Presentation on the theme of the new year of the game. New Year's intellectual game presentation for the lesson (grade 2) on the topic. What is the name of Santa Claus in Italy

Extracurricular activities for 6-7 grade. New Year traditions and customs

Cognitive game for middle school students "New Year traditions and customs"

Teacher of the Omsk region "Krasnoyarsk adaptive boarding school" Shaldina Anna Viktorovna.
Description of work: This game can be useful for class teachers, teachers - organizers, educators in preparation for the New Year holidays.
Target: To form a steady interest in the traditions and customs of the peoples of the world.
1. Activate the knowledge that students have about New Year's traditions.
2. Develop mental operations, improve mental processes.
3. Cultivate curiosity, the ability to work in a team.
Preliminary work: teams participating in the game prepare a business card - name, motto.
Equipment: a projector, musical equipment, a black box, a bell, tinsel, a garland, sparklers, sheets of paper, markers (for teams), a board, letterheads, gifts.
Game progress.
(Teams gather in the hall, take their places)
Leading: Hello, dear participants of the game, spectators and educators. We start our game. First, I'll ask the teams to introduce themselves.
(representation of teams, evaluation of performances)
Leading: The teams introduced themselves and we can start our game. First, I will explain the rule of the game. In front of you is the playing field. It consists of 4 sectors - red, blue, yellow and white. Each sector has six questions. The color of the sector indicates the degree of difficulty of the question. All questions are divided into 5 topics: Around the world, Cipher, Black box, Proverbs and sayings, Rites and traditions and Musical. Teams choose a topic and sector in turn. For example: "Around the World 20". This means that if a team answers this question correctly, they can earn 20 points. If a team has chosen a question, but cannot answer it, then the right to answer is given to the opposing team. Does everyone understand? (players answer) To determine which team will start the game first, I will give you a riddle:
“I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!
I love beads, sequins - any jewelry.
But on my, believe me, great misfortune
I only get dressed once a year."

(Christmas tree)
Next, the team chooses questions by sectors, the points obtained are recorded on the board. At the end of the game, the teams are awarded with certificates and gifts.

Around the world - name the correct answer:
1. At different times in this country, Santa Claus was called differently: Morozko, Karachun, Grandfather Treskun. Name the country. (Russia)
2. The American grandfather wears a cap and a red jacket, flies through the air on reindeer, flies into houses through a chimney and leaves gifts in stockings. What's his name? (Santa Claus)
3. In this country, Santa Claus - Uvlin Uvgun, wears the clothes of a shepherd. In his hand he has a whip, and on his belt is a bag with tinder and flint. His assistant's name is Zazan Ohin - "Snow Girl" (Mongolia)
4. In this country, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in red clothes and set fire to a huge number of firecrackers and fireworks. It is believed that by doing so, people drive away evil spirits. Name the country. (China)

Encryption - make a word from letters using the key:
1. Make a word from letters - the name of Santa Claus from the Czech Republic
3 2 5 6 7 4 1
2. Make a word out of letters - this is how Santa Claus is called in Uzbekistan
4 7 1 6 5 3 2
3. Make a word from letters - the name of the Austrian Santa Claus
5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
4. Make a word from letters - the name of the Dutch Santa Claus
4 5 11 3 9 7 1 8 6 2 10

Black box - you need to guess the object that is in the black box. Players are given 3 hints. If the team guesses the object from the first clue, it earns the maximum number of points. If from 2 or from 3, then the points decrease:
1 question:
1. Since ancient times, this decoration has been used to scare away evil spirits who were afraid of loud sounds.
2. In Scandinavia, its ringing marks the end of the working day and the beginning of the holiday - 2
3. It can be seen not only on the New Year tree, but also in schools, churches and cathedrals - 4
2 question:
1. The prototype of this decoration is a candle
2. It was first invented by the American telephone operator Ralph Morris to decorate the Christmas tree in front of the presidential White House.
3. This decoration is made up of light bulbs and wires
- 10
3 question:
1. This New Year's decoration, according to legend, was woven with spiders to decorate the Christmas tree in one poor but kind large family.
2. Initially, it was made from silver-plated and gilded threads, which were cut into thin strips. - 10.
3. Nowadays - this decoration has been serving for more than one year, it is pleasant to the touch, has many colors and shades, resembles a long, shaggy cord - 20
4 question:
1. For the first time, this attribute of the new year arose in ancient India, during religious ceremonies in temples.
2. The prototype of this decoration was the dry stems of plants, which were filled with a fiery composition. When they hit the fire, they gave a bright flame with a characteristic crackle. - twenty
3. His birthplace is the Indian state of Bengal. - thirty

Proverbs and sayings - complete the proverb:

1. New Year - by spring ...
2. If you like to ride, love toboggan...
3. The frost is not great, but stand ...
(doesn't say)
4. Frost and iron breaks, and a bird in flight ...

Traditions and customs - guess the tradition:
1. This ceremony is performed on the night before Christmas. For its implementation, various objects are used: threads, mirrors, matches, logs, etc. Only girls take part.
2. For this ceremony, ordinary or special mittens were used, into which grain was poured in advance - wheat, barley, rye. They performed this rite going from house to house and singing songs.
3. An old folk custom that arose during the baptism of Russia in 998. It is believed that by performing this rite, a person, as it were, washes away the sins accumulated over the year.
4. This tradition originated for the first time in Germany and is associated with the name of Martin Luther, who once, returning home on Christmas Eve, was delighted with the beauty of the stars that strewed the firmament so densely that it seemed as if the crowns of the trees sparkled with stars. In our country, this tradition appeared thanks to Peter I. Name the tradition.
(decorate the Christmas tree)

Musical - guess the song and perform it. The team is given a historical background about this song. If the players guess the song using this help, they get double the number of points. If the team finds it difficult to answer, they can listen to the backing track of this song:
1. The author of the words of this song is Raisa Adamovna Gidroits. In 1903, her poem "Yolka" first appeared on the pages of the children's magazine "Baby". And in 1905 L.K. Beckman wrote the music for this poem for his daughter. The song became popular after the release of the collection "Verochka's Songs". Risa Adamovna herself did not know anything about the popularity of her poems. And only in 1921 I accidentally heard this song on a suburban train, where children sang it. The song speaks of an evergreen tree that has been severely cut down. Name a song and sing it.
("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")
2. The words of the song were invented by the famous author of "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Antoshka" and "Chunga-Changi" - Yuri Entin, and the music was composed by the no less famous Gennady Gladkov in 1974 for the New Year's release of the most popular at that time cartoon "Well, you wait! » Oddly enough, neither the poet nor the composer at first considered this composition successful. But how wrong they were!
("Tell me, Snow Maiden!")
3. This song was written by composers Yevgeny Krylatov on the verses of the poet Leonid Derbenev for the film "Magicians". On the screen, the song was performed by a little girl, but in reality it was sung by Larisa Dolina. The song speaks of three white animals that were named after the winter months of the year. Name a song and sing it.
("Three white horses")
4. This legendary song is considered by many to be folk. However, the authors of this song are Maria Pavlovna Morozova and her husband Alexander Mikhailovich Uvarov. The song talks about the fierce Siberian weather, about the horse and about the wife. Name a song and sing it.
("Oh, frost, frost")

You can play "Own game" both on the parallel and in the same class. During the game, students demonstrate their knowledge and gain new ones - about the traditions, customs of celebrating the New Year in different countries.

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"Explanatory note"

Nomination: extracurricular activity

Work theme: Own game (All about the New Year)

Educational institution:

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4 with in-depth study of individual subjects of the Asbest City District (Sverdlovsk Region)

Explanatory note

The holiday is a complex social and cultural phenomenon and is studied by a fairly wide range of sciences: sociology, psychology, history, ethnography, etc. The significance of the holiday for modern man cannot be underestimated. Holidays have a special place in a child's life. Good or bad, in any case, it does not pass without a trace for the child.

New Year is one of the most beloved holidays not only in our country, but also in many countries of the world. It is eagerly awaited by both children and adults. During its existence, and the custom of celebrating the New Year has not even centuries, but many thousands of years of history. This holiday has acquired invariable and easily recognizable attributes - a decorated Christmas tree, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, tangerines, chimes, etc.

But a holiday is not only recreation, organized leisure, entertainment, but an important means of the educational process. It contains rich opportunities for the mental and moral development of children. The holiday gives students a lot of experiences and rich food for perception, which serves as an excellent soil for children's imagination, contributes to the development of creative abilities.

methodical development of an extra-curricular event "Own game" (Everything about the New Year) prepared for students in grades 5-8.

The game carries great educational opportunities: the world around is studied, scope is opened for the manifestation of one's "I", personal creativity, activity, self-knowledge, self-expression, self-development. The game is the main area of ​​communication for children, it solves the problems of interpersonal relationships, partnerships, friendship, camaraderie.

the main goal games - to bring students as much joy as possible, to form a kind of festive culture among them and at the same time enrich them with new, vivid impressions.


- to realize and develop their abilities (wit, resourcefulness, initiative);

Expand knowledge about customs, New Year traditions in different countries;

Develop organizational skills, endurance, the ability to weigh circumstances;

Planned result: recognition by students of their growth in cognitive, communicative, informational directions. The presence of positive results at the end of the game.

"Own game" is held in the music room using a PC and a projector or using an interactive whiteboard.

Practical focus- in the presented experience of work on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC using new technologies, modern material and technical means.

Methodological development can be used not only for conducting in one team, but also between several classes of the same parallel.

The course of the extracurricular activity

"Own game" (All about the New Year)

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends. We are glad to welcome all of you to our New Year's event!

There are many wonderful holidays.

Everyone comes in their turn.

But the best holiday in the world

The best holiday is New Year!

He comes on a snowy road

Having swirled snowflakes round dance.

The beauty of the mysterious and strict

Fills the heart of the New Year!

He gives us faith in a good case,

On the first day and a new turn

Helps to get better

To all the people of the world New Year!

Louder laughter and more joyful hugs,

And flies from all latitudes

Clock chime. We are all brothers to each other!

On the planet holiday - New Year!

Happy New Year!

Leading: And so, we begin the New Year's edition of the "Own Game" program.

Your game is a great way to test all your knowledge accumulated over the period of your life. Well, isn't that interesting? The theme of our game is New Year in different countries.

First, let me explain the rules of the game.

You are invited to divide into several teams (division at will).

Before you is a playing field with sectors:

Sector 1 - Santa Claus in different countries.

Sector 2 - Festive menu.

Sector 3 - Symbols of the New Year.

Sector 4 - Traditions on New Year's Eve.

Sector 5 - Movies on New Year's Eve.

In each sector from 10 to 60 points. The more difficult the question, the higher the score.

In case of luck, i.e. if you answer the question correctly - your points (Correct answers appear on the same slide with questions). If the answer to the question is incorrect, any of the teams can answer. Then the points are added to the piggy bank of the responding team. The team with the most points wins the final. As you can see, the rules of the game are simple.

We wish good luck to all teams!

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"My own game"

My own game All about New Year

Compiled by:

Staritsyna A.Yu.

Music teacher and MHC

AMOU secondary school №4 Asbest

Sverdlovsk region

Santa Claus in different countries

Holiday menu

Symbols of the New Year

Traditions on New Year's Eve

Movies on New Year's Eve

Santa Claus

Question #1 (10 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in France?

(Pierre Noel)


Santa Claus

Question #2 (20 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Austria?



Santa Claus

Question #3 (30 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Italy?

(Babbo Natale)


Santa Claus

Question #4 (40 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Japan?

(Segatsu San)


Santa Claus

Question #5 (50 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Finland?



Santa Claus

Question #6 (60 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Colombia?

(Papa Pasquale)


Festive dishes

Question #1 (10 points)

Iran. How many dishes should the Iranians have on the table, the names of which begin with "s"?


Festive dishes

Question #2 (20 points)

Netherlands. For the festive table, donuts are always baked here with ... (what?)

(with raisins)


Festive dishes

Question #3 (30 points)

Cuba. What should you eat and how much while the chimes are chiming?

(12 grapes)


Festive dishes

Question #4 (40 points)

Venezuela. On the festive table in this country, the traditional

dish - fried ...?



Festive dishes

Question #5 (50 points)

Hungary. A traditional Hungarian New Year's dish?

(garlic with honey)


Festive dishes

Question #6 (60 points)

Sudan. In this country, on New Year's Eve, they wish each other to find this and eat it? If you find, then happiness will be all year.

(green walnut)


Symbols of the New Year

Question #1 (10 points)

Iran. It is a symbol of renewal of life. Do these items have to be on the table?

(new dishes)


Symbols of the New Year

Question #2 (20 points)

North America. Around this the Indians dance all night.



Symbols of the New Year

Question #3 (30 points)

Russia. They appeared in 1760 and became a mandatory attribute in every home. What's this?

(Christmas decorations)


Symbols of the New Year

Question #4 (40 points)

South Africa. The Zulu elder throws it on the ground. If it breaks, the New Year has begun.

(ripe pumpkin)


Symbols of the New Year

Question #5 (50 points)

Germany. The Germans, a few minutes before the New Year, climb it, and with the chimes they “jump” into the coming year. Where are they going?

(on a chair)


Symbols of the New Year

Question #6 (60 points)

Guinea. On the first day of the New Year, this animal is led through the streets. It is a symbol of power and wealth.



Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question #1 (10 points)

In which countries do they go to bed on New Year's Eve and celebrate the holiday in the morning at sunrise?

(Japan, India)


Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question #2 (20 points)

Scotland. Having met on New Year's Eve, the Scots congratulate each other and exchange pieces of ... (what)?

(pieces of coal)


Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question #3 (30 points)

Hungary. Best friends are given a clay figurine of this animal...?

(figurine of a pig)


Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question #4 (40 points)

Czech. In the village, the owner feeds this animal, and then releases it out the window into the garden. What kind of animal is that?



Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question #5 (50 points)

Greece. If it had been presented in Russia, we would not have understood. But in Greece, this is the best gift. The more it is, the more happiness they wish?



Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question #6 (60 points)

Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, spouses who often quarreled were condemned and ridiculed, sending them this on New Year's Eve ... (a symbol of quarrels and gossip)?



Movies on New Year's Eve

Question #1 (10 points)

We don’t mind watching it ten times, the film is called ...?

(Carnival Night)


Movies on New Year's Eve

Question #2 (20 points)

And fairy tales have scientific ideas...

About this film is wonderful ...?



Movies on New Year's Eve

Question #3 (30 points)

They celebrated the New Year at the cottage ...

Do you remember the movie...?

(Gentlemen of Fortune)


Movies on New Year's Eve

Question #4 (40 points)

She was lucky to meet everyone at once, a movie about these brothers…?

(12 months)


Movies on New Year's Eve

Question #5 (50 points)

Since childhood, every person remembers this old film ...?

(Chuk and Gek)


Movies on New Year's Eve

Question #6 (60 points)

And as usual, look would

we this night .. ...?

(Irony of fate)

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Slides captions:

Intellectual game Completed by: primary school teacher Lyceum No. 533, St. Petersburg Pribyshina N.V.

10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 fairy tale traditions From the history of puzzles

Ancient ritual dance at the Christmas tree. NOMINATION Khorovod 10

How many times, according to ancient tradition, Santa Claus must hit the ground with his staff for a miracle to happen? NOMINATION Three times 20

How many horses are in Santa's team? Why? NOMINATION Three white knights. There are three months in the season. thirty

Three necessary things, without which Santa Claus cannot appear "in public". NOMINATION Without beard, staff and gifts 40

How many times do Russians celebrate the New Year? NOMINATION Twice: the first of January according to the new style and the fourteenth - according to the old one. fifty

Where is the estate of the Russian Father Frost located? NOMINATION 10 Veliky Ustyug

Who was the "great-great-grandfather" of Santa Claus? NOMINATION 20 Morozko

According to the decree of which king, the date of the celebration of the New Year in Russia was January 1? NOMINATION 30 Peter I

Name the birthplace of the Snow Maiden and her birthday. NOMINATION 50 Kostroma. April 2, born with the last snow.

What was the name of the dog from the fairy tale by V.I. Dahl "Girl Snow Maiden"? NOMINATION 10 Bug

What was the name of the dog Mickey Mouse? NOMINATION 20 Pluto

Fragments of what made the fairy-tale hero of one winter fairy tale angry, insensitive? NOMINATION 30 Mirror shards

What New Year's toy did the queen of mice Myshilda from the fairy tale E.T.A. turn the young prince into? Hoffmann? NOMINATION 40 Nutcracker

Who played the role of the Snow Maiden in the cartoon "Well, you wait!"? NOMINATION 50 Wolf

Enter a question. NOMINATION 10 likes

Enter a question. NOMINATION 20 dachshund

Enter a question. NOMINATION 30 husky

Enter a question. NOMINATION 40 shepherd dog

Enter a question. NOMINATION 50 bulldog g

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