New build for acceleration. Nova's main abilities in Heroes of the Storm. Shot from an ambush

Hello friends! Our video maker Gestade has written a new Nova guide for you. In it, he will talk about the build, which in his opinion will be most useful in the current realities of closed beta testing.

Nova is a ranged assassin who specializes in dealing instant game damage from stealth and killing thin heroes. Nova must position herself very well as she has no escape abilities.

Pros and cons of Nova:


  • When played well, she has the highest amount of damage dealt.
  • Invisibility.
  • Long attack range.
  • Easy to stalk.
  • Easy to kill.
  • High speed of movement.
  • Fun to play.


  • Easy to kill.
  • Not easy to master.
  • Has no escape.
  • No healing.

Build Nova

In this guide, we will focus on taking out your enemies one at a time, without giving them time to react. You will be able to do this with the help of the talent “Armour-piercing cartridges” at level 7 and your Q skill “Sniper Shot”.

“Ambush Shot”– The best choice at this level. By firing a Sniper Shot while in stealth or after 1 second of leaving it, its damage will be increased by 20%.

“Gathering Power”– This talent provides a permanent increase in your abilities by 8%. This bonus will increase by 2% for each kill, to a maximum of 12%, but will return to 8% upon death.

“Armor-piercing cartridges”- The talent gives you a huge amount of damage. It makes your basic attacks 3 times slower, but increases their damage by 250%. Let me remind you that Nova specializes in burst damage, so she cannot afford to deal many auto attacks. With the help of “Armour-Piercing Ammo” you can deal damage and go back to stealth without losing health.

Triple shot:


  • A lot of damage
  • Each time you kill, the cooldown is reset to zero if you took the upgrade at level 20.
  • Can be used if the opponent is far away.


  • When used, you cannot move.
  • Deals damage to one target.
  • Can be blocked by buildings or other opponents.

Surgical strike


  • Scope of application throughout the map.
  • You can move around and use the ability.
  • AoE by area.
  • Short cooldown if upgraded at level 20.
  • Slowdown


  • Low amount of damage.
  • During the 3 seconds of casting, enemies may have time to run away from the area and be hit.

"Headshot"– Reduced cooldown of abilities by 4 seconds for each kill. Thanks to this, you will use “Sniper Shot” very often, which will increase your damage several times.

“Great Shot”- Exactly what is needed. It's like rubbing salt on a wound. In case your damage wasn't high enough, here's another 25%. If you are playing in a team, I suggest you use this to kill tanks in the first seconds of the battle.

– You can also take it if you feel that your Sniper Shot is not doing enough damage. Use it to increase the damage of your abilities by 25%, pairs well with Triple Shot.

“Storm Charge”– The main disadvantage of Nova is the lack of mobility; the talent will allow you to live longer and deal more damage.

Counter peaks:

Tassadar: Thanks to his heroic skill “Oracle”, he will be able to detect Nova before the fight.

Tyrande: poses the same threat level as Tassadar. Her skill “Sentry” can bring you out of invisibility from a long distance.

Tyrael: with a good game, with the help of “Condemnation”, he will instantly sit on you and not let go, which will not allow you to do any damage. This can be dealt with in two ways. First: have your team kill Tyrael as quickly as possible. Second: wait in stealth until he spends his ultimate.

Abathur: you have to be careful with his “Toxic Nest”, if you fall into it, then for 4 seconds the enemies will know where you are and can easily kill you.

Uther: he is capable of doing the same things as Abathur, but to a lesser extent. If Uther takes Clairvoyance at level 7, he will be able to gain vision of the area every 45 seconds and declassify you for 4 seconds.

Regar: Like Uther, only at level 4 and the cooldown of the spell is 30 seconds.

Game strategy

Nova is very weak until level 7, especially if you stay in the lane. Your task at the beginning of the game is to wander around the map, gank lines that need help, and also check enemy camps. The less you showed yourself at the beginning, the more your opponents will fear you.

When using your Armor Piercing Ammo, you should never stand around and wait for an auto attack. You must move behind your opponents, and when the invisibility cools down, strike again.

Your “E” ability “Holographic Double” is highly underrated, it has 4 main uses. You can use it to block an opponent or even dodge Stitch's "Hook". You can also use it to knock out ultimates from your opponents. Since the ability does not remove you from invisibility, in fights you can deploy a clone, to which your opponents may react. Use the clone to check the bushes to avoid being ambushed. And of course, you can use a clone as an escape mechanism, but this only works in rare cases.

Nova should deal high burst damage with:

“Crippling Shot” + “Sniper Shot” + Basic Attacks (No Ultimate)

“Crippling Shot” + “Sniper Shot” + Basic Attacks + “Precision Strike”

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6. What to do outside of team battles

Nova is capable of launching extremely effective ambushes. Constantly move around the map, looking for the most vulnerable targets - fragile heroes with a small supply of health or seriously wounded heroes. With the help of constant camouflage and Holographic doubles, you can scout out mercenary camps and wait for lone players who decide to capture them. Usually this role goes to, or. After level 10, attacking enemies alone is not recommended (unless you are confident that the Precision Strike will hit the target, or you managed to find a target with incomplete health).

In any case, you should not go to the line, because... Nova is the worst for clearing waves. It is also not suitable for profitable exchange, because... Sniper shots will most likely fall to warriors.

Map objectives usually attract the attention of both teams, so you will be able to predict where the most heroes will be at a given time. Use these abilities to kill fragile opponents. Capturing many targets involves long casting spells, which will allow you to carefully aim and hit the enemy with a Sniper Shot. Like other ranged assassins, you should team up with your allies once the lane phase ends. As a rule, this happens around level 13, but you can easily determine the right moment when participation in team battles becomes more important than gaining experience.

7. Team battles

Nova's fragility, low mobility, and threat she poses make her a priority target for the enemy team. Don't forget about this and use disguise until your allies manage to distract the enemy or successfully use control spells. Taking care of your own safety, try to effectively use the Precision Strike so that it hits as many targets as possible. The standard combo of abilities (Crippling Shot + Sniper Shot + Basic Attack) is usually used against Assassins, Specialists, and Support heroes. Most fighters have access to the Block, Overbearing Presence, and Stoneskin talents, which significantly reduce the damage they take. To block enemy targeted spells, use the Holographic Double.

The best way to deal as much damage as possible to your enemy is to approach him from the side. However, such a maneuver is not always possible due to terrain, team composition, or available abilities. If you see that the current situation will not allow you to deal damage to the enemy for 3 seconds or more, do not try to approach him. Stand next to your allies and attack targets that are within a suitable radius. The Crippling Shot is great for this, although it is not advisable to use it on a target that catches your eye first. Remember that enemies have cooldowns such as Protective Field, Spell Shield, Stoneskin, and Durable Shields. Keep an eye on them so as not to waste abilities and basic attacks.

The following abilities can be used in combination with Precision Strike to deal lethal damage to an enemy:

  • Howling Wind (Arthas)
  • Apocalypse (Diablo)
  • Mosh pit (E.T.S.)
  • Grav-o-bomb 3000 (Gazlowe)
  • Ring of Frost (Jaina)
  • Primal Grasp + Piercing Blades (Kerrigan)
  • Entangling Roots (Malfurion)
  • Storm Hammer (Muradin)
  • Zombie Row (Nazibo)
  • Jump Kick (Sonya)
  • Sundering (Thrall)
  • Divine Storm (Uther)
  • Devouring Maw (Zagara)
  • Void Bond (Zeratul)

8. Using abilities

Nova's popular talents provide the ability to use abilities in a fixed order, which is not the case with other heroes. Ambush Shot requires using a Sniper Shot during or immediately after breaking out of cloak. The crippling shot increases the damage the target receives, so it makes sense to use it first. Precision Strike should be combined with control abilities to prevent opponents from escaping. Armor-piercing rounds significantly reduce the speed of basic attacks. The holographic double can be used for both defense and attack. Thanks to Deadly Lure and Rewind, rotation becomes more difficult because... you can use abilities two times in a row.

The ideal rotation looks like this:

  • Basic attack
  • Rewind
  • Basic attack

When under pressure or against attentive players, you are unlikely to be able to perform all the above steps flawlessly, but this is something you should strive for. Compared to other heroes, Nova is able to deal massive damage to a single target in a short period of time thanks to complex but effective rotation.

The basic rotation looks like this:

  • Basic attack

If you have the Holographic Double's Lethal Lure talent, you can use it to attack, but it would be better to block targeted attacks with it or slow down opponents with Crippling Shot. After this, the double will be able to inflict a little damage on the target, which will serve as a pleasant bonus, but nothing more.

  • Remember that camouflage does not provide complete invisibility, and opponents see a vague glow in your place. Try not to attract attention to yourself. Use bushes and distractions to sneak up on your prey without being noticed. Remember that opponents can use abilities such as Oracle (Tassadar) or Shadow Cover (Tyrande), as well as AoE spells that remove disguise.
  • Use Crippling Shot to better aim your Sniper Shot or Precision Strike.
  • Use Holographic Doubles to block targeted enemy spells and abilities that primarily hit Heroes (such as Blinding Wind, Water Dragon, Withering Barrage, Aspect of the Wild, and Sentinel).
  • Organize surprise attacks at the initial levels. At higher levels, do not move too far from your allies.
  • Remember that enemies have cooldowns such as Protective Field, Spell Shield, Stoneskin and Strong Shields, which significantly reduce incoming damage.
  • Armor-piercing ammo gives you the ability to move between basic attacks while maintaining high DPS. Use this time to choose the most advantageous location.
  • Practice is the key to success! Practice directing your Sniper strike in games with real opponents. If you can't hit an enemy with your Sniper Strike, perhaps you should choose another hero.

10. Best allies

In this section, we'll look at heroes that give Nova additional benefits.


The Rock Star trait and Superstar talent provide a significant bonus to attack and movement power. In addition, for E.T.S. It’s very convenient to hide from enemy attacks, and his Roll Out and Brain Blow abilities allow you to quickly retreat if necessary. The combination of Mosh Pit + Precision Strike will allow you to achieve unsurpassed results.


Can protect Nova with abilities such as Holy Light, Holy Radiance, and Divine Shield. You can elude an enemy stunned by the Hammer of Justice, or deal more damage by taking advantage of his defenselessness. Remember that Divine Storm synergizes well with Precision Strike.


The slow from El'Druin's Might and Overbearing Presence allows for better targeting when using a Snipe. Righteousness and Smite provide additional survivability and mobility. Can predictably stun opponents with Condemn so Nova can hit them with a Precision Strike.


Hunter's Mark is a great way to increase your damage output, especially when combined with Crippling Strike. Lunar Flare's stun can be used for precise aiming, and Trueshot Aura greatly enhances basic attacks. The combination of Big Hunt + Armor-Piercing Ammo allows you to make a surprise attack and inflict damage on the enemy that he cannot avoid.

11. Worst Enemies

In this section, we will look at heroes who can effectively counter Nova.


The short cooldown of the Soaring Strike allows you to put a lot of pressure on Nova, and the shields from the Fortifying Brew make it impossible to penetrate the already durable monk. With the heroic ability Rogue Barrel, Chen can push Nova away from her allies or push her towards her opponents. Both options are extremely undesirable for her. The quick reflexes talent allows Chen to ignore half the damage from basic attacks.

How to resist Chen?

Since Chen is forced to constantly drink Fortifying Brew to use his abilities and increase his survivability, stay close to allies who can disrupt his casting. A crippling shot and the help of your team will help you kill Chen easily, because... His health reserve itself is small. If you're lucky and the Holographic Double's basic attacks trigger Quick Reflexes, all of your attacks will hit their target.


Can quickly get close to Nova with Roll and Sweep, and Evasion significantly reduces the damage taken from basic attacks, which Dominion Wraith so often uses.

How to resist Illidan?

Illidan deals maximum damage if opponents allow him to use basic attacks with impunity. Thus, you need to somehow get out of the range of Illidan's basic attacks, which can be very difficult due to the presence of his Roll and Slash. Try not to move too far from your allies, who will be able to control the dangerous killer if necessary. Do not attack Illidan while Evading, which can be recognized by a specific faded animation. Once the Evasion ends, try to deal as much damage as possible. Illidan's base health is low. Use all available abilities to do this.


Plasma Shield absorbs most of Nova's damage, while Oracle and Psionic Storm effectively remove her disguise at the worst possible time. Dimensional shift prevents Tassadar from being killed too quickly, and in Archon form he can easily defeat you.

How to resist Tassadar?

Try not to attack a target covered by a Plasma Shield (the indicator is a blue shield above the health bar). Attack Tassadar himself if you know for sure that he recently used Dimensional Shift. If possible, finish him off with a Sniper Shot, because... otherwise, the Anticipation talent may trigger (Tassadar will receive an additional Dimensional Shift and will likely restore his health). Tassadar is able to effectively counter Nova at the expense of Oracle, so you should not choose her in a fight against a team that has Tassadar. However, this ability has a fairly long cooldown (in the absence of the Keen Mind talent).


Conviction provides a reliable stun that cannot be avoided. He usually uses this ability at the very beginning of a fight so that his allies can take advantage of their enemies' helplessness. Without the support of the team, Nova will very quickly die under the onslaught of such an enemy. In addition, Tyrael can apply pressure with the help of the Might of the El "ruin and Smite, and his talent Overwhelming Presence and the ability Righteousness do not allow him to retaliate.

How to resist Tyrael?

Tyrael himself does relatively little damage, but his allies who manage to benefit from Condemn can easily finish off Nova. The responsibility of protecting you from Judgment falls on the shoulders of support heroes. However, you can stand as far away as possible so that Tyrael can't reach you, or at least be forced to separate from his team. Additionally, you can leave the Disguise on until he uses Condemn on someone else. To reduce the damage from devastating combos, you can use Spell Shield instead of Deadly Lure.

11.1. Blackheart Bay

The size, layout and pace of the game on this map allow Nova to move freely and organize surprise attacks. As a rule, there is one player on the bottom line, capable of clearing waves of warriors. The bushes in Blackheart Bay are located so that you can sit in them for a long time, waiting for a suitable victim. Alternatively, you can go to the top lane. It is considered to be best suited for surprise attacks if your team maintains control of the watchtower.

Small skeleton camps also attract lone travelers, and you can take advantage of this fact, despite the fact that the skeletons themselves deal very little damage. When enemy heroes try to destroy chests and steal coins, you can carefully target them with a Sniper Shot. Remember that chests are an obstacle and can therefore block a Sniper shot. Nova's disguise allows her to scout the area while her allies try to turn in the doubloons themselves.

After level 10, you should not attack opponents alone. Don't stray too far from your allies and focus on completing your objectives.

11.2. Damn Hollow

One of the lines (usually the middle one) is assigned to a hero who can push through it alone, but tactics may change depending on the composition and experience of the team. Agree with an ally who will stand on this line and organize a surprise attack on the hero on the other side of the map. In your free time, you can move to one of the remaining lines and break through the opponents standing on it (make sure that there are no tanks among them).

When a gift appears, join a team to try to capture it. Knock down enemy casts with Sniper Shot and Holographic Doubles. There are a lot of bushes in Cursed Hollow, allowing you to set up ambushes. You will be able to surprise heroes who decide to change lanes or are moving towards the gift.

After the end of the lines phase, do not move far from your allies. Help them explore the map and capture gifts.

11.3. Dragon's Land

Nova is not designed to be in lane, so opponents will have an advantage (3v2) at the bottom. Try to kill opponents in the top and mid lane as often as possible so that they cannot gain experience. Help your allies capture the upper sanctuary and hold it at all costs. Use camouflage to sneak up to the sanctuary without being visible on the mini-map.

Agree with your allies and use bush camouflage to hide your presence. To scout out bushes where enemies may be hiding, use the Holographic Double. Sanctuaries take very little time to capture, so you'll have to keep moving, especially after you've killed enemies defending the Sanctuary.

If our team is trying to kill a Dragon Knight captured by opponents, try to deal as much damage to it as possible. Beware of the kick, because... it can throw you right into the enemy's camp.

11.4. Garden of Horrors

Based on the tactics chosen by your team, you can go into a lane with one of your allies (usually the middle or top lane) to tip the scales in your favor. On this map, Nova has no reason to move around alone. The appearance of seeds provokes skirmishes early in the game, so opponents can attack you at the most unexpected moment. As a ranged assassin, Nova can quickly kill creatures and collect seeds.

If your team is trying to kill an enemy Garden Terror, try to deal as much damage to it as possible. Be aware of the Spore Queen's Curse, which can take you out of combat for a long time, reducing your movement speed and preventing you from attacking. Do not sit in Horror, because... The team will benefit from your ability to deal damage from a distance.

11.5. Phantom Mines

Nowadays, almost all teams use a tactic where four players occupy a line where a friendly golem will appear. Go there with three allies. Your goal is to destroy the first towers and gates of your opponents and gain an advantage in experience. Remember that opponents will try to do the same. Nova will be able to bring maximum benefit to her team thanks to her ability to deal high damage. The standard division of teams (4:1) does not allow organizing a surprise attack on a lone player, because you will need to push your line all the way to the towers.

When the mines open (around level 4), go down them and try to collect as many skulls as possible. Don't stray too far from your allies. Small skirmishes and team fights often occur in the narrow corridors of the mines. Think over your escape routes so as not to get stabbed in the back.

Once teams collect the skulls, they will be able to summon golems. As a rule, golems have different strengths, and your creation may be much stronger than the creation of your opponents. If so, try to push the line through them. The golem stuns targets in a large radius and pins them in place, so under its protection you can destroy enemy buildings and deal damage to heroes. If the enemy golem is much stronger than yours, try to destroy it to preserve the integrity of your buildings.

11.6. Heavenly Temple

In the Sky Temple, you will have to move quickly between lines to hold the temples. At the beginning of the battle, try to occupy the line closest to the temple that appears (middle or top) in order to catch opponents who will move between temples. However, it should be noted that the bottom lane usually only has one hero, which is a suitable target for a surprise attack. Holding the temples is not difficult, especially if you have partners. Don't forget about camouflage and wait for enemies in the bushes.

The lines in the Sky Temple are very short, so it will be difficult for the enemy to attack you suddenly. Additionally, the mercenary camps are located very close to the lanes, so you can aggressively clear the waves without losing any experience. Some heroes go to the camps alone, and you can easily get an extra kill that will bring experience to your team.

11.7. Tomb of the Spider Queen

Combat in Tomb of the Spider Queen involves a lot of laning. The main purpose of the map is to collect crystals that appear on the lines after the death of warriors. Thanks to camouflage, you can collect crystals without revealing your location, but try not to get hit by AoE spells. The collected crystals must be handed over at one of the altars located in the center of the map. These altars are surrounded by smoke vapors that conceal friendly and enemy targets. To discover their location, use the Holographic Double. Additionally, you can prevent your opponents from handing over the crystals by hitting them with a spell or auto attack. A sniper shot will come in handy here, because... Opponents who surrender crystals cannot move. Do not try to hand over crystals alone, because... any damage interrupts this process.

By handing over the required number of crystals, you will summon special warriors to your lines - Weavers. Weavers exist for a certain time and appear on the lines - where your warriors managed to pass. Therefore, teams are advised to push the lines as far as possible to get the most out of the weavers. If your opponents managed to hand over the crystals and summon their weavers, kill them as quickly as possible, because... The Shadow Wave ability deals a lot of damage to heroes and buildings.

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Nova is a light warframe that is a good controller and damage dealer.

The aura in this build uses Energy Source. Let's take two configurations - to slow down mobs and to speed up. We will use two skills - Antimatter Drop and Molecular Charge. Antimatter release allows you to release a ball that, upon collision with any surface, explodes, causing radiation damage. If you shoot at this ball while it is flying (and it flies slowly), it absorbs damage and increases it by 400%. During the flight, the ball can be controlled using the sight. Molecular charge charges mobs affected by it and slows them down. They also take double (2X) damage.

For Molecular Charge's spread duration, we'll take three modules per duration - Constitution, which increases the ability's duration by 28%, Duration, which increases the ability's duration by 30%, and Simple Thinking, which increases the ability's duration by 99% but reduces the ability's area of ​​effect.

Nova Mods

Reducing the effect area of ​​the ability will reduce the explosion radius of mobs affected by the Molecular Charge. But for us this does not play a big role. To increase the slowdown of mobs that are under the influence of Molecular Charge, we will take the Strengthening module, which will increase the power of the ability by 30%. As a result, the slowdown will be about 60%.

To increase Nova's survivability, we'll take Redirection and Health, which increase shield power and health by 440%, respectively.

To increase the maximum amount of energy, we will take the Flow module, which increases the energy supply by 150%.

To reduce energy costs for using abilities, we will take the Fleeting Mastery module, which reduces energy costs by 60%, but also reduces the duration of the ability by 60%. But we compensate for the duration of the ability with the Simplified Thinking module.

If you are not afraid of the high energy costs of Molecular Charge and want to increase its damage zone to the maximum, then you can replace Fleeting Mastery with Streamlining.

You can take any weapon in this build, but preferably some kind of rapid-fire weapon with high damage in order to increase the damage to the ball. You can also take anyone as a guard.

Let's look at how this build works on the ruins of Protection.

If mobs attack the camera, use Molecular Charge. The wave will disperse and the mobs will begin to slow down. They also receive double buff damage. That is, if we shoot at them, double damage is dealt to them. We also pick up Despair - throw the ball, it explodes and causes damage. The whole team can shoot at the ball, which can cause quite a lot of damage, which is especially helpful at high levels.

A powerful skill that allows you to deal enormous damage to individual enemies. Only one target will receive damage, so try not to hit creeps when shooting.

Cripple Shot

Many opponents will try to dodge your attack, so it's better to slow them down before doing so. This ability will give you a little more than 2 seconds to deliver fatal shots.

Holographic double

Simply a great skill that allows you to confuse your opponent. The advantage of this skill is that the created illusion is controlled by the computer, so you don’t even need to be distracted from your character. All you need to do is select the desired point.

Permanent disguise, sniper

The low health reserve is compensated by eternal invisibility, which is removed only when receiving damage or using abilities. To become invisible again, you must not attack anyone or take damage for 2 seconds.

Nova's Heroic Abilities in HotS

Triple shot

Some kind of sniper shot, but with a slight difference, which is the number of shots. As the name of the ability suggests, Nova fires not one, but three shots at a specific target. The disadvantage of this skill is that any enemy can fall for this ability and save your target.

Surgical strike

Nova is a natural sniper, so taking a lot of shots is not her style. With this ultimate you can deal a crushing blow to any enemy on the map. The skill has no distance limitation, you can shoot even across the entire map, the main thing is to have visibility of the area, otherwise you may miss.

Build for Nova in HotS

1st level

Shot from an ambush

Nova performs almost all of her attacks from invisibility, so taking this talent is mandatory for everyone. It will enhance any Sniper shot that is fired from stealth.

4th level

Accumulation of power

We continue to increase the damage from Nova's abilities. This talent can increase the damage from skills by 15%, but on the condition that the hero can finish off 5 opponents during his life.

7th level

Armor-piercing cartridges

A rather controversial ability that imposes a negative effect on Nova that slows down her attacks. The advantage of this talent is that it increases each attack by 2.5 times.

Level 10

Surgical strike

Thanks to this ability, you no longer have to run all over the map to catch up with the enemy. You can fire a shot at any point on the map and immediately reduce the health level of your opponents to a critical level.

Level 13

Deadly bait

Previously, the double only pretended to shoot and use spells. This talent allows the hologram to deal damage to enemies. The copy's damage is 25% of yours.

Level 16

Double deception

If you thought that one double was enough to confuse the enemy, then what about three? Each of the doubles will attack your opponent for some time, and then begin to run away.

Level 20

Precision salvo

Nova's ultimate already terrifies everyone, and 2 shots can be guaranteed to wipe out the enemy's cards. It is difficult to overestimate such a skill in mass battles, when 2 shots fly into the enemy team at once.

Tactics for playing Nova in Heroes of the Storm

Nova has many useful abilities in her arsenal that will help her kill opponents throughout the game, but at the very beginning you shouldn’t even try, because the damage will still not be enough. In the best case, you will send the hero to regenerate at the fountain, but healing itself will not hurt you.

Using invisibility, move along the lines and deliver single shots at enemies. This will make them think that you are always nearby, which gives a slight advantage for both you and your allies.

Nova doesn't have many abilities that deal area damage, so always try to focus on one of the enemies. The damage of your hero will instantly leave the enemy team without a support or a wounded killer.

If they are trying to kill you, then go into invisibility and try to hide. Never go where they expect you, because this way enemies can easily spot you if they have AoE abilities. Try to act unpredictably.


  • Arthas
  • Illidan
  • Tassadar


  • Zeratul
  • Muradin
  • E.T.S.

Conclusion of the guide about Nova in HotS

It cannot be said that Nova is a very difficult hero to control, but the number of her lives can play a cruel joke on newcomers who will run alone to kill the entire enemy team. But you shouldn’t sit invisibility all the time. If you learn to recognize the moment when to wait and when to attack, then Nova will become a terrible weapon in your hands.

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