Ancient Horror: The Ridges of Madness. Mountains of Madness - the second expansion to Eldritch Horror New exciting story

Long before the appearance of the human race, the Elders lived on Earth. Eons ago they fell into eternal sleep, losing the planet to other species, but now, in 1926, the Elders awaken again. Their dark influence spreads throughout the world, subordinating the minds of people to a mysterious will. Sensing the approach of disaster, a handful of brave detectives go to Antarctica to find the cause of what is happening. These brave people are destined to stop the coming evil - or pay severely for their daring attempt.

"The Ridges of Madness" is an expansion for the board game "". In it, a completely new setting awaits you - the icy expanses of Antarctica, full of incredible discoveries and hidden dangers. Eight new detectives are ready to reveal the true background behind the mysterious events, and they will be helped in this by new allies and personal missions that promise a worthy reward. A lot of useful things, powerful spells, difficult conditions and chilling contacts - all this awaits heroes on the slopes of the Ridges of Madness.

To play you will need a basic set" ".


    • Playing field
    • Addition rules
    • 8 investigator sheets
    • 2 sheets of Ancients
    • 26 Myth cards
    • 48 contact cards in locations
    • 64 search contact cards
    • 6 Contact Cards in Other Worlds
    • 6 expedition contact cards
    • 24 special contact cards
    • 14 mystery cards
    • 12 adventure cards
    • 6 prelude cards
    • 8 artifact cards
    • 16 asset cards
    • 32 state cards
    • 16 spell cards
    • 42 unique asset cards
    • 4 reference cards
    • 22 monster tokens
    • 6 evidence tokens
    • 8 focus tokens
    • 6 gate tokens
    • 1 adventure token
    • 1 mystery token
    • 8 investigator tokens
    • 8 stands
    • Box size: 298x298x71 mm
    • Card size: 41x63, 57x89 mm

22.15. An important discovery. Orrendorf and Watkins, working under the light of lanterns underground, came across a frightening-looking specimen - something barrel-shaped, of unknown origin. Maybe plant-based? Overgrown seaweed?... In the grooves between the folds there are curious processes, something like scallops or wings; they fold and open like a fan. In appearance, the strange individual resembles monsters from primitive mythology, especially the legendary Elders from the Necronomicon... It will be necessary, upon returning to the base, to immediately open this mysterious organism...

H. P. Lovecraft. Ridges of Madness

Mountains of Madness is the second expansion to the co-op adventures of Eldritch Horror. It tells us about the ill-fated polar expedition that found the settlement of an ancient civilization among the snow. In this abandoned city, researchers can find many artifacts and evidence that will help them stop the coming of the Ancient One. But everywhere in the ice blocks there were strange and clearly dangerous creatures frozen, which began to show signs of life with the arrival of people. In addition to monsters, players face hunger, hypothermia, and simply the possibility of getting lost in the snows of Antarctica.

In the Mountains of Madness add-on you will find a new playing field - Antarctica, two Ancient sheets, eight new explorers, as well as artifacts, things, spells, states. Two new types of items have appeared: Task Assets and Unique Assets. Quest items are used only once and are activated only after performing certain actions, such as when a spell effect is performed. Unique items have text on the back of the card, like spells or conditions, but it usually has a positive effect: gain another clue or companion.

The rules have changed slightly: now, by spending one action, you can get a concentration token. It can be used to reroll a die without wasting a clue.

Attention! The Eldritch Horror base game is required to play.

22.15. An important discovery. Orrendorf and Watkins, working under the light of lanterns underground, came across a frightening-looking specimen - something barrel-shaped, of unknown origin. Maybe plant-based? Overgrown seaweed?... In the grooves between the folds there are curious processes, something like scallops or wings; they fold and open like a fan. In appearance, the strange individual resembles monsters from primitive mythology, especially the legendary Elders from the Necronomicon... It will be necessary, upon returning to the base, to immediately open this mysterious organism... H. P. Lovecraft. Mountains of Madness Mountains of Madness is the second expansion to the co-op adventures of Eldritch Horror. It tells us about the ill-fated polar expedition that found the settlement of an ancient civilization among the snow. In this abandoned city, researchers can find many artifacts and evidence that will help them stop the coming of the Ancient One. But everywhere in the ice blocks there were strange and clearly dangerous creatures frozen, which began to show signs of life with the arrival of people. In addition to monsters, players face hunger, hypothermia, and simply the possibility of getting lost in the snows of Antarctica. In the Mountains of Madness add-on you will find a new playing field - Antarctica, two Ancient sheets, eight new explorers, as well as artifacts, things, spells, states. Two new types of items have appeared: Task Assets and Unique Assets. Quest items are used only once and are activated only after performing certain actions, such as when a spell effect is performed. Unique items have text on the back of the card, like spells or conditions, but it usually has a positive effect: gain another clue or companion. The rules have changed slightly: now, by spending one action, you can get a concentration token. It can be used to reroll a die without wasting a clue. Attention! The Eldritch Horror base game is required to play.

    Game board, 8 Explorer sheets and corresponding tokens, 2 Ancient sheets, 26 Myth cards, 48 ​​Encounter cards, 64 Exploration cards, 6 Otherworld cards, 6 Expedition cards, 24 Special Encounter cards, 14 Mystery cards, 12 Adventure cards, 6 cards prelude cards, 8 artifact cards, 16 item cards, 32 status cards, 16 spell cards, 42 unique item cards, 4 round review cards, 22 monster tokens, 6 clue tokens, 8 concentration tokens, 6 gate tokens, adventure token, mystery token, 8 plastic coasters, game rules

"Ancient Horror: The Ridges of Madness" is the second expansion to the legendary board game "Ancient Horror", rich in colorful components, plot twists and crazy adventures. The action takes place in Antarctica, where creepy creatures and epic monsters live. Eight new detectives find themselves on a mystical scientific expedition amid ice, evidence and secrets. A lot of new and unpredictable things await our heroes in the fight against Evil, a lot of things that are familiar and loved from the works of H. Lovecraft - the alien Elders, the mystical Shoggoths and other delights of the expedition.

A massive addition to the best mystery game

The board game "Ancient Horror: The Ridges of Madness" continues the theme, traditional dark mood and exciting atmosphere of the entire series. Respecting the specifics of the genre and the special spirit of the works of science fiction, the game plunges into a new branch of trials and adventures for detectives.

This time there are 8 new characters in the game: a lawyer helps others, a violinist quickly develops talents, a librarian shines with knowledge, a researcher finds secret paths, a wutlegger moves freely, a waitress has spells, a policeman lures monsters, and a craftsman finds what he needs in a large deck. All are endowed with interesting characteristics and features - traditionally.

New exciting story

Snow-covered locations and otherworldly gates, two decks of contacts and an abundance of secrets will ensure excitement and interest in each game, and a meeting with one of the Ancients will make the expedition truly unforgettable. The god of clouds, thunder and icy wind Ithaqua was banished to Antarctica and is waiting in the wings. Revival of the Elders - An Ancient One, already well known in the fantasy universe: aliens from the distant past, creators of the Shoggoths and other living beings. In addition to monsters, new features have appeared: Assets, Preludes and Composure tokens, difficulty settings and the long-awaited Player Memos have been added.

Continuation of the legendary series

A new round of adventure in an eerie icy region, with interesting characters and new features, a lot of tokens, cards and chips will definitely appeal to fans of the popular series and all fans of the cooperative games genre. An excellent gift for the owner of the base - a connoisseur of science fiction, the work of H. Lovecraft and eerie mystical stories.

The mountains were truly huge, even the Himalayas seemed like small foothills in comparison. Most likely, they would never have been discovered if not for the radio broadcast of Professor Lake... Now dead, like all the participants in his expedition, there was no one alive in his camp, not even sled dogs. The whole camp was a terrible massacre. Who could do this?

Through the snow curtain, a large crevice became visible in the mountain. And it’s better for all of you to properly prepare for what is there... For in it you can clearly see the outlines of an entire city of unprecedented architecture...

About "The Ridges of Madness"

The Ridges of Madness is a new addition to the mystery board game Ancient Horror that takes players to Antarctica on the trail of a Miskatonic University exploration expedition. The addition, its setting and plot are taken from the novel of the same name by Howard Lovecraft.

The Ridges of Madness expansion expands the game with a new playing field with an expedition route. The route will run from the first stop in Antarctica to the city of the Elders - an ancient race of wise aliens who created people, but fell into decline.

In addition, the set offers two new Ancients, eight new investigators, monsters and contacts, as well as special mechanics and components.

All this will allow you to conduct one of the most dangerous expeditions in the entire history of mankind - on the ridges of Madness!

Features of the add-on:

  • Prelude cards - one such card is randomly selected before preparing for the game. The map influences the preparation and makes the games even more diverse and unique. You can agree and choose a card randomly or, conversely, consult and choose the one you like, thereby adjusting the complexity of the game and its features
  • Unique assets are double-sided cards that are considered the investigator's property. Have powerful effects
  • Antarctic playing field - yes, now the game can have two fields at once! Players will be able to explore secret areas of the Earth full of ancient history and artifacts
  • There is a new action available to any player - gaining Focus and tokens that will allow you to re-roll dice results
  • The game has added the ability to adjust the difficulty of the game, which will allow you to adjust its level specifically for your team!
  • One of the ancients are the Elders themselves! Monsters can now have physical or magical resistance, which will make fighting them much more difficult

Game process

"Ancient Horror" is a cooperative game for 1-8 people. Each player chooses one of twelve investigators, who differ in health, sanity, and five skills: knowledge, communication, attention, strength and will. Traveling around the world, detectives solve puzzles, fall into traps and fight monsters. Also, during the game, players will receive various useful items, find allies, artifacts and spells. Each round of the game takes place in three phases:

  • The Action phase, in which players move around the playing field, buy necessary items, allies and various services, as well as tickets for ships and trains, to move around the world faster
  • Contact Phase – During this phase, players enter into one of three contacts: combat, location, and token contact. Most often, a card is drawn to a certain type of contact, which describes events, positive or negative.
  • Myth Phase - In which the lead player draws a Myth card and resolves that card's effects in that order. Each of the effects affects your part differently

Who has won?

In order to win, a group of researchers must solve three riddles that are unique to each Ancient. But, if the hopelessness token reaches zero, the Ancient Evil awakens and the investigators have to fight it in open confrontation. If the players fail to win, then the world becomes dark and all of humanity loses.

An Antarctic expedition from Miskatonic University discovered prehistoric ruins and strange, non-human creatures. And now the task of brave researchers is to follow in the footsteps of scientists and extract from the ice-bound ruins the knowledge necessary to save humanity. Can you survive the incredible horrors of the Ridges of Madness?

"Ancient Horror: The Ridges of Madness" is an expansion to the board game that adds an additional playing field, two new Great Old Ones, eight new heroes and many cards of all kinds.

Penetrating cold

The playing field of the add-on “Ancient Horror. Ridges of Madness” represents Antarctica, in which players will have to follow in the footsteps of the expedition from the Miskatonic site to the city of Startsev, where these ancient and strange creatures still live. To defeat them, researchers will have to uncover four terrible secrets, the keys to which can be found in the snows of the South Pole.

The Ancient Horror: Ridges of Madness expansion pack also includes new Adventure cards, allowing players to unlock mysteries much earlier, and new condition cards related to the Great Old One Ithaqua. These states of frostbite and hunger not only affect the characteristics of the characters, but make the hero dangerous to himself and others.

Winners of the Impossible

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