focus on a certain item is quite a long time, teach the guys to distinguish such concepts as "diagonally", "vertically", "horizontally", systematize the knowledge gained earlier.

Equipment:sheets of paper for each participant, pencils or handles.

Age: 6-7 years old.

Game traffic:the head proposes the guys to learn to play a very interesting game and begins to explain the rules that are to build a number of cross or zolkov diagonally, vertically or horizontally.

But you must first explain the value of words of words, since not all children can be familiar with them.

The next step, the tutor shows how to draw a playing field to consist of 9 squares. Only then you can begin an explanation of the game itself. To do this, it is desirable to divide the group of children for 2 teams, one of which will be "Nolik", and the other is "cross".

The supervisor then shows how crosses or zealics can be located in the game field, and which combination turns out to be a winning.

It is better to do on the board so that the guys can see everything well.

When the guys will well digest the rules of the game, you can play the whole group several times and only after that it offer to children to play in pairs. But during a single game, the teacher must constantly monitor everyone and help if necessary.

In the summer, if the guys have crayons and smooth asphalt on the playground, the game can be organized on the street.

Sea battle (1st option)

Purpose of the game:develop memory, attention, observation, speed of thinking, the ability to find small changes that have occurred with objects, develop the speech of children, to activate the vocabulary of the guys and train the proposal to build proposals.

Equipment:clean sheets of paper in a cell and with drawn playing fields, pens or pencils, a large sample of a playing field attached to a magnetic board.

Age: 6-7 years old.

Game traffic:the educator invites children to divide into small groups of 4-5 people. Each of them is distributed by a piece of paper with the playing fields of 10 x 10 cm, which consists of 100 cells.

The manager then explains why the numbers from 1 to 10 are needed, located vertically on the left or right of the game field, and also what role letters written from above over each cell from A to K.

Only now children begin with the help of the teacher to have ships on the field so that they do not come into contact with each other. They should be: single-alupy - 4 pieces, two-candy - 3, three-plated - 2 and four-plane - 1.

Ships can be arranged as you like, the main thing is that they are in the field.

Now you can proceed to the game in which two participants or two teams participate. The rules of the game are to determine the location of the ships as soon as possible and get into them with a shell, which flies strictly along the specified route, for example A-5 or B-10.

If the player got into the ship, but still the decks remained, then the other is responsible that the ship is wounded. When all decks are roaming, the ship is considered killed.

If the player got, he has the right one more move, but if he shot past, then transmits the enemy's move. The game wins the participant who can earlier the enemy "Skill" all ships.

Sea battle (2nd option)

Purpose of the game:develop memory, attention, observation, speed of thinking, the ability to find small changes that have occurred with objects. Develop the speech of children, intensify the vocabulary of the guys and teach the correct construction of proposals.

Equipment:clean sheets of paper into a cell, blue and red handles.

Age: 6-7 years old.

Game traffic:the educator invites children to divide into groups of 2-4 people.

After that, you should take sheets of paper and fold them in half so that the corners coincide with each other. It is necessary to deploy a sheet and chaotically place on each half of 10 small ships in the form of boats (about 1 cm long).

One side will be its field, and the other - the opponent's field.

Now you can proceed to the attack. To do this, the child must post a mine (draw a small circle and paint it well) so that it is located exactly opposite to one of the enemy ships.

Then the leaflet is collapsed again and the same child tries to strike the mine on the back, so that the trace from the pasta remains on the enemy field.

If this trail is superimposed on one of the ships, then it is considered dead and stricged. So, the baby receives the right of re-stroke.

But if the mine does not fall into the ship, the move passes the opponent.

There are special rules of the game, which are not to draw a mine on their ship. If this happens, it is considered killed.

The game wins the participant who first will be able to calculate all the enemy ships.

Game "Find a couple"

Didactic task. Exercise children in comparing items depicted in the picture, in finding similarities and in the selection of the same images; Educating attention, concentration, form speech, develop the ability to perform the rules of the game.

Stroke Game: Children are invited to find a couple of each mitch - exactly the same.

Game "Collect the train"

Purpose:expand and intensify the dictionary on the topic "Transport",

improve the skills of the sequence account, develop visual perception and attention, to develop the skill of the grouping of objects in color, to educate the guardability, friendly relationships.

Game traffic:children are invited to collect train in which all the details will be one color. After that, you need to count the number of cars for each train .

Game "Continue pattern"

Purpose: Teach children to continue the specified pattern, picking up and alternating cards with the same elements of the pattern, develop attention, thinking, consolidate knowledge of geometric figures.

Game traffic:children get a cardboard strip with a launched pattern consisting of various geometric shapes, you need to lay out the pattern on the cardboard strip to the end.

Game "umbrella"

Tasks:fastening and summarizing Knowledge of children about color, shape and size of items, the development of shallow motility, education of the perpetuity and friendly relationships.

Game traffic:Children are invited to put patchwork on the umbrella so that it becomes beautiful again.

Game "Dominics"

Purpose:fastening knowledge about color, form and size of items, the development of small motility, attention, thinking.

Game traffic:children are invited to collect the whole houses, inserting the shapes in the windows, suitable in color, size and shape.

Game - Linging "Connections Figures"

Purpose:development of shallow motility, consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes, about color.

Game traffic:children are invited to find the same in shape, but different in color shapes, call them, determine the color and with a lace to connect to a pair.

Age from 2 to 7 years - great time to play games. The child itself is created so as to learn everything necessary for life on our planet very quickly - and it is easy to make it, and in the literal sense of the word playing. Small motility and coordination, the ability to negotiate and work in a team, the first skills of the account and reading - all this child gets in the game.

Nowadays there are many wonderful board games for kindergartens. It can be said that the goal of the board game is to train, not to be learned: in a relaxed form, the tank allows parents and caregivers, practically without having to entertain the child, to acquaint with new knowledge, develop existing skills and skills.

The youngest group of kindergarten or preparation for school, a solution to a specific problem, like the knowledge of the alphabet, or just a desire to deliver the child joy - board games will certainly cope with the task, you just need to choose correctly.

Board games for the younger group (2-4 years)

All board games for the smallests have a residence rating in some range - most often, from 2 to 4 years. This is explained by the fact that different kids the border of psychological age is different, so that the games with a note of 3+ are great and those who have not yet turned 3 years old - and the children are sometimes with pleasure playing on the stands marked 2+. In general, in the case of games for the younger kindergarten group, we advise you to navigate not so much on the actual age of the child, how many personal skills and preferences.

Lotto native land

Age: from 2 to 6 years
Number of players: from 2 to 5
A kind and beautiful door to memorize pictures and logical thinking (where to put a token with a bird? - In the forest!). It is suitable for the most small, from one and a half years. Children from 3 years will play in the usual lotto with animals, and with 4 team game will begin.


Age: from 3 years
Number of players: from 1 to 2
Puzzle for spatial thinking and small motility for older children, and for younger - just beautiful cars to roll them.

Shy rabbit

Age: from 3 to 5 years
Number of players: 1
Charming wooden puzzle about rabbit-constraint, which everything strives to hide behind the objects of different shapes. 4 items, 60 tasks, small motoric and spatial thinking, as well as a lot of joy.


Age: from 3 years
Number of players: from 3 to 7
Cheerful children's reaction game and attention. Spheres catches insects (covers a cup with a spider image), and they try to escape from him (twitching for the ropes to fly the flower). That player whose inacker caught, becomes a spider.

Space sand

Age: from 2 years
Number of players: from 1.
Sandbox at your home: Constant hit among kids of any age. With amazing sand (it is also becoming plastic or kinetic), develops a small motorcy, training imagination and strengthens the muscles of the hands, and also teaches children of perpetuity.

Board games for the middle group (4-5 years)


Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 2 to 6
The game consists of rounds. In each round, children need to quickly find the Matrius of the desired colors and repeat the gesture that it shows. Who first showed the gesture, he won in the round. At the end of the game, it is calculated who won how many rounds, and the winner is declared. The game perfectly develops visual perception and spatial representation.


Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 2 to 6
A simple and cool game on the development of memory and reaction in children. On the cards depicts strange creatures - chattonins. It is necessary to give them names, and then remember what their name is when the card will repeat. Who will collect more than all chasonings, he won.

Cheerful octopus jolie

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 2 to 5
The game of dexterity and coordination: in the process you need to get from the spinner of the crab spinning, so that they do not tackle it - but, if it hurts it, the octopus is cleared, and the game is the end.

Cheerful beaver

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 1 to 4
Another great game of agility. The beaver will relax on the top of the dam, from which you need to pull out the login so that it does not fall away. The salt of the game is that the fallen beaver has a very funny burst, swears.

Sovkushki, ay!

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 2 to 4
Children's cooperative game, in which either all the winners, or all the losers. Well trains collaboration in the team. It is necessary to bring soviek to the nest before the sun goes. First, children are trying to choose "their" schuke and bring it first to the finish line, but then understand that it is more important to help each other.

Snow White

Age: from 4 to 7 years
Number of players: 1
A logical game for spatial thinking and combinatorics: you need to solve the challenges, setting the figures of the gnomes and snowballs on the rooms of the real toy house.

big washing

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 2 to 6
Memorie type memory game. Must-have for a corner of games in kindergarten. As in the memories you need to remember the location of pairs of pictures, and then find a pair on the field. The one who first collected his character 4 pairs of socks, he won. For older children, you can complicate the rules to play more interesting.

Board games for the older group (5-6 years)

Soft sign

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 1 to 6
The objects are written on the cards, and it is required to list pieces with these properties. The game is simple and very cool develops a child's imagination, helps to find common signs from various things. And this is one of the skills of systemic thinking!


Age: from 5 years
Number of players: from 2 to 7
Game on cards, training attentiveness and reaction rate. The deposit of victory is to pinpoint the desired card quickly, as chameleon is thrown into a mouth.

Do not split the boat!

Age: from 5 years
Number of players: from 2 to 4
Game for the company of children, training dexterity and acquainting them with the concept of equilibrium. The penguin team takes the assault ship, but one awkward movement - and all penguins get back to the sea!

Chip Day

Age: from 5 years
Number of players: from 2 to 6
A fun and noisy game for a children's company who trains everything in the world, from fantasy to oral skills. Taking the card, perform the task (their many, and all excellent), laugh with friends!

Color code

Age: from 5 years
Number of players: 1
Unexpectedly stylish for its age category game on imagination and abstract thinking, as well as a feeling of color. It is necessary to collect multicolored geometric shapes, layering transparent plates with color elements each other.

Monopoly Masha and Bear

Age: from 5 years
Number of players: from 2 to 4
The cutest economic game, who trains in children, logic, as well as the first tactics and strategy skills. Instead of banks - a bank with jam: it will work out if you collect all the berries that are replaced here.

Board games for the preparatory group (6-7 years)

The preparatory group is the last year of stay in kindergarten. Children are actively preparing for the first class: are engaged in reading, mathematics, literature, English, drawing, etc. Below games that will help in preparing for school.

Gang of Mognnikov is a gang ... That is, a team of professionals who specialize in games for older preschool children or younger students. They can regularly be seen in kindergarten or elementary school. In the gang category, all training games are collected, here are the most popular of them.

Zverobukva gang Mrnirov

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 2 to 5
Game Training Big Reading, Attentiveness and Reaction Speed. There are several levels of difficulty and the ability to simply look for pictures for those who still do not know how to read (with this game you look, and learn). There is also a version for learning reading in English.

Turborate Banda Mrnirov

Age: from 5 years
Number of players: from 2 to 6
Cheers more than frogs, birds are less than five, but more than three - a cute game in a relaxed form introduces children with azami comparison of numbers, teaches to be considered in mind and loud, and also be attentive.

Kotosov Banda Mrnirov

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 2 to 5
On bright and beautiful cards - funny owls and cats: to win, you need to quickly count how many people are on the card. In addition to the score in the mind, the game trains attentiveness and reaction rate.

Age: from 5 years
Number of players: from 1.
The best gift to the first-grader or his parents who can be played before school. 55 game cards - on one side of knowledge, on the other - questions, "will allow the child with pleasure and without torment to remember many useful information.


Age: from 4 years
Number of players: from 1.
On these cards, not only the letters of the alphabet, but also syllables, and difficult combinations of letters, like doubled consonants. The game is pleasant and useful to prepare the child to the lessons of the Russian language, trains his memory and attentiveness. By the way, there is the same English version.

World of mathematics

Age: from 7 years
Number of players: from 1.
55 cards with interesting assignments in mathematics, algebra, geometry, stereometry. The game is preparing a child to the lessons of mathematics at school. And also develops memory and attention.

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