How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen? How to remove black bars on desktop. How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen in Windows How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen

When watching videos on widescreen monitors, many users are faced with the problem of black bars at the edges of the image. These stripes can be either vertical or horizontal. The main problem is that the screen sizes do not match the aspect ratio of the video being played. For example, watching a 4:3 video on a 16:9 screen will inevitably result in stripes on the sides of the image.

Watch this tutorial and learn how to remove black bars on video in a few minutes using VideoMASTER:

In order to cope with this problem, we will use the VideoMASTER program. The product allows you to set the size and position of the visible area of ​​the image, that is, to crop the video. Thus, you can remove black bars on the video by following a few simple steps.

Step 1. Install the VideoMASTER program.

VideoMASTER is a universal video converter. In addition, the program is equipped with an extensive range of useful options for editing video clips. In particular, it can be used to remove black bars on the video. You can from the official website of the program. Install the program on your computer and run it for the first time.

Step 2. Add video files.

At this stage, you need to load into the program those videos on which you want to remove black bars on the video. To do this, click the button Add, located on the left sidebar of the program. Files can be uploaded one at a time or a whole folder of videos. You can get detailed information about uploaded videos by opening the section Information.

Step 3. How to remove video black bars?

Open the menu section Effects > Crop. With the cropping operation, you can change size and proportions video images. You can also select the cropping area manually - using the mouse. Set the desired settings and click Apply. Thus, the program allows you to get rid of black bars in just a few clicks. It remains only to start the conversion procedure. To do this, click the button Convert in the lower right corner of the program. At the end of the encoding process, you can immediately view the prepared video.

As a rule, some players have a problem that is somehow related to the black bars. They appear on the sides and interfere with direct play. Not all players know how to fix this. That is why we wrote an article about it, how to remove black bars in cs 1.6. So let's go. There are several ways that we will now consider.

The first way to remove black bars

After opening the game, you need to go to Options (Settings). After that, go to the tab Video (Video). In the item called Display mode, select the parameter Widescreen. Also a little higher you need to select the required resolution. Usually choose the highest resolution.

The second way to remove black bars

For Steam version:
Open Steam. Right-click on CS 1.6 in the Steam Game Library and select properties. Click on Set launch options, where we enter the required width. -width *** (width must be entered instead of stars).

1. We go to the desktop.
2. Right-click on CS 1.6 and select properties.
3. In the field called the object, add the width of the screen: -width *** (instead of stars, write the width). Click on the OK button.

The third way to remove black bars

For Steam version:
We go to Staem and repeat the already familiar procedure. Now instead of -width *** we write -stretchaspect .

For Non-Steam (pirated version):
We perform the same action with the Non-Steam version. That is, we go into the properties of the COP, where we click on the object and where we directly write the same command -stretchaspect .

After all the actions done, in any case, the black bars will be removed from you and will never appear again. We hope you succeeded remove black bars in cs 1.6. Now we would like to say goodbye to you. Good luck to everyone and see you again.

The monitor is an essential component for any computer. All work behind the device is not complete without the display itself. Modern technologies have given us the highest quality screens, on which the picture looks very rich and realistic. Unfortunately, no user is immune from problems when working with such devices. How to remove the black bar on the monitor? How to set it up at all? Perhaps it's in the video card drivers or image output settings. Various troubleshooting methods can be used to resolve the issue. Let's talk today about all the nuances of setting up this familiar invention.

Settings for Windows 7 operating system

To solve the urgent problem with black bars, you can try to follow the following instructions:

  1. Turn on your device and wait for the Windows operating system to load. Make sure the display is connected to the computer's system unit.
  2. After downloading, left-click on the “Start” icon and go to the “Control Panel” section.
  3. You will see a context menu with a huge number of icons responsible for different actions. You need to go to the "Screen" tab.
  4. Now you need to go to the “Screen resolution settings” option. You will see a dialog box in which you need to select the “Advanced Options” setting.
  5. It remains to go to “Graphic characteristics” and in the scaling settings select “Scale to full screen”.

Most often, the manipulations described above help to remove black bars on the monitor on the sides, top and bottom. If after all the steps nothing has changed, then you will have to resort to other methods to fix the problem.

Important! The stripes come in other colors, and depending on how they manifest themselves, you can recognize the cause of their appearance. Perhaps this will not be a critical problem. In any case, you need to figure it out in time so as not to lead to a complete system failure with the loss of all your data.

We devoted a separate post to this topic.

Installing new drivers for the video card

It is possible that this defect is caused by problems with the version of your video card drivers.

Important! Some display devices do not return to normal operation even after setting the correct resolution. The image simply ceases to stretch across the entire screen, leaving unfortunate stripes on both sides.

In order to get rid of this, you can try the following method:

  1. First you need to go to the official website of the publisher of your video card.
  2. Sites of all manufacturers have a similar principle of operation, so you will need to go to support and select the “Drivers” section.
  3. After that, you need to fill in the empty fields, you need to enter the data of your personal computer and the model of the video processing chip.
  4. You should be redirected to a link to the site with the latest version of the drivers, from where you should download and install them.
  5. After these steps, you need to go to the settings menu and set the maximum allowable resolution for your device model.

Important! To avoid misunderstandings in the principles of compatibility, check the box on the last item of the scaling options in the settings.

In the settings, you need to find the line with the name “Scaling settings” and move the slider on the item “Compressed scan - Stretched scan” so that the picture fills the entire display.

Important! It is also worth making sure that the picture is calibrated and is located exactly in the center.

How to remove black fields on the monitor if the above did not help?

Setting the correct frame rate

  1. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop space.
  2. A context menu will open in which you need to select the “resolution” section of the screen of your laptop or computer.
  3. You will see a window with four different tabs in front of you, you need to go to the “Monitor” tab.
  4. Find "Monitor settings" and set a different refresh rate, up or down.

These manipulations can help you solve the problem.

“Roasting” a video card

There is a possibility that the chip moves away from the video card a little, which causes artifacts in the form of annoying stripes. The vidyukha is “repaired” as follows:

  1. Disassemble the system unit with a Phillips screwdriver and disconnect the video card from the motherboard.
  2. Cooling must be removed from the extracted circuit. We pick up the device and go to the stove.
  3. Turn on the burner and hold the part with tweezers higher above the fire. The chipset should settle on the entire structure.
  4. Cool the component and check. You can also use a blow dryer for this method.

Important! Many problems with PC screens arise for the simple reason that they are wiped with anything - ordinary dust rags, alcohol, washing gels. To prevent this from happening to you, be sure to read about.

Hi all! Today I would like to talk to you about how to remove black bars on the sides of the screen in the game .

Where do the black bars in CS 1.6 come from on the sides of the screen.

Sometimes, playing with the settings of CS 1.6,the player can see the picture presented in the screenshot above: the game started to start with some parameters unknown to you and black bars appeared on the sides of the screen. Also similarmaybearise then, when your old favorite "square" monitor died a long time and went to a landfill, and you same acquired new widescreen monitor.

These black bars interfere with the game, "steal" the usable area of ​​the screen and do not look aesthetically pleasing. If you are unable to fix it yourself, then our article will help you figure it all out and fix this.

Put away black stripespossible in several ways, and the method depends on which game client you have installed: Steam(license) or non-steam(pirate). But let's talk about everything in order.

Removing black bars in CS 1.6 through the game settings

I would like to point out right away that this method is suitable for both Steam and Non-Steam game versions. Start the game, open menu "Settings" and go to the "Video" tab. You will be presented with all the possible settings with which you can change the display settings of the game on your monitor.

To take away black stripes, necessary on this tab the option "Display Mode" switch to "Wide (16:9)". Next, you need to set "Permission". The optimal solution would be choose resolution e, close to the resolution of your desktop. After all manipulations, press button "OK".

Removing black bars by changing game launch options

If a you game doesn't start or runs at such a resolution that you can't enter the settings or you can't see the "Video" tab, then remove the stripes and fix it all at once You can by changing the launch options of the game. In this case, the sequence of actions differs depending on which version of the game you have installed on Steam or Non-Steam.

non-steam version

To start you need to find a shortcut, with which you start the Counter Strike 1.6 game, then nRight click on it and select "Properties". In the opened window in the "Object" line the path to your CS will be shown. Go to the very end this line, press the spacebar and write the command -stretchaspect, which will remove black bars from the screen. After the changes don't forget to click the "OK" button.

Instead of the -stretchaspect command, you can write the following commands: -width<ширина экрана>, -nofbo, w<ширина экрана>.

Steam version

Launch and log into Steam. Then click on CS 1.6 in the list of games(Library tab) right click, select properties. In the opened window in the "General" tab, at the bottom there will be a button "Set launch options ...".Click her, then in opened window"Launch Options" enter the screen width you need with the command -width<ширина экрана>, for example, --width 1366(optimal for laptops) and confirm the changes with the "OK" button.

Also, as for the non-steam version of the game, instead of the -width command, you can write the following commands: -nofbo, -stretchaspect, -w<ширина экрана>.

We hope that you no longer have questions about how to remove black bars, and that you can do it. We wish you to have as few “black bars” as possible in your life!

Now we will figure out how to stretch the screen in cs go, regardless of the resolution set in the game and the format of your screen.

Very often you encounter a problem when, with the right settings and setting all the necessary video parameters, your cs go picture looks like it has side black stripes:

In order to remove black bars and stretch the screen in cs go, you need to:

The easiest way (if it supports a laptop or monitor) is to stretch the image in the settings of the monitor itself (or laptop screen)

How to remove black bars in cs go - video card settings

If you are using an Intel chip in the game module

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select "Graphics Features";
  2. After that, select the "Display" tab - setting our video parameters;
  3. We set the same resolution as in the game itself (if you set it to 800x600), then accordingly we set the same here;
  4. And of course, in the "Scaling" section, we must set it to "full screen";
  5. We save this whole thing and go into the game.

Do all these items without the above launch options. Here we just roughly indicate to our screen the value of the points with which it will work. Accordingly, the game will not display side black bars, since the number of pixels in width and height will match the screen setting in the operating system!

Remove Black Bars (NVIDIA Setting)

If you can’t get to the monitor settings, and there are black bars, then you definitely need to make the following changes on the NVIDIA video card:

Remove Black Bars (AMD Setting)

  1. Go to AMD Graphics properties;
  2. In the "Games" section we find our favorite CS:GO
  3. After you need to select "Profile Options", and then "Display Scaling" and select "Full Panel";
  4. Go to the Main panel - graphics management and in the "Display" tab switch to "GPU Scaling"

Video in case something went wrong:

How to expand the screen (I use a monitor)

In case you are using a monitor, the simplest way would be:

  1. Go to the settings of the monitor itself (the "Menu" button on the monitor);
  2. Open the tab (or section) "Display";
  3. Select display format (4x3). Some monitors do not use a format, but a stretch. Just expand the image in width;

Many monitors will remember such a composition and will automatically switch the format in the game. But be sure to do it with the game turned on.

How to increase the viewing angle in cs go

As we said earlier, black bars appear due to a discrepancy between the set number of points (width * height) in the game and the monitor itself. If you have a powerful laptop/computer, then set the recommended resolution.

Roughly speaking, if your monitor supports 16x9, then give it the maximum number of pixels 1920 * 1080. This will allow you to better display the picture, and you will enjoy the game:

IMPORTANT! depending on the size of the resolution, you will see a different scale in your field of view. The higher the resolution, the larger your field of view:

Expand game to full screen- in many applications (including cs:go) in order for the game to be not in the window, you must set the correct parameter in the settings, but if it doesn't help, then press clt+enter.

From the Authors about the black bars in cs go

Black bars are distracting and interfere with a comfortable game, but you always need to consider your viewing angle, as well as the required FPS. The larger the screen extension, the more the video card needs to constantly keep the number of pixels “in good shape”.

Many professional gamers use 4x3 screen resolution for two reasons:

  • Habit from cs 1.6 (there was no wide game format);
  • In order to increase the enemy model on the screen:

What changes will we get from the stretched picture in the game:

  1. They say that it is much easier to hit the enemy (the image of the model is wider);
  2. Accordingly, due to the distorted picture of the game, the sensitivity and speed of moving the mouse horizontally will be faster than vertically (you need to get used to this);
  3. Using the entire screen area at different resolutions - you will have a different view;

Most Popular Questions

    💻How to remove black bars❓

    To remove black bars, you need to make a number of settings. Namely:
    ✔ In the game in the video settings, set the correct screen format
    ✔ Install a comfortable extension
    ✔ Set the display mode to full screen
    ✔ And after that, be sure to set the necessary launch parameters.
    Detailed instructions with screenshots can be found at

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