Vampires. The best mods for vampires in Skyrim Mods for Skyrim cool vampires

Author: BrehaninBetter Vampires is an extensive modification of vampirism for Skyrim. Its goal is to maintain balance and provide a more comfortable game for vampires. Thanks to the flexibility of the settings of this mod, you can choose only what interests you. Numerous options will change your habitual attitude towards vampirism for the better. Requirements: Skyrim Optional: Dawnguard, SkSE and SkyUI (MCM) if you want to customize the mod. Features: 1) The abilities of a regular vampire and lord now develop along with your level; 2) Ability settings for the strengths of the vampire and his weaknesses;3) Assigning hotkeys to all spells and abilities;4) Game balance is the priority of this mod;5) How to eat and when is up to you;6) Availability of fixes for unique races;7) New spells, talents (effects, textures and sounds); 8) Turning characters into vampires, turning them into your companions; 9) Many additional options for creating the atmosphere of a Skyrim vampire's life Vampire life: 1) The influence of the type of food and the number of victims whose blood you already have drank You can be at the peak of your strength, being well-fed or, on the contrary, experiencing a strong thirst for blood. 2) The influence of stored blood points on vampire progress This option is available if you have chosen the opposite progression of development. Each blood feeding will bring you blood points 3) Changing parameters in the stages of vampirism The abilities, strengths and weaknesses of the vampire will change according to the following level categories: 1-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+.4) Knowledge - strengthDetailed description The stages of vampirism in the "Active effects" category are equipped with a counter that works in real game time.5) The influence of diet on the abilities of a vampire Regular nutrition will increase vampirism, more powerful attacks, increased resistance and many other abilities will become available to you.6) Hatred from the inhabitants of Skyrim You can choose the stage (full saturation/hunger/constant) at which you become recognized as a vampire7) PhotophobiaReceiving damage from sunlight can be made realistic.8) Vulnerability to SilverThis metal can burn through the flesh of a vampire and cause the blood in his veins to clot.9) Vampiric Providence If a potential victim is asleep, paralyzed, under the effect of seduction, on the verge of life and death, or has already died, the vampire will not fail to drain such a blood carrier. 10) Highest vampire rank When reaching the rank of "Leader", the "Velvet Blood" option will allow you to drink the blood of other vampires and receive bonuses to your skills.11) Combat advantageIf in battle your health level is higher than that of a stunned opponent, then at a certain distance you will be able to bite him. 12) Vessels with blood This mod has its own blood storage system. 13) Converted victims A vampire can turn his victim into his likeness 14) The end of a vampire's unlife After the death of a vampire, only ashes will remain from him (can be turned off). Miscellaneous 100% resistance to poisons and diseases. - Spells of the school illusions are 25% stronger (not related to the standard game skill). - You are 10% more difficult to detect (not related to the standard game skill). - Vampires can stay underwater for an unlimited time. - Increase in carry weight (by 20-100 units per depending on the level).- The height of the jump increases with the rank of the vampire (by 100-250 units). Does not work if the vampire is in direct sunlight (requires SkSE; can be disabled). - Fall damage reduction (from 20 to 45 units) increases with vampire rank. - Evasion from power attacks increases with vampire rank. Does not work with penalties enabled (if the vampire is in direct sunlight). - Sunlight Resistance allows the vampire to regenerate health and stamina outside of direct sunlight. Depends on rank and degree of saturation (1-10%). AbilitiesEmbrace of Terror You must sneak up unnoticed to paralyze the victim with horror for 10 seconds and feed on it. Gift of Curse Allows you to turn a drunk victim into a vampire Mortal Shape Hide your vampire essence from others Refraction of chiaroscuro For 10-30 seconds (depending on the player's level) you can interact with the environment and attack while invisible (similar to the chameleon spell from Morrowind). Vampiric Drain Takes health and stamina from the target and transfers them to the vampire. Servant of the Vampire Raises a powerful dead man to serve you Healing Vampirism Allows you to heal any character , turned into a vampire by you Aura vision Nearby (at a distance of 100-500 units depending on the level) creatures, dead, automata and daedra are visible through any obstacles. Vampire vision Essentially a night eye. In stealth mode, while maintaining the spell, vampiric night vision is activated. SeductionCreatures and people do not attack for 10 seconds. The ability can be used to hypnotize and feed on victims you sneak up on. Dominate You can dominate the minds of creatures or people Vampiric Mind Blast All targets in an area of ​​12-20 feet are paralyzed for 1-4 sec. (both parameters depend on the player's level). Summoning Creatures You can summon creatures that will follow you and attack your enemies. Frost CloudFreezes the victim with an icy gust of wind.Icy FleshYour vampiric flesh stops reacting to the cold.Blood SplashIn a desperate situation, once a day you can resort to energy reserves from previous feedingsMist VeilSummons foggy weather and blocks damage from the sunConductor of ShadowsAllows you to become a cloud of fog for 10 minutes, increases speed movement Lightning Attack The vampire gets behind the victim (at a distance of 50-200 units depending on rank) and attacks him from the rear. Unholy Grasp Supernatural abilities allow you (for 2-4 seconds) to lift your victim into the air, pull him towards you and throw him away. Compatibility: Conflicts will cause mods that change the "VampireFeed" perk and the "PlayerVampireQuest" quest. Recommended mods:1) Project Reality – Climates of Tamriel2) Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival3) Realistic Needs and Diseases (install the specified mod first, then vampires, allow files to be overwritten when request)4) Lustmord Vampire Armor5) Predator Vision – Vampire and Werewolf6) DVA Dynamic Vampire Appearance (install the specified mod first, then vampires, allow files to be overwritten when prompted) Installation recommendations It is highly advisable to use a mod manager like NMM. If you want to install the mod manually, copy all the files from the 00 Required (loose files) folder to the Data folder - they are required. Then select ONE esp. Options: with or without Dawnguard dependency. Optional files: compatibility patch for Royal Bloodline and patch for changing the vampire lord's mass spell to a target one.
What's new in version 7.1

Fixed a bug where vulnerability to sunlight would trigger with a certain combination of mod settings for a vampire player in the Aristocrat and Leader ranks.
Mortal Form at the 4th stage of Thirst at 0 blood points will continue to work, but will take away the player’s health.
Vampire Lord's turn to ash now feels more like the same effect as Harkon.
The penalties have been changed so that they are not rewritten in favor of the Requiem mod.
The formula for increasing the destruction skill from vampire drain has been slightly changed.
Minor adjustments for normal functioning of supernatural reflexes.
Added the ability to feed on Falmer blood and also store it.
The sound effect that was heard when changing locations has been removed.
Drain spells now ignore resistance.
Included several changes from the unofficial patch.
Chiaroscuro refraction now lasts 20-40 seconds.
The standard bite sound has been replaced with a new one.


The mod expands the possibilities of playing as a vampire, adding a huge number of vampire capabilities, their abilities and new spells. There is its own system of development and improvement of the vampire’s skills and abilities.
New features are being added:
  • Turning NPCs into vampires and curing them of vampirism. Any converted NPC gets the opportunity to become your partner
  • Summoning creatures (from 1 to 3) to help you for a while
  • You can temporarily bring a dead man back to life and force him to fight on your side.
  • 100% resistance to poison and disease
  • Illusion spells are 25% more powerful,
  • Vampire Strength increases his carrying capacity (from 20 to 100 pounds depending on level)
  • As you develop, your evasion of blows, jump height, immunity to falling, etc. increase.
  • A vampire's vision expands your senses. You will become more aware of the world around you. You will be able to feel the pulse and aura of life forms and objects around you (living beings, undead, machines, creatures).

Update history: ​​​​​​Version 8.2
- Retuned Flame of Coldharbour, now slightly more powerful.
- Bloody Ward has been reconfigured so that it now requires less health to activate and maintain it
- Some SKSE configs have been reconfigured in both versions of modifications in Oldrim and SE.
- Added two lines to PlayerVampireQuestScript so the SE version will read vampirism more correctly.
- SE Version can be used with SKSE64 is possible to use all mod features including MCM.
Version 8.1
- Redone silver weapons, they now have a unique appearance (similar to steel, but with a silver color).
- Added hardening recipes for silver weapons.
- Removed exposure of a vampire to the sun's rays due to destruction magic (mods that increased the damage from destruction magic also increased the damage from the sun, which led to unexpected results).
- Verified"disable absorption/resistance" and "ignore resistance" for most vampire abilities - it seems that those who had high magic resistance had reduced spell duration and effectiveness.
Version 8.0
- Added the ability to increase attributes when feeding on victims, being at the highest rank of vampire (Night Lord).
When the Night Lord vampire feeds on a victim, you increase your health, stamina, and magicka. This can be disabled in MCM or in the mod settings menu. If you are cured of vampirism, the added attributes will also be removed, but when you become a vampire, your rank and characteristics will return.
- Changed Order of application of eye textures for converts. My mod will now use vampire eye textures by default for all races, so it will be fully compatible with any eye replacer from other mods.
Warning: The default vampire eyes for Khajiit and Argonians look ugly, so please use another mod to make them look better.
Version 7.95
- The power of the hemalurgic strike has been increased, it is now more useful (damage 50-90 depending on your rank).
- Updated the main esp file and patch to Sancrosanct, spells will now be available without having to transform into a DX first.
- Fixed the Vampire Lord's freedom option so that it works correctly when contacting LOS, and no longer needs to wait an hour for it to work (should now work more correctly with the Sacronsact and Royal Bloodline patches).

Via Nexus Mod Manager, Wrye Bash or copy the files to the Data folder in the game directory.

Removal: Via Nexus Mod Manager, Wrye Bash or deleting files in the Data folder in the game directory.

Optional file for clean removal (Updated for version 8.2)
This archive contains a bat file (- Remove Better Vampires -.bat) that will remove the mod correctly and manually - this is especially useful for troubleshooting, creating a clean save or updating from an old version. Copy to the Data folder in the root of the game.

Inside the archive there is a complete guide describing all the features of the modification, the procedure for installing, uninstalling and configuring it. One way or another, the player will need the original game, version no lower than 1.9, the official add-on for Dawnguard vampires, as well as the latest versions of SKSE and SkyUI.

It is best to use a modification installation manager (NMM or similar), but you can make changes to the game manually by copying all the files from the 00 Required (loosefiles) folder to the Data directory, and then selecting only one esp file, which will determine Will the mod be based on the Dawnguard DLC?

What changes does the mod make?

Having decided download mod for Skyrim for vampires on our website via a direct link or via TORRENT, you will have the opportunity to significantly improve your character’s vampirism skills. In particular, the skills inherent in the assassin's playstyle, mastery of certain weapons and defense will improve.

In addition, you can configure the ability to breathe endlessly under water, assign completely new skills, and even set resistance to the sun. Gradual character development with increasing rank will add dynamism and consistency to the game.

You can make your vampire almost invincible, or, on the contrary, you can weaken him to complicate the game. Everything you need for such interesting manipulations - download modification for Skyrim for vampires and install it...

Complete rebalancing of vampire abilities.

The MOD adds a huge number of features for vampires, for example:

Turning NPCs into vampires (yes, that’s exactly what was missing, now we
we can turn Lydia (any NPC) into a vampire and do with her,
let's say...mmmm...think of it yourself)
- Any converted NPC receives
the opportunity to become your partner (it is recommended to install the mod on
unlimited number of partners, what it's like to have an army of your own
subordinates - vampires behind their backs?)

  • - Summon creatures from the abyss
  • - Teleportation
  • - Vampire reflexes
  • - Transformation into fog and much more, too many to list

The mod also has its own development system (oh yes, I hope you remember
Oblivion). The more we live and feed on a vampire, the stronger he is
become (as they say up the career ladder, from the bottom
Vampire to Vampire King).
The amount of translation in this mod is very large, so I apologize for any inaccuracies if you encounter them.

I won’t say much about what is there or what isn’t there. Those who like to play as a vampire have probably heard about fashion.

Update 6.2

  • Now you can eat in the form of a vampire lord
  • At the last stage of vampirism, you can feed on the blood of vampires
    and absorb their skills. Also, every 80 victims you will receive skill points.
  • Minor changes to the Mortal Mask
  • And every little thing

Thanks to Semtar for translating the settings menu

Update procedure

  • We are waiting 24 hours
  • Go to the menu and do a reset
  • Exit the menu, do the cleaning
  • Exit the menu, make a new save
  • Exit the game and disable esp (If you installed the mod using a mod manager, deactivate it, it will be better)
  • We go into the game, save to the same save, but without the mod, exit the game
  • We install the new version of the mod using nexus mod manager (activate the entire archive), you can do it manually, but it’s better.
  • Let's play

PS: By the way, I’m using a custom race, I can’t update normally
It turned out that I will have to start again. Maybe you can do it...

And now a few words about compatibility

Setting up the mod

All settings can be found in the SkyUi menu. To do this, press Esc and select
mod settings item and select Better Vampires. There is a description there
literally to every point.


  • Project Reality – Climates of Tamriel
  • T3nd0s Skyrim Redone
  • Realistic Needs and Diseases
  • With any race
  • Royal
    Bloodline - Vampire Lord perk tree and abilities by xyks (Not completely
    compatible, disables the use of vampire powers from Better vampires. For
    There is a fix for full compatibility, but I haven’t translated it yet)
  • As well as any mods affecting the appearance of vampires


With any mods affecting vampirism.

Approximate loading order

Official DLCs
RaceCompatibility.esm (If you use it)
Unofficial Patches (If you use it)
RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp (If you use USKP)
SkyRE (or other global ones)
Custom Races
Texture Replacers (eyes, skin, etc.)
Better Vampires.esp
Royal Bloodline.esp (Only this vampire mod can load at the end)

Incredible! Mods for Skyrim vampires are no less popular than weapon upgrades or story additions. Armor retextures, clearly defined fangs, blood sucking animations, facial features and eyes are all part of the dark aesthetic of the night dwellers.

Bloodsuckers of Tamriel

The original The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim equated the night dwellers to the protagonist's regular enemies, who differ from others in their ability to infect Sanguinare Vampiris.

The sore is dangerous and serves as a harbinger of the transformation of the Dovahkiin into a ghoul. Symptoms vary (depending on the clan the vampire belongs to). Can be cured if the player takes action within three days of infection:

  • you can contact ;
  • kneel in prayer before the altar of any of the nine gods;
  • drink a healing potion for all diseases.

With the release of the Dawnguard add-on, the vampire race became isolated, acquired personal quests, interesting characters and locations. Branches for developing abilities and exclusive arrows that can extinguish the sun have been added. Fans did not stand aside and implemented a number of interesting mods for Skyrim vampires.

Supreme Night Dweller

The new image adopted by the Dovahkiin is borrowed from Lord Harkon, Serana's father from the Volkihar castle. Players don't like damage indicators. To correct the nonsense, a mod for the Vampire Lord “Skyrim” was released, setting the indicators to 4/8/12/16 (in the form of an ordinary person) and 30/50/90/150 (in the form of a winged monster). In other words, a hungry vampire is a strong vampire.

The improved flight mod allows you to soar over the mountains like a bird or a dragon. In fact, having wings and not flying is illogical.

Separately, it is worth noting the amateur modification “Royal Lord Vampire”, which adds the following perks to the game:

  • Eclipse. The sun disappears into shadow for 30 seconds, increasing melee damage and magic by 50%. Incoming damage to the character is reduced by 50%. Apply once a day.
  • Summon Gargoyle. Goliath, the lord of the gargoyles, fights on the side of the Dovahkiin.
  • Blood Transformation. 25 health turns into 15 units of stamina and magic. The hero can interrupt the process at any time.
  • Wings. The rudimentary appendages on the back, which serve more as decoration, now live up to their purpose. This is another mod for Skyrim vampires, which allows you to fly and also adds +50 to your stamina.
  • Molag Bal's Perfection (level 1/2/3). Blood magic causes 10/20/30% more damage to the enemy, respectively.
  • Nightmare rune. Teaches you how to create a runic mark of nightmare, the touch of which terrifies the enemy.
  • Barrier Bolag Bala. A protective spell that blocks 50 damage for 35 mana per second.
  • Royal Pedigree. The rate of replenishment of magic, stamina and health is increased by 10%, +50 to health level, puts the character in the armor of Lord Harkon.
  • Sharp Claws 1/2/3. Increases melee damage by 15/30/45%, +5/10/15% to critical strike, which deals 10/20/30% additional damage to the enemy.

The creator of the Skyrim vampire mod also provided interaction with the locks of doors and chests. Now you don't need to take the original form. The random damage dealt to Serana when she accidentally gets hit has been reduced.

"Vampire Collection"

A modification that improves the appearance of equipment allows you not only to replace indicators, but also to embellish the image of the character and companions. There are a lot of improvements. You just need to install them correctly in order to play TES 5 Skyrim without bugs.

The vampire mod introduces a number of external changes to the outfit:

  • removes the Volkihar clan brooch from the clothing of vampires of other bloodlines;
  • the men's armor has lost its shoulder pads;
  • all equipment options are divided into red, white and black (and are colored accordingly);
  • forged in any forge.

The appearance of the armor of Serana, Harkon and Valerika has been changed: it has become brighter and more detailed.

In Lord Harkon's room there is a chest in which the Dovahkiin can find a set of clothes:

  • Armor. Increases your life pool by 50, destruction magic requires 60% less energy.
  • Gloves. +50 to mana reserve, +60% to damage with one-handed weapons.
  • Boots. 50 units are added to endurance, +50% to fire resistance.
  • Sword. Absorbs 30 enemy magic, strength and health. In case of a critical hit, the soul stone is filled.
  • Hood. When worn, it protects the vampire from exposure to sunlight.

In addition to all of the above, possible crashes and bugs in the “Dawnguard and Vampires” quests have been fixed. The enemy death animation has been adjusted: dragons no longer “dance the tarantella” after death.

What does a face mod do in Skyrim?

Vampires that have undergone changes from fan modifications often become the product of unsuccessful experiments, so it is advisable to select files wisely. Otherwise, the desire to play disappears.

As a rule, the whole face changes, especially a lot of textures were invented for the vampire’s eyes. The mod for Skyrim affects all changes to the head: pupils, shape of eyes and mouth, jaw and length of fangs.

For example, for greater realism, the fangs are shortened, the lower jaw is completely removed, and the teeth are made brighter. Fangs become visible in dialogue.

As a rule, the glow is removed from the eyes, the shape becomes almond-shaped, and eyelashes are added. There are a great variety of textures for vampire eyes, so each player chooses according to his taste.


There are also a lot of fan works that change the appearance of vampire armor. A vampire armor mod for Skyrim usually adds frightening external attributes like skulls, bones and horns.

In addition, transformations with hanging all kinds of decorations are possible. The set usually includes a cloak and hood.

Retexture of the Serana family

But this improvement adds radically new vampires to the gameplay. The mod for Skyrim completely changes the shape of the faces, eyes, hairstyles and appearance of Valerika and Serana. Lord Harkon gets different fangs and eyes after his transformation.

It is curious that the mod's installation prevents Serana from being cured of vampirism by turning to the necromancer Falion in Morthal.


An unusual “supplement” that turns on the hunger mode in vampires. Every night the bloodsucker is forced to hunt.

The victim is selected in some deserted corner, after which the night hunter attempts to sneak up unnoticed. If the NPC suspects something is wrong, the vampire again pretends to be an ordinary person, and later repeats the attack.

Once exposed, the ghoul will run away and give up trying to feed until the next night. If the hunt ends successfully, the victim will simply lose consciousness, and when he wakes up, he will forget everything.

This mod also improves Serana's combat system: she will bite enemies on the neck when they have low health.

Serana Lord Vampire

The fan mod “Serana’s Secret” gives the beautiful companion the ability to transform along with the protagonist. Takes the form of a Lord, even if Dovahkiin is a werewolf.

The model is no different from the female version: the same vestigial wings on the back, a disgusting muzzle and absurdly spaced arms. However, if you have a mod for Skyrim vampires that allows you to fly, the Dovahkiin will be able to move through the air with his companion (provided that both are vampires).

The plugin provides the ability to disable transformations during the game. A spell appears in the player’s arsenal that can pull out Serana if the girl is stuck somewhere (including in textures).

Little Serana

The community of those who have lost their minds over the cute vampire thinks so unconventionally that a plugin was invented that adds children to the game who are smaller copies of Serana and Valerica.

A function has been written that allows you to adopt them (as part of the HearthFire addon) by going to an orphanage in Riften. Added Babette's replayer and two Whiterun orphans: Sophia and Filia.

There are a number of options that customize the add-on completely according to the player’s wishes. The only problem: a bug may appear when trying to cure Serana of vampirism.


No matter how many addons or mods are released for Skyrim vampires, gamers are still looking for a way to marry Serana. Whatever one may say, such a favorable outcome was not planned by the developers.

Therefore, after installing the fashion, the ceremony can be held. But after dialogue with the girl, you won’t be able to meet Dovahkiin in the house. Most likely, the young lady will return to Volkihar Castle, from where the player can pick her up again.

If you try to heal her, something will work (maybe), but it's better to look for another Skyrim vampire mod that allows you to make her a full-fledged bride.

Although, if you think about it, is it necessary? In the end, Serana is an excellent companion, and she will be more useful in battle, because she has a sword and magic, and is also able to summon gargoyles.

A housewife won't turn out very well.

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