Full review of the game GTA 5. Review of the game Grand Theft Auto V

There are as many Grand Theft Auto players in the world as there are ideas about how to play it. Do not believe the tales that GTA is needed only to chase prostitutes with a chainsaw - if everything were so simple, it would have left Rockstar North out of work long ago. In you will watch cartoons and do yoga. You will also have to kill and rob, but not from a good life. Namaste.

Generator of happiness

The action of the fourth and fifth GTA, as you know, takes place in a new reality, where there was neither Claude, nor Tommy Vercetti, nor CJ. It came out almost like a restart Star trek from JJ Abrams or reboots of comic series: the names are the same, the places are the same, but everything is different.

So the return to Los Santos is somewhat devastating. The city, redesigned for a new generation, retained some external features, but on the whole became completely unfamiliar. For example, from old Grove Street, where, according to the plot San andreas Karl Johnson and his gang lived, only a musty courtyard remained, and its former inhabitants seemed to have never existed. Nowadays purple Ballas live here, and if they manage to come here on foot, the guys will rob you of the whole area.

An entire era from the history of San Andreas was simply erased, and the state itself was rebuilt. Of the three cities, only Los Santos remained, but it has changed and expanded so much that it still looks like a real city.

The new Los Santos is almost more confusing than the new Liberty City. The GPS navigator will become your best friend both in the city and beyond.

IT IS INTERESTING: references to GTA IV are found at every turn: sometimes cursory references (“ There was a guy from Eastern Europe in Liberty City, but he went to the bottom ..."), And sometimes characters. And the fact that they have forgotten about the events - it may be correct. After the madhouse that ended CJ's story, Los Santos should have been left in ruins.

The entire territory (the city itself is the size of the new Liberty City from GTA IV - plus the surrounding countryside twice as large) has been open for once from the very beginning: no excuses like “bridges are closed due to terrorist threat ". And everywhere, absolutely everywhere, you might stumble upon something interesting.

The nature in the suburbs of Los Santos is simply magical. Mountains, canyons, waterfalls, deserts, swamps, and tons of wildlife to hunt (or feed for lunch), the Red Dead Redemption experience didn't go to waste for Rockstar.

First of all, this is what distinguishes GTA V from its colleagues in the genre - the sandbox here is so bright, thoughtful and unpredictable that you can plunge into history at any moment. Bandits steal handbags, motorcycles and cars (and you can help the owner return the stolen goods), cops shoot with street gangs and rednecks (it is not forbidden to participate), forest deer run out onto the road (a good deer is a knocked down deer), accidents occur at construction sites, people swear , fight ...

Every one every for a second, something happens somewhere. These are not just decorations (after all, you can intervene in any random event), but also not "Potemkin villages", planted on purpose for you - Los Santos will do just fine on its own.

GTA is now not just a territory in which you need to drive from point to point according to the plot, from time to time, if you get bored, interrupting for mass murders. Rockstar, having gone through a thorny path of evolution, achieved an almost perfect gaming space, created a real ecosystem, almost without rules and conventions. Moreover, it is very beautiful and cozy.

After the gray, depressing, depressing Liberty City from GTA IV, Los Santos seems like a true paradise. In which, however, there are too many people, the number of whom you always want to reduce.

Never before in GTA has it been more enjoyable to just drive on the highway. Some Jerry Rafferty sounds from the radio, cars, trees and some huts are rushing past in a continuous stream, the sunset sun peeps out from behind the mountains, the car bounces on uneven roads, and as if you even feel the wind resistance - not a game, but a generator of happiness ... The last time it was in last year's sunny, but still highly specialized race. So, we can say that GTA V has no competitors in generating happiness.

Three in a car, not counting the dog

When it became known that in GTA V there would be three main characters instead of one, many doubts arose - before Rockstar and with one hero could barely cope. But doubts have disappeared - this is the best that could be thought of to diversify the game. In fact, there were three different GTAs that not only coexist, but also complement each other.

Franklin - a typical correct "nigga", with a clear system of values ​​and an exaggerated sense of loyalty to the gang. He is young, inexperienced, but surprisingly reasonable, he steals cars to order and dreams of getting into a serious business. Once again, he does not like to take risks, but for the sake of friends he is ready for anything.

Michael - a hardened robber who retired and lost himself at the bottom of the bottle. He, unlike the previous heroes, has long developed an adult life: a mansion in Vinewood, a full garage of cars, a disgruntled wife, a daughter walking with porn tycoons and lustful showmen, and a post-pubertal son who only does what he smokes grass, trolls hamsters and plays local counterpart CallofDuty.

A Trevor ... Trevor is just a psychopath (he even has a certificate). He lives in a dirty trailer, cooks methamphetamine, yells obscenities about and without, destroys bikers, and at the first opportunity - punches people in the face (and women, women too!). Absolutely uncontrollable, cocky, quarrelsome and socially dangerous.

Franklin and Michael, while trying to cheat the system, still live by its rules; Trevor - a complete degenerate, marginal and asocial redneck - wanted to spit on her. As some people usually play GTA, destroying everything and everyone in their path, so Trevor lives... And if in the first two you can notice something from CJ and Tommy Vercetti, respectively, then Trevor is more likely Claude Speed ​​from GTA 2, who survives as best he can (and as best he can).

By the will of fate, all three find themselves connected by a common storyline, which, however, boils down to the standard motive for the series: make a lot of money and make as many enemies as possible (and then kill them).

Franklin has a Rottweiler Chop, with whom there is much less interaction than he would like. Through the iFruit iOS app, you can train your dog somehow by linking your device and console to the Rockstar Social Club. Only this dubious self-indulgence.

As in previous parts, the main storyline in GTA V is confused and ragged - but this is no longer perceived as a drawback, but rather as a distinctive feature of the series. But the routine has become an order of magnitude less - mainly due to the fact that you can switch between characters. When, say, Michael has to go to the bottom, we turn to Trevor, who has another massacre or a crazy trick on the agenda.

There is no need to remember the obligatory races or the infamous flight school from San Andreas - everything that previously seemed like a boring "filler" in GTA V remained at best in the form of an optional. Even the compulsive dating from GTA IV is no longer obsessive. No more " Niko, let's go bowling!»With grievances in case of refusal. If you want to call your partners for a walk - call. As a gift, you will receive a touching episode with, say, getting drunk on Michael and Franklin. But demand from you nobody will become anything.

Switching to the character, you will certainly find him doing something. It is not at all scary to see Franklin walking the dog or Michael smoking a cigar on the seashore. But Trevor ...

Day of reckoning

Many story missions in GTA V are joint for all three heroes, and here the newfangled gameplay feature with switching characters no longer works quite as we would like. Yes, you can often choose whether to control the helicopter as Trevor, whether to land with Michael or cover your partners with Franklin, but in fact there is no choice: missions strictly follow the script, as long as it is spectacular.

Franklin kills those who rush headlong, Michael covers the rear, Trevor blows up helicopters with a grenade launcher - and stuff like that. Or, say, one is flying in a helicopter, another is following in a car, and the third is waiting in the wings in some barn. The illusion of choice turned out to be almost real, and thanks to this, the player is always in the center of events, but there are not so many unusual tasks, where the interaction of the characters is qualitatively orchestrated.

Not all the heroes go to all the tasks three of them - sometimes you have to take on drivers, shooters or a hacker. Among them there are amusing and even familiar personalities - for example, Patrick McReary from GTA IV.

The robberies turned out very well. These missions take place in three stages: first, we choose one of two ways of solving (as a rule, cunning or "head-on"), then we prepare everything necessary for the operation (we hijack a garbage truck, we pick up a helicopter from a military base, we get masks and overalls), and then go to work. During robberies, the brightest and most memorable situations in the game happen. Each of them is a real, Hollywood-staged extravaganza.

The only trouble with robberies is that there are few of them (from half a dozen to a twenty-hour campaign), and in other tasks the development is not so noticeable. Many errands are prone to the same design mistakes that plagued the eyes in the third GTA. Here is the last victim sprawled in front of you, you are preparing to finish off the poor fellow, but the timer is running out - and failure! You managed to break the wing of the plane against a bush half a meter from the marker - and no one cares that you have already landed and you can reach the goal on foot, start over.

The cops have become much smarter and more dangerous. Over time, convenient ways to avoid pursuit are found (although four- and five-star chases usually do not end well anyway), but at first you will think three times: do I really need this car? ..

Rather than grappling with this kind of convention, Rockstar was allowed to skip uncomfortable moments after three failed attempts. However, the problem does not cease to be a problem. Against the backdrop of an almost perfect state ecosystem, such miscalculations in missions are especially frustrating.

Where I haven’t been

Few games deal with additional content like GTA V. Rockstar, knowing full well that many players will not notice half of the side activities, secrets and cute little things, have built a real paradise for explorers. The fact that the game has scuba gear will remind you in the only story mission, and you can easily miss this moment. But if you don't miss it, you will discover a whole underwater world with its secrets, valuable prey and biting sharks.

The shooting is still unremarkable. It exists, it works - that's it. But almost normal "stealth" appeared. It is high time!

Flying on a helicopter for another errand, it is difficult not to notice another interesting place and not make a note in your mind “ stop by in free time". It is even more difficult to resist and not stop by during work: there are so many things around that it is almost impossible to concentrate on one thing. At home, programs and cartoons are shown on TV (we will talk separately about satire, which is really a lot in GTA V, because it is simply impossible to retell local jokes), there are dozens of curious pages on the local Internet.

In addition, you can indulge in yoga in the courtyard, and if you don't like it, drive to the nearest, say, tennis court. Mini-games like yoga have almost no practical value: they improve the parameters of the characters, but this has a minimal effect on the course of the game. But the main thing is that there are such classes, and they are entertaining. So let them be.

Included with the collectible version is a map on which secrets are marked (the marks are visible only in ultraviolet light). The electronic version of the map is easy to find on the Internet.

To make life in Los Santos even more like real life, Rockstar tries to instill in players a sense of private ownership, and in some places it even works. Each character has a personal car: Trevor has a redneck and always grimy pickup truck, Franklin has a "kid" sedan reminiscent of a Lancer and a stolen green motorcycle, and Michael has a semblance of the prestigious Audi A6.

It only makes sense to improve these machines: they will not go anywhere and will always be with you. Tuning the engine, transmission and other things is expensive, and a random car can easily disappear if you don't put it in the garage (and sometimes) is a waste of money. You can also invest money in real estate, as in Vice City, or play on the stock exchange.

The cars are more different from each other than before, but the controls have been simplified enough that you have to crash less often.

BROKER NOTE: all over the world, the price of shares of various companies primarily depends on rumors and scandals, but in GTA V everything is much simpler and more brutal: we buy shares of some local developer, then go to the main competitor and ... kill everyone. A competitor's shares go down the drain, and our developer's share price is skyrocketing. It's amazing how the actions of Trevor, Michael and Franklin in Los Santos did not flare up another financial crisis ...

One of the most anticipated and important PC releases in the history of the gaming industry. We figure out what we got in the end and how the computer version differs from the console ones.


In my memory, not a single port on a PC has been waited or asked so fiercely. Yes, it was from the same Rockstar or, which was conceived as an exclusive for Sony, which means it is unlikely to be transferred to the PC. There were also, or from Microsoft, some parts of which were still released on PC, but all this excitement was not even close in scale to what was happening around - the best part in our opinion, without a doubt an amazing series. For the sake of interest, you can just look at the statistics of search queries or look at the result of such a query to Google.

The developers were begged, they were threatened, and the corresponding petition collected more than 700 thousand signatures. And not so long ago Rockstar Slyly admitted that the PC version was made from the very beginning, but this information was kept in the strictest confidence in order to spur sales of not only more expensive console versions, but also the consoles themselves, first the old and then the new generation, with which in the end she coped more than successful.

Then the release of the game on the PC was still announced, and a new stage began in the lives of those in need - waiting. It lasted quite a long time, because the release was postponed several times: first to please the new generation consoles, and then under the pretext of polishing the final version. And now the hour X has come - it appeared on Steam. I've spent the last few days researching the game and comparing it to the PS4 version I had previously played.

To begin with, it is worth dispelling the myth about "huge system requirements on the PC". Hardware for a comfortable game really needs good, but not necessarily top-end. Yes, advanced anti-aliasing technologies like TXAA or advanced shadows NVIDIA resources are devouring mercilessly, so for the Ultra settings you need to have a truly powerful machine. However, the game is very fine-tuned and even shows the amount of used video memory, thanks to which tweaking the sliders very clearly shows the change in performance. As a result, it can be configured normally even for rather weak machines. For medium hardware, it will be enough to slightly lower the quality of the textures, set the minimum anti-aliasing and choose more suitable shadows.

The picture here greatly outperforms the one given by the new generation consoles. The textures are sharper, the particles are larger, the sun's rays are brighter. Rain, wet road, glare on cars - all this looked great before, and now even more such effects can be admired for a very long time. And in general, the game looks just amazing. Yes, this has not been seen by me recently, but it is still very, very worthy, especially for the size of the world that we are allowed to explore in. Lovers of graphics who spend a lot of money on components for their car should definitely pay attention to it right now.

We have already written about the first-person view in the version for the new generation consoles. But if on the console, whatever one may say, he was not really needed, then here the situation is radically different. For the first time, this is a full-fledged tool that makes numerous shootings an order of magnitude more convenient. There is no console auto-aiming here, so you have to aim yourself (and that's great). This is where we can turn on the first person view and scatter enemies like in a real shooter. It is interesting that the battle for survival in this situation turns into a natural one, where the winner is determined not only by the level of pumping and the ability to somersault, but also by such personal qualities as reaction speed and aiming speed. And that's great. It was precisely such an opportunity that was lacking in Los Santos.

On such an enthusiastic note, one could have ended by giving the PC version the highest score, but, as usual, everyone messed up the bug problems typical for personal computers. In fact, the game turned out to be not at all as polished as we were promised. Rockstar, each time shifting the release date. Vaunted Shadows NVIDIA sometimes they fail and begin to display incorrectly even on the most recent version of the drivers, the picture sometimes starts to flicker strangely, and the start of the project was generally associated with a scandal regarding memory leaks during long sessions. Now the situation is better, but still far from ideal.

In an era when computer game budgets have skyrocketed and scale has become the de facto standard, no one admires the idea of ​​a huge open world full of adventure, as it was in the past. Did you manage to keep the quality bar against the background of eminent competitors? Read our review!

If you love computer games, then you know the Grand Theft Auto series. Even if you don’t know anything about video games at all, there is more than a nonzero chance that you’ve even heard of it!

This game was a "bad girl" on the computer games market for many years and, to her credit, remains so to this day. Only GTA can generate so many heated debates and harsh criticism, while not losing the love of the fans, which is always expressed in the loud clink of cash from sales.

First impression

For example, Michael, a retired bank robber, is trying to adjust to family life with his wife, daughter and son, who hate him. As the plot progresses, he tries to get away from his old lifestyle, but pretty quickly it becomes clear that he is still a criminal to the core, who is also not inclined to experience unnecessary regrets.

At the same time, Franklin can only dream of a life like Michael's. After all, he is a petty gangster desperately looking for ways to make money, buy a big house and a lot of sports cars, and get rid of silly friends. However, fate is favorable, and he meets people like Trevor and Michael, without whom he would never have been able to change his previous lifestyle. And thanks to his assertiveness, he was able to penetrate into all the subtleties of the criminal world.

Well, Trevor. A murderer, addict, psychopath and Vietnam War veteran, completely consumed by bloodlust and impulsive desires of his own. Trevor never changes, and his actions sometimes really stir up the blood. At other times, he can turn out to be much more sweet and even welcoming. We can say that through his image the writers conveyed the quintessence of the essence of GTA - cruel and merciless, but at the same time cheerful and energetic.

Rockstar's game designers took a very daring decision when they added the trio, but it ultimately paid off. Even convinced skeptics will agree with this once they have gone through the storyline to the end. If a fascinating plot can be called one side of the coin, then ...

Game process

Its second part is the gameplay, in a diamond frame of which the camera for switching between characters shines. With its help, the developers have achieved not only a more cinematic gameplay, but also made it possible to conveniently switch between characters, with the exception of a number of missions.

Moreover, the switching process itself is implemented surprisingly quickly, and you can change the camera at any time, for example, from Michael to Trevor. While you play as one character from a trinity of friends, the other two go about their business or travel around the city. And how much joy are delivered by moments when, when switching, you can observe the life of a character. It's funny to see Franklin walking the dog or Michael listening to domestic fights with a vegetable's face. Well, switching to Trevor is interesting in itself - what is he doing there, injecting himself with drugs or raving in a bar with other customers?

Regardless of which character you like best, in the free play mode you can still freely interact with the world around you - arrange shots, chase with the police or crush pedestrians for fun. On the other hand, the game has a number of unique missions, as well as tasks that are directly dedicated to the characters. Franklin is more often engaged in car theft, Michael all the time has to resolve controversial issues in the criminal community or in his own family, and Trevor arranges chaos and massacres wherever he is. The degree of success of each mission depends on how quickly you complete it and whether you complete additional tasks. If you wish, you can always go through the quest again at any time.

You will also love how some of the missions affect the rest of the world. For example, an assassination attempt on the CEO of one pharmaceutical company would cause a drop in its stock, which would be great news for those who have invested in a rival. On the other hand, you can take advantage of the confusion and buy shares at a low price and then sell them at a higher price.

And, of course, in addition to all these missions, you will find a huge amount of entertainment in which you can participate, and they depend on the character you are currently playing for. These include diving, rock climbing, yoga, motocross, and street racing in addition to traditional tennis, golf, or even trivial TV viewing, dog walks, and striptease clubbing with strippers pinching bare spots.

And Trevor can even hunt and sell the meat of the animals he has killed. The city is full of opportunities to start your own business, in addition to the aforementioned game on the stock exchange. All the money you receive can be spent on buying real estate in Los Santos, unlocking a helipad, docks for pleasure boats or new places for cars in the garage.

If the main and side missions are not enough for you, then be aware that random events occur throughout Los Santos throughout the day. For example, a lady passing by may steal a bag right in front of your nose, or you may witness a store robbery. You can participate in these tasks or ignore them. Either way, these random missions make the gameplay virtually indistinguishable from real life.

However, completing assignments in three or alone is not the only thing that the guys at Rockstar have prepared. In a number of quests you will need to choose partners from the side. You can recruit stupid jocks so that they stir up and distract attention, or you can also high-class burglars to disable security systems and open the protection in a matter of seconds. The choice, equipment and ammunition of these characters completely depends on your preferences. However, keep in mind that the less qualified your assistants are, the more problems you can get from their wrong actions. On the other hand, an experienced team will require a lot more money for their services.

But the developers did not have enough time to improve the control of aircraft and helicopters. You will have to get used to it, and before that, you will have to tinker a lot.

Graphics and soundtrack

The visuals are slightly better than in, but not enough to forgive poor textures and performance drops. Rockstar experts, of course, squeezed all the juices out of the current generation consoles, but the latter are already living out their days, and you will not get the best performance from them. In general, we are waiting for the release of the game on PC to evaluate the graphics.

As you would expect, the sound engineers did an impeccable job as always. All actions of the characters are backed up by excellent music, one of the best in the industry.
The original mission music adds an atmosphere of tension, while in the free play, many radio stations will delight you with delightful music.


The distinctive features of the entire GTA series are a fascinating world, an exciting story, varied gameplay, many explosions and special effects, as well as cinematography. And all of this is perfectly implemented and packaged in a shiny wrapper. You just need to unfold it.

Only time will tell if this will be enough to keep fans' attention and win over skeptics. The only important thing is that Rockstar North listened carefully to the criticism received by the past games in the series, and came up with a product that is almost completely consistent with the ideal available with the current development of technology.

We must not forget that Rockstar will definitely release it on PS4, Xbox One and PC, which means that we will have a long immersion in the world of Los Santos. In addition, an interesting multiplayer mode will appear in, known to us as. What chips does he carry? We will find out about this in October, but for now you can read the future game!

“Growing up is not about me, I steal cars and kill people,” one of the main characters of the game, the black bandit Franklin, blurts out in our hearts. In the game, there is no answer to the replica, it flies after the leaving car, into the void.

The famous expression "we grow up, but games do not" come to mind. Although in the first half of the year, the industry twice proved the opposite (see and), in the case of Gta the same problem looks insoluble, and in Rockstar they understand it. Still, the reason for the tremendous success of this, judging by the Guinness Book of Records, the most popular interactive entertainment on the planet, is in the synthesis of its adult form and childish essence.

"I need to meditate"

The fact that the authors are strongly reflecting on this topic can be seen through the entire game. And - who would have thought - now social responsibility is among the values Grand Theft Auto... Franklin's response ended up in the game for the sake of "protecting from the fool," whom the authors propose to grow up: in the first minutes Gta v makes fun of his own audience, and the venerable bank robber (with his hands) Michael immediately advises Franklin not to pursue a gangsta career and go to college. Sermon as a genre is served not only in a sarcastic manner, as in, the sermon is adapted to the flock almost according to Kevin Smith: there is a bearded long-haired bitch Jesse on the pier, talks about his dad's cool hipster beard, advises everyone not to steam, not to smoke too much dope and thinks of turning water into a latte.

And we - we do terrible but funny things - we rob, kill, steal cars and generally live a gangster life. Now - alternately for three characters; we can say we play the story between them. Antiheroes are textured and self-sufficient, and one very important thing is captured in the difference between them. Michael is a high class gangster, a type from movies like "Fight" and "The Sopranos" at the same time. With a sports bag stuffed with jewels on his shoulders, with a suit, a mask and a rifle, in a street shootout, he feels more or less in his place. Franklin is a guy from the outskirts of Los Santos, was born and raised in a gangster environment, a typical fighter of the ghetto wars, except that he does not hold a pistol horizontally. Imagining such a man running through the streets with a machine gun and mowing dozens of people is difficult, but already easier than an unnamed criminal running errands or a subtropical mafioso in a Hawaiian shirt.

But Trevor Phillips, a crazy redneck who is feared even by crazy rednecks from the neighboring trailer hell, is easy. Trevor eats harsh bikers for breakfast (quite possibly, literally) and one day takes over the entire illegal business in the area - out of boredom, or something. He is smart, resourceful and disgustingly cruel.

Almost like a player. Trevor is the first character fully integrated into what is happening on the screen, the plot ceases to be an abstract condition for the action, and vice versa. Trevor is a psychopath who really could go out and wreak havoc. Here the game is balanced, which is quite ironic. Namaste, savasana.

"Or masturbate"

The game itself is merciless to the player: Gta v outright loudly, furiously and categorically declares that she is hardcore and will not give anyone a descent here. Stop whining, you have to go through a turn through a narrow arch, drifting. A lot of cops, yes, a lot. How to be? Challenge accepted. As a result, the game can be replayed many times (especially given the mission medal system), and the story cutscenes are perceived as a separate type of reward.

After some particularly difficult sortie in front of your eyes, the camera rises somewhere in the stratosphere and in a few seconds is transferred to another character. It is very impressive and impressive Gta v knows how in principle: 256 million dollars are watching us from the screen every second, the game is colossal. The elaboration of the details, the city and its boiling life look as if they were not dealt with by the development team, but by the entire population of the fictional state of San Andreas.

Every piece of information here is a kitsch joke, all passers-by are talking about something, urban and rural areas sound expressive, and the whole environment reacts vividly to the player's actions. There are many small cultural joys scattered around the world, such as a movie quote or a soundtrack, and the dialogues are clearly written by masters of the craft. At the same time, aesthetically Gta v- still a fan service game: the acidified Michael rides home on a bicycle (of course), sometimes the same Tony Soprano is caught in his intonations (especially in the scenes in the kitchen), then - a direct quote from The Italian Robbery. And so all the way.

Here you can listen to the radio anthem on the radio, instagram while you instagram, and chase the unfortunate mariachi in the company of the zigging patriot Joseph (speaks the purest Russian language). A step back to San Andreas even looks logical in the sense that this is a "balancing" part of the series, she does yoga, pulling mechanics to aesthetics. While the mechanics have become less realistic, thereby further emphasizing the frivolity of everything that happens, the form is the opposite. Quite often, the game can be given the condition "what if I do this?" and get a realistic denouement. Physics of bodies makes any accident, fight or simple fall spectacular, and YouTube is already full of curiosities (as well as glitches from).

The main novelty, of course, is the robberies. As it should be, in fact they are a well-forgotten old thing: one of the best moments was developed and spun into a separate game. We have setup missions, preparation for the "case" - we are planning a robbery, we get the necessary equipment. Then we go through one difficult mission with a robbery and the account is replenished with an amount with five (and sometimes six) zeros. In this regard, each character has special abilities: Franklin drives in bullet time, Michael shoots in bullet time, and Trevor goes into a rage: he takes less damage, does more. Additional drivers, shooters and hackers can be hired in a special menu - in the same place we choose the method and path of attack, and forward. Victory or death.

"Or all at once"

I am standing on a road somewhere in the desert, the asphalt is pink at sunset, I am wearing aviator glasses, and in my hand is a pistol with a silencer. Life is difficult. A car appeared in the distance, and I know what will happen in this movie now, because the decision has already been made. Then there will be only a crime scene and a quiet country music from the radio in a fired car. In one and a half minutes of real time in Gta v so many interesting things happen that it would be enough for a whole cutscene of the game. Fought with homeless people, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire, tried to steal a jeep, a dead driver knocked down, his leg got stuck in a radiator, cops, he killed, got into a jeep, drove, a gas tank was broken, we burn, jump on the asphalt, the car explodes at a distance. This is all in two minutes.

Now to die in an accident is as easy as shelling pears (much easier than in), and you drive around the city with this thought all the time. Got smashed on the fly in the oncoming lane - you will continue your journey in the air, without a car. But at the same time, the car can almost always be turned over with the left stick - unrealistic, yes, but the rhythm of the game does not go astray. And she eventually became more harmonious, not without flaws, but for such a colossus as Gta, Is a serious achievement. The feeling of continuous action is one of the main goals Rockstar in case of Gta v... The plot tasks follow without interruption, clinging to each other, which is why the player is captured by the narration from the first seconds and may well complete the game by looking a couple of times at the menu with incredibly beautiful ambient Tangerine Dream. I turned on the game, and it moves forward like a film about gangsters, only without our participation the film does not spin.


We can talk for a long time about how Gta v breaks records, earns a billion dollars in the first three days and finally pushes games into the general cultural background. The Hauser brothers (and we have been getting personal for some time now) seemed to have felt this transition even before the release of the game, and perhaps this is where the legs of their sermons grow.

Another thing is more interesting: this is an adult game based on boyish emotions, and this is its charm. This is partly why Gta there is no escape from the cruelty. And this is a very cruel game (not the first and obviously not the last one in Rockstar), a childishly cruel game, psychopathically cruel. And the most natural character in her looks like a psychopathic character complaining about a difficult childhood - with wooden toys nailed to the floor and other fatal troubles. He did not have those memories of "cars", you know, when it looks so big, and there is a plastic driver in it: maybe Batman, maybe Spider-Man, or maybe just a driver. When you could take it with your hand and go towards adventure: the carpet turned into an imaginary sunny city, similar to the one from a mysterious movie on a pot-bellied TV. In this fantasy we play, and that fantasy is someone else's - it's for the best. At the end of the story, we are shown allegorical statistics, in the form of a psychiatrist's conclusion. The conclusion from the certificate is, in general, the same - childhood was difficult.

She broke financial records by the very fact of her birth. The development cost of $ 266 million and sales revenues that exceeded this amount three times in the first day - this has never happened in the gaming industry. It may be bad form to talk about budget and profit in the very first lines of a review, but ... just not in this case. Because it’s not just a game, it’s a phenomenon. They waited for her, hoped for her, believed in her - and she did not disappoint.

Better than mountains can only be mountains.

Now it seems just a rough draft, a sketch: real Gta, as it should have been, appeared only now. Feelings - as if you are leaving a cramped and gloomy apartment into a sunny open space. Skyscrapers and freeway junctions now own a third of the territory at most, the rest - mountains, forests, lakes, farms with green fields, deserts and rivers, everything that was so lacking in the concrete jungle of Liberty City. In fact, this is the good old one again, which at one time amazed with the scope and abundance of possibilities, only realized already in the new generation and at a qualitatively new level.

The console version looks great. The console version looks great. Everything from sparks under a punctured car wheel to foam ridges on the ocean waves is eye-catching. Compared to the fourth part, the drawing range and detailing have increased by an order of magnitude, so that the contemplation of local landscapes no longer arouses suspicions of their own myopia. Armed with strengthened graphics technologies, the developers seem to have forgotten that they are making "just a game" and confidently stepped into the territory of blockbuster movies: thanks to high-quality facial animation and acting, cut-scenes have turned from unnecessary links between episodes into a full-fledged and fascinating spectacle.

Three in the boat, not counting the dog.

This game, like a magician from a hat, constantly brings out new surprises. Finally, a quick save function has appeared, available at any time using your mobile phone, unless you are on a mission. Cars no longer shake like on waves, their behavior has become more realistic, and the characters move more quickly and dexterously. But the main innovation is that instead of the usual loner under our control, there are now a whole trinity, and everyone is completely different: respectable Michael (a sort of Bruce Willis and Robert de Niro in one person), street kid Franklin, a tribute to CJ from the aforementioned San andreas, and the frostbitten psychopath Trevor, suspiciously reminiscent of Lynch from. In the previous part, with its two additions, Rockstar just got to a similar idea, but now it has been brought to its logical conclusion. You can easily switch between the characters in your free time from missions, and sometimes right in the process of such, because the paths of the characters intersect every now and then, and they have to solve many problems together. The simplest example: one is driving a car, the other is shooting on the move - a standard scheme for Gta, but the ability to transform into a shooter or a driver at any time gives completely new sensations. And yes - you will have to visit the dog's skin too!

The ability to change characters fits perfectly into the open world of the game. The most interesting thing is that the choice of a character somehow dictates the style of actions by itself, and you involuntarily adjust to the desired image. For example, in the role of Michael, traditional amusements like throwing the driver out of the car, followed by a massacre and escaping from the patrolmen seem to be a bit inappropriate greetings from the past. But reckless Trevor is just right, and this is still flowers in comparison with what he gets up to at every step.

Let this world bend under you.

The main goal of the "bad guys" is to get more money through carefully planned robberies. As a result, the plot missions became even more like a Hollywood production. Secret penetrations into a guarded object in the spirit of "Mission Impossible" and crazy Michaelbay chases alternate with firing from a minigun and a dozen exploded jeeps a la "Terminator 2". In addition, the virtual analogue of Los Angeles is jam-packed with "eccentrics and strangers", each of whom is ready to thrust you into another unpredictable adventure. And all this, according to tradition, is generously flavored with a shock dose of humor and a mark of satire, from which attacks of uncontrollable laughter occur almost every five minutes.

And it is addictive, damn it. Why are there missions - the game tempts you to forget about them altogether and just live in this world, plunge into it with your head. Tuning a car, training a dog, robbing cash-in-transit vans, diving on the seabed, playing golf, changing hairstyles, wasting time in strip clubs ... here you can do all this and a lot of different things, a simple listing of which would take a lot a lot of time. Leaving home with a firm intention to finally deal with the passage of the plot, you suddenly find yourself sitting in the cinema watching some "Italian masterpiece" - more precisely, a parody of it. And it's addictive, damn it. This is the feature Gta v: it contains a lot of at first glance completely optional trifles, but all of them - like the "main course" - are implemented with unexpected meticulousness.

This game, like a magician from a hat, constantly brings out new surprises. It is incredibly huge and varied. It can give you exactly what you want, be it gangster showdowns, flying in the skies, tennis matches on your private court, or simply driving a cabriolet through the evening city to the soothing sounds of jazz. To be everything at once - in this Gta v just unmatched.

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