Outdoor games for children. Funny outdoor games for children for a summer holiday in the open air. Mobile game "Find a mate"

Every mother wants to see her baby in the future as a smart and successful person. However, this requires a lot of effort. And you need to start working with the crumbs from the earliest years. An excellent element of training and education of the kid - outdoor games. This is what I want to talk about in this article.

For the little ones (2-3 year olds)

No need to think that a child who has only recently learned to walk does not need a wide variety of games. On the contrary, the more the baby plays, the sooner he will develop not only mentally, but also physically. The first block of games provided below is intended for children of one and a half - three years of age.

Hen and chickens

Considering outdoor games in the fresh air, you should definitely pay attention to a rather simple but interesting fun for two-year-old kids, which is called “Hen and Chickens”. To organize it, you will need one adult and several children (from two kids and more). An adult (mom-chicken) becomes the center of the site or circle and begins to call baby chickens:

Where-where, where-where,

All chickens, all here!

Quickly under my wing!

Where did it take everyone?!

Under these words, the kids should run to the mother chicken. You can keep playing like this until the guys get bored. For greater interest, you can put on pre-prepared masks for children and mother chicken.

Scarf and ball

What other outdoor games are there for two-year-olds? So, for the next game, you will need some props: a ball and a rather large scarf. Mom puts the ball on the scarf, raises it together with the child (mother at two corners and the baby at two corners). Next, you need to shake the handkerchief so that the ball jumps as high as possible. The task of the crumbs: run after the ball and bring it back. You can play until the little one gets bored.

round dance

Let's take a look at mobile games. 3 years old for a child is such a time when the baby already understands everything and plays with pleasure everything that is offered to him. And it is worth saying that at this age, children really like various collective fun. Why not dance with the guys? To do this, all the children and the adult presenter take hold of the handles and begin to walk in a circle. At the same time, the leader says:

We walk, we walk, we dance

One time: sit down

For two: get up

Three: bend over

Four: turned around

At five: go single file

At six: became a circle

At seven we meow

At eight - we crow

Nine: let's run

At ten: let's lie down!

If it's summer, on the count of ten, the kids can just sit or fall on the grass. The counter can be changed at your discretion. The main thing is that the children repeat what the leader says.

baby crocodile

What other outdoor games will appeal to the youngest children? So, you can play Baby Crocodile. To do this, an adult must make simple riddles for the kids, and the children must show the answer. Example: mustachioed-striped, meows, loves fish (cat). The child should say "meow" and perhaps show some kind of cat movement. Etc. By the way, it will be more interesting if an adult picks up riddles in a rhymed form, the kids really like the rhymes.

For children of middle kindergarten age

The older the child becomes, the more complex games he will be interested in. A kid who is 4 years old will no longer be particularly interested in running under the wing of his mother-hen. In this case, outdoor games for children will be somewhat different than those listed above.


This is a pretty exciting game that is suitable for 4-5 year old kids. To do this, you need to choose a leader from the crowd of children (which, however, will change periodically). The leader stands in front of the whole group of children. His task is to transfer kids from one swamp to another. To do this, the child will jump. However, each jump must be different from the previous one. First you can jump with your hands on your belt, then - holding your hands along the body. The third time - touching the floor with your hands. And so on, as far as the child's imagination becomes. The children behind the leader must repeat all the movements. When the toads get to another swamp, everyone should say “Kwa-kva” together. Now the leader is changing, and the children are returning in the same way. The leader becomes the one who, in the opinion of the educator or adult observer, performed the movements best of all.

ball games

When choosing outdoor games for children, it is worth remembering that some of them will require props. Now I want to tell you what games you can play with a four-year-old child if there is a ball:

  1. For accuracy. A box is placed a couple of meters away from the child, into which the baby must hit the ball. If a child gets caught, he should be rewarded. If not, punish (for example, make you sit down a couple of times). You can play as a couple with a child, or with a crowd of kids who will simply take turns throwing a ball into the box, competing with each other.
  2. Edible-inedible. You need to stand in front of the baby and, throwing him a ball, name the object. If it is edible, the baby should catch the ball. If inedible - beat off.
  3. Football. You can even play together with a child, just passing the ball to each other. The kids really like it, the game can drag on for a long time.


What are outdoor games in kindergarten? So, why not play sports? Moreover, organizing them is quite simple. To do this, draw a straight line on the pavement with chalk. On it in one direction, the children must jump on one leg, back - on the second. The winner is the one who has never put his raised foot on the asphalt.


What other mobile games are there? 4 years old is the time when the child is already developed enough for various physical activities. Well, it will not be a secret for anyone that at this age, kids love to run very much. An excellent game for them, which is called "Kvach". You need to choose one child who will catch up with the rest. When the host overtakes a certain baby, he must touch him and say: “you are a kwach!”, which means that the leader has changed. So you can play almost indefinitely, until the guys themselves get bored.

Games for senior kindergarten age

With age, children's outdoor games become more difficult. And for 5-6-year-old kids, they will be even more difficult than for children of the previous age period. However, at this age, it is already possible to play almost anything with kids: children are well prepared physically, and their mental development allows them to fulfill the conditions of almost any outdoor game.

"Two Frosts"

Children love all seasons equally. Therefore, it is good to play with them the so-called winter outdoor games in the summer (i.e., those games where you can remember winter). For this fun, you need to choose two hosts: Frost - Red Nose, and Frost - Blue Nose. They become in the center of the site. The goal of the rest of the children is to run from one side to the other so that the Frosts do not touch them. Anyone touched by Frost remains in place and is considered frozen. In this case, the child should spread his arms to prevent other children from running across to the other side. You can play until that hour, until there is one player left, who will be considered the winner.


Looking through outdoor games for children, why not remember such fun as "Brook". To do this, the children are divided into pairs. Couples should stand one after another, holding hands and raising them up. Such a corridor is formed along which the leader will run. His goal: to take the hand of a friend he likes and stand with him at the beginning of the stream. Now the released player becomes the leader. The game can go on as long as the kids don't get bored.

sea ​​figure

What outdoor games can be played in kindergarten? So, why not play Sea Figure? To do this, a leader is selected who will pronounce the following words to a crowd of children:

The sea is worried - time!

The sea is worried - two!

The sea is worried - three!

Marine figure freeze in place!

At the same time, all children should freeze in the form of marine life: animal plants. Whoever laughs at the same time is out of the game. If desired, the phrase "sea figure" can be changed to the phrase "forest figure", etc.

hide and seek

What are the outdoor games (mobile, fun)? Why not play all the familiar hide-and-seek? What’s more, the kids love this game. Everything is simple here: the leader closes his eyes, pronounces a certain counting rhyme (for example: 1-2-3-4-5, I'm going to look! Whoever didn't hide - I'm not to blame!). At this time, all the children are hiding. Whoever the leader found last, he won.

Magic word

What kind of outdoor games can you come up with in a group? Why not play with the magic word? To do this, the children become in a circle, and in the center of it is the leader. He must give commands to the players. For example: “Everyone got on one leg!” or “everyone closed their eyes!”. If the facilitator says the magic word "please", this command should be carried out. If the magic word did not follow, you do not need to execute the command. Those who still listened to the leader without hearing the magic word are eliminated from the game.

"Little Red Riding Hood, White Feather"

Why not remember the long-existing children's outdoor games? So, at all times, children loved to play "Little Red Riding Hood, White Feather." For this game, children are divided into two identical teams. Each team lines up in a row and forms a strong chain with the help of their hands. Now the captain must shout to the opposing team: “Little Red Riding Hood, white feather! I call (child's name) and no one else! In this case, the goal of the called player is to break the chain from the hands of the opposing team with a run. If this succeeds, he takes one person to his team. If not, the losing team loses its turn. The winner is the group of children, where there will be more children at the end of the game.


What other mobile games exist on the street? Children can play Colors. To do this, you need to choose one leader. He will have to pronounce the following phrase "Everyone must touch the yellow!". In this case, the children should touch the yellow object that is nearby. It can be a painted wheel on the site, a friend's jacket, a flower. Who did not cope with the task - leaves. Then the host calls the next color. The game continues until all the colors have been moved.

Caught a fish

We look further at outdoor games (5 years old for children). Toddlers can play a game called Catch a Fish. Three players join hands, forming such a seine. Their goal: to catch fish (other players) in a net. The caught fish becomes part of the net and helps to catch the rest. And so on until the last player.

Broken phone

A very fun game for kids - a broken phone. The kids line up. The first of them whispers a certain word into the ear of the nearest player. He passes on what he hears. The result that the last player will give will be very interesting. It is unlikely to coincide with the word that the first player whispered into the ear of his neighbor.

Day Night

We further consider children's outdoor games (6 years old for children). At this age, you can play the game "Day-night". For this, a leader is selected - Owl. All other children are field mice. When the teacher says "Day", the children run and frolic. When he says the word "Night", the kids should freeze in one place. This is where the Owl comes into play (which sleeps during the day). Its purpose is to walk between the players and see who is laughing or moving. The found person is eliminated from the game and is located next to the Owl's nest. It is interesting, but behind the back of the Owl, when she does not see, the kids love to move on purpose and even grimace.

Catch and Guess

This is a very interesting outdoor game for kids. Here you need to choose one driver who needs to be blindfolded. Its goal is to catch the player and guess who he got by feeling. If the driver guesses correctly, the caught person replaces him. If not, the game continues.

snow fight

This is a fun outdoor game that can be played in a kindergarten group. To do this, you must first prepare snowballs from paper. The more there are, the better. Next, the children are divided into two teams. The teacher gives the command: "Fight!". At this time, the kids should throw the clods to the side where the other team is. Those with the fewest snowballs win.


For this game, you need to choose one driver, who becomes the center of the circle formed by other players. Required equipment: jump rope. The leader crouches and begins to twist the rope in a circle near the floor. Players must jump over it. Whoever is hooked is out of the game. Each round goes to the complication: the height of the rope scrolled by the lead increases.

Outdoor play is not only good for health, it also develops sociability in children. The children begin to understand what mutual assistance is, how important it is sometimes to subordinate their desires to common interests, and all this will be useful to them in adulthood.

Active outdoor games saturate the child's body with oxygen, and this improves both muscle work and brain activity. You can play on the playground in the yard, as well as in parks, recreation areas. So that children do not get tired quickly, it is better to alternate outdoor games with more calm ones.

1. Touch the ball

Children become in a circle, their task is to pass the ball on outstretched arms so that the driver, who is behind the circle, does not get the ball. Whoever has the ball “stained” in his hands becomes the driver instead. According to the rule: you cannot throw the ball to each other, and if someone drops the ball, then he is out of the game.

2. Train

Children stand behind each other, holding on to the one in front of them. At the head of the locomotive, the leader is the driver who leads him along his route. Children should follow the leader, repeat his movements. If he bounces, then the guys behind him should bounce one after the other, too, if he turns around the tree, then the “locomotive” follows him. According to the rule: children should not unhook from each other, while the leader is not allowed to run fast.

3. Bees

The kids stand in a line, in front of them, 15-20 meters away, a line is drawn with chalk. This is a bee house. Two or three people (bees) stand behind the line and, at the command of the leader, begin to slowly move towards the guys with the words: “We went out to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through bushes and bumps, through branches and stumps. Look - the hollow of a tall Christmas tree. Angry bees fly out! The bees start spinning. At this time, the players say the words: “We are not afraid of a swarm of bees, let's run home now” and try to run behind the line that is behind the bees. The same ones are trying to catch the guys, "sting". Whoever was "stung" by a bee, in the next horse becomes instead of her.

4. To the forest for berries

The leader is chosen - a bear. He "sleeps" in a designated place - a lair. Children go out of the house (draw a circle) into the forest for berries (any light objects can be used instead of berries). They say: The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries. The bear got cold, froze on the stove. At a sign from the leader, the bear suddenly wakes up and rushes to catch the children in the clearing. The winner is not only the one who ran away from the bear, but also brought home more berries. Whoever the driver caught first takes his place in the next horse.

5. Cat and mouse

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, in the center is a “mouse”. Behind the circle at a short distance is a "cat". The hands of the children are raised up, when the cat approaches, the hands fall - the gate closes. If the cat tries to get through the bottom, then the children squat, preventing the cat from climbing into the circle. If she manages to run through the barrier, the opposite side quickly releases the mouse from the circle, then closing the passage for the cat. This game is about attention and quick reaction.

6. Sparrows

A circle is outlined - with a diameter of 3-4 m, inside it is a driver - a "falcon". The rest of the children are "sparrows". Their task is to "peck the grains" that are inside the circle. So they jump in and out of the circle in such a way that the falcon does not spot them. Whom the falcon touches becomes the leader in the next round.

7. You go quieter, you will continue

Two lines are drawn at a distance of about 5 m. The leader is selected. At one line, the player becomes, at the second - the driver with his back to the player. The driver says: “You drive more quietly, you will continue. Stop" and turns around. At this time, the player moving in his direction must stop. If he did not have time to "freeze", then he becomes instead of the driver. Several people can take part in the game.

8. Lions and zebras

A place is chosen - the steppe, where zebras graze, the lines indicate the river. Children are zebras. The leader is selected - a lion, which stands on a hill (its lair) and says: “A lion went hunting, his anger is very terrible! One, two, three, start the game. The lion tries to catch "prey", the zebras run away. They can "jump" across the river, there is a safe place where the lion can't reach them. If a lion has caught a zebra, he takes it to his lair.

9. "The King loves"

The leader is chosen - the king. A line is drawn, on which the king stands with his back to the players and says two phrases: “The king loves ...” and “The king does not love ...”, while naming two colors. For example, if the king says: "The king loves the color blue," then children dressed in blue shades walk calmly next to the king. If he says: “The king does not like red”, then the guys in clothes with red inserts or drawings should run past the king along the line so that he does not touch them.

In spring, summer and autumn it is very convenient to organize various outdoor games and exercises in the fresh air. Physical exercises in nature are extremely favorable for the improvement of many movements of children, the development of their motor qualities. Wide space allows you to move actively, freely, naturally, which contributes to the development of dexterity, dexterity, endurance of the child. On open lawns, children can move freely.

Every time you go for a walk or planning a field trip, think about what games your child will play and take everything you need: balls, ribbons, hoops, etc.

Some of them:

1. We ride a bike, a scooter

For the development of coordination, a bicycle or a scooter is very suitable for a child. It should fit the baby in size and age. Cycling strengthens the muscles of the child's legs. You can draw a pedestrian crossing with chalk, where a pedestrian mother will walk, draw a traffic light. So the child will learn the rules of the road in an interesting way. And if you organize bicycle races with friends, then an interesting competition

you are guaranteed!

2. Playing in the sand

Not one child will miss the sand. And it is very useful for hand motility. What just doesn’t happen in the sandbox: castles, tunnels are built, cars drive by, pies are molded, giant towers are erected. Sand games can develop not only little fingers, but also logical thinking, memory, attention. When we make Easter cakes, we find the largest, the smallest.

3. Play with the ball

Take a ball with you for a walk. Ball games develop hand-eye coordination in children. The ball can be thrown to each other, rolled down a hill, rolled on the ground, thrown at a target or a basket. Show your baby that you can kick the ball with your foot - maybe you will grow up a future football player! Teach your baby to kick the ball with both the right and left foot.

4. We play with a hoop.

The hoop can not only be used for its intended purpose. Play interesting games with him: Place the hoop on the floor and throw objects at it.

The hoop can turn into a steering wheel - the child will come up with a fun ride by train, car or plane. If you put several hoops on the path, you can jump over them, like over bumps, depicting a frog. The hoop can be a house in which the mouse will hide, running away from the cat. Put a few hoops on edge - you get a great tunnel for a child. Invite him to crawl inside it.

7. We play with a skipping rope.

The child will not learn to jump over the rope right away, but closer to school. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to come up with a lot of interesting educational games with it. Put the rope on the floor, invite the child to jump over it. Gradually raise it higher and higher - you can crawl through it below, so as not to hurt, step over. From the rope you can add interesting objects - a cup, a typewriter, a square, etc.

8. Outdoor games.

When the child gets tired of sculpting Easter cakes or riding a bicycle, you can play outdoor games with him in the fresh air:

Cossack robbers.

Children are divided into two teams. The robbers run away, and the Cossacks catch up with them. While running and hiding, the robbers draw arrows with chalk in the direction they are running. The task of the Cossacks is to find the robbers by the arrows.


Children line up in pairs. The last one goes through

"tunnel" and becomes the first. Thus, we are moving forward.

1-2-3- stop.

The leader, standing with his back, says - 1-2-3-stop. Members

moving towards him at a rapid pace. They stop at the word "stop". The leader turns and guesses how many steps to each player.

Fisherman game

With the help of a counting rhyme, choose a "fisherman" from the players. Blindfold him. All other children are fish players. They should, clapping their hands, walk or run around the "fisherman". He will try to catch them. If there is any obstacle in the way of the "fisherman", a wall, a bench, etc., the children must warn the "fisherman": "Small".

When the "fisherman" catches any "fish", he must guess who it is. If he guesses correctly, then the unlucky "fish" becomes the "fisherman", and the game continues. If he does not guess correctly, then he releases the victim and begins to catch again. If the "fisherman" failed to guess three times, you must define a new "fisherman".

ball game

This outdoor game is for two kids. To play, you will need a small ball and a metal or plastic can. The playing field must be drawn, placing the lines at a distance of about thirty centimeters from one another. A bank is placed in the middle. The player who hits the jar with the ball moves it one line closer to himself. The one of the children who moves the jar closest to himself in this way becomes the winner.

Push out of the circle

Draw a circle on the street with a diameter of three meters. Two children should enter it and take the starting position for the game, standing on one leg, the right hand holds the left leg, and the left hand is bent in front and pressed to the body. The task of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle or make him stand on two legs, pushing him with his shoulder.

drag game

This outdoor game is for two kids. Draw a line on the pavement or on the sand. On both sides at an equal distance half a step away from each other, holding hands, two players should stand up, each of whom tries to force the opponent to step on the line with his foot or cross it. Jerks in the game are not allowed, tugging must be smooth.

Salochki or tags in a circle

This game is suitable for two children aged four and over. Draw a circle with a diameter of one and a half meters on the sand or on the asphalt.

Two players must stand on opposite sides of it. At the signal "One, two, three!" they begin to jump around on the right foot or on the left in a clockwise direction, trying to catch up and spot each other.

Almost classics

Draw on the sand or on the asphalt eight ten circles at a distance of thirty to fifty centimeters from one another, arranged in a closed circle.

Ask the child to jump from one circle to another on one leg straight or sideways. If two or more children take part in the game, then the one who lasts the longest on one leg wins.

The game is going in circles

This game is played outdoors or in a spacious room with a large number of players, because they must form two circles - external and internal. The outer circle is large, the inner circle consists of only three or four people. The guys, who make up a large circle, stand in place. The host stands in a small circle and, together with the players, walks in a circle, saying: "We walk in a circle and carry sweets with us." In response to this, the large circle players must quickly name something sweet, such as sugar. The one who first named the desired item goes to the inner circle, and the game continues.

The host and the players of the small circle pronounce its different variants “we take with us soft, liquid, sour, hard”, etc. Gradually, all players move into a small circle. And the one who was the last in the former large circle becomes the loser and must complete some "fant" task.

Merry, healthy summer to you and your children!

Outdoor games are of great importance in the life of a child, as they are an indispensable means for a child to gain knowledge and ideas about the world around him. They also influence the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, moral-volitional qualities. Outdoor games for children strengthen physical health, teach life situations, help the child get the right development.

Outdoor games for preschoolers

Outdoor games for younger preschoolers

Preschoolers in play tend to imitate everything they see. In the outdoor games of kids, as a rule, it is not communication with peers that manifests itself, but a reflection of the life that adults or animals live. Children at this age are happy to fly like sparrows, jump like bunnies, flap their arms like butterflies with wings. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of children of primary preschool age have a plot character.

  • Mobile game "Mice dance"

Purpose: to develop physical activity

Description: before starting the game, you must choose a driver - "cat". The cat chooses a “stove” for himself (it can serve as a bench or a chair), sits on it and closes his eyes. All other participants join hands and begin to dance around the cat with the words:

Mice lead a round dance,
A cat naps on the stove.
Quiet mouse, don't make noise
Don't wake cat Vaska
Here Vaska the cat wakes up -
Will break our round dance!

During the last words, the cat stretches, opens its eyes and starts chasing mice. The caught participant becomes a cat, and the game starts over.

  • Sun and rain game

Tasks: to teach children to find their place in the game, navigate in space, develop the ability to perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Description: Children sit in the hall on chairs. The chairs are their "home". After the words of the teacher: “What good weather, go for a walk!”, The guys get up and start moving in an arbitrary direction. As soon as the teacher says: “It's raining, run home!”, The children should run to the chairs and take their place. The teacher says "Drip - drop - drop!". Gradually, the rain subsides and the teacher says: “Go for a walk. The rain is over!"

  • Game "Sparrows and a cat"

Tasks: to teach children to jump off gently, bending their knees, run, dodge the driver, run away, find their place.

Description: Circles are drawn on the ground - "nests". Children - "sparrows" sit in their "nests" on one side of the site. On the other side of the site is a "cat". As soon as the "cat" dozes off, the "sparrows" fly out onto the road, fly from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains. The “cat” wakes up, meows, runs after the sparrows, which should fly to their nests.

First, the role of the “cat” is played by the teacher, then one of the children.

  • Mobile game "Sparrows and car"

Another game for children 3-5 years old about sparrows.

Tasks: to teach children to run in different directions, start moving or change it at the signal of the leader, find their place.

Description: Children are “sparrows”, sitting in their “nests” (on a bench). The teacher depicts a "car". As soon as the teacher says: “The sparrows flew onto the path,” the children rise from the bench and begin to run around the playground. At the signal of the educator: “The car is driving, fly the sparrows to their nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, and the children must return to the “nests” (sit on the bench). The "car" returns to the "garage".

  • Game "Cat and Mice"

There are many games for children with cats and mice as participants. Here is one of them.

Tasks: This outdoor game helps to develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions.

Description: Children - "mice" sit in minks (on chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the site sits a "cat" - a teacher. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter around the room. The cat wakes up, meows, starts catching mice that run into the holes and take their places. When all the mice return to their burrows, the cat once again walks around the room, then returns to its place and falls asleep.

  • Outdoor game for preschoolers "At the bear in the forest"

Tasks: to develop the speed of reaction to a verbal signal, to exercise children in running, to develop attention.

Description: Among the participants, one driver is chosen, who will be the "bear". Draw two circles on the playground. The first circle is the bear's lair, the second circle is the house for the rest of the game participants. The game begins with the fact that the children leave the house with the words:

At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries.
The bear doesn't sleep
And growls at us.

As soon as the children uttered these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and catches the children. The one who did not have time to run to the house and was caught by the "bear" becomes the driver ("bear").

  • Through the brook (an outdoor game with jumps)

Tasks: To teach how to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance.

Description: Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from one another. At this distance, pebbles are drawn at a certain distance from each other.

The players stand at the line - on the bank of the stream, they must cross (jump) it over the pebbles without getting their feet wet. Those who stumbled - wet their feet, go to dry them in the sun - sit on a bench. Then they get back into the game.

  • Birds and cat game

Objectives: Learn to follow the rules of the game. React to a signal.

Description: for the game you will need a mask of a cat and birds, a large circle drawn.

Children stand in a circle from the outside. One child stands in the center of the circle (cat), falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the birds jump into the circle and fly there, pecking grains. The cat wakes up and starts to catch the birds, and they run around the circle.

  • The game "Snowflakes and wind"

Tasks: Exercise in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, act on a signal.

Description: At the signal "Wind!" children - "snowflakes" - run around the playground in different directions, spinning ("the wind is spinning in the air of snowflakes"). At the signal "No wind!" - squat (“snowflakes fell to the ground”).

    Mobile game "Find a mate"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal, quickly line up in pairs.

Description: Participants stand along the wall. Each of them receives a flag. As soon as the teacher gives a sign, the children scatter around the playground. After the command “Find yourself a pair”, participants with flags of the same color are paired up. An odd number of children must participate in the game and at the end of the game one is left without a pair.

All these outdoor games can be successfully used to play in kindergarten in a group or on a walk. Children of different ages: from toddlers of 3 years old to children of the middle group of 4-5 years old play with pleasure.

  • Outdoor games for children 5-7 years old

In children 5-6, 6-7 years old, the nature of play activity changes somewhat. Now they are already beginning to be interested in the result of an outdoor game, they are striving to express their feelings, desires, to realize their plans. However, imitation and imitation do not disappear and continue to play an important role in the life of an older preschooler. These games can also be played in kindergarten.

  • Game "Bear and bees"

Tasks: practice running, follow the rules of the game.

Description: participants are divided into two teams - "bears" and "bees". Before the start of the game, the “bees” take their places in their “hives” (benches, ladders can serve as hives). At the command of the leader, the “bees” fly to the meadow for honey, and at this time the “bears” climb into the “hives” and feast on honey. Having heard the signal “Bears!”, All the “bees” return to the “hives” and “sting” (salat) the “bears” who did not have time to escape. The next time the stung "bear" no longer goes out for honey, but remains in the den.

    Game "Burners"

Tasks: exercise in running, respond to a signal, follow the rules of the game.

Description: An odd number of children take part in the game, who become pairs and hold hands. Ahead of the column is the leader, who looks ahead. Children repeat the words in chorus:

Burn, burn bright
To not go out
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
Once! Two! Three! Run!

As soon as the participants say the word “Run!”, Those standing in the last pair in the column release their hands and run along the column forward, one on the right side, the other on the left. Their task is to run forward, stand in front of the driver and join hands again. The driver, in turn, must catch one of this pair before they join hands. If you manage to catch, then the driver with the caught one forms a new pair, and the participant left without a pair will now drive.

  • Mobile game "Two frosts"

A well-known game for preschoolers with simple rules. Tasks: to develop braking in children, the ability to act on a signal, exercise in running.

Description: On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, marked with lines. Players are placed on one side of the court. The teacher chooses two people who will become leaders. They are located in the middle of the playground between the houses, facing the children. These are two Frosts - Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose. At the signal of the educator “Begin!” both Frosts utter the words: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are remote. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Blue Nose Frost. Who among you will dare to set off on a path? All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. Those of the guys who were touched by the Frost freeze in place and remain standing like that until the end of the run. The frozen ones are counted, after which they join the players.

  • Game "Cunning Fox"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, coordination.

Description: A line is drawn on one side of the site, thereby designating the “Fox House”. The teacher asks to close the eyes of the children, who are located in a circle. The teacher walks around an educated circle behind the backs of the children, touches one of the participants, who from that moment becomes a “cunning fox”.

After that, the teacher invites the children to open their eyes and, looking around, try to determine who is the cunning fox. Next, the children ask 3 times: "Cunning fox, where are you?". At the same time, the questioners look at each other. After the children have asked for the third time, the cunning fox jumps to the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and shouts: "I'm here!". All participants scatter around the site in all directions, and the cunning fox is trying to catch someone. After 2-3 people are caught, the teacher says: “In a circle!” and the game starts again.

  • Game "Catching deer"

Tasks: practice running in different directions, agility.

Description: Two shepherds are chosen among the participants. The rest of the players are deer located inside the outlined circle. The shepherds are behind the circle, opposite each other. At the leader's signal, the shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer, and they try to dodge the ball. The deer hit by the ball is considered to be caught and leaves the circle. After several repetitions, counts the number of deer caught.

Poem about playing ball at recess(written by Svetlana Vetryakova especially for the site)

To have fun playing
You need to pump up the ball.
And boys and girls
The ball is hit loudly.

real athletes
Run for a change.
They will jump and jump
And chase each other.

We will inflate the ball deftly
You just need to have a knack.
Press harder
Run away quickly!

Different games with a ball
We'll definitely start.
And in the "Frog", and in the "Dog",
In "Brook", and in "Quick Ball".

Ran to the turn
Rolled over the gate.
Jumped across the yard
Escaped over the fence.

Spinning fast, flying!
Who will catch him now?
Hurry catch up
And tell your neighbor.

Multi-colored bright ball
Jumps briskly without hesitation.
Stop running around having fun
We need to go study!

We inflated a huge ball,
Played and rested.
It's time for us to get back to class.
We have classes there.

    Game "Fishing rod"

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: Participants sit in a circle. In the center is the leader - the educator. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which is tied a small bag of sand. The driver rotates the rope in a circle above the ground itself. Children jump so that the rope does not touch their legs. Those participants whose legs are touched by the rope are eliminated from the game.

  • Game "Hunters and Falcons"

Tasks: practice running.

Description: All participants - falcons, are on the same side of the hall. In the middle of the hall are two hunters. As soon as the teacher gives a signal: “Falcons, fly!” Participants must run to the opposite side of the hall. The task of the hunters is to catch (tarnish) as many falcons as possible before they have time to cross the imaginary line. Repeat the game 2-3 times, then change the drivers.

    Spider and flies game

Description: in one of the corners of the hall, a web is indicated by a circle, in which there is a spider - the driver. All the other guys are flies. All flies "fly" around the hall, buzzing. At the signal of the host "Spider!" flies freeze. The spider comes out of hiding and carefully examines all the flies. Those who move, he leads into his web. After two or three repetitions, the number of flies caught is counted.

    Mobile game "Mousetrap"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: Two participants stand facing each other, join hands and raise them higher. Then they both say in unison:

“How we got tired of mice, they gnawed everything, everyone ate!
We will set up a mousetrap and then we will catch mice!

While the participants are saying these words, the rest of the guys should run under their clasped hands. At the last words, the hosts abruptly drop their hands and catch one of the participants. Caught joins the catchers and now there are three of them. So gradually the mousetrap grows. The last participant left is the winner.

Outdoor games for schoolchildren 7-9, 10-12 years old

Schoolchildren also like to play games during breaks or walks. We have selected games that can be played during after-school walks or during physical education classes in grades 1-4. The rules of the game become a little more complicated, but the main tasks of the games are: training in agility, reaction, speed, general physical development and the ability to cooperate with the guys.

Many outdoor games are universal: both boys and girls can play them. You can divide children into groups of girls and boys or according to another principle.

    Game "Homeless Bunny"

Purpose: to develop mindfulness, thinking, speed and endurance.

Description: A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from all participants. The remaining players are hares, each draw a circle for themselves and stand in it. The hunter is trying to catch up with the fleeing homeless hare.

The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any circle. At the same time, the participant who stands in this circle must immediately run away, since now he becomes a homeless hare, and the hunter now catches him.

If a hunter catches a hare, then the one who is caught becomes a hunter.

  • Mobile game "Feet from the ground"

Objectives: Learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The driver, along with other guys, walks around the hall. As soon as the teacher says: “Catch!”, All participants scatter, trying to climb any elevation where you can raise your legs above the ground. Only those who have their feet on the ground can be salted. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.

    Game "Empty"

Tasks: to develop reaction speed, agility, attentiveness, to improve running skills.

Description: participants form a circle, and the leader is located behind the circle. Touching the shoulder of one of the players, he thereby calls him to the competition. After that, the driver and the participant whom he has chosen run along the circle in opposite directions. The one who first takes the empty space left by the selected player remains in the circle. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

  • Mobile game "Third extra"

Tasks: to develop dexterity, speed, to cultivate a sense of collectivism.

Description: Participants walk in a circle in pairs, holding hands. The distance between pairs is 1.5 - 2 meters. Two drivers, one of whom runs away, the other catches up. The escaping player can at any time get ahead of any pair. In this case, the back player of the pair he is in front of becomes the one being overtaken. If, nevertheless, the player managed to catch up and overpower, then the drivers change roles.

  • Shootout game

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attentiveness, speed of reaction.

Description: A game is played on a volleyball court. Stepping back 1.5 meters from the front line inside the hall, a line parallel to it is drawn to form something like a corridor. An additional line is also drawn on the other side.

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which is located on its own half of the site from the middle line of the corridor. Both teams must choose a captain. You can't enter the opponent's territory. Each player who has the ball tries to hit his opponent with it without going beyond the middle line. The greasy player is sent prisoner and stays there until the players of his team throw the ball into his hands. After that, the player returns to the team.

Outdoor games on the go

When walking with children in a kindergarten or on an after-school at an elementary school, the teacher needs something to keep the children busy: an excellent solution is to organize outdoor games during a walk. First, the teacher introduces the children to various games, and later the children themselves, dividing into groups, will be able to decide which game they want to play. Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's body and strengthen the immune system. And the time of the walk flies unnoticed.

Before starting the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the state of the playing field: are there any extra objects, fragments and anything that can prevent children from playing and create a traumatic situation - unfortunately, not only on the street, but also on the site of a school or kindergarten can be found a lot of trash.

  • Game "Train"

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column. Exercise in walking, running after each other.

Description: Children are built in a column. The first child in the column is a locomotive, the rest of the participants are wagons. After the teacher gives the horn, the children begin to move forward (without clutch). At first slowly, then faster, gradually moving to a run, they say “Chu-choo-choo!”. “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher again gives a whistle, the movement of the train resumes.

  • Mobile game "Zhmurki"

Tasks: education of dexterity, development of the ability to navigate in space, observation.

Description: Free space is required to play the game. A leader is chosen, who is blindfolded and taken to the middle of the site. The driver is rotated several times around his own axis, after which he must catch any player. The one who is caught becomes the leader.

  • Game "Day and night"

Tasks: exercise in running in different directions, act on a signal.

Description: All participants are divided into two teams. One command is "day", the other is "night". A line is drawn in the middle of the hall or a cord is placed. At a distance of two steps from the drawn line, the teams stand with their backs to each other. At the command of the leader, for example, “Day!” the appropriately named team starts catching up. Children from the “night” team must have time to run away beyond the conditional line before their rivals have time to tarnish them. The team that manages to stain the most players from the opposite team wins.

  • Game "Baskets"

Tasks: to exercise in running one after another, to develop speed, speed of reaction, attentiveness.

Description: Two presenters are selected. One of them will be the hunter, the other the fugitive. All the remaining participants are divided into pairs and join hands, creating something like a basket. The players scatter in different directions, and the leaders are separated, the catcher is trying to catch up with the fugitive. The fugitive must run between pairs. Baskets should not catch the fugitive, but for this he calls the names of the participants in the basket that he runs up to.

  • Game "Grab, run away"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: The teacher is in the center of the circle. Throws the ball to the child and calls his name. This kid catches the ball and throws it back to the adult. When the adult throws the ball up, all the children must run to "their" place. The task of an adult is to try to hit the fleeing children.

In this article, we have given 29 outdoor games with a detailed description of the rules of the games. We hope that this material will help organize children's games at school during breaks and physical education lessons, on a walk in the preschool educational institution and the GPA.

Compiler: Oksana Gennadievna Borsch, primary school teacher, deputy director for educational work.

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