Fence and gate in minecraft. How to make a gate to heaven and hell in creative mode in Minecraft. Supported Minecraft platforms

Probably, every Minecraft player sooner or later decides to build his own farm, and it doesn’t matter if you play in a separate world or in multiplayer. After all, a character in Minecraft needs to periodically eat food, otherwise he may simply die. However, building a farm in minecraft is not as easy as it seems at first glance. There are several problems, for example, your plants in the game can be trampled by animals, not to mention the fact that you have to look for seeds in order to plant plants. That is why you need to prepare a special fence and build it around the farm, then the animals will not be able to get into your garden. Moreover, if you surround the farm with a fence, even you will not be able to enter the farm. The door will not interact with the fence, for this the game provides a gate. How to make a gate in Minecraft? Very simple!

To do this, you will need a workbench, 4 units of sticks and 2 blocks of planks. You need to arrange them in the crafting window so that the sticks are in the bottom left and middle left cells, as well as symmetrically in the middle right and bottom right, and place the boards in the middle and middle bottom. Now that you know how to make a gate in minecraft from a fence, you can build the biggest farm and not be afraid that mobs will spoil it.

Types of gates in Minecraft

Smart Minecraft players improve almost every possible game device. Fence gates are no exception. After the appearance of such an object as a gate in the game, the players managed to improve them and create the following types of gates:

    Ordinary gate from the fence.

    Mechanical gates.

    Sliding gates.

    Iron gates.

    Mechanical gates in Minecraft

    About everything in order. First, let's look at how to make a mechanical gate in Minecraft. They are also called automatic.

    To create a mechanical gate, as well as for any other mechanical objects, you will need a redstone and a power source for it.

    You need to put an activating element, that is, a button, pressure plate, lever or stretch, where you need it. Then you need to connect a power source, for example, a red torch, to an activating element using a redstone. Now, when you, for example, press the button, the gate will open or close itself. This is a fairly convenient mechanism that simplifies the work with the farm.

    Sliding gates in Minecraft

    Now let's see how to make a sliding gate in Minecraft. This is a very complex mechanism, for the creation of which you will also need a redstone, a power source for it, pushing sticky blocks and an activating element in the form of a button or lever. It is the push blocks that will act as a sliding mechanism to the entrance to the gate.

    It is recommended to use sticky blocks so that they return to their place when the gate is closed, when using ordinary ones they will remain open.

    So, you need to connect the power supply to the blocks using redstone, and fix the button in the place you need. In this case, when you press the button, the gate will open, and when you press it again, it will close. In the game, this mechanism does not bring any benefit, it is needed only for the manifestation of your creativity.

    Iron gate in minecraft

    How to make a gate out of iron bars in minecraft. These gates are somewhat stronger than wooden ones and cannot be broken by mobs, but they can only be opened with the help of an activating element: a button, a pressure plate, a lever, and so on. Making them is very simple, crafting is similar to making wooden gates. You just need to use iron instead of planks, and iron bars instead of sticks.

    How to make a gate to heaven and hell in creative mode in Minecraft

    As you know, Minecraft provides not only gates for the fence, but also those gates that allow you to go to the lower or upper world. For example, a portal to hell is made using obsidian. After the obsidian is located in the form of a closed square, it must be set on fire, for example, with a lighter. Few people know that in creative or creative mode, unlike survival mode, you can implement the gate right away, they are in the inventory.

A huge number of mobs will constantly try to enter the territory of your property. This is how they are programmed in Minecraft, so you have to deal with them somehow. The easiest way to do this is by building walls and fences. The more barriers, the higher the reliability, although the mobs are not able to overcome even a single fence, so the rest of the layers of defense are just a precaution. But at the same time, pay attention to the fact that you yourself will not be able to climb over a fence or wall, so you will have to learn how to make a gate in Minecraft.

Using an element

To protect yourself from mobs, you need to build a fence or build a wall. By this you protect yourself and your property from an invasion that will leave absolutely nothing behind. But there remains a very important question of how to make a gate in Minecraft, because without them, not only the mobs, but the character himself will not be able to overcome the obstacle on the way. This is the whole essence of the gate, which, by the way, is also called a gate by gamers, since, in their opinion, this design does not pull on the gate. In any case, you need to put them in order to be able to enter and leave the house (in the case of doors) and leave your territory (in the case of a fence). Installation is a simple matter, let's take a better look at how to make a gate in Minecraft, because they will be very useful to you, and the sooner you craft them, the better.

Gate manufacturing method

It will hardly be a discovery for you that the gate has its own recipe. After all, this game is based on the principle of crafting according to recipes. So, if you want to understand how to make a gate in Minecraft, then you will need to stock up on wood. From it you will craft sticks and planks that will be useful to you in the creation of many other items.

Now we are talking about the gate, so let's look specifically at its recipe. Open the workbench and arrange the ingredients as follows: in the central cell, as well as in the one below it, place two boards, and install sticks along the edges of them. As a result, it turns out that to create one gate you need two boards and four sticks. The recipe is incredibly simple and affordable, you can craft wickets from the very beginning of the game, so there shouldn't be any problems. Now you know how to build a gate in Minecraft. It's time to talk about some of their features.

One and a half blocks

Both the fence and the gate visually represent one block. Therefore, many players wonder if they can be easily jumped over. After all, everyone knows that both the character himself and all the mobs have jumping ability for one block, but if two are installed, then they will not be able to overcome them. But there is one secret here: the fact is that, like the gates themselves, they are not single, but one and a half. This means that visually they look about the same as single ones, but neither you nor the mobs will be able to jump over them. This feature makes the gate a very important protective element, because you can pass through it, but the mobs of doors and gates cannot open, so this path is not available to them. Now it becomes completely clear how important it is to know how to craft a gate in Minecraft.

No gaps

Some players may get the impression that the player will have the wicket. After all, it will stand out against the background of the fence, which is not very aesthetically pleasing. Anyone who strives for beauty in everything, including Minecraft, can breathe a sigh of relief, because the fence block is connected to the gate. This is a property of some items in the game - when placed next to each other, they merge into one common element. For example, you can take a chest: if you put two of them side by side, they will turn into a long storage. Thus, you can create a chest ten blocks long. The same thing happens with the gate - they are combined with the fence, creating an integral structure. Therefore, no one's aesthetic sense will be hurt.

Another plus

By the way, beauty lovers can use one feature of the gate to build a more impressive fence. The fact is that the gate remains hanging in the air if the block on which it was installed is knocked out from under it. This means that you can create a gate twice as high as the original, and nothing prevents you from increasing the height of the walls. Thus, a larger barrier will be obtained. As mentioned earlier, mobs will not be able to overcome the fence, since it is one and a half, but this technique has more effect on aesthetics. In addition, with its help, you can use any, even single blocks, to create a barrier, since you will place them on top of each other, thereby preventing the mobs from jumping over them. And this, in turn, opens up much wider opportunities for designing your own defense complex.

A big hello to all minecrafters - ax and pick masters, builders and rebuilders of the surrounding space! Today we will talk about why the game needs a gate and how to make it, having received everything you need to create it, namely craft boards and craft sticks.

If your house is already ready and surrounded by a fence or a strong fence, and a fence also rises around a small vegetable garden, wheat fields and pens for livestock, then the only thing left is to create a gate or gate. After all, it was for the fences in Minecraft that the gate was created!

What is a gate

The gate in Minecraft is a necessary element that has transparency, explosion resistance (15), strength (2), flammability. Closed gates are located on a solid block, open - on a non-solid one. They are not affected by gravity.

Gates can be oak, spruce, birch, jungle, dark oak or acacia.

By the way, this element can also be used in an unusual way: insert it into a window opening! Do not be surprised, in Minecraft it is possible and not like that!

Why do you need a gate instead of a window? It will help you defend yourself from enemies. By opening such a window, you can shoot at the monsters, and they, in turn, will not be able to get to you. But before crafting this element, you need to figure out how it's done.

How to craft a gate

Protect your territory from enemies!

To create an element so necessary in the game, like a gate, or a gate, you will need sticks and boards. All gates have the same height - one standard block. But if you wish, you can make a gate the size of one and a half blocks.

The craft itself is not particularly difficult. The main task of the player is to correctly position the necessary materials on the workbench.

  1. Approach the workbench and open its menu by pressing the right mouse button.
  2. With the left mouse button, drag the sticks to the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th cells.
  3. In the same way, drag the boards to the 2nd and 5th cells.
  4. Hover your mouse over the received gate, press the left button and drag the gate to a free slot in your inventory.
  5. By pressing the key with the Latin letter "E" complete the work with the workbench.

You can open the gate in the usual way - just by hand. Also for this purpose, the game provides special devices: lever, button, redstone. In addition, you can use pressure plates. They must be placed in front of the gate or behind it.

If you came up with a crazy idea to put another similar or some other element on your gate, then this will not work. Indeed, why is this necessary?

But in Minecraft you can make the gate hang in the air! This is done very simply: first a block is placed, a gate is placed on it, and then the block is removed. This design will help to make doors like in saloons in the wild west.

How to get sticks and boards for the gate

As mentioned above, to create a gate, you will need sticks and boards. Sticks are needed in the amount of four pieces, and boards - two. Getting them is easy! First you need to go to the nearest forest and stock up on wood there.

Boards are made from wood, and sticks are made from boards. Naturally, all this is crafted on a workbench, but it should be borne in mind that the items need to be laid out in a certain way.

Some interesting facts about the gate

Fans of the Minecraft game will certainly be interested to know some facts about the gate.

  1. For the first time, gates in the form of a solid block in the closed position appeared in the Minecraft Adventure update beta 1.8.
  2. Prior to version 1.1, the gate was not opened by any devices - only by hand.
  3. As well as on the door, pictures can be hung on the gates, thereby organizing such an interesting element as a secret passage.
  4. When using the gate, doors and hatches make identical sounds.

Video: How to create a gate in Minecraft.

Today we will talk about how to make a gate in Minecraft. To save property and life, the player has to build his own house and arrange reliable doors. Often they also do not help, so you have to come up with other means to ensure the security of the entrance.

door alternative

In the Minecraft world, recipes have already been developed, and we just have to consider them and try them out. It is the gate that is the salvation for people who have relatively new versions of the game. Starting with 12w05a, a wooden door can be easily destroyed by zombies, and it is difficult to install an iron door at first due to lack of resources. If we solve the question of how to make a wooden gate in Minecraft, it will protect us from attacks by hostile creatures, since it is perceived by monsters as a solid block. However, for this it must be closed. Any characters pass through the open gate without difficulty.


If you are into farming, you should also know how to make a gate in Minecraft. Especially in the case of creating several gardens. We surround them with a fence to prevent trampling by various creatures. We leave a gap in the fence and install a gate there. Thus, the beds are protected, and the passage to them is open and accessible without difficulty.

Minecraft: how to make a gate (stone and wood). Instruction

Let's move on to the practical solution of the issue. Building materials are easy to find at the beginning of the gameplay. One of the main resources needed here is wood. The stone gate is built in the same way, but it is difficult to find the material for it at the start. Let's go back to the tree. Most often, this element is available in abundance. An exception can only be individual cards for survival. We need 4 wooden sticks. They are created from a pair of blocks of any type of boards. We place the original elements first above the second on the workbench or in the inventory grid. After the products are ready, 4 of them are placed on the extreme cells of the middle and lower horizontal rows of our machine, between them we install 2 blocks of boards. After that, we need to install a gate between the sections of the fence built earlier. Houses can be protected in the same way. "Gates" are also good on windows, as they do not block the view, allowing you to defend yourself from monsters, seeing them perfectly.

To make the gate even more functional, we automate the opening process. In order to arrange this kind, we use a pressure plate installed in front of the door, or a lever, as well as redstone dust. Another important point. The locking mechanism is located a little further away from the gate. The pressure plate is created from two blocks of stones or boards. We place them in the left and center slots in the bottom row of the workbench. We use a wooden stick and a cobblestone to make a lever. We place the first element in the central section of the machine, and the second directly below it. From now on, you know how to make a gate in Minecraft, about its useful properties.

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