Chrono snake in pv. What is chrono respect pw

→ What is chrono respect pw

If you are more or less familiar with the Ideal World, then you must know how important quests for respect are in pw. That is why the players so diligently do the tasks marked in yellow, collect parties in gui and in XX. However, respect can be different in pv. There is a special category of quests here, which are grouped under the general name pw respect chrono. Many of these tasks are quite difficult, but they still need to be completed. In overcoming difficulties and incomprehensibility, a chrono guide in pv will always help you.

Opening the chrono

So, why is it so important to do chrono respect in pw and respect quests in general? The thing is that completing these tasks will help you open chrono locations, that is, the past. In total, there are 4 past ones in the perfect world game. It may sound rather strange, but it's exactly like that: from the City of Dragons, each character can get into one of the chrono locations. However, before that, you will have to complete a certain number of quests to respect pw. The pv chrono guides say that this quest chain will start at level 70. At this stage, you can access the first chrono world - City of Tears of the Sky. Get ready: you have to complete a large number of quests. Many missions will require you to kill the dungeon boss. Usually, a party of characters who are just doing these tasks gathers for such quests for chrono respect pw.

Please note that, in addition to opening a location, you can also receive special jewelry as a reward - Wands of Vaira or Desert Trident. For a given level, the bija is not at all bad, so each player can choose the one that seems more suitable for him: the first is sharpened for physical protection, and the second for magic.

The next chain in the pw quests for respect will be available to you from level 90. Here you will also need to complete many quests for mobs and bosses. Some of the bosses are not easy to deal with (like Cliff Jumper) due to their high attack. In addition, you have to go to Purgatory (99th dungeon) and deal with all the Arhats. They will also need to collect a separate party. When you complete all the quests according to the chrono guide in pw, you will open the second past - Forest of the Wounded Beast. From level 90, chrono respect pw will also become available, which will open up a third past for us - Valley of wounds. The quests will require you to travel to XX and gui, but when everything is done, you will be able to get the other two biji to choose from - Deathly And Massacre. But this is not the final costume jewelry yet: after the epic with the Lady Moon cat, you will finally get those treasured bijouterie that many players wear as final ones - Universal Thunder And Seed Belt.

As you complete chrono respect quests, you will unlock new daily quests. Of course, the guide

Access to Chronoworld 4 - Dried Sea (90+ lvl)

Part 1: The Path of the Leader

Reward Experience: 99999

Talk to Guardian A (480,574) (Chronoworld 3)
Speak to Guardian B (481,574)(Chronoworld 3)
Talk to Camp Guard (451,579)(Chronoworld 3)Attention! Will give Gold: 200000
Talk to Guardian B (481,574)(Chronoworld 3) Attention! Need Gold: 20000
Speak to Guardian B (481,575)(Chronoworld 3)

Part 2: Barbarian Slayer

Reward Gold: 18030 XP: 30050 Spirit: 6851

Kill the Biz-Heales Ax Pete (150) at 462,610 (Chronoworld 3)
Speak to Vice Marshal Bo, Western Continent (453,577) (Chronoworld 3)

Part 3: Alliance Request

Reward Gold: 7200 XP: 12000 Spirit: 2736

Speak to Vice Marshal Bo, Western Continent (453,577) (Chronoworld 3)
Speak to Sergeant Rudy, Western Continent (449,577) (Chronoworld 3)
Reach point: (464,632)(Chronoworld 3) Attention! Runtime 10 minutes!
Speak to Desmond, Allied Archmage (450,575)(Chronoworld 3)
ToFix:maybe someone needs to pass

Part 4: Surprise

Reward Gold: 58800 XP: 98000 Spirit: 22344

Speak to Captured Human Commander (465,633) (Chronoworld 3)
Kill the Prison Guard Pete (150) at 465,635 (Chronoworld 3)
Kill Pit Chief Goth - Storm (150) at 465,632 (Chronoworld 3)
Speak to Marshall Bombus, Western Continent (453,575) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Wait 1 minute.
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Marshall Bombus, Western Continent (453,575) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 5: Dragon Jade

Reward Gold: 90000 XP: 150000 Spirit: 34200

Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to your world.
Your task during the passage of the Cube of Destiny is to get into room number 38 and talk there with the Teleport Master
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)

Part 6: Truth

Reward Gold: 358600 XP: 358600 Spirit: 81760

Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to your world.
Kill the pita Might of the Lords (150) XX 2-3 partimod with polyk
Kill Pit Mary Huan Ling (150) xx 3-2 partimod with polycom
Kill Pete Sunset King (150) xx 3-2 partimod with polik
Kill Pete Minister Ji Zhong (150) XX 3-2 partimod with polik
Kill Pita Goddess of Visions Me (150) XX 3-3 partimod without polyk
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to your world.
Kill Peach Tree Goddess pit (105) at 442,512 inside "Earth Hell" (99 dark dungeon last pit)
Kill the king of the western constellation pete (105) at 410,509 inside Purgatory (99 light dungeon last pit)
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to your world.
Kill Pit General of the Werebul Army (95) Gui Magister Pit of the 7th Outpost
Kill the pit Zombie Army General (95) Gui Master of the 8th outpost pit
Kill a pit Commander-in-Chief (95) Gui Magister final pit
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)

Daily #3:
There is a new daily in Chronolock 3, which is taken from Marshal Bombus (453,575)(Chronoworld 3) and from now on it is available to you

Wounded honor

Reward Gold: 21000 Experience: 35000 Spirit: 7980 Scar Stone - 10pcs

Randomly, you will be given one of 4 options for the task, where you will need to:
1) Kill Sharp Edge of Frost (150) 1pc
2) Kill Dragon Aura (150) 1pc
3) Dig in the world Snowdrop flower 30pcs
4) Kill Archer Eol (150) 10pcs
Kill Sniper Eol (150) 10pcs
Kill Eol Warrior (150) 10pcs

Part 7: Solutions.

Reward 0

Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)
Here the quest is divided into 2 parts, the hero himself chooses to Kill or Save Lady Moon Cat. The next stage of respect will depend on this choice.
After choosing the first, either the quest Through the Dried Sea is activated or after choosing the second Pass through the Dried Sea, but in both cases the actions are the same
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Speak to Holy City, Messenger of Time (367,517)(Chronoworld 1)

Now you can travel to Chronoworld 4 - Dried Sea

In order to get there, you need to talk to the NPC in the center of the city of tears of the sky Holy city, messenger of time (367,517) (Chronoworld 1)
Then wait 5 minutes and talk again.
Exit from Chronoworld 2 is carried out through the NPC Holy City, messenger of time (444,536) (Chronoworld 4), either by death and leaving to rep, or by using the teleport/portal of the city.

Chrono daily.

This guide will be useful for those who have not yet fully understood what daily chrono is and why they are needed, as well as for those who are not yet familiar with some tricks and details. On the off-forum there is a confusing semblance of a guide with numerous names, titles and other things, but it is aimed at passing the chrono of respect. In this guide, we'll only talk about dailies.
So, many people ask what level these hedgehogs are available from. The most important thing that a Perfect world player needs to realize is that yellow quests must be done always and immediately. These are quests for respect. The sooner you make them, the sooner you will receive both the second and third fakes, and the sooner all chrono hedgehogs will be available to you. Officially, all chrono hedgehogs become available on 90+ .

Daily #1.

NPC: Prophet of the ancient skies (1 past)

Quest: Monsters of Time
Reward: Brook of angel tears 4 pieces. The thing is useful, it is needed for crafting various chrono items (you can see them in cauldrons in the City of Tears of the Sky). If you do quests and put up resources for sale, streams are also in high demand here, the price for them is higher than for other rivers with a chrono hedgehog. For what the streams of angel tears are directly needed, look in the database here: In addition to the res you will also get a little experience, spirit and 18k in addition. At 90+, the hedgehog will give only 0.1% of experience, but also something.
Who needs to be killed: several options, drop out randomly.
A) Spirit Hunter and Beast with Iron Claws(15pcs). Mobs are simple, but are next to other mobs that are very aggro. Be careful. To avoid this, you can beat the mobs at the point 360 491. You can join the party, the mobs will count.

B) Decapitator

(25pcs). Mobs are also simple, but vampire hp. Also feel free to join the party, especially since it is quite easy to find it at the point 339 477.

3) Dreamcatcher(25pcs). These mobs steal mana. Join the party and boldly beat them with a mass, deer do not differ in thick-skinned.

4) Irlim. That's a problem for everyone but the druids. Irlim is a very fat boss who is great at tanking with a bao. The rest of the class will need to collect a party, you won’t kill him alone (and if you do, it will last unbearably long).

Daily #2.

NPC: Merchant Zubeler (2nd past - Forest of the Wounded Beast)

Quest: Enil's Reward
IMPORTANT: Remember that in order to get to the Forest of the Wounded Beast, you need to take the quest from the Holy City, the messenger of time in the past 1.

He will give you a quest to dig up the Hero's Blood.
The hero's blood appears in the water right below the City of Tears of Heaven, but only at certain times. So, you can dig up the blood:
from 00:00 to 03:00
from 06:00 to 9:00
from 12:00 to 15:00
from 18:00 to 21:00
At other times, the blood of the hero simply will not be.
Reward:Leaf from the unicorn forest 12 pieces. Res is cheaper than streams, but also very necessary. For what this resource is directly needed, look in the database here: You will get the same amount of experience, spirit and coins.
Who needs to be killed: there are several options again. Usually give quests to kill the following mobs:
A) Tracker Yomi(20pcs). The simplest mobs from those that are given in the 2nd past, however, they are adjacent to the promiscuity mobs, which poison very unpleasantly. Be careful.

B) Thunder Arm Tiger, Thunder Helmet Spirit and Thunder Shield Oracle(10 pcs each). Quite simple mobs, they have little hp, but they hit very hard. Note! These mobs do not count towards the party.

C) the germ of hatred(20pcs). Unpleasant mobs, especially if you're not a bao player. Mobs stun and vampirize HP, coexist with Bloodied Animal Remains and with the boss Zombie Lord of the Living Beam, which is better not to aggro after all.

D) The shadow of the deceased-killer(20pcs). An interesting kind of mobs that look like real characters, they can even restore HP. Their most annoying feature is that they run. If you have the skills to bind and stun, use them.

Daily #3

NPC: Marshal Bombus (3rd past - Valley of Wounds).

Quest: Wounded honor.
Reward: Scar Stone 10 pieces. This res is valuable in that it is not so easy to get it, since quests in the 3rd past are very difficult and not everyone can complete them. For what they are directly needed, look in the database here: In addition, you will receive spirit, experience and 21k.
Who needs to be killed b: there are several options, and they are all of varying complexity.
A) Dig up the Snowdrop Flower(30pcs). You don't need to kill anyone. This quest is the easiest, although it takes a very long time to complete it, because, having taken the quest, you need to return to the future and go to the top of the map, where snowdrops grow. It is most convenient to dig them at a point, because here two snowdrops respawn in the neighborhood, which can be dug in turn.

B) Eol Archer, Eol Sniper, Eol Warrior(10pcs each). Archers and warriors are in the neighborhood, and snipers are a little further. You need to beat these mobs in bulk, collect them on yourself, or on bao. Mobs are weak in every way, but they aggro more than normal mobs, so they can take you in numbers. Be careful.

B) sharp edge of frost. This is a fat boss that hits quite hard. IMPORTANT! Boss kill counts only one to the player, and to the one who inflicted more damage on the boss. So it's pointless to collect a party for this boss. Drula can easily tank the boss with the bao (maybe it will be difficult to heal, use bijs to sing).

D) Aura dragon. The most annoying boss ever. It is in the air and flies in very large circles. It makes no sense to collect a party - just like with a snowman, the boss will be counted only by one player. If this boss is beaten, then only drulki. I usually aggro the boss in the air and gradually bring him down (he can flare up quite easily). Lowered - use Harmony. We call on the bao while he is buffing and aggroing the dragon on himself, use the defender on the genie. That's all, then we calmly hold the dragon on the bao.

Daily #4

NPC: Corby (4 past - Dry Sea)

Quest: Kill the fire guards
Reward:Sculpture "Sand tower" 4 pieces. To tell the truth, I don’t do these quests, since the item is very cheap, it falls in the gua from the bosses. What it is for, look in the database: I don't see much point in hitting 12 mobs to get 4 of these items.
Access to Chronoworld 1 - City of Tears of Heaven (This quest is available from lvl 70)

Part 1: Plan of the Soulless 70-79, 80-89, 90+

If you are lvl 70-79: Reward Gold: 41811 Experience: 69686 Spirit: 15888
Fly to point 384,678, a quest window will appear there
Hit Hell Necrophile mobs (75) until the quest item drops with a 30% chance
Kill the Franrite Leader Pete (75) at 395,753

Speak to Guardian Zhao Lengfeng (554,690)

If you are lvl 80-89: Reward Gold: 50990 Experience: 84984 Spirit: 19376
Speak to Genarl Xia Feng (521,630) at the cauldrons in Dragon City
Fly to point 443,406, a quest window will appear there
Hit Tauren Killer mobs (85) until the quest item drops with a 30% chance
Kill the Hexeid Leader Pete (85) at 457,445
Speak to Adjutant Li Yuan (521,630)
Speak to Veteran Seeds (557,669)
Speak to Guardian Zhao Lengfeng (554,690)
Speak to Blacksmith Jun Qingrou (532,659)
Talk to the Boatman (581,660)
Speak to Guardian Zhao Lengfeng (554,690)
Kill Pete Traitor Velster (70) at 569,557
Talk to Chen Zhen (520, 629)
Talk to Wise Yang (567,673)

If you are lvl 90+: Reward Gold: 62184 Experience: 103640 Spirit: 23629
Speak to Genarl Xia Feng (521,630) at the cauldrons in Dragon City
Fly to point 310,781, a quest window will appear there
Hit the Bone Soul Reaver (95) mobs until the quest item drops with a 30% chance
Kill Rage Spirit Leader Pete (95) at 236,756
Speak to Adjutant Li Yuan (521,630)
Speak to Veteran Seeds (557,669)
Speak to Guardian Zhao Lengfeng (554,690)
Speak to Blacksmith Jun Qingrou (532,659)
Talk to the Boatman (581,660)
Speak to Guardian Zhao Lengfeng (554,690)
Kill Pete Traitor Velster (70) at 569,557
Speak to Adjutant Li Yuan (521,630)
Talk to Wise Yang (567,673)

Part 2: In search of the truth Reward Gold: 34068 XP: 56781 Spirit: 12946
Talk to Wise Yang (567,673)
Kill Pete Vignar (85) at 409 555 inside "The Way Through the Graves" (29dunge 1st floor at the top of the map)
Talk to Wise Yang (567,673)
Talk to Wise Yang (567,673)

Part 3: Last Hope Reward Gold: 87400 XP: 145690 Spirit: 33217
Talk to the Saint of the city, Mr. Light (568,634)
Hit the Azure Spirit Lamp mobs (45) until 50 quest items drop with a 100% chance
Talk to the Saint of the city, Mr. Light (568,634)
Talk to Wise Yang (567,673)
Kill the Mist of Sorrow Pete (83) at 434,533 inside Jewel Cave (79 dungeons)
Talk to Wise Yang (567,673)
Kill Pita Relic Flowing Snake (150) XX 1-1 Partimod with Polycom
Kill Pita Empty God of Drums (150) XX 1-2 partimode no polik
Talk to Wise Yang (567,673)
Talk to the Saint of the city, Mr. Light (568,634)

Part 4: Wheel of Time Reward Gold: 76500 XP: 127500 Spirit: 29070 Chrono Key
Talk to the Saint of the city, Mr. Light (568,634)
Kill Pit Enmitier Bloodeye (65) at 547,466
Kill Black Claw Pete (65) at 563,472
Kill Pete Poison Tongue (65) at 581,482
Talk to the Saint of the city, Mr. Light (568,634)
Kill the Bullhead Pit (75) at 431,526 inside the Gate of Restless Spirits (69 dungeons last pits)
Kill Horseface of the Dead pit (75) at 414,526 inside the Gate of Restless Spirits (69 dungeon last pits)
Talk to the Saint of the city, Mr. Light (568,634)

Now you can travel to Chronoworld 1 - City of Tears of Heaven
In order to get there, you need to talk to the NPC in the center of the city of Dragons Holy city, messenger of time (553,655)
He has activated the key to get into the past. With him, so that the Chrono-Key does not take up space in the inventory, you can sell / buy the Chrono-Key
The exit from the world chron is carried out through the central NPC of the City of Tears of Heaven: Holy City, messenger of time (367,517) (Chronoworld 1)

NB! If you have reached level 80, then you can get a bonus lower bija for closing this part of respect from the Holy City, Messenger of Time (367,517) (Chronoworld 1), by activating the quest Glory of the Warrior on it you can get:
-☆☆☆Wands of Vaira
-☆☆☆Desert Trident
BTW: There will be better bijis in the next Chrono-Locations. If you are 90, you should pay attention only to the last bijou from Chronoworld 4, for which you will have to complete a quest.

Access to Chronoworld 2 - Forest of the Wounded Beast (This quest is available from lvl 90)

Part 1: Trouble of the City of Tears of Heaven Reward Gold: 25200 Experience: 42000 Spirit: 9576
Speak to Guardian Sylvester (367,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to your world.
Talk to Apothecary An Shaoyang (444,898) Warning: Need Gold: 100000
Talk to Apothecary Xuan Guang (262,638) Warning: Need Gold: 100000
Talk to Priest (325,424)
Talk to the Saint of the city, Mr. Light (568,634)
Talk to Priest (325,424)
Talk to Apothecary Yi Yaanyun (313,424)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)

BTW: Timelock 1 has a new daily that comes from Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(ChronoWorld 1) and is available to you from now on

Monsters of time Reward Gold: 18000 Experience: 30000 Spirit: 6840 Stream of tears of an angel - 4pcs
Randomly, you will be given a task to kill one of 4 types:
1) Spirit hunter (84) 15pcs
Beast with iron claws (87) 15pcs
2) Decapitator (89) 25pcs
3) Dreamcatcher (88) 25pcs
4) Irlim (150) 1pc pit

Part 2: Awakening Evil Reward Gold: 69000 XP: 115000 Spirit: 26220
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to your world.
Kill the Brahma pit (93) at 382,592 inside the Sky of Illusions (89 light dungeon last pit)
Kill Pete Lord Shen Wuluo (150) XX 2-3 Partimod No Polik
Kill Pete Lord Feng Wuen (150) xx 2-3 partimod no polyk
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 3: Lost Magic Item Reward Gold: 21000 Experience: 35000 Spirit: 7980
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Kill Pete Cliff Jumper (150) at 348,481 (Chronoworld 1)
Kill Void Hunter Pete (150) at 359,470 (Chronoworld 1)
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 4: Destruction of the City of Tears of Heaven Reward 0
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 5: The Source of Trouble Reward 0
Speak to Timewalker (316,507)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 6: Stop the fugitive Reward Gold: 15600 Experience: 26000 Spirit: 7280
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 7: Shining Stone Reward Gold: 16230 XP: 27050 Spirit: 6167
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Kill Giant Treebreaker Pete (150) at 364,478 (Chronoworld 1)
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 8: Tear of the Snow Deity Reward Gold: 84300 XP: 140500 Spirit: 32034
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to your world.

Kill the pita Arhat in magical armor (102) at 359,575 inside Purgatory (99 light dungeon)
Kill the Arhat Swordsman Pete (102) at 368,561 inside Purgatory (99 light dungeon)
Kill the Arhat Punisher Pete (102) at 360,514 inside Purgatory (99 light dungeon)
Speak to Curious Immortal (481,506)(Celestial Lands)
Speak to Follower of Shen Yin (131,857) in Origin City
Kill Pit Wererat Army General (95) Gui Pit Magister 4th Outpost
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Now you can travel to Chronoworld 2 - Forest of the Wounded Beast

And take the quest Wheel of Time - Forest of the Wounded from him
According to the quest, you need to dig up the Hero's Blood. It spawns in the water under the City of Tears of Heaven (jump from Guard Sylvester) and after turning in the NPC quest you will have only 2 hours in the second Chronoworld.
There is a little trick: At any time convenient for you, take the quest and, having dug up the blood of the heroes, do not turn it in.
Attention! Blood is available only from 00.00 to 03.00, from 06.00 to 09.00, from 12.00 to 15.00, from 18.00 to 21.00
Exit from Chronoworld 2 is carried out through the NPC Holy City, Messenger of Time (369,580)(Chronoworld 2) or by canceling the quest in the quest log.

NB! You can get a bonus lower bija for closing this part of respect from the Holy City, Messenger of Time (369,580) (Chronoworld 2), by activating the Glory of the Warrior quest you can get:
-☆☆☆Wand of Frost
-☆☆☆Cedar Staff
The bijas look the same, but the top bija is sharpened on Def, and the bottom one on MDef
BTW: There will be better bijis in the next Chrono-Locations. It is worth paying attention only to the last jewelry from Chronoworld 4, for which you will have to complete the quest.

Access to Chronoworld 3 - Run Valley (This quest is available from lvl 90)

Part 0: First time in the forest Reward 0
Speak to Holy City, messenger of time (369,580) (Chronoworld 2),

Part 1: Neutrality Reward Gold: 20820 XP: 34700 Spirit: 7911
Hit Mobs Debauchery (150) until 15 quest items drop with 80% chance
Speak to Merchants Raul (373,591)(Chronoworld 2)
Dig up 2 Essences of Resentment from the Stone of Resentment (2 stones are located just below the merchant village by the river)
Speak to Merchants Raul (373,591)(Chronoworld 2)

BTW: You can now buy/sell the Essence of Resentment from Merchant Chief Raul. Why is it needed, except for 1 piece for respect in the future, I still do not understand.

Part 2: Chasing the Intruder Reward Gold: 14400 XP: 24000 Spirit: 5472
Speak to Merchants Raul (373,591)(Chronoworld 2)
Beat mobs Time Wanderer (150) 30pcs
Speak to Merchants Raul (373,591)(Chronoworld 2)

Part 3: Son of God Reward Experience: 12000 Spirit: 2736
Talk to Warrior Captain Shaye (362,630)(Chronoworld 2)
Show him Essence of Grudge

Part 4: Wise Man's Words Reward 0
Speak to Centennial Sage (357,568)(Chronoworld 2)

Part 5: Misty Ruins Reward Gold: 28800 XP: 48000 Spirit: 10944
Speak to Centennial Sage (357,568)(Chronoworld 2)
Speak to Furnace of Souls (316,588) south of Enil Ruins
Speak to Beckoning Lanterns (333,613) in the north of the Forest of the Wounded Beast
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to Chronoworld 2.
Hit the Thunderhand Tiger mobs (150) until 15 quest items drop with a 100% chance
Hit Spirit of Thunder Helm mobs (150) until 15 quest items drop with 100% chance
Hit Thunder Shield Oracle mobs (150) until 15 quest items drop with 100% chance
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to your world.

BTW: Chronolock 2 has a new daily that is taken from Merchant Zubeler (371,591)(Chronoworld 2) and from now on it is available to you, now if you do the quests The Lost Handkerchief and The Secret of Happiness

Enil's Reward (var 1) / Enil's Reward (var 1) Reward Gold: 18000 Experience: 30000 Spirit: 6840 Unicorn Forest Leaf - 12pcs
Randomly, you will be given one of 6 quest options, where you will need to fly between several NPCs and kill:
1) Pathfinder Yomi (150) 20pcs
2) Germ of hatred (150) 20pcs
3)Shadow of the deceased-killer (150) 20pcs
4) Commander-ally (150) 20pcs
5) Bloodied animal remains (150) 20pcs
6) Thunder Hand Tiger (150) 10lutin chance 80%
Thunderhelm Spirit (150) 10lutin 80% chance
Thunder Shield Oracle (150) 10lutin 80% chance

Part 6: Trial of the Elder Reward Gold: 192000 Experience: 320000 Spirit: 72960
Speak to the Elder of Origin City (131,859)
Kill the Sky Demon pit (93) at 418,594 inside the Sky of Havoc (89 dark dungeon second pit)
Speak to the Elder of Origin City (131,859)
Kill a Pete Battle Fury (150) XX 2-1 Partimod with Polik
Kill Pete Marshal Feng Wuen (150) xx 2-2 partimod without polyk
Kill the pita Breakthrough of the generals (150) XX 2-2 partimode without polyk
Kill Pete Spirit Beast of Entropy (150) xx 2-3 partimod with polik
Speak to the Elder of Origin City (131,859)
Kill the Underworld Mage pee (102) at 434,561 inside the "Earth Hell" (99 dark dungeon)
Kill the Departed Wizard Pete (102) at 444,544 inside the "Earthly Hell" (99 dark dungeon)
Kill a Decomposed Wizard Pete (102) at 383,528 inside the "Earthly Hell" (99 Dark Dungeon)
Speak to the Elder of Origin City (131,859)
Kill a pit General of the werewolf army (95) Gui Magister 2nd pit of the 5th outpost
Speak to the Elder of Origin City (131,859)
Return to Chronoworld 2.
Speak to Centennial Sage (357,568)(Chronoworld 2)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Now you can travel to Chronoworld 3 - Run Valley

In order to get there, you need to talk to the NPC in the center of the city of tears of the sky Holy city, messenger of time (367,517) (Chronoworld 1)
The exit from Chronoworld 2 is through the NPC Holy City, messenger of time (486,578)(Chronoworld 3).
BTW: You can enter this Chronolocation without restrictions like the first one.

NB! You can get a bonus bottom bija for closing this part of respect from the Holy City, Messenger of Time (486,578) (Chronoworld 3), by activating the Glory of the Warrior quest you can get:
The bijas look the same, but the top bija is sharpened on Def, and the bottom one on MDef
BTW: There will be a better bija in the last Chronolocation. It is worth paying attention only to it, to get it you will have to complete the quest.

Access to Chronoworld 4 - Dried Sea (This quest is available from lvl 90)

Part 1: Path of the Leader Reward Experience: 99999
Talk to Guardian A (480,574) (Chronoworld 3)
Speak to Guardian B (481,574)(Chronoworld 3)
Talk to Camp Guard (451,579)(Chronoworld 3)Attention! Will give Gold: 200000
Talk to Guardian B (481,574)(Chronoworld 3) Attention! Need Gold: 20000
Speak to Guardian B (481,575)(Chronoworld 3)

Part 2: Barbarian Slayer Reward Gold: 18030 XP: 30050 Spirit: 6851
Kill the Biz-Heales Ax Pete (150) at 462,610 (Chronoworld 3)
Speak to Vice Marshal Bo, Western Continent (453,577) (Chronoworld 3)

Part 3: Alliance Request Reward Gold: 7200 XP: 12000 Spirit: 2736
Speak to Vice Marshal Bo, Western Continent (453,577) (Chronoworld 3)
Speak to Sergeant Rudy, Western Continent (449,577) (Chronoworld 3)
Reach point: (464,632)(Chronoworld 3) Attention! Runtime 10 minutes!
Speak to Desmond, Allied Archmage (450,575)(Chronoworld 3)
ToFix:maybe someone needs to pass

Part 4: Surprise Reward Gold: 58800 XP: 98000 Spirit: 22344
Speak to Captured Human Commander (465,633) (Chronoworld 3)
Kill the Prison Guard Pete (150) at 465,635 (Chronoworld 3)
Kill Pit Chief Goth - Storm (150) at 465,632 (Chronoworld 3)
Speak to Marshall Bombus, Western Continent (453,575) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)
Wait 1 minute.
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Marshall Bombus, Western Continent (453,575) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 5: Dragon Jade Reward Gold: 90000 XP: 150000 Spirit: 34200
Speak to Wise Elder Phossa (369,518)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to your world.
Your task during the passage of the Cube of Destiny is to get into room number 38 and talk there with the Teleport Master
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)

Part 6: Truth Reward Gold: 358600 XP: 358600 Spirit: 81760
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to your world.
Kill the pita Might of the Lords (150) XX 2-3 partimod with polyk
Kill Pit Mary Huan Ling (150) xx 3-2 partimod with polycom
Kill Pete Sunset King (150) xx 3-2 partimod with polik
Kill Pete Minister Ji Zhong (150) XX 3-2 partimod with polik
Kill Pita Goddess of Visions Me (150) XX 3-3 partimod without polyk
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to your world.
Kill Peach Tree Goddess pit (105) at 442,512 inside "Earth Hell" (99 dark dungeon last pit)
Kill the king of the western constellation pete (105) at 410,509 inside Purgatory (99 light dungeon last pit)
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)
Return to your world.
Kill Pit General of the Werebul Army (95) Gui Magister Pit of the 7th Outpost

Return to Chronoworld 3.
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)

BTW: Chronolock 3 has a new daily that comes from Marshal Bombus (453,575)(Chronoworld 3) and is available to you from now on

Wounded Honor Reward Gold: 21000 Experience: 35000 Spirit: 7980 Scar Stone - 10pcs
Randomly, you will be given one of 4 options for the task, where you will need to:
1) Kill Sharp Edge of Frost (150) 1pc
2) Kill Dragon Aura (150) 1pc
3) Dig in the world Snowdrop flower 30pcs
4) Kill Archer Eol (150) 10pcs
Kill Sniper Eol (150) 10pcs
Kill Eol Warrior (150) 10pcs

Part 7: Solutions. Again decisions Reward 0
Speak to Host Moena Lantos (445,614) (Chronoworld 3)
Here the quest is divided into 2 parts, the hero himself chooses to Kill or Save Lady Moon Cat. The next stage of respect will depend on this choice.
After choosing the first, either the quest Through the Dried Sea is activated or after choosing the second Pass through the Dried Sea, but in both cases the actions are the same
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Speak to Holy City, Messenger of Time (367,517)(Chronoworld 1)

Now you can travel to Chronoworld 4 - Dried Sea

In order to get there, you need to talk to the NPC in the center of the city of tears of the sky Holy city, messenger of time (367,517) (Chronoworld 1)
Then wait 5 minutes and talk again.
Exit from Chronoworld 2 is carried out through the NPC Holy City, messenger of time (444,536) (Chronoworld 4), either by death and leaving to rep, or by using the teleport/portal of the city.

End of respect. The finale of the epic with the Lady Lunar Cat. Getting the 4th bonus biji(This quest is available from lvl 90)

BTW: Chronolock 4 has a new daily that comes from Corby (431,522)(Chronoworld 4) and is available to you from now on
Kill fire guards Reward Gold: Sculpture "Tower of sand" - 4pcs
Randomly, you will be given one of 10 options for a task where you will need to kill:

1) Fire cloud blade (150) 6pcs
2) Fire cloud bomb (150) 6pcs
Fire Cloud Falcon (150) 6pcs
3) Fire cloud storm (150) 6pcs
Fire Cloud Guardian (150) 6pcs
5) Fire cloud watcher (150) 6pcs
Fire Cloud Destroyer (150) 6pcs
6) Fire cloud blade (150) 6pcs
Fire Cloud Bomb (150) 6pcs
7) Immortal fire cloud (150) 6pcs
Fire Cloud Knight (150) 6pcs
8) Immortal fire cloud (150) 6pcs
Fire Cloud Immortal (150) 6pcs
9) Fire cloud storm (150) 6pcs
Fire Cloud Watcher (150) 6pcs
10) Guardian of the fiery cloud (150) 6pcs
Fire Cloud Destroyer (150) 6pcs

If you chose the 1st option Kill Lady Mooncat

Part 1: Kill Lady Moon Cat Reward Gold: 24000 XP: 40000 Spirit: 9120
Speak to Prime Minister's Ambassador(445,531)(Chronoworld 4)

Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to your world.

Part 2: Ancient City of Twilight Reward 0 Attention! To activate the quest, you will need 5 level 90+ party members.
Speak to the Ambassador of Time from the Holy Mountain (351,597)(Temple of Twilight (XX))
Enter the portal (357,572)

Part 3: Urgent Information Reward 0 Attention! To activate the quest, you will need 5 level 90+ party members.

Part 4: Decision Reward Gold: 20000 Experience: 20000 Spirit: 8000 You will need 5 level 90+ party members to activate the quest.
Speak to Damen, Minister of Sunset (381,572)(Twilight Temple (XX))
He will say that he has a terrible spell that will solve your problems, but at the same time 10,000 people will die, you will have a choice:
1) You are not ready for such sacrifices
Kill Pete Damen (150) at 381,570 Twilight Temple (XX)
Talk to Lady Mooncat at the mausoleum (358,572)(Twilight Temple (XX))
2) These victims are nothing against the victims of the soulless army
Speak to Damen, Minister of Sunset (381,572)(Twilight Temple (XX))

Part 5: The End of Everything Reward Gold: 20000 XP: 20000 Spirit: 8000
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
-☆Universal Thunder
-☆Seed Belt
The bijas look the same, but the top bija is sharpened on Def, and the bottom one on MDef

If you chose 2nd option Save Lady Moon Cat

Part 1: Desert Skeletons Reward Gold: 24000 Experience: 40000 Spirit: 9120
Kill Flame Cloud Blade (150) 10pcs
Kill Fire Cloud Blade Captain (150) 1pc
Speak to Lady Mooncat (455,493)(Chronoworld 4)
Talk to Corby (431,522) (Chronoworld 4)
Talk to Elmslie (453,482) (Chronoworld 4)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Return to your world.
Go to XX to the selection room.
Speak to the Ambassador of Time from the Holy Mountain (351,597)(Temple of Twilight (XX))

Part 2: Ancient Twilight Reward 0 Attention! To activate the quest, you will need 5 level 90+ party members.
Speak to the Ambassador of Time from the Holy Mountain (351,597)(Temple of Twilight (XX))
Enter the portal (357,572)

Part 3: Death of Elmsy Reward 0
Talk to Elmslie (358,572)(Twilight Temple (XX))

Part 4: Talk to Lady Reward 0
Talk to Lady Mooncat's Mausoleum (358,572)(Twilight Temple (XX))
It seems Lady Moon Cat has lost her mind. You know what to do next. You decided to kill Lady Moon Cat C'est la vie =)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 5: Talk to Lady Reward 0
Talk to Lady Mooncat's Mausoleum (358,572)(Twilight Temple (XX))
Wait 10 seconds
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
You can now take the quest Kill Lady Mooncat from him.
Return to XX.
Talk to Lady Mooncat's Mausoleum (358,572)(Twilight Temple (XX))
Use Lantern of Dilas (358,571)(Temple of Twilight (XX))
Wait 10 seconds
Use Lantern of Dilas (357,570)(Temple of Twilight (XX))
Wait 10 seconds
Use Lantern of Dilas (359,570)(Temple of Twilight (XX))
Wait 10 seconds
Use Lantern of Dilas (359,569)(Temple of Twilight (XX))
Wait 10 seconds
Use Lantern of Dilas (358,569)(Temple of Twilight (XX))
Wait 10 seconds
Kill the Holy Guardian Pete (150) at 381,570 Twilight Temple (XX)
Talk to Lady Mooncat's Mausoleum (358,572)(Twilight Temple (XX))
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)

Part 6.1: Glory of the Warrior Reward 0 NB! If you have completed part 5
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Choose your jewelry as a reward
-☆Universal Thunder
-☆Seed Belt
The bijas look the same, but the top bija is sharpened on Def, and the bottom one on MDef
NB! It’s not a fact that this branch works, we only went through variant 6.2 and it seems like there was no possibility to choose variant 6.1.

Congratulations, you have completed Time Respect.

Part 6.2: Kill Lady Moon Cat Reward Gold: 72000 Experience: 120000 Spirit: 27360 NB! If you took Kill Lady Moon Cat in the 5th part.
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Kill Lady Mooncat's pita (150) summoned at 359,504 Gui Mu Gorge
Speak to Prophet of the Ancient Sky (368,519)(Chronoworld 1)
Choose your jewelry as a reward
-☆Universal Thunder
-☆Seed Belt
The bijas look the same, but the top bija is sharpened on Def, and the bottom one on MDef

Congratulations, you have completed Time Respect.

Getting the 3rd moth / fly (This quest is available from lvl 100)
NB! You can start the quest as soon as you reach level 100, but in the middle of the quest you will need mobs from the 4th chrono, so without it you will not get it.


Part 1: Immortal I Reward 0
NB! The quest fails when the character dies!
Talk to the Saint of the city, Mr. Light (568,634)
You will be sent to a room similar to 9, 30, 47 cube rooms where you will need to last 4 minutes
You will be sent to a room similar to 9, 30, 47 cube rooms where you will need to last 10 minutes
Speak to Power Sage (538,673)
You will be sent to the Curious Immortal (481,506) (Celestial Lands) where the standard 109 quest is activated

Part 2: Immortal II Reward 0
Speak to Curious Immortal (481,506)(Celestial Lands)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Kill Guardian Darkness (150) 30pcs
Return to Chronoworld 2.
Kill Bloodied Animal Remains (150) 30pcs
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Kill Chief Eol (150) 30pcs
Return to your world.
Speak to Curious Immortal (481,506)(Celestial Lands)
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Hit the mobs Priest of Eol (150) until the quest item drops with a 5% chance
Hit the Snowy Mountains Idle mobs (150) until the quest item drops with a 5% chance
Return to your world.
Speak to Curious Immortal (481,506)(Celestial Lands)
Return to Chronoworld 4.
Hit Flash Serpent mobs (150) until a quest item drops with a 5% chance
Return to your world.
Speak to Curious Immortal (481,506)(Celestial Lands)
You will be sent to the Garden of Joys (Gui Mu Master) in order to dig Red Sand from Scarlet Ore, which is located where they dig chests in the last room.
Speak to Power Sage (538,673)
Give him 10 Chemistry for 1.5 chi Heavenly Tea
Speak to Curious Immortal (481,506)(Celestial Lands)
Kill the pit Zombie Army General (95) Gui Master of the 8th outpost pit
Kill a pit Commander-in-Chief (95) Gui Magister final pit

Kill Pete Enrico (150) spawns in the first clearing with chests
Speak to Curious Immortal (481,506)(Celestial Lands)

Congratulations on 100 fly.

Part 1: Demon Reward 0
Speak to Power Sage (538,673)
You will be sent to the Ghost Overseer (332,464) (Lands of Mages and Demons) where the standard 109 quest is activated
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Hit the Snowy Mountains Idle mobs (150) until you get 25 quest items with a 50% chance
Hit the Eol Sniper mobs (150) until the quest item drops with a 5% chance
Return to your world.
Speak to Ghost Overseer (332,464)(Lands of Mages and Demons)
Speak to Power Sage (538,673)
Return to Chronoworld 1.
Kill Guardian Devil (150) 30pcs
Return to Chronoworld 2.
Kill Tracker Yomi (150) 30pcs
Return to Chronoworld 3.
Kill Priest of Eol (150) 30pcs
Return to your world.
Speak to Power Sage (538,673)
Return to Chronoworld 4.
Hit Fire Cloud Bomb mobs (150) until the quest item drops with a 5% chance
Hit mobs Flame Destroyer Captain (150) until the quest item drops with a 10% chance
Hit Firewatch Captain mobs (150) until the quest item drops with a 10% chance
Hit mobs Fire Cloud Knight Captain (150) until the quest item drops with a 10% chance
Hit mobs Flame Cloud Falcon Captain (150) until the quest item drops with a 10% chance
Hit mobs Immortal Fire O (150) until the quest item drops with a 10% chance
Hit mobs Flame Cloud Guardian Captain (150) until the quest item drops with a 10% chance
Talk to Corby(431,522)(Chronoworld 4)
Return to your world.
Speak to Power Sage (538,673)
Kill the pit Zombie Army General (95) Gui Master of the 8th outpost pit
Kill the pit General of the army of the dark forces (95) Gui Master of the pit of the 9th outpost
Kill a pit Commander-in-Chief (95) Gui Magister final pit
Activate the Nexus Monument stele (402,557) (Soulless Valley) still in the same place in Gui Mu
Activate the stele Chain of Souls (390,553) (Soulless Valley) all in the same place in Gui Mu
Kill Pete Enrico (150) spawns in the first clearing with chests
Kill Pete Enrico (150) spawns in the first clearing with chests
Talk to Soul Enrico (392,548)(Soulless Valley) still there in Gui Mu
Speak to Power Sage (538,673)

Congratulations on 100 fly.

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