Complex guide by The Binding Of ISAAC: Rebirth. Review of the Binding Of ISAAC: Afterbirth Artifacts in The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth

The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth - gives us a lot of pleasure and at the same time a lot of curses, starting with the fact that some items do not want to be embarrassed, and the tests loose nerves so that you can't fall asleep. However, when you finally go to the game, you understand that these were the best gaming clock. I recently completed the game and the first conservation cell now triumphantly notifies me that I am a real platinum God, I immediately began for a new passage, and perhaps soon it will have to keep up yet, since. So far, I want to give some tips on your experience.


Noticed that many still ask how and where to look for a secret room, super mystery and so on

Chamber of Secrets It is usually located where there is a maximum touch with other rooms, that is, at least two walls, mostly three four. It is worth paying attention to that all the walls adjacent to the hypothetical mystery room were free, that is, neither the abuses, no stones and mushrooms, as well as spikes, if there is a room else. Most often room is close to the store and a treasure room, so that the search for the secret room is usually limited to one or two attempts.

Super mystery room It is usually located close to the room with the boss and has only one wall with which it comes into contact. It is usually located with one or two attempts. Most often I am looking for her in the hope that there will be a lot of lives.

Score underwent changes. Now that the goods have to make more money in the donation machine. Total need 999 coins + 1 coin, then the machine will explode. Donations will increase the amount of goods in the store and will open some artifacts.

Room angel. If everything is clear with the devil room and there is a bunch of artifacts and the conditions that it appeared, then with angels everything is more complicated. Firstly, the mass of objects for collecting the entire collection is hidden only in this room, secondly, the bug may happen that the subject will simply won't fall out and no matter how much you are rooted. I was so with Godhead. About 20 passes and never got an artifact, and several times I moved the entire angelic pool (there are about 25 objects). Here is an ideal strategy how to sort out all objects in the angel room at a time (if you're lucky, of course).

We definitely select Satan's head, avoid all Evil Up. artifacts and pick the keychain Rosary bead., I skip the first room of the devil (go to it, but do not exchange anything), it will all increase the chances of an angel room. For the same room, it is best to have D6.unless it is desirable Pandora drawer (can give two artifacts). Also desirable waffle or cancer (artifact zodiac sign) and Sharp Plug.This will allow you by clicking on the space and spending the life of killing D6. In the angel's room, we kill the angel himself, blowing up his bomb and get two artifacts that we can change. So here I collected all the artifacts you need.

Room "I-Error". This is a rare room in which a meager chance can be accessed with a pill and with a big chance, if you use Undefined.. Ideally, you can find it with this artifact at the chest level. You will be able to teleport in "I-error", collect artifacts (if a good room will be), go to the beam and start a chest with new objects, but with the same rooms and enemies, a kickback ambassador Undefined. Again in "I-error" and so to infinity until you break the pool. Then you will have all the artifacts of milk packages.

A separate conversation is worthy basement Room or Retro Treasury. You can find it or in the room with a bed, in the center of the carpet or under stone, or under the device for blood, receiving money and a fortune chart. It is divided into two types. Or there will be a simple basement with a side view with one object or a passage to a large room with several subjects in exchange for life, begging and passing to the next level. Employed room.


This time, Edmund McMillan approached the tests with a special perversion, as he loves it, and now besides, it seems not very difficult, almost impassable, only if you are good name. I will write only about those that cause lute complexity or have some interesting nuances.

1. Head trauma. - Items at the start: Little planet, soy milk, small pebbles and iron ingot.

The problem is that the damage is minimal, and get into some running enemies is difficult, while static enemies begin to throw from hurts and can hurt us. First, the most ideal is found in the devil room, then our tears will become more and gusty in the process of rotation, secondly, if the corner did not find it, then shoot the enemies standing back to them, that is, in the opposite direction, so The bullets will achieve faster and almost without miss. If the enemies are not fast, then you can stand still, then they will not even be able to approach, as the shock wave will throw them all the time.

2. SOLAR SYSTEM -Transcendence, delight at a distance, forever alone, nimb from flies.

The simplest test among those where it is impossible to use tears. Here the main dexterity of hands and consistently developed tactics to which enemy from which side approach. Red fly brush makes the most damage. When we get to the mother, you can get up at the left door, just above, so that the hand gets out, but did not hurt (I always kill mommy, because it does not go to the foot and only trying to hit us with a door from the door).

3. Suicide King. - Vomit root, Mr. Mega, my reflection, random pill.

I passed this test from the first time, as I got at the very beginning Soy milk. Tears flew often and did not have time to come back. True, damage declined greatly. The second very useful artifact will be Pyromaniacwho also caught me. In principle, the pyroman of the pyroman is enough to take carelessly to pass. If nothing came of this, we act as follows - we shoot with the skill, that is, we run ahead and spits, then the tear will make such an arc that it will take the enemy, besides, if it is returned back, you can have time from it easily Dodge, taking up or down.

4. Cat Got Your Tongue - Guppy head, tail Guppy and lump wool.

We are immediately a kitten, which means we can produce flies into opponents. The easiest way to go through the game, call a friend and run in a pair, since the shooting of a friend will generate from you flies, but if you get sulfur, then each friend's shot will generate several dozen flies.

With no partner more difficult, but perhaps. It is necessary to deftly wove the wool lump, from the persecuting enemies and can easily be covered. To simplify passage, look for artifact Magic fingers And make money, it will help you apply a mass damage to enemies in the room.

Walking over the Internet, I could not find a normal guidance on tricks and secrets, on the intact games. Most of the texts either tells the Banalc region (control, interface), or leads a wikipedia with a detailed description of objects, or emphasizes the living nonsense (pick up gray hearts, go to shops, etc.). I decided to gather in this guide some "hidden" information.

The task of the leadership is to draw the attention of players for some not the most obvious elements. Of course, you can rummage in Wikipediy on tens of hours and, in the end, all this will independently find out, but something suggests that not everything is so zealo love the walls of the text of hundreds of pages.

Things you could not know

At each floor, there is one secret room (marked with a white question mark on a minicar) and one super secret (gray question mark). The problem is that it is impossible to determine their accurate location if you do not have a specialized subject. It can be all kinds of treasure cards, compasses, mining hat and more. But what if you are in the very first level and do not have such "search engines" yet? Everything is very simple.

Explore the level form using a mini card. Look carefully, because the secret room follows several principles:
It is necessarily bordered by two or more rooms (more often than from 3-4). This means that the places that are surrounded by rooms should be exploded;
never borders with a boss room;
If the stones or the abyss block the possible location of the door in the secret room, there can not be there. The secret necessarily there is direct access from all bordering party-side.

As for the Super Secret Room, the rules will be different:
borders no more than one room;
There can be no passage from the Boss room;
It rarely can appear for the secret room;
Very often appears near the Boss room.

You probably already know that among ordinary stones you can with an accidental probability to find the ladder leading to the basement secret room. And this staircase is quite frequent. In the basement with a very small probability (2% or so) can be generated by the passage into the black market. The market is the most mega secret secret of the game in which you can make a good bold.

But what you most likely do not know, it is the fact that the black market can even be accessed if the corresponding passage in the basement appeared. You will need to have only two bombs and carefully study the conditions of penetration:
1) Enter the basement on the main staircase;
2) At the highest point of the main staircase, the basement bows the character into the left wall and reset one bomb down;
3) very quickly go to the right-hand side of the stairs, bite on the right wall and reset the second bomb down;
4) sharply get out to the surface before the explosion of bombs;
5) Return back to the basement and make the ladder as quickly as possible;
6) Bow the character into the left wall at the bottom of the stairs and dramatically release all the buttons (do not press anything else);
7) if everything is done correctly, the bombs will blow up at the same time and suck the character through a solid wall to the left;
8) Now just go to the right until it stops the invisible floor until you get into the black market.
9) The trick is a bug and works with 100% probability with proper execution.

Finally, in a clean room, there is a passage to the basement, right under the carpet (you need to apply an explosion).

Some monsters move unpredictably, others do it too sharply and on very unpleasant schemes. To minimize the likelihood of getting damage, try to press the walls of the room. For example, large red flies are trying to circulate circles, which does not allow them to move normally if there is a wall nearby. It will slow them to slow down and will allow you to easily shoot, without fear of getting a posthumous damage from the flock of flies.

Jumpers can be made at all to measure in place, if you stay near them over the abyss (you need a flight skill).

Also, clinging to the wall can be:
make ordinary red flies (if there are no more than two pieces) stop right in front of the angle of the room in which you beat;
provoke a pin to get out at the location center;
Cheat gungirls (they prefer not to hide a character at the Wall, if moving along this wall).

Surely you have stumbled over a couple of batteries lying in the middle of the room. With direct use, it is not enough of them - you can recharge your active item twice in a row. The present meaning of two batteries is really entertaining (by the way, one of the tablets calls two batteries into the room).

1) Find a room with two batteries, but do not pick them up;
2) Also do not pick no other risen items in the room and do not open the chests;
3) blow the marked pebbles (if any), and just try to break everything that it is only possible that it turned out to be more either in the floor;
4) to have a Blank Card subject to them (allows you to make a copy of your card or rune);
5) have a JERA card with them (allows you to copy the contents of the whole room).
6) Cut the cycle: Copy Jera Activate Blank Card, use a copied Jera for breeding batteries, eat one battery to charge Blank Card ... repeat.

So you get an infinite stream of things. Including you can copy yellow chests with the subject inside to assemble a whole bunch of equipment.

It is not necessary to fight all the monsters of the room to go through it - just bomb the door and go through it;
The killings of the keysticker, evil begging and player-beggar slightly increase the chance of the appearance of an angel room (on each floor is counted again);
Oddly enough, the murder of angel after the destruction of his statue brings only advantages - the part of the angel's key increases the spun of the angel's rooms;
If you do not get damage in the red hearts from the monsters / yourself, the chance of the appearance of the devil room will be 99% (it is still possible to donate blood);
If you do not make deals with the devil, the likelihood of an angel room in the future levels is high;
Sometimes a stone under the statue of the devil / Angel contains a secret;
It is often advantageous to save the key when you need to go to the Golden Room / Store - next to them there may be a secret room, so it is enough to try the passage to it, and then from it to the next room under the key;
If you play alone, I highly recommend using the joystick to call for an ally-familylight. In fact, this is the second player who you cannot fully control simultaneously with the main character. But if it is a special familiar, then his death can bring unexpected bonuses. For example, a glass child after death leaves the selected object (key / bomb, etc.). Another example, the baby "ISAAC 2" knows how to select items - it is able to fly over the abuses and stones.

What is beautiful this combination?

First, you have a big chance to get to the devil room. In this room just often this very Nature (9 lives). Before you take, ask for a second thing. If the thing is standing, then take her first, and then the cat. If you have one or two hearts, and things stand on one heart more, you can take it, but in this case you will not be lives in general. If the subject costs exactly the same hearts as you have lives, then when you try to take a thing you will die. The exception is the items that give you blue hearts.

For example: or

Secondly thanks Cat You can afford to take almost all the necessary things in the devil rooms.

It is worth considering that it is better not to pick up immediately Health Up. on the floor, take only Hearts Souls (Blue Hearts) . To run to the end of the level with one red heart is more profitable.

  • 1. Test rooms Always open - both ordinary and boss, which gives good nishtyaki.
  • 2. After collecting things from TO omnotes devil It will be possible to raise the level of red lives.

To this scenario would be quite good to have or, then the secret and super secret rooms will also be open. All these items are very easy to gather before the boss Mum .

On your hand you will play starting items characters, for example, Judas immediately has Book Belial , but CainHappy feet. .

Second alignment when Isaac already opened (opens by the passage by the character ??? ).

Starting the game with this cubePersonally, I strived as soon as possible to gather a cat:

(You can certainly also, but for the transformation into a kitten it is necessary to collect at least three subjects)

Sometimes collecting parts of the cat managed almost from the first two rooms. If the devil's room came across two feline active objects (head or foot), we take turns of both items, we return a cube and use it. Feline things will change to other cats, take them and Voila! Turn into a kitten. Then the main thing to choose Rate Up. and TEARS UP.and then passing without unnecessary problems.

To make it easier for the passage even more, try to get out of the overshades around yourself. For example, the best option: . I run with such a set most often. To make it easier to get rid of yourself from suffering because of a long cube rollback D7 mutit at any convenient possibility Mosk's robes .

The second part of this "Guide" room.

Have you already come across the secret rooms, the very, which are opened in the explosion of the walls in the middle? You could not notice the pattern of their location, but it still is.

The secret room is most often located near the store and borders with two-three rooms, and sometimes if you have a labyrinth or room XL, then and four rooms. The main thing is that in 95% of cases the secret room will be framed at least two walls. Sometimes from the secret room there is an output to super mystery.

Super a secret room always has only one common wall with simple rooms, which simplifies the search slightly - simply exclude the adjacent rooms and the corners between the three rooms. It is more difficult to find a super secret room if that is a continuation of the secret room, that is, it seems like between two walls, only one ordinary, and the other is a wall of the secret room.

The damned room is that with spikes - often borders with a secret room, only the passage through it is damage, but sometimes it is worth it. I always go to her at a convenient case. The red chest in the center of the damned room can give not only useful pieces like tablets, blue hearts, items, but also useless - bombs, troll bombs, spiders. Still the chest can teleport you to the room Angel / Devil.

This applies more to the rooms, because I am writing here: if you can use a tablet Forget Me Now. , I do it, because it is an excellent chance to gain good items, especially if these are levels Caves. or Necropolis.

Tactics of combating some bosses:

- The logical thing to run from him in a circle, giving him a chance to approach you, so that it does not change the random direction.

- Also better run in a circle, but approach even stronger, in order not to please in the puddles of blood. Do not forget quickly walking past the ghost, it spars blood flows.

- This swag loves to push with acceleration, so we get up with the left or right wall and at the last moment when the boss is already near, we run up or down. After Taran, the boss will slowly roll back to the middle.

- Easy to kill with any scenario, if you run behind your back. Only mugs will be dangerous to us to have time to eliminate timely, but it is not at all difficult.

- Hold the middle distance just above or below the boss, then we will not damage its feces and bullets. The only one, watch out the eyes.

- This particular can be finished with bombs if it accelerates into your direction. She swallows a bomb and stands for some time, at this time you can still beat it with tears.

- There are also bombs on it, because if you do not have penetrating tears or technology 1 or 2, then use bombs to minimize losses. Fuck the red feces.

- The main thing is to catch the tempo of this monster. We run on the one hand, forcing it to expand the strengthening of the blood, running on the other side, wait, we are driving. As easy as pie.

- The most disastrous from the riders. Try to dilute from the brain, without shooting them, but shoot only in this reptile, so it will change the form faster. Then pay attention to the rider itself, and leave the horse finally.

- The problem of this boss is that if you are slow and have low rapidity, then you will kill it for a long time and painfully. In any case, first we endure the heart, and then aims in the back of the mask. Bombs, poisonous shots and technology 1 and 2 will help us very much.

- To avoid damage, go beyond the back of the boss, but not focusing on the wall. After the boss dumped on you, again run to him behind my back and a flattery in it. Also good tactics will drive it along the bottom corners. Forcing it to jump, for example, in the left lower corner, we run behind my back and shoot. As soon as he jumped, we run into the lower right corner and wait when the boss jump again. Again we run behind my back and so on.

- I draw attention to the fact that when you get a tears in this boss, it shoots with the same persistence in response. But the bullets fly not very quickly, so you in the reserve will be a couple of seconds to drive damage and run off just above or lower. At the third stage, when angels appear, run in a circle and try to pay all attention to the boss, dodging the angels.

In conclusion, we put a few of my passages with successful scenaries:

For Isaac:

Hello everyone gathered. My name is Artem, and I struggle with addiction from. I'm fighting enough for a long time, and everything seems to go well. My acquaintance with this abomination began in 2011. The game only came out, has not yet used great popularity. The past project Edmund McMill, a hardcore platformer, I liked it, so I decided to give the Binding of ISAAc a chance.

"And what, a good and cute game, I thought. - Complex and incomprehensible, but there is something in it. " From this day, everything went under the slope. I started playing the binding of isaac regularly. For the first time killed Mama - almost detected from joy. I thought it was an end, but after that two additional levels opened. Then the game constantly fogged something new, teased with new objects, bosses, characters ... In short, I was thoroughly fell.

Sometimes he spent over eight hours a day. I understood the mind that it was not a matter and that it was time to tie, but every time I asked Isaque every time: "Do you really want me to die?". I pressed "no" and spoke to myself: "Here is the last time we run - and that's it." Brechnya. 50 hours raided, fulfilled all the achievements, opened all items. In the main menu, this picture of Golden God appeared - a reward for strength spent on it.

It would seem, after that it was possible to calm down - to strive for nowhere else. Damn from two: I could not stop. He advised The Binding Of Isaac with all his friends and with a scattered eyes argued that this is something fantastic. In most cases, it stumbled upon bewilderment. Well, okay.

In 2012, the addition of Wrath of the Lamb was published, and my dependence was bloomed with a new force. I rushed to master him like obsessed. After a hundred hours, a new trophy appeared in the main menu - Platinum God - for completing all the tests. I decided that it was time to stop. Holded two days.

When mom's murder counter exceeded 200, The Binding Of Isaac met me by this picture. Then I realized that I need help.

For almost two years now I am clean. I play again in other games, seeing people, all is well. I am grateful to this society for all support in overcoming this disease. Thank you, thank you so much. If it were not ... What? Rimek came out, The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth? Oh my God.

Even if you drop into the direction of this dramatization (honestly - I am not so hopeless), the fact remains a fact: I have a catastrophic amount of time on The Binding Of Isaac. On my memory there were only four cases when I sought to kill the video game absolutely all free (and not very) minutes. This is Dota (both in the form of a card for Warcraft 3 and from Valve), and, in fact, The Binding Of Isaac. The latter is somewhat shed out of the row, do not find? One of the greatest Moba games of modernity, the king of paid MMORPG, a masterpiece from Software and - made on Flash "Rogali" about a child crying in the basement. Drop prejudices. The Binding Of Isaac is a great game. And just a few reasons why.

This is a game in which the mechanic random generation works correctly. There are many projects that are written in the list of main features something like: "A huge number of combinations - every time you will play a new game!". In most cases, it turns out that at the gameplay, the random number generator affects not as much as the developers presented. Yes, the card to memorize no meaning, the enemies always come across different, but in general - these are the same eggs, only in the profile. The Binding Of ISAAC uses a slightly different approach: it combines certain constants with chance capable of changing the gameplay.

Levels are collected from hundreds of billets made manually. To each stage (basement, depth, uterus, the cathedral, and so on) a certain set of bosses and enemies is tied - the further come in, the more difficult the opponents and the harder the game becomes. All this forms the basis, because of which The Binding of ISAAC is not destroyed under the pressure of thousands of variables: special items, cards, secrets, curses, keyfobs, pills and a lot more. Trophies can give flight, bloody vomiting, giant, but slow tears, endless bombs - all this changes every particular passage of the Binding of ISAAC. In total, in the rebirth version of more than 450 items - only imagine the number of all possible combinations, let's say, ten of them.

And other numbers

In The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth

Over 50 Bossov

10 game characters

20 tests

17 ending

178 secrets / achievements

This is a game that teaches to adapt and squeeze out of the current situation to drop. The Binding Of Isaac is a rather complicated game. Isaac very vulnerable, monsters are always a lot, the main resources - bombs, keys, coins - constantly in short supply. To promote, sometimes risks - say, merge into a donor machine almost all health in the hope of getting free healing and upgrade. Sometimes - on the contrary: an unknown pill may not only give a bonus to rapidity, but also to bed a child, and some artifacts are able to ruin the successful passage.

In such conditions, it is necessary to constantly think and build cunning combinations to get the maximum of each level. Even after opening a passage to the next stage, you can spend a lot of time on the current floor. Almost all health, get a skip in the test room, fight with two bosses right away, earn a powerful artifact, win a slot-car a few additional keys and bombs, accidentally blow the machine, get 99 coins, to buy in the store, thereby facilitating your fate For the future - here is just an approximate list of cases. You may well give a damn on all this and rush to the next stage at the first opportunity - that's just without money, artifact, bombs and keys. The Binding Of ISAAC has their own survival laws that you will have to learn and use in your favor.

This is a monstrously addictive game. Successful passage of the Binding of ISAAC takes an average of 40 to 60 minutes. This is a tricky: due to a relatively short duration you do not notice the course of time. The more time you spend behind the Binding Of Isaac, the more content it opens. Considering that each passage is radically different from the other, you do not get tired of the game and get into the vicious circle. "Another time - that's all." Yeah of course.

Hard childhood

Edmund McMillan does not particularly advertise this fact, but The Binding of ISAAC is based on the memories of his own childhood. His parents drank a lot and used drugs, while being tary Christians. It is easy to imagine how it affected on the early years of McMill. "Parents constantly shouted that I get to hell for the passion of Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering," Edmund admitted in one of the interviews. With him brutally appealed, beat and frightened particularly bloody episodes from the Bible. All this was reflected in The Binding Of Isaac.

Honestly, I took to write this column for one reason: to have a legal excuse to play at the Binding of ISAAC: Rebirth at work - they say, I am gaining impressions for the article. If this fact and over six thousand recommendations in Steam will not kill you at least try it, then I wash my hands. I'll go in the basement for another three hundred hours.

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