Mass effect 2 saves are not transferred

In order for the character import from Mass Effect I to work, you need to complete the game completely. If later there is a problem that Mass Effect 2 "does not see" the character profile from Mass Effect 1, suitable for import, open the most recent save, go through the game to the end (or rather, replay the ending) again. Then launch Mass Effect 2.

Once you start the game for the first time, go to the Configure menu, in the upper right corner, find the Saved Games button, in the window that appears, click on Copy Mass Effect 1 saves), specify the path to the save folder, select the profile of the character you need, and then click on the "Save" button. This should fix the problem.

If, after that, Mass Effect 2 cannot import your character, there is a second way to solve the problem (applicable only for the PC version):

  1. Navigate to the folder where you save Mass Effect 1 (by default - DocumentsBioWareMass EffectSave)
  2. Copy the contents of this folder
  3. Go to DocumentsBioWareMass Effect 2Save
  4. Create a new folder there, name it ME1
  5. Paste the copied files there from the Mass Effect 1 save
  6. After that, start Mass Effect 2 and try importing your character again.

This is not to say that importing a character from Mass Effect 1 went smoothly. In addition, many players were tormented by the question "What will an imopted character from Mass Effect 1 in Mass Effect2 give me?" Therefore, on January 29, PR manager Chris Presley (Chris Priestly) on the official BioWare forum had to reveal some of the intricacies of the process of importing old save files from Mass Effect into the second part of the game.

According to Chris, the previous playthrough will allow the player to improve the characteristics of Sheppard, as well as open access to bonuses such as additional money and resources for creating new items. In addition, with the import of the character, the general plot of Mass Effect 2 will change (albeit not dramatically).

Not without restrictions - in Mass Effect 2 you can import a maximum of 11 characters from Mass Effect 1. The first bug noticed by users, when some characters killed in the first part of the game mysteriously "resurrected" in the second part Chris and the BioWare team promised to fix it. In addition, when transferred to Mass Effect 2, the character from Mass Effect 1 does not maintain its level. This is most likely done in order to level players who completed the original game (maximum Sheppard level 50) with those who completed missions from the Mass Effect DLC.

Bad news for those who want to transfer a character from Mass Effect 1 to Xbox 360. If you replaced the console or hard drive in it, then you will not be able to import the character (even if you transferred the files) because the save hash is tied to the hardware identifiers of the console and data from Mass Effect I is becoming "intolerable."

In the screenshots above, you may have noticed the Import ME2 Character item. BioWare has confirmed that a replay of Mass Effect 2 will be possible using a "pumped" protagonist. When importing an old character from Mass Effect 1, the player will be able to change the visual characteristics of the hero, as well as choose a different class for the main character at will.

Today, the Mass Effect series of games is known to almost every gamer, and this is not surprising, because the space shooter has not only high-quality performance, but also very interesting gameplay, along with excellent graphics. Therefore, it is not surprising that many who have started playing since the first part are interested in the possibility of transferring their character to other games in the series. We hasten to please gamers - it is quite within the power of any person who is at least a little versed in the computer, Mass Effect allows you to transfer the save without difficulty.

Transfer (transfer) character Mass Effect 1 - Mass Effect 2

So, let's start how to transfer your Mass Effect 1 character. The first thing to know is that you can only import the autosave files of the game. They all have the extension ".MassEffectSave", and the file name is similar to the following: "Char_specific code".


  1. Launch the Mass Effect 2 Launcher, emphasizing the 2 nd part.
  2. After opening the active window, we will be interested in the "Configuration" tab ("Configure" for the English version of the game client).
  3. Next, look for the item "Saved games".
  4. Press the button "Copy save from Mass Effect 1", and then, quite as usual, indicate the storage address of the files of the first part of the game. Most often, they are located in the "Documents" (C: \\ Users \\ UserName \\ Documents). For those who still have Windows XP installed, the path looks different: C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ My Documents.
  5. In the folders mentioned above, there will usually be Bioware, which contains the necessary Mass Effect files. Save, of course, you need to look in the Saves folder.
  6. After that, the program will independently perform the necessary actions - all that remains is to enter the game and start a new campaign. Most importantly, do not forget to select "Character Transfer" in the parameters.

If you do not have a MassEffect 2 Launcher shortcut, you will have to manually transfer it. To do this, in the root of the folder with the saves of the second part (Documents \\ Bioware \\ Mass Effect2 \\ Saves), you will need to create another folder "ME1". Please note, it must be named with the English letters "M" and "E"!
After that, copy the save files to the newly created ME1 and do everything that is described in paragraph 6 above.

Transfer (transfer) character Mass Effect 2 - Mass Effect 3

How to transfer a character to Mass Effect 3. If you have the 2nd part of Mass Effect installed on your computer, then the 3rd character will be transferred automatically (thanks to the developers for this little convenience). If the game is missing for some reason and you deliberately did not clean the save, then everything should work out too (check in the Mass Effect 2 \\ Saves documents for the presence of a folder like John_31_123456).
Next, you should start the "troika" and, by analogy with the second part, select "Transfer ME2 character" in the "New game" menu.
In order to avoid transfer errors, it is recommended to constantly check the game version for relevance and always install fresh patches.

If you want to reset skill points in order to redistribute them again in a new game, you need to do the following:

  1. Launch Mass Effect 2 and load your "enchantment".
  2. After the final battle with the Collectors, you need to head to the "Normandy" location.
  3. Here - find a special research terminal that will reset your hero's skills.
  4. After that, be sure to save.
  5. Ready. You can go into Mass Effect 3 and start a new game.

In order for the character import from Mass Effect I to work, you need to complete the game completely. If later there is a problem that Mass Effect 2 "does not see" the character profile from Mass Effect 1, suitable for import, open the most recent save, go through the game to the end (or rather, replay the ending) again. Then launch Mass Effect 2.

Once you start the game for the first time, go to the Configure menu, in the upper right corner, find the Saved Games button, in the window that appears, click on Copy Mass Effect 1 saves), specify the path to the save folder, select the profile of the character you need, and then click on the "Save" button. This should fix the problem.

If, after that, Mass Effect 2 cannot import your character, there is a second way to solve the problem (applicable only for the PC version):

  1. Navigate to the folder where you save Mass Effect 1 (by default - DocumentsBioWareMass EffectSave)
  2. Copy the contents of this folder
  3. Go to DocumentsBioWareMass Effect 2Save
  4. Create a new folder there, name it ME1
  5. Paste the copied files there from the Mass Effect 1 save
  6. After that, start Mass Effect 2 and try importing your character again.

This is not to say that importing a character from Mass Effect 1 went smoothly. In addition, many players were tormented by the question "What will an imopted character from Mass Effect 1 in Mass Effect2 give me?" Therefore, on January 29, PR manager Chris Presley (Chris Priestly) on the official BioWare forum had to reveal some of the intricacies of the process of importing old save files from Mass Effect into the second part of the game.

According to Chris, the previous playthrough will allow the player to improve the characteristics of Sheppard, as well as open access to bonuses such as additional money and resources for creating new items. In addition, with the import of the character, the general plot of Mass Effect 2 will change (albeit not dramatically).

Not without restrictions - in Mass Effect 2 you can import a maximum of 11 characters from Mass Effect 1. The first bug noticed by users, when some characters killed in the first part of the game mysteriously "resurrected" in the second part Chris and the BioWare team promised to fix it. In addition, when transferred to Mass Effect 2, the character from Mass Effect 1 does not maintain its level. This is most likely done in order to level players who completed the original game (maximum Sheppard level 50) with those who completed missions from the Mass Effect DLC.

Bad news for those who want to transfer a character from Mass Effect 1 to Xbox 360. If you replaced the console or hard drive in it, then you will not be able to import the character (even if you transferred the files) because the save hash is tied to the hardware identifiers of the console and data from Mass Effect I is becoming "intolerable."

In the screenshots above, you may have noticed the Import ME2 Character item. BioWare has confirmed that a replay of Mass Effect 2 will be possible using a "pumped" protagonist. When importing an old character from Mass Effect 1, the player will be able to change the visual characteristics of the hero, as well as choose a different class for the main character at will.

As in the previous part, in Mass Effect 3 you can import your character from the previous game (Mass Effect 2). To import a character, you must have a saved and fully played Mass Effect 2 game on your hard drive.

Bonuses when importing a character from Mass Effect 2

You can get the following bonuses from importing your character from Mass Effect 2:
✓ The level of your character from Mass Effect 2 will be transferred to Mass Effect 3
✓ Your crew members will also start the game at the same level
✓ You will receive points for upgrading your Skills, depending on the level of the hero you imported.
✓ If you imported Shepard with level 30, you will receive 1 point for each Skill automatically and 59 points that can be disposed of as you want
✓ Your Hero / Renegade points will raise your reputation in Mass Effect 3 by almost a quarter of the scale. Your moral choices will be reflected.


If you import a character, you can change his appearance, but you cannot change his gender. However, you can change the class.

Shepard import problem

Some faces cannot be imported into Mass Effect 3. In this case, you will have to choose the default Shepard or create a new one.

This problem appears when you try to import a character from your Mass Effect 1 account. However, if you change Shepard's appearance in any way in Mass Effect 2, it is imported. Bioware has fixed Shepard's face issue on the PC version of the game. A patch for Xbox 360 and PS3 players is in the works.

Major decisions

The following decisions and their saving will affect your performance in Mass Effect 3:

Major Decisions from Mass Effect 1
✓ Kill or have mercy on Queen Rachni
✓ Save Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams on the planet Vermire
✓ Save or sacrifice the Citadel Council
✓ Urdnot Rex may die on Vermire in Mass Effect and not appear in Mass Effect 3
✓ Relationships: The crew from Mass Effect 3 - Ashley Williams, Kaidan Alenko and Liara T'Soni - are characters that could have been romantically involved in the first Mass Effect. A romantic relationship with them can be developed in Mass Effect 3.

Important decisions from Mass Effect 2
✓ Rewrite or Destroy Geth Heretics
✓ Save or destroy Melon's genophage data
✓ Destroy or leave the base of the Collectors to Cerberus
✓ If any crew member does not survive the last suicide mission in Mass Effect 2, he or she will not be in Mass Effect 3. Garrus Vakarian and Tali'Zorah you Normandy will be available as crew members if they survive. If Jack, Jacob Taylor, Kasumi Goto, Legion, Mordin Solus, Miranda Lawson, Samara, Thane Krios and Zayed Massani survived, they will appear in small episodes
✓ Relationships: characters with whom you can "stir up" - Garrus Vakarian and Tali'Zora you Normandy from Mass Effect 2. Other options from Mass Effect 2 (Miranda Lawson, Jack, Jacob Taylor, Thane Krios, Kelly Chambers, Samara, Morint ) will appear in minor episodes in Mass Effect 3 and have different dialogue if you had a relationship with them in Mass Effect 2.

If Shepard is killed

If Mass Effect 2 ended very sadly - Shepard died along with the team, or only Shepard died, then such a game cannot be loaded! It will not work =)

Cloud Save Files for Xbox 360

EA has confirmed that Mass Effect 3 will not support Mass Effect 2 saves imported from the cloud to the Xbox 360. Local saves transferred from the console via the cloud will also be unavailable.

Players who wish to transfer their ME2 save file via the cloud to their new Xbox in order to play ME3 must transfer the save file to their original hard drive. To use the ME2 savegame, players must transfer the file to the original Xbox 360 and then manually transfer it to the new Xbox - either via USB or cable. Local saves that have been transferred to consoles via the cloud are also useless. Therefore, players without original hard drives will face problems as you cannot recover the saved file.

However, if you still have ME2, and you transferred the save to a new console (via the cloud or another method), there is a way to import your character. Load ME2 and load the latest saved game. Then create a NEW SAVED GAME, which will already be on your disk and will allow you to import your character into ME3. Checked - works with a bang on PS3.

From my point of view, the game turned out to be really outstanding, I must say that I passed it completely twice.

Interestingly, if for the II and III parts there are many popular self-written editors and improvements, then the first part stands alone. On the second playthrough, I seriously tackled the issue of editing saves to make life easier for the virtual hero. Yes, the question is controversial, of course doubts remain, will this not be cheating? However, I came to an agreement with my conscience: for the first time I played the game completely on my own, as the authors planned; but from the second time I wanted to feel myself a little bit as an author and modify the game. By the way, for the open architecture and the possibility of modifications, I really respect our STALKER! Personally, I really like to immerse myself in the virtual world, which you have already independently influenced. The main thing is to know when to stop.

Naturally, every sane person will frantically want to get a wallet full of virtual money. Indeed, this is a noble endeavor. Here, in real life, money is constantly not enough, and even in games to endure it !? Tips are reviewed on our website.

However, first of all, I set myself another task: to increase the ability points of team members - party members. After all, Mass Effect belongs to the RPG genre, it is interesting to play it not by improving your own shooting skills and speed of reflexes, but by pumping your abilities (both your own and your fellow party members).

Let's take this valiant task with an example.

The save editing technique is as follows:

  • Unpacking the original * .MassEffectSave file
  • Editing the expanded file at your own discretion
  • Collapsing modified files into * .MassEffectSave format

Let's consider each item in detail.

As it turned out, the original save file is three zipped files

  • state.sav
  • player.sav
  • WorldStatePackage.sav

Thus, you first need to find the save file that the game generates. Usually the file is located in the user's documents in the BioWare / Save directory. In case of using Windows 7, the path will look like this:

c: / Documents and Settings / name / My Documents / BioWare / MassEffect / Save /

Find the last save you want to edit. To unpack it, just change the file extension to * .zip. Now we have the most ordinary archive, only its header is non-standard - not every archiving program will see the contents of this archive. In practice, it has been verified that reliable unpacking is achieved by the common WinRAR program.

After unpacking, we see three files created in 1980! Pay no attention to the date.

We are only interested in one file player.sav.

You need to open and edit it byte-by-byte. For these purposes, the free HxD program is perfect, which allows you to view and modify files in hexadecimal notation.

Please note that it is very important to know the talent points before editing in order to know exactly what we are looking for.

When searching, you need to find the code of the party member in the file, then step back about 21 bytes and change the value of the talent points.

The codes of the party members are given in the table (on the left - favorite, on the right - annoying).

Surprisingly, there may be a situation in which the party member code is missing from the save. It is impossible to explain this, but you need to believe. In this case, you will have to go through the game a little further and save again. Most of the problems are created by party members whom we have not yet met in the story. Therefore, it is advisable to first invite the character to the team, and only then change his fate.

Consider editing Liara's talent points. In my opinion, this is an irreplaceable member of the squad! It doesn't even matter whether there will be a romantic line with Liara or not. She is one hundred percent unique biotic, so there really is no replacement for her in the squad. I would especially like to emphasize the singularity. If you haven't played ME with a fully leveled Liara Singularity, you haven't played ME at all.

Surely someone will argue that there is also Ashley. However, my verdict is harsh: she is scary, cross-eyed, hysterical, and besides, a soldier. How can a woman be 100% a soldier? No, Ash does not fall under the romantic line. It can be assumed that this character was introduced specifically to satisfy the romantic interest of 12-year-old cowboys. Oh, soldier girl, how cute it is, mi-mi-mi ... But we are not 12 years old. In addition, I think that Ashley's presence in the squad is superfluous, since everyone can shoot, even the main character. The point is to strengthen the squad with a shooter? No, you need to strengthen the squad with someone unique.

So, in HxD, open player.sav, find the code of the team member - asari, count down a certain number of bytes to the left, check that one byte has the value we need - exactly as many points were in the game. In particular, I had a need to adjust the shipment when Liara scored 26 skill points. Immediately estimate on the calculator:

DEC 26 = 0x1A

In my case, the editor window looked like this:

In our example, the team member's code was found in the line starting at 0x016D20.

Please note that the code of the party member must appear only once in the file! If there are duplicates, it is better to choose a different save. But you can be smart and pay attention that to the left of the desired byte there will be mostly zeros, and eight bytes to the left will necessarily be 0x04. Take note! But you shouldn't pay attention to the addresses, they change quite significantly during the game.

Now we change the number of points to the required one. You shouldn't bet too much, anyway we won't be able to spend 0xFF. Even half will be enough.

After finishing editing, collapse the above three files into ZIP format. Surprisingly, not every ZIP archiver will work! In particular, there are many complaints on the net about the original ZIP packer. It turns out that the developers decided to play it safe and made the archive header non-standard. Much has been written about changing the title, but ... I can offer an asymmetric answer to the developers: Total Commander and its amazing Alt + F5 function. Without any problems, he creates the title we need on his own !!!

After packing, we get a * .zip file, which must be renamed to * .MassEffectSave.

Ready! We put the file back, as if nothing had happened, everything should work!

The only drawback is that when loading a save in the game, the image showing the current location will be lost. This should not bother us.

We open the save in the game and admire the work done. For example, in my case, the screen with Liara's abilities looks like this.

Below is a small set of screenshots showing how fully developed biotic abilities affect gameplay. In fact, the game is changing dramatically. You hardly have time to open fire, as enemies flock from different nooks and crannies and begin to whirl in the air: the singularity sucks them in like a vacuum cleaner. Moreover, only bodies fall to the ground. Please note that Liara manages to pull the geth out from behind cover and even from behind shields, which become completely useless. Moreover, some objects (for example, massive boxes) also rush into the air, and often break.

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