Quests in Toi L2. Quests for S recipes. Quests for s weapons

The sub class is truly the greatest invention of the Koreans since the introduction of catacombs and necropolises. Even if we discard the possibility of taking a noobles and a hero, a sub helps to play for another class, without creating a new character.

To get a subclass your level must be 75+ and you must stab the baium, and therefore pass.

Let's start with the first and perhaps the most inconvenient quest for low-rate servers: Fate's Whisper

1. It begins in the oren, or rather next to it. Exit through the northern gate and run to the right without going into the water and you should see a hut.

2.We need to kill Cabrio, he will be located if you teleport from Aden V Seal of Shillien ioi Forbiden Gateway, we run out to the left and climb the mountain. On the mountain, turn left again and we will see a cemetery made of light tiles.

Let's gather a party and farm Convertible, you don’t have to beat him or be present in the party, just talk to the chest that will appear after his death Coffer of the Dead. We get Reiria's Soul Orb

3. After we talk with the cabrio chest, we return to the gnome Reorin, he stresses us out even more, makes us kill three RB V TOI.

4.Here we need to kill the bosses on the 3rd, 8th and 11th floors.

We start from the bottom one (or from the one that is alive, there is no sequence)

5. On 3rd floor Tover of Isolation find RB Hallate(be in a room where doors periodically close and open).

Everything is the same as with the convertible, just wait until it is farmed and just talk to the chest Chest of Hallate, after this we get Hallate Infernium

6. We find the second rb on 8 TOI – Kernon, we wet the reptile and get Kernon scepetre from Chest of Kernon.

Quest for subclass interlude in pictures

7. Last RB – Golconda, is located 11th floor TOI, punish her and talk to the chest Chest of Golkonda– we get Golkonda Scepetre

8. Having collected all three scepters, we return to Reorin

9. Reorin sends us to Oren to his brother Cliff, which will give us some kind of orange powder Infernium Varnish

10. Take orange cocaine and return to Reorin

11. We fly to Aden, finds a fat man in the forge Ferris. He will fit us Reorin Hammer which guess who needs to be attributed to? Right - Reorin, we collect our belongings and fly to oren and run to the gnome.

12. Going to Reorin, do SOE and run to the weapons shop to Zenkin

13. He sends us to a cave Hardin private academy. Near the TP we immediately turn around and run into the cave, we find there Kaspar, (yes, like a ghost from a childhood cartoon). This one Casper, will give us a knife to stab baium. Pipette Knife.

14-2. Quest for subclass L2 high five remade , and now there is an alternative option from Kaspar– dyeing 30 rags is much easier than pricking baium. If you choose this path, you need to farm mobs Platinum Tribe on 6th and 7th floor TOI, be sure to finish.

After you have reached TOI 14 and explained that normal boys don’t wear long hair, your knife becomes stained red pipette knife.

15. Together with the knife we ​​run to Kaspar To obtain Reorin Mold

16. We return to the beginning of the quest, namely Reorin, but don't rush, to complete the quest you need to have 2 things:

984 B cry and any Top B weapon, find any from the list

AOBA Bellion cestus BOP Guardian Sword

SLS*SLS Demon Dagger Deadman Glory Damascus

KAlim Van Bones Lance SOES Star Buster Wizard Tear

From experience I can say that the cheapest and easiest to get are duals SLS*SLS, all you need to do is upgrade 2 Luxor swords to Samurai Long Sword and get 500 sop to dualize them.

But it's up to you to decide which is cheaper and faster.

17. Reorin will give you any Low A grade gun in return and that's the end of it quest for sub class la2

Choose from the list

The easiest thing to sell later will be duals, a pike, a bow and a tallum sword (for S duals), but it’s still up to you to choose, in case your server has a different economy.

To all other Reorin give you Star of Destiny, which is needed for the second part of the sub quest.

Sub class quest, part 2 Elixir Mimir.

1. Quest for subclass L2 high five a little different from quest for subclass L2 Interlude, so read carefully.

We start the quest in the ivory tower ( Ivory Tower) at the master's Ladd on the 4th floor

Quest if we take anything in the lower room Wesley

3. Knock out the ingredients into Blazing Swamp and cook at temperature Salamandra(it's risk-free) and we get Pure Silver

4. Back to Ladd and immediately run to the third floor (elves) to Joan.

If you are completing the quest for the sub-class Interlude in pictures, then you need to kill Chimera Piece until the Sage Stone drops on Gracia this mob is not social, it walks on its own and looks like a ball that doesn’t know where to hit Backstabe 😀

6. Return to Ivory on 3rd floor To Joan and we get True Gold and immediately fly to 4th floor To Ladd to show her the gold and get Mimirs Stone

7. And here the problems begin, we need to go to LOA(Lair of Antharas) and hunt Bloody Guardian to knock out Blood Fire

And again, if you do the quest for subclass L2 high five , then look for this monster in Dragon Valley, on the map Watcher Tomb or in Russian Beholder's Tomb, due to the fact that the location was changed, the mobs are now located there.

8.Fly to ivory, to the basement, go to the trash can and ATTENTION YOU MUST FRY AT PHOENIX TEMPERATURE (maximum), otherwise you will go to do the quest all over again.

Mix Pure Silver + True Gold + Blood Fire and you get MimirElixir

9. Go to the 4th floor to Ladd and give her the elixir, and the quest will be completed.

You will also be given an additional Scroll enchant Weapon A grade.

A little about the sub class:

It can be taken from the main NPC in any necessary guild: for example, a spoiler in a warehouse, a bisha in a church, etc.

Restrictions: Dark Elf and Elf cannot take each other, that is, the BD base will not be able to take any elven profession (SPS, EE, ES)

It is impossible to take similar sub-classes: Hawk cannot take FR or SPS cannot take Sorcerer.

No one can take a sub on a crafter and an over, there is only a main class.

Kamels can only take kamaels as a sub; an inspector can be chosen as a third sub - he can only be taken by the sub class.

The maximum is limited to 3 sub classes.

→ Quest for Lineage 2 recipes for rank A armor

Crafting items and weapons will be useful sooner or later to all players who have reached high levels. After all, knocking out the desired item from a monster is almost impossible, but you need to somehow improve your uniform.

In order to craft any item, you need a recipe, pieces, resources, crystals and gems. The most difficult thing is to get the recipe and pieces, but if you can try to steal the latter from mobs, even with a scanty chance, then the necessary recipes are most often either knocked out of monsters or obtained through some painful quests. In Lineage 2, recipe quests are usually repeatable and sooner or later you can still get your reward.

Quest for recipes in GK

There is more than one lineage 2 recipe quest, but many of them give recipes that are absolutely useless, and you don’t even want to craft anything using them. This is low-quality jewelry or armor that is absolutely not in demand among the characters. One of the most popular recipe quests in Lineage 2 is the quest in the Giant’s Cave location. The quest can be taken from level 52 from the NPC who stands right at the entrance - Soblin. He will give you a book that will allow you to decipher the ancient language of giants. Now all you need is to collect 5 pages of the book from part one to part five. There are a lot of books, and for each of them they give recipes for certain armor. But most of all, players are interested in the recipe for talum heavy, which is not only expensive, but can only be obtained through this quest and nothing else. As luck would have it, the talum set is necessary for most players, as it is considered one of the best. So you’re stuck in the GK for a long time: quest items not only fall poorly, but also open to the wrong pages.

With the advent of Freya, the quest for lineage 2 recipes in the GK was divided into S80 and A grade recipes. The mobs that are needed in lineage 2 for the quest for grade A armor are now located not in the Cave of Giants itself, but in a clearing nearby. However, in lineage 2 the quest for grade A armor can be taken from the same Soblin, as before. In lineage 2, quests for recipes in the GK have a level limit, therefore, if a character has a high level, he will not be able to take the quest for level 53.

In lineage 2 recipe And armor can be obtained through another quest.

Quest for recipes in ToI

Such a famous location as the Tower of Insolence can boast of a quest for Lineage 2 A grade recipes. The gloomy hideout of Emperor Baium forces players to collect pages not of books, but of floors. By collecting everything, you can get a recipe for gloves, boots, and helmets of rank A in Lineage 2. The recipe is given randomly, so hunters for expensive glove recipes in Lineage 2 will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve the desired result.

Of course, gnomes, due to their racial skills, undoubtedly have an advantage in obtaining recipes, unlike everyone else. It costs them nothing to steal rare recipes for weapons, rare pieces and the required amount of resources. In lineage 2, leveling up a gnome is often already planned by location from the very beginning, that is, leveling it up where the gnome, with the help of a spoiler, will get the maximum profit. In Lineage 2, pumping up a gnome is a pleasure, because you don’t keep track of his percentage, but the number of recipes or resources. Only a gnome can not only complete quests for recipes, but also spoil resources in Lineage 2, thereby receiving double benefits.

Quest for S grade recipes

In lineage 2, the quest for grade S armor is the longest. In order to gain the right to exchange quest items for recipes, you will have to increase the level of the alliance with Ketra or Varka to the maximum, that is, to 5th. That’s when you can take on the lineage 2 recipe quest, which will drop the necessary items into your inventory. In lineage 2, the quest for S grade armor is complicated by the need to kill 2 bosses at the 4th and 5th levels of the alliance.

This lineage 2 recipe quest forces players to stay in orc or faun locations for a very long time.

In Lineage 2, quests for armor recipes S80 and S84 force the player to kill even more monsters to obtain the necessary items for exchange.

Crafting according to recipes

In lineage 2, in order for a mined recipe to turn into an item, it must first be learned. Only a dwarf with the Warsmith profession can do this, and only he can create things. In lineage 2, the more leveled up a blacksmith gnome is, the higher his crafting level becomes, which means he can craft a higher grade of armor. Of course, it’s not as pleasant to download crafting as spoila, because the latter also earns money from the quality, but crafting can earn a lot of adena without leaving Giran, using only your skill. In Lineage 2, rarely does anyone specifically level up a gnome with the Bounty Hunter profession; most often this is done only thanks to a spoiler.


The quest is called Legacy of Insolence and is taken from Walderal in the Aden Warehouse. In order to take the quest you must be at least level 59. As a result of passing, you can get any A grade recipes helmets, boots, peppers.

The monsters we need are in TOI tower(Tower of Insolense), on various floors. Below we describe the monsters we need, the floors we need and the quest items that we will receive.

As you have already noticed, all items are divided into 4 types and have different colors.

By double-clicking on the papyrus (they are in the inventory), you can print it. When you print you will receive randomly:

  • Ancient Epic(1-5)
  • Imperial Genealogy(1-5)
  • Revelation of the Seals (1-7)
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence (1-13)
  • Musical Score: Theme of Battle
  • Musical Score: Theme of Love
  • Ancient Jokebook
  • Ancient Chain Letter

The last 4 items are absolutely useless; they can be sold to the store, or simply deleted. But if you collect parchments of the same color, you will not be able to collect the entire set, because... Different items drop from different parchments. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in different chronicles, when printing papyri, the items that drop out may differ. For example, in C4 chronicles, only blueprints 6 and 7 drop from Red Papyrus; on higher chronicles, you can get blueprints of various floors from these papyruses.

Set of items Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, exchanged with Walderal for recipes. You have the opportunity to select recipes for the following kits:

  • Nightmare
  • Madjestic
  • Dark Crystal
  • Tallum

By clicking on the recipe you need, you will randomly receive a recipe for a helmet, boots or peppers. There is also a chance to receive Adena or 2-3 recipes at once. The quest is repeatable, therefore, having collected all the necessary items again, you can also exchange them for recipes. Items included in the kit:

  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 1
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 2
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 3
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 4
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 5
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 6
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 7
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 8
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 9
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 10
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 11
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 12
  • Blueprint: Tower of Insolence 13

Set of items Ancient Epic exchanged with Antique Dealer Patrin (in the Grocery Shop in Oren) for recipes for Tallum limbs. The kit includes:

  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 1
  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 2
  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 3
  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 4
  • Ancient Epic, Chapter 5

Crocer Holly exchanges a set of items Imperial Genealogy(in the Grocery Shop in Aden) – for recipes for the limbs of the Dark Crystal set:

  • Imperial Genealogy 1
  • Imperial Genealogy 2
  • Imperial Genealogy 3
  • Imperial Genealogy 4
  • Imperial Genealogy 5

The following set can be exchanged for knightmare or majestic recipes. This set includes:

  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Gnosis
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Strife
  • Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance

To get recipes for Majestic limbs, you need to talk to Master Desmond, you can find him in the Magic Guild of Adena.

If you want to get recipes for knightmare parts, you need to find Claudia Athebalt (located in the area between the castle and the city of Aden).

I should note that the reward in the quest I described in the early chronicles is somewhat different. In addition to recipes, there is a chance of receiving pieces at grade ends, therefore, the chance of recipes falling out will also decrease. This is true for Interlude chronicles and below. Also, for example, on the Chronicles of Grace, instead of 60% recipes, the reward will be 100% recipes.

With the advent of the recipe spoil A grade of limbs, the quest has become less relevant, but nevertheless, I find this quest very useful, for many I think recipes with a 100% chance of crafting will seem like a tasty morsel. The quest is especially good for servers with high rates for drop quest items.

You can get to the Tower of Insolence from Aden by going to the clearing in front of the tower. We go up to the fifth floor, bypassing the mobs, to do this we go from the tower into the tower and run to the left in a circle, at the next entrance there will be a staircase on the left, we go up along it, and so on until the fifth.
If you are noble, it’s easier for you - there is noble TP from Aden on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 13th floors.
There should also be seven TP seals from the big-nosed one on the same floors as the nobles in the week of victory, but this may not be implemented on your server.
You can also knock out Dimensional Stone items from mobs in LOA or in TOI itself, with their help you can move along the floors of TOI from the vortexes that are on the stairs:
Green Dimensional Stone- TP from the first to the third floors.
Blue Dimensional Stone- TP from the fourth to sixth floors.
Red Dimensional Stone- TP from the seventh to tenth floors.
It is convenient to knock out a red stone, use it to place a summoner on the 10th floor, and, if necessary, sum the spells there.

What may interest us on the TOI floors:
1st and 2nd floors - mobs with the skill, on the second floor there is a mob with a drop of the Chant of Revenge amulet for cooking, if you immediately rush into a crowd of mobs, they will definitely cancel, I took TX with me, he pulled out the desired mob under stealth while I beat him, he pulled the next one, for the buff 2-3 amulets fell, at x10 she sold them for 50kk.
3rd floor - drop of quest reagents, including moonstone shards, as well as scrolls with TOI blueprints.
5th floor - drop of reagents for the quest, including demon fornication and moonstone shards, as well as scrolls with TOI blueprints. Mobs inflict paralysis; you need an enchantment with the Purify skill to remove paralysis.
6th floor - evil archers. Drop from them, spoil and drop keys and grade B gear.
7th floor - mobs for painting the first rag for baium (only on this floor), drop of reagents for the quest, including fornication roots, as well as scrolls with TOI blueprints. Drop tallum heavy body, and end these sets. Shamans inflict paralysis.
8th floor - Everything drops as on the 7th floor.
10th floor - Drop DK and tallum of caps. Spoiler keys on DK robe, cheerful quality and manor on mobs x5.
11th floor - reagents for the quest, here it seems to me that fornication routes drop out more often. Drop of hats, just like on the 10th floor.


There are three main quests for which TOI is visited: a quest for reagents to obtain a subclass and nobility, and the actual subclass quest itself, part of which is done at TOI.

Quest for reagents - taken from Wesley in the basement of Ivory Tower, for this quest we are interested in four floors - 3, 5, 7 and 11. They say that some people prefer to hit moonstone shards on the third floor, hmm, I personally hit moons from shamans in blezin swampe, in TOI I prefer to get reagents that cannot be obtained anywhere else, namely: demon fornication on the 5th floor from small red mobs, they drop 3 pieces each, 100 items for preparing demonic essence (an ingredient for Hellfire Oil) are collected quickly; fornication rue on the 7th and 11th floors from shamans (this is where you have to work hard, since fornication rue falls very rarely). When you get the 500 moonshards, 100 demon fornication and 10 fornication needed for the quest for nubless, you will have all the other ingredients for preparing lunargents and hellfire oil in abundance.

Subclass quest - in TOI for this quest you need to kill three RBs - on the 3rd, 8th and 11th floors, paint a rag on the 7th floor, and finally stab Baium. You will be brought to the third floor (or run up the stairs with your feet), the room with the RB is on the right side after the corridor, the door may be closed, you will have to wait until it opens (it’s quick). If summoning is prohibited on the 8th floor (on some servers they do this), please summon on the 7th (since noble summoners can quickly rush there), enter the central round room and run to the right to the nearest exit, go up to the 8th floor. As soon as you enter the first room with mobs, keep to the left wall all the time, this is the shortest path to the room with RB, the door may also be closed. Summon may also be prohibited on the 11th floor, please add it to 10, go from the stairs to the floor and run to the right from the entrance, run to the fallen columns, here will be the entrance to the room, pass through the room to the right and go up to the 11th floor. The room with RB is immediately on the right side, there is no door at all. There was a case when an acquaintance, having gotten used to the opening doors on the 3rd and 8th floors, went to the 11th into the back room with a door, where it is not Golconda, but Shuriel, and waited for RB on the sub).

Attention! On Freya, an alternative passage of the quest for the subclass was introduced - when the quest sends you to Harding Academy, do not select the item with Bayum, but select the item with 30 rags, then you will be sent to paint rags on the angels, and you will not have to stab Bayum.

In addition to the RBs already listed above (on the third floor, on the eighth, on the eleventh in the first room, on the eleventh in the back room with a closing door), there are several more in TOI - between the 1st and 2nd floors 65 levels, between the 3rd and 4th floors 71 level, on the 6th floor in the first room from the descent from the 7th floor 70 level and on the 13th floor 79 level.
For detailed directions to each of the Republic of Belarus, see the links above.
Don't forget that Shuriel's minions cast reflect damage on the boss.

And now a detailed path through all the floors of TOI:

At the entrance to the tower we turn left:

We reach the next entrance:

And we go up the stairs to the so-called technical floor (between the first and second floors)

We run along it on the left side until the exit to the stairs

And we see the first of the dimensional vortexes, with the help of which you can teleport across floors

In this way, you can climb the stairs, bypassing the mobs, to the fifth floor, if you want to look into the room with RB on the third, then we run up to the floor and from the entrance to the central room on the right there is an entrance to the room with the raid boss:

But we need it higher than the fifth, so we still reach the fifth floor, from the entrance we go into the only entrance on the right, and after killing the mobs we go into the central room (turn left):

In the central room of the fifth floor we go out through the door, which can be seen in the distance on the left behind the column:

And through the corridor with mobs we go first to the right and then to the left to the stairs to the sixth floor:

On the sixth floor, in the first room with mobs, go left into the next empty room and go through it:

And in the next room with mobs we turn right:

We go straight through this room and turn left in the next one:

And we see either a room with a raid boss or an empty one, if the rb has already been killed, in any case we move to the 7th floor along the stairs:

On the seventh floor, as soon as we enter the central room with mobs, we run to the exit on the right side and along the corridor we go to the stairs to the eighth floor:

On the eighth from the entrance we turn right, run to the first room with mobs and go strictly along the left wall, after three rooms we see on the left the entrance to the room with rb:

And on the right there is a gap in the wall and through an empty corridor to the right there is an exit to the stairs to the ninth floor:

On the ninth we go into the large central room with mobs, go out to the right exit (marked with an arrow on the screenshot), and right through two empty corridors to the stairs to the tenth floor:

At the tenth from the entrance we turn right, run to the columns, and behind the columns we enter the room on the left, from it to the right exit and to the right to the stairs to the eleventh floor:

Eleventh floor: on the right is the entrance to the room with the Golconda rb, in the distance on the left is the entrance to the room with the Shuriel rb, straight and to the right is the exit to the twelfth floor:

We run out from the eleventh floor to the right along the ramp, go up to the entrance to the twelfth floor, turn right from the entrance and run along the corridor until the entrance to the central room appears on the left:

From the central room we go through the right door, then right through the gap and to the stairs to the thirteenth floor:

And here it is, the long-awaited thirteenth floor - straight up the stairs to RB Galaxia, up the stairs and to the left along another staircase to the vortex, through which you can go to Baium:

If you are confused and don’t remember what floor you are on now, open the map, the TOI floor will be written at the bottom of it.

To farm recipes for armor and ends, you must complete or. The link has a complete walkthrough in pictures. Next, farm hair or horns and exchange them for chests that randomly drop S armor recipes.

Quests for s weapons

There are two options for obtaining recipes for S weapons, the first in Foga (Forge of Gods) and the second in IT (Imperial Tomb). A little about two places: in Foga on developed servers, all the top spots are held by top clans and packs, and sometimes 1 pack holds 5 spots and drains everyone. So you will either be farming fog on nasty spots where farming is difficult, or you won’t be farming at all. You also need to farm fog in batches, for solo players there is nothing to do there, since 6 more mobs can crawl out of a mob and for 1 window this is a lot, unless of course you are a destroyer. A special feature of the quest is to find the blacksmith Rooney.

Quest in IT, there is an option to farm both in a pack at the bottom and solo at the top (and even bishys and EE can farm, there are undeads there). A special feature of completing the quest is completing the 4s quest or choosing a random recipe.

Quest in the Imperial Tomb – Relics of the Old Empire

1. We run on foot or do a TP in the Imperial Tomb, go inside and run to a large square room where non-aggressive zombies are walking. We go into the room on the left and find the Traveler's Ghost. You can take the quest from him at level 74. He asks you to bring him 1000 parts that drop from mobs. If you go to farm mobs, both in a party and solo, quest items will drop.

2. We bring him 1000 Broken Relics - we get a random S grade weapon recipe of 60% to choose from.

3. If we don’t want randomness, then you need to go through one of the four Sepultures at the bottom of the Imperial Tomb and an NPC will appear who exchanges 1000 pieces for the recipe you need. I recommend doing this, you can pay some party (usually inexpensive) to guide you, since the random version will have a bunch of Imerial Staff, Dragon Hunter Ax and Demon Spliter.

Quest in Forge of Gods – Gather the Flames

1. Take the quest from Vulcan, at Lower lvl FOG (we run on foot or jump from the global gk, because “everyone is like naofe”)

2. Here you already need to farm 1200 items, but farming them is not difficult, there are tons of mobs, the only thing you need to do is be prepared. Once you get 1200 or more torches, go hand them over and exchange them for recipes. We need Rooney, he, as a volume master, can stand in different places. Usually it’s enough to shout into the shuttle and they’ll tell you where it is. Or run and look. On the map below are Rooney's spawn locations, good luck in your search!

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