Is it worth joining a fraternity in Fallout 4?

Quite tough guys in heavy armor have attracted the attention of players in more than one game. In order to become one of them, it’s not enough to put on a power suit, you need to complete several tasks in the side storyline.

Membership in a fraternity can turn several factions away from you and make them hostile to you, so it's best to first consider whether it's worth it. In addition to good equipment and armor maintenance, you will also receive a fairly powerful laser rifle.

First steps

Before you begin your attempts to join the famous brotherhood, you need to take the task “The First Step” and go to the Corvega factory, you don’t have to complete the mission, you just need to hang out around the factory until new radio signals are received from the AF95 station.

If the quest has already begun, go to the location "Cambridge Police Station" and take part in the mission "Fire Support", when you complete it you will meet Brother Dance, dressed in power armor, who is alone fighting a super mutant and a crowd of ghouls.

Help him deal with the enemies, and then start a conversation. If the dialogue goes correctly, the quest “Call to Arms” will be opened, and after completing it you will have the opportunity to join the brotherhood.

Arkjet Systems

When visiting the police station, there is an opportunity to get some good stuff, as well as read Dance's diary and get additional opportunities when talking with him. He will offer to get the Arcjet Systems transmeter. Moreover, you don’t have to complete this task alone, your brother will go with you, move along the shore until you meet a flock of ghouls, after the fight Dance will tell another story from his life.

Before opening the Arkjet gate, take a faster-firing or more powerful cannon, because the synths inhabiting the plant, although not very strong, are many of them. You need to move deeper into the building and start repairing the elevator, where you go down, repair the energy, you can also find an armor core there, so be careful.

Hack the terminal, the synths awakened by energy will attack you again, but here you can assign the rest of the role of the android killer to Dance, and sit in the corridor yourself and shoot everyone as necessary. It is better not to go into the main room.

After the battle is over, take the elevator, here again you need to fight off the intrusive half-robots, half-humans and search their bodies for the presence of a transmitter, then again the elevator and exit outside.

In order for the quest to be completed, you need to talk to the talkative brother again, after which you will receive a laser rifle as a reward and another task called Sempa Invicta; if you agree, you become a member of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Can't choose one of the factions in the game? Check out the pros and cons of each and find out what it actually achieves. After reading it, choosing sides will not be difficult.

Factions in Fallout 4 - which one is better to choose?

The game quite vividly and expressively represents different communities. The factions of Fallout 4 have a distinct idea and a different vision of the future world. The plot of the game is tied to the fact that sooner or later you will have to take someone's side and join one of the groups. While you are thinking in Fallout 4 which faction to join, for some time you can stay away from the groups, which will not interfere with performing various tasks for them.

Deciding which faction to choose in Fallout 4 is not an easy task, because there are no clearly defined villains and well-wishers in the game. Sometimes, to achieve the ultimate goal, you have to make sacrifices, sometimes even human ones. Every organization strives to build a new, better world on the mortal remains of the old, but everyone’s path is different. After reading the description of the factions in Fallout 4, you can decide which way to go.


If you follow the story and don’t go searching on your own, the Minutemen will be the first to come across. This is an organization that strongly supports equality and brotherhood. Before the appearance of the hero, this is a bunch of altruists, remaining from the once formidable force that fought the enemy.
If you join their ranks, the organization will be revived again, recruit new recruits with your help, and will help everyone in need. The advantage of this faction in Fallout 4 is that it will teach you how to build and inhabit settlements. You can become their leader and develop other settlements.

The advantage will be their main base - the castle. If you repair it, it will become impregnable to any enemy. Using a smoke bomb, you can call for help in the form of an artillery strike on the enemy, and with a signal pistol, call for help a squad of Minutemen from the nearest settlement they have mastered.


A secret faction in Fallout 4 dedicated to freeing the synths. They believe that synths have long ceased to be machines and have a fully formed consciousness. The organization seeks to free robots from the power of the Institute. This faction is suitable for you if you are used to acting secretly. The tasks received from the Underground will be shrouded in mystery and darkness. From them you can purchase unique silenced barrels for secret operations. In the wasteland you will come across caches of this organization and if you join it, you will be able to use them. Also learn from them how to improve your armor.

Brotherhood of Steel

A militarized organization that clearly sets goals for itself and is ready to achieve these goals by any means. They are well armed and their behavior is more reminiscent of a regular army. They have a charter and titles. They have collected enormous firepower, an airship, a huge robot, the best armor and laser weapons - all this gives them a huge advantage over any factions. The only threat they see is the Institute, since it produces robots and their number is unknown to anyone. And if there is a threat, then it must be destroyed. The presence of such a faction in Fallout 4 and their advantages will undoubtedly help in restoring order in the Wasteland, but a straightforward totalitarian regime has never brought people to a bright future.

By joining the Brotherhood, you will receive the most powerful armor and weapons and will be able to call a helicopter, which you can fly while shooting from a minigun.


A mysterious organization that seeks to bring humanity back to earth. No one has ever seen the institute itself, but the latest human-like robots and kidnappings all suggest that a large organization with high technology is operating somewhere nearby. Perhaps these are the followers of Voltek. The noble goal of returning people to earth does not fit in with the methods of work of the Institute. They want, before reviving life, to destroy the existing one. When completing tasks at the institute, the player will constantly have to make a choice about what to do, humanly or as required by employers. The benefit for people from such a faction in Fallout 4 is very doubtful.

Upon entry, we will be given grenades, which, if thrown, will teleport robots to your aid.

Of course, if you have free time, you can replay as everyone, even twice, but the moral aspects of the game will still draw us to one of the organizations as close in spirit. In Fallout 4, the choice of faction will decide who will win and who will be defeated in the final battle.

There can be no clear answer to the question of which faction is best to play in Fallout 4, although many players agree that the correct faction is the Minutemen. Playing as them, you will take care of the settlements and the people who live there. A kind of ray of hope for a future equal world for people and robots.

But, Bethesda is Bethesda, and there is still one more ending (the fifth), which will allow the Hero to communicate and save all the factions, destroying the Institute, and even complete quests after the plot (all, general and global, and not just the part of finding the son) . In other words, if there was such a thing as "Karma" in Fallout 4, then this ending would be considered the "best for high Karma" ending. This way everyone will remain alive, everyone will be happy.

How is it different from standard endings?

With normal options (even for the Minutemen), there may be cases (as a result of the sequence of faction quests) when factions will still fight with each other (for example, Dance will be hostile to the Brotherhood of Steel, or Underground will fight the Brotherhood), and some factions, and Moreover, they will not be loyal to the Hero. Here the option is complete peace.

The source of information is the video of this ending.

Now let's tell you what the point is :) You will have to start playing all over again, because everything is not so simple.

1. By the time you complete the “Reunion” story quest, you must complete all possible Lord of Steel tasks available at that time at the Cambridge police station. At the same time, do repeating tasks also to find an artifact and kill ghouls (once each), complete Dans’ quest to find a reconnaissance group, talk to the only surviving Paladin Brandis in the bunker, report again to Dans.

2. Only after this do you complete the story mission “Reunion” and move on to the next part “Dangerous Thoughts”.

Important: The teleport to the Institute must be built with the Minutemen. The tasks for the Underground “Agent Work” and for the Brotherhood of Steel “Shadow of Steel” must not be completed yet. The institute (after you have been there) should hate you and have hostility. If you have a strong desire, you can wander around inside, even completing the last task of the main plot (to find your son) “Closed Institution.” But then, fortunately the game allows you, kill someone and run from there.

Please note: After the “Closed Institution”, do not communicate with the Father. It’s better to give the entry for the “Detention” quest to Sturgers (the same person among the Minutemen who helps the Hero get comfortable with building settlements).

3. After the Institute, you can complete the tasks of the Brotherhood of Steel until the moment in the quest “No Mercy”, when you need to get into a vertibed (helicopter). So don’t sit down, but at the same time take all possible additional tasks from the Brotherhood of Steel and don’t do it.

4. Also complete the Minutemen missions “Defense the Castle” and “Choice of the Minutemen” and start “Critical Mass”, but again do not finish.

5. Let's move on to the Underground. Now we begin “Agent Work” and complete all its quests up to “Randolph Station”.

6. Now complete Critical Mass and watch the Institute destroy itself.


After this, multiple Underground quests await you, but do not communicate with PAM, otherwise she will want a war with the Brotherhood of Steel. The Brotherhood itself will praise the Hero (except for the head of the Brotherhood Maxson himself) and in the future their quests, as a rule, will be repetitive to kill super mutants and raiders. In general, the Hero is loved and respected and all factions are ready to give him a variety of assignments, so you won’t be bored.

The world of Fallout 4 is huge and it must have a powerful militarized structure. And there is one in it, it’s called the Brotherhood of Steel, which can become your support and protection.

Faliout 4: walkthrough for the brotherhood of steel

The Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4 is a powerful paramilitary structure that has advanced weapons, excellent armor and even flying vehicles. Their main base is a huge flying ship, which appears after completing some quests along the storyline. That is, meeting with them is inevitable, but joining the ranks of these fighters is a personal decision for everyone. Playing as the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4 will bring you not only new technological equipment and armor, but also the protection of the strongest fighters, as well as the opportunity to become the leader, but first you need to find them. In Fallout 4, the Brotherhood of Steel is celebrated on the map, but this is only at first. But after completing the “Reunion” quest, a ship of this faction will arrive and you will meet them.

Is it worth doing business with this organization?

Is it worth joining the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4? This is everyone’s business, but it is recommended to do this, as it will open up great scope for detail. However, it is worth considering that playing for the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4 will not be so simple, and career advancement will generally throw you several dozen different challenges. But you will receive technological weapons, various new stores, protection from your new brothers and much more. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance whether to join the Brotherhood in Fallout 4 or not, as this will predetermine your worldview and the further development of events. But if you do not become their member, then for them you will simply be another suspicious person who can be destroyed for any offense. And if you still decide to become their member, then first you need to complete their two quests “Call to Arms” and “Fire Support”, only after that they will propose the candidacy of a new fighter.

A long adventure with an epic ending

The Brotherhood of Steel quests in Fallout 4 are quite difficult, since in most cases you have to clear a certain area or engage in a confrontation with another hostile faction called the Institute. Dozens of different quests with different rewards and the opportunity to gain reputation and respect await you. And this is highly valued, since the end of the passage for the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4 will mark the opportunity to lead this faction. And how to become the head of the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4? Everything is simpler than you think, you need to prove yourself, earn a high rank and become a prominent person among all members of the faction.

It is necessary to talk with everyone, help, trade and even travel together. How to increase the rank of the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4? And this career will be open to you if you carry out active sabotage and destroy the enemies of this organization. This will allow you to prove yourself and become a contender for a high position in the community. And there are some pleasant moments, as soon as you become a member of this steel fraternity, you will unlock the coloring of the Brotherhood of Steel guard in Fallout 4. And this will allow you to make your power armor unique and become a little brighter than the rest of the environment in this game.

Fallout 4 over time, wean ourselves from many old habits. You may wish with all your heart to beat the game without a single fight and defeat the conventional Frank Horrigan in a verbal spat, but this is unlikely to happen here (unless, of course, some nice smart guy finds a clever way to cheat the scripts). You can, out of old habit, sit over the corpse of a raider, choosing what might be useful to you, but here almost everything will come into play. This Fallout does a lot of things differently than we are used to, and this is both its main strength and main drawback.

Here's what you need to know to stop being afraid and start playing Fallout 4 in the way that is most convenient.

Don't expect to solve all problems peacefully

At the beginning of the game, I invested ten points each in Intelligence and Charisma, hoping that this would allow me to not kill anyone. And it was a mistake, of course. But not because in Bethesda games heroes without combat skills are always killed especially brutally - in fact, this is true, but not here - but because in the end I still turned into a fighting machine. I just used other methods to achieve my goal.

For example, perhaps the most valuable skills in the charm branch are those that allow you to lure enemies to your side. They don’t work for everyone and not always, but they don’t require any effort from you at all. You simply point your weapon at the raider, and he (possibly!) raises his hands and comes to your side, essentially becoming another partner. Not very plausible, but convenient for causing chaos on the battlefield.

Power armor is the choice of the weak

One of the skills in the intelligence branch - “Nuclear Physicist” - not only strengthens energy weapons, but also greatly reduces the energy consumption of power armor, almost eliminating the problems of finding batteries. The only thing you should worry about from now on is metal reserves to repair broken armor parts.

In addition, power armor immediately raises your strength to 11, essentially solving the carrying capacity problems of a weak character. The moral is simple: if you're playing a skinny smartass and having trouble surviving, wear armor. It negates your character's main problem.

It's important to remember two things. Firstly, in power armor you cannot swim - you can only slowly stomp along the bottom. Secondly, while you are wearing armor, the positive properties of other clothing do not affect you. That is, if you are wearing a suit that increases charm, you should remove the armor before talking.

Take your skills to grow

Another reason why scoring tens in Charisma and Intelligence was not a good idea is the ability to raise the parameters for free by other means.

Firstly, it is given by voltboy dolls scattered around the world, one for each of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. parameters. If you have 10 skill units, the corresponding bobblehead will increase their number to 11 (otherwise you cannot raise the parameter above 10 forever). But if, say, you need a ten in luck only for the sake of the last skill in the corresponding branch, it makes sense to start with a nine and then compensate for the last one with a bobblehead.

In another way, the parameters can be adjusted using clothes and all sorts of chemicals. They will not allow you to improve the skills tied to these parameters, but if, say, you need to make the final dash to the merchant with an overfilled bag, then taking a bottle of vodka on your chest (+1 to strength, -1 to intelligence) is a completely workable option. Just beware of addiction. It can be easily cured by a doctor, but you still have to get to him.

If you want to hack a door or terminal, but don’t have the necessary skills, ask your companions for help - Kate and Nick Valentine, respectively. Well, one last thing: after you get out of Vault 111, in what is left of Sean’s room, find the book You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L., which will give you another parameter point. Lucky that it has survived after two hundred years!

Don't forget to shoot from cover

It may be fun to play like this, but not in all situations the opponents are ready to serve themselves on a silver platter.

It's easy to lose sight of the fact that Fallout 4 you can shoot from cover, just like NPCs do. To do this, go close to the wall and hold down the button responsible for aiming. The hero will lean out of cover, and you can aim at the target relatively calmly. Of course, it’s often easier to go out into the field, pump yourself up with a “screw” and, alternating V.A.T.S. and real time, it’s nice to spread everything out, but there are times when it’s better not to take risks.

Collect everything

Seriously. There are no items here that are not suitable for anything. At first you will be short of glue for modifications. Then - bolts, wiring, ceramics, glass... In general, collect everything that comes your way if you want to improve your equipment. And you probably want to, because this is perhaps the most interesting mechanic here. At least in terms of creating items " The Witcher 3" And Dragon Age: Inquisition there is a lot to learn from Fallout 4.

So, resources for modifications and construction are taken, first of all, from rubbish scattered around the world, which previously had no use: from all sorts of plates, spoons, bones, laboratory instruments and other nonsense. All the rubbish can be dumped on the workbench by pressing one button, so the problem of a stuffed backpack is Fallout 4 is not nearly as acute as before.

Benefit from crafts and settlements

On Reddit, too, there are many interesting settlements on which players have spent dozens of hours. But if you just want to make money, beauty doesn't matter.

The Local Leader perk (6 points of charisma) is critical if you want to not only build settlements, but also benefit from them. At the second rank of the skill, you are allowed to build trading shops, which are valuable not so much for the ability to buy or sell something, but for the constant flow of money. You can forget about financial problems.

By and large, using craft perks and resources obtained in settlements, you can get hold of everything you might need. From rich seedlings of toshka, for example, a chemist will produce mountains of glue necessary for improving weapons, and from excess water resources you can always replenish your reserves. All the good that the settlement produces is added to the workshop menu, from where it can be taken.

Well, of course, when you develop a new site for settlement, the first thing to do is clear it of ruins, car wrecks, broken furniture, logs and other things. It’s strange to see how a person from the Vault cleans up the territory in a few minutes more efficiently than the entire population of the Wasteland in two hundred years, but, in any case, a lot of steel, wood and other basic resources are extracted from such garbage.

Choose one gun (but don't forget about spare ones)

It happens that an artifact weapon (this revolver, for example, sets enemies on fire) turns out to be much stronger than the gun that you carried with you the entire game. But if you don't know how to use it, it often makes sense to stick with the old barrel.

Practice shows: you can beat the game with any weapon, as long as you keep it in good condition. Of course, rusty homemade pistols are much less fun than artifact bumpers and plasma rifles (even if you attach all possible gadgets to the self-propelled gun), but they will also help the cause if you focus on one thing and develop the right perk that increases damage specifically from this type of weapon.

But remember: ammo will eventually run out, especially if you shoot in bursts. It is useful to have a spare gun for a different caliber or simply be ready to switch to a captured weapon. Going, say, with a laser pistol on synths is not the worst idea, because from each of them you will pick up more batteries than you spend.

Search and experiment

Bethesda games have always been and will be about experiments. Experiments with parameters, with situations, with modifications, in the end. I would Skyrim so popular, if not for the stupid videos in which NPCs put buckets on their heads and bears flew into space? Of course I would. But not that much.

Each Bethesda game is a huge sandbox with a simple set of rules, which, as practice shows, do not have to be followed exactly. Go where they don’t ask you to, do what you don’t need to do. It's not that hard to get around these rules, find a loophole in them that will make the game turn inside out, and then invent some clever way out of the situation.

There's always something in it.

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