Overview of the game Enslaved Odyssey The West. Enslaved: ODYSSEY TO THE WEST - Game Review. ⇡ Romance of emptiness

Developer: Ninja Theory.
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Genre: Action-Slasher
Multiplayer: absent
Platform: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Overview version: PlayStation 3.

Many of us have already accustomed to consider Unreal Engine 3 obsolete, kinged in the summer engine. But what managed to squeeze Ninja Theory, the authors of one of the most first exclusives for PlayStation 3, from this wonderful creation of EpicGames - simply does not give in description. Yes, the graphics are not from the best at the moment, but the way "Herriah" shows the colorful expanses of the dilapidated world worth only praise. I finish another prologue to the review and removed the hat if I had it ...

Unusual for myself I will start my review with the plot of the game. But it is explained by the fact that he is just great here, because the main screenwriter Enslaved is Alex Gorod, known to the whole world in its cult books "Beach", "28 days later" and Halo film adaptation. Our main character is a mankey (or a monkey, as you are pleased, but I will magnify His Mankie). The action of the game occurs in the future, after most of humanity was destroyed. Developers do not explain the exact reason why it happened, however, the environment at the levels, and small scraps from the characters' dialogues tell us that once on Earth was a fierce war between people and robots. People lost the battle, and the era of cars came. Our protagonist is caught by the workman travelers and take off in a special incubator, but by a happy coat of circumstances, the monkey manage to escape from the capture during the escape of another prisoner. A little later, our hero comes to himself after the fall of a huge ship of the worm travelers to the ground and discovers that he is subordinated to the will of the young girl named Trip. She made him with his slave, just putting a special hoop on the guy's head. The girl demands that the protagonist helps you find her way home. The fate of the monkey is from now being associated with the fate of tryp - if her heart stops, he will die.

In many reviews, I have to state that the plot of the games is simple, but in the case of Enslaved it is not, during the game you begin to seriously sympathize with the characters, their drama ...

Special mention requires gameplay. Recently, we observed not so many games with competent and balanced characters interaction, the last on my memory is Lara Croft And The Guardian of Light. But if in the case of a tireless busty cradle of adventures, we observed the adventures of heroes in Isomerius, then we appeared more than a decent slashier from a third party, the feelings here are others than in Lara Croft. Heroes "help" each other in different ways, can be said as much as possible: a more muscular manouse, where it will take up, and sometimes sweeping his physically less developed partner on his back; TRIP In turn, not only a beautiful girl, but also a wonderful hacker, she hacks the doors, cameras and a lot more, she also knows how to scream well and distract the rivals, however, they know how to do both ... My favorite bundle with interaction when the mankey pops up And distracts the robot, tryiply runs by a deadly opponent at this time. And such a ligaments have a large amount and miss you will have to be bored.

Enslaved is one of the most spectacular games of modernity, and there are no epileptic shifts of frames and events, as in Bayonetta or Vanquish. The duration of the game ranges from 11 to 14 hours, and throughout this time the game will deliver you all new and new impressions. Through screensavers or random dialogues, or just a walk from the place to the place. Enslaved builds its history methodically and organically, showing how heroes are fighting for survival and try to understand each other.

My epic prologue does not say everything about the schedule in the game. Everything is not so rosy as I described, just the work of Unreal impressed me. Without problems in graphics and optimization in the game, unfortunately did not cost. Throughout the game, you sometimes meet very strange graphic glitches and malfunctions. Sometimes the cat scene is frankly buggy: the characters begin to talk, but you only hear their voice, they themselves do not move, and their lips are not stirred. Sailing frames throughout the game, it is especially noticeable to PS3. Not always a good camera. But fortunately, you rarely meet with all these problems ...

The sound and soundtrack to the game turned out not that excellent, but very pleasant and, as they say, "in the topic." The author of the soundtrack is the wonderful composer of Nitin Sawney (Nitin Sawhney).

But from what you can not escape is from management. It is too unbound for action game. The monkey acts too slowly compared to how it is necessary. We often noticed delays for most action. Heavenly Sword has a similar problem, so you have to get used to it.

Fortunately, Enslaved perfectly showed itself like a platformer. In the post-postpocalyptic world there are a lot of obstacles that will completely interfere with the heroes in their travel. And here for business is taken by our hero. The guy is capable of clever jumps and acrobatic aldes, and other rooms. But most often you will appear in your head such a thought that you are not a huge puzzle, but a platformer. Levels are made so that they would explore them, only in some places we will have to quickly find the path to trip, before the robots get to it. Also, sometimes a monkey will wear a girl on his back, in order to throw it on some obstacles, etc., but it happens only in the most dangerous moments of the game. All the rest of the time we are calm and kill hated robots.

Conclusions: Enslaved Odyssey to the West at least a very good game is a great representative of the genre of action-slash. She has its drawbacks and dignity, but the entertainment and gameplay overlap everything. Travel through a unique interesting beautiful world, with strong characters who want to believe ... This game provides something unique this fall. If you still decide to play it and forget about the shortcomings described above, then it is possible that the game will surprise you as much as me.

Graphics: 7.5
Gameplay: 8
Plot: 9
Sound and voice acting: 8
Control: 7.5

Common score: 8.0

The company with the talking name Ninja Theory (literal ninja theory) swung on a rather serious level, the release of the game that was to become a new word in the gameplay, offering an unusual approach to the gameplay from the point of view of cooperation with artificial intelligence. In general, it turned out "as usual", nothing can happen ... in such a way?

7,200 weeks later.

The scenario of the game wrote a pretty famous professional, from under whose pen was ran into the world and successfully conquered the world "28 days later" and "Peklo". Alex Garden in principle does not know how to write bad stories, and if there is a "folk" beginning under them, there will be nothing difficult. There are no complaints about the plot, everything is quite organic. Approximately 150 years have passed from the current 2010. The world rules cars (surprisingly, it is so new, isn't it?), And humanity is on the verge of extinction. Everything is pretty ordinary for modern cinema and science fiction.

A couple of earth is found on Earth, which personifies the mighty unity of "strength and brains", which has become possible due to the confrontation in which the brains won. The main hero Monkey received a nice headdress that could kill him at any time. Manages the sim excellent invention of the beauty trip, which will have long and tediously protect against the mechanical dedication of the most different sewing. Trip knows how to hack computer networks, open the doors, stunning enemies and generally do everything useful, it's a pity that it does not erase and does not prepare - the king wife would be.

The protagonist hero, personifying the warlike principle, can famously wave the energy stick and rolling around the relief irregularities, demonstrating all the best sides of Parkur-culture. He knows how to do a lot of combo, tears his hand-legs to use them as a weapon and generally well done. In general, a couple, worthy of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

It would seem that everything is in order to twist an interesting plot and formed a steep gameplay, which will amaze to death with a variety and interesting game events. Unfortunately, this is not so. The plot is very beaten, if you search for parallels, there will be a lot of them. Books that describe a roughly similar situation with a partner manipulating - dozens and hundreds. Films ... Well, it is enough to remember about "collapsed with death." In games such unions have not yet shone, but Prince Persia 2008 was very similar. Only there the partner ran mainly in the role of a walking super blow and the guarantor of immortality. The difference is honestly not visible.

Fighter of the invisible front!

Despite the excellent "Kung Fu" of the main character, to bypass the armed groupings of the enemy will have very often. In this, the partner is trying hard, showing the places where you can make a soul to attack anyone suspects backward monsters. Then you can jump out from the ambush, swollen a stick, show a couple of combo and collect energy balls. Looking at how the famously the main character, with the help of a stick, the crowd of monsters crashes, becomes strange that robots generally defeated armed and technically advanced humanity, which has a Kalashnikov machine for all occasions.

Trip generally depicts well done. She, as a true, Lady does not know how to bring a robot from a state for a couple of seconds. Here it lies quite skillfully emerging primitivism games. In fact, the girl here is simply the subject of the entourage, with which you can sometimes talk, sometimes drop on your back, so that in the jungle it is not lost and the enemy is not running around, and a couple of times you have to throw it through all sorts of abdinities and not let her go down. The rest of the time Enslaved is clean Water Slasher. And not the best when there is the same Devil May Cry or God of War. Even Darksiders looks much cooler and more interesting. In the last plot much epicer.

In the game there are many super tribes, as well as ways to kill mechanical creatures, which sometimes have to use, but by and large, they are absolutely not needed. Sticks are enough for the eyes, why you need to tear the enemy's machine gun - it is strongly incomprehensible. Only in order to play a new toy. It would be better if the combat system was expanded.

Great, mightyUnrealEngine 3!

Visual technologies in the game are good. Drawing range at good speed is also impressive. What the game does not take away is the fact that visually it is really a very strong blockbuster. It's a shame that "watch" the game is much more interesting than, actually, play. Shadows and light look beautiful, and the facial animation of characters is very good, which only the guinea pigsy is worth it. It is a pity that all this beauty is not seasoned with a more dense action and really interesting gameplay solutions that the game is missing, as Russian football players of professionalism.

It is possible to note the qualitative level of the animation of the characters in general. Motion Capture is made on glory, lovers of beautiful acrobatics will like it. Really interesting and powerful Monkey makes a lot beautiful and not without plastic. Minus - cartoon proportions of the hero. Whether he is more humane, I would have looked much cooler and more spectacular. However, there are quite a lot of complaints to the gameDizaynem.

Good game, yes love is not enough.

Sikvel is scheduled. I do not think that this is correct ... In any case, would first look at all the available DLC, and also thoroughly learn the game. It has quite a lot of flaws from the point of view of the gameplay, the game time flies quickly, but the process is quite monotonous, and the control is not always comfortable. Recharge? A small one, hardly the game will want to pass several times, in it there is little freedom and opportunities for this ...

In general, the game is not bad, but she still lacks a lot to the project, which can enter the history of the Goröndustry as a white spin.

Travel two in the direction of sunset

That we promised to release

As the basis of the plot was taken by a Chinese novel for a postpocalyptic panel " Travel to the west", Published In Chengnen In 1590 during the reign of dynasty Min.. In the history of the famous screenwriter Alex GarlandThe world of people is almost completely destroyed by a certain large-scale war, as a result of which the remnants of survivors are trying to start a new life in the insanely difficult for this conditions. That is there, there are settlements here, which are beginning to trade with each other produced by their own hands. Only that, in addition to all other things from large-scale destruction and lack of centralized food sources and energy supply, the world is now threatened by the army unknown from where the robots took place. Among the survivors there are legends about a certain pyramid, where people captured on the wasteland. Salvation from this attack was the decision to form closed settlements with the full self-sustainment of both food and electric energy. That's just, even in such, relatively safe conditions, people cannot be completely confident in the fact that they will not catch the battle beams. Well, so: the main hero of the game is the young man on nicknamed mankey ( Monkey.), which at the very beginning of the story story is located as a prisoner on board a flying prison carrying people into the same mysterious pyramid. As a result of the flight control failure, many victims were able to get out of their cameras. Well, and the one who actually arranged all this stir, will be our faithful companion, next to which we will pass all the grows sent to us by fate and developers.

Many of those who played this game, the satellite satellites of the protagonary hero will not remember all the sameness, but, in my opinion, they are very mistaken about it. Trip ( Tripitaka.) Besides the fact that a very beautiful girl, so also a skilled technar, which in every possible way helps the manus, carefully listens to him and does exactly what he tells her. Such properties are insanely rarely found from real girls. We lower the spoiler act trip, as a result of which Manka initially was just forced to help her, but believe me on the word - you can only dream about such a unique and amazing girl. Such as she, as true feelings, are extremely rare, and at the same time not everyone is lucky at least just see such a magnificent female instance in real life.

On the interaction of the main character with a trip, all the passage was built, and the diadem, joined on the head of the mankey, and is tied at all on the well-being of the girl: she will die - die and you. Magnificent Knowledge Trip in the technique allowed her to supplement the basic functions of the "slave" features of the possibilities of voice communication. In addition, a few more very useful bonuses survived the girl: an interactive video surveillance from a reprogrammed robot-dragonfly, dynamic information about changes in the vital functions of Manka and much more. The main weapon against enemies is a very unusual combat staff, which besides shock use can shoot two types of charges: discontinuous and stunning. The first type of charge is caused irreversible damage, and the second stuns the enemy and deprives its energy protection. In addition to this, Trip has a module, when turned on which a hologram appears, distracting the attention of automated machine guns, while the manus moves the space controlled by them.

At first glance, it may be the impression that the game besides the insanely simple, it still consists of the same elements: the manus constantly crawls, clinging to pre-highlighted protrusions and partitions, and coming to the right place, enters into a fight with several robots. After that, plot events occur, and then everything is repeated with an accuracy of the comma, only in new decorations. Here, of course, argue is completely useless: as it is, it is - the game is not diverse enough. Yes, there is a very funny flying cloud at the disposal, which he can use as an air skateboard, but ride it only only on the locations prepared for this (for the entire game there will be no more than five to six times). From time to time we are sitting behind the machine gun and alternately pushed out of several fur on the field, which immediately fall under the shower of the lead in them. In addition, the game very often dilute concern about the trip, which Manki not only carries on her hands, but even periodically throws up somewhere up, and then he saves, grabbing her hand, as she does not care about the ledge. Combo strikes and QTE- Elements of battle with enemies, though there are, but they are still easy to horror both in execution and in the ultimate implementation. Well, because the animation of movements is performed at the level of the first part infamous. (Dörgan and very crooked), sorrow from passing can cover even the most unpretentious gamer.

True, it's not right there to wave a hand to the project, there is some surprisingly warm energy in it, which is associated with a magnificent location design and quite pleasant, albeit a uncomplicated, gameplay, turn the game to quite worthy of the project. What bothers in any other game is here on "Hurray." FIG with it that the graphics could be at times better, but then the design is what beautiful. Of such a pacifying atmosphere of post-callipse will not meet any Fallout.nor in Rage. Only comes to memory Bulletstormbut it is also possible from the fact that the game the game is the same - Unreal Engine 3.. The game itself is very strongly asking for parallels with the previously mentioned first part. infamous.where there is a unique architecture, and the main character constantly needs to climb somewhere, and then stick to another fight. Let in the case of an exclusive Sony There is the main character with a proper superconductivity and open to the world, but they have left the impressions completely the same - they are in passionately to the very titles, let alone in front of their eyes weaken frankly weak and unfinished moments.

Yes, the cat scene on the engine came out distant from the ideal, and the submission of the plot is extremely stupid and completely pretty, but to play in Enslaved no less pleasant than in any Uncharted 2.. At the same time, it is necessary to note that the player does not even give at least a tiny chance to at least somewhere to get stuck and not to understand what to do next. Whenever on the screen, the indication pops up on the side left button, after which the trip will explain very intelligibly and show that she needs at the moment. Personally, I was damn nice to finally meet the one who listens to you, understands and at the same time does not build a princess from himself, which does not want anything. If you rephrase one ancient-day recognition in love, it would have happened like this: "I am ready to carry it on my hands at least a hundred years and do everything that she did not require me from me, just to see her next to each new morning."

Wherever I entered the plot of Manki and Trip, they will always be side by side with each other. Life is a guy in her hands, and her life completely depends on his success. It came to the point that the character pumping is possible only in cases where the trip somewhere nearby. What is due to me personally, it is not clear to me, but tenefers who are so richly scattered through the game world and fall out of the defeated opponents, you can spend only if the girl is somewhere near. Perhaps it is possible to know that this is exactly the trip technically improves the guy, but there is simply no animation of this procedure - reminds craftting from the air and without applying the appropriate tools. Plus, the "Diadem Slave" itself works somehow very and very strange: that and ten steps from the trip, it does not allow to retreat, then it allows you to silently move away from her almost a good hundred meters. In addition, because of pretty bad optimization, the game is that and the case directly in front of the textures, and FPS. Spearly and very noticeably sends. If you wish, you can for a very long time and extremely sad to talk about numerous flaws, the presence of which does not give the game the right to be called AAA- Project and lowers it in the category of budget.

Output: I do not know how such a fright, many publications, among other nominees for the title " Best Action / Adventure"Put forward this game, but I only say that Enslaved: Journey to the WestNo matter what, very soulful and very undemanding to the experience of the gamer. If you have never come across the console projects before, and the gamepad before it is either ever, or rarely been in your hands, then the brainchild Ninja Theory. You can advise as the first sample in the world of the console video game market. Everything in this game is simply simple and simple, but at the same time fascinatingly even for such experienced players like me. Similar games are taken to rent or buy in the offseason on the flea market, when there is no very or coming out very little worthy AAA.- Projects. On the other hand, if as many gamers as possible, I bought the game immediately after it is released, it would give hope for a sequel outlet, where Ninja Theory. would have a chance to correct the flaws of the original and release, if not a masterpiece, then at least the perfect sequel, which became infamous 2..

Publication date: 11/10/2010 19:44:20

After the output of the dynamic action Heavenly Sword. from Ninja Theory.Many gamers were waiting for the continuation of the history of warlike Narico, but the developers decided to direct their efforts to create a completely new game. Unlike the previous Creation of the Studio, in this project, we will no longer wait for the crowd of opponents at every step, but also to defeat a separate enemy is not so easy now.

I will die - you die and you

Plot games Enslaved: ODYSSEY TO THE WEST Based on the ancient Chinese novel "Travel to West", published in the 1590s without an indication of the author. In the 20th century, the opinion was established that he wrote the work of a scribe from Chenggy. Only here the director of the game project moved events to the futuristic post-war world, replacing evil demons with robots.

In the future, the expanses of which reveal before us the guys from Ninja Theory, almost the entire population of the planet Earth was destroyed. The remaining people have to constantly fight for survival, because after the end of the war, many combat robots remained throughout the earth. Their main task is to kill people that they are trying to do when they are discovered in close proximity.

"Odeanlaz" stationary turret can easily extend the enemies.

The main characters of the game are Manki and trip - Two absolutely opposite personalities. Mankie is a huge guy who has grown in wildness and learned to survive in the aggressive world. Trip - a fragile girl from a peaceful settlement, which is very well versed in electronics and computers. They both were captured by the "slave trade", but the ship transporting them tolerating their wreck. The miracle of the heroes are saved, but the trip has to wear a guy specially reprogrammed by her "hoop slave". He makes Manki fulfill all her orders, and if the girl dies for any reason, the death of a guy will come at the same time.

It is as involved in the role of the enslaved mankey and is the main character who, in addition to concern for his life, will have to constantly follow the security of his companion.

And who said that without humanity, life on the planet will die?

Most games telling about the post-war world, where almost the entire population of people died, paint gray landscapes with ruins. Only here are the developers Enslaved: ODYSSEY TO THE WEST We decided to move away from this trend, and most of the game you can enjoy colorful landscapes, filled with flowers and other green vegetation. Often, the ruins of the former civilization did not go anywhere, just Nature began slowly, but confidently vested their orders everywhere, absorbing gray houses of megacities.

Graphically, all this is performed at the highest level. Landscapes fascinate the breath - destroyed New York, the remains of a huge bridge, a robot dump, native settlement trip. Considering everything near, you can see the smallest details, and in the destroyed houses even remained photos of their former inhabitants.

Attack of clones, or the invasion of conveyor robots

One of the main flaws Enslaved: ODYSSEY TO THE WEST is a small set of enemies. Although they do not appear here, as in some projects that have recently overlook, the monotony simply kills interest to fight in a couple of hours of play. The developers had enough fantasy just a few modifications of robots - there are only four types of them, except for the fact that each of them can be like a shield and without it. A meager "Robot Park" replenish stationary turrets and four types of bosses.

It seems very unusual for modern games when the player has to fight several times with the same bosses. And this is not done in the form of "Bili-beat Boss, did not finish," and after the destruction of one huge dog there is a chance to meet at the next level another exactly the same. And so can be repeated several times, which causes even more negative feelings than ordinary one-type enemies.

Anyone who has become in the way of this commodity will have to be disadvantaged.

The same monotony, as in the case of enemies, expects all players and in the combat system. The main character Enslaved Optically refuses to teach a variety of combinations. To the standard short series of shocks from a weak and reference attack, as the possibility of a counterattack is added, after successful evasion and special attack series after the "cane" of the manca is lit. By the way, the weapon received at the very beginning will not give any. Unless it turns out for a couple of minutes to take the machine gun from the unfortunate robot - to leave it to your further transformation of the walking glands in the sieve is simply impossible.

The improvements of equipment of Mankie is engaged in trip, the truth will have to be collected by the technological spheres scattered throughout levels. In addition, they in sufficient quantities fall out of the defeated robots. Improvements are available: health improvement, regeneration rate, panel capacity development, opening additional blows and upgrading remote weapons. It is more useful to the shield, which is simply necessary during the ranks of the zones shelled robots.

The name of the manus is fully suitable for the chief hero

In addition to rapid battles with a few opponents, it is necessary to overcome the distance from the point A to the passage of each level, it will not work out, it will not be possible to run through the ruins, to solve puzzles with sliding bridges and even ride a huge windmill . A distinctive feature of the acrobatic part in this game is that falling and crashing almost impossible. The hero simply does not want to jump off the cliff, if the bottom will not be caught in. This may a little to upset some gamers, but the nerves will seriously save that they do not have to try to overcome the abyss several times in trying to fly there where to get in principle unreal.

Acrobatic abilities of the main character Enslaved: ODYSSEY TO THE WEST So well developed that any tracer will envy him. Manki (or "Monkey" in translation from English) easily jumps over the gorge into a kind tenth of meters and is able to climb on the sheer walls with hooks at a distance of several meters from each other. Trip with such abilities is not endowed, so it will have to move it in a literal sense through particularly large abyss and throw up on high ledges.

Disarming the enemy, the hero mercilessly shoots her head.

As for the animation of heroes during the fulfillment of all these acrobatic tricks, then the author really tried the author. As during jumping, fighting and simple movement on location, and during the plot rollers, the movements of the heroes look naturally, and emotions on the faces are worked out to the smallest details. Along this with a good acting game with voice acting, the creators achieved an incredible level of the player's immersion in the virtual world, forcing him to worry about everything that happens on the other side of the screen along with the main characters. Only that, at the same time, they managed to spoil all the impressions of the impressions not quite unequivocal ending.

Enslaved: ODYSSEY TO THE WEST Causes ambiguous feelings. After launching the game, I want to walk back to the next story roller to know a further story. During the destruction of the crowd of conveyor robots, you constantly ask yourself: Did the creators could not make several models or at least repaint already available for diversity. But despite all the sameness, you continue to go further, experiencing the fate of the main characters and wanting to know what will happen to them. The game is quite possible to recommend fans of rectilinear action with a fascinating plot, but no more - good story and beautiful graphics, unfortunately, the only serious advantages of Enslaved.

Graphics: 4.8
Gameplay: 3.0
Plot: 4.8
Sound and music: 4.5

Grade Assessment: 4.3 / 5

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