What command is needed to summon a zombie villager


Health: 20

Attack power: on the level of difficulty:

Medium: 3

Heavy: 4

Spawn: Ordinary world.

Light level: less than 7.

Drop: Feather, rotten flesh, iron items: sword, ingot, shovel, carrot, helmet, potato, armor.

Zombies are a hostile mob.

The dimensions of the monster are quite small, only 2 blocks high, 1 block wide, and only 0.25 blocks thick.

Zombies spawn in small groups of up to 3 at a time.

If these monsters get in the way of a villager or a hero, they try to catch up with him, while avoiding various obstacles. If the mob meets any of the types of weapons, then he will pick it up, and if the armor, then he will put it on himself. Zombies always attack in an organized pack, seeing the victim, the whole group begins to pursue the victim. Since version 1.2 these monsters can trap doors like a player. First, the door cracks, and then falls apart.

Duel with zombies!

Zombies don't carry ranged weapons, but can summon additional helpers when injured. If you managed to meet face-to-face with this bloodthirsty mob, then simply “click” it with the mouse, thereby preventing it from approaching you. Once in the environment, do not panic, but take action:

- Stay 1-2 blocks away from the target.

- Hit a nearby mob.

These mobs have a little trick - they only get stronger when they are low on health, some will catch fire which will set the grass on fire, leaving a burning trail behind them.

Zombie villagers.

Appearance and habits are almost the same as a simple zombie, with the exception of a huge hooked nose. If a villager dies from the poisonous teeth of a zombie, the villager becomes infected and transforms into a zombie villager. However, zombie villagers are easily cured with a Potion of Weakness and a Golden Apple, first throw a potion at the monster, which will weaken him, and then feed him an apple, which will give him strength and he will recover. The villager is treated for about 5 minutes. During this period of time, you should not give offense to the patient, protecting him from attacks by zombies and rays of daylight.

zombie villagers kids

Small villagers can also catch the zombie virus, but they have several differences from full-fledged zombies:
- Do not burn in sunlight
- Move much faster
- can't grow up
It is quite possible to cure an infected child, but it will take a much longer amount of time.

Zombie with weapons

Zombies have the ability to pick up objects from the ground. Zombies pick up almost everything they run past from the ground. Having found the armor, they put it on themselves. With armor and weapons, zombies become much stronger. - They have the ability to wear all types of weapons and armor, up to enchanted ones.

If a mob finds a thing on the ground with a higher class, for example, an iron sword, and it has a stone sword in its ammunition, then it will replace it with a better one. If the Brain Eater puts a helmet on his square head, then he will not be able to burn in the sun, which, of course, will make him even more dangerous.

Interesting Zombie Facts:

- These mobs burn from the rays of sunlight.
- After knocking down the door, the zombie takes it for itself.

How to heal a villager in Minecraft?

In the popular computer game Minecraft, in addition to your character and the active characters of other players, there are also a number of passive characters.

NPCs in Minecraft

Villagers are passive characters that can spawn in village houses or around villages. Which house a villager spawns in directly affects his profession. They can be distinguished by their large heads, green eyes, bushy eyebrows, protruding noses, and crossed arms.

The villager is able to hide from hostile mobs by closing wooden doors. Residents can communicate with players, but they cannot do any harm. If the active player or any hostile mob attacks a villager, the villager does not fight back. Instead, an iron golem appears and guards the inhabitants of this village.

If a villager is bitten by a zombie at night, they turn into a zombie villager themselves.

Many players are interested in how to cure a villager in Minecraft after being infected by a zombie, because if you cure a zombie villager, he will become yours. This is much easier than creating a dweller yourself. In addition, if you want to create your own village, you will need at least two inhabitants in it.

Healing a Zombie Villager

So, a zombie villager can be cured in the following way:

  1. First, throw an Exploding Potion of Weakness at the zombie villager. To make it, you need to mix a potion of weakness with gunpowder.
  2. Then feed him a golden apple. To do this, point the pointer at the zombie villager and press the right mouse button. You can craft a golden apple from a red apple and eight gold bars. It can also be found in the treasury or in the fortress, but the chances of this are very small.

Treatment will take no more than 5 minutes of playing time.

Are the same. Some are designed to be aggressive and the only thing the player can do with them is to destroy them with their weapons. But there are also unfortunate zombie residents among them. Once they were simple inhabitants of the village, but the zombie attack turned them into bloodthirsty monsters. Their original good essence can be returned using the method described in this material.

Prepare equipment for potion brewing

The option to heal zombie villagers becomes available only after serious preparation. Therefore, at first you still have to show combat skills when meeting with unfortunate ghouls or try to run away from them.

To treat zombie villagers, you need to learn how to brew different potions. This will be available after entering the Nether - after all, the potion plant itself, called the brewing stand, is crafted from cobblestone and a fire rod.

With cobblestone, everything is simple - it is mined in the ordinary world from blocks of stone. But the fiery rod can only be taken after defeating the ifrits. These mobs are found exclusively in Hell.

Prepare an Exploding Potion of Weakness

Before you treat zombies, you need to eliminate their aggressiveness. We achieve this with the help of an explosive potion of weakness.
For him, you should first prepare a spider eye by crafting it together with a brown mushroom and sugar.
It is placed in the brewing rack along with a flask of water. So it turns out the usual potion of weakness:

For the correct effect on the zombies, the resulting flask should be processed in a brewing stand with coal to get an explosive potion of weakness:

Getting the golden apple

The main medicine for healing zombies will be a golden apple. We will get it by crafting an ordinary apple and gold nuggets. You can also use gold bars.

The lucky lucky ones can come across the golden apple in the treasuries and the fortress. The likelihood of such a find is extremely low.

Treat zombies!

Having stocked up with everything you need, we begin to look for a zombie villager. Having found it, without any hesitation, we launch an explosive potion of weakness into it. After that, we take a golden apple in our hand and feed it to the ghoul by right-clicking on the zombie.

The started treatment process lasts from 2 to 5 minutes. Violet and red particles emanate from the zombie turning into a citizen, and its entire body twitches in convulsions. While this is happening, it is necessary to protect the patient from sunlight and attacks from aggressive mobs.
If everything is done correctly, soon a full-fledged villager will appear before us.

Sometimes minecrafters have difficulties, not related to battles against mobs or trying to cure someone, but with fundamental security issues - such as a password for Minecraft. Find out in a new article on our website how you can change your password using console commands.

Good evening, the editor sailor is with you. Today I will tell how to cure zombies in minecraft.

Turning a zombie into a villager

We need two ingredients. It's a potion of weakness and a golden apple. In order to make a potion, we need a potion stand. I already talked about how to do it and how to use it in my other article.

Let's start with the potion. We need a cone, a spider's eye, sugar and a mushroom. To begin with, we put the mushroom in the second slot, in the fifth we throw an eye, and in the eighth sakhor. Next, we go into the potion rack and put the resulting pickled eye in the center, and a flask with water below. Ready.

Now we have to spend money, because we need a golden apple. For him, we will need eight gold blocks. In total, seventy-two gold bars will be required for us. Of these, we will just make blocks. Next, put an ordinary apple in the center and surround it with gold bars.

Now we are looking for zombies and throw a potion of weakness at him. After that, an apple. Red circles will appear above it. This means that the healing process has begun. It remains only to wait. In order for him not to run away and hurt you, make some kind of fence.

And with you was the editor of the portal - a sailor. I wish you a pleasant game and good luck on Play`N`Trade. Don't forget to visit our forum.

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