Primaka Lur Module in Pokemon Go: All kinds of Lure Modules. Baits in Pokemon Go: Not working on LURE MODULE application features

In the game Pokemon GO monster can not only be sought in their habitats, but also to lure. Prima Lure Module allows at a certain time to attract the characters of the game to a specific place (half-wind). And not only the player who installed the module, but any other participant of the game, will be able to catch Pokemon, but also any other participant in the game. We'll figure it out how to properly use Lure Module in Pokemon GO.

To catch the Pokemon, the player in Pokemon Go has to make a lot of effort, "wrapping kilometers" in the city. But starting from the fifth level, new opportunities appear. Players can use things that attract Pokemon. They are in the game Pokemon Go Two - incense and the Lure Module (Lure Module). We will figure it out how to use them.

When can I use?

Newbies only entered the game Pokemon Go, there are few opportunities. But as experience gained, new horizons are opening. Starting from the fifth level can be used to lure incense monster. But to start using Lure Module you need to reach at least eighth level.

Tip! The use of attracting Pokemon Module - Lure Module allows you to attract not only ordinary, but also enough rare monsters, so you should not neglece.

Where to get?

The player can get lubricating modules as a prize when switching to the next level. In addition, it is possible to purchase this thing in the store. But for the purchase you need Pokemonets - Gaming currency.

How do you act?

Ladan and Lure Module have a general principle of "impact" on the monster, but the principle of use is different.

  • Incense can be scattered anywhere. This species attracts Pokemon to the player himself, which they used.
  • But the modular bait must be installed only at the poker. Moreover, use the fact that Pokemon "go on the smell" can any player at this point in this place.

Therefore, it makes sense to cooperate with friends, so that in turn to install the modules attracting the modules and the entire company to catch rare monsters.

Consider that the time of the bait is not infinite. Both options act for half an hour, so you need to be attentive and not yawning. The first pokemon attracted by the module appear by about 2-3 minutes.

So, in Pokemon Go, you can not only track the monster, but also to lure them. But this possibility will appear not immediately, but when moving to the fifth and higher levels. The baits can be obtained, both as a prize, and purchase for the game currency, which, in turn, you can spend real money.

And for a short time increases the revival of Pokemon in the district. This consumage is bought only through an in-game store, so that it is not possible to snaffle it in any other way, except as a reward for increasing the level, is not possible.

Juza Lurur (Lure Module) in a simple way

If on the game map you saw the hurried pink pollen, then be sure that it is under the lurisa, since unlike Ladan (), flash drives (Lure Module) work for all players in the district. The duration of the bait is exactly 30 minutes, so first prepare before luring, since the suspension buttons or the cancellation of this Buff will not be. Therefore, the easiest way to spend the lurisa to nowhere is going to the nearest half-pickup alone, where in far from the most comfortable conditions, the unsuccessful coach will wink the circles around the lurry in the hope of valuable drop.

Advanced manual for farm under the luris

In fact, the share with lur modules must be carefully planned. Since we need a lot of flash drives (Lure Module), it makes sense to order in bulk at once 8 pieces for 680 coins, which will save us as many as 120 coins, if you retail. Together with you must be comrades or hollows. Support group, let's call it so, likewise purchasing to you the same set of bait and is waiting for further orders. Your task is not to click the nose, aimlessly wanted around the area in search of a suitable cluster of the half-windows, but to use custom cards, which have long been marked by all sobs and areas of the resk very rare pokemon. It is necessary to find such a place where in a radius of 50 meters from key beaches, there will be at least two "drifts" - no longer needed. Next, you throw off geolocation with the estimated place of the farm of your cavalry and are heading to the planned place.

How to extend the holiday of "pink petals"?

Many advise, they say they just clog everything and just wait until Pokémon will join you in a backpack. In practice, there are enough three-barked spots, which, in the predefined order, will be updated with flash drives immediately after the expiration of the previous lurry. Such images, PDD, farm from such a prolongation, not to decrease at all, and even on the contrary, it will increase at times, because instead of 30 minutes, you will have as many as 120. Another important advantage of the alternate activation of the lurura instead of mass etching is that the game, which is And so suffers from permanent server-paints, it will now hang less, eliminating you from downtime in the respauna mobs, as the result of any lag.

Updating the window "Near" (Nearby) under the lurra, as a method of farm rare mobs

How lucky will it be such a relatively not cheap boost? It all depends on the location of the poles, because it happens that the cafes for fishing come across in a convenient cafe or park, so pay attention primarily to the next embankments and green zones. Another important feature is not to keep the game active all the time, and over again to go into the game with an interval of 3-5 minutes. Such a "refresh" is made in order to get the most valuable mobs, and not to score pockets with all sorts of pyndes with sediments, since manual update automatically recesses the rep to weaker mobs, providing you with the right to choose the target Pokemon. So try to reboot, not sit down, because it is possible to count on a stable response, at least once every 3 minutes, and not 5, as in sitting mode.

Walk so walking: maximization of experience and pharmacies with game functionality

If the fun has already gone, then why not raise several levels while there is such a massive lure? They will help us in this, which, unlike Luber, fall from the half-windows. Again, it will be much easier to buy, and there will be 2 eggs on the coach. We remind you that Lucky Eggs is a purely individual buff, which double the experience in the game. Thus, for the capture of a new "pronounced" lurue (Lure Module), you will receive 1200+ experience, depending on the type of throw, which you capture the Pokemon. In default, even tobatts will give 200+ exp with, so look in the situation. Another interesting exploit associated with the eggs is that the list of mass pharmacies are included on the mass pharmacies on the mass cheap in the mob in the upgrade, the amount of at least 20 pieces. Depending on the game level, a sufficient number of any rattat and species can accumulate in the backpack, which in the evave take 12-25 candies. Our task, after activating a happy egg, to conduct an evolution, having doubled the prize experience, and all the remaining time to spend on the farm of new Pokemon under the luris. Thus, it is possible to update the collection in the sectoix and raise a pair of levels, so use.

Gaining popularity at the moment in a very fast pace. You can make friends with other players by placing a LURE-module on the beat, so everyone can take advantage of their advantages.

See also: And why it is needed.

Perhaps you noticed that some wilderness look like something around what the confetti floats. This means that someone put a LURE-module there to attract Pokemon. If you wanted to put a LURE-module in the beach, but noticed that it is inactive in your bag inventory, read a small manual about how to put and use the Lure module in Pokemon Go.

How long does the LURE-module operate in Pokemon GO?

Always remember that the Lure module acts within 30 minutes after its placement. So, if you wanted to play for 5-10 minutes and decided to put the module, you should not do this.

How do you know LURE modules in Pokemon Go?

How to put a lure module in Pokemon GO?

Remember that the Lure module is the same bait, but affects the beat completely, attracts Pokemon to him and giving the opportunity to use it and its effect to any coach.

To deliver the LURE-module, follow these steps:

How to get a Lure module in Pokemon Go?

In fact, get a LURE-module in Pokemon GO is not very difficult, they are often given to raise the level of the coach or visiting the poorest. But if all the modules are over and you really need them, you can take advantage of their purchase in the store for Pokemonets.

How to use Lure module? Do you already know what you need Pokmesov stops (Pockestop)? You can get bonuses, various chips around the clock, but it's not all. In more detail about reading in a separate article. They can serve to use special components that attract pokemon to the pokes. If you have not heard about modules - it is not surprising, the players do not often see them often, and they are worthy of decent money. Some are given for improving the level of the coach - Incense. Others are more rare and allow them only for raising several levels. Basically, players acquire them for real money by exchanging on Pockecoins (Poekooffs), internal game currency. One such thing can be bought for 100 coins, and 8 pieces already for 680.

Poker with an activated Lure module

Features Lure modules (bait).

This component is activated by half-windows and the result of its activation can see and use all players, other baits can be included at least at home, then all pokemon will only get you. Lure has a collective game and activated only on the heels, in public places. At the moment of activation, the beat begins to erupt the fireworks in all directions. So do not notice it difficult.

Activating LUR bait, you make love to a specific half-pickup ( even rare) Pokemon. Each of the players in the neighborhood also gets the opportunity to take advantage of your bait, but the conflict of interest does not occur !!! Each coach sees his pokemon.

Therefore, it is so profitable to be in some park like the VDNH, or in the China city. There, every minute someone activates the Lur module and all around just sit and swing their characters.

How to use Lure module.

It is easy enough to run it, go to your inventory, place a component on the poker cell. Be prepared to stay in place within 30 minutes, one module is working so much. There is a high chance to get a rare pokemon, it can come immediately, or maybe by 29 minutes, so use this item with the mind when you can completely surrender to the gameplay.

I strongly recommend in advance to reapproaches (balls), because It will be a shame if they end with you in the most responsible moment. Personally, before activating LUR bait, throw away everything more superfluous from the inventory (even aid kits).

Translated from the English "Lure Module" means "the module of the bait" and immediately becomes clear for what it is needed, of course, to lure Pokemon, so as not to wear throughout the terrain, but look forward to the pocket monsters themselves come to you. let's consider how to activate Lure ModuleAnd then use in the game Pokemon GO.

It must be remembered that the Lur module does not work as a simple bait, that is, it can not be used where you stuck in the head. Lure Module must be installed only on the beach. But from this, too, you can get a plus if you get together with your friends. This kind of bait acts within 30 minutes, but if each of your friends take turns to activate the LURE-module, then in total your team will have an order of magnitude longer, and, accordingly, it will be an order of magnitude more.

To activate your Lure Module in the game Pokemon Go:

  • go to "Items" and check it out (if necessary, you can buy it)
  • find a half and press him
  • next, click on the Lure module on the beach

If the beautiful effect of the movement of petals is observed around the bearer, then the module is activated and you can safely burn your pokemon to catch them safely.

By the way, if you have (a happy egg), then by activating it during the bait module, you will double your experience from catching Pokemon.

How to use Lure Module in Pokemon Go

Well, how to activate Lure Module, we wrote above. Just choose it in your inventory (if there is no, then you will have to buy) and place on the beach. 30 minutes actions.

Remember that using the bait module is better if you have your team nearby.

Pokemon activity will end simultaneously with the end of the module.

If you want to buy it, the pleasure is not from cheap, cost 100, and this is another reason not to use it alone, but to get a maximum of this tool.

How to activate Lure Module in Pokemon GO and usehttps: //syt/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/lure-module-pokemon-go.jpg.https: //syt/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/lure-module-pokemon-go-150x150.jpg 2016-07-23T20: 26: 10 + 03: 00 PokemongoManual

Translated from the English "Lure Module" means "module of the bait" and immediately becomes clear for what it is needed, of course, to lure Pokemon, so as not to wear throughout the terrain, but look forward to the pocket monsters themselves come to you. Let's look at how to activate LURE MODULE, and then use ...

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