How to quickly solve a rubik's cube: step-by-step instructions with video tutorials. What is speedcubing? Why collect patterns on the edges of the cube

Solving a Rubik's cube can be difficult for both an adult and a child, and if after several attempts you failed, do not despair, simple and clear 3x3 schemes will help you figure out the puzzle. There are many different ways to do this, because the best minds spent their time on this and gave amazing results in the form of schemes and algorithms.

The easiest way to build for those who are just getting started

This scheme is considered the simplest and is great for children. It begins with the assembly of a cross, in other words, on each edge there should be the same color of the central plate and corner elements. At the beginning of the assembly, the Rubik's cube must be dismantled. Assembly diagram 3 * 3 in 8 stages.

To begin with, you need to take the cube in your hands and turn one of the sides towards you, respectively, accepting its frontal - Ф, all remaining according to the scheme. The assembly must start from the bottom (H).

We will place the scheme of this approach below:

  • Having chosen the color that you want to start first, we proceed to the assembly of the lower cross. This is a simple step, the difficulty of which ends solely with the choice of color. What is on the other sides of the cube at this stage should not attract attention.

Step of solving Rubik's cube

  • It is necessary to assemble the cross correctly - the cross must end on adjacent faces. This means that the edges at the top of the mating sides must have the same color as the cross on the bottom. If this did not happen during assembly, then there are two available algorithms that can fix the situation:
  • The mismatch on two adjacent sides is corrected by the following scheme:

P V P »V P V2 P V

  • If the opposite parts of the cube have an error, then you can try the following formula:

F2 T2 H2 F2 T2

When working with these algorithms, the cross should be at the top.

  • We collect completely one of the sides of the Rubik's cube. To do this, you need to put the corners in place. Turning the puzzle over with the already assembled cross down, it will become noticeable that the upper corners at the sides adjacent to H have acquired the same color as the cross. That is, if the cross is yellow, then the considered corner elements will also be yellow. With such a scheme, only three options for the position of the base color may be possible: left, right, or above, and for each such position there is its own assembly scheme:

The result of applying such algorithms is one fully assembled color, and on the adjacent side, the upper band has one color.

We continue to build

  • If you want to solve the Rubik's cube for speed, then for you there are several more important and relevant formulas that you should remember. We unfold the side that is already completely ready up. We begin to twist the lower edge until the color of one of the side elements on any of the sides coincides and form the letter T. Then, it is necessary to move the side element from the lower edge to the middle until it matches the color of the adjacent sides. As a result, we get two options for positions in which:
  • Left turn required: N L N "L" N "F" N F.
  • Move to the right: N "P" P N P N F N "F".
  • Now the turn has come to the third layer. Turn the toy itself so that the not yet folded side is at the top. Most likely, white became the opposite color if you chose yellow, the most popular color to start assembling. If before your eyes there are white dies with any position described below, then I act according to the following formulas:

White dies: central and 2 opposite F P V P "V" F ".

White dies: center and two on the side F V P V "P" F ".

White dies in the center, choose the scheme you like and repeat 2 times.

  • Another regular cross with the coincidence of the upper edge in color with the adjacent ones, in which 2 outcomes are most often possible:

But, if this does not affect the situation in any way, then any options can be used.

  • Quite a difficult stage at which it is necessary to put the corner elements in their rightful places. It’s not that easy. Most often, there is a lot of confusion in the layers, but if you do everything right, then eventually each color block will fit where you need it.
  • Stage eight is associated with the same corners and circular turns:

Clockwise P2 B2 "P P P" B2 "P P P .

And in the direction against: P ”P P” B2 ″ P F ”P” B2 ″ P2 .

Any of these algorithms is also useful when moving in corners: crosswise or opposed.

The mirror cube is assembled according to the same algorithms, but those who want to break the record should know that only the 3 * 3 model applies to this indicator.

For clarity, the assembly of the 3 * 3 model can be seen in the video below:

How to solve Rubik's cube 3x3 - quick and easy. Best practice for beginners.

Seven steps to build

  • First, make sure that the cube is disassembled. This will mark the beginning of stage number 1. The stage ends with the assembly of a cross on the top side of the cube, and the upper middle edges of the sides should match the center in color. One of the dies of the upper cross should be located on the edge of the bottom. For this we take either the first or the second option.

The operation is repeated for all the remaining cubes of cross B.

  • The second stage starts from the assembled cross of the upper part, ends with a fully assembled one. How does this happen? The diagram is popular to explain the entire sequence of actions. We take the corner element of the face B and translate it to H. Depending on the color distribution, you need to choose your solution.

With three cubes of the corner of the upper face, you need to repeat exactly the same thing.

  • It is easy to guess that the beginning of the next stage is always the result of the previous one. As we remember, the previous goal was to collect the edge completely. If the goal is achieved, then you can start implementing a new task: assembling the two upper layers.

For simplicity, let's turn to the help of the diagrams again. It is necessary to move the selected side cube down. Next, select:

We continue to build

As usual, we repeat everything with the last stirrups.

  • The cube assembled with two belts must be placed in layers down. This part will end with the cubes from cross B being in their place, but inverted. You just need to rearrange the cubes in the middle part until everything falls into place.

These actions will give the effect of breakage, but you should not be afraid. Repetition is the mother of learning. Let's fix the algorithm and woo-ala - before us is a cube where everything stands in its place. But you need to spatially change the wrong cube in your hands by turning it over to the edge on the right.

  • In this step, the beginning, as always, is taken from the end of an already completed step. We go according to the scheme.

  • At the end of the step, the cube will be completely assembled, but it will start with the fact that all the corners will be where they should be, but possibly in an inverted state.

There can be two positions.

For a coup, we perform the following actions:

The algorithm is applied until the PV is correct. Again, things can go wrong, but that's okay if you trust the consistency over and over again. Before repeating, put another "wrong cube" in the corner to the right. Repeat until the cube is assembled.

Jessica Friedrich's method

Jessica Friedrich's way, as one of the fastest methods of solving the Rubik's cube.

In 1981, Jessica Friedrich developed her own assembly plan, which has all the same basic points and has no fundamental differences, but it significantly speeds up the process. You just have to learn "just" 119 rules. If you want to break the record, you have to strain your brains.

If you are just starting out and spend two minutes or more on assembling, then this method is not for you yet, train on the instructions of eight steps.

  • This method starts with the same assembly of a cross with edges on the sides. In English, the name of this step sounds like Cross and in translation means a cross.
  • The second stage implies the assembly of two layers of a cube at once and is named F2L (an abbreviation for the phrase First 2 Layers, which literally translates as the first two layers). Algorithms describing this path are given below:

  • The OLL stage means the assembly of the top layer of the Rubik's cube. 57 formulas will describe it.

  • The final, fourth stage is called PLL and means placing all the elements in their places. The last stage can be described by these algorithms:

15 steps to build a 3 * 3 cube

In 1982, for the first time, competitions appeared, in which those who wanted to complete the puzzle took part faster than anyone else. In connection with the discovery of such games, more and more formulas and algorithms for solving the problem began to appear. But, in fifteen moves, no one has yet been able to cope with the task. Even an 8-step build requires a lot more moves. The God algorithm below has twenty such moves.

The discovery of such a quick assembly belongs to the team from Google, in 2010 they released their solution to the Hungarian sculptor's puzzle.

Now, if you hear somewhere else on the 15-step solution system, you can safely argue with him, there is no chance that his resource will exceed the resources of such a powerful company. Those who want to learn how to collect the cube by the fastest and probably the youngest method among ambulances can pick up toys and use the scheme shown in the picture below.

Secret assembly technology

Those who want to cope with the task at hand should learn a few simple rules in a time equal to or less than a minute.

  • White and yellow colors will be an excellent solution for starting the assembly.
  • A lot of precious seconds are spent on turning the Rubik's cube in your hands, which, of course, negatively affects the temporary results. That is why they start assembling, collecting the cross on the bottom edge of the puzzle. This will save you the time spent flipping the toy over and over.
  • The size of the 3 * 3 cube is good for the hand and its surface is already quite slippery and rotates perfectly, but for better success, you can purchase a special, not very expensive lubricant for such items.
  • Always be one step ahead: at the moment when the mental stress has already subsided and you are finishing one of the algorithms that will definitely lead to success - it's time to think about the next step.
  • Use all resources: all the back of your ten fingers. This is what will lead to new records in the cube assembly.

With your eyes closed? Easily!

Do you want to surprise everyone with the ability to solve the Rubik's cube without watching the process? Learned algorithms will help you cope with this. In addition, follow a few simple rules:

  • Keep the picture of the puzzle in your head, it should always be in your mind before your eyes and remember the golden rule, which says that it is best to start the assembly from the bottom edge. And do not forget about the immobility of the centers relative to the sides.
  • Blindfolded or closed eyes will definitely amaze those around you. The invented algorithm says: orient the corners correctly! As a rule, all corners contain two colors: it is either yellow or white.
  • Position the side elements of the puzzle correctly and whether its orientation is correct.

Modern varieties of Rubik's cube

The Rubik's cube was created by a scientist from Hungary Erno Rubik, professor and sculptor using this model explained to his students the basics of mathematics, namely the mathematical theory of groups. In that same 1974, Rubik could not even imagine that this attempt to graphically show mathematics would make him a millionaire.

Assembling the item lasted about a month, during which time it underwent many changes, mainly related to size. The scientist tested the future toy on his friends and close people. The patent was received in 75, and the first batch was published only in 1977. "Magic cubes", as the invention was dubbed, first appeared in Budapest, in a small cooperative just in time for the Christmas holidays. Several pieces from that very first batch also ended up in the USSR.

Such mathematics soon interested the minds of other people as well. Tibor Lakzi took up the promotion of the cube as a puzzle game. It was with his help that the world recognized the now beloved cube by everyone. Lakzy lived at that time in Germany, but often visited his homeland, where an object that attracted him was discovered. In one of the cafes where the businessman was having lunch, he saw a funny little thing in the hands of the waiter. He, as a mathematician and as a businessman in the computer field, immediately saw the prospects and contacted the inventor. Another game inventor, Tom Kremer, who had already founded Seven Town Ltd. by that time, was brought in to promote the game.

First popularity

And already at the end of the 20th century, hundreds of millions of copies of the Rubik's cube went on sale, making it an exciting game and hobby. In the countries of Europe, the little thing spread in 1980 in May, and the USSR saw it a year later. Of course, in our country there were some funny things. Some officials were given bribes with these toys, in order to receive which citizens had to stand in line and enter the circle twice.

The desire to understand the puzzle and learn its secrets revived the minds of everyone, even those who did not have it at home. And in 82, an article appeared in the well-known magazine "Young Technician", which provided schemes and methods for making a foreign toy with your own hands. And, of course, it could not do without the stigma - a bourgeois toy that takes a lot of workers' time. But this reasoning did not exist for long, and soon articles with diagrams for assembling the Rubik's cube appeared on the pages of scientific journals.

So that people who could not cope with this difficult task and did not suppress their failures in alcoholic binges to destroy the unsuccessful, nasty model, special plastic hatchets were developed.

A little more history

In the 82nd year of the 20th century, the first puzzle assembly competitions were held. The venue was the capital of Hungary - Budapesit, where the game was invented. The participants were 19 countries, represented by the best players, winners of local competitions. The winner was Minh Thai, an American student from Los Angeles who was 16 at the time. He coped with his task in 22.95 seconds. Although at that time there were persistent rumors about craftsmen capable of assembling in just 10 seconds. Of course, compared to Mats Wolf's current record, these numbers seem overwhelming.

The Dutchman does it in just 5.5 seconds. Although there is a video where the previous record holder Felix Zemdegs collects the magic cube for 4.21, he has no official confirmation. But there is one more record, which also did not officially make it into the Guinness Book of Records. The CubeStormer-3 robot managed to beat Zemdegs too, spending only 3.25 seconds on the task. Let's hope that one day some of the people will be able to break the program's record.

Today it is the best-selling toy in the whole world, which everyone tried to collect. She has several awards on her account: she has repeatedly received the Hungarian National Prize as the best invention, won in France, the USA, Germany and Great Britain. In 1981 he received his rightful place in New York, at the Museum of National Art. There is even a special Rubik's Foundation, established in 88. It was founded to support young inventors.

- that's half the battle. Now you need to collect it. And here this most detailed video instruction will help you.


Now the Internet is crammed with a huge number of instructions on the topic "how to solve a Rubik's cube 3x3"... The ways to solve Rubik's cube for beginners, taught by numerous instructors, are practically the same.
Except for one, the most important thing - the simplicity and accessibility of the explanation. It depends on how quickly you or your child will solve their first Rubik's cube.


Simplest learning method to solve Rubik's cube 3x3 developed by the hero of the show "Ukraine Got Talent" Maxim Chechnev. Maxim, while working in children's camps, taught many children to collect a 3x3 cube. And based on his experience, he developed the simplest teaching methodology, understandable and accessible to children, even of primary school age.

The learning process is divided into 9 lessons with tasks. Do not be alarmed by the number of lessons - all of them can be completed within a few hours. But in the final you will not only collect your first Rubik's cube, but you will also be guaranteed to remember the stages of the assembly and, for the second time, you will accurately collect the Rubik's cube without prompts, on your own.

How to solve Rubik's cube video from Maxim Chechnev.

Stage 1. Foundations of the cube structure.

Stage 2. Putting the cross on one of the sides + theory about the elements of the Rubik's cube 3x3.

After you have collected the cross, before watching 3 videos, ALWAYS disassemble and reassemble it several times. Anchor the steps and Rubik's cube formulas immediately, so as not to forget in an hour!

Stage 3. We put the elements of the cross in place.

Stage 4. We collect one side completely.

Step 5A. Putting together the second layer (second floor) of the Rubik's cube + fixing the material.

IMPORTANT! After completing stage 5A, disassemble your cube - and be sure to fix the previous 4 stages of solving the Rubik's cube on the orange side (collect the cross, and then completely the entire orange side).

Stage 5B. Putting together the second layer (second floor) of the Rubik's cube + additional possible situations.

Which you have disassembled and wish to assemble. You will be able to solve the cube Mikhail Rostovikov's method... This technique contains 15 formula-algorithms taken from the high-speed assembly technique. These formulas are calculated for the assembly of the 3rd (last) layer. The technique is more advanced than the most basic options, and after studying this method, you can quickly switch to the speed method of Jessica Friedrich.

Assembly Objective (to solve the puzzle)

Read this material very carefully before you start solving the cube. Further training will depend on how you understand it.

How does the cube work?

The cube is designed very cleverly and at first glance it seems that all its particles are somehow connected to each other. But it is not so. Only the central elements of each side are fixed, the side elements (cubes) are held on them, and the corner cubes are held on the side elements, and the corner and side elements are not connected to anything.

Central elements (6 pieces)- elements standing in the middle of each of the 6 faces. Note that no matter how you rotate the cube, they never change their position relative to other central elements. The central element determines the color of the side of the cube because it doesn't move. If the central element is yellow, then the yellow side will be on this side of the cube. It is the same for all other colors. When I say in my explanations "hold the cube with the yellow side up", and you have not yet collected it, then you need to keep the cube with the yellow center up.

Corner pieces (8 pieces)- elements at the corners of the cube. They have three faces, each face in a different color, they always remain corner elements regardless of rotations.

Side (rib, side) elements (12 pieces)- elements on the side of the edge of the cube. They have two colors and always remain side elements (cubes). There is no way you can put a corner cube in place of a side cube or vice versa. Some people sometimes try to do this ...

Also note that any stickers on the surface of the cube always remain on the surface. No color ever goes inside the cube! Colors on any taken element always remain on their element. An element cannot be "split" into its components in any way. Perhaps with a hammer ...

The concept of a formula, algorithm or sequence

An algorithm is called any sequence of rotations, during the execution of which something changes in the position on the cube. If you repeat the same algorithm several times, then after a certain number of repetitions, the cube will return to its original state.

Examples of algorithms (rotation formulas):

P V P 'V'
L V L B2
F 'P V P'

Do not pay attention that you do not understand anything in these notes yet. How to decrypt algorithms - I will explain in more detail below. Now we are talking about algorithms that can be longer (for example, 15-16 moves), or can be short, even one movement of some edge is also an algorithm.

What is Layer Build Technique?

This is a technique where the process of solving the cube is divided into 3 main parts: first layer, second layer and third layer.

View of the "Rubik's cube" with the first layer collected.

View of the "Rubik's cube" with the first and second layers collected.

View of the "Rubik's cube" with three layers assembled - that is, the puzzle is solved, the cube is assembled.

Starting side- the side from which the decision begins. This is the side that is fully assembled when the first layer is resolved. In the picture where the 1st layer is assembled, it is white.

End side- the side opposite to the initial one - in our case, yellow.

Well, you already know the basic concepts. Now is the time to figure out how to read. tongue of rotations"Rubik's cube". This is important, because without it you will not understand anything in the notes.

How to read the formulas of the language of rotations of the "Rubik's cube"?

The language of rotation is necessary in order to formulate the movements of the sides of the cube on paper, and at the same time to make the record as concise and clear as possible. The language is very simple and in three minutes you will already be able to “read” the algorithms written in it and execute them.
Take the cube in your hand and hold it in front of you. Look at him, wink at him and say “-Hello Rubik's cube! I'll pick you up! " So, the "Rubik's cube" has six sides, these sides are coded by one letter.

The sides of the "Rubik's cube" in Russian and English notation

Side turn clockwise is encrypted simply as the letter representing that side.
P - rotation of the right side of the Rubik's cube clockwise. B - rotation of the upper face clockwise. L - left side. H - clockwise rotation of the bottom edge of the cube if you were looking at the cube from below. H - rotation of the back face of the "Rubik's cube" clockwise, if you were looking at the cube from behind. Don't get confused!

The direction of rotation for any side of the "Rubik's cube" is determined as if you were looking at the desired side "in the face"

Side turn counterclock-wise encrypted as the letter denoting that side and stroke.
П '- rotation of the right side of the cube counterclockwise. В '- rotation of the upper face counterclockwise. Л '- left side, etc.

Rotate a face 180 degrees- this is a turn two times clockwise or two times counterclockwise (which is the same thing) - encrypted as a letter denoting the side and the number two.
P2 - 180-degree rotation of the right side, B2 - 180-degree rotation of the upper side, Н2 - 180-degree rotation of the lower edge.

It is not clear? Beautiful pictures for explanation

NS turning the right side of the "Rubik's cube" clockwise.

It was a short algorithm, but when executing a long algorithm (long formula), the main thing to remember is where each face is located during the execution of the sequence. You can get confused very quickly, therefore, here's probably the most important rule for you when solving a Rubik's cube:

When performing algorithms - do not roll the cube in your hands, hold it straight in front of you

One subtlety is that there is no connection between the colors of the sides and the letter denoting the side. If you are holding a cube with a green side to you, then the green side at the moment is the frontal one. The next time you need to apply a different algorithm, and you turned the cube white sideways, then the white side will become frontal.

That's all, now we can move on to solving the Rubik's cube.

Rarely can we allow ourselves the joy of doing nothing when we give rest to our arms, legs, head and the whole body as a whole. More often than not, we only think that we are messing around. This is because a person is very active by nature. He is bored and incomprehensible amorphous movement in life. If he already had a free minute, then he can set an original goal. For example, to solve the Rubik's cube. The instructions for collecting this puzzle are very specific, but it is quite possible to understand it.

Some historical facts

More than 40 years ago, the Hungarian sculptor Erno Rubik showed the world his famous puzzle, which was named after the author's surname. Then the inventor was engaged in teaching industrial design and architecture. There is a version that he invented the cube for a textbook with which you can clearly explain the basics of mathematical group theory. The inventor posed a difficult task for the students - to make individual cubes rotate freely in place, without damaging the constructive unity of the puzzle. Accordingly, Rubik's friends and students became the first testers.

In 1975, the Rubik's cube was patented, but only two years later the release of an industrial batch of cubes was launched. The first to start producing them was a small Budapest cooperative, which positioned the Rubik's cube as a New Year's toy. Assembly instructions were not attached, but the object seduced with an abundance of flowers and its mystery. The toy became truly universal and was offered to all categories of the population. The second surge in popularity occurred when the cube was seen in the hands of a waiter by a German entrepreneur Tibor Lakzi, who is fond of mathematics. He started promoting the product in tandem with Tom Kremer, a successful game inventor. Together, they were able to launch a "cubic" invasion and release more than 100 million toys.

Time frame

So how long does it take to complete a Rubik's cube? The instruction does not particularly appeal to novice "puzzles". Therefore, it will take a long and painful way to collect. Many can not stand it and give up what they started halfway through. But the assembly of this puzzle perfectly develops motor skills, stimulates the work of thought, calms and helps to understand oneself. Over time, people realize that it is very difficult to put a puzzle together at random. We have to resort to proven algorithms. Many will "sit down" and switch to high-speed assembly. Such people are called "speedcubers", and the process itself is called "speedcubing". Even official competitions are held under the auspices of the World Cube Association. To date, a world record of 5.55 seconds has been set. It was installed by Mats Wolf. Before him, the world record belonged and was 5.66 seconds. According to unofficial data, he achieved a result of 4.79 seconds.

For beginners

So, you have a Rubik's cube in your hands. The assembly instructions have not yet been studied by you and you want to figure out how the puzzle works for yourself. The toy has 6 sides of different colors. Upon purchase, all sides are collected and have cubes of the same color. Let your imagination run wild and spin the cube on all axes for a minute. As a result, in front of you is a tangled puzzle that, it would seem, cannot be unraveled. Many people recommend that you completely disassemble the cube into parts before direct assembly to make sure that the mechanism is correct. If everything is correct, then you can start the process. Assembly for beginners consists of seven stages, each of which is quite achievable even for a child.

Step-by-step instructions: how to solve a Rubik's cube

You will need to target the white side. Imagine that this is the base that holds the entire structure. After each "shenanigation" check the white side so that its integrity is not damaged. At the first stage, collect where the white square is in the center. Note that the center sectors on each side suggest which color to pick where. The second step is to collect the corners of the white side. Next are the edges of the white layer, the cross in the last row. After that, you need to move on to the placement of the edges and corners of the last layer and to the turn of the corners.

Among the most common

Rubik's cube assembly instructions are very popular by authorship This is a high-speed assembly method that does not require memorizing a large number of formulas. The main thing is to understand the principle. In the process, a cross is assembled on one of the sides. The first layer is collected simultaneously with the second. This is followed by the orientation and rearrangement of the elements of the top layer.


If you do not want to memorize formulas at all, then you will like the step-by-step instructions for the Rubik's cube according to the method of Valery Morozov. Here you need to memorize the basic principles of assembly. Eight corner pieces are assembled first. Further, the four ribs in the middle layer are collected in a cross on the side. The other eight ribs should form regular pairs. Finally, the six central sectors are set on their edges.

We go along the stripes

If you have already tried and even managed to put together a puzzle, then you can try the so-called stripe method. It is suitable for a 5 * 5 cube, but it is better to train on a smaller version - 3 * 3.

To master the method, you need to be able to distinguish between the sides and master the rotation of the cube clockwise and counterclockwise. The assembly begins with the notorious white cross. Next, it needs to be extended to the corner elements. Your task is to achieve coincidence of the central elements of the sides with the upper ones, which depart from the white cross. Move the white corner pieces to the same side. An inexperienced person can master the Rubik's cube in this way. The assembly instructions for this type of beginner are not straightforward, but they provide a step-by-step guide. Prepare for the fact that this is not an easy task.

Basic knowledge

So it turns out that many people themselves come up with an algorithm for how to solve a Rubik's cube. Step-by-step instructions are not particularly important to them. Maybe you, too, will be able to invent your own method? Everything is possible, but there is basic knowledge that will be useful to every person. So, the cube has a frame - a cross on which the central parts are attached. All elements are movable, and the cube itself rotates in all directions. The white side is usually taken as the base, and the opposite is usually yellow. Rotation of parts is possible clockwise, counterclockwise and 180 degrees. Further, it is known that the simplest assembly scheme includes seven sequential stages. The white cross always goes first

Main stage

So, before you is a Rubik's cube, an instruction for beginners, and in stock - about half an hour. This is enough to master the basics of assembly. Initially, you should not chase time. Practice and only practice will help you become a speedcube. In the meantime, try to master the main stage - the assembly of the cross. By the way, successful speedcubers perform it intuitively, since there are no formulas. The main thing is to find the side with the white cube in the center. Remember that each edge cube has two colors and, accordingly, it must coincide with two centers - white and colored. Now check the white center side for white ribs. If so, just rotate the bottom of the cube to bring the edge to the second center. Now look at the opposite side: if there are white edge edges, then it is quite easy to return them to the white side. The rest of the elements can be adjusted upward by lifting the cube with the white side towards the top and turning it towards the center.

Start build process

The first two layers can be laid out quite simply. This is a very problematic moment for those who are thinking about how to solve the Rubik's cube. The tutorial for beginners will be a visual aid, but in general this step can be done intuitively. The main problem with this is placing the corner cubes in the first layer. Speedcubers have a special trick for this, which they call "bang-bang". By the way, it also has its own formula. Always try to keep the cube with the white center (and side, respectively) down. Look for a side cube that matches the colors of the border sides. Lift the side face up, and then take it to the side, opposite from the side of the cross that "went" to the other face. The mechanism for building corner cubes remains identical - searching for a cube in color frames, bringing it to the desired field, and then moving it towards the face with a "new" cube. After placing the corner cubes in the bottom layer, you can go to the second one from the bottom. The algorithm is similar, but finding the cubes becomes more difficult and takes longer. These same edge cubes are installed in place using one formula and its mirror image. Before lining up, you need to rotate the top layer and place the edge cube in the desired place. Always make sure that the color of the side face matches the color of the center sector of the middle layer. Yes, and don't destroy the top white cross. If you are building the white side, then its integrity will not be violated a priori, but if the colored side is going, the destruction of the white cross is fraught with complete chaos in the puzzle. With these mirrored repetitions, you can completely assemble the white side and the two lower layers on each side. Plus, as a result of your work, the central sectors of the sides should coincide with the centers. Now you are left with the final stage - collecting corner cubes on the upper side.

Many people in their free time solve the Rubik's cube and try to do it faster and easier than others. Since 1980, the search began for the so-called God algorithm for high-speed assembly. Mathematicians, programmers and simply lovers of scientific riddles are looking for a method to solve the puzzle in the minimum number of moves. In 2010, programmer Thomas Rokicki, mathematicians Herbert Kotsemba and Morley Davidson, and engineer John Detridge were able to prove that any configuration of a puzzle can be solved in a maximum of 20 moves. In this case, any rotation of the face is considered a move.

The human intellect needs constant training no less than the body in physical exertion. The best way to develop, expand the abilities of this quality of the psyche is to solve crosswords and solve puzzles, the most famous of which, of course, is the Rubik's cube. However, not everyone succeeds in collecting it. Knowledge of schemes and formulas for solving the assembly of this intricate toy will help to cope with this task.

What is a puzzle toy

A mechanical cube made of plastic, the outer edges of which are composed of small cubes. The size of the toy is determined by the number of small elements:

  • 2 x 2;
  • 3 x 3 (the original version of the Rubik's cube was exactly 3 x 3);
  • 4 x 4;
  • 5 x 5;
  • 6 x 6;
  • 7 x 7;
  • 8 x 8;
  • 9 x 9;
  • 10 x 10;
  • 11 x 11;
  • 13 x 13;
  • 17 x 17.

Any of the small cubes can rotate in three directions along the axes presented in the form of protrusions of a fragment of one of the three cylinders of a large cube. So the structure has the ability to rotate freely, but at the same time small parts do not fall out, but hold on to each other.

Each face of the toy includes 9 elements, painted in one of six colors, opposite each other in pairs. The classic combination of shades is:

  • red opposite orange;
  • white opposite yellow;
  • blue opposite green.

However, modern versions can be painted in other combinations.

Today you can find Rubik's cubes of different colors and shapes.

It is interesting. The Rubik's Cube even exists in a version for the blind. There, instead of color squares, there is a relief surface.

The goal of the puzzle is to arrange the small squares so that they form the face of a large cube of the same color.

History of appearance

The idea for the creation belongs to the Hungarian architect Erna Rubik, who, in fact, did not create a toy, but a visual aid for his students. In such an interesting way, the resourceful teacher planned to explain the theory of mathematical groups (algebraic structures). It happened in 1974, and a year later the invention was patented as a puzzle toy - the future architects (and not only them) became so attached to the intricate and vivid manual.

The release of the first series of the puzzle was timed to coincide with the new year 1978, but the toy entered the world thanks to entrepreneurs Tibor Lakzy and Tom Kremer.

It is interesting. Since the inception of the Rubik's Cube ("magic cube", "magic cube"), about 350 million copies have been sold worldwide, which puts the puzzle in the first place in popularity among toys. Not to mention dozens of computer games based on this assembly principle.

Rubik's Cube is an iconic toy for generations

In the 80s, the inhabitants of the USSR got acquainted with the Rubik's cube, and in 1982 the first world championship in the assembly of the speed puzzle was organized in Hungary - speedcubing. Then the best result was 22.95 seconds (for comparison: in 2017, a new world record was set: 4.69 seconds).

It is interesting. Fans of collecting a colorful puzzle are so attached to the toy that they are not satisfied with the assembly competition alone. Therefore, in recent years, there have been championships in solving the puzzle with closed eyes, with one hand, with feet.

What are Rubik's Cube Formulas

To assemble a magic cube means to compose all the small details so that you get a whole face of the same color, you need to use the God's algorithm. This term denotes a set of minimum actions that will allow you to solve a puzzle that has a finite number of moves and combinations.

It is interesting. In addition to the Rubik's cube, the God algorithm is applied to such puzzles as Meffert's pyramid, Taken, Tower of Hanoi, etc.

Since the magic Rubik's cube was created as a mathematical tool, its assembly is decomposed by formulas.

The Rubik's cube assembly is based on the use of special formulas

Important definitions

In order to learn to understand the schemes for solving the puzzle, you need to get acquainted with the names of its parts.

  1. A corner is a combination of three colors. In a 3 x 3 cube, there will be 3 of them, in a 4 x 4 version - 4, etc. The toy has 12 corners.
  2. The rib indicates two colors. There are 8 of them in a cube.
  3. The center contains one color. There are 6 of them in total.
  4. The edges, as already mentioned, are simultaneously rotating puzzle pieces. They are also called "layers" or "slices".

Values ​​in formulas

It should be noted that the formulas for the assembly are written in the Latin alphabet - these are the schemes that are widely presented in various guides for working with the puzzle. But there are also Russified versions. The list below shows both options.

  1. The front face (front or front) is the front face, which is the color towards us [Ф] (or F - front).
  2. The back face is the face that is the center from us [З] (or B - back).
  3. Right Face - the face that is on the right [P] (or R - right).
  4. Left Face - the face that is on the left [L] (or L - left).
  5. Bottom Face - the face that is at the bottom [H] (or D - down).
  6. Top Face - the face that is at the top [B] (or U - up).

Photo Gallery: Rubik's Cube Parts and Their Definitions

To clarify the designations in the formulas, we use the Russian version - this will be clearer for beginners, but for those who want to go to the professional level of speedcubing, an international designation system in English is indispensable.

It is interesting. The international designation system is adopted by the World Cube Association (WCA).

  1. The central cubes are indicated in the formulas by one lowercase letter - f, t, n, l, v, n.
  2. Corner - in three letters according to the names of the faces, for example, FPV, Flni, etc.
  3. Capital letters Ф, Т, П, Л, В, Н denote elementary operations of rotation of the corresponding face (layer, slice) of the cube 90 ° clockwise.
  4. Designations Ф ", Т", П ", Л", В ", Н" correspond to the rotation of the edges by 90 ° counterclockwise.
  5. The designations Ф 2, П 2, etc. indicate a double rotation of the corresponding face (Ф 2 = ФФ).
  6. The letter C denotes the rotation of the middle layer. The subscript indicates which side to look from in order to make this rotation. For example, С П - from the right side, С Н - from the lower side, С "Л - from the left side, counterclockwise, etc. It is clear that С Н = С" В, С П = С "Л and etc.
  7. Letter O - rotation (turnover) of the whole cube around its axis. О Ф - from the side of the front face in a clockwise direction, etc.

Recording the process (Ф "П") Н 2 (ПФ) means: rotate the front face counterclockwise by 90 °, the same - the right face, rotate the lower face twice (that is, by 180 °), rotate the right face 90 ° along clockwise, rotate the front face 90 ° clockwise.


It is important for beginners to learn to understand formulas

As a rule, in the instructions for assembling a puzzle in classic colors, it is recommended to keep the puzzle with the yellow center up. This tip is especially important for beginners.

It is interesting. There are websites that visualize formulas. Moreover, the speed of the assembly process can be set independently. For example

How to solve the Rubik's puzzle

There are two types of schemes:

  • for newbies;
  • for professionals.

Their difference is in the complexity of the formulas, as well as in the speed of assembly. For beginners, of course, instructions corresponding to their level of puzzle skill will be more useful. But after some practice, they will be able to fold the toy in 2-3 minutes.

How to build a standard 3 x 3 cube

Let's start by building a classic 3 x 3 Rubik's cube using a 7-step diagram.

The classic version of the puzzle is Rubik's cube 3 x 3

It is interesting. The reverse process used to solve certain incorrectly placed cubes is the reverse sequence of the action described by the formula. That is, the formula must be read from right to left, and the layers must be rotated counterclockwise, if a direct movement was specified, and vice versa: direct, if the opposite is described.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

  1. We start by assembling the cross of the upper face. We lower the required cube down by turning the corresponding side face (P, T, L) and bring it to the front face with the operation H, H "or H 2. After that, we carry out the operation a) or b) of the first stage. In case a) the cube came out on the front face so that the color of its front face coincides with the color of the facade. In case b) the cube must not only be moved up, but also expanded so that it is correctly oriented, standing in its place.

    Collecting the top line cross

  2. The required corner cube is found (having the colors of the faces F, B, L) and, by the same technique described for the first stage, is displayed in the left corner of the selected front face (or yellow). There can be three cases of orientation of this cube. We compare our case with the figure and apply one of the operations of the second stage a, beat c. The dots on the diagram mark the place where the required cube should be. Find the other three corner cubes on the cube and repeat the described technique to move them to their places on the upper face. Result: the top layer is matched. The first two stages hardly cause any difficulties for anyone: it is quite easy to follow your actions, since all attention is paid to one layer, and what is done in the remaining two is completely unimportant.

    Selecting the top layer

  3. Our goal is to find the required cube and first bring it down to the front edge. If it is at the bottom - by simply turning the lower edge until it matches the color of the facade, and if it is in the middle layer, then it must first be lowered down any of the operations a) or b), and then match the color with the color of the facade edge and perform the operation of the third stage a) or b). Result: collected two layers. The formulas given here are mirrored in the full sense of the word. You can clearly see this if you put a mirror to the right or left of the cube (with the edge facing you) and do any of the formulas in the mirror: we will see the second formula. That is, operations with the front, bottom, top (not involved here), and back (also not involved) faces change their sign to the opposite: it was clockwise, it became counterclockwise, and vice versa. And the left side changes from the right, and, accordingly, changes the direction of rotation to the opposite.

    We find the required cube and bring it down to the front face

  4. Operations that move the side cubes of one face, which ultimately do not violate the order in the assembled layers, lead to the goal. One of the processes that allows you to select all side edges is shown in the figure. It also shows what happens with the other cubes of the face. By repeating the process, choosing a different facade face, you can put all four cubes in place. Result: The ribs are in place, but two of them, or even all four, may be mis-oriented. Important: before proceeding with this formula, we look at which cubes are already in their places - they may be incorrectly oriented. If there is none or one, then we try to rotate the upper face so that the two, located on two adjacent side faces (fv + pv, pv + tv, tv + lv, lv + fv), fall into place, after that we orient the cube like this , as shown in the figure, and we carry out the formula given at this stage. If it is not possible to combine the parts belonging to the neighboring faces by turning the upper face, then we carry out the formula at any position of the cubes of the upper face once and try again by turning the upper face to put in place 2 parts that are on two adjacent side faces.

    It is important to check the orientation of the cubes at this stage.

  5. We take into account that the unfolded cube should be on the right side, in the figure it is marked with arrows (cube pv). Figures a, b, and c show possible cases of the location of incorrectly oriented cubes (marked with dots). Using the formula in case a), we perform an intermediate turn B "to bring the second cube to the right side, and the final turn B, which will return the top face to its original position, in case b) an intermediate turn B 2 and the final turn B 2, and in case c) intermediate turn B must be performed three times, after turning each cube and also completed with turn B. Many are confused by the fact that after the first part of the process (PS N) 4 the desired cube is turned around as it should, but the order in the collected layers is violated. confused and makes some people to throw an almost completed cube halfway. After completing an intermediate turn, not paying attention to the "breakage" of the lower layers, we perform operations (PS N) 4 with the second cube (the second part of the process), and everything falls into place. Result: the cross is assembled.

    The result of this stage will be the assembled cross

  6. We put the corners of the last face in their places using an 8-way process, convenient for memorization - a straight line, rearranging three corner pieces in a clockwise direction, and a reverse, rearranging three cubes in a counterclockwise direction. After the fifth stage, as a rule, at least one cube will sit in its place, albeit in an incorrectly oriented way. (If after the fifth stage none of the corner cubes has sat down, then we apply either of the two processes for any three cubes, after that exactly one cube will be in place.). Result: All corner bricks are in place, but two of them (and maybe four) may not be oriented correctly.

    Corner cubes sit in their places

  7. Repeat the sequence of turns of the PF "P" F many times. We rotate the cube so that the cube that we want to unfold is in the upper right corner of the facade. An 8-way process (2 x 4 strokes) will rotate it 1/3 turn clockwise. If at the same time the cube is still not oriented, we repeat the 8-move again (in the formula this is reflected by the index "N"). We do not pay attention to the fact that the lower layers will come into disarray. The figure shows four cases of the location of incorrectly oriented cubes (they are marked with dots). In case a) an intermediate turn B and a final B "are required, in case b) - an intermediate and final turn B 2, in case c) - a turn B is performed after turning each cube to the correct orientation, and the final B 2, in case d) - an intermediate turn B is also performed after turning each cube to the correct orientation, and the final turn in this case will also be turn B. Result: the last face is assembled.

    Possible errors are indicated by dots.

The formulas for correcting the position of the cubes can be shown as follows.

Formulas for correcting incorrectly oriented cubes in the last step

The essence of Jessica Friedrich's method

There are several ways to assemble a puzzle, but one of the most memorable is the one developed by Jessica Friedrich, a professor at the University of Binghamton, New York, who develops techniques for hiding data in digital images. While still a teenager, Jessica was so carried away by the cube that in 1982 she became the world champion in speedcubing and subsequently did not abandon her hobby, developing formulas for quickly assembling the "magic cube". One of the most popular cube folding options is called CFOP, after the first letters of the four assembly steps.


  1. We collect the cross on the upper face, which is made up of cubes on the edges of the lower face. This stage is called Cross - cross.
  2. We collect the lower and middle layers, that is, the face on which the cross is located, and the intermediate layer, consisting of four side parts. The name of this step is F2L (First two layers) - the first two layers.
  3. We collect the remaining edge, not paying attention to the fact that not all the details are in their places. The stage is called OLL (Orient the last layer), which translates as "orientation of the last layer."
  4. The last level - PLL (Permute the last layer) - consists in the correct arrangement of the cubes of the top layer.

Video instructions on the Friedrich method

The speedcubers liked the method proposed by Jessica Friedrich so much that the most advanced amateurs develop their own techniques to speed up the assembly of each of the stages proposed by the author.

Video: speeding up the assembly of the cross

Video: collecting the first two layers

Video: working with the last layer

Video: the last level of assembly by Friedrich

2 x 2

A 2 x 2 Rubik's cube or Rubik's mini cube is also stacked in layers, starting from the lowest level.

Mini-cube is a lightweight version of the classic puzzle

Easy assembly instructions for beginners

  1. Collect the bottom layer so that the colors of the last four cubes coincide, and the remaining two colors are the same as the colors of the neighboring parts.
  2. Let's start arranging the top layer. Please note that at this stage, the goal is not to match the colors, but to put the cubes in their places. We start by defining the color of the top. Everything is simple here: it will be the color that did not appear in the lower layer. Rotate any of the top cubes so that it is in the position where the three colors of the element intersect. Having fixed the corner, we place the elements of the remaining ones. We use two formulas for this: one for changing the diagonal cubes, the other for the adjacent ones.
  3. Finish the top layer. We carry out all operations in pairs: we rotate one corner, and then another, but in the opposite direction (for example, the first one is clockwise, the second is counterclockwise). You can work with three corners at once, but in this case there will be only one combination: either clockwise or counterclockwise. Between the rotations of the corners, we rotate the upper face so that the worked corner is in the upper right corner. If we work with three corners, then set the correctly oriented one at the back left.

Angle Rotation Formulas:

  • (VFPV · P "V" F ") ² (5);
  • В²Ф · В²Ф "· В" Ф · В "Ф" (6);
  • FVF² · LFL² · VLV² (7).

To rotate three corners at once:

  • (ФВПВ "П" Ф "В") ² (8);
  • FV · F "V · FV² · F" V² (9);
  • V²L "V" L²F "L" F²V "F" (10).

Photo gallery: 2 x 2 cube assembly

Video: Friedrich's method for a 2 x 2 cube

Collecting the most difficult cube versions

These include toys with parts ranging from 4 x 4 to 17 x 17.

Cube models with many elements usually have rounded corners for easy manipulation with the toy.

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