Short games and contests for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home, in kindergarten and school. Adult games of Santa Claus for a corporate party. Game santa claus vs snow monsters games for girls santa claus hanged himself

Games with Santa Claus at the New Year's party in the senior, preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

Game number 1. "I'll freeze my hands"

Snow Maiden:
"The grandfather got tired, tired,
It has been a long time since he danced like that!
Only it doesn't matter -
Grandpa has a game.
You are a friend and I am a friend!
Well - ka, all stood in a circle,
Now hide your hands
From Frost right into the pants!

Game number 2. "Stump"

Father Frost:
“I'm not too lazy to have fun,
I would play with you all day!
Here is a candy, here is a stump!
Come out to me, friend!
We need to run around the tree
And take the candy first!
If I am the first
That is my candy! "

Game number 3. "Say a word"

"Who brings children
A whole load of gifts?
The answer is very simple:
"It ……. Father Frost!!!"

And if someone has
A beautiful red nose?
The answer is very simple:
"It…. Father Frost!!!"

Who lights the trees
And hundreds of bright stars?
The answer is very simple:
"This is ... .. Santa Claus !!!"

Who wears a fur coat, felt boots
And makes us laugh to tears?
The answer is very simple:
"This is ... .. Santa Claus !!!"

Who can freeze
And jokingly, and seriously?
The answer is very simple:
"This is ... .. Santa Claus !!!".

And who is the most desired
Is there a guest in our house?
The answer is very simple:
"It…. Father Frost!!!".

Game number 4. "We will not release" (after the round dance).

So you got caught
To our merry circle!
We won't let you out
Let's not unhook our hands!
(Santa Claus is trying to step over the clasped hands of children, crawl under the hands)

Game number 5. "Who is faster"

Father Frost:
“We, friends, have baskets.
There are snowballs in mine. "
Snow Maiden:
"There are snowflakes in mine."
Father Frost:
"Boys collect snowballs!"
Snow Maiden:
"And the girls help me!"
"Once. Two three!
Collect everything quickly! "

Game number 6. "Catch up"

At some point, Santa Claus loses his mitten. The presenter or the Snow Maiden take her and offer Grandfather to catch up with the mitten, which is quickly - quickly betrayed from hand to hand, saying the following words:
“Run away mitten!
Santa Claus, catch up!
If you can't catch up -
Then you have to dance! "

Tatiana Kraynikova
"Fun of Santa Claus". 16 games for New Year's parties


16 games for New Year's parties

I know that teachers always have difficulties with games when writing scenarios. My games have been held for many years. Children like them very much, and if Grandfather also plays Frost and other characters then sheer delight!


Players take turns listing everything that happens in the New year: Grandfather freezing, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, gifts, Christmas toys, needles on the floor, snow, lanterns, etc.

Anyone who runs out of ideas drops out of the game. The smartest wins.


Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden(or other characters according to the script) holding in their hand a hoop entwined with Christmas tree tinsel. Cotton lumps are poured onto the floor ( "Snowballs"). Children, at the command of the heroes, throw lumps into the hoops, then the number of hits in the hoop is counted Santa Claus and in the hoop of the Snow Maiden.

Dress up the Christmas tree

In front of the main tree are two small Christmas trees and two boxes with unbreakable Christmas toys... Three people are called for each tree. By command Santa Claus children dress them up... Whoever decorates his Christmas tree faster and more accurately with all the toys from the box wins.

It is good to play the game with cheerful rhythmic music. Children stand in a circle. Grandfather freezing or the presenter of the holiday begins the game by shifting the hat from his head to the head of a nearby child, he, in turn, shifts the hat from his head to the head of a neighbor, and so on in a circle. By command Santa Claus(clap, whistle, staff blow) the movement stops, and the one on whom at that moment the hat is left must dance, sing or tell a winter poem, proverb, and make a riddle.


1st option (individual).

Children are given pencils or felt-tip pens. A sheet of Whatman paper is hung on an easel with magnets. You need to draw by holding a pencil or felt-tip pen with your teeth (with closed eyes or left hand).

2nd option (collective).

All players are blindfolded with handkerchiefs. On a large Whatman paper, children take turns drawing some part of the figure Santa Claus... At the same time, the players are not told to what place the Grandfather has already been drawn freezing... So, it may turn out that he will have two beards or a whole pyramid of bags of gifts.


Each child is given "Snowball" (on a small cotton ball)... At the signal of Winter or the leader, children loosen their lumps, launch them into the air (tossing up) and begin to blow on them from below so that they stay in the air for as long as possible and do not fall to the floor. The most agile wins.


Grandfather freezing, Snow Maiden or Snowman suits "snowfall"- throws up a whole bunch of paper snowflakes. Children are given baskets in their hands. At the signal, players begin to collect snowflakes in a basket. The one who has more snowflakes wins.


Children touch their gifts from the bag Santa Claus, describing in detail what it is and what it is. Or you can hide gifts in boxes of different sizes so that children can dream up what can be in the box (it will be even more interesting if the smallest gift is in the largest box).


Two children are competing (in turn)... The first one is blindfolded and given a small bag containing various toys (cubes, balls, nesting dolls, cars, etc.). Task: remove objects from the bag and identify them by touch. The player must answer what kind of thing he got. Then the toys are changed and the game is repeated with the second participant. The winner of the two is the one who correctly guessed the largest number of toys.


Cards with new year illustrations: Christmas tree, round dance, snowflake, icicle, skis, sledges, etc. Children take turns taking out a card and, having looked at an image on it, should read a poem about it or sing an excerpt from a song.


Chairs are placed in a circle (there are 1 fewer of them than those who play)... Among the playing grandfather Frost or Snowman... Music sounds, all the participants in the game start running around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, all the children quickly try to take their places. The adult hero plays half-heartedly (giving in, pretending that he does not have time to sit on a chair all the time. Since all the seats are occupied by children, he will have to dance for everyone or give out gifts.


Two participants stand opposite each other, a prize lies in front of them on a chair.

Grandfather Frost thinks:

"One two Three. twelve! "

"One two Three. dtsat! "

The winner is the one who is attentive and the first to take the prize when Grandfather Frost will say: "Three!"

see also: Play game - grab prize "New Year!"


Snowman details are cut out of whatman paper (Two copies): three circles of different sizes. From colored paper: eyes, mouth, nose-carrot, bucket, scarf, whisk. The summoned children, on command on the floor near the Christmas tree, quickly assemble snowmen from the proposed parts. The winner is the one who more accurately, faster and more correctly assembles the snowman, using all the prepared parts.


Large snowflakes are cut into triangles. Are laid out around the tree. Task: while fun moving music is playing, put all the details together. The winner is the one who fit into the music and neatly put everything together.


Grandfather freezing competes with children in sacking or jumping on one leg around the tree. One condition obligatory: after running around or jumping to the agreed place, you need to take a rattle - maracas on a chair in front of the tree and ring it.


Children stand in a circle, a felt boot is given to them. Children pass the felt boots in a circle to cheerful music, and Grandfather freezing trying to catch up with him. Children need to pass the felt boots very quickly so that Grandfather freezing could not take it away.

Here you can play free online game - Santa VS Snow Monsters, original name - Santa VS Snow Monsters. This game has been played 24410 times and was rated 4.5 out of 5 with 37 votes.

Gather together with Santa Claus the New Year's toys that come across on the way, they are necessary in order to give them to the children, who, in turn, will hang the decorations on the Christmas trees. The number of collected toys is displayed at the top of the screen on the left, where you can track your progress. The more you manage to lift, the more children you will delight. On the way, there will be monsters trying to interfere with the task, either bypass them, or by pressing A, shoot them with snowballs that are picked up during the passage. Beware of the penguins, as they can do significant damage to you, but it is useless to shoot at them as they are not susceptible. If the player cannot pass the current level without damage, then pick up the hearts that come across on the way, they replenish the health supply. To check how many hearts and snowballs you have in stock, take a look at the top panel on the right, the necessary information is displayed there. If you missed the desired item, you can always go back.

The script of funny entertainment events for the New Year necessarily includes games and contests for Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and children. If the holiday is held on the street, preference is given to more mobile tasks designed to keep the children from freezing and allowing them to demonstrate dexterity, strength and speed of reaction.

When a matinee or a party is organized at home, in kindergarten or school, short blitz contests for ingenuity, funny quizzes and cool games are added to the program, in which there is a place to demonstrate creativity, imagination and creative thinking. This turns the celebration into a colorful event and gives all participants a lot of joy and positive emotions.

Short, funny games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home - examples and descriptions

Inviting New Year's characters to the house is a wonderful winter tradition that has existed for more than a dozen years and brings a lot of joy and positive emotions to both kids and adults.

Winter guests, appearing on the doorstep of the apartment, bring with them the feeling of a miracle and provide everyone with the opportunity to once again relive a magical winter fairy tale. And to receive a gift, Santa Claus and Snegurochka invite children to demonstrate their creativity or play short, cool games for attention, speed and ingenuity.

Variants of examples of children's New Year's games with Santa Claus and Snegurochka at home

The choice of suitable games that Santa Claus and Snow Maiden can offer primarily depends on the age of the prospective participants. For children 2-4 years old, the most simple and understandable tasks are needed. For example, guess in which hand Santa Claus hid the Christmas tree decoration or collect in 1 minute all the snowflakes that the Snow Maiden scattered on the floor in the apartment.

Kids 5-7 years old are already capable of more difficult tasks. They should be invited to read a thematic poem or sing a song, draw a portrait of Santa Claus at speed, or solve several winter riddles that the Snow Maiden has prepared.

If there is one child in the family, the competitive moment will not work, but if there are two or more children, it is quite appropriate to arrange mini-competitions. However, all participants will need to be encouraged so that none of them is offended and does not feel forgotten or deprived. The holiday should evoke only positive emotions and remain in memory as a pleasant, bright and joyful event.

The best short games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home - examples of team entertainment

Often, animators are invited to several children at once, gathered in one apartment. For such a company, it is necessary to prepare in advance several interesting, short games in which the guys will play together with Santa Claus and Snegurochka.

If the size of the room allows, you can divide the participants into teams or pairs and organize something like a simple competition, where boys and girls show their creativity, artistic talents, attention and ingenuity.

Short team games and entertainment for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home

  • "Collect a snowflake"- a simple, fun and active game for two or more participants. For the organization, you need to prepare several large paper snowflakes, having previously cut them into 5-6 parts. Place all the fragments randomly around the tree or in the center of the room. On a signal, the children will need to find and correctly connect together the pieces of snowflakes as quickly as possible. The winner will be the one who copes with the task faster than others and folds his snowflake as accurately as possible.
  • "Paint a picture"- a fun entertainment option for several people. All the participants are first blindfolded with handkerchiefs, and then they are offered to draw the figure of Santa Claus on a Whatman paper. The trick is that each child must draw some kind of separate piece of the figure. And since no one is told what is already shown, the end result is usually very unexpected. For example, a character will have three beards, two winter hats, or several bags of gifts at once.
  • "Flying Snow"- easy child's play that does not require special training. Santa Claus and Snegurochka distribute weightless and thin cotton wool snowflakes to the participants. The task of the children is to throw this New Year's attribute up and blow on it with all their might, so that it stays in the air for as long as possible. The winner will be the one whose cotton snowflake is the last to fall to the floor.

Funny outdoor games for Santa Claus in kindergarten with children

At a matinee in kindergarten, Santa Claus should invite children to play funny, amusing outdoor games.

This will pleasantly diversify the festive scenario and will give the kids the opportunity to receive not only traditional gifts, but also small gifts for dexterity, attention, ingenuity, speed, creativity and creative talents.

What for Santa Claus to play with children in kindergarten - examples of entertainment for younger and older groups

  • "Be always on the alert"- a very simple and affordable attention game for the little ones. The number of participants is not limited. The essence of the process is that the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus take turns giving various commands in a loud voice, and the children follow them, but only if the magic word "please" is added to the request. The game is played to rhythmic music and the commands sound fast enough. You need to listen very carefully and immediately navigate whether you need to perform an action or not. The children who make mistakes leave the game, and the victory goes to the one who remains the last in the circle.
  • "Better two than one"- an easy version of the game for speed. The minimum number of participants is 2, the maximum is unlimited. For the organization, some free space is allocated and three toys are laid out on it. A couple of participants come to the center and dance around objects lying on the floor. As soon as the music stops or Santa Claus gives the command "Stop!", The participants try to pick up two toys from the floor. A child left with one toy is considered a loser.
  • "Find your lucky star"- entertainment for older children who are already familiar with the basics of arithmetic, numbers and the simplest mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction. The game requires some preliminary preparation. In the hall or room where the matinee will be held, large stars made of shiny paper are attached to the ceiling in advance. On each of them, the numbers from 1 to 20 are written with a marker (or more, this is optional). At first, all the participants simply dance in the hall to the music, and when it stops for a minute, Santa Claus announces the number of the lucky star. The first one to find it gets an incentive prize.
  • "Race of centipedes"- a very cool and fun version of an active, active game for children. The entire group is involved in the participation. The guys are divided into two teams, asked to line up in the back of the head and take the one in front by the belt. Two chairs are placed at the opposite wall at some distance from each other. At the signal of Santa Claus, the teams of "centipedes" rush forward, bend around the chair and return to the starting point. The main thing is to do everything as quickly as possible and not break the chain. To complicate the task, children are offered to move in a semi-squat or squatting position. The winners are those who were the first to return to the starting point and did not lose anyone from the chain.

Interesting short games for Santa Claus for the New Year on the street

If the weather is not too cold and snow has already fallen, part of the matinee on the occasion of the winter holidays can be held outside. And so that the kids do not freeze, Santa Claus will have to organize several short interesting New Year's games in which the children will have the opportunity to actively move around and win nice, little gifts.

Examples of street games for the New Year for Santa Claus and children

  • "Sniper"- game for accuracy and dexterity. Two teams are formed from a group of children. On the site, two baskets are not too deep and invite children to sculpt snowballs and throw them into these containers. The team that fills its basket as quickly as possible wins. To complicate the task, you can limit the time for completing the task and invite the children to throw as many snowballs as possible, for example, in 1 minute.
  • "Sculptor"- entertainment aimed at the manifestation of imagination and creativity. Children are divided into 2-3 teams, then Santa Claus names any letter from the alphabet. The task of the participants is to sculpt an object out of the snow on the named letter. Whoever copes with the task first and does everything as carefully as possible will receive a tasty, pleasant prize.
  • "Get a surprise gift"- a simple game in which the participants are invited to independently choose a suitable New Year's gift for themselves. For organization, adults wrap soft toys, large candies, chocolates, gingerbread cookies, tangerines and oranges in opaque variegated paper. Each item on a string is suspended from a low tree or a specially installed post. The participants are blindfolded and offered to cut off the object they like. The choice is made only by touch, and each of the children can become the owner of a completely unexpected thing.

Funny contests for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for children for the New Year 2018

Since the Rat is the patron saint of the coming New Year, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden should organize funny contests for children dedicated to this animal. You can give the children the task for 1 minute to draw as many mice as possible on the album sheet or count how many toy rats decorate the Christmas tree.

An equally successful idea is to organize a reading competition, in which children will recite poems dedicated to mice or sing funny beautiful songs about them to a melodic musical accompaniment.

For a team competition, it is worth picking up two large toy mice and inviting the children to put on the clothes they need for a winter walk for speed. The victory will go to the team that gets the job done first.

Cool contests for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at school at the matinee

In order for the school New Year's party to be fun, bright and for a long time to be remembered, it is imperative to include cool contests with Santa Claus and Snegurochka in the script. Children will be happy to take part in them, perfectly complete all tasks and receive pleasant prizes.

Examples of cool children's contests with Santa Claus and Snegurochka

  • "Kick scooter"- a fun competition for any age category. Children are divided into teams and are built one after another. Two Christmas trees are placed against the opposite wall. At the signal of Santa Claus, the first participant rides a scooter, goes around the Christmas tree, returns to his seat and passes the scooter to the next participant. The winner is the team whose players have time to do everything faster and have never felled a Christmas tree.
  • "Lock"- a simple competition for attention and observation. Santa Claus distributes sets of padlocks and bunches with different keys to the participants. For a certain amount of time, participants must find the right key and open the lock. Whoever does it first will be the winner.
  • Snowball Catcher- agility competition. Two teams are formed from children. Snegurochka hands over empty paper bags to the captains, and offers the rest of the participants to crumple 4 thick balls from sheets of paper. At a sign from Santa Claus, the guys try to throw balls into their captain's bag. Victory is awarded to those in whose bag the maximum number of snowflakes will end up.

Competitions for Santa Claus and Snegurochka for a corporate party for adults - video examples

Not a single New Year's corporate party can do without funny games and funny contests with the participation of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. For such numbers, they use cool plots and complement them with some piquant accents.

Interesting ideas can be gleaned from the video examples below. It is not necessary to repeat everything exactly. New Year is always a little fairy tale and it is quite appropriate to play it out according to your own rules.

Santa Claus usually does not need help delivering holiday gifts. But in the game world, he cannot do without your support, otherwise his mission will be failed. As a rule, games with Santa Claus have one goal - to deliver gifts to every child and avoid all kinds of dangers on the way. To do this, an agile grandfather in a fur coat uses a wide variety of devices. It can be both classic reindeer sleighs and ultra-modern machines. Santa Claus easily rides a motorcycle, scooter, and sometimes even saddles a rocket. The grandfather is often hindered by evil elves who want to steal all the gifts, and sometimes he is not able to get to the children because of the impassable snowdrifts. You can deal with thieves and help keep all gifts safe. And, of course, by skillfully wielding the mouse and buttons on the keyboard, you can easily clear the way for Santa Claus. Santa Claus games are also a lot of logic tasks. For example, the next New Year has disappeared somewhere, and without your help there is no hope of finding it. Or a special toy is broken and can be repaired if you can figure out the puzzle. Often, in order to deliver all the gifts on time, Santa Claus uses very original methods. He, for example, can load a toy into a bazooka and shoot it at the house of the right child. Or saddle a powerful motorcycle and race over bumps and trampolines, as long as every little one gets his attention. Although no matter how hard Grandpa tried, there are still children who are dissatisfied with his gifts. And for them there are special games - in them you can avenge an insult by throwing all sorts of things at Santa Claus or by engaging in an honest duel with him. Not always New Year and Christmas games are held with the participation of Santa Claus (or his western twin brother Santa Claus). Quite often, all his work is done by loyal elves. Although there are no less obstacles in their work, and again only with your help they can overcome them. Although even Santa Claus and all his assistants need rest. In between the holidays, Grandpa goes snowboarding, bowling and other interesting fun. Among the games about Santa Claus there are a lot of coloring pages in which you can apply colors to black and white pictures, both of Grandfather himself or his assistants, and on everything related to the New Year holidays. Many games offer to collect puzzle pictures, or help the Snow Maiden make pre-holiday purchases. There are also dress up games where you can pick up a new fashionable fur coat for Santa Claus, or dress up snowmen and elves in festive costumes. In this section of the site you can find various New Year games, help Santa Claus in his difficult mission of delivering gifts and recharge with the cheerful mood of the winter holidays at any time of the year.

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