Presentation of the plot game home doctor in the dow. Role-playing game "Hospital" in the middle group. The plot “The doll got sick. “We live together, have fun, all the hardships - nothing!”

Target: Formation of ideas about the work of adults (employees of the polyclinic), its role in society and the life of each person.


  • To form an idea about the purpose of the work of medical personnel, about the specialization of doctors (oculist, therapist, traumatologist), about the content of the work of medical workers.
  • Contribute to the development of social roles by the child: doctor, patient, builder, pharmacy worker, receptionist.
  • To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game: independently and in a variety of ways to combine in games knowledge gleaned from observations, books, adult stories
  • Cultivate respect for various professions: doctor, builder, pharmacist.

Preliminary work:

Visiting children with their parents clinic. Excursion to the medical office of the kindergarten, demonstration by the nurse of various medical instruments, explanation of their purpose, showing how to act with them. Consideration of illustrative material on the topic. A conversation about the profession of a doctor (Who is a doctor? What kind of doctor can be called a good one? How should a patient behave? Who can work as a doctor?) Reading works of fiction: Yu. Yakovlev “Sick”, Yu. Sinitsyn “Trouble with a person”, I. Turichin "The man fell ill". Game dialogues: doctor-patient (with a different character, for example, a capricious patient). Making attributes for the game (cardboard thermometers; medical cards from sheets of paper folded in half; tables with pictures for an ophthalmologist, etc.). Painting conversation. Role-playing game “Polyclinic” (the “polyclinic” has a reception desk, an office of a general practitioner, an ophthalmologist, a traumatologist, a treatment room). Distribution of roles for the upcoming game: medical workers, pharmacy worker, builders.


Children's white medical gowns, hats; home-made medical cards, leaflets for prescriptions, directions for injections and vaccinations, pills; items from the “Puppet Doctor” set (phonendoscope, tweezers, spatulas, syringes, bandages, etc.); empty bottles, medicine boxes, pieces of foam rubber, etc.

Game progress

1 part

caregiver: Attention, attention, residents of the city! In our area, where many builders work, a polyclinic is finally opening. If you get sick or decide to check your health, our doctors will help you: therapist, ophthalmologist, traumatologist. If you have been prescribed any procedures, you can visit the treatment room. There is also a pharmacy in the clinic.

caregiver: Today, a general medical examination is announced for all builders. Construction workers are a dangerous profession; healthy workers are needed at the construction site. Which of you would like to work as a builder today? Why? Which doctors will see patients? The guys who chose the role of builders, please sit on the right, and those who will work in the clinic, on the left. Who do you want to be in the clinic? Why? And today I will be taking patients in the registry.

caregiver: In a few minutes, the clinic will begin receiving visitors. Medical workers are starting to prepare their jobs. And the builders at this time continue to work at the construction site.

Children-employees of the polyclinic put signs on their tables, lay out equipment, doctors put on white coats, nurses put on medical caps; children - builders are constructing a building from a floor constructor. When the “polyclinic” is ready to open, it is announced: “We invite patients to the polyclinic”.

part 2

Roles Role-playing activities
Registrar (teacher) Fills out and issues medical records. Issues coupons to doctors.
Therapist Informs about his specialization (I am a general practitioner). Conducts reception of patients (Asks the name of the patient, what hurts him). Listens, palpates, measures temperature, pressure, examines the throat. Prescribes treatment. Refers to specialist doctors. Makes medical records.
Nurse Fills out prescriptions. Washes thermometers, spatulas.
ophthalmologist Informs about his specialization (I am an ophthalmologist, I treat eyes). Checks eyesight with the help of tables. Prescribes treatment.
Nurse Writes out prescriptions.
Traumatologist Reports on his specialization. Accepts patients with bruises, cuts, burns. Prescribes treatment.
Nurse Helps the doctor to treat wounds, make dressings.
Treatment Room Nurse Accepts patients with referrals from a GP. Gives injections, vaccinates.
Pharmacy worker Arranges medicines, dispenses medicines by prescription. Cuts out new pills.
Builders The building is being built by agreement. Sign up for a doctor's appointment. They come to the doctor's office with a voucher and a medical card. They say what worries them. Follow the doctor's recommendations.

Construction of game dialogues by the educator as a receptionist:

What hurts? Which doctor are you referring to? (specify the name of the specialist, purpose, content of his work).

We have very good, caring medical specialists. They will definitely help you. Do not forget to say hello, explain what hurts you.

If the doctor is busy, please wait. He has a very responsible job.

Have you healed already? Goodbye, come visit us again. Be healthy.

part 3

caregiver: Evening is coming, the working day for builders and medical workers ends. Doctors receive the last patients and put things in order in their offices, and builders at their construction site.

Children put things in order and sit down in a semicircle on the chairs.

Questions for analysis:

For builders:

  • Which of you visited the clinic?
  • Which doctor did you contact? Why?
  • What treatment has your doctor prescribed?
  • How did you feel after the treatment?
  • What happened if you didn't see a doctor? (My stomach would not stop hurting, I would feel bad; I would see worse; I would cough badly and could not walk, go to work). What would happen if you came to the clinic and the doctor was not there? (for example, the doctor is on vacation or sick).
  • Who is the most caring doctor today? Applause for this doctor.

To healthcare workers:

  • What kind of patients came to you: capricious or not?
  • What complaints were made?
  • Did they do what you told them to do?
  • Who is the most polite and fearless patient? Applause for him.
  • Why do you think doctors and nurses are needed and for whom? What other doctors do you know? Next time we will invite these doctors to our polyclinic.
  • Who wants to be a doctor? What?
  • It's great to be a doctor! What a noble profession!
  • How will we play next time in the clinic? What other doctors to hire? What other doctors are there?

Organization of a role-playing game in kindergarten Pedagogical Council - an interactive game (for preschool teachers)

Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 79

Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory

deputy head

for educational and methodological work

“Role-playing game”


Purpose: to systematize the knowledge of teachers about the role-playing game, to improve the skills of teachers in organizing and conducting role-playing games.

Slide navigation

  • Changing presentation slides is done by clicking the left mouse button
  • The choice of a question on the playing field is made by clicking on the number (the cost of the question), after which a slide with the question appears.
  • To go to the slide of the correct answer, you must click on the link "Correct answer"
  • To go to the field of play, click on the icon "Home"
  • For questions of the category "Pedagogical situations" the correct answers are not provided.

Rules of the game

  • The teachers are divided into 3 teams. The discussion is conducted in teams, one answers.
  • The playing field is slide No. 6, which presents categories, questions and tasks of different levels of complexity. Each question has a point value.
  • The beginning of the game is determined by a draw (drawing a piece of paper with the number 1,2 or 3).
  • The sequence of task selection is determined in the order of the stretched out leaflets with numbers.
  • 1 minute is given for thinking over a theoretical question, 3 minutes for a pedagogical situation.

Rules of the game

  • If the answer is correct, the cost of the question is credited to the team's piggy bank, if the answer is incorrect, points are deducted. (The jury keeps a record: counting the points of each team, both correct and incorrect). In case of an incomplete answer, the jury may lower the mark.
  • If the answer is wrong, the other team can answer and earn points.
  • Hitting the "Pig in a Poke" sector means a common task for all teams (the time to complete the task is 10 minutes).
  • The team with the most points is considered the winner.
Game Pedagogy - 10 Name the components of a role-playing game

Correct answer

Components of a role-playing game:

  • plot
  • content
  • game actions
  • game use of objects (substitution)
  • real relationship between children
Game Pedagogy - 20 What are the conditions for the development of play activities in kindergarten?

Correct answer

Conditions for the development of gaming activities in kindergarten:

  • a place
  • time
  • subject environment
  • management
  • family interaction
Game Pedagogy - 30 Name the stages of the formation of a role-playing game.

Correct answer

Stages of formation of a role-playing game:

  • Object-game actions
  • Role play and interaction
  • Plot composition
Game Pedagogy - 40 What is the difference between the plot of the game and its content?

Correct answer

The plot of the game- this is the area of ​​reality that is reproduced by children in the game (hospital, store, etc.)

Game Pedagogy - 50 Game Pedagogy - 50 What is a comprehensive role-playing game guide?

Correct answer

Comprehensive role-playing game guide:

  • Acquaintance with the environment
  • Enriching the gaming experience
  • Organization of the subject-game environment
  • Activating communication between the teacher and children
Game management - 20 Game management - 20 What is the main principle of organizing a role-playing game in kindergarten

Correct answer

The basic principle of organizing a role-playing game:

In order for the children to master the playing skills, the teacher must play with the children.

Game management - 30 Game management - 30 What are the three positions of the teacher in the management of the role-playing game of a preschooler.

Correct answer

Positions of the teacher in the management of the role-playing game:

  • The teacher is a partner, a carrier of game skills and skills of organized communication in the game.
  • Teacher - coordinator of game ideas and communication of children
  • Teacher - an observer of children's games and a consultant in case of difficulties
Cat in a bag Cat in a bag Game planning - 30 Game planning - 30 Assignment to all teams Make a concise plan for a comprehensive role-playing game management (on separate forms) Game management - 50 Game management - 50 Name the direct and indirect methods of game management.

Correct answer

leadership techniques children's games can be conditionally divided: methods of indirect influence and methods of direct guidance.

Indirect tricks- without direct intervention in the game (bringing in toys, creating a game environment before the start of the game).

Direct tricks- direct inclusion of the teacher in the game (role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, clarification, help, advice during the game, proposal of a new topic for the game, etc.).

Game management - 60 Game management - 60 What does the role of a teacher include?

Correct answer

The game position of the educator includes:

  • The pronounced interest of the educator in the games of children;
  • Reflection as the ability to see the real situation from the outside and isolate gaming opportunities in it;
  • Infantilization as the ability to establish a trusting relationship with others;
  • Empathy as the ability to feel the game states of other people;
  • Creativity as the ability to find non-standard ways to achieve the goal.
Pedagogical situation - 25 Pedagogical situation - 25 Analyze pedagogical situations and make suggestions. Masha fenced the toy chickens with cubes - it turned out to be a poultry yard. Plays, rejoices, feeds chickens. Alyosha took aim with the ball: bang! And no patio! Alyosha stands proud - he hit the target! He only regrets that the guys did not see. What should the teacher do? How to teach to play without destroying the neighbor's game? Pedagogical situation - 30 Pedagogical situation - 30 Analyze pedagogical situations and make suggestions. The teacher organized the game "Bus". The children sat down, bought tickets and drove off. During the game, the bus stopped at two stops, where more than half of the children got off and stood watching how the remaining children were getting ready to get off at the third stop. A minute later, the bus was empty, the driver was upset that he had no one to take, and the rest of the children scattered around the group. Why didn't the game work? What should the teacher do? Pedagogical situation - 35 Pedagogical situation - 35 Analyze pedagogical situations and make suggestions. Maxim quickly took toys for playing "Space Journey: a remote control, and a commander's helmet, and a tablet with a map, and "space power", and "solar batteries" for recharging engines. "What should we play with? Once you have taken everything, then play it yourself. We won’t play with you,” the guys said. What should the teacher do in this situation? What work can be done with the children to prevent possible similar situations? Pedagogical situation - 40 Pedagogical situation - 40 Analyze pedagogical situations and make suggestions. The teacher introduced a new building constructor to the group. Vova (5 years old) began to lay out the details of the designer with great pleasure. - What do you want to build? - the teacher asked - What ... what will happen, - answered Vova. - How? - I will build with cubes and bricks. Starts building. Put the cubes, bricks on them. - No, I'd rather build a rocket ... He stacks the cubes one on top of the other. The column is swinging. He tries to hold his hand, but the whole structure collapsed. He walks away, leaving behind a pile of construction pieces. The teacher says: "Try again." Again failure. How to evaluate the actions of the teacher? What should the teacher do before giving the child a constructor? Pedagogical situation - 45 Pedagogical situation - 45 Analyze pedagogical situations and make suggestions. Masha, Vanya and Kirill decided to play Sea Voyage. "Chur, I'm the captain of the ship," says Vanya. "Yesterday you were the captain. You are the captain every day," Masha and Kirill protested. How can the educator resolve this situation? What rule can you come up with so that other participants in the game have the right to interesting roles? Game psychology - 10 Game psychology - 10 What is the feature of the role-playing game, its difference from other types of games?

Correct answer

The main feature of the role-playing game is the presence of an imaginary situation in it. An imaginary situation is made up of a plot and roles.

Game psychology - 20 Game psychology - 20 The game is the leading activity of a preschool child. What is a leading activity?

Correct answer

Leading activity is such an activity in which: major changes occur (new formations appear) in individual mental processes; the personality of the child as a whole develops; new forms of activity are emerging.

Game psychology - 30 Game psychology - 30 What are the neoplasms of the child's psyche that arise in a role-playing game?

Correct answer

New formations of the psyche and personality of the child in the game:

  • Visual-figurative thinking
  • Imagination
  • Arbitrariness of behavior
  • Formation of self-consciousness. Subordination of motives
Game psychology - 40 Game psychology - 40 What types of relationships between children develop in the game?

Correct answer

There are two types of relationships in the game - game and real. Game relations are relations according to the plot and role, real relationships are the relations of children as partners, comrades who perform a common task.

Psychology of the game - 50 Psychology of the game - 50

Correct answer

Fill the table. Age of children 4 - 5 years




List of sources used

  • Solntseva O.V. Preschooler in the world of play. Accompanying role-playing games for children. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2010
  • Akulova O.V., Solntseva O.V. Educational area “Socialization. A game". How to work on the program "Childhood". - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2012

Children 4-5 years old are very fond of imitating their elders and playing role-playing games. One of my favorite games is a visit to the doctor - the game "Doll got sick"

goal: To form children's ability play a role-playing game« Hospital» »

Tasks :

Educational: Learn to create a game environment using real objects and their substitutes. Build skills in children play on their own design, stimulate the creative activity of children.

Developing: Develop the ability to engage in role-playing interaction with peers (to build a role-playing dialogue, the ability to negotiate with each other in the game). To develop in children auditory and visual attention, memory, imagination, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Educational: To cultivate friendly relations between children, respect for the work of a doctor.

Methodological equipment of the lesson: a chest, riddles, clothes for a doctor, a nurse, a nurse, a nurse at the reception, a pharmacist, a Doctor game set, drug models, medical cards for each patient and geometric figures, dolls.

Vocabulary work: pediatrician, nurse, phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, prescription, pharmacist, reception.

Preliminary work: an excursion to the nurse's office, acquaintance of children with the appearance of doctors, with tools, reading the fairy tale "Aibolit" by K. I. Chukovsky, viewing plot illustrations, conversations based on the personal experience of children about doctors, hospitals.

Lesson progress

Organizing time. (1 minute.)

Children go into group. Greet guests.

Educator: Sit down. Let's start our lesson by wishing good and health to each other. Turn to face each other and say: We wish each other good and health.

The main part of the lesson.

1 The conversation about the profession "Doctor". (4 min.)

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful chest I have. Guess the riddle and you will know who it belongs to.

Educator: Who is the most useful in the days of illness?

Heals us from all diseases?

Children: Dr.

Educator: This chest belongs to the doctor. What do you think is in it?

Children: It contains the tools and medicines that are needed doctor for work.

Educator: Guys, let's see these tools and call them Children: Phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, nose drops, spatula ...

Educator: Well done. Guys, remember what they call doctor who treats children? (show picture)

Children: Pediatrician.

Educator: The pediatrician is the most important pediatrician.

2 Letter from dolls. (1 minute.)

Knock on the door. The mail has arrived.

Educator: Guys, we received a letter from dolls. Let's read it. (opens letter)

"Hello guys. Familiar dolls are writing to you: Natasha, Marina, Nikita.

We got very sick

Didn't even eat in the morning.

Barely open our eyes,

We don't laugh, we don't play.

We are silent all day

Even "mum" we don't scream.

Help us please".

Educator: Guys, help the dolls?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I suggest going to visit them. What mode of transport will we use to get there?

Children: Bus.

The teacher and the children go to a pre-built bus of chairs.

Educator: Guys, we need to choose a bus driver.

Children choose. Everyone takes a seat on the bus.

3 Physical education minute. (with musical accompaniment) 2 minutes.

We sit on the bus and look out the window.

We look back, we look forward, well, the bus is unlucky.

The wheels are spinning, forward we rolled

Let the bus carry us, we are going, we are going forward.

(Children make the movements that are mentioned in the poem, repeating the words after the teacher).

Driver: Stop. We arrived.

Children and the teacher get off the bus and go to the puppet corner. They sit on the sofa, on the armchair.

Educator: Guys, our baby dolls have been waiting for us, they are sad at the table. Where should we take them to help them, tell them how to treat them?

Children : Hospital.

4 Distribution of roles. (2 minutes)

Educator: Let's choose a doctor with you who will treat our dolls. It will be the one who is the most responsible of you. We have the real hospital.

Children choose Karina.

Educator: Karina, choose a nurse for yourself.

Karina chooses Lana.

Educator: Guys, before doctor's appointment, we need to go to the reception and take a card sick. Let's choose a nurse in the registry.

Children choose Ksyusha.

Educator: Guys, now we need to choose a nurse - a very important role, because she keeps everything clean hospital, her work is very important - after all, if they don’t clean up in hospital, it will be unpleasant for visitors to come there.

Children choose Masha.

Educator: Tell me, please, where will we buy the medicines that the doctor prescribed for us?

Children: In the pharmacy.

Educator: Let's choose a pharmacist.

Children choose Maxim.

Educator: Our dolls cannot go to the clinic on their own, we will choose dad, mom for them.

Children choose Artem, Lena, Arina.

5 A game(12 min)

Educator: The roles are distributed. We can start play. Please go to your workplaces and get ready. Karina and Lana go to the clinic, put on gowns, doctor's and nurse's hats. Ksyusha goes to the reception, puts on a nurse's coat, prepares patient cards. Masha goes to the clinic, puts on a nurse's gown and prepares cleaning supplies. Maxim goes to the pharmacy, puts on a pharmacist's coat and prepares medicines.

Artem, Lena and Arina, please take the dolls, take pity on them, calm them down, put on hats and jackets for them. We will now go to hospital.

Educator and children sick puppets approach the register.

Dialogue at the reception:

Children say hello, give their first name and ask for a card. sick.

The registrar issues a card sick(according to the geometric figures that are on the cards and on the patient).

Educator and children sick puppets approach the doctor's office.

Begins reception.

The teacher reminds "visitors" to get in line for doctor. Before entering the office, you need to knock on "a door". Upon entering the office, say hello to tell what hurts your daughter?

Dialogue in hospital patient and doctor:

P: Hello.

D: Hello, what hurts your daughter?

P: She has a high fever and a headache.

D: Do not worry, now I will examine her and prescribe treatment.

The child in the role of a doctor provides medical care, examines the patient and offers the nurse to give an antipyretic injection, then writes out a prescription and offers to buy medicine at the pharmacy.

Visitors sit in line, do not make noise, do not swear, and wait for their turn. While the patients are waiting for their turn, a nurse appears at the door, mopping the floor. She diligently washes everything and asks visitors not to litter.

The teacher makes sure that the children do not forget to speak "Thank you and goodbye".

Educator: The hospital is closing. The doctor examined all the patients and prescribed treatment. Doctor Karina and nurse Lana, Ksyusha, nurse Masha, take off your gowns and put the medical equipment in its place. Parents, go to the pharmacy for pills and vitamins.

Educator and children sick dolls go to the pharmacy.

Dialogue in the pharmacy of a parent and a pharmacist:

R: Hello.

F: Hello, please give me your prescription. Thanks. Take your medicine.

R: Thank you.

The medicine was given out. The pharmacy is closed.

Educator: The medicine was purchased. Now let's take the dolls home.

All children gather in the doll's corner.

Educator: Put the dolls at the table, put the medicine. Our dolls have become much easier. The doctor helped them. They will now take the medicine and get better.

6 Fizkulminutka (2 minutes)

Educator: Guys, please tell the dolls how you can save your health, and what you need to do for this.

Children: Do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.

Educator: Guys, let's do exercises with you, teach the dolls.

Get out on the mat. Children are exercising.

The sun peeked into the bed

One, two, three, four, five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider

One, two, three, four, five.

Bend over - three, four.

And jump in place.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

Children make the movements that are mentioned in the poem, repeating the words after the teacher.

Educator: Guys, you big fellows. Cured dolls. They want to thank you.

Dolls: Thank you.

7 Outcome (1 minute)

Educator: Guys, what are we with you today were playing?

Children : hospital.

Educator: What did you like most of all in our irga?

Children: Answers.

Educator: Guys, I wish you good health. Now I will give you delicious healthy fruits.

The children are given apples.

The project of the role-playing game "Polyclinic" The second junior group Completed by: Educator Belozerova E.B. Ilyinskaya secondary school

Tasks To help enrich children's ideas about medical professions Activate the subject dictionary: doctor, thermometer, syringe, spatula, cotton wool, medicine, pills, taxi driver, cold, verb dictionary: treat, bandage, listen, measure, catch a cold Form a dialogic form of speech. To cultivate a sense of empathy for the patient To form friendly relations in the game, interacting in a small team, a sense of humanism, responsibility, friendliness

Preliminary work Reading fiction: A. Krylov “A cock got sick with a sore throat”, K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, “Barmaley”, V. Suteev “About a hippopotamus who was afraid to be vaccinated” Listening to the song “The doll got sick” to music. A.Filippenko, sl. O. Volgina Examination of illustrations, plot paintings from the album "World of Professions" Exhibition of children's works "Ambulance"

5. Working with parents: making medical gowns for the game 6. Making attributes: prescription forms, medical cards, coupons, medicine boxes 7. Excursion to the medical office to observe the work of a nurse 8. Observation of parents with children at the work of a pharmacist 9 A conversation with a nurse (doctor) about the tools needed for work Preliminary work

story A polyclinic is opened with a doctor, a receptionist and a pharmacy. A patient comes, orders a coupon, takes a medical card and goes to see a doctor. At the doctor's appointment, the "patient" complains about his health. The doctor listens to the patient's complaints and examines him, writes out a prescription and asks to come back in a week. The patient buys medicine at the pharmacy and goes home for treatment. At the second appointment, the doctor examines the patient and writes out a certificate that the patient is healthy.

Plot lines Seeing a patient at the doctor Buying medicine at a pharmacy Calling a taxi and a trip Developing the content of the game Practicing actions with objects, toys Developing humane relations Stimulating polite relationships Introduction of basic rules

Game actions role game actions attributes the doctor Listens to the patient's complaints Listens to the lungs Looks at the throat, ears Measures the temperature Writes out a prescription Wishing the patient good health White coat Thermometer Phonendoscope Telephone Medical card prescription The patient enters the office at the doctor's invitation tells the doctor what is bothering him in the pharmacy buys medicine Talon Medical card

Game actions role game actions attributes the seller in the pharmacy dispenses medicines according to the doctor's prescription gives a certificate on the dosage of the medicine White coat Jars, medicine boxes pasted over with colored paper the registrar fills out the coupon issues a medical card Coupon card taxi driver switches speed drives up to the bus stop Steering wheel Walkie-talkie Money Box gear shift

slide 1

Role-playing game in the second junior group
Prepared by the educator of the group "Malinka" GBDOU No. 30 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg Barchenkova N.V.

slide 2

“Play is a creative processing of experienced impressions, combining them and building a new reality out of them that meets the needs and inclinations of the child himself” L. S. Vygotsky

slide 3

The game is the main activity of preschool children. Role-playing games in kindergarten and at home are an important means of self-expression for the crumbs, a test of strength. The role-playing game gives the child the opportunity to try himself in adult roles, to show a creative approach in non-standard life situations, makes him solve various problems that arise during the “live” plot of the game.

slide 4

Role-playing games in kindergarten, as well as on a playground or in an apartment, perform a number of functions: socio-cultural function communicative function active function self-realization function

slide 5

One of the important tasks of raising children is their timely mental and speech development. The perception and speech of children is formed in the process of actions with didactic toys and games. During classes and games, the child develops important qualities necessary for successful development - attention, independence, curiosity. In our group, children play role-playing games with pleasure: Shop Family Hairdressing salon Hospital Garage Bus Post office Theater Builders Cook

slide 6

Role-playing game “Family”
Tasks: To form the ability of children to creatively reproduce family life in the game

Slide 7

Role-playing game “Family”
I have a family - Mom, dad, brother and me. We live best of all, We sing songs loudly.

Slide 8

Role-playing game "Bus"
Tasks: To create conditions for consolidating children's knowledge about the driver's profession. To form the ability of children to establish relationships in the game

Slide 9

Role-playing game "Bus"
What a miracle - the Long House! There are many passengers in it. The house goes down the street. Everyone is lucky to work!

Slide 10

Objectives: To develop interest and respect for the profession of a hairdresser; to acquaint with the rules of conduct in the hairdressing salon. To form the ability to independently develop the plot of the game, coordinate the topic, distribute roles. To promote the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the assimilation of role-playing relationships. To form the right relationships of children in the team.

slide 11

Role-playing game “Barbershop”
The hairdresser, taking a comb, deftly makes a hairstyle. Scissors cut quickly, A new look is created.

slide 12

Tasks: To form the ability of children to coordinate their own game plan with the plans of their peers, change roles during the game. Encourage children to use knowledge about the life around them more widely in games; develop dialogue.

slide 13

Role-playing game "Shop"
And now we are in the store All the products in the window Tea, sweets, sausage - Eyes run wide. Come, buy Give money to the cashier.

Slide 14

Tasks: To form the ability of children to display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, to show the social significance of medicine. To cultivate respect for the work of medical workers, to consolidate the rules of conduct in public places.

slide 15

Role-playing game "Hospital"
Always attentively, with love Our doctor treats you guys When he improves your health - He is the most happy.

slide 16

Role-playing game "Garage"
Tasks: To form the ability of children to distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to reflect the relationship between the players. To foster interest and respect for the work of transport workers, arouse the desire to work conscientiously, responsibly, take care of the safety of equipment, and consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road. Develop memory, speech of children.

Slide 18

Role-playing game “Cook”
Tasks: To form the ability of children to independently assign roles and act in accordance with the role, to teach them to independently create the necessary environment, to consolidate the skills of friendly, polite communication. Encourage children to make greater use of knowledge about life around them

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