In which city was Gordon Freeman born. Researcher at 'Black Mesa'. Alix Vance and the gravity gun

The inhabitants inhabiting it.

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    Translator: Sergey Menis Editor: Vera R I will share with you the success of my University of Maryland, Baltimore County campus (IUB) in teaching students a variety of disciplines ranging from liberal arts to science and engineering. The highlight of this story is that we were able to learn a lot from students who often do not reach special heights in the scientific environment - from black students, there are fewer of them in certain sciences. The uniqueness of this story is that we have learned to help African and Latin American students, as well as students from low-income families, become leaders in natural and engineering disciplines. I will begin my story with a story from my childhood. We are all products of our childhood. It's hard to imagine that it's been 50 years since I was a ninth grader in Birmingham, Alabama, I loved getting 5's, I loved math, reading, I loved to tell the teacher who asked us ten problems: "Ask us ten more." ... And the whole class was shouting, "Freeman, shut up." Every day, I was kicked. I constantly wondered: "How to instill in these children a love of learning?" Once, in church, when I did not want to be there again, but occupied myself with math problems, sitting in the last row, I heard someone say: “If we convince the children to participate in this peaceful demonstration, here in Birmingham, then show America that even children can tell good from bad and these children really want to get a better education. " I asked: "Who is this person?" They replied that his name was Martin Luther King. I told my parents that I have to go, that I want to participate in this. They answered: "Definitely not!" (Laughter) It was a difficult situation. To be honest, at that time it was not customary to argue with parents. But, I still said: “You are hypocrites! You took me with you. They made me listen to everything. He says - let's go, but you say - no! ". All night they thought and in the morning, without sleeping all night, praying, crying and reasoning, they came to my room. Asking ourselves the question: "Will we allow our 12-year-old son to participate in this demonstration and go to prison?" They decided to let me go to the demonstration. When I was told this, initially, I was jubilant, but when I thought about dogs and water hoses I got very scared. I often tell people about this that if you do a brave act does not mean that you are brave, but that means that you believe that it is important. I wanted a good education. I didn't want to read someone else's used books. I wanted to know that my school not only has good teachers, but also adequate resources for teaching. I remember when, in the middle of the week, while I was in prison, Dr. King came with our parents and said, "What you are doing today will change the lives of children who have not even been born yet." Two-thirds of Americans today are not even born then, in 1963. When they hear about a children's trip to Birmingham or watch it on TV, it’s just a story, just like the Lincoln movie about the events of 1863. And yet, what lesson have we learned from this? The most important thing to me is this: children can be encouraged to feel in control of their own education. They can be taught to have a passion for learning and a love of asking questions. This is especially important because my university, the University of Maryland, in Baltimore County, UMBC, was founded the same year I was imprisoned with Dr. King, 1963. The founding of this institution is very important, because Maryland is, as you know, South, this is the first university in our state, founded at a time when students of all races could enroll there. We have blacks, whites and students of other races. For 50 years, this has been an experiment. The essence of the experiment: can there be educational institutions in our country where people of different origins will gather and study, work together and support each other, eventually becoming leaders? This experience is important for me, because we realized that we can change a lot in art, humanities and social sciences. We've been working on this since the 60s. We have trained many from lawyers to humanities. We have trained great artists. Beckett is our muse. Many of our students perform in the theater. This is a great job. The problem we and all of America face is that students do not do well in science and engineering, and black students do not do well. After looking at the statistics, we realized that students in general, in large numbers, are not doing well. As a result, first of all, we decided to help African and Latin American students in the most deplorable situation. The philanthropists Robert and Jane Mayrhoff said, "We want to help." Robert Mayrhoff said - “Why is everything that is shown on TV about black boys, besides basketball, negative? I want to somehow change this, I want to take a positive step. " We combined these ideas and created the Mayrhoff Scholarship. This program is significant in view of several important discoveries. And the bottom line is this: How did it happen that, in this country, we teach a large proportion of African-Americans candidates of exact and engineering sciences, as well as doctors of medicine? It is very important! Your applause. It is very important. It is very important. Truth. (Applause) Many people fail to realize that it is not only minorities who fail in science and engineering. Americans are not doing well. Only 20% of African and Latino Americans who enroll in science and engineering will receive a degree in these areas. And only 32% of whites, and 42% of Asian Americans, will receive their degrees. The obvious question is "What is hindering them?" Part of the problem is secondary school education. We need to strengthen the school curriculum. But the other side of the problem is the culture of science on our campuses. Not everyone knows that many students with high SAT scores and a large number of pre-enrolled teaching hours in the most prestigious educational institutions go to engineering and medical faculties, but eventually change direction. This is because they have poor grades in their first year. In America, first-year science and engineering classes are what we call qualifying or obstructive. How many of you in this audience know someone who started out as an engineer or doctor, but changed their profile after their first or second year? This is an American problem. This is half of this audience. Yes I know. Still, it's interesting that we have a lot of smart students and they can learn. We must find ways to help them. What four principles have we adopted to help minorities that are relevant to all students in general? The first is high hopes. It is necessary to treat with understanding the academic preparation of students, their grades, the intensity of the educational program, the ability to pass exams, the mood, the enthusiasm in their hearts, the desire to work and be successful. It is very important to prepare them for this role. It is equally important to let them know that only work will help them achieve this. It doesn't matter to me how smart you are or how smart you think you are. Smart means you are ready to learn. You are happy with your studies and want to ask questions. Isidore Isaac Rabi, the Nobel laureate, said that when he was growing up in New York, the parents of his friends asked them, "What did you learn in school today?" And his Jewish mother asked: "Izzy, did you ask good questions today?" High hopes lie in curiosity and encouraging young people to be curious. As a result of these high hopes, we found the students we wanted to work with and figured out how we can help them not only survive studying to be an engineer or scientist, but also how to unleash their potential and succeed in general. For example, one young man received a C and was going to continue to enter a medical school. We said, “You need to take this course again before moving to the next level. Good basic knowledge is needed. " Each stage forms the foundation for the next. He resubmitted this course. He graduated from UMBC and is the first African American with a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He now works at Harvard. A very good story. Give him a hand. (Applause) Secondly, evaluations are not the most important thing. Exam points are important, but not the most important. One girl had good grades, but she didn’t do well on her exams. But, she had a very important trait. She never missed a single day at school. A fire burned in her heart! She is now a Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy from Johns Hopkins University. She is now a full-time professor, Ph.D. in neurology. She and her boss have a patent for an alternative use of Viagra for diabetics. Your applause for her. (Applause) Great expectations are very important. And also, the creation of a student environment. We are used to thinking that the learning environment, in science and engineering, is ruthless. Students are not taught to work in teams. We help these groups understand, trust and support each other, learn to ask questions, and communicate effectively. You can earn a 5 on your own, but this is a completely different feeling, to help someone else get a 5. We believe that a sense of responsibility strongly influences the outcome of cases. Hence, it is very important to build a student environment. Third, the principle that scientists are needed to raise scientists. We need artists to train artists, sociologists for sociology students. So it is with any other discipline, and most of all in engineering and science. Scientists are needed to draw students into science. Our students are constantly working in laboratories. I think you will like this example: a couple of years ago, during a blizzard in Baltimore, a guy at our university, with a grant from Hughes Medical Institute, returned to work a few days later and all his students refused to leave the laboratory. They brought food with them, they stayed to work in the laboratory, for them it was their life, not work. They knew they were researching AIDS. They were working on protein construction. Each of them was absorbed in their work. He said: "Nothing could be better!" Finally, if you have a student community, high expectations, and academics to train scientists, you need professors interested in working with students, even in the classroom. I will never forget a call from one professor to our employee: “I have a young African-American man who is not keen on studying. He doesn't take notes. Could you talk to him? " It is important to note that this professor watched each student and noted who was involved and who was not, wondering, "How can I connect with him and get my staff to help?" Everything is interconnected. This young man is now a MD and PhD in neuroengineering at Duke University. Give him a hand! (Applause) We developed a model that allows us to evaluate what works and what doesn't, but also showed us what needs to be updated in our program. We have redesigned chemistry and physics. We also want to rework the humanities and social sciences because so many students are bored in class. Did you know that? Many schoolchildren and students do not want to just sit and listen to the lecturer. They need to be involved. There is a link to the Chemistry Research Center on our web page. People from all over the country visit to see how we redesigned courses, with an emphasis on interaction and application of technology, using the example of tasks from biotech companies on our campus. We do not feed our students with theories, but let them solve these problems themselves. Due to the success at our university, more and more courses are being redesigned. This is called academic innovation. And yet, what are our results? At the moment, we have launched similar programs in the humanities and social sciences, pedagogy and, which is very important, in informatics for women. If you didn't know, since 2009, the number of women entering the computer science department has dropped by 79%. All of this can be improved by creating student communities and learning environments, and by telling young girls, minorities and ordinary students, "You can study successfully!" It is important to empower them to create this environment with the support of the professors who engage them in their work, and constantly re-evaluate what works and what does not. The student's self-esteem is very important. It's incredible how dreams and values ​​can radically change the course of a business. When I was in Birmingham jail, at the age of 12, I thought, "What kind of future can I have?" I could not imagine that a little black boy, from Birmingham, could become the president of a university where students from 150 countries study, where students not only survive, but love to learn, successful and someday they will change this world. Aristotle said: “Superiority is never given by chance. It is always the result of clear intentions, sincere work and deliberate execution. This is the wisest choice of all. " Then he said something that still makes me shudder. He said: "Choice, not chance, determines our destiny." Choice, not chance, determines your destiny. Dreams and values. Thank you very much. (Applause)

Character biography

Freeman was promoted to a research assistant in the laboratory of anomalous materials with access level 3. The scientist was provided with an apartment in the dormitory of the research center for living. Before the hero took up his duties, he underwent a training course on the use of a special protective suit. H.E.V.(see below).

Little is known about Freeman's work at Black Mesa before the events. Half-life... V Half-Life 2: Episode One Alix Vance, commenting on Gordon's ability to move quickly through the ventilation shafts, retells the story that Dr. Kleiner told her. Freeman and his friend, Barney's security guard, competed to see who would get inside the absent-minded professor's office faster after he lost the key to the door to his office.

At the beginning of the game Half-life it is mentioned that Gordon is 27 years old. The letter to the administration noted that Freeman is not married and does not contain dependents. However, if at the beginning of the game you go into the scientists' locker room and look into the locker with the last name Freeman, then a photograph of a small child will be found in it. It is possible that this is either Gordon himself as a child, or, as Mark Laidlaw suggested, Freeman's nephew or niece (in fact, the photo shows the daughter of Harry E. Teasley, one of the game's developers).

Name and appearance

According to Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar, documentary book Valve about the creation of this game universe, the hero-scientist was initially nameless. Game scriptwriter Mark Laidlaw intended to name the hero "Dyson Poincaré" in honor of Freeman Dyson and Henri Poincaré; the name "Gordon Freeman" was coined by Gabe Newell.

Gordon Freeman's appearance changes slightly from game to game. The main features that remain unchanged are a lean build, combed back brown hair, a goatee, square glasses and green eyes. The early model of Gordon Freeman, who had a large physique, a thick long beard and mustache, bore the comic name "Ivan the Space Biker".


The original cover of the game depicts Freeman as a skinny man with large black-rimmed glasses, bright brown hair, a beard and a ponytail. Dressed in H.E.V. without a helmet. In the multiplayer mode of the game, as well as in the third person mode (which can be activated using the console), there is a model of the protagonist, which quite accurately recreates this appearance, with the exception of the lack of glasses.

Half-Life: Blue Shift

At the start of the game, Freeman's security officer and friend Barney Calhoun sees him driving past him in a Black Mesa carriage. This happens before Freeman puts on the H.E.V., so he is wearing the same white robe with tie and badge on his chest as all the scientists of the complex. Later, at the very end of the add-on, Calhoun, who accidentally teleports to the back room through the ventilation grill, sees two soldiers dragging the unconscious Freeman down the hallway (in the original Half-Life, this episode is in the middle of the game).

Half-Life: Opposing Force

Gordon and Alix come to their senses at the foot of the dilapidated Alliance base. Having established contact with Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner, the heroes learn that the critically damaged Citadel will soon explode, destroying all life in the surrounding area. To prevent the explosion, Gordon and Alyx, led by Eli Vance, return to the Citadel in order to stabilize the reactor core and stop the slow thermonuclear reaction that has begun. Along the way, the heroes manage to find out that the scientists of the Alliance abandoned attempts to stabilize the core, because after the destruction of the portal by Freeman, all external teleporters and communication systems of the Alliance on Earth were disconnected with no hope of a quick recovery. Destabilizing the Citadel's reactor for harvesters was the only way to get enough energy to send some super important message into their world. Alix manages to obtain a copy of the message, and he and Gordon leave the crumbling Citadel. After a long journey through the ruined city, they meet Barney Calhoun and help him ferry the rebels and fleeing citizens to the train station. The heroes leave the city on the last train, watching the message being sent to the Alliance universe. Upon completion of the data transfer, the Citadel is annihilated, blasting the train with Gordon and Alix ...

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

After Gordon, along with Alix boarded the train and almost left City 17, the Citadel annihilates, forming a huge interdimensional vortex - a superportal through which the super-powerful Alliance army, many times superior to the forces of the rebels, both numerically and technologically. Alix has a flash memory with him, which contains very important information containing the plans of the Alliance command, as well as the code for the superportal frequency. Gordon and Alix need to get to the "White Grove" - ​​the main base of the Resistance. On the way to the "White Grove" Gordon manages to lose Alix due to the attack of Combine synthetes-hunters, and then save her with the help of a medicinal extract of ant lions. Vortigaunts help him in this. Later, he talks to the G-Man who overtook him and learns some strange things about Alix. Next, they need to overcome the forests and the units of the Alliance located in them, deliver information and protect the "White Grove". After Gordon reaches his target and the rebels repulsed all attacks by the elite Alliance forces on the White Grove, the Resistance launches a satellite that broadcasts a signal opposite to the signal of the superportal, thereby closing it. After that, Freeman and Alix need to go north in search of the ship-laboratory "Boreas", which can become both the new hope of free humanity, and the trump card of the Alliance, allowing him to take revenge and restore his power on Earth. At the very end of Episode Two, the Advisors infiltrate the base and kill Alix's father, who did not manage to tell Gordon about G-Man's true intentions.

Other games in the series

However, despite the name, H.E.V. was developed not only for protection from hazardous environmental conditions, but also for use in combat conditions, for example, as an exoskeleton to protect counterparties. Black Mesa is a military establishment, and obviously the P.C.V. vests that HECU soldiers are equipped with (in particular, in Opposing Force), designed to be similar to H.E.V. technology (this is proven by the fact that you can use H.E.V. chargers to recharge P.C.V.). In addition, the suit's ability to protect the wearer from bullet wounds and explosions of grenades or missiles fired from a grenade launcher seems somewhat excessive for a suit designed to protect scientists during dangerous experiments, in toxic environments and other unhealthy situations. [ ] It is also worth considering that the "standard training course" stipulated in the letter, which all users of the suit must complete, includes a part on working with military firearms.

The symbol on Gordon's suit is the Greek letter "λ" (lambda). In physics, this letter denotes the decay constant of radioactive elements. In addition to Gordon's costume, the symbol appears in the title of the game, replacing the letter "a" with HλLF-LIFE, and this is also the name of the entire complex in the Lambda Complex where teleportation is being researched. The Lambda symbol is also present in Half-life 2, as a symbol of the Resistance, in memory of the events in Black Mesa.

Popular culture references to Gordon Freeman

  • V Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory one of the characters tells Sam Fisher that "Crowbars are used in stupid video games", which is a clear nod to Gordon.
  • V Call of Duty: United Offensive at the beginning of the first mission, two soldiers can be seen running. The first is Corporal Gordon, the second is Corporal Freeman.
  • At the "Stark Towers" level in the game The punisher, one scientist turns to another named "Dr. Freeman" and asks what kind of sound he just heard, to which Dr. Freeman replies: "The physics department may have opened an interdimensional portal ... Ooh, space aliens!"... This is the first level link from

"You are not playing as Freeman, you are Gordon Freeman!"

Gabe Newell

Name Gordon Freeman

Occupation scientist-physicist, fighter of the Resistance

Universe Half-life

Starred in games Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 Episode One, Half-Life 2 Episode Two

Meet, dear readers - Gordon Freeman, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Although I ... You probably already know each other, don't you? Well, of course, of course, Dr. Gordon, although he did not receive a Nobel Prize, is better known than many venerable scientists. But you probably won't mind if we get to know Mr. Freeman better?

Gordon Freeman is one of the most famous characters in computer games, which does not prevent him from remaining a mystery not only for the players, but even for his fellow players in the game. All about Freeman knows, perhaps, only the no less mysterious G-man, and even the scriptwriters of Valve, to whom we owe the appearance of our hero to the world. Despite the wild popularity of the Half-Life series, Valve employees are very reluctant to share any information regarding the main character of the game. Players have to literally bit by bit collect information about their idol.

Let's see what we, ordinary people, managed to learn about the hero of the Resistance, Doctor of Science, and finally, just a good man with a mount - Gordon Freeman.

Hero biography

Freeman was born in Seattle, Washington. Nothing is known about his family. Parents were able to give their son a decent education, not disregarding his interest in quantum physics, which arose in childhood. A young, promising student, whose idols were Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Richard Feynman, graduated from the University of Innsbruck in the mid-nineties. It was there, observing practical research in the field of teleportation, conducted by the university, Gordon decides that he will connect his life with this area of ​​science. As we know, in the end his dream came true, but if Freeman knew, how it will come true ...

You can make a monument to Gordon ...

It is interesting: originally, the developers of Half-Life wanted to name the protagonist Dyson Poincaré. Freeman Dyson is an American philosopher and physicist, and Henri Poincaré is a famous French mathematician.

Or you can become a Freeman yourself!

Later, in 1999, the scientist received his Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for his work entitled Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures by Induction through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW ) Pulse from Mode-Locked Source Array "(can be roughly translated into Russian as" Observation of the EPR paradox (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement) on superquantum structures by induction through a nonlinear transuranic crystal of an ultra-long-wave (LWW) pulse from a locking array of sources ").

Poor funding and the slow pace of research in Innsbruck are forcing the newly minted Ph.D. to look for a new job. When Freeman was offered a job at the Black Mesa Research Center in New Mexico, he didn't hesitate for a moment. Still, he was invited by Dr. Isaac Kleiner, a longtime mentor and teacher of Gordon, who has known him since Freeman's studies at MIT. Sophisticated and top-secret government-sponsored teleportation research was ahead. Talented scientists were needed, and the doctor simply could not help but write an invitation letter to his beloved student, who by that time was 27 years old.

In Black Mesa, Freeman is hired as a research assistant in the laboratory of anomalous materials, which deals with nuclear physics and subatomic research. The scientist is given a personal card with the third level of access, but since Freeman's work will be associated with a risk to his life, he has to undergo training in working with a protective suit HEV ( H azardous E n V ironment). While studying, the suspicions arise that the research is sponsored and controlled by the military - and why else would the training course include a test for accuracy of shooting from automatic weapons and an underbarrel grenade launcher? Let me remind you that the guards are armed only with pistols and shotguns.

It is interesting: each employee of the research complex (from a simple security guard to a project manager) must have a personal identification card with him at any time. It simply cannot be done without it - checks are regular and rigorous, so it is not surprising that scientists and security guards do not always get along with each other. Let us recall electronic locks, the key to which is a scanned image of the retina of the eye, stationary first-aid kits at every corner; how quickly the military arrived to purge ... Do you still doubt that Black Mesa, among other things, was developing a secret weapon?

Gordon, like all the other participants in the project, lived right in the research complex, in a dorm room. Little is known about the scientist's close relatives at that time - he has no wife and children, but he has good friends: Dr. Isaac Kleiner, Eli Vance and security guard Barney Colehoun, whom Freeman met even before the events of Half-Life.

The HEV suit: what it was in the first part and what it became in the second.

Letter to Freeman inviting him to work at Black Mesa.

It is interesting: Gordon, apparently, was not averse to fooling around sometimes. Alix in Half-Life 2: Episode One says that Dr. Kleiner once told her that Freeman and Colehoun were having a kind of competition - who was the first to get through the ventilation shaft to Isaac's office when he accidentally closed the door from the outside. “Air duct. I know how much you like to climb on them. Dr. Kleiner told how he lost the keys to the office, and you and Barney were competing to see who gets inside faster. "

At one point, Freeman's measured life flies head over heels. An important experiment ends in disaster, hordes of aliens from another dimension rush into Black Mesa, and the military arrives at the scene of the accident with the order to carry out a "sweep". The young scientist has to take the crowbar in his hands and save his life, fighting his way to the Lambda complex, and from there - to the world of Zen ... Having defeated the Nihiliant creature that controlled the invasion of aliens on Earth, Gordon will accept the offer of G-man "and oh ten years later, G-man will get Freeman out of the stasis in which he has been all this time, and remind him of the contract ...

I think it makes no sense to talk in detail about the events of the games in the Half-Life series, which, probably, everyone played. What, didn’t play? How can you!

Mystery man

Thin, with a fashionable beard, in glasses, devoted entirely to his beloved work, Freeman is, at first glance, a typical example of a scientist, as we are used to seeing them in films and books. Not at all the superhero appearance of Gordon slightly surprised the players: either faceless big marines (Quake, Doom), or parodies of them (Duke Nukem) were in fashion. The contrast was all the more surprising when this "bookworm" took up arms and began his long and dangerous journey through Black Mesa.

Speaking of appearance. In none of the Half-Life games do we see Gordon from the outside. But nevertheless, it is easy to recognize him - the portrait of a scientist in a special suit was on the loading screen and on the box with the game, so the image of the "bespectacled man with a mount" is firmly entrenched in the memory of the players.

You can still see Gordon - a special model was created for the multiplayer mode, which was absent in the game itself. Freeman will meet players a couple of times in the Half-Life add-ons (Blue Shift and Opposing Force). Playing as Adrian Shepard (Opposing Force), you can even try to kill Gordon, but the game will immediately end with the wording "Surveillance stopped: the subject tried to create a time paradox." And in the second expansion, just starting the game, we twice see Gordon without his famous HEV costume. Finally, at the very end of Blue Shift, the protagonist Barney Colehoun sees how the soldiers dragged the insensible Freeman across the floor to throw him under the press.

The soldiers are dragging Freeman under the press. And we are slowly approaching the end of the Blue Shift expansion.

In this scene, the player is free to decide whether to enter Freeman's portal and start working for G-man, or refuse such a tempting offer.

It is unknown why, but Gordon Freeman is silent. Is always. The players were surprised, but didn't really complain. Separate bows to Valve for the fact that Gordon's muteness does not look unnatural. Well, a person does not like to talk a lot, what can you do? According to Gabe Newell, Freeman's silence is due to the fact that the creators of the game wanted to achieve in this way a better identification of the player with the main character. For the same purpose, we watch the entire game "from the eyes" of Gordon and, as mentioned above, we never see him from the outside. I must say, the guys from Valve did not miss - the effect of being on top.

The silent determination with which Freeman deals with numerous enemies is no less surprising. Except for the HEV training course, Gordon only took up a weapon once in his life - this “weapon,” a tennis ball gun, he designed himself at the age of six. But - since circumstances force, there is nowhere to go, whether you are at least three times a doctor of sciences, you cannot do without violence in such cases.

If in the first game Freeman is a "reluctant hero" who goes to the world of Zen only because he, in fact, has no other choice, then in Half-Life 2 Gordon is already a real hero. Not even so - a Hero. Both ordinary residents of City 17 and enemy soldiers know him by sight; Freeman's appearance among the members of the Resistance instills hope in the hearts of the people enslaved by the Alliance, and sows panic in the ranks of the enemy. Where Gordon Freeman is, there is victory! This is not to say that this saying is far from the truth.

Meanwhile, Freeman, apparently, himself does not fully understand what role he plays in the confrontation between the Alliance and his employer - G-man. ”The latter prefers not to explain the orders given to Gordon, and he is not particularly interested in what and how Rumors have long been circulating among Half-Life fans that G-man and Freeman are one and the same person. G ordon Free man and G-man), as well as an implacable resemblance. Almost nothing is known about G-man (thanks to the game's writers), so players can only wonder if Gordon will actually change the crowbar for a case after a while, and HEV for a business suit.

A famous snapshot from the second part of the game. Our hero is the second from the left.

It is interesting: the famous HEV mount and special suit became the symbols of the game. We can no longer imagine Freeman without his favorite crowbar and orange spacesuit. In polls like “What is your favorite weapon in Half-Life?” Conducted on fan sites, the mount firmly holds the leading position, sometimes second only to the gravity gun.

Gordon's relationship with the opposite sex has long fascinated the minds of players. In the first game, there were no women at all. In Half-Life 2, the developers decided to correct this misunderstanding, and as a result, Alix Vance, the daughter of Eli Vance, becomes one of the main characters of the second part; during the events of the first game, a very little girl. Now she is a young beautiful woman who, on occasion, can stand up for herself with a weapon in her hands. In Episode One, Alix is ​​next to Freeman throughout the game, and, apparently, she is far from indifferent to our hero. One can only guess about the attitude of Freeman himself to Alix - without violating the traditions of the series, for the whole game he does not say a word.

It is interesting: Gordon has been responsible for the introduction of Easter eggs in many games. References to Freeman and his favorite crowbar can be found in the recent "Stalker", and in GTA San Andreas, and in Sacred (in this game you can find the grave in which ... "Gordon Freeman's mount" is buried!).

Well, perhaps the acquaintance can be considered over. Yes, I know that you (like me) want to know more about our guest today, but nothing can be done - Mr. Freeman is in a hurry. The long-awaited Half-Life 2: Episode Two has hit the shelves, and Dr. Gordon needs to hurry. What's in store for him? Maybe he will not be so silent now? Maybe we will find out if he is indifferent to Alix? Maybe ... But why all these questions? It is best to buy a disc and find out the answers yourself. So, now, having finished these lines, I will start the game, take my favorite tire iron in my hands and show the loafers where the crayfish hibernate!

A real two-dimensional Half Life with heroes, levels and weapons from the real second version of Half Life 2. Starring Gordon Freeman and his famous crowbar. As well as Barney's security guard, Alix's girlfriend, a gravity gun, buggy races, a strider boss fight, and even a final conversation with the famous G-Man.

Half Life 2D: Codename gordon was free to download on Steam as a teaser for the second Halva. But then, due to the bankruptcy of the developers, this game was removed from Steam, and all the old archives were quickly lost. But we are returning your lost masterpiece! Meet - two-dimensional Half-Life directly in the browser, online.

Dear friends. The game weighs 40 megabytes, so it can take a long time to load. Please wait a little. In the meantime, you can read his story.

If the game lags on full screen, it's best to play on this page, in a native resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. But in theory, modern computers should easily pull this toy across the entire page.

Once loaded, you can enter the Options menu and change the controls, sound and graphics settings. Although the basic controls are the same as in real Half Life:

  • Move - A, D
  • Jump - S
  • Attack and sight - mouse
  • Use First Aid Kits - E
  • Flashlight - F
  • Reload - R
  • Throw Grenade - Q

All keys are in English layout. Doors open with the up key (W by default).

Pixelated Half Life 2

The game was created under the impression of the teasers and announcements of the second Half Life. Valve officially approved this project, took it under its wing and released it on Steam as a fun free game - an interactive teaser for the second part of its famous project. Therefore, on the numerous levels of two-dimensional "Half-Life" you can see:

  • Headcrabs and zombies with crabs;
  • Combine soldier with branded masks and machine guns;
  • Guard Barney;
  • Alix's girlfriend and her father, Eli Vance;
  • Buggy;
  • Helicopters;
  • Gravity cannon;
  • Strider;
  • G-man

All this is in pixel art, but it is easily recognizable at first glance. The gravity cannon, just like in the real Half Life 2, can grab barrels and other objects and throw them. In this way, some levels with puzzles are passed.

Moreover, the plot also repeats the big game in places - but, however, it diverges more and more towards the end.

2D Half-Life Walkthrough

The main character - Gordon Freeman - finds himself in an abandoned dock. He immediately raises the crowbar and engages in battle with the zombies and their nasty little owners - the headcrabs. You have to be careful here, because after killing a zombie, his headcrab continues to attack.

Barney gives a gun

At the docks, Gordon Freeman finds an injured guard Barney Calhoun. He says that something terrible has happened, and gives Gordon the gun. In fact, it is more convenient to go with a crowbar for a while, because the cartridges run out quickly.

Alix Vance and the gravity gun

After the docks, on the second level, in the harbor - Gordon meets Alix and her father, Eli Vance. They advise him to take a buggy. But the buggy is still far away, but for now you have to find a gravity cannon and use it to solve puzzles (destroy electrical generators to turn off the force field).

Combine and assassin helicopters

Combine soldiers appear on the second level. They shoot from machine guns, it is not fatal. But some of them throw grenades, which is much more dangerous.

Also, dark levels appear here, where you need to use a flashlight (key F), and flying saw helicopters. Meeting with such saws removes some health. But their trajectories are easy to guess - they move like platforms in straight lines, unlike their counterparts in the three-dimensional HalfLife 2.

Buggy Racing

As in the original game, in the 2D Half Life there is a buggy race, more precisely - high-speed driving, during which you should avoid attacks from large helicopters and other troubles. Of course, this will not replace real racing. In 2D side-scrolling games, such entertainment is more like a roller coaster, where you just need to accelerate or apply the brakes in time to avoid a collision.

City City 17

After racing in a buggy, Gordon reaches the city of City 17. It is already half destroyed, traces of the battle are visible everywhere. You can also see the Citadel fence.

At these levels, the pixel graphics are especially good and resemble the best games from the consoles of the past - Metal Slug or Aladdin (who is closer).

Conversation with the G-Man

Also in the two-dimensional Half Life, a mysterious man in a suit and with a suitcase - G-Man traditionally appears. He says to the hero:

No, I'm not your boss. Your boss is ahead of you. Destroy it and you will find out who is to blame for all these events. But if you screw up, don't run to cry to me. There are forums for this.

In this joke conversation, G-Man simply announces the upcoming boss fight.

Strider is the boss

At the end of the game, like the good old 8-bit platformers, Gordon is waiting for the boss. Yes, not someone there, but a strider - a hefty walking tripod, which in real Half Life 2 can be called a serious opponent. But there at least you can hide in houses, and here Gordon will have a fight almost in an open field.

Transition to a new dimension

The ending of the Half Life 2D game is copied from the first Half-Life - the hero passes through a portal and finds himself in another dimension. What happens there - you will find out when you get there!

Game rating and popularity

In the first weeks after the release, according to Wikipedia, Half Life 2D: Codename Gordon was downloaded by more than 600 thousand players. People were amazed at the quality of the work - after all, many were waiting for an openly miserable craft, but received an almost full-fledged game in the Half Life series, with a plot, heroes and branded weapons.

As a 2D platformer, the game earned a 9 out of 10 rating, especially against the backdrop of many modern crafts.

The downside of the game is the fact that in some scenes where there are many enemies, its performance drops. But now, many years later, computers have become much more powerful, and this is practically not felt.

Almost all publications and blogs that followed the fate of Valve games wrote about the "two-dimensional Half-Life". The game entered Wikipedia and, it would seem, nothing boded, when suddenly….

Where did Half Life 2D disappear?

The game was originally distributed via Steam. But it contained links to the developer's website - a common practice for Flash games. And suddenly the development company - NuClearVision - went broke. The links became dead, and for a while the domain even belonged to the cybersquatters who posted the porn site there.

The company went bankrupt, the official site died forever, Steam blocked the game, and rare distributions that were distributed outside Steam scattered and lost in numerous archives.

But we found this distribution, unpacked it and, taking into account the increased Internet speeds, put it online, as befits a flash game.

Game platform and implementation

Half Life 2D: Codename Gordon was developed in Flash. For distribution via Steam, the game was packed into an EXE file with a projector (built-in player). This player only opens in full screen.

But the SWF file inside can be accessed and run directly in the browser, in windowed mode, like a regular flash drive.

Name: Gordon (Gordon)

Surname: Freeman

Gender: male

Age: 27 years old

Height: 1m 87 cm

Marital status: single

Bad habits: not available

But, despite the fact that Gordon has high intelligence and intelligence, all that the player has to do in his role is: control different types of weapons, shoot, press various buttons and levers, drive vehicles - of course, all this requires some of his ingenuity and mental abilities.

It is very difficult to say anything about the mental and emotional state of Gordon during his crazy adventures, since Freeman does not speak and does not show emotion in any way. But, based on simple concepts, we can say that he, like all normal people, fears the danger that surrounds him constantly during his adventures. But this fear of his is a little different from the simple one, Freeman has a kind of "active form of fear", in other words, feeling danger, he does not fall into depression, waiting for help, but thanks to his fear activates the hidden potential and takes decisive actions to preserve his health and life. Just like an ordinary person, in various situations, he experiences anger, joy, sadness, etc. To say that Freeman only cares about himself is also impossible. Since all the other characters in the game respect him very much and consider him a hero, it can be said that during his travels Gordon also helped other people both in Black Mesa and in City-17 - and this is certainly true. If Freeman only wanted to save his life, he would hardly agree to go to Xen, risking his life to stop the invasion of aliens and kill Nihilanht, also go to the enemy Citadel of the Alliance, to save his friends and overthrow Dr.Breen, and then another together with Alix to protect the insurgents boarding the train from the soldiers. So his strong "instinct for self-preservation" helps him survive in dire conditions and also help others who are weaker and need his help. However, as already mentioned, anyone who plays Half-Life is Gordon Freeman. And everything that the player feels and thinks at the time of the game is the thoughts and feelings of Gordon.

Gordon's life before the Black Mesh incident

After graduating from MIT, Gordon Freeman, where he showed great promise in the field of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics, which earned the respect and trust of his scientific advisor Dr. Isaac Kleiner, was sent to Austria, to the "University of Experimental Physics" in Innsbruck, where he continued his scientific activities. To obtain the highest scientific degree, he wrote and published works in the field of theoretical research on the creation of fundamentally new materials with unique properties. These works could not fail to remain unnoticed by the government, since these studies were strategically important for the creation of secret nanodevelopments. The physicist's work was classified, but the scientist himself was offered a job at the Black Mesa Research Complex in the USA, where Gordon himself tested the above-described theory in practice.

There is also a different interpretation of the story of Gordon's life before his work in the Black Mes, but something similar to the previous one. It follows from it that Freeman's doctoral dissertation was titled “Observations of the EPR paradox (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen interlacing) on ​​supraquantum structures of induction through a nonlinear transuranic crystal under an ultra-long wave (VLW) pulse from a locking source of an array” (or “how to teleport large objects with a radio pulse, passing through a crystal of very heavy elements "). And after a series of experiments on teleportation at the University of Innsbruck, Gordon began to study teleportation seriously and obsessively. But due to a lack of funding, the study of teleportation at the university developed at a slow pace and, ultimately, could stop altogether. Therefore, Gordon, already desperate, began to look for work outside educational institutions. Further in both theories follows the same information, confirmed by a letter to Dr. Freeman from the administration of the Black Mesa Research Center

By coincidence, the already famous doctor Isaac Kleiner took up a secret project in the Black Mesa research complex and was looking for talented like-minded people, then he just remembered his favorite student at MIT - Gordon Freeman and recommended him to the HR department of the research complex. The administration immediately contacted Gordon and offered the job, while Freeman himself made the obvious choice. He accepted the offer, hoping for the opportunity to continue his research. It should be noted that another good scientist and specialist, Dr. Mossman, who later appears in the second part of the game, claimed the place of Gordon in the Black Mesa. But Freeman manages to bypass his rival thanks to his experience. The scientist was settled in one of the apartments of the Residential Sector of the Black Mesa, assigned a "third level of clearance" and assigned to work in the Laboratory of Anomalous Materials, which is engaged in nuclear physics and subatomic research. Since Freeman dealt directly with anomalous materials, he needed to take a course on handling the “HEV protective suit” (Hazardous Environment Vest). Gordon also took a "course of handling different types of weapons" and "course of survival in extreme conditions", this training was explained by the need to instruct personnel in case of an emergency. Until this moment, Gordon had never held a weapon in his hands, with the exception of a butane-air cannon that shoots tennis balls, made by him at the age of 6 (such cannons, called "spud guns" or "karzuki", are very popular in the West).

Before the incident, Dr. Freeman's life in Black Mes was going pretty well, and he found new colleagues and friends there. Among them were Eli Vance with his wife Asian and little daughter Alix, Barney Calhoun and many other scientists. Barney was one of Gordon's best friends in Black Mesa. Barney had a resourcefulness and a great sense of humor, and Gordon was always comfortable and interesting in his company. Also, an interesting story is known from Freeman's life in the Black Mesa about how Dr. Kleiner often lost the key to his office, and Gordon and Barney, as small children, competed "who gets inside without unlocking the door", Freeman, in turn, climbed the air ducts hoping to get into Kleiner's office first, he thereby developed this skill and studied the ventilation system of the complex.

Gordon Freeman in Half-Life

Half-life- the first part of the story of the incredible adventures of Gordon Freeman. From the very beginning of the game, we move into his body and stay in it throughout the entire game.

We do not see Gordon from the outside, we observe all game actions and events exclusively from the first person, and also during the whole game our hero does not utter a single word. The developers explain this move by the fact that the player penetrates as deeply as possible into the atmosphere of the game. “Gordon Freeman is you!” Says Gabe Newell.

On a fatal day, not only for the Black Mesa employees, but for all mankind as a whole, the day Gordon and his colleagues conducted an experiment in the test chamber of the laboratory of anomalous materials, which led to a terrible catastrophe. It is possible that the mistake, failure of the experiment and further consequences were planned, but, nevertheless, as a result of the experiment, a cascade resonance occurs, which allowed unknown and hostile creatures from another world to enter the territory of the research complex and destroy all living things. But this turned out to be not the only threat, and a special unit "Hazardous Environment Combat Unit" (HECU) was sent to resolve the problem with the aliens and eliminate the surviving personnel of the complex, as unnecessary witnesses. Thus, Gordon finds himself in the epicenter of a real struggle for survival, he has almost no allies, with the exception of scientists and poorly armed guards of the Black Mesa complex.

In an incredible way, a scientist, without any serious combat training, but largely thanks to his protective suit, which he puts on before the start of an unsuccessful experiment, is slowly getting out of not stopping, but only growing chaos. Becoming a hero and a spark of hope in the eyes of other scientists and guards, Gordon, at the same time, becomes the primary target for the cleansing squads.

When all the parties to the conflict already understand that the invading aliens cannot be stopped, the soldiers of the HECU detachment are withdrawn from the place of the conflict. Gordon, by this time, having overcome the horrors in the form of crowds of an uncountable number of aliens and trials in the form of raids by the cleansing units, reveals the secrets of the Lambda complex. Which consisted in the existence of a teleport to Xen - the world of the invaders, and in the presence of the Lambda team, which went to Xen for prototypes, as well as to study the structure of this world. From one of the last surviving scientist in the Lambda sector, Gordon is tasked with going to the world of invaders and destroying a certain creature called Nihilanth, who is probably in command of the invasion. Since this is the only way to stop the invasion of aliens, Gordon goes on the task, even though many of the Lambda group, who tried to kill this creature, did not cope with the task and did not return. The doctors teleport to the world of the Xen invaders.

After incredible and terrifying adventures in this enemy world, Gordon nevertheless finds and with incredible efforts kills Nihilanth. But the scientist, not yet having time to come to his senses and think about how he will go back, meets the mysterious Jimen, who, throughout all Freeman's adventures, watched him and possibly influenced his fate. A stranger in a blue suit takes away all weapons from Gordon and after a short story about the events that have taken place, offers Freeman a choice: either the physicist accepts the offer of cooperation with some “employers”, or remains to die in Xena at the hands of its inhabitants. The immense desire to live played a role: Gordon chose the first option.

Subsequently, interesting theories about Gordon's role in the plot and his connection with the mysterious Djimen began to flow from the plot of the first part. Consider some of these theories:

  • Jimen is Gordon Freeman (G-Man - G "ordon Free" Man), only from the future, who uses himself for purposes unknown to us, possibly making Gordon's hands changes into the past, thereby correcting the future.
  • The incident was rigged by G-man himself in order to identify a strong and resilient person for the subsequent recruitment of this person.
  • In fact, nothing happened in reality, Gordon is only dreaming or is in an unconscious state, or this is a kind of test conducted in virtual reality, and the tester can be anyone, perhaps even G-man himself.
  • Gordon is just a theoretical physicist, caught in the epicenter of someone's profitable incident. But, having demonstrated his hidden abilities to survive in extreme conditions, he was noticed by a representative of a certain government, that is, G-man.
  • From the very beginning, by his actions, without knowing it, Gordon was carrying out someone's insidious plan, which was carefully planned - from the very beginning of the incident to the murder of Nihilanth.
  • Gordon is the so-called “chosen one”, whose mission is to free the Earth from invaders and restore the World.

In addition to these theories listed above, there are also others, but they are less popular.

List of Gordon's weapons in Half-Life

  • Crowbar (this simple-looking weapon, which was the first in the hands of Gordon, became the symbol of the game Half-Life and its protagonist)
  • Glock-17 or Beretta 92F / FS pistol with High Definition Pack
  • Submachine gun or carbine (Heckler & Koch MP5N or Colt M4 with 40mm M203 grenade launcher when using the High Definition Pack)
  • Shotgun (Franchi SPAS-12)
  • Crossbow with telescopic sight
  • Biological Alien Weapon (Organic Weapon, also known as "Hand Hive", "Evil Alien Hand", "Bugger", "Fly Thrower" or "Monster Hand")
  • Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher (RPG, ATGM-4000)
  • Quantum Destroyer (Gluon, Egon's Weapon, Vacuum Cleaner)
  • Tau Cannon (Gaussian Gun or Accumulator)
  • Laser booby-trap ("stretch")
  • RC Mine (Explosive Pack)
  • Snarks (alien weapons)

Gordon Freeman in Half-Life 2

Half-life 2- the second part of the amazing and unforgettable adventures of Dr. Freeman. We are still in his body and do not see Gordon from the outside, except for an old group photo of scientists from the anomalous materials sector, which hangs on the wall in Kleiner's laboratory. Valve, as always, remains true to itself: our hero does not utter a single word.

The game begins with the fact that the same mysterious man Jimen finally awakens Gordon from a dream lasting almost twenty years, which he spent in stasis far from the Earth and time, that is, Gordon did not age during this long period. Freeman finds himself in City 17. At first, the physicist cannot understand what is happening around him, but after he meets old acquaintances from the Black Mesa: Barney, Dr. Kleiner, Eli and his already grown daughter, Alix, Gordon begins to realize a terrible reality: That incident in the complex did not cost the arrival of a race from the world of Xen only to the territory of the complex, and the invasion and opening of portals swept across the Earth. But the worst thing is that the Combines (they are the Alliance) came after the "Xeans" and broke humanity in just seven hours. Having enslaved the planet, the Alliance put the former administrator of the Black Mesa, Dr. Wallace Brin, at the head of its government on Earth.

But, as always, our hero again falls into the cycle of rapidly developing events, immediately after he again puts on a protective HEV suit and receives his first, already his signature weapon - a crowbar.

After Gordon escapes through the City 17 canals to Dr. Eli Vance's clandestine laboratory and the concomitant elimination of modified people who are law enforcement officers and soldiers of surveillance on his way, Administrator Brin seriously considers that this person can undermine the Alliance's power on Earth, and undertakes serious measures to capture Gordon. In turn, ordinary townspeople and rebel groups, tired of oppression, inspired by the actions of the brave Dr. Freeman, already known to them from the events in the Black Mesa, began to feel the impending revolution, rewarding Gordon with such nicknames as "One Free Man" and "Leading the Way" ...

The final, final impetus for the outbreak of the uprising came when, as a result of the joint operation of Gordon and Alix to save Eli, an old prison modernized by the Alliance called Nova Prospekt, in which terrible experiments were carried out on people and turning them into soldiers and stalkers, was blown up.

Having started the uprising, enlisting the support of his old friend Barney and the rebels, Gordon, after numerous battles in City 17, still managed to get to the stronghold of the alliance on Earth - the Citadel.

In the course of the unfolding events in the citadel itself, Gordon incapacitates the reactor of dark energy, and with it the teleport, with the help of which at that moment Dr. Breen was trying to escape to Xen. But the damaged reactor cannot withstand the breakdown and explodes. When our hero and his companion Alix, it seemed, should die from an impending explosion, time stops, out of nowhere appears Jimen, amazed by the work done by Gordon in a short time, and talks about new interesting proposals for Freeman. The mysterious man in the suit again sends the scientist into stasis until a certain time known only to him. After passing the second part, all the above theories about Gordon's role in the plot remain. But now it is becoming clear that Freeman is only “an obedient pawn in the hands of the owners,” as Wallace Brin said, inviting Gordon to work for the Alliance and stop the rebel uprising. And such a "master" of Dr. Freeman is Jimen, who will never let go of his obedient worker. Gordon is in the hands of Jimen, like a puppet in the hands of a skilled puppeteer, who takes out his doll for the next presentation and puts it back until the moment when it is needed again.

At the end of the first part of the game, Jimen, having put Freeman in front of a cruel choice between life and death, deprived the “Free Man” of that very freedom and destiny.

From an ordinary person with his dreams, desires, aspirations, Gordon has turned into an ideal tool, a weak-willed slave, which everyone dreams of owning who has plans for the implementation of which he needs such a powerful tool.

List of Gordon's weapons in Half-Life 2

  • Zero Energy Field Manipulator (Gravity Cannon) / Counter-Resonant Gravity Device
  • Pulse Rifle AR2 "OSIPR" (Patrol Service Weapon)
  • Ant lion ferropods

Gordon Freeman in HALF-LIFE 2: Episode One

The first episode of three, which tells about the events that took place immediately after the explosion of the reactor of the dark energy of the Citadel, we again play as Gordon.

Vortigaunts are former enemies in the first part of the game, but thanks to the murder of Nikhilant by Gordon, the allies in the second - in this episode of our hero's adventures acquire an important role and turn the plot in an unexpected direction. They save Alix from imminent death in the Citadel, and they also manage to pull Freeman out of stasis and in some way protect him from G-man, who was not happy with this turn of events.

David Spirer

Alix and her mechanical friend DOG find Gordon under the rubble at the foot of the Citadel. After contacting Eli and Dr. Kleiner, they learn that the Citadel is about to explode, destroying all of City 17 and its immediate surroundings. And the only way to have time to escape from the city is to suspend the rapidly gaining strength of reactions in the core of the Citadel. With the help of DOG'a, Gordon and Alix manage to get into the burning Citadel, literally bursting at the seams. After dangerous adventures, they still manage to slow down the reaction in the core. Also, during the escape, our hero and his companion become aware that the surviving forces of the Alliance deliberately planned a chain reaction of the nucleus, wishing thereby to provoke an explosion of the citadel, which would be able to transmit a certain message to the world of Combine. With a copy of this unknown message, Gordon and Alyx manage to escape to the almost destroyed City 17. After a short journey through the dungeons and streets of the city, they meet Barney, who helps to put the remaining residents and rebels in the city on trains going far from City 17.

Alix and Gordon let the train forward with the townspeople and Barney on board, thereby protecting them from being chased. Themselves, having lingered a little at the station due to the appearance of Strider on the way, take the last train. Not having time to overcome the city limits, Gordon and Alix witness the broadcast of the same message. With a bright flash, the Citadel explodes, destroying City 17. The blast wave, quickly catching up with the train, covers Alix and Gordon ...

From this short-lived adventure of our hero, one can subtract the following: Freeman has finally found freedom, but for how long? In addition to G-man, who will certainly try to regain his lost power, there are other forces interested in the prospect of influencing the newly free Freeman. In turn, the Alliance will probably try to seize the moment and take possession of such a powerful weapon.

It is possible that the Vortigaunts who freed Gordon are also using him for their own unknown purposes. Do they just want to get rid of the Alliance as an enemy and then go to their world, or do they want to remove the Combine from the Earth and take it themselves? There are no answers to these questions yet. The only obvious thing is that now Gordon has become a tempting target for all those who want to somehow turn the current situation in their favor, hoping to win this kind of chess game, where Freeman himself is just a pawn.

(Patrol Service Weapon). In one episode of the game, Adrian sees Gordon, when he, having scattered, jumps into a teleport leading to Xen, in the Lambda complex. If you try to follow him, the player dies.

Gordon Freeman in Half-Life: Blue Shift

Blue shift- the second official addition to Half-Life, created by the same studio Gearbox. This time we move into the body of Gordon's friend and one of the Black Mesa guards, Barney Calhoun. In this game, we see Freeman three times.

  • First time - Gordon drives by in a trailer of the Black Mesa transportation system while the player knocks on the door.
  • Second time - Barney sees through the security camera Freeman walking down the hallway to the HEV storage department.
  • The third time - the player sees Gordon being dragged across the floor by two soldiers, then tossing him into a garbage disposal.

Character creation history

In the original storyline of Half-Life and in early sketches, the protagonist's character had a different name and also looked different from our usual Gordon Freeman: Ivan The Space Biker. Gordon's beard eventually morphed into an elegant goatee, while his glasses also went through several versions.

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