Portal 2 does not recognize the gamepad. x360ce gamepad emulator: instructions for use. If x360ce doesn't work

In this tutorial you will find steps to make x360ce work with Portal 2 . This method also works with any game – just do the same easy steps, no special skills needed to make any controller work as an Xbox 360 gamepad. Emulator allows your controller (joystick, wheel, gamepad, etc.) to operate as the most common device, recognized by most of the games without any additional settings and workarounds.

1. The first step is to download x360ce zip file from official site. You have to select 32 or 64 bit version (same as the version of Portal 2 you use). If you don't know the version of your game or download wrong one accidentally, you will be notified later and have a chance to use another version.

2. Now we have to find the installation folder of your game. You can easily do this by looking into game shortcut settings or finding the game in your Steam library list. If you choose the Steam variant, right click the game name and select "Properties".

3. Navigate to local files tab and press “Browse local files...” button.

4. Now you need to find the folder with Portal 2 executable. In the example picture they are located in Binaries / Retail subfolder. You need to extract downloaded x360ce ZIP file to folder with your game executable file.

5. Click on x360ce exe file with the right mouse button and select “Run as administrator” from dropdown menu.

6. You will see window with warning - “xinput 1_3.dll was not found. This file is required for emulator to function properly.” Don't worry, just click "Create" button to make them appear.

7. When x360ce will inform you that new device was detected, use automatic search for settings from internet– just hit “Next” button.

8.Click “Finish”, when installation completed.

9. Hit the "Auto" button to make all settings set to defaults. Confirm changes by clicking “Yes” in popup window. All the buttons will be filled automatically.

10. Now just hit Save button to make all your settings saved. You can also change buttons assignment before hitting “Save”, if you like.

Now you can normally launch Portal 2 and use your controller with x360ce emulator– it will be starting automatically with each game launch.

I'll tell you about a program that will be useful to owners of gamepads - TocaEdit Xbox 360 Controller Emulator or, in short, x360ce.

Why is she needed? The fact is that the joysticks sold on Aliexpress unsuitable for modern games. Give them either the original from the Xbox 360 (which is very convenient, by the way), or from the Xbox One. In order for the game to see a non-original one, an emulator program is required that disguises any device with buttons as an xbox.

A contradictory situation arises: the game controller itself works fine, but it cannot be played in modern games. Why manufacturers do this is not clear. You can, of course, buy a normal universal gamepad like CBR CBG 959, but what if you want to deal with what you already have?

This is where the x360ce emulator comes to the rescue. It does not work with all games, it is not always perfect, but there is no better way yet.

x360ce will help:

  • play Dark Souls, the third Witcher and other games with a gamepad that is not initially perceived by the game;
  • play with the steering wheel and pedals in games where there is only support for the xbox gamepad;
  • at the same time adjust the sensitivity of the sticks (levers).

possible problems:

  • in games with Denuvo protection, emulation will not work (there are exceptions);
  • with wireless (bluetooth) devices (the emulator does not support them!);
  • if your gamepad is defined as multiple devices;
  • if your Windows has not been updated for a long time (some software libraries are missing, the error "The specified module was not found" will appear).

emulator won't help:

  • configure the gamepad, which is already defined in the game without any emulator;
  • customize / remap the buttons of the original xbox gamepad;
  • use both original and non-original gamepads;
  • play games where the gamepad is not supported in principle by any (various MMORPGs, for example);
  • connect a joystick from Sony Playstation of any version;
  • use a gamepad in games on the Unity engine.

Read the text above carefully several times. Too often they try to use this software for other purposes.

Where to download x360ce

There are two versions of the emulator of different bitness - 32 and 64. If you have 64-bit Windows, take 64. Otherwise - 32.

The emulator runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. To run necessary.NET Framework 3.5 (Windows 7), .NET Framework 4.6 (Win 8-10), Visual C++ Redistributable for VS2003 and DirectX End-User Runtime. If the specified components are not installed, when you start x360ce, the error "The specified module was not found" will appear and nothing will work!

What is in the x360ce.zip archive:

  1. xinput1_3.dll - a software library for translating DirectInput calls to XInput (these are the protocols of conventional gamepads and from Xbox, respectively).
  2. x360ce.exe - emulator setup program.
  3. x360ce.ini - emulator settings.
  4. x360ce.gdb - a database of ready-made settings for various games.
  5. Dinput8.dll is a software library that improves the emulator in some cases.

Setting up the emulator

1. Unpack archive in a separate folder.

Remember: do not unpack the x360ce.zip archive into the game or system folder with Windows! Anywhere - to the Desktop, My Documents, to a separately created folder, but not to the folder with the game or the system folder. This way you will avoid 99% of problems.

2. Run x360ce.exe as administrator(right click on the joystick icon - "Run as administrator").

At the first start, a settings window will appear, with which you can find ready-made gamepad settings. Unfortunately, the function is useless: completely different gamepads, including branded ones, in the system have the same name "USB Vibration Joystick" or "PC Twin shock", which makes it extremely difficult to find the settings for your device, it's easier to configure with zero. Therefore, in the "New Device Detected..." window, click Cancel.

In the main window of the program there are tabs - Controller 1-4, in which gamepads are configured. The colored squares on these tabs report the connection status:

  • Gray- gamepad is not connected,
  • green- connected and detected correctly,
  • Red- connection error.

Disabling the "Pass Through" option on the Advanced tab will help get rid of the red status.

3. Buttons easy to set up, you just need to understand the principle.

The picture shows a virtual joystick, around it are the settings for binding individual buttons to the real buttons on your gamepad. Just select the item "" in the menu of each button and press the real analogue or turn the stick in the desired direction.

Please note that at the bottom of the window some of the options duplicate each other. The reason is that there are such miserable joysticks, in which the sticks and the D-pad are ordinary buttons instead of axes of movement (Button instead of Axis). Playing them is still a pain!

In the screenshot below, I highlighted in green what is usually configured on normal gamepads, in red - duplicated options for primitive push-buttons, which you most likely do not need.

By the way, there is no need to configure the Guide button - Esc of the keyboard handles its functions.

The settings are saved with the Save button.

4. Adjust stick sensitivity important for a comfortable game. The cheaper the gaming device, the worse the sticks work. You will notice this problem in games where it is important to accurately aim the camera (Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, etc.) - at the slightest deviation of the stick, the camera will start to rotate wildly. You can somehow lower the sensitivity on the Left Thumb and Right Thumb tabs with the Sensitivity parameter :

Adjust as in the screenshot, it will become a little easier to aim.

5. Vibration feedback function works, frankly, so-so. Vibration is configured on the Force Feedback tab by looping through all the options and jerking back and forth to test the "Test Left/Right Motor" sliders.

If the game starts to slow down when you turn on the emulator, the reason is the vibration feedback turned on - uncheck "Enable Force Feedback" and live without feedback, but with high fps.

Setting up x360ce in games

So, the buttons are configured, now you need to enable emulation in games. In older versions of x360ce, you had to copy some files to the game folder, now the emulator does it itself.

If at this stage the configurator crashes with an error, then you not run it as administrator.

1. Go to the Options tab, check the box "Use Init Beep" - then when you start the game, if the emulator was able to start, there will be a sound signal.

2. Game Settings tab, click Add... and select the game executable file. Not a shortcut, not a Steam/Origin icon, but the game's executable file in its folder.

3. The game will appear in the list. Now you need to choose a method of implementation in it.

The x360ce utility uses a very capricious method of replacing the xinput1_*.dll software library. The bottom line is that the xinput1_3.dll file (or xinput1_4.dll, or something else named) is placed in the game folder, the game loads it instead of the original one from the C:\Windows\System32 folder, the emulator starts inside the game, takes the settings and starts according to them to imitate a virtual joystick.

The file name xinput1_*.dll can be different, as well as its bit depth. Therefore, first check the boxes as in the screenshot below:

And click the Save button. New files will appear in the game folder. If this did not happen, you either specified the wrong folder, or the configurator was not run as an administrator.

Then start the game. If the emulator starts successfully, a beep will sound. If any error appears, close and change the settings like this:

Nuance: on 32-bit Windows, 64-bit games will not start, so setting for 64-bit will not help. Proceed to the next step, staying on 32-bit points anyway.

It is not enough to choose the desired bit depth, you need to specify the type of implementation into the game. And here I am absolutely not an assistant to you, the correct setting can only be selected by brute force or by learning from other players. There is also a "Default Settings for Most Popular Games" tab with an online database of settings, but there are not many games there:

With the right choice, the gamepad will work. There is usually no need to make any in-game settings - the game will immediately begin to respond to the buttons.

All you need is to choose the right combination of these checkboxes:

Start from the COM point and go through everything alternately, remembering to press the save settings buttons and restarting the game.

If the emulator is not working

Enumeration of options did not help? Well, it's not destiny. Anything can interfere: an installed antivirus, anti-piracy protection, a game engine, protection against cheaters.

There are also particularly problematic gamepads that seem to be determined by the game without x360ce, but the buttons are reversed. Owners of such wonderful controllers need to contact the manufacturer with the question: "why does your joystick emulate the XInput protocol incorrectly?". The situation is very common, many expensive devices sin with this. And here no emulator will help.

If possible, write in the comments which game (not) you managed to set up and what model of gamepad you have.

Perhaps the first game that I will tell you about will be the already well-known Portal 2. It all started with the fact that the games we played (WoW, WoT) were fed up and I wanted to try something completely new, not a session game, not an MMO RPG, but something where there are not many other players. So to speak, take a break from the chaos that is happening online.

It was difficult to persuade my girlfriend to play something new, so I approached the choice responsibly. At that time, I was just starting to use Steam. This happened after Valve started giving away Left 4 Dead 2 for free on one of the holidays. Here I had to register and install Steam.

So, while browsing the Steam store and various other resources, I stumbled upon Portal 2. The Puzzle genre certainly got me thinking, because puzzle games are usually boring. But after watching a few videos on this game on YouTube, I realized that this is what you need.

I will not write a lot of unnecessary words and describe the gameplay, you yourself can read this, for example, on Wikipedia. I'll just share my emotions with you - this game is a masterpiece and every person who at least somehow considers himself a gamer should play it. This game has brought us a lot of fun, fun, laughter, you can relax in it, and not get tired, as in multiplayer games. But the game does not allow the brain to completely relax either - puzzles do their job.

The game has graphics and physics, which still look good today, because. it was created on the same Sourse engine (like most other games from Valve), it has Russian voice acting, all characters and voices are voiced at the highest level.

Co-op and singleplayer in the game are different both in plot and gameplay. The cooperative plot is a kind of continuation of the singleplayer. And if you come into the game right after the co-op, without going through the solo main storyline, you will get not much less pleasure, because the gameplay compensates for all this.

Also, if you want to play co-op, but your partner does not have a computer and has a couple of gamepads, there is a way out. Portal 2 has official support for Split Screen mode. Simply connect your gamepads, select "Split Screen" from the settings menu and play together on the same screen!

The game also has a custom “Rooms” editor, which makes the gameplay essentially endless, because in Portal 2 there are just a lot of puzzles created by the players.

What I didn't like about the game:

  • To completely immerse yourself in the plot, you must first go through the single-player part.
  • The main cooperative storyline seemed short to me - for 2 days of play. But even this time was enough to enjoy the game.
I don’t particularly remember any more negative points, and the above can hardly be called minuses, rather, they are nit-picking. This game is rightfully called a masterpiece. Other words are redundant here. Just take it and play it. That's all.

P.S. My advice to you is that if you are a fan of pirate games, then you won’t get much pleasure from the game, because you need to switch cards through the console to pass. Therefore - buy this game, discounts in Steam often, or buy a cheap key, it doesn't matter - the game is worth every penny spent on it. At one time, this was the first game I purchased.


The full name of the program is TocaEdit Xbox 360 Controller Emulator, briefly - x360ce.


Modern games are designed for the original gamepads of the Xbox 360/One. Such game controllers use a software protocol to communicate with games. XInput, while many other gamepads are older DirectInput.

The most advanced ones can switch between both standards (look for the mode switch button on the joystick or in the driver settings). For example, the Logitech F710 (pictured below) has a special switch for this.

The price of such a gamepad is about three thousand rubles. There are cheaper models, but what if you already bought a device that does not work with modern games?

There is a way out - use a free program that simulates the Xbox 360 gamepad - x360ce. It translates DInput commands to XInput so that games can "understand" them.


1. If you have an original Xbox controller, wired or wireless, you probably won't need an emulator. Why emulate what already exists?
2. Got an idea to use the emulator to remap the buttons of the original or adjust the sensitivity of the sticks? You can try but no one can give you a guarantee that it will work.
3. Cheap joysticks are not like the original ones from the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Do not expect comfortable aiming and stable operation from them.
4. Unfortunately, the presence of a switch does not guarantee XInput support. For example, on the Logitech Rumblepad 2, the “Mode” button only changes the functions of the cross and sticks, so you can’t do without the TocaEdit Xbox 360 Controller Emulator there.
5. The word "joystick" does not mean exactly the same as "gamepad", but for simplicity I will use both terms.
6. The old version of x360ce works better with games released before 2015, but it is configured differently. For Dark Souls II And Mortal Kombat X it's better to use the old version.
7. With gamepad dualshock for Playstation 4 x360ce is not required to work! No DirectInput - no emulation. There is compatibility with the third “curling iron”, but I don’t have this, so I can’t tell you about the setting.
8. Connected via Bluetooth gamepads like Xiaomi Gamepad and Ipega Classic Gamepad PG-9021 officially not supported(proof from the author of the emulator). But for some, judging by individual reviews on the Internet, everything is OK. So keep it up!

Before you ask questions in the comments about the inoperability of the emulator in some game, read the instructions again and carefully study the article Answers to (almost) all questions are already there!

Setting x360ce

Step 1: download x360ce

There are two versions of x360ce: 32 - And 64 -bit for games of the same bit depth.

The 32-bit Windows operating system only supports 32-bit games; 64-bit runs games and programs of both bit sizes. What is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, I told, it is not necessary to read.

You can find out the bit depth of Windows in the Control Panel - System, line "System Type":

If suddenly your Windows is 32-bit and you want to run 64-bit games like GTA V and Mortal Kombat X, you will have to reinstall Windows. You can use and.

Where to download x360ce:

Select x360ce of the same bitness as your operating system:
32-bit x360ce
64-bit x360ce

Works on Windows 7, 8, 10 and even Vista. Support for outdated XP is not and will not be.

For lovers of everything Russified: x360ce does not exist in Russian! The configurator does not support the Russian language, for this you will have to shovel the source code. On the Internet you can find something on the request "download x360ce in Russian", this is a hoax (possibly a virus)!

Unpack to any folder (it's better to make a separate one specifically for x360ce), connect the gamepad and run the program x360ce(or x360ce_x64) on behalf of the administrator.

How to run the program as administrator: right-click on the program - select "Run as administrator" - if a question appears, click "Yes".

If you start the program with a regular double-click of the mouse, the x360ce settings will not be saved, the files will not be created where they should be.


1. Do not unpack the archive into the game folder! Program x360ce.exe should be in a separate folder, games are added with its help.

2. DO NOT COPY THE EMULATOR FILES TO C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 and other system inside C:\WINDOWS! Forget this idea once and for all! Do not change operating system files! If you have done this, do not ask me to help fix the system, there is no universal instruction for this, except for the advice to reinstall the system clean.

3. If you get an error when starting x360ce.exe "The specified module was not found", you do not have system libraries and a fresh version of the .NET Framework installed, you need to follow all the recommendations from the section

4. Connect game pad before setting(not after running the configurator) and make sure that the drivers for it are installed (you can look in the Device Manager, there should be a device with the model name, "Generic USB Joystick", "USB GAMEPAD" or something similar).

5. The x360ce.exe program is NOT an EMULATOR, but an emulator configurator. It configures the gamepad settings and copies the emulator files (with the .dll extension) to the game folder. Button and stick settings for all games will be common. This is convenient - you do not need to go through all the settings again for each game, just add it in the configurator. However, sometimes you need to manually copy the x360ce.ini file into the game folder, more on that later.

Step 2: Download Gamepad Settings from the Internet

Connect the gamepad to a free USB socket and run the x360ce configurator on behalf of the administrator(as described above). If you run it for the first time, a settings search window will appear:

If another joystick model is connected, the window will reappear. In other cases, you can always download the settings from the Internet in the configurator window on the tab Controller Settings - Most Popular Settings for My Controllers("Most popular settings for my controller"):

Comment: the list in the first run window may be empty, this is a bug. See tab above. Most Popular Settings for My Controllers- there the settings made by the players are loaded normally. Although not all gamepads have settings and not all settings will work for you correctly.

Step 3: Set up a controller connection

Look at the squares located in the titles of the tabs Controller 1, Controller 2, Controller 3 And Controller 4:

x360ce configurator

The square on the gamepad tab reports the connection status in color:

  • Gray- the gamepad is not connected.
  • Green- the gamepad is connected and detected correctly.
  • Red- Problems with the connection of the gamepad.


2. If you have connected several gamepads and need for some reason change their places, close the configurator and open the x360ce.ini file in the folder with it with a regular Notepad. In the "" section, look for lines with numbers and letters after the "=" sign. By changing the values ​​of PAD1 and PAD2, the first and second gamepads will switch tabs. This also helps in the case when the desired device was not on the first tab.

3. If needed combine several gamepads into one, see the settings on the tab Advanced - Combining. Check the box there "Combine this controller" and specify in what order the virtual gamepad should be embedded in the real one. On the tab Options mark the item "Enable Combination" so that the emulator turns on the combination of joysticks into one. This method is also suitable for changing the order of gamepads.

4. Emulate more than four gamepads it is forbidden. This is a limitation of Xinput. I have not seen a single game that works with an xbox gamepad where more than four players are required. If you find one, please let me know.

Step 4: Customize the Buttons, Arrows and Sticks

Thanks to the x360ce emulator, the game thinks that a standard Xbox 360 gamepad is connected, but this is of no use if the virtual buttons are not pressed. You need to specify which button of the real gamepad corresponds to the virtual one.

Most unnamed Chinese gamepads are identified as "Twin Shock", "USB Vibration Joystick", or "Generic USB Joystick". Despite the same name, the location of the buttons and sticks is different, so the settings from the Internet are usually not suitable - the buttons are mixed up in places or completely disabled. So you have to adjust the settings manually. There is nothing difficult in this.

Button customization

To match the buttons of a real joystick and a virtual controller from Xbox 360, open the virtual button menu and press record:

In the photo of the joystick, the custom button will flash red. Press the gamepad button in your hands to make the binding.


Arrows (D-Pad) configured in two ways:

Gamepad Arrow Settings. First we try option 1. If there is no DPad in the menu, we follow option 2 - set up the arrows as regular buttons, choosing Record in each of the four D-Pad items and pressing the up, left, right, down arrows, respectively.

The difference between these two sections is that for gamepads, the arrows can be defined as one DPad button or as several regular ones. In most cases, it is enough to use the first option - select from the menu DPads-PDad 1 (2, 3…), but if there is no such item, specify in the D-Pad the value empty(blank), then configure as normal buttons in the section under the number "2".


With analog sticks (Stick) a little more complicated than with buttons and arrows. After pressing record move them in the direction the program asks:

Frequent problems which you may encounter when using both cheap gamepads from unnamed manufacturers (such as "Twin Shock"), and expensive Logitech, Thrustmaster, Genius and others:

1. Some gamepads do not have an analog stick sensor. The degree of deviation of the levers is not tracked, they work like buttons when deflected. If you hear a click when tilting the sticks, this is your case. You will have to adjust the items below, as in option 2 with arrows in the previous picture. It is impossible to aim with sticks on such gamepads. With triggers, the same trouble - it will not work to change the speed of walking / driving.

2. If sticks duplicate XYBA buttons, look for the button on the gamepad " mode". This happens even on branded gamepads - sticks can work in two modes: as duplicate buttons and in analog (correct) mode. Button mode will switch them to normal mode. It can also be configured in the software that comes with the gamepad, in the driver settings.

3. Multiple sticks can share the same axis. If the camera moves diagonally in the game and/or the character starts walking, you will have to iterate over the *Axis* values ​​in the x360ce settings in order for everything to work correctly.

4. It happens that the stick sensors on the board turned. To compensate for the engineer's oversight, the developers use a hack in the drivers, programmatically "reversing" the tilt readings so that moving the stick, for example, up, becomes really pushing the stick up, and not left or right. I recommend changing such a gamepad to a normal one, because they rarely manage to be configured correctly.

1. All buttons in the x360ce window do not need to be configured.

a) Often there is not enough button for the Guide function - it's okay, you can press Esc keyboards.

b) If you have the correct analog sticks, the lower settings section is not needed:

2. Adjust vibration feedback. This will give you the opportunity to better feel what is happening in the game. If your gamepad has vibration motors, go to the tab Force Feedback:

  • Enable force feedback- if the checkbox is checked, then vibration feedback is allowed.
  • Swap motor- no idea what it affects. I have two vibration motors in the gamepad and this item not swaps them virtually.
  • (1) - type of vibration motor (if vibration feedback is weak or absent, you can go through the items of this menu, each time pulling test sliders 3 and 4 back and forth).
  • (2) - the strength of the recoil effect. The higher the value, the more the controller vibrates in your hands.
  • (3) And (4) - sliders for testing motors.
  • What does it affect motor period, I don't know. I will be glad if someone will prompt.
  • Left And right motor- left and right vibration motors. In gamepads, only one motor can work or not at all. One of them may turn out to be weaker than the other, so the manufacturer “expands” the possible force of vibration feedback, giving one motor a powerful vibration, the other a weak one.

Cheap gamepads with vibration feedback have problems:

1. Without installing the drivers that come with the kit, "vibro" may not work. But even with them, the vibration feedback function does not always work. Then try installing the "USB Network Joystick" driver, according to the reviews of my readers - it helps. Unfortunately, the name of the gamepads will change in the system and the buttons in the emulator will have to be reconfigured.

2. Glitches come with vibration feedback. It happens that when implementing an emulator the game starts to slow down, fps drops to almost zero (as in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4), at worst - with a gamepad connected, the game will take off with an error. Try other drivers or disable vibration (uncheck " Enable Force Feedback").

This is not an x360ce issue, the gamepad driver developers are to blame. If you encounter the above problems, uncheck the " Enable force feedback"Uninstall drivers via Control Panel - Programs and Features the program that was installed from the disk or the website of the gamepad manufacturer, play without vibration feedback.

If anyone can tell me how to set up vibration feedback for PC Twin Shock, Speedlink Strike 2 and others so that everything works without problems, I will add the solution to the instructions. There are drivers that work perfectly on individual models, I have not seen a universal one.

3. Reduce the sensitivity of the sticks, if the camera is too sensitive and / or instead of walking, your character breaks into a run. The setting greatly simplifies aiming:

Perhaps the most useful innovation in x360ce version 3.*, which made it possible to play games normally on low-quality joysticks. Versions x360ce and older did not have this setting.

…adjusting stick sensitivity won't help much. You cannot programmatically fix a gamepad sensor that is too sensitive, for which the half-distance deviation is equal to the maximum possible deviation in the original one. The problem is solved by replacing the gamepad or soldering the sensor to a less sensitive one.

4. Adjust the dead zones, if during games the camera pulls to the side or twitches by itself.

The fact is that on cheap gamepads, the sticks are too sensitive and “mow” to the side. Increase the value " Dead Zone” on the Left Thumb and Right Thumb tabs. Usually a couple of percent is enough to get everything back to normal.

Putting the x360ce into the game

Now that you've set up your x360ce controller, you need to embed the x360ce into your game. Fortunately, the new version of x360ce has made this process much easier. Now no need to copy emulator files gamepad to the folder of each game, just specify the path to the game and The configurator will do everything by itself.

Step 1: Find the game folder

You need to find the game's executable file in order to specify it in the configurator.

Possible locations of the game folder if you have licensed games from Steam:

C:\Program files\Steam\steamapps\common\game_name

C:\Program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\game_name

If you are using Origin(for example, games from the Battlefield, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed series):

C:\Program Files\Origin games\game_name

C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin games\game_name

Attention! Many games from Origin use copy protection (for example, Denuvo), they block the x360ce from working. There are fewer of them on Steam.

Games honestly bought on the site GOG.com, many indie and simply pirated (to be honest) will almost always be in folders C:\Program Files\game_name And C:\Program Files (x86)\game_name.

An easy way to find out the folder where the executable is stored: right-click on the game's shortcut on the desktop and select the item in the menu that opens "File location".

Step 2: Find out the bit depth of the game

Many games released after 2014 are 64-bit. The game will not run on 32-bit versions of Windows. Most often, in the description of the game, in the "System Requirements" section, they write this - a 64-bit version of Windows is required.

Why it matters: 32-bit and 64-bit games require different x360ce settings. Otherwise, the gamepad simply will not be detected by the game or the game will stop running altogether.

How to find out the bitness of the game: start the game, minimize and click Ctrl+Shift+Esc- Task Manager will open, go to the tab Processes- if in the first column the executable file of the game contains the addition " * 32 ” (in Windows 8 it is written: “ 32 bits"), the game is 32-bit.

In Windows 10, unfortunately, bit depth is not visible. In the instructions for Sleeping Dogs, I talked about a way to determine the bit depth of a game through the VirusTotal online service.

Step 3: how to add a game in the configurator

1. With the button " Add» add a game (choose an executable .exe game file).

2. We put the necessary checkboxes. Which ones - see the screenshot below and do not forget that I spoke about bit depth.

3. Save with the button Save«.

4. If the button appears Synchronize settings“Press too.

Let's play!

1. As is clear from the names of the lines for the checkboxes, it is necessary to mark either 64-bit or 32-bit options, depending on the bit depth of the game. 32 and 64 cannot be set at the same time! It is possible to celebrate all checkboxes vertically, but you cannot use 32 and 64 bits at the same time - at best, the game will not “see” the gamepad, at worst, it will not be able to start.

2. If the game still does not see the gamepad, check the LL, DI, PIDVID, NAME and others of this group. In order not to try at random, look for the game in the compatibility list - for a number of games it indicates which checkboxes to put.

3. Tab Default Settings for Most Popular Games You can see the settings of the most popular games. Unfortunately, they are not always correct, but in the future, I hope this will be corrected.

4. Above the button Reset to Default” (“Return to original settings”) button may appear. Synchronize Settings", designed to fix configuration conflicts. Click it if it appears. If files of a different x360ce version were created in the game folder, you can use it to update them.

If x360ce doesn't work

You need to understand that there are a lot of gamepad models, x360ce does not work with everyone. The human factor cannot be ruled out either - you could be mistaken. Be careful reading the following text - there are answers to most questions.

Witcher 3 and other modern games

In the third Witcher, the x360ce emulator works fine, but you need to copy the x360ce.ini settings file to the game folder. Here are the checkboxes you should put:

The game is 64-bit, so use !

Be sure to copy the settings file x360ce.ini, which is stored in the x360ce config folder. It will turn out like this:

The x360ce files are copied to the game folder. x360ce.ini is copied manually, the xinput1_3.dll file is copied by the configurator, because you ticked "64-bit v1.3".

It seems to me that this is a mistake of the developers of the emulator. The settings should be picked up from the x360ce.xml file located in the user folder (to open it, on the tab Options click Open Settings Folder). It doesn't happen, but thankfully copying the settings to the game folder helps.

Do the same with the rest of the games that, after setting up, do not see the gamepad - copy this file to the folder.

Dark Souls 3 (and some other games)

The port from the consoles of the game Dark Souls III I can characterize with a word "strange".

Keyboard and mouse control is very inconvenient. Especially on the menu. Game hints are designed for the gamepad, as if the developers believe that every Dark Souls fan has an Xbox gamepad at hand.

The developers (or the publisher?) were careless about the porting issue, but it turned out better than the one, where there is no normal management, no content, no optimization at all.

The x360ce emulator with the game works correctly with the basic settings for a 64-bit game:

For convenience, you can download the archive with my settings so as not to make a mistake with the version: x360ce_dark_souls_3.zip

Two nuances:

  1. Do not unzip the archive into the game folder! The emulator of this version should be in a separate folder, all settings - through the tab game settings. I talked about this above.
  2. After setting up to add Dark SoulsIII.exe to the list of games of the x360ce configurator and setting the checkbox "64-bit v1.3", close the emulator configurator and copy the file x360ce.ini to a folder Game games (there is Dark SoulsIII.exe). Make sure the file is there xinput1_3.dll.

Then the game will start and the joystick will work normally, including the sticks and arrows.

If the sound beep"when starting Dark Souls 3 (and any game in general) eat, but buttons do not respond (did you set them up?), check the box COM in Game Settings, on the tab Options- jackdaws on Enable Combine, Exclude Supplemental Devices And Enable XInput(The last option should always be on any game).

Portal 2, Half-Life 2 and some other games from Valve

Thanks to reader Dmitry for the question!

Portal 2 and a number of other games from Valve have one caveat. Set up the emulator as usual:

Configuring x360ce for Portal 2

Since the game loads all *.dll files not from its own directory, but from a subdirectory bin, copy there (to / bin) the file created by the emulator xinput1_3.dll and file x360ce.ini from the x360ce.exe configurator folder. Gamepad in Portal 2 will work!

The game does not see the gamepad

In x360ce check tab Options- there should be checkboxes on the points Enable XInput And Use Init Beep. The first item includes the actual emulation of the Xbox 360 controller, the second includes the playback of the “beep” sound when the game is turned on. A beep will indicate that the x360ce has "hooked up" to the game to emulate a gaming device.

So if there is a “beep” sound, but the gamepad does not see the game, the problem is in the game itself and this cannot be fixed.

If NOT hear - double-check if there are files in the folder with the game xinput…. If they are not there, then you made a mistake when setting it up. If there are files, the game connects to the gamepad in a non-standard way or other versions of the xinput libraries are required (read Step 3 and check the boxes).


1. Close x360ce configurator after configuration! Simultaneously launched configurator and game conflict.

2. Copy to the folder with the game x360ce.ini, which I talked about in the previous chapter using the example of the third Witcher.

3. Check a million times that there are jackdaws on the libraries of the required bit depth.

4. Make sure that in the folder with the executable file of the game there are files with the word xinput.

5. If you have a 2017 or newer game (FIFA 2017), you need the file xinput1_4.dll. You can create it by copying any existing xinput*.dll file such as xinput1_3.dll and naming it xinput1_4.dll. If you have filename extensions disabled, you will not see .dll in the name, you just need to rename the copy of xinput* to xinput1_4.

6. Run the game by changing the value in the list hook mode tab Options. Hook Mode - a way to introduce an emulator into a game, different games have their own approach.

7. Install the default gamepad driver. Remove the plug from the USB socket, remove it using Control Panel - Programs and Features the program that was installed from the disk or the gamepad manufacturer's website, insert the gamepad again. The standard "HID Compliant Device" (or "HID Compliant Game Controller") driver will be installed.

8. If the standard driver already stood - put for the gamepad. There's no such thing? Ask the technical support of the gamepad manufacturer.

9. Try old versions of the emulator (see old). New x360ce versions work with modern games (GTA V) but may prevent older games from running. By the way, with Mortal Kombat X version is not compatible, another version is needed -

10. Check the checkbox Exclude Supplemental Devices tab options.

What games does the emulator not work with?

1. The emulator does not work with games that have a game engine unity engine. Usually these are indie games, including platformers, which are simply mega-convenient to play on a gamepad. Alas, the Unity engine uses the original way to connect to Xbox gamepads, not through xinput*.dll files. Solution - use a keyboard and mouse press emulator

Partial list of games on Unity:

7 Days to Die
A Valley Without Wind
Among the Sleep
Angry Birds Epic
ARMA Tactics
bad piggies
Battlestar Galactica Online
Blitzkrieg 3
Cartoon Network Universe: Fusion Fall
castle story
Cities in Motion 2
Cities: Skylines
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller
dead effect
Dead Frontier
Dead Trigger
Dead Trigger 2
Deus Ex: The Fall
DJMax Technika Q
Dread Out
Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey
Earthlock: Festival of Magic
Electronic Super Joy
Endless Legend
Endless Space
English Country Tune
escape plan
Exogenesis: Perils of Rebirth
Family Guy Online
firefly online
Folk Tale
Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms
Ghost of a Tale
Gone Home
goo ball
Grow Home
Guns and Robots
Guns of Icarus Online
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Hero of Many
I Am Player
Interstellar Marines
Isabelle Dance Studio
Jungle Rumble
Kentucky Route Zero
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty: Legions
Legend of Dungeon
Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded
lifeless planet
Max & the Magic Marker
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
MechWarrior Tactics
Mega Dead Pixel
Might & Magic X: Legacy
Monkey Quest
Monument Valley
Never Alone
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty!
Off Road Velociraptor Safari
Organ Trail: Director's Cut
Ori and the Blind Forest
Pillars of Eternity
Plague Inc: Evolved
Prime World
Project Phoenix
Ravensword 2: Shadowlands
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition
Shadow Blade: Reload
Shadowrun Returns
Slender: The Arrival
Slender: The Eight Pages
Space Hulk
Surgeon Simulator 2013
temple run
Temple Run 2
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
The Bridge
The Dark Eye: Blackguards
The Forest
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark
The novelist
The Room
The Room Two
The World Ends With You: Solo Remix
Thomas Was Alone
Three Kingdoms Online
Triple Town
Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta
Victory at Sea
Wasteland 2
World Series of Poker: Full House Pro

South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Tales of Berseria
Dead Rising 4
Watch Dogs 2
planet coaster
Handball 17
Yesterday Origins
dragon front
Football Manager 2017
Moto Racer 4
Golfzon Driving Range
Rock Band VR
Titanfall 2
Just Dance 2017
Battlefield 1
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017
Champions of Anteria
Damaged Core
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
God Eater Resurrection
Fernbus Simulator
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
F1 2016
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst
Edge of Nowhere
Total War: Warhammer
Homefront: The Revolution
Eve: Gunjack
Need for Speed
Far Cry Primal
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Just Cause 3
Star Wars: Battlefront
Might & Magic Heroes VII
Mad Max
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Batman: Arkham Knight
Battlefield: Hardline
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Lords of the Fallen

But there are exceptions. A reader with the nickname Doom shared a screenshot of the settings in which the emulator worked with the Dishonored 2 game:

It shows that the settings are, in general, standard: checkboxes for COM and 64-bit software libraries. Do not forget to run the configurator as an administrator so that the necessary files appear in the game folder.

If the 360ce configurator does not see the gamepad

1. Connect the gamepad directly to your computer. If connected via an extension cable or hub, the gamepad may not work.

2. As I wrote above, the joystick has three statuses - gray (not recognized at all), red (connection problems), green (everything is OK). It looks like this:

From the red square, unchecking the item helps Advanced - Pass Through. Does not help - check the box Options - Exclude Supplemental Devices. If it still doesn't help, go to Control Panel - Devices and Printers- right click on gamepad - Game controller settings - Properties:

The window is created by the gamepad driver, so it looks different for everyone. There you can calibrate the sticks, if they are not installed in the center, adjust the force of vibration feedback. So, if this window closes with an error, you are out of luck - there is a problem with the driver and you need to look for another one, otherwise the gamepad will not work through the emulator. If the settings window opened without errors, pressing OK will tell the driver that everything is in order now, the square will change to green, the gamepad will work. If this does not help, look for another driver or install the standard one.

3. Play both original and unoriginal Gamepads probably won't work. Despite the fact that the latest versions define the original, the program was not created for this.

If errors appear when starting the game or x360ce

When starting the game or the configurator, errors may appear, such as a message about the absence of xinput1_3.dll. There are several reasons:

1. The bitness of the emulator files does not match the bitness of the game. You cannot emulate a gamepad in a 64-bit game with a 32-bit xinput1_3.dll file and vice versa!

2. If the game slows down when implementing emulation, Vibration is to blame. Tab "Force Feedback"- uncheck "Enable Force Feedback". If it helped, say thanks to the developers of the gamepad driver for the "quality". You can try to download and install the "USB Network Joystick" driver, but you will have to reconfigure the gamepads because their system names will change.

3. Throw the file dinput8.dll into the folder with the game. This is a stub so that the gamepad is not recognized through the DirectInput protocol. It doesn't always work, but you can try. The file name can be either dinput8.dll or dinput.dll.

4. For some reason, you copied the xinput file to the Windows folder. If it really did, my condolences to you. Google "windows file recovery" and follow the instructions. If you installed all sorts of "DirectX10-12" from the "left" sites (not from the Microsoft site), this may also be the reason. The solution is similar.

5. Run the game as an administrator. May I help.

6. Remove x360ce settings by erasing folder contents "c:\ProgramData\X360CE\".

7. Do not run x360ce from the archive! Did you read the instructions carefully? Read again.

8. Install two Microsoft Visual C++ software libraries (they can be installed, then select reinstall in the installer window), it helps with the error "Missing file msvcr120.dll":

9. The program also requires the .NET Framework. It will not be superfluous to download and (re)install if errors appear when starting x360ce "Exception!" "The specified module was not found", "System.InvalidOperationException", "Unable to create temporary class", "Error CS0012" and others:

12. Protection against cheating and hacking interferes. There is no solution to this problem! Sometimes publishers go too far, introducing Denuvo and other things into games, because of which the emulator simply cannot load. I repeat - there is no solution. If the game has Denuvo anti-piracy protection or similar, the gamepad emulator will work will not. Still, x360ce is a hack, an interference with the game, no one guarantees the success of its work.

13. If the error "Missing file MSVCP120.dll" you need to delete the files "C:\Windows\System32\msvcp100.dll" and "C:\Windows\System32\D3DX9_43.dll", then update DirectX and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security. The method is not mine, I took it from here.

If the tips did not help, it's not your destiny to use the emulator in the game. Uncheck 32-bit and 64-bit in the emulator settings on the tab Game Settings - My Game Settings - your game and click the "Synchronize Settings" button. This will remove the xinput*.dll emulator files from the game folder and everything will work as before.

Error "Exception!" when starting x360ce

Due to the flow of questions about a single problem, although there is a solution above, I made a separate chapter.

If the Exception! and the text "System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1)...", just update the .NET Framework and re-read the previous chapter.

If you do not have the latest version of the .NET Framework installed, there are no Visual C ++ libraries, then not only x360ce.exe will not start for you, but also many other programs and games!

Summing up

Once you set up the buttons, you can add the emulator to almost all games where there is support for a real Xbox 360 gamepad. There is nothing difficult in this, but, unfortunately, everything does not always work as it should, vibration feedback and the direction of movement of the sticks are especially problematic. Thank those who develop crooked drivers and introduce overly aggressive protection into games.

Please don’t write to me on Vkontakte personal phrases like “Hello, help me”, “Hey, give me the settings for the game XXX” and the like.
First, it's not polite. Secondly, I'm not an emulator developer, I don't know all its nuances. Thirdly, I don't have your gamepad model and, most likely, such a game. Buy me the same gamepad and this game - I'll see what can be done in your case, otherwise nothing.

If you carefully read the instructions, you are sure that the game does not use Denuvo protection and should definitely use xinput * .dll files (how to determine this is written in), write in the comments:

  • Name of the game.
  • Her rank.
  • Is there a “beep” sound at startup (when the “Use init beep” checkbox is checked).
  • gamepad model.
  • The version of the installed operating system, its bit depth.

I do not promise that I will help you with the game. But, maybe, there is a reader who succeeded with this game and he will share his settings, which, maybe will suit you too.

And in order not to wait for the weather by the sea, try the free program. Instead of emulating a joystick, it will press the keyboard buttons and move the mouse as if you are playing with a keyboard mouse, while a gamepad is in your hands.

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