Rules of the game of checkers (Russian, international, Brazilian, Italian, pool, checkers, giveaway). How to teach a child to play checkers from scratch in a playful way Educational checkers games for children 6 years old

Anyone who knows how to play chess will say that checkers is for children. Indeed, their gameplay is much simpler and more accessible to learn even for children. Fans of board games often organize evenings playing checkers, constantly improving in this matter.

The only similarity with chess is the board laid out in sixty-four black and white squares and the pieces of the same color, and also in the fact that the first move is made by white.

Checkers game options

Checkers principles retain an individual style, although there are several varieties of the game:

  • Armenian;
  • International;
  • Altai;
  • Turkish;
  • Spanish;
  • English;
  • Brazilian;
  • Canadian;
  • Italian;
  • We are closer to Russian checkers and we invite you to play checkers online.

    It has already become a habit to convert board games into computer versions. Checkers did not escape this fate, but changing actions will not seem difficult, because all control is done with the help of a computer mouse and you just need to click on a piece to activate it, and to move to a certain cell, click on it.

A little about the rules

The rules have been kept original, which will also not complicate the process of learning the game version.

  • At the beginning of the game of checkers, you will play “simple” pieces, and then raise them to the rank of “kings”.
  • Your goal is to move all the checkers across the field and make them kings, as well as block enemy objects, making them unable to move.
  • A checker can only move diagonally, moving one square forward, but only if it is not occupied.
  • If there are enemy pieces available for capture, they must be captured. For such an action there is only one condition - the cell behind the figure must be free.
  • If you have several checkers on the way to remove, you will also have to hit them, even if the action is unfavorable for you.
  • During such movement, the trajectory of the checker can constantly change in different directions.
  • When, during a game of checkers, you reach the extreme strip of the opponent's board, your checker becomes a queen, and to emphasize its status, simply turn it upside down.
  • Now, when you move the queen, you have new opportunities - she can no longer move one square, but immediately overcome several spaces back or forward, but maintaining a diagonal line.
  • The mandatory removal of enemy checkers also remains, but now, if there are several cells before them, you can easily overcome the distance, although the condition of a free cell behind the one that is being hit is also necessary, as in the case of simple pieces.

When you start playing checkers for free, you need to know one more feature of the gameplay.

  • When it is possible to make a move in different directions, you can choose any one only if there are the same number of checkers to remove everywhere.
  • If in one case there are more of them, in another there are less, you should choose the option with a larger number of withdrawals.
  • If during the moves you reached the extreme edge of the board and became a king, but there are still pieces left to be destroyed, further movements occur in a new status and with the acquired ability to move several cells at once.
  • When the checker became a king on the last move, then it will be possible to use the opportunities that have arisen only during the next move.

Virtual checkers are always preferable

Online checkers games are an excellent substitute for real pieces, because now you no longer need to store the board in the closet, look for a partner for the next game, there is no risk of losing the checkers and losing the opportunity to play when the desire arises, and the computer variety of options turns the usual game into a real sacrament.

Games, the essence of which is to rearrange various figures on the playing field into a square, have enormous possibilities. One of the legends about the creation of chess says that the sage who created this game for the Rajah asked “only” the following. Place one grain on cell A1, twice as much on A2, twice as much on A3 as on A2, and so on until the last cell on H8. Raja agreed without thinking twice. There are only 64 cells, but he is so rich! But when the treasurers counted everything, it turned out that there was not so much grain in the entire land! The magic of such games is truly mysterious. The most perfect computer will never completely defeat the most perfect chess player. The game of checkers falls into this category. Despite all its apparent simplicity, it is not easy for the common man.

Anyone can play checkers online. Like many games, checkers allows two players to play at the same time. And these days, in order to relax and win, it is better to take a familiar person than a computer. In addition, many developers make all sorts of adjustments to the rules of the game of checkers in their games, so the player may be in for a complete surprise when he throws all his strength into a breakthrough, and therefore loses half of the checkers, having learned that in this version of the game you can go backwards . In addition, checkers are installed in all popular network formats - extreme checkers on irregularly shaped fields, checkers for three and many other options.

On our website you will find all the conditions for slowly exploring all the possible options for this game. After all, online checkers games make them endless. They are so deep that you can fight with an opponent for several hours in a row without even noticing the passage of time. Well, if limited network access does not allow you to immerse yourself in your favorite game, it doesn’t matter! Download the game file to your computer and play for as long as you like! And if you get tired, come back a little later for a new game. We think our catalog will provide you with your favorite games for a long time. But online checkers games are what you need after a hard day at work.

    Playing Computer Checkers is very simple - you don’t need long registrations, entering your name and password, and you also don’t need to download the game. The only thing you need to do is press the start button and decide on the choice - with whom you will fight today - with the real

    Before your gaze is a fresh game of National Checkers! With their help, you will surely take a breath away from your boring work. Playing National Checkers is not difficult - you must defeat the enemy by eating all twelve of his figures. Another game of checkers will give you strength and give you a little about

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    Just look at this cute game of Button Checkers! For today, your ordinary figures will turn into buttons. Only the most out-of-the-box thinkers and creative people will be able to play Button Checkers, because not everyone will be able to see checkers in buttons. No matter what age you are, try poi

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    Surely, you ended up in the Checkers Games section for a reason. Here is the game Checkers-Boards, the most natural checkers, with one convenient difference - you no longer have to clear free space for the board, since here you can play Checkers-Boards online without looking up from your

They say the computer is the real killer of all classic entertainment. According to many, virtual games are not at all the same as “warm lamp” boards. But still, for many traditional methods of intellectual recreation, the transition to a computer platform turned out to be extremely positive. Having embarked on virtual tracks, they clearly have not lost anything from their fascination and ability to develop their brains! But at the same time, they became much more accessible at any time of the day or night, and the old chessboard finally stopped taking up space in the closet.

Where did it come from?

The question of who and when started any traditional entertainment is always very difficult. And the more widespread the game is around the world, the more difficult it is to find the ends in its tangled history. Not to mention the fact that often modern entertainment is not the descendants of any one national pastime, but combines elements of many different games created by several nations independently of each other.

Science has not yet decided who should have the honor of being called the inventor of the game of checkers. And, most likely, it won’t solve it - there are too many options! And, probably, even if the one who is rightfully the “father” of our checkers had not invented his famous game, then a little later someone else would probably have done it. After all, tabletop battles using chips are one of the most popular pastimes of antiquity!

If you believe the drawings that have survived to this day, then they loved playing checkers (or some very visually similar game to them) back in Ancient Egypt. At least, on the walls of tombs, images of gameplay were not so rare! But it would be somewhat hasty to consider the Egyptians as the pioneers in this area. After all, scientists continually find evidence that other peoples who had neither cultural nor trade relations with Egypt also played them with might and main.

So, for example, checkers were definitely known on the territory of modern Russia in the third century - long before the appearance of Cyril and Methodius with their writing and even Rurik with his reign. If you believe the history textbooks, in those days in the territory occupied by the Slavs there was complete barbarism, paganism and an almost primitive system in scattered villages with palisades against wild animals - and there were checkers. So, know ours!

Follow the rules!

Of course, it is very difficult to cheat during a game of checkers. These are not cards where you can quietly pull a couple of trump cards out of your sleeve! Here all your chips are in plain sight, and the only way to somehow tilt the game in your favor through dishonest machinations is to distract your opponent. And while he is looking in the other direction, you can try to unnoticedly move a couple of chips... But, without sufficient experience, it is not always possible to predict what can be done on the board unnoticed in order to definitely get closer to victory - after all, if you just If you remove half of your opponent's checkers, cheating will be obvious. And if you have enough experience and skill for such fraud, then most likely you won’t have to cheat...

In a word, the phrase “rules are meant to be broken” is not about checkers! Here you need to know how to make the right moves, and what opportunities for sudden maneuvers are provided for by the rules of the game.

What do you need to know? Firstly, checkers is usually played on a chessboard - and, despite a number of significant differences, the gameplay of these two sports is also quite similar. Two armies - black and white - line up opposite each other and begin a rapid attack on the opposite side of the board. But just reaching the edge is not enough (and not always necessary), the main goal is to destroy or “lock” all the enemy pieces.

However, if some checker still manages to be “behind enemy lines,” that is, gets to the opposite edge of the playing board, then it immediately becomes a king - this gives great advantages to the army to which it belongs! If ordinary checkers move only one square diagonally, then the king can go ahead until the diagonal ends.

The enemy's checkers are destroyed by the so-called “eating”. “Eating” a checker means destroying it, removing it from the board (don’t worry, no one will force you to eat plastic!) However, variations of the checkers game in which edible objects actually move across the board actually exist. But this improvement has nothing to do with sports: it is unlikely that at major international competitions you can see glasses of drinks or multi-colored rolls on the boards instead of checkers!

To “eat” the enemy’s checker, you need to step over it. That is, if there is no free cell “behind” the enemy’s checker, then you will not be able to destroy it, even if you are completely next door. Be careful about which checkers are in your eating zone! According to the rules, you are obliged to eat an available checker, even if this maneuver is strategically disadvantageous to you. And if, while playing checkers online, you see that the system does not allow you to make the move you want, take a closer look at the board. Perhaps you are in an attacking position, which means you cannot move until you eat the enemy offered to you!

By the way, what is good about browser checkers, there are many other tips that allow you to get used to the rules and learn to play better than other grandmasters. You can play checkers games online for free on our website: in the catalog you can find the best versions of your favorite game! Have as much fun as you like, because playing checkers is not only a lot of fun, but also very good for the mind.

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    Play the most Ordinary Checkers, here you will definitely relax and plunge headlong into a world without problems, where there are only checkers. Playing Regular Checkers is interesting only because the complexity of the game will certainly provide an exciting game that not everyone can handle!

    Just look at this cute game of Button Checkers! For today, your ordinary figures will turn into buttons. Only the most out-of-the-box thinkers and creative people will be able to play Button Checkers, because not everyone will be able to see checkers in buttons. No matter what age you are, try poi

    Surely, you ended up in the Checkers Games section for a reason. Here is the game Checkers-Boards, the most natural checkers, with one convenient difference - you no longer have to clear free space for the board, since here you can play Checkers-Boards online without looking up from your

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Rules for playing Russian checkers

The goal of the game is to eat all the opponent’s checkers or “lock” them (i.e., make them unable to move)

The game is played only on dark fields. The checkerboard is positioned between the partners in such a way that there is a dark corner field to the left of the player. In the starting position, each side has 12 checkers, which occupy the first three rows on each side

Checkers are divided into simple and queens. In the initial position, all checkers are simple. Upon reaching the last (eighth from oneself) horizontal row, a simple checker turns into a king

Moves are made one by one, by moving your checker to an unoccupied field. Skipping a move is not allowed. The first move is always made by the player playing white. A simple move only moves forward one square diagonally. The queen moves diagonally to any square, both forward and backward, and she cannot jump over her checkers

If a simple checker is located next to the opponent's checker, behind which there is a free field, it must be transferred through this checker to the free field, after which the opponent's checker is removed from the board. If at the same time the opportunity arises to continue capturing other opponent’s checkers, then this capture must be made. When fighting through a queen square, a simple checker turns into a king and continues the battle according to the rules of a king. During one move, the enemy's checker can be hit only once (Turkish strike rule). According to this rule, if, during the battle of several enemy checkers, a checker or a king re-enters an already beaten checker, then the move stops. Knocked opponent's checkers are removed only after the end of the move. Capturing the opponent's checker is mandatory and can be done both forward and backward. With several capture options, for example, one checker or two, the player chooses the capture option at his own discretion.



  • if a participant who has three queens (or more) against one of the opponent’s kings does not take the opponent’s king in 15 moves;
  • if in a position in which both participants have kings, the balance of forces has not changed (there was no capture, not a single simple checker became a king) during:
    • in 2 and 3 figure endings – 5 moves,
    • in 4 and 5 figure endings – 30 moves,
    • in 6 and 7 figure endings – 60 moves;
  • if a participant having:
    • three simple,
    • three queens,
    • two queens and a simple one,
    • a queen and two simple ones,
    against one enemy king located on the main road (the main diagonal of the board), he will not take the enemy king in 5 moves;
  • if during 15 moves the participants made moves only with kings, without moving simple checkers and without capturing.

Rules of the game of Giveaway (Reverse checkers)

Giveaways are checkers with the opposite goal of the game - to lose all your checkers: to force the enemy to “eat” or “lock” them.

Rules for playing Diagonal checkers

The rules are similar to the rules of the game of Russian checkers, but the initial arrangement is different (the large diagonal is free, all the cells above and to the left of it are occupied by black checkers, below and to the right - by white ones).

Rules of the game of International checkers

The game is played on a board of 10×10 cells. The checkers are placed on the black fields of the first four horizontal rows on each side. The player playing white moves first, then moves are made alternately. Checkers are divided into simple and queens. In the initial position, all checkers are simple.

A simple checker moves diagonally forward one square. Upon reaching any field of the last horizontal line, a simple checker turns into a king.

The queen moves diagonally to any free square, both forward and backward.

Taking is mandatory if possible. Checkers are removed from the board only after the taking checker has stopped.

When capturing, the rule of the Turkish strike is applied - if, during the battle of several enemy checkers, a checker or king re-enters an already captured checker, then the move stops (that is, it is forbidden to take the same checker twice, while you can cross the same empty field twice ).

If there are several options for capturing, you need to execute the one that removes the maximum number of opponent’s checkers (regardless of their quality - both a simple and a king are considered one checker). If there are still several options, you can choose any of them. If there is a choice of battle with a king or a simple one, then you can take any of them, observing in this case the rule of taking the largest number of checkers.

If a simple checker, in the process of being captured, reaches the queen square and can hit further as a simple checker, then it continues the battle with this move and remains simple. Otherwise, she turns into a queen and stops. According to the king's rules, she acquires the right to fight only from the next move.


The game is considered won in the following cases:

  • if one of the participants left the party or announced that he was giving up;
  • if the checkers of one of the participants are locked and he cannot make another move;
  • if one of the opponents has all his checkers beaten.

The game is considered to end in a draw in the following cases:


  • if one of the participants offers a draw and the other accepts it;
  • if it is impossible for any of the opponents to win;
  • the same position (the same arrangement of checkers) is repeated three (or more) times, and the turn of the move will be on the same side each time;
  • For 25 moves, the participants made moves only with queens, without moving simple checkers and without capturing;
  • if a participant, having at the end of the game:
    • three simple,
    • three queens,
    • two queens and a simple one,
    • a queen and two simple ones,
    against a lone queen or one king against a lone queen or a simple checker, will not achieve a won position with his 5th move;
  • there are five queens left on the board or four queens and one simple checker against two kings, and the stronger side will not achieve a won position with its 50th move.

Checkers notation

According to the notation adopted in international checkers, all black squares have numbers (from 1 to 50). The numbering of the board starts from the black side and goes from right to left. To record the move of a simple checker or king, first designate the field where the checker or king stood, then put a dash and write down the field on which it is placed (for example: 8-12). When recording a capture (battle), a colon is placed instead of a dash (for example: 12:21, 47:24:35).

Rules of the game of English checkers (Checkers)

The rules of the game of English checkers (Checkers) are very similar to the rules of the game of Russian checkers, but have some differences:

  • The player playing with black checkers goes first
  • a simple checker cannot hit backwards;
  • the queen can only move one square in any direction;
  • the queen can hit only one square in any direction;
  • You can hit any number of checkers.

If a simple checker, in the process of capturing the opponent’s checkers, reaches the field of the last horizontal line and is given the opportunity to be further captured by a king according to the rules of battle, then it turns into a king, stopping on the field of the last row. According to the king rules, she acquires the right to capture only from the next move.


The game is considered won in the following cases:

  • if one of the opponents has all his checkers beaten;
  • if the checkers of one of the participants are locked and he cannot make another move;
  • if one of the participants announced that he was giving up.


The game is considered to end in a draw in the following cases:

  • if one of the participants offers a draw and the other accepts it;
  • the same position (the same arrangement of checkers) is repeated three (or more) times, and the turn of the move will be on the same side each time;
  • during the last 40 moves there was no change in forces, that is, none of the players managed to move at least one checker into kings, and at least one checker or king was not removed from the board.

Please note that the game will be saved to history, and points will be awarded for it only if 3 or more move transitions have been completed (for example, 2 white moves and one black move for the “Russian Checkers” mode).

Mode panel

The mode panel allows you to select the current game mode.

Top button panel

Move backwards, Move forward- allows you to undo and redo moves in a game with a computer.

Offer a draw allows you to send a draw proposal to your opponent. If he agrees, the game will be completed as a draw, and the number of points for both players will not change;

Give up

A new game– start a new game with the computer.

Leave the game

Additional buttons in co-op play

Offer a draw allows you to send a draw proposal to your partner. If he agrees, the game will be completed as a draw, and the number of points for both players will not change;

Give up- ends the game (loss is counted).

Leave the game- allows you to immediately end the current game (loss is counted).

Bottom button panel

Settings- opens the settings menu where you can:

  • Select the color of the shapes;
  • Change the computer difficulty level;
  • Enable or disable automatic move for situations when, according to the rules of the game, there is only one possible move;
  • Enable display of captured pieces and move history;
  • Turn sound on or off;
  • Prevent other players from inviting you to the game;
  • Open blacklist.

Description- opens the game description.

Questions and feedback- opens a guest book in which you can leave a review or request for the game.

Story- a history of all your games, indicating the date of the game, the opponent and his place in the ranking.

Games you won are marked in yellow, games you lost are in red, games that ended in a draw are blue.

Games that you have added to your favorites are marked with a star.

Points are awarded only for victories over opponents (no points are awarded for draws and victories over the computer).

Elo rating system, Elo coefficient is a method of calculating the relative strength of players in games involving two players. This rating system was developed by an American physics professor of Hungarian origin, Arpad Elo.

In your personal account, you can provide additional information about yourself, upload a photo, change your password, and also store and carry out personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registering as a guest. After registration and/or authorization, you will have access to your personal account and will be able to send private messages to other players.

To register, you just need to enter a name (at least 3 characters) and a password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose another one.

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