Skills 3 profes L2. How to get these skills

Magic skills

1.1.Migration Attack
Class: Hierophant.
Level of study: 80
a type: Passive
Range: not
Description: Passive skill, giving a chance when hitting the player's goal to lower the target of the target by 23%.
Debuff duration 5 seconds, which makes sense to use it only at the Olympics.

1.2.Paagrio of Fury
Class: Overlord.
Level of study: 48
a type: active
Rollback: 5S.
Description: 20 minute Buff on a party / clan, boosting the speed of the attack by 33%, replaces Haste from Hierophant

1.3.Chant of Berserker
Class: Doomcryer.
Level of study: 44
a type: active
Rollback: 5S.
Description: 20 Minute Buffe Buffe Buffener Bergers Spirit from Hierophant.

2. Changes in Sillah

Class: Archmage, SoulTaker
Level of study: 81
a type:active
Rollback: 300s.
Description: Causes a drop of meteorites with force 117, during 10 seconds for targets within the radius of the lesion, the damage-over-time effect of the attack of the fire of fire is distributed.
Class:Mystic Muse, Stormscreamer
Level of study: 81
a type: active
Rollback: 300s.
Description: Causes a drop in meteorites with force 117, within 10 seconds for targets within the radius of the lesion, the damage-over-time effect of a non-bait attack is distributed
Both skills reduced the rollback time and added an additional effect that causes damage during a certain time.

2.3.Flame Armor
Level of study: 83
a type: active
Description: Selfbaff for 20 minutes Protection and attack The fire attribute rises by 60
2.4.Frost Armor
Class: Mystic Muse.
Level of study:83
a type: active
Range: 2s
Description: Selfbaff for 20 minutes Protection and attack Attribute water rises by 60
2.5.hurricane armor
: Stormscreamer
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 2s
Description: Selfbaff for 20 minutes Protection and attack The wind attribute rises by 60
This skill has increased efficiency so that they are more useful in PVP

2.6.Arcane Shield
Class: Stormscreamer, Archmage, Mystic Muse, Soulhound
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 300s
Description: For 10 seconds, 90% of the damage applied by MP is absorbed, the caste speed is 75%, and the speed of movement is increased by 40. If the MP becomes equal to 0, then the effect stops acting.
In the High-Five update, part 1 was added by this skill for crisis situations, but in the future it was decided to revise the work of Sailla.

2.7.Sharing Spirit.
Level of study: 44
a type: Active
Range: 2s
description: within 20 minutes 5% PATK, 5% MATK, 10% skill damage, 7% of the attack speed, 5% of the caste speed, 10% of the chance of Crete Master are transferred to his sammon

2.8.Throne root.
Shilien Saint.
Level of study: 80
a type: Active
Range: 30s
description: For 10 seconds of immobilization state, the goal is torn to 90HP and 30MP per second
Skeilla added additional damage-over-time effect, but increased rollback from 8 to 30 seconds.
2.9.Vampiric Mist.
: SoulTaker
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 60s
description: Surrounds the cloud of death, with force 117 surrounding enemies receive damage, 20% of which are transformed into the HP of the crashing. For 10c, the speed of movement / speed of attack and the force of damage applied by 50%.
2.10.curse Gloom
Class: SoulTaker
Level of study: 44
a type: Active
Range: 5C.
Description:nose with the attribute of darkness and power 87, for 30 seconds, the effect of the MDEF reduction is superimposed by 15% and the attributes of all attributes by 25
2.10. Mass Curse Gloom
: SoulTaker
Level of study: 58
a type: Active
Range: 12s
Description:in the original, a typo is admitted in the description (Double description of the Vampiric Mist)
2.11.Burning chop
Level of study: 40
a type
: Active
Range: 3s
Description: A blow to the target with force 167, during 10c on the target there is a damage-over-time lowering for 66hp each second. It is impossible to use with onions / crossbow. Overfit is possible. Critical hit

Physical skills

1.New skills
1.1.Motion of Defence
Level of study:60
a type: active
Rollback: 3c.
Description: PDEF + 25%, MDEF + 10%, Evasion +3 for 2 minutes

1.2.Potential ability
Bounty Hunter.
Level of study: 28
a type: Passive
Range: —
Description: Passive skill. Enhances the chance. Crete. ATK. by 20% / 30% / 40%, Crete force. ATK. At 177/295/384, when using a dagger or paired daggers. It is necessary to wear a light set
1.3.Lucky Blow.
Fortune Seeker
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 8C.
Description: Physical skill. Blow with a simultaneous assessment of the enemy. It is possible to death or semi-dimensional blow. Possible critical strike. Possible superpower. Power 11234. You can use with paired daggers.

1.4.Sweeper Festival
Bounty Hunter.
Level of study: 28
a type: Active
Range: 3C.
Description: Physical skill. Assigns the results of the assessment from the surrounding corpses.

1.5.Battle Cry.
: Warsmith.
Level of study: 40
a type: Active
Range: 150C.
Description: Physical skill. Instantly restores 35% HP and for 10 minutes. Max rises. HP by 35%.

1.6.Mana Barrel
SoulBreaker (M / F)
Level of study: 40
a type: Passive
Description: increases MP maximum for 200
2. By changing the existing skills
2.1.Dread Pool.
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 75s
Description: The surrounding player goes to receive Speed-33%, PDEF-33%, EVASION-10, the effect of fear for 8c is superimposed
2.2.ULIMATE Defence

Level of study: 20
a type: Active
Range: 900s.
Description: PDEF + 3600, MDEF + 3240, Cancel Buff Resistance + 80% for 30s, it is impossible to move while skill
Paladin, Temple Knight
Level of study: 55
a type: Active
Range: 4C.
Description: Attack of the enemy Divine attribute with force 1841, debuff is superimposed by 50% the possibility of a critical point for 30s, lowers the resistance of MELEE weapons to 20. Sword / BLAND. Possible critical blow, overcit
: Dark Avenger, Shilen Knight
Level of study: 55
a type: Active
Range: 4C.
Description: Attack of the enemy Dark attribute with force 2104, debuff gives a 35% possibility of critical shock for 30s, lowers the resistance of the MELEE weapon to 20. Sword / BLAND / Doula. Possible critical blow, overcit
2.5.hell scream
: Hell Knight
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 75s
Description: PDEF / MDEF / SPEED-30% for 8 s
2.6.Shield Fortress
: Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shilen Knight
Level of study: 64
a type: Active
Description: protection shield increases by 560. MP consumption depends on the character level
2.7.Shield Strike
: Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shilen Knight
Level of study: 40
a type: Active
Range: 6C.
Description: Damage to the shield with force 3653, forces the goal to attack the player. Need shield
2.8.Insane Crusher.
Hell Knight
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 10C.
Description: Inflicts a powerful blow and curse of darkness to the surrounding enemies when the rage reaches its limit. Cancels one or more positive effects of the enemy, Max increases greatly. CP for a certain time. Resistance to negative effects and the effectiveness of restoring HP magic is reduced. Requires a sword / dumina. Ignores the shield. Crete is possible. hit. It is possible supermas. Power 8409.
2.9.Flame Hawk.
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 75c.
Description: Shot of an arrow filled with phoenix energy. Crete is possible. Hit. Onions required. Possible superpower. Power 8049. During 10c on the purpose acts damage with fire by force 300
2.10.arrow Rain.
: Moonlight Sentinel
Level of study: 83
a type: Active
Range: 75c.
Description: From heaven, rain crashes from arrows. Onions required. Possible superpower. Power 7043. During 10c, the tariff is acting by the wind by the wind of 300
2.11.Ghost Piercing
Ghost Sentinel
Level of study: 83
a type: active
Range: 75c.
Description: Sends ghost arrows. Crete is possible. hit. Onions required. Possible superpower. Power 8452. During 10c, the tariff is valid for the darkness of 300 arrow
Ghost Sentinel, Moonlight Sentinel, Saggitarius
Level of study: 81
a type: Active
Range: 300C.
Description: Continuously produces arrows, applying an additional 11440 units. damage. Releases Max. 7 arrows.
2.13.Multiple Shot.
Ghost Sentinel, Moonlight Sentinel, Saggitarius, Trickster
Level of study: 82
a type: active
Range: 12C.
Description: 16667 strength is attached to the usual shot. Overfit, critical blow, increased MP consumption to 162 increased.

2.14.Sword Symphony
Level of study: 55
a type: active
Description:Deals the damage of one target with a capacity of 1554 and has the likelihood to impose a block of magic skills. Possible superpower.

2.15.psycho symphony
Level of study: 55
a type: Active
Range: 15C.
Description: Makes enemies around an additional 1370 units. damage. Reduces speed / speed. ATK. / Magic speed by 30%. Possible superpower. Gives a chance of Crete. Strike. of medusa.
Spectral Dancer.
Level of study: 77
a type: Active
Description: Dance call for a ghost jellyfish. For 10 seconds paralyzes surrounding enemies. Paired swords are needed.
2.17.Demonic Blade Dance
Spectral Dancer.
Level of study:55
a type:active
Description: Deals enemies around an additional 1644 units. damage. Reduces Piz. Atk. / Mag. ATK. by 30% for 10 seconds. Possible superpower. Gives a chance of Crete. strike
2.18.Demolition Impact.
Level of study
: 83
a type: active
Description: The destructive impulse and attacks enemies come forward. Wanted two-handed sword / dumina. Crete is possible. hit. Possible superpower. Power 7475. Increased Skilet Use Distance from 40 to 150
2.19.Wild Shot.
Level of study: 83
a type: active
Range: 75c.
Description: Fire arrows. Crete is possible. Hit. Possible superpower. Wheel is required. Increases power when using the soul. Consumes a maximum of 5 shower. Power 7475.
2.20.Real Target.
Level of study: 40
a type: active
Description: Lowers the resistance of bow attacks by 24% and crossbow by 40%. Action time: 30 sec.
2.21.Lightning Shock
Level of study: 83
a type: active
Description:magic skill (Debuff). Punch with force 69 on surrounding enemies. The effects of skill are isolated from each other, to avoid repaid:
* Secondary Effect - Slowing 5C
* Basic Effect - Paralysis 5C
2.22.Thin Skin.
Level of study: 46
a type: Active
Range: 2c.
Description: It is possible to learn at 74 levels

General information:

In Lineage 2 there are more than thirty professions, each of which has a number of unique skills inherent in it (skills). In the update of Goddess of Destruction, another 8 professions with their skills were introduced into the game.

Skills (from English.skil) skill, talent basic functional part of the combat influence of the character. Thus, each player makes any actions, whether it is attacks or protection, there are also healing skills and many others, more about them below.

As the character pumping and raising the level appears the ability to teach various skills. They depend on the level of the game character as well as from the profession they received. Each class in the game Lineage 2 has its own set of skills, so before pressing the vaccine of your character, decide on the choice of profession. Most conveniently can be done in the section lineage classes 2, tambratko will read with all game classes and the list of their skills.

So you have decided on the profession and started pumping your hero. When you have several levels, you will have the opportunity to learn some skills. To do this, go to the guild of your race to the class master (magicians to the magicians, warriors to the warriors). Through this NPC, you can teach Lineage Skills 2. As the character and raising its level will appear new skills, they should also be taught from the master of their guild. A number of some skills will be available only through the use of forgotten scrolls. For learning skills, there are points of skills, their character gets along with experience when hunting on monsters or as a reward for the passage of some.

So, one of the most frequently asked questions of newcomers is the question of "who to be". In total in the world of L2 there are 35 different classes of characters, 34 of which you can roll out to the maximum level 85. You can select any of the 34 and by reaching 75 levels by performing the necessary task (quest), you can learn another 3 more class. So, what they differ and who is capable of.

In addition to the explicit separation of characters on warriors and magicians, and Kamaeley on girls and boys, all Lineage 2 classes are divided into:

  • Protective
  • Attacking
  • Support
  • Mixed classes - Make the role of support for attack or protection.

Tanks can only be warriors. Attacking and class-support includes both magicians and warriors. We will analyze them in more detail.


Tank is a warrior with a shield that has good indicators of physical and magical protection. The main difference between the tank from the rest of the classes is its skills for the shield, thanks to which it is much more frequent than the other characters, blocks blows a shield and has a greater than the other physical protection of the shield. The ability to reflect the arrows with great success or to get into the deaf protection - the absolute protection - paladin (for example) and, thus, to repeatedly increase protection against physical damage and magic. Extremely valuable ability is the ability to aggression, forcing the enemy to attack the tank. He also defines its basic tasks - to cover the skinny boards of DD and a support from the strikes of the enemy, take strikes on themselves and the heroic to die. They reroach the opponent's damagdilers from their allies on themselves, giving Soklanam the opportunity to live longer and kill more enemies accordingly. If you like the praying head to climb into the crowd of the enemy and turn the raspberry to the enemy archers, anticipating how they say now they say your magicians in linen balochons arrows, and instead get piles of steel before the nose, the tank is your class. By the way, in some situations, one or two tanks can greatly change the outcome of the battle by providing allies ahead for 10-15 seconds albeit at the cost of their own life. In the world of Lainege2, tanks are represented by the following classes.

Knight Eva - Temple Knight, TK

Tank of light elves. According to a certain layer of players, the most armored tank. Let him be the smallest rate (pp), let not the largest life of life, but he has the greatest dexterity (and the most frequent blocks of the shield and speed of running), and at once two auras, increasing the chance of a block with a shield and physical shield protection. In addition, unlike human tanks, elvenously able to block the shield even blows in the back, which is very saved in battle when everyone has merged and the arrows and blows roll on all sides. Like all elves, TC a little magician, and has in its arsenal spells restoring HP, healing bleeding and neutralizing poison. In addition, the TC can start 3 small cubes into the air, which will treat the owner, damage the enemies or rush them to the ground, not allowing to move from the place. At high levels, TK appears Touch of Life skill, highly increasing the speed of regeneration of lives, which is why it becomes even more difficult to kill it. Unfortunately, the TC does not have a single attacking skill, this class is sharpened exclusively to defense, which many consider it very boring, which, however, does not impair his tank's abilities. TC is the most rarely encountered tank.

Silent Knight - Shillien Knight, Shk

Tank of dark elves. A fairly common character, like all the dark elves, is very stylish, like a bright fellow capable of blocking shields to shields from the sides and from the back, also has two auras increasing the chance of the block with a shield and physical protection of the shield. Like a bright fellow, SC can call cubes, but his cubes have other properties, they lower the physical. attack, physical attack. Protection, the speed of attacking the enemy, poisoned by it, from which it is impossible to cure a simple spell, and suck the life of the enemy, passing it to the owner. Like all the dark elves, the SC has dark magic skills, can poison the enemy, lower the physical. attack, physical attack. Protection, there are 2 spells at once, with the help of which the enemy's life is suused and the owner is transmitted. Can slow down the enemy, besides this has a unique spell Lightning strikewhich, with some chance, completely immobilizes the enemy for a certain time. In general, the SK is more than the rest of the tanks focused on the attack - all his skills and skills cause damage as it makes it so popular.

Paladin - Paladin, Pal

Human tank. Recently, it is becoming increasingly more and more often, it is capable of treating the allies, while the own HP is caught, it has aura, which allows the elves to block shields from the back and sides, but, unlike them, substantially reduced fiz. Protection of the shield itself. At high levels, Paladin can learn the skill Angelic Icon - an angel face, which greatly increasing his combat characteristics. In total, it turned out - an excellent tank, a formidable opponent, which, besides, can be treated if necessary.

Avenger - Dark Avenger, yes

Human tank. A special difference from the remaining tanks is the ability to call for a black pantry to help as a damagdiler. It does not know how to block the blows and shots from the back or on the side, so the players have to be slightly careful, but it is rather thick in terms of lives and quite armor. In addition, Panther is very good with opponents, which in sum with a good ptem and a balanced skill set probably made it the most popular of tanks.

Damage Dealers.

Figuratively speaking, DD is those who kill. And although under certain circumstances, any class is able to kill someone, the class of DD is focused primarily on the application of the maximum damage to the enemy. There are 3 DD groups:

  • Archers
  • Mages (or Signs)
  • Mile DD

DD archers

By the name is clear - a player with a bow. On the full bafe (under the influence of a large amount of spell enhancement) an archer is a formidable force. Although in the theory of the NCVSoft (corporation released the game) the main task of the archers is the destruction of magicians, in fact they kill everything that moves and breathes at a distance of the shot. Despite the fact that no one bothers any character to take onions in the hands and shoot, the archer class can do it with a greater force and from a larger distance, which leads to a situation when only archers and magicians can kill at a distance. In these circumstances, the main task of Lukares is not to let the enemy close, which is very common among the archers, the kaiting tactics is very common, when the archer gives a shot-two around the enemy, runs away - they score a shot, runs away - again shot. Given that all the archers run faster than many other classes, they are quite simple to breathe. The main damage archers are applied with critical strikes. So, without a bafe, the archer inflicts 100 units of damage on the enemy, and a critical shot - up to 300, on FUL Bafe Damage from the ordinary shot will be 180-200, and critical - about 2000. True, the chance of applying such damage is artificially limited by developers and is 50%

Lukayers in L2 four:

Silver Ranger - Silver Ranger, CP

Elfi archer. Like all elven warriors, may treat HP, cure poison and bleeding. The most rapid of all, the most damked and rapid, but at the same time causes less damage than others. For speed, you have to pay force. He has a skill with a quick fire, which for two minutes significantly increases the rate of fire and physical attack, but reduces the radius of firing.

Phantom Ranger - Phantom Ranger, FR

Dark Elf. Like all the dark elves are not indifferent to dark magic. Like the CK can lower the fighting characteristics of the enemy, can slow down the enemy to the speed of the snail, put a bleeding wound with a sword or dagger, absorb the health of the enemy to increase its own HP. Although frankly not quite understandable, why does he need all this set. But the FR is the most damaged of the archers. Thanks to the skill, a dead eye, damage from the critical shot of the FR-A much stronger than the rest, for it it is necessary to pay the most skinny physique - the smallest of all HP, armor and the smallest amount of ammunition wearable - payable for great damage.

Arrows - Hawkeye, Havk

Human archer. The most common class of Lukares. No extra skillings, the maximum number of lives and armor, let the minimum dexterity. Really Golden Middle. Unlike the dead elven counterparts in arms, it can carry a lot of weight, a lot of arrows, elixirs of treatment, extra weapons, armor, all sorts of necessary little things - everything can be put in a backpack and calmly go to shoot. At the same time, it shoots slowly more than CP-A and weaker than Pr-a.

Crosschik - Arbalester, Arba

Kamael with crossbow. Severally distinguished from a series of formidable guys with giant bows not only with its sexual forms, but also a strange arbellet of a funny size, as well as a set of skills and characteristics that are not entirely characteristic of other lucayers. The first explicit difference from the archers is almost twice as smaller in the power of the attack of the crossbow and at the same time with this much more raininess. Unlike onions, the crossbows do not consume Mann on the shots. In addition, the Arba has a slightly smaller shooting distance - 850 against 900+ in archers. At the same time, Arba is an integral part of any Lukuk party, firstly because of a unique debuff that strongly lowering the goal resistance to arrows, and secondly because of the unique Buffa "Prana", which strongly increasing the resistance to magical damage to the whole party. It also has at its disposal a set of traps of different types and good attacking skills, making it a formidable opponent in 1x1 fights.

DD Magi.

Magic spells based on elements of water, fire, wind, holiness or darkness are used to apply damage. Unlike the archers who require a meager amount of manna for shooting, and the main damage is applied with critical blows with a maximum chance of 50%, combat magicians spend manu very quickly and cause a consistently high damage with much greater speed. In addition, the spells can also apply the critical damage and the likelihood of its application can be increased to 20%. The substantial minus of the sirman is a large dependence on the level of manna and the need for its constant replenishment in one way or another, as well as a much smaller indicator of physical protection than all other classes in the game. Signs in L2 are represented by the following classes:

Singer Spells - Spellsinger, ATP

Elf Nuker. His spells are based on the elements of water or holiness. ATP is the fastest magician in the game, although the weakest. Although in the opinion of some relatively weak spells are fully compensated by the speed of their reading. In addition, the ATP owns the Cancellation spell, which removes the spells from the enemy, which gives the SPS, a strong advantage in battle with other classes.

Wind Caster - SpellHowler, CX

Nuker of dark elves. The strongest magician of the game. Its spells are based on the elements of wind or darkness. The speed of reading spells is less than that of other sobs, but damage is the largest. In addition, as it should be the dark elves, in addition to the wind spells, it has and darkness spells that make up more than half of the entire stock of spells from this magician. Also, the CX is fatal for the rest of the magicians, a silence spell, which although not killing magicians directly, but under the influence of which they cannot read spells. Well, a magician who cannot conjure is just a defenseless piece of meat.

Lord of Fire - Sorcerer, Sork

Human nuker. Owls fire spells. Speed \u200b\u200breading speed is higher than CX, but lower than that of the ATP, damage is higher than that of the ATP, but lower than the CX. The most meager supply of spells from all magicians, as well as the ATP knows the Cancellation spell. Nevertheless, loven by many class for simplicity and reliability.

Necromancer - Necromance, Nekc

Mile DD

This extensive type includes classes applying Damag, using a melee weapon: tapes, daggers, spears, swords. Most of the Mili DD are delivering Damag, using special skills to spend a breakdown of Manna. Basically, their goal is the rob carriers and light armor, i.e. Mages and archers. Also, unlike magicians and onions, most of the miles of DD can withstand significantly great damage, before you leave the spirit, and accordingly kill more enemies, but in order to fully use these capabilities, you need the appropriate experience and skill. As a rule, playing miles of DD more complex than bows and nicks, the requirements for the abilities of the player in these classes above. DD miles can be divided into 3 main types:

  • Dugamers
  • Users charger
  • Others

Daggers (Dagger)

Knights rascoat and dagger. The most ambiguous class in the game. Someone calls them a complete insignificance, someone considers the best. A distinctive feature of the class - all their skills are designed to strike at the rear, as well as the fact that there is a challenge damage for skills. That is, even in ideal conditions, when the enemy was distracted and busy with someone else, none, from strikes deposited in the back, may not apply any damage with a smooth account. On the other hand, on the FUL Bafe of the abyloves of Daggers, in case of passage, they beat very much, and in some conditions the enemy can be killed, applying only one, but a good blow. The main goal of Daggers is the carriers of Rob and light armor. A terrible dream is a heavy armor carrier, the orcs of Tirants and Berseryki Kamaeley (to C4, with later chronicles are dangerous only tanks).

Pathfinder - Plainswalker, PV

Elfi Dugger. According to many, the best due to the high Dec and the most frequent passage of Abile. Like all elves, hesitates HP, treats poison, bleeding, slows down the speed of running the enemy. He has the smallest DPS, and the weakest demmel from the skills. It has the highest extrusion rate from the skills and the highest average speed.

Wanderer Abyss - ABYSS Walker, Av

Duger Dark Elves. An excellent fighter, the difference in agility with PV is just a unit, but there is a passive skill to increase the power of Abile, probably the most damage in its class. Like all the dark elves, fans from black magic and perfectly knows a bunch of spells. Starting with CT 2.2 is a murderer of tanks.

Treasure Finder - Treasure Hunter, TX

Human Dugger. The most "oblique" in part of the abile, according to some, but also the fattest way in terms of life. Very common, suspended with the simplicity of the swing. In PVP a couple of his successful skills, can stand the enemy of life.

Users charger

Sullen fighters, extinguishing the skill of battle without a shield, tons of life and armor, huge damage from the skills and as much as a huge consumption of manna. In the conditions of contact battle, they give odds to any other class, with rare exceptions. Only they can rip off the minimum bafe alone 2-3 opponents under full. But after each such battle, they need a passage to the restoration of manna and skills (and nerves). A distinctive feature - accumulate before the fighting force in the form of "charges" and release it in the future during its deadly skills. Presented in the game three classes.

Gladiator - Gladiator, glad

Human. Master battle with two swords. Hears heavy armor, quite slow, a little suitable for conducting a battle in the open space - any archer can easily escape from him or refuse, but you will meet you in a narrow space. It can attack skills not only to the focus, but at a distance, of course, it does not reach the radius of Luke, but the runaway opponent will always be able to finish. Essential minus - low speed running. Essential plus - a large number of armor and health.

Hermit - Tyrant, Tire

Fighter Orcs. Wizard of a fist combat, does not part with the tapes. Wears light armor, because of what the Indicator of Piz. Protection is lower than that of gladiators, but compensates for it just a huge amount of HP. Probably the thick of the characters of the game, it will have to kill him for a very long time. A distinctive feature is the ability to use different totems, which gives him the opportunity to quickly change its characteristics depending on the situation in battle. You need a lot of physical. and magician. protection? Totem Rubbing and Tyrant becomes a selection of tank - Pdef Skeins, HP is twice as much as any tank, huge damage. Need to quickly kill the enemy? Zialot, Totem Bizon and Mage Falls with 1-2 beats, an archer with two or three. Need to break off from the fooling enemies? Totem Rabbit and for two minutes, a tyrant is the fastest character in the game. Swang enemies - gladiators. With the same level of damage, the gladiator is still more protection and in such a combat tyrant as a rule loses. Just like the gladiator can attack skills at a distance.

Berserk - Berserker, Bers

Collectivity Class Mile DD. Despite the fragile structure - indicators of lives and armor, like all Kamaeley, at the level of the Dagger classes, a very formidable opponent. It has in its arsenal two types UD - magical and physical. Unlike tanks, Berms do not attract it to Earth and it can move around the battlefield. A unique feature of Berch is his Rashevy Skilla - Podcasts, thanks to which he instantly moves to the enemy, passing damage, stunning the enemy or causing bleeding wounds. Also possesses an unpleasant ability to knock out weapons from opponents.

Other DD

Here several unlike each other's unique classes are collected, each of which exists in a single copy and cannot be systematized.

Destroyer - Destroyer, Destroer, Desm

Orc with a huge sword. Master battle with a two-handed sword. Under normal conditions, not the most damaged class, but when the level of its HP is lowered to 1/3, it can use Frenzy and Zealot skills, called "limits", which in the amount with FUL Buff turn this not the most dangerous orc in the car to destroy . Crete destera under the influence of Franzy and Zialota is the greatest damage, which can be applied in the game. As a rule, the magicians do not worry and one Crete, archers and Daggers - two, on the average tank or skillock is enough for three. Destroer on the limits can kill exactly so much the people how many crimes it turns out for one and a half minutes, it is so much the bonuses from these skills. After that he is enough to wait for skills, again lower the level of HP to 1/3 to turn them on and kill and kill again. This makes it the best character for fighting in closed spaces, as well as one of the easiests in the rack of characters.

Speaker - Warlord, Warlord, Vl

Man with a spear. The most ambiguous and one of the most unpopular classes. Fighter that specializes in the use of spear. All his skills cause damage not a single goal, but to everyone who is around. It is clear that if there will be 10-20 enemies around it, the total damage will exceed even the damage of the desarre. Nevertheless, due to bad fitness to battles 1 on 1, the class of warords is not too popular, although his feature makes it the best after the desirera character for the rich - the more mobs you kill, the faster you get the next level, but if you At the same time we beat 1 mob, and 10-20, then you will get experienced 10-20 times more and pumping up to the next level much faster.

Palace - Soulbreaker, Sat, Rapier

Warrior Kamaeley. Probably the most diverse and most difficult class in the game. Despite the states of the warrior and the inability to wear any armor, except for easy, along with physical skills, has a wide range of magic spells, and unlike dark elves that have an attacker magic more "for a tick", the Sat has a full-fledged set of magician With power as a combat magician, also at its disposal is the most powerful magic spell in the game - "Leopold" with a power of Silla 226 (!). Also, the Sat is the only owner of a hated by many spells of "theft of Divine", which takes away from the enemy to 7 boughs and transfers the Sat, given the nine second skill skills, after 20 seconds after the start of the battle, any enemy turns out to be completely devoid of all Buffs.

Award Hunter - (Bounty Hunter, Bh, Spoiler) and Kuznets - (Warsmith, Krafter, Kuzya)

Gnomes. Unique classes L2. Gnomes are, first of all, bankers and Deltsi, and only then warriors. Dwarves do not have magicians, they have only two classes, but they are the basis of the entire financial system of the game - without them the world of L2 cannot exist under any circumstances. By and large, two classes of gnomes are simply 2 ways to make money. The first method is bh, which, using the SPOIL special skill, mines from the mob after the death of more resources than the usual player. Some items in the game can be mined only by a spoil, so there is always the demand for its services. The second way is the crafter. It creates expensive, much more powerful weapons, armor and bezhetterium, which are not sold in stores for high-level players. In addition, the gnomes are the most endless characters in the game. The number of objects that can be transferred to one dwarf, with difficulty will take 2-3 other characters for themselves. The combat characteristics of both gnomes are similar. Both have a solid health supply, both have a serious level of armor - at the level of tanks, lacks only skills on the shield and Silla Agrishn. The crafter can even make mechanical goals, ranging from the little ones - to protect himself and ending with the huge - to break the gate or the wall of the castle. Krafter has several pleasant and unique buffs for each of the classes, which makes it quite popular in battles, besides that, he can fully treat and decline his goals, which also makes him a very dangerous rival in battle. Spoiler, the only one of all DD classes, has a similar to the tank skill to wear a shield that increases the chance of blocking strikes.


Sapport is the most important and necessary part of the players. And let them knock on the foreheads young bends in disputes who taxis in the game - Luke or Magi, a small layer of people who play a support, know exactly what they are. The support group combines classes that are designed primarily to strengthen the combat qualities of tanks and DD and treat them on the battlefield. Without their strengthening spells, the game at high levels is completely impossible for any classes. The importance and necessity of a support may be evidenced by elementary fact that even a high-level and well-dressed tank or DD sometimes it is very difficult to find a clan, while the capports of the clans take off with their hands already at the low levels, absolutely despite their equipment. Unlike DD, in order to show the class, as a rule, it is enough to hold the "Attack" button, well to play is very difficult to play. For example, Bathers, in addition to the fulfillment of their basic functions - to focus allies at the beginning of the battle, you need to debapt the enemy during the battle, to quickly restore the Allied players of the Bafa, filmed by enemy AMS-AMI and Sorts, Palaces of Kensel / theft of Divinity, time to treat allies , if necessary, to fulfill the role of a tank, distracting the enemy on yourself, and with all that it is necessary to stay alive as long as possible - after all, it is a Sapport who killed the allies who died in battle so that they continue to continue the battle. At the same time, the supports, as a rule, do not have attacking spells or skills, have small operators of armor, a small supply of life. Absolutely all magic-supports have in their arsenal spells, burning manna enemies, and spells, forcing the disappear of the villages called. Sappports in the game can be divided into:

  • Baths
  • Hieler
  • Overlord
  • Batteries
  • Mile Savor.
  • Summones
  • Inspector


The class of magicians whose task is to impose on the Allied Players "BAFES" - reinforcing spells. Since most of the boughs of this class are held on the players of 20 minutes, as a rule, at the beginning of the battle, the missiles are completely robbed by the players, and during the battle itself they are engaged in the fact that the enemies are small dirty. Some players with a certain equipment are made from their welfare of a very well-learning character with high fis performance. and magician. protection and use it as a mini tank in battle. True such cases are rare. Baths in the game are represented by the following classes:

Preacher - Prophet, PP

Human wheel. It has the largest arsenal of various amplifying spells both to enhance magicians and to enhance the fayers. May be worn any armor - heavy / light / robe. In battle, using the spell of Dryad root, PP can nourge enemies to the ground, without giving them the opportunities to escape, can burn mana to enemy magicians / skills, why they become completely helpless, the Erase jamming - not applying a single blow to destroy the panther yes or called the zombie nekra , bank babbing opponents, etc. One of the rarest classes in the game is mainly used to enhance the main Persion.

Bulletin of War - Warcryer, Wark

Orc magician. Unlike the rest of the races, the orcs have no separation of magicians on the sumps and supports. Orts Magages combine both of these characteristics. Thanks to the spell of Steal Essence, the Warc occasionally can perform a good dd nucer, sucking life from enemies and restoring its HP. However, still the main task of cooking is the BAU. Moreover, unlike PP, the bafts spell act on one person, but immediately to the entire batch, in such a way, in order to bug one batch of the 10th baffs, PP will have to read the spells 90 times, the cooking is enough to read 10 times and all 9 people of his party will be equally bugs for a much smaller time. One of the cons of this class is the huge costs of manna for reading spells, Warc spends almost 4-5 times more than Mp for each BAU than any other magician, which significantly limits its capabilities as a magician. However, in grace + cooking was given the opportunity to regenerate 10% of Mana from damage inflicted in the nearby, which largely facilitated their lives. Also Vark has a Togl Sokill Soul Cry, which greatly increases their physical. The attack, and not in percentage ratio, but to the absolute value. Cookmarks are able to wear any kind of armor and use any kind of weapon, although most often use the doubles to be able to use the skill of the hammer (Hammer Crush), which causes damage to the enemy, ignoring the shield and, with some chance, stuns on 9 seconds.

Supreme Shaman - Overlord, Over, Ol

Orc magician. It is largely similar to the Varcrar, except that all of his Buffa acts not in the party from the maximum of 9 and a person, but immediately on the entire clan where more than 100 fighters can enter! This is a huge advantage, but also a huge responsibility. Like Varcrager, Over has one attacking spell, like the Varcrager spends on reading spells a huge number of manna. However, despite its baptes and attacking spells, the Over is appreciated primarily as a chieler. The Honor of Paagrio's unique spell restores the CPU at once all the Alliance and acts at a huge distance, which makes the most silent healer from the Overable during large battles. Thus, 3-4 oxes in one batch, continuously reading the CPU recovery spell, give a huge tactical advantage of the clan, in the amount with the constant work of Bishopov, making his fighters almost immortal on the battlefield. In addition to the rejo. CPU, Overlord is also an excellent debate, and he does not even need to focus the enemy. Accuff read in the thick of the battle acts immediately on all surrounding enemies, instantly lowering their combat characteristics. It is clear that as well as Bishop, the enemies try to neutralize both overlords as soon as possible.


The most important class in battle. Those who treat and resurrect allies, those whom the very first try to kill enemies, those whom at any cost protects all the party. Hieler - class specialized in treatment. It is clear that to kill some DD or tank if he is constantly restored by the HP is extremely difficult, so the healers in mass battles are trying to kill the most first. Well-playing chiler is a valuable acquisition for the clan, the lack of healer in the party is almost a complete loss of combat capability. And although the chielars by and large, gradually 4 classes are considered to be at once, purebred chiiler in the game is only one.

Bishop - Bishop, BP, Bish

Man doctor. "While Bishop lives, his party lives," the capital truth is fully relevant reality. Bishop is God PVP. Having a good bishop behind his back, you can safely join the battle with the superior enemy forces - you will always be cured, and in the event of death quickly resurrect. Bishop is the only class in the game, specializing exclusively on treatment spells. In the Arsenal of Bishop 14 spells of restoring HP, plus a bunch of effects that increase their effect, spells by the victims that remove all kinds of negative impacts, such as poison, shock, bleeding, and other spells that make players are completely invulnerable at certain times, etc. It is clear that no enemy will not have such a monster in the ranks of the opponent, so if you choose the path of Bishop, be prepared that all opponents will be needed in the face and try to destroy any accessible tools in the first.


One of the most complex classes in the game. Batteries - the only class that can restore the manna of other players. The importance of this class is unconditional and indisputable. Absolutely any class L2 remaining without Manna turns into a bunch of meat, unable to protect itself, to one degree or another. Bishops and sheaves without manna cannot be treated, sketches - unable to read attacking spells, etc. In addition to the recHARGE spell, restoring MP, both classes of batteries also have a small set of boughs and spells of treatment. Of course, they do not achieve the level of treatment of bishops, but they are often used as auxiliary drugs, in addition, the batteries have a number of unique spells that are missing from other classes of wheels, but necessary for DD and tanks. The greatest complexity in the battery game is the constant control of your MP. After all, it is necessary to treat, replenish manna the rest, occasionally bug and all this goes manna, which no one will fill, having learned to give his manna to others, the battery class lost any sensitivity to this spell and it does not work on them.

Sage Eva - Elven Elder, her

Elfi magician. Sage Eva is an important part of any party. Since the sage Eva, as a rule, acts as the second chieler of the party, his duties include auxiliary silence of fighters, reloading Mana Bishop and his eats, auxiliary resurrection of fighters. If necessary, in case of a threatening danger, the sage Eva can instantly teleport his party to the nearest city. In addition, the Wisdom of Eve has unique bums that increase resistance to stunning, portable weight in the inventory, the power of the block of tanks, the likelihood of a block of a shield, etc.

Sage Shilen - Shillien Elder, She

Magician of dark elves. Performs the same functions as it, has a much greater set of boughs for warriors. In addition, She is the owner of the most silent debaffa - stigma shilenis, lowering the resistance of the goal to the damage of melee weapons by 40% and the chance of the imposition of Dabuff - 100%, which made it the most nice member of any mile party. It also has unique baffs - an imolution, which is capable of increasing the magic attack by 75%, and wild magic that increases the chance of a critical attack by magic. It makes the sage shile a valuable member for a group of combat magicians.

Mile Sapport

The grade of the Sapport Mile is 2 types of elven warriors - one by one from the bright and dark elves. Mile Sapport is the only type of support - Fayter of the class. These are those who decided to sacrifice the opportunity to crumble the enemy for the sake of strengthening their party. Without miles of SAPPAT, it is impossible to imagine any combat party. Without them, it simply does not exist. The effect of Buffs Mile Sapporta lasts only 2 minutes, but gives a huge advantage to allies. Since Mile Sapport is still fighting fighters, not magicians, and people from the tank branch, they have a weak skill to wear heavy armor, shield and a weakly developed skill agreshn. In battle, players playing miles with a support, usually help DD kill enemies, debate opponents with mass debades and agrees to distract the sight from their bishops.

Menestrel - Swordsinger, SVS

Elfi fighter. "Singer". Protection-oriented class. His songs operate 2 minutes and increase the physical and magazine to protect the members of the group, the number of their lives, the speed of restoration of lives, the speed of running, damp, and so on, as well as the frequency of critical strikes. Since his songs can be used with any weapon in his hands, often walks with a shield, which greatly increases it to the vitality. It has weakly developed tank skills, but, by competently using them, can have a decisive effect on the outcome of the battle. Favorite class for universality in battle. Like all elves, it can be paid yourself, cure poison, bleeding.

Death Dancer - Bladedancer, DB

Fighter of dark elves. Class, without which it is impossible to present the game at high levels. One of the most stylish characters in the game. "Dancer Blai" - master of two swords. All his dancing requires the presence of swords in each hand. Focused on attacking skills - its dancing increase the speed of attack, the speed of reading spells, the strength of impact and magical caste, the strength of critical strikes and so on. Since dancers needed dual swords, rarely carry the shield with them. Like all the dark elves like dark magic and has a standard set of spells of a dark elf, similar to a set of SC, AB and FR and very successfully uses it in the heat of battle, and unique skills: the dance of poisonous blades and the dance of demonic blades. Due to the good strength and speed of attack, as well as non-good vapamirism, can be used as an additional DD or mining.

Inspector - Inspector, Ins

A unique caliper Camaeley class, somewhat different from others. You can only get it as a subclasses, pumping all three main classes of Kamaeley to 75 Levla. Due to the fact that Kamaeley in the game is so very small, and in order to become an inspector need to spend a lot of time, the inspector is perhaps the most rare class in the game. He owns a wide range of various Buffov and Debuffs, unique in its kind and have no analogues from other races. And although his buffs act only 15 seconds and have a five-minute kickback, any party of combat magicians will be glad to obtain, for example, a one-time increase in its attack by 90%, and any enemy will be very angry with a minute weakening of all combat characteristics. Also the inspector has an unique buff in his arsenal , allowing in 15 seconds to restore the entire party's supply of MP almost completely.


The most ambiguous class in the game. Summores are magicians who devoted themselves to the skill of calling creatures from other worlds. Their niche in the world of L2 is very ambiguous and mysterious, and to fully attribute them to any class is extremely difficult. In battle, instead of Summone, the creature called by them is fighting, performing the role of the main DD, the Summone takes the role of a bishop or, taking the fayers weapons, helps him. Like necra, sammones can use the TRANSFER PAIN skill to transmit half the resulting damage to the creature, and thus increase their vitality. Compared to the rest of classes, Summores are relatively cheap in pumping characters, as in order to increase the level, it will be possible to spend money mainly on the purchase of spirits to call creatures - requirements for armor and weapons are minimal.

Element Presents - Elemental Summoner, EU, Koneshide

Elf Summamer. Encourages unicatics. Sometimes fighting in the game of magicians thanks to the ability of one of the unicorns to impose on a spell party, reducing the spells to roll back and the costs of mana on their reading, increasing MAG. Pati and so on.

Follower of Darkness - Phantom Summoner, FS, Type

Summover of dark elves. Calls on shadows for battle. Rare enough and one of the most stylish classes in the game (IMHO). Unlike other summers, not the most useful in the party, but its shadows are the strongest and dangerous summons among others. Also, in contrast to his fellow, PS, like Necra, has at its disposal a fighting spell of Death Spike (the truth of half capacity), which allows him in some cases to act as a nucer. As the Ps-s say, Phantom Summamer is not a steering wheel, this is the state of the soul.

Solder - Warlock, Kotovod

Human sammoner. Probably the most common type of sammoners in the game. Calls cats for battle. Anime lovers this class should like, as Cats of Varlock are very suitable for this style. Often consists in the party of archers, thanks to the Buffa of one of the cats, strongly increasing the chance and the force of a critical strike.

The most common issue of newbies, and even those who are already playing not the first day - what class to choose to play? The choice is large enough, everything in Lineage 2. There are 34 different classes (so far!). Besides the fact that you choose the main class, after pumping it to the 75th level, and after passing the quest (pretty, by the way, complex), you can take another class (so-called "sabclass") - almost any, but With restrictions (about it - next time).

In this article, a small review of the classes and professions to facilitate you the choice of the future character.

In addition to division by Warriors (Fighters) and Mages (Mystic), and the race Camael - on men and women, classes divide in their functionality:

  • Protection
  • Attack
  • Support
  • Mixed classes - Make the role of support, attack or protection.

Only warriors can become a tank, and magicians, and warriors can play the role of attacking and supporting classes.


Tank is a warrior with a shield, good fiz. and magician. Protection (P.Def and M.Def). The main difference from other classes are his skills for the shield, thanks to which he has a much higher chance of blocking the opponent's blows, and it has a much higher index of physical. Shield protection. Also, the tank has special skills to reflect arrows and skill Absolute Protection (Ultimate Defence) - which significantly increases its already considerable figures. and magician. protection. But, probably, the most important skill is a skill Aggression (Agression)which he can make the enemy attack him. The main task of the tank is to cover the weak (compared to it) warriors and even weaker magicians and supports from the attack of monsters and opponents and, alas, sometimes dying, protecting other members of the Party. If you like to break into the crowd of the enemy and cause all the attacks of the enemy on yourself, giving your associates extra time, then the tank is your choice.

IN Lineage 2. There are 4 grade tanks:


Tank race bright elves. According to many players, it is the most armored of all classes of tanks. Although he has the lowest exponent of STR, and therefore attacks, and not the highest health rate (HP), but it has the highest dexterity indicator that affects the chance of blocking the shield and the speed of running, as well as two auras that increase the chance of the block shield and Piz. Shield protection. In addition, the TC can block the shield of blows from the back, which is very important and during mass PVP and during Kach on Mobs or Raid bosses with security. Just like other elves, the TC has a good ability to magic and can restore health, treat bleeding and poisoning poison. In addition, TC has the opportunity to use 3 special cubes that can restore health, attack opponents, or paralyze them. At high levels, the skill appears at the TC Touch of Life (Touch Of Life)which significantly speeds up health regeneration rate. Alas, but the TC has practically no attacking skills - it is sharpened as much as possible, so some consider it uninteresting and boring. Nevertheless, he does not get worse than the tank. By the way, TC is one of the rarest classes among the tanks.

SHILLIEN KNIGHT (spile knight), Shk

Tank race Dark elves. Quite often found, very stylish - like all the dark elves, as well as the TC can block the attack from the back, it also has skills that increase the chance of blocking shields to the shield and its physical. Protection. Also can use auxiliary cubes, but he has a fis. Protection of opponents, his physical. The attack, the speed of his attack, poison poison, and suck life from the opponent, restoring the health of its owner. Just like other dark elves, I have a good ability to magic - he can, like his cubes, to poison the enemy, reduce his physical. attack, physical attack. Protection, he can suck out health from the enemy, restoring its ability to his own. Can reduce the speed of running the enemy and has a unique skill Praying Strike (Lightning Strike)which can completely paralyze the enemy. Shk more than other tanks sharpened on the attack, which makes it very popular among this class.

Paladin (Paladin), Pal.

Tank race people. It is capable of treating allies due to their health, as well as elven tanks, block blows from the back, but at the same time it decreases the physical herself. Shield protection. At high levels, the skill appears Angelic Icon (Angelic Icon)which significantly increases its characteristics. It has also special skills against undead (UNDEAD). In general, a very good tank, which in addition to its main purpose is a tank, may also restore HP to itself and others.

Dark Avanger (Avenger), YES

Another tank race of people. Distinctive ability - the ability to cause a black panther, which is its main weapon in the fights and PVP. It does not know how to block the shield shield from the back - but it has high rates of HP and Piz. protection. Panther has a very good index of physical. Attacks, and at the very good set of attacking skills, which made this profession of one of the most popular among the class of tanks.

Damad dealers

The concept of " Damaj dealer"Goes from Agali" Damage Diller."What can be translated as" Damage". In the world Lineage 2. There are three groups of DD:

  • Archers
  • Mages (or Signs)
  • Mile DD

DD - archers

With full bafe, the archer is a very strong and dangerous opponent. Although on the plan NCSOFT.(developer companies Lineage 2.) The archers thought as the main power to destroy magicians, in fact they accelerately cope with any other opponents. Any class may use onions, but only the class of archers have special skills for onions that increase the attack strength and attack distance. The main task of the archer is not to give the enemy to come closely, so there is a special tactic " kiting"- Give a shot-two - to run off, again shot-two - again to run away, which is particularly successfully taking into account the fact that the speed of running the archers is higher than in many other classes. Glank damage from the shot of the archer is critical strikes (so-called " creit"). For example, if there will be 100 damage damage without BAF, and at Crete - 300, then with full bafe damage from a simple shot will be 180-200, and from Crete - about 2000. True, the chance of such damage is not 100%, and approximately 30 -40%

Silver Ranger (Silver Ranger)CP.

Archer of bright elves. Like all the warriors of the elves, can restore their health, heal from poison and bleeding. The fastest, it is the highest accuracy and speed of shooting, but it has less physical. Attack than other archers. He has a special skill Rapid Firewhich for two minutes significantly increases shooting speed and physical. The attack, but very reduces the range of attack.

Phantom Ranger (Phantom Ranger), Pr (Fr)

Archer of dark elves. As with other representatives of this race, it has a tendency to use dark magic. Like the dark elves tank, can reduce physical. An opponent's attack, slowing it, can cause a bleeding wound by a dagger or sword, can suck health from the enemy, thereby restoring its own. FR has the largest physical fis. attack. Due to the ability Dead Eye (Dead Eye) He has the strength of Crete is much higher than the rest of the archers, but he has fewer health, less physical. Protection and less portable weight.

Hawkeye (Archer) , Havk

Archer people. The most common class among all archers. No extra (as, for example, FR) skills, a significant amount of health and physical. Protection, although the minimum figure of dexterity. Can wear a lot of things, a lot of arrows and charges of the soul (" nipple"), Additional weapons and other things. True, he has a speed of attack less than the CP, and the strength of Crete. Stroke less than FR.

Arbalester (Crosschik), Arba

Arrows race kamael. Different from other archers not only with their sexual forms, because Crosschik can be only Camael girls, but also a small arbellet. In addition, she has an unusual set of skills and characteristics. It is almost twice as fewer the power of the damage applied - but it is much higher than shooting speed. Unlike Lukarei - does not spend Manu (MR) on shots, but she has less shooting range - approximately 850, whereas the archers - 900+. But the Arba is obligatory in any part of the onions - only she has a special debate for opponents, which she strongly reduces their resistance to arrows. In addition, she has a special BAU Pannawhich it increases the resistance to magical attacks for the whole party. She can also put traps and has a good set of attacking skills, which makes it a dangerous opponent.

DD Magi.

Use exclusively magic based on the elements of water, fire, wind, holiness or darkness. If the archers for the attack requires little mana, and they are applied to the main damage to critical blows, then the magicians consumption MP is very high, but the damage is constantly big, and the speed of attack is higher. Although the magicians have critical strikes, although with a smaller probability than at the bows - a maximum of 20% of the chance. The main disadvantage " nukov"This is a dependence on MR, very small health and low fiz. protection.

IN Lineage 2. There are 4th grade of sicker:

Spellsinger (Singer Spells), THX

Mag of light elves. Attacks the magic of water or holiness. He is the fastest magician in the game, but but the weakest. Comparatively weak power of his magician. Attacks are completely compensated for spell reading speed. In addition, the ATP has a skill Cancellation (Cancellation)which removes the baptes from the enemy.

Spellhowler (Wind Caster), Ch

Magician of dark elves. No doubt - the strongest magician in the game. Attacks the magichee of the elements of the wind or darkness. The speed of his attack is less than that of other magicians, but he has the greatest damage. In addition, he has many skills using the element of darkness. One of his most important skills - Silence (Silence)fat"), In the case of which the opponent will not be able to read spells.

Sorcerer (Wizard) , Sork, Sort, SS

Mage race people. Attacks the magic of the element of fire. The speed of attack is higher than CX, but less than the ATP, the power of the magician. Attacks are more than ATP, but less than CX. The number of skills is minimal, but as well as the ATP can use the skill Cancellation (Cancellation). Very love many players precisely for your simplicity.

Necromancer (necromancer) , Necr, black

Another magician of people. It is considered one of the best sobbers in the world. Lineage 2.. Although he has only one truly combat ability, but he has more than all the debaf skills. It can reduce the enemy almost everything - from the speed of restoring health to the strength of the attack. Can turn the enemy into a piece of stone or impose Silence (Silence)or use skill Curse Of Doom.In case of passage of which to use skills will not be able not only to magicians, but also any warriors. He knows how to call the zombie, skeleton, a demon who can either attack the enemy - either to accept part of the damage obtained by its owner.

Mile DD

This type includes classes using melee weapons to apply damage - castet, daggers, spears, swords. Mostly damage is applied by special temples to which mana is spent. The main goal of DD are magicians, supports and archers, although against tanks some classes of DD will not be worse. Unlike magicians, miles DD can withstand more damage, and therefore it is time to kill more opponents. Playing DD more difficult than the magicians and archers, the player will need considerable experience and skill. DD can be divided into three types:

  • Dugamers
  • Users charger
  • Others

Dugamers. (Daggers, Rocky, Kinzhelshchiki)

The most unusual class in the game. Some consider them absolutely useless, others consider from the best. All their skills are designed to blow at the back. With a full bafe, in the case of passing the ability to the enemy, damage can be very and very tangible, and sometimes the Daggere can kill the enemy with just one successful blow. The main goals of Daggerechik - Luke, support, magicians. The most dangerous for Daggerechik are tanks, tanks (thirants) and berserki race Camael.


Daggezer race elves. Some consider it one of the best, thanks to the discharge rate of DEx and the largest chance of passing skills. Like other elves, can restore health, can lead from poison, bleeding, can slow down the speed of running the enemy. He has the lowest physical. Attacks from the skills, but the highest chance of fatigue and the highest speed of running.

ABYSS WALKER (Wanderer Abyss), AB

Daggezer races of dark elves. The magnificent warrior, the dexterity is almost equal to the dexterity of PV, but he has a passive skill that increases the strength of his skills, due to which it is believed that it causes the strongest damage among all Daggera. Like other dark elves, has good abilities for magic. In addition, it can be perfectly cope with tankers.

Treasure Hunter (Treasure Finder), TX

Daggezer race people. He has the weakest skills, and the lowest chance of their passage, but the highest health rate and HP among all Daggerechikov. The most common class, and quite dangerous in PvP.

Users charger

Fighters that do not use shields with excellent health and armor, strong skills and extensive mana expenses. With close, "contact", can be killed by almost any other enemy. For one fight, several opponents can kill - but then they necessarily require a passage to roll back the skills and restoration of MR. Before fighting, they need to dial the energy charge, which they are then used for their skills.

IN Lineage 2. Presented by three classes:

Gladiator (Gladiator), Glad, duelist

In battle uses paired swords (" dula«, « duli.«, « spikes"), Wears heavy armor. The low speed of running, weak in battle on the open overgrow - any archer can escape from him or " refuse", But very operational in a limited space. It can attack skills not only near, but also at a distance, the range is less than that of Luka or Magic, but the runaway enemy will always get. The main drawback is a small speed, the main advantages are powerful skills, armor and a lot of health.

TYRANT (Tiran), Tir, tir

Orc warrior. In battle uses castes, from armor is preferably light armor. Phys. Protection is lower than that glad, but he has a lot of health - it will be difficult to kill it. Feature - Using special skills - " totemov", Thanks to which it can quickly change its characteristics depending on the situation. Totem Rest - And tyrant turns into a tank - strong physical. protection, many HP, big damage. Need to quickly finish the enemy? Totem Zilota or Bizona- And the magician will die with 1-2 blows, an archer from 2-3. Need to run away from the enemy - Totem Rabbit And for a couple of minutes, Tir is the fastest. The main enemy is gladiator. Although they have the same damage, the glad has more physical. Protection and tire can lose. Like the gladiator, there are skills to apply damage at a distance.

Berserker (Berserk), Bers

Warrior race Kamael. Although, compared with other similar classes, Piz. Protection and the amount of health is small, it is very dangerous at the expense of his skills. He has two types Absolute protection - Magic and physical. It does not immobilize him as when using such skills with tanks. Special skills of Bes are skills that instantly move it to the enemy, at the same time applying severe damage or opening bleeding from the enemy. In addition, he has the ability to knock out weapons from the opponent's hands. Decoring it.

Other DD

Several original classes that are absolutely unlike each other.

Destroyer (Destroyer), Destroer, Destiny

Another orc warrior, in battle uses a huge two-handed sword. It does not have a strong damage, but when his health indicator is less than a third - can use the skills Madness (Frenzy)and Fanatic (Zealot)who together with the Buff turn it into a very and very dangerous opponent. The critical end of the tribe under the effect of Franzy or Zilot is the biggest damage that is applied by anyone in the game. Usually, for the destruction of the magician, there is enough of the 1st such Crete, for archers - two, for the tank - usually grabs three. These skills duish one and a half minutes - and during this time he kills everyone around him. Then he is enough to relax, wait for skills, " merge"Again to 1/3 of health - and you can go into battle again. He is one of the best warriors for the fight in small spaces, besides, it is easiest to swing.

Warlord (Speaker), Warlord, Vl

Warrior people with spear. The most unusual and one of the most unpopular classes in Lineage 2.. The main thing his weapon is a spear, all his ability to cause damage immediately in several opponents. If there will be 10-20 interpretations around it at once - then the general damage will be even more than the desire. Despite this, it is poorly adapted to PVP 1 to 1, which is why it is not too popular among the players, but he is the best after the despondency in terms of pumping - after all, you can simultaneously beat the 1st Mob, and at once 10-20, and So you will kill more mobs and faster get experience and level.

SoulBreaker (Ball), Sat

Warrior race Kamael. One of the most diverse and complex class. Although he is a warrior, in addition to physical skills, he has a very extensive set of magic skills, among which there are skills that do not differ in their strength and effectiveness from the skills of magicians. In addition, he has the strongest skill in the game Lepold. In addition, he has the only one eating Theft of Divinity, which steals their baptes from opponents and conveys their character, and since the rollback of this skill is only 9 seconds - then very quickly after the start of the fight the enemy remains completely without improvement.

Bounty Hunter (reward hunter), (Bh, spoiler) and Warsmith (Blacksmith), (Krafter, Kuzya)

Romance warrior. Dwarves are generally a unique race with unique classes. First of all, they are engaged in the mining of money, and already - they are warriors. They do not have absolutely no tendency to magic, but they are the entire finance system in the world Lineage 2.. Dwarfs have only two classes - but these are two different ways of earning adena. First class - Bh, who has a special skill Spoil.With which it can receive additional resources from Mobs, more than the usual class. In addition, some things (parts on armor and weapons, for example), can be obtained exclusively with the help of spoiled, so the attack ETOG will always be high.

The second class of gnomes - Krafter, who has the ability to create things that are not sold in stores. Everything else, the gnomes can carry much more things on themselves than any other class. In combat parameters and skills, both class of dwarves are similar - both have a lot of HP, strong physical. Protection is practically like tanks. The special ability of the kraftera is the creation of golems, from a small mechanical golem that helps the dark in battle and for quality, and to huge siege goals and the Mortira, which are used on the sieges of the castles, so that they are very very familiar. With this, the crafter has special bums for all classes that enhance the armor and weapons of its allies. Gnome can treat his goals, thanks to which it will be dangerous in PVP.


Sapport is one of the most important and demanded classes in the game. Let them argue who is cooler - magicians or archers, tanks or daggeers, but there are people who know exactly that the best class is a support, for it is that they solve the outcome of any fight. The supports include classes that enhance the skills and characteristics of tanks and DD, and can be treated with a difficult moment. Without these reinforcement, the bams are impossible to play any class at high levels. The importance of supports says that indisputable fact that even a vascular and dressed tank or DD is sometimes difficult to find a clan, while any support is always ready to take even at relatively small levels. Unlike Mages and DD, which is usually enough just to attack the enemy with 1-2 skills, the game support is much more complicated. For example, besides that it is necessary to give Bug allies before the start of the battle, already during the battle itself it is necessary to put debaphs on opponents and treat their own, restore the disappeared baptics, and most importantly - manage to stay alive as much as possible, because from him during The battle depends very and very much, and it is desirable - to survive everyone, for it is that the Sapport must resurrect the dead. But with all, the capports have almost no attacking skills, they have a small physical. Protection, little health. All magic supports have skills that burn the opponents of Manu, and which may make the enemy sammon disappear. Conditionally, the supports can be divided into such classes:

  • Baths.
  • Hieler
  • Overlord
  • Batteries
  • Mile Savor.
  • Summones
  • Inspector


The class, the main task of which is to impose baptes on the allies, thereby enhancing their characteristics and skills. Considering that most of the bafts last 20 minutes, then at the beginning of the battle, the baffer imposes baptes, and then suggests opponents of inconvenience, riding the Mr. Magam and Archers. With a certain equipment, you can make a very lively character, with good health and magician / physical. Protection.

Bapara B. Lineage 2. There are three classes:

Prophet (preacher) PP.

Wearing a race of people. He has most of the most diverse boughs for both warriors and magician-sceners. Can use any type of armor - heavy, light, magical. It has a skill Dryad Root.roots"), Which immobilizes the tutorial, can burn opponents to Manu, and spell Erase.- To make the enemy sammones disappear, for example - a panther ya, besides, it can put debaphs on opponents, lowering their characteristics.

Warcryer (War Bulletin, Vark

Mag of the race Orcs. Orcs have no separation for magicians of sumps and supports. Mages of orcs weget the characteristics of both classes. Spell Steal Essence Cooking sometimes can cause damage, sprinkled with a mage-nuker damage, taking health from the tutorial and restoring its own. But, despite this, the pine goal of the cooking is Buff. The main oscitance from Pp is that his BAU is acting immediately to the whole party - to give 10 boughs 1st party, PP will have to spend MR to read spells 90 times, and cooking - only 9, to which it will go much less time . Now minus is a very large consumption of MR for such bafts, because of what he is very limited after the bafe as a magazine. However, in grace, cooking appeared the opportunity to restore its MR during the melee. In addition to the boughs for a party, Varka has a skill Soul Cry.which significantly increases their physical. Attack. For the cooking, any type of armor and any weapon suitable for cooking, but it is best to fit the clubs for which there is a skill Hammer crushing (HAMMER CRUSH)In addition to applying damage, it can stun an opponent for 9 seconds.

Overlord (Supreme Shaman), Over, Ol

Another magician orcs. Very similar to Varcorar, but, unlike him, the boughs of the Oversa do not act on one party, but on a whole clan. Like Wark, Overa has one attacking skill, he also has a huge consumption of MR to the bass. But, despite all these skills, he is primarily appreciated as Hiller. Only he has a unique skill THE HONOR OF PAAGRIOwhich restores the Wed to a whole alliance on a large distance, which makes it indispensable during the row battles. 3-4 In one party, constantly using such a skill, will give a very large prop advice in opponents, together with the group of bischops, making alliance fighters almost immortal. In addition to the excellent Rejean, the OSR, the Overa has good debafs, to use which he does not even need to highlight the enemy in battle. It is enough to use this skill among enemies - and they will all lower their fighting characteristics. Like Bishop, Overa is always trying to kill the first during any fight.


This is really the most important class in the game, without any hiking on the Boss raid, nor PVP consumption. It is Hillers to treat and resurrect their allies, and they are usually the first and most important targets for the enemy. Hiller is a class, the main purpose of which is to restore health. Kill any warrior or mage becomes extremely problematic if HP is constantly restored. A well-playing hiller player is a very important acquisition for a lbyu party or clan. And although Hillers are already countable Cementar Clasa, real Hiller among them - only one.

Bishop (Bishop) , BP, Bish

Hiller race people. "While Bishop is alive - an alive of his party" - True and most approval in the world Lineage 2.. Bishop is a pronounced character in any PVP. When you with Bishop - you can safely climb into any fight - even if he does not have time to grab you - he will be able to live you very quickly. Bish is the only class specializing exclusively on the treatment of other characters. It has a whole 14 (!) Skills to restore health, there are skies, reinforcing the ability to restore, the ability to resurrect the dead and restore experiences lost by them, skills to remove debafs, for the treatment of poisons, bleeding, skills that make a player for time invulnerable and the like . Of course, such an igkrock will always interfere with opponents, poatematum, choosing such a class, get ready for many people, and in any fighting will be the first to kill you.


Indeed - one of the most difficult classes in the game. This is the only class that can restore MP to other characters. Any class, remaining without mana, becomes almost defenseless, so the restoration of MR is a very important part in both PVP and in the process. Bish and Overlord without MR will not be able to restore HP, sketches - use their attacking skills, tanks - aggregate opponents or mobs. In addition to skill Recharge.which batteries restore MR, they have several skills to treat their allies. Similarly, they cannot also be effective as Bishop, but they are completely able to cope as an additional magician Hiller. In addition, they have unique bums that do not have Bafer classes, but which are simply necessary for any dd or tank. The biggest problem when playing a battery is correctly controlled by your own consumption of MR, because at the same time it is necessary to treat, restore MR to others, buff, and all this mana is required, which no one will restore the battery.

Elven Elder (sage Eve), HER

Mag race elves. The sage Eva is very important in any party. Since the sage Eve usually acts as a second Hiller in a party (if you have Bisha, of course), then his goal in the party is also pouring MR Bishop, to choke him, resurrect some dead, on which the Bishop does not have enough time. If necessary, it can quickly teleport itself or teleport all his parties in the nearest village or city. In addition, it has unique bumbes, which increase the spanking spanking, portable weight, strength and chance of the shield block.

SHILLIEN ELDER (Silele Silent), Se, neck

Magician race Dark elves. This profession has the same goal as her, but she has more boughs for warriors and an indispensable bums for magicians. Also, it has a very important debate Stigma Shilene, which reduces Piz. Protection goals.

Mile Sapport

This class includes two types of elven warriors - one from the bright elves, and one from the dark. This is the only type of support, which is at the same time a very good warrior. Without this type of supplyports, it's hard to do and pati warriors, and a party of magicians. Their bumba lasts only two minutes, but it is a very big strengthening of the characteristics to its conjitors. Because Mile Sappports still warriors, then they have the ability to wear heavy armor, the use of swords and duals, passive skill to use a shield and even skills AggressionAlthough he is weaker than tanks. Also, possess debuff.

Swordsinger (MESTREL), SVS

Warrior raise elves. Focus more on protection than an attack. Songs give the effect of only 2 minutes, increase the physical. and magician. Protection, the amount of health, the speed of its recovery, the speed of running, damp and some other characteristics. Since he can sing with any weapon, then usually dress to him shield and sword, which increases his chances to survive. It can be used as a mini-tank, can restore its health, cure poison and bleeding.

Bladedancer (death dancer), Database

Race warrior Dark elves. It is without it that almost no event has a high-level player. One of the most beautiful characters in Lineage 2.. Master of dual swords - duals. For his dances, they are mandatory, and they give him an advantage in the attack. All his skills are aimed at attack - dancing increases physical. Attack and its speed, the speed of use and the power of magic, the power of Crete and the like. Rarely, or rather, almost never, wears a shield, because of its attachment to dual swords. He has an ordinary set of skills of a dark elf, similar to a set of skills from Shu or Fri, besides, he has a unique dance Poisonous bladespoisoning opponents and dance Demonic blades, weakening nat. Protection. Can use dance Vapmirismand use skill Aggressionthat it is a good DD or mini-like.

Inspector (inspector), Ins

Unique Camel Class Class. You can only get this profession on a sabclass, after pumping all other Camael's sabclasses until the 75th level. Kamaeley in the game and so quite little, and because of such features of receiving this professional professional, it becomes the rare class in the game. He has a large set of boughs, debafs, unique among such classes. The minus - its baptes are valid on the 15th seconds, and their recovery time for reuse - as many as five minutes. But any party will come in handy BAU, which increases the strength of their attack by 90%, and for any opponent will be a big problem to get a debate for a full minute. The unique skill of the inspector - skills, which in 15 seconds restores MR to the entire party at once.


The most unusual class in the game Lineage 2.. These are magicians who know how to call themselves to help other creatures. It is quite difficult to attribute them to a certain class, although they can be considered more in the class of DD, thanks to their sammons. The owner himself plays the role of Hiller during the battle, restoring the health of the creature called them. Like necromancers, a sammoner can transmit part of the damage received to his Sammon, thanks to skila TRANSFER PAIN.. The requirements for weapons and armor they have minimal, so it is the most economical in terms of the cost of pumping class.

Elemental Summoner (element follower), EU, horse breaker, reindeer husbandr

Self-sammon of elves. May call a unicorn. Often plays in the party of magicians, as one of his unicorns can be bamped, increasing the magician. The attack of a party, and the reduction in the consumption of MR.

Phantom Summoner (Follower of Darkness), FS, Typeyode

SAMMMONER RASS Dark elves. For the battle causes a shadow. Pretty rare and very beautiful class. His main difference from other sammoners is practically complete uselessness in the party, but its shadows are the strongest creatures among others. In addition, he, like a necromancer, has a skill Death Spike.The truth is weaker, thanks to which he can be a good nucer.

Warlock (Warlock) , Kotovod

Self-sammoner people. Surely it is from the most popular classes among sammoners. For the fight and the baff calls on cats. It will be useful in the party of archers or warriors, Bagodar Bafam One of the cats, which enhance the chance and strength of Crete. Stroke and Piz. Protection of members of the Party.

L Yude

Gladiator. Battle without looking back on the rear - here are their elements. Strong attacking fighters who are given the opportunity to study the art of ownership with two swords. A large amount of health and a huge number of unique attacking skills are made from the gladiator of the Warrior, which is capable of supporting the healer to lay paths in the ranks of enemies.

Warlord.. Very specific and rare class - master spears and alabard. Only this warrior is able to stun immediately all enemies around him. Only this warrior is able to extend 8-10 people at once with one blow. These soldiers are very small, because they are born only for mass battles.

Dark Avenger. These warriors are fairly afraid of all. The warrior, touched against the forbidden part of the magic, magic of necromance, is able to call himself to help hello, a huge strong black panther from the other terrestrial worlds. This warrior is able to extract the remains of life from the already cooled body and treat their wounds at the expense of this energy. These are terrible and endless fighters, they have high defense and can withstand the simultaneous pressure of many enemies. Think 50 times before moving the way to this warrior, it is very possible that you do not survive.

Paladin.. The opposite is the dark Dark Avenger. This is a warrior, in addition to skilled with a sword, is able to cure wounds and shoot curses. The iron will of these fighters makes them a rather uncomfortable target for enemy magicians, and the shield will successfully protect against enemy arrows. Only a person with a bright soul can become a paladin, a pure heart with good thoughts.

Treasure Hunter.. Let some clumsiness of people do not mislead you. Let him not mislead the man holding a dagger in his hands. If, because of the backs, the treasure hunter crepted to you, then, most likely, you just had a minute of life. A large amount of health, a huge strength of the blows, terrible critical strikes are the features of this profession. In the ability to handle the dagger and short swords, people succeeded - this is recognized almost everything.

Hawkeye.. Yes, people are not given to keep onions in their hands, they have no agility of light elves, there is no power of dark elves, but they have a monstrous accuracy. This is the only archer in the game capable of shooting you from two shots and do not miss. This class is quite capable of amazing, especially on sieges, and someday, he will surely surprise you.

Sorceror. Magages of people produce a deceptive pacifying impression. Clumsy, sharp movements during the caste ... The very existence of people of magicians is perplexed by many. The bright elves relate to them condescendingly, the dark elves look at them with contempt. However, the inquisitive mind of people and their observation, allowed to subjugate the element of fire. Yes, they are inferior in intelligence the dark elves, and they lack the grace of light movements, but forty are stable middle peasants, balanced magicians having a number of unique skills.

Necromancer. Forbidden fruit of black magic. The desire of eternal life at all costs, so this magician appeared. A magician who can raise the dead, which will be without fear and questions fight on his side. The poisoning cloud, pulling out life from other beings in favor of itself. Aura of fear emanating from them can pay you to flight.

Warlock.. People since ancient times learned to teach pets for their purposes. Warf is a magician who has tamed cats. Some restore for him Manu, others, combat cats, help them destroy the enemy. So the wise warrior always has a company.

Bishop.. Only the contradiction of human race can produce disgusting and beautiful. Bishop - Light Light, in this contradictory human stream. The greatest healers are considered in humans. In one fell, he will return to you half of the lost health, heal you from any misfortune. Only Bishop in one movement of the hand will resurrect the whole deceased group. He is able to manage the undead, scare it if necessary, and, of course, he is able to destroy it.

Prophet.. This is the one who will make you faster and stronger. This is the one who is not able to heal you, but can make it possible that the treatment is not required at all. Do you want to wave your sword faster or faster crawling spells? Profin will impose spells on you. It can increase the amount of your health, and the amount of your magic energy. He will do everything for you so that you can overcome in the usual state of an inaccessible enemy. Profin is the only of the magic classes who can wear heavy armor. He is quite capable of fighting near you, if necessary, it is unique and useful, and he is happy about any party.


Temple Knight. Fast, specific fighters. Unfortunately, the elves have the smallest strength and endurance from all races, so they are little devoted. However, they are quick, have a number of spells, good physical protection parameters. They can agitate mobs on themselves, can treat poisoning and simply treat themselves, have an attacking satellite-cube and, most importantly, they have the greatest magical protection. With all the specifics, these are very good fighters, which are very useful in the mass battle and, which, despite their fragility, will not be offended.

Swordsinger.. Similarly, bladedancer, it is a party character, a fragile elf (or an adorable elf), which sings wonderful songs during the battle. Gods, how do they like them! Their songs are amazing and unique, they strengthen the whole game right away, adding protection, speeds, and fading, and no spell in the world can be compared with their songs. But the elves with this profession are very small, because this path to the vertices of the Forecinger is very complicated and difficult until the elf becomes a professional in his business.

PLAINSWALKER. Is this bright elphound with a dagger seems so harmless? Believe it, it is a very deceptive impression. Elf - Beautiful masters of ownership of the dagger. Maybe the gods did not endorse the great power, and in force they inferior to their dark fellows and people, however, they are incredibly clever and fast, their critical blows are frequent and dangerous. Do not underestimate these fighters. Mother Nature gave them a unique ability to heal their wounds, and they can stop bleeding or remove poisoning.

Silver Ranger.. Luca hold is an elf vocation. This is the ability in which no one can compare with him, because the bright elves owned this art from the most ancient times. Unfortunately, they are usually doomed to the fate of the loner. They do not need no one - their speed allows them to run without fearing anyone. His speed of running is incredible and track down this arrow is incredibly difficult and difficult.

Spellsinger.. Perhaps, if the dark elves goes to their knowledge of dark magic, then the bright elves are quietly and with irony look at it. Eva, the goddess of water, gave Spelsingers an incredible strength of this element. These are fast, lightning and very deadly magicians. The phrase alone is an excellent creature with you all imposed by the spell, the other quick phrase will sleep you, and you may not even wake up from the third phrase. Light magicians are fairly fear all. These are the most dangerous fighters.

Elemental Summoner.. The elf living in nature can communicate with animals and use them. Like Varloki, they also have an eternal satellite - a beautiful runaway unicorn who helps them in everything.

Elven Elder.. Excellent creatures with beautiful and unique skills. These are natural "generators" of magical energy, which with generosity share it with others. They are clean and bright, they are very fragile and practically defenseless. But they quickly cure you, if necessary, they will ignite and raise the crippled bodies, they will not allow you to poison or stun you. They may transfer you to the moment in the event of danger in a safe place, and this will retain your lives.

T Dry Elf

Shillien Knight
. Very good contact class, but possessing indisputable specificity. One of the main disadvantages of the dark elves, a low physique and therefore a low amount of health. However, a high level of physical protection, a high level of attack and mass switches of monsters on themselves, make an excellent tank from this class. One of the peculiarities of this class is the Sillen Sillen Summons, or the so-called cubes. Their call them costs some of the crystals, but they treat the knight and, if necessary, reduce the settings of the attack or running its enemy.

Bladedancer. This class is given a unique opportunity to know the skill of possession of two swords, only the skill of combat dance is available. Dancing at a relatively short period of time are able to make a group of an order of magnitude stronger. If there is a blondenser in your group, then you become more accurate, your magic is more powerful, and your critical strikes increase their crushing power. This class choose those who brought to the role of a caliper in the group. Who does not climb the first roles and meanwhile to feel the dependence of the group from their skills.

ABYSS WALKER.. Masters of secretive movement and dagger. They are very dangerous in battle, as they can kill you with one blow and imperceptibly get lost in the crowd. They have several skills that reduce the opponent parameters, and the strongest blows compared to the masters of the dagger of other races. However, on happiness, Abis Volker is the longest chance of a critical strike.

Phantom Ranger.. Counterweight Silver Raineher. Someone calls this class killer of light archers. Low run speed is its main disadvantage, but compensated for incredible shots. The strength of the shots is really very high, crits when they pass, just monstrous.

SpellHowler.. Yes, miserable blonde elves tremble. Let pathetic light eared creatures hide when Spellhouler comes on the battlefield. His wind magic is crushing, he knows the great rites of black magic, giving him a terrifying power. He can make silence of the enemy magician forever. The highest value of intelligence makes the magic of Spellehouler the most terrible. However, the low parameter Wit generates serious drawbacks - low, compared to other races, the speed of reading the combat spells.

Phantom Summoner.. Unlike Varlocks and elemental of Summores, dark fellows can cause other spirits - shadows that possess vampire abilities and, as well, can blow up the corpses, while causing a significant damage to all opponents in the radius of this spell.

Shillien Elder.. The priests of the goddess shill. Only they and their bright sisters and brothers are able to give their magic energy to others, but only Sillen Elders is available the sacrament of increasing magical power. This spell is the most desirable for all magicians. Mage and Sillen Elder are created for each other. With all this, contacts with people and studying their magic, gave shilling Elders skill to be useful for warriors. A number of spells will significantly strengthen the power of the contact party.


Bounty Hunter.. Very unusual class Even by the standards of visiting orcs or people. Magic, lighting salute over the head of the monster, allows you to extract the rarest components and recipes. Bounty Hunters are indispensable if some rare recipe for armor or weapons are required. Also, this darkness is given a unique opportunity - they can pretend to be dead, which often cuts them into extremely extreme cases, without giving perish.

Warsmith.. These wizard gnomes are on all hands. They can make the various items that are not sold in stores - the choice of weapons and armor is sufficiently SUCH for 40+ Levels, but Warsmita will fix it. Krafts with 7 skill level, as a rule, one of the richest classes on the server, but these heights are achieved very, very long, because Kraft takes a lot of time, and it remains not much to develop skills. Warsmitites are also excellent engineers, they are able to make assault storming machines and can collect their golem with a small gun that helps them in their campaigns.


Destroyer.. A mighty greenstocking warrior with two-handed weapons in the forefront is a Destroer. Similar to Varlord, it is born for mass battles. A huge number of health, a special ability to increase the power of its attacks when death threatens, makes this giant a very dangerous opponent.

Tyrant.. Orcs take care of their history and very checkeredly support the cult of God Paagrio's fire. The tyrant is a follower of this cult. They dress up on their mighty paws stylized under claw knives that have the greatest attack speed. If they want, they can catch up even a light elf. Furious fighters who do not forget their deity, and which gives them their mercy and energy.

Warcryer.. If you have never seen Varcrara, then you do not know this interesting race. Like no other, Varcrager is worthy of the title party, because few people are so unique, versatile and useful. This magician will spend 20 seconds that profile will do in 2 minutes. Directly in battle, he with a crazy speed is able to strengthen the group with his protective spells and cure, sleep or stop the enemy, he can quickly suck from his victim almost all vitality. Fake them if this is your enemy and love it if this is your friend.

Overlord.. If Varkayer party buffer, then this overlord is a clan buffer and a terrible debaffer. Varcrager is able to dry up the batch of 9 people in a matter of seconds, the overlord will also do with his clan out of 40 people. It is able to massively lower the parameters of enemies, which makes this class very useful and dangerous on the siege.

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