How to craft a wooden door in minecraft. How to make a door in Minecraft. Iron door craft

It doesn’t matter if it’s in real life or in a game, but a house without a door is a little like a house, which means that when playing the Minecraft game, you also need to create it. Actually, in this game there are several options for doors - they can be created from wood, iron, there are ordinary and double doors. Moving in order, we can describe each of them. To make a wooden door, you need 6 blocks of wood, which are located on the left and right (on the sides). Of course, it is best to have a picture-diagram in front of your eyes, on which everything is drawn and shown in detail. By the way, the type of boards used in the manufacture of the door does not matter. For crafting (creating) a metal door, the procedure is about the same, the only difference is the material - iron ingots are needed here. Any gamer, with at least a little experience, can easily do this. Now consider the option of crafting (creating) a double door. To do this, you need to make two doors and place them side by side, while one of them will mirror the other and this will give the effect of double doors. To be honest, there is not much difference or much sense in their use, but it was worth talking about this possibility.

Instructions on how to make a door in minecraft:

Something else should be added about the doors in the Minecraft game, let's say so - useful information. If the player is inside, he has the ability to beat hostile mobs. But from the outside, they cannot be damaged. Water (liquid) and spiders cannot penetrate even through an open door. You can walk on the top of the door. There are two ways to destroy doors:

The first simple and primitive: beat the door until it collapses. Second the method is already more original: you can destroy the block on which the door is attached, after which the door turns into an ordinary object, which means that it can be picked up. And of course, don't forget to start.

Be sure to watch the video:

It is not necessary to watch a YouTube video to understand how to make a piston door in minecraft with or without traps. I offer you a good gift under the Christmas tree in the form of a detailed description with a photo of this process. Works in different versions, including 1.5.2.
Making a piston door is not difficult. With a little time, you can get reliable protection against unwanted persons in a dwelling or other building, including it will be a suitable protection for a secret passage. It can be used at your discretion, so you should be smart and let your imagination run wild.
Piston door for minecraft: instructions for creating
Construction involves the presence 4 sticky pistons for the design to work properly.
How to make a sticky piston in minecraft
A sticky piston in minecraft is made using standard pistons that are covered with slime. Slime must be obtained from a small slug.

The standard solution involves the use of 4 cobblestones. You also need to take 3 boards (any wood), 1 iron ingot and 1 red dust. When it is ready, slime is applied to it. Repeat the procedure 4 times.
red dust minecraft
Without it, it will not be possible to make pistons, so you need to mine it. It appears in the event of a split of red ore. In this case, an iron pickaxe is used. Approximate output of 4 - 5 dust for one red ore. This element is suitable for both the conductive role and for crafting a red torch and crafting a repeater. In total, we make 4 repeaters of the red type.
Red Repeater: Recipe

First of all, we craft torches, which we need at least 2 pieces. In addition, one stick and the same amount of dust go to one torch. We extract 3 stones for 1 repeater and add more red dust.
How to make a piston door in minecraft
First, install the pistons at a distance of 4 blocks. The front parts should look at each other. Near them we put a block of stone. We make a hole 2 deep, 2 wide and 5 long.

On the inside, another ditch is being made.

close to the piston place 1 stone block directly into the moat for each part of the structure. After that, we will install red torches near the delivered blocks, after which we draw the output of red dust.

Near the structure and behind it with a distance of one block, it is recommended to place several pressure plates. After that, dust is brought to the plates, and the bottom of the assembly should be covered with any of the available materials.

For the sake of safety, the maximum possible delay is chosen for repeaters. We press on the pressure plate and open the door, and it closes after a specified time.

The door is a necessary attribute of any house. Iron doors differ from wooden ones in that they are stronger and more expensive. It opens with a button or a red stone.

Iron door craft

To create a metal door, you will need iron ingots. They are made from iron ore, which is mined in mines. This material is found everywhere in the mines and there should be no problem finding it. Further, the ore is smelted in a furnace and ingots are obtained. It takes six ingots to craft one item.

In the grid of the workbench, you need to arrange them so that there are two ingots in each row and the first slot remains empty.

If you don’t want to bother with the creation yourself, you can remove it from some house or fortress. But you need to be careful, because a very disgruntled owner may appear from around the corner.

How to install an iron door

For installation, it is necessary to be located on the outside of the house, it will not be possible to install it from the inside. Also, the part of the house in which it is installed should be made of opaque blocks.

The item is obtained in the height of two blocks, which is equal to the height of the character. At the very beginning, not all players can install it evenly, so you need to be careful and put it parallel to the corner side of the block.

There are two ways to break this item: either just hit it until it collapses, or break the blocks on which it stands. In the latter case, the door will fall out as a drop and you can pick it up and take it with you.

How to open the door

The metal door does not open on mouse click. Various mechanisms are used for this. The easiest way is to install the lever. To make it, you need one cobblestone and a stick. The components are very easy to find, so there should be no problem making the lever.

It is installed on any block of the opening and is activated with the right mouse button. In order not to be trapped and wall up your character inside the house, the lever must be installed both from the outside and from the inside.

If you use red dust, then the lever can be placed anywhere, thereby making a cache or trap.

If you install pressure plates on both sides of the opening, they will open when the character presses on it. To make one plate, you need two stones. It is not very convenient to use, since the door will open not only when the owner of the house steps on the plate, but also when pressed by any player or mob.

It can also be opened with a button. It is installed on the opening, but is not very convenient to use. To create it, you need only one cobblestone.

double doors

The iron door is always installed on the front side and the hinges are always on the left side. To expand the opening, you just need to install a second door close to the first. In this case, they will open in the right direction. That is, one loop will be on the left side, and the second on the right.

The hardest thing is to make them open at the same time. To do this, you need to install two levers or buttons on both sides of the opening and connect them with a redstone.

Advantages of an iron door

Metal doors are very strong and very difficult to destroy. She cannot be broken by zombies and sometimes she can remain intact after the creeper explodes. Also, unlike the wooden one, it cannot be opened with a mouse click.

The entrance can be privatized and no one except the owner will enter it. This is done using the /cprivat command. Or set a password so that several players can use it at once: /cpassword password.

Interesting Facts

  • If you stand in the opening and close the door, the player will be inside it, while he can freely go out in any direction or jump up.
  • You can walk on the top of the door. This property allows you to use it as a ladder, though not high and save space.
  • They let light through.
  • In Alpha and Beta versions of the game, you can put blocks through the windows, destroy them and kill mobs.
  • Water or lava cannot flow into the opening, and a spider cannot pass through.

To prevent various mobs from entering your house.
The door is a mechanism, i.e. responds to redstone signals.

Doors can be of two types - wooden and iron. They perform the same function, but iron doors are stronger. The wooden door can be opened by the villagers, and if the zombie takes a long time to break into the wooden door, he will eventually break it.
The door, even open, does not let water through.
A wooden door, like an iron one, does not burn.
An iron door is more expensive, but it is not so easy to break it down. It is generally impossible to open an iron door by hand, for this you have to use a lever, button, or pressure plate. Third - the best option for the inside - the door will open when you approach it, it's convenient. Outside, it's better not to do this - what's the point in the door if it will open as soon as a mob approaches it?
In order for the door to open, you can place a lever, but then it will not be possible to close it from the other side. The button opens the door for too short a time, and it is difficult to run through the door in time.
I made such a simple design using a button and a repeater that delays the passage of the redstone signal. The delay size is set to maximum, which allows me to freely pass through the door. If this time is not enough for you, you can make two repeaters and place them side by side.

You can break the door in Minecraft in this way: place a piston and a solid block in front of the door.

Or you can just break the block to which the door is attached.
The door, both iron and wooden, can be made double. This will allow a wider object, such as a rider on a horse, to pass through it. Then you have to make a redstone system that allows you to open both doors at the same time.

Door installation features:
The door in Minecraft is placed only on the lower block. You don't need walls for this.
The door is installed facing the player, so the door must be placed while standing outside the building. Usually when installing a door, the hinges will be on the left and the handle on the right. If there are more blocks at the right edge than at the left, the “right” door will appear. Also, this door will appear if it is placed next to an already installed door, which forms a double door. In the next version of Minecraft, doors will finally acquire a different structure and color depending on the wood from which they are made.
Craft doors is quite simple and logical.

In minecraft, you can use many useful mechanisms, but the most necessary, of course, is the door. A house without it can be attacked at any moment, wealth will be plundered, and the entire interior created by your work will be destroyed by malicious fashions in the blink of an eye. If there is no barrier at the entrance to the house, you will not survive the first night - the bloodthirsty monsters crawling out under the cover of darkness will take care of this.

Therefore, the entrances to the dwelling you have created must be protected. And the best solution is to make a door, although some people in minecraft prefer to just wall up the entrance at night. Therefore, a novice player just needs to master a fairly simple algorithm (recipe) that allows you to create (craft) a door in minecraft.

Where to begin? All new blocks (and items) need to be crafted. It is important to remember that in order to obtain the desired result, the blocks on the craft must be located strictly in the same order that the recipe describes (as shown in the figure).

The mechanism we need can only be made on craft with a 3x3 window. If you are still crafting with a 2x2 window, you must create a workbench - this will give you a window increased to 3. A workbench is created using any four planks.

Now that we have everything we need to work, let's consider how to make the mechanism we need. There are only two types of doors - wood and iron. The wooden one is opened by hand (if there is no tool in it, otherwise this mechanism can be destroyed) or by pressing the right mouse button.

Iron can only be opened with the help of other mechanisms - a button or a lever (or a red stone signal). You can destroy it by destroying the block located at the base. In doing so, it will again turn into an item that you can pick up.

In minecraft, liquids (water and lava) cannot pass through an open door, nor can they wash them off. Another positive point is that from the inside you can fire at approaching dangerous mobs through it. Also, this mechanism will not burn. A villager can open, and a zombie (under certain conditions) can break down a wooden door.

Material - wood

The classic wooden door is the most affordable solution for any, even a beginner, minecraft player. It is undoubtedly cheaper to make it than iron, but it is less durable. The creation of this mechanism is very easy. The desired recipe includes any wood and the same workbench, the type of wood does not matter. Wood blocks are used to craft planks (one block equals four planks). In total, six boards are needed, they must be placed vertically in two rows on the craft.

The mechanism created in this way in minecraft is dragged into the inventory, then we take it in our hands and set it in the right place by pressing the right mouse button (it should be an opaque full block). Since the installation is facing the player, this means that during the installation, he must be outside the premises (for example, outside the house). What to do to open this mechanism is described above.

Our short video on how to make a simple door (channel for beginners and not only, subscribe!):

Material - iron

If you need a higher level of security and have iron ore, you can craft an iron door. She needs iron ingots. In minecraft, they are obtained by smelting iron ore or crafting iron blocks (one block will give you exactly 9 ingots). Smelting in minecraft takes place in a furnace, which can be made using 8 cobblestones mined with a pickaxe.

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