Chess com play with a computer level 10. Play chess online with a computer. Chess players of all countries, unite

Do you like to play chess? Plan your moves, think over the interaction of figures, find sly solutions for Shah and Mata? If the answer is at least one question "yes", then we suggest start playing chess online. This is even the best option than a party with a real rival, as the possibilities in such a game are much more.

Starting to play chess with a computer, it is difficult to stop: because the challenge of human logic, mind and fantasy throws the artificial intelligence himself. And in this case it is absolutely no matter what level of the game is in the settings, in any case, the rivalry of a person and car is an excellent chance to assert and understand the power of one's own thinking!

Chess games in flash format are nicely pleasing to the variety of plots. Gamer can choose the design of the game, detail figures, color design and even volume. In some cases, the role of chess persons take on schematic images or chess is embodied in real characters, making parties even more alive, interesting and rich. In other cases, it is possible to evaluate the grandmaster skills on the harsh fight of the minds in these competitions. How to play? It decides the gamer alone, and the portal of the game simply provides him with a huge selection and variety of games!

If this board is big for you, we have a blackboard Less .. If you still want to play on this board, but it does not fit on the screen, then you can press the "Ctrl" key and the wheel on the mouse to reduce the scalation of the browser. Good luck everyone!

Chess online - A great way to be interesting and benefit for intelligence to pass free minute. It is not surprising that it is chess - one of the most popular species in the world of board games, "prescribed" on the Internet. The Xchess portal offers its visitors to choose from two types of flash chess with a computer, from different manufacturers: asischess and SparkChess..

So, online chessasischess is a flush game of chess with a computer, the author of which is a participant in the creative group Asis Felix Sovenko. In order to start the game in chess with computerYou need to make sure that FlashPlayer7 or later versions of this program are installed on your computer. In online chess Asischess, there are three levels of complexity, and a simplified version of complex chess algorithms is used.

Asischess is created using the ActionScript language. Unfortunately, products written in this language work significantly slower than analogs compiled using other software tools. And this fact predetermined the weak game of Flash Chess AsissChess, so we do not recommend that I have sour chess players. But Asischass will become an excellent chess trainer for beginner players in chess and amateurs.

Those who appreciate good graphics and antineus design, we recommend sparkchess. In these free online chess 4 levels of the complexity of the chess game are provided - from the initial to sports. Newcomers will like the possibility of tiping when playing chess with a computer, as well as the options "Picks" and "Return of the course". The SparkChess interface can "speak" both in Russian and in English, German, French and some other European languages.

THINK NOW! - The program will make the move itself, even if the queue go your.
Flip View - turn over the board
Easy - complexity
New Game - New game

After downloading the game, you need to choose the level of complexity. If you are a strong player, choose the Boris icon. The program will play for the candidate for the master of sports.

If you are the owner of the new Windows 10, then you are surely looking for chess, which can be installed on this operating system.

If you are lucky, then chess on Windows 10 you will be default, but if not, we suggest downloading them from our site for free.

1. Chess Gambitchess
Chess Gambit is an excellent simulator with advanced graphics, in all parameters suitable under Windows 10. Classic chess boasts a lot of interesting settings (in particular, it is possible to play 2D format or more realistic 3D), as well as a detailed recording of the game. Chess Gambit will have to do with both beginners and experienced players, because with his help you can not only improve the skills of playing chess, but also interesting to spend time.

Download the full version of the game "Chess Gambit" to plunge into the world truly royal entertainment! You can do this in just a couple of clicks, and absolutely free!

Download Chess Gam Bitchess with Yandex Disc (Gam BitChess.exe)

2. 3dr chess

Chess 3DR is a fascinating chess flash game, download and install in seconds. Despite the seemingly external simplicity of the game, in its settings you can choose two versions of the chessboard (nice blue marble or classic tree), as well as play at different levels of complexity: for beginners (without high-class combinations) and amateurs (one of the strongest chess algorithms is used , the complexity achieving the skill of the original player).
Chess 3DR - thanks to which it will be possible not only to learn the basics of an ancient logical game, but also to improve the skills already acquired.

Download Chess 3DR Chess with Yandex Disc (Chess3Dr.rar)

3. Queen 3.02

Queen 3.02 - Portable and very simple to use a chess game program that does not require a long installation, because it starts immediately after downloading. The program is one of the variations of the game of chess, which has an external simplicity, quality of registration and a decent level of the game of the first-discharge chess player. The game supports all basic functions (write history, cancellation, work with FEN notation format), so it will be interesting to both beginners and experienced grandmaster. By the way, Queen 3.02 is ideal for those who are important to the very essence of the game, and not visual special effects!

Download Chess Queen 3.02 with Yandex Disc (

4. Kasparov chessmate.

Kasparov Chessmate - a unique chess program from the world champion in Chess - Harry Kasparov. Easy to install, excellent graphics, a convenient interface, pleasant musical accompaniment - All this adds to Kasparov Chessmate chess leading positions among similar programs. The game allows you to conduct chess fights not only in the local version (with a computer), the players will open the opportunity to choose a decent opponent and in the online game. In addition to the actual game, users are invited to pass a virtual master class from the great grandmaster, as well as practice at exercises from Harry Casparov's historical matches.

Download Chess Kasparov Chessmate with Yandex Disc (kasparovchessmatesetup.rar)

5. Hellchess.

HellChess - thoughtful chess program, with the help of which you can enjoy free time, and improve your chess skills. The toy has several levels of complexity, so it will be relevant for beginners, and for serious players. The advantage of HellChess is the ability to run as a local version for a single game against the computer, and play with real rivals online.
Moreover, HellChess includes not only the classic version of the chess game, Chinese and Japanese chess, Othello (Reversi), as well as the game "Fox and Gei" and "Cat and Mice" are given to the choice of grandmastersters.

Download Chess HellChess from Yandex Disc (


Free Chess - Absolutely free option of a popular logic game, freely installed on Windows 10. The program has an advanced engine, elegant graphic visualization, as well as a well-developed interface. The main advantage of free chess is an excellent 3D schedule of a chessboard, thanks to three-dimensional chess pieces of which the classic game appears in front of us in a new, incredibly colorful appearance.
Free Chess - a detailed sensible game simulator. Players have the opportunity to choose the level of complexity of the party, as well as the type of board (traditional in 2D or more real 3D). The desktop program, however, allows you to play both with a computer and with alive rivals via the Internet.

Download Chess Free Chess with Yandex Disc (Free-Chess-2_0_4.exe)

7. Removable chess

Entertaining chess - full-screen game, download and installing which will take just a few seconds. It is classic chess with a mass of convenient settings - players have the opportunity to include special effects, backlight, sounds and even pleasant background music. Separate attention is worth paying animated program graphics - chess pieces are perfectly drawn, so the most realistic impression of the game is created.
Interesting chess will be useful both novice players and chamist professionals seeking to deepen and expand their knowledge using the moves generated by computer algorithm and their aggregate.

Download entertaining chess with Yandex Disc (zanimatelnye_chess-ckachat-chess.rar)


Enjoy the classic strategic game of chess in the SlashChess program, for this only you need to download it (absolutely free!) And install on your computer! After a few seconds, it is possible to immerse yourself in the world of chess pieces with your head, and the game options are two: a single (with a computer), as well as a person-person mode, thanks to which you can connect with an ip rival.
SlashCheshess boasts a classic design without distracting elements, while everything is needed for a fascinating game: Jumping out the course of Russian language, entry of the part of the party, the ability to save an unfinished game into a separate file. Download and play with pleasure!

Download Chess Slashchas with Yandex Disc (SlashChes.rar)

Would you like to relax and switch brains from endless work or studying something more pleasant? Evenings are created to play chess with a computer - it's hard to find more interesting and more useful things for your mind! The main thing is that, contrary to universal delusion, play chess with a computer is almost as cool as with a living opponent. Of course, the rules in this case cannot be violated, and it will not be able to move on the head of the head in the case of a loss - this is minus ...

If you want to become the strongest in this intellectual sport, you certainly will need live opponents with non-standard logic and the ability to generate creative solutions. But it is impossible to go to the tournament to this champions, it is not unprepared: online chess will allow you to train how much you need! And when you are trapped to play chess online, you can safely call the tournament at least Kasparov himself. You can not doubt: as in any sport, regular workouts will allow you to win in any situation!

A bit of history

We immediately began to compare a board game with a military strategy. It is difficult for us now it's hard to imagine that horse, rook or elephant (at all, by the way, on an elephant not similar) can have some kind of attitude towards military action. Where are the tanks, you ask? Where is aviation? Okay, if we decided to do with the infantry - let the infantry ... But why then the pawns are rather not like the harsh infantry, but on girls in ball dresses?

It is not difficult to give answers to all these questions, if you remember that the history of the game of Chess takes its beginning in ancient India: scientists agree on the game in no way later the 6th century of our era. Since at that time, Humanity was already a rather civilized and organized society, the battle was not enough for primitive contractions. No personal endurance and power of warriors began to go to the forefront in military art, but the ability of their commander to build tactics and planning the battle strategy.

To work out various tactical schemes on living people even in those days was somewhat consumed, and therefore the ancient rulers decided to come up with something that would allow them to simulate the flow of battle. And chess came up - not so much the game, how much the training platform for the commander, the planning tool and the development of possible tactical techniques. On the board turned out to be precisely those troops that at the time were the then generals. Yes, and for the commander themselves, there was a place: as a king, which brings little sense as an ordinary warrior, but without which the battle is lost instantly.

Of course, no tanks in those days did not exist in risen - therefore, so far we play delicates (chariots), elephants (actually, elephants - and there are elephants) and Connection. Well, the infantry - where without it? Pawns have the shortest move, but there are always a lot of them, and they are starting to fight. Well, how do you still have doubts that the game of chess perfectly displays the picture of the fighting?

Chess players of all countries, reunite!

Of course, time cannot but affect traditional entertainment. And, although chess not only exist for a long time, but also popular for many centuries, the rules of this game only in the 19th century were more less. Finally, the game has acquired status not only "widespread", and but "international" with the creation of the organization of FIDE. The history and purpose of the emergence of this community are typical for any similar association in the sports world. With increasing popularity of some entertainment, the number of different interpretations of rules that make practically impossible to conduct more or less large-scale competitions.

To turn a desktop game in a real sport, you need to create a unified system of rules, the mechanism of assigning sports ranks and the regulations of the competition. It is these questions from FIDE and decides since 1924 - that is, almost a century. Of course, no one bothers you to create your own set of rules - just with whom will you play with? And having studied the generally accepted rules approved in FIDE, you can play chess with a computer, with Chinese or with the world champion - and with all the same rules! In this regard, the game of chess is a universal language of communication, because, wherever you come, you can always play a party-friendly with any local resident, without worrying about the language barrier. You simply do not need to say: your moves will say everything for you!

Computer chess player

It so happened that not all of the intellectual sports is equally valuable for mental development. For some reason, the avid chart will rather associate in society with some asocial element, while the chess player is deserved and respected.

This sport allocate among all the board games precisely, as in him as anywhere the importance of the manifestation of all aspects of human thinking is great. Reading the books and studying by the party played by other people, a beginner chess player is gaining a theoretical knowledge base, which can be partially even try to transfer: to all we know such a thing as, for example, the "classic debut" is that it's not an attempt to work your own imagination to replace Playback of the memory of the troubled combinations?

However, any truly talented chess player will beat a novice in two accounts, which will reproduce entire scripts that are escaped from books. The fact is that all standard schemes have long been known to the whole world, and therefore easily predictable. Reproducing even the most brilliant sequences of actions on the board, the player applies to the blow, because the enemy knows all his steps a few moves forward.

A complex combination of the taller compositions and original finds is the true skill. No sport beat a real champion - more than a difficult task for a computer, which by definition is capable only to choose the most successful options from hundreds of thousands of chess games loaded into its memory.

However, this does not mean that there is no point to play online if)

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