Bed Wars plugin 1 8. Minecraft Bed Wars servers on the Squareland project

I think everyone has already played on the BedWars servers, and of course, most of the administrators of their servers want to install a plugin exactly the same as on the top servers. For example, on a high pixel or on a maxmain, they wrote these plugins themselves, in fact, like the developer of this modification. Only he sold it for 2.500, and did not make a binding to the SP. So, I'm posting this plugin, let everyone on the server who has a dedic or VDS for MineCraft have it. Since the plugin is quite gluttonous, and it requires a lot of RAM, it is advisable to install it on a separate server and connect the two servers with the plugin: "I don't remember the name" /server. Actually everything, there is nothing more to describe here, I think whoever played will understand what this plugin is.

Download BedWars for minecraft 1.5.2

Plugin installation:

Setting(permission bedwars.admin):

1. Select the arena with an ax (Requires worldedit)
2./bw create arena name map name - create an arena (set different cards for different cards)
3./bw set bed - setting the bed point for (green,
red, yellow, blue, orange, pink, purple, black). You need to stand when setting up the bed.
in place of one of the bed blocks and look exactly towards the block with a pillow
4./bw set spawn - setting the spawn point for
5./bw add bronze - setting bronze spawn point
6./bw add iron - setting iron spawn point
7./bw add gold - set gold spawn point
8./bw add shop - setting the point of a resident
9./bw edit - remove spawn points of bronze, iron, gold, inhabitants
(When you click on the gui, the spawn point with the coordinates in the description is deleted)
10./bw set minplayers - setting the minimum number of players for
arena start
11./bw set maxplayers - setting the maximum number of players in the arena
12./bw set teamscount - setting the number of teams in the arena
13./bw add lobby - set lobby point
14./bw delete - delete arena
15./bw disable - disable arena
16./bw enable - enable arena
17./bw reload - reload config and messages
18./bw restart - complete restart of the plugin and all arenas
19./bw setlobby - setting the global game lobby
20./bw save - resave arena schematic*

For players
/bw join - entrance to the arena - bedwars.join
/bw joinmap - entrance to the arena with a map - bedwars.joinmap
/bw random - entry to a random arena - bedwars.random
/bw leave - exit from the arena - bedwars.leave
/bw help - help -
/bw team - team selection -
/bw shop or /trade - open a shop anywhere -,
/heal - restore health once per game - bedwars.heal
/feed - restore health once per game - bedwars.feed

1.If you set PortalRandomJoin to true in the config, then set the global lobby with
using the /bw setlobby command and also set RespawnInLobby to true in the config.
2.If the minigame is on a server with survival and the players drop out of the world after the game, then
set the global lobby with the /bw setlobby command and set RespawnInLobby to true in the config.
3. To write to the global GAME chat during the game, you need to write "!" before the message
4.If you edited the map manually after creation, then save the changes with /bw save

Bed Wars - Minecraft PVP Mini-Game

Introducing a new exciting Bed Wars server - a mini-game for Minecraft with PvP. Tired of the usual survival mode and want to have some fun? Probably your friends too! New fun and easy-to-learn mini-game Bed Wars will dispel boredom and despondency!

Players are divided into two teams and move away from each other at a certain distance. It is more interesting to play when teams build fortresses at a great distance with obstacles. Teams must have one bed at the base.

At the base, players can find merchants who buy goods for bronze (ordinary bricks), iron and gold. Bronze is pretty easy to get. The fountain with this resource is located next to the base. The iron spawner is located near the fortress. Players will find four gold spawners in the middle of the map.

The night is coming. Participants on a Minecraft server with Bed Wars must sleep in the team's bed. It will become a spawn point. This is where the fun begins. An ordinary bed turns into the main treasure of the players.

The teams must protect the bed at all costs. Players can build it up with a fortress or surround it with traps. You can buy various items from merchants: weapons, armor, potions and blocks. The goal of Minecraft with Bed Wars is to destroy the opponent's bed in order to prevent them from respawning in the fortress. The victory will be won by the players who destroyed the bed and killed the opponents.

An exciting and fun game for players who love PVP and mini-games with friends. Bedwars can be played on any map and it does not require any mods or plugins.

This is a mini-map for the famous "cubic" game Bed wars. It will be charmingly useful to all those minecrafters who are tired of the usual survival and want to have fun with their friends.

Rules of the game

In order to play Bed wars, players are divided into two teams. Each of them must have the same number of participants. After the separation, the players build their own bases at a great distance from each other.

Each team must have a bed, which is the respawn point. The task of the players is to defeat all the enemies and destroy their bed so that they cannot resurrect and return to the game again. That is why you should protect your base in all possible ways.

You can surround the bed with high walls or create many ingenious traps - it all depends on you. At their bases, players can find merchants. You can buy various tools and materials from them that will be useful in the upcoming battles.


This map is very easy and simple to learn. It's perfect for the aforementioned mini-game. Even beginners will be able to quickly figure out what's what and enjoy the exciting gameplay.

It is very important to immediately become part of the team and work together, because otherwise you will not succeed. This is a team game in which there is no place for loners who do not cooperate with anyone.

Below you can download for free on Android the full original version of the mini-game Minecraft Bed wars for MCPE.

Minigame where teams (max. 15) try to destroy the other teams" beds. But there is more: On the whole map there are resource spawners spawning items. Some items are more worth than others and with these you can buy different things in the so called "Villager Shop". You will find powerful weapons or potions or simple blocks to get to the other bases. Get to the other bases? Yes, every team starts on an island and you have to get to the others with blocks which you can buy in the "Villager Shop". When you meet a enemy you have to try to kill him so he'll lose all the equipment which he had in his inventory. As soon as a team "s bed is destroyed they cannot respawn again and last team standing wins.


  • Up to 15 Teams
  • Custom Amount of Players per Team
  • Powerful Villager Shop:
    • Two shop modes: Villager Trading and GUI-Shop
    • Customizable Shop Offers
    • Customizable Shop Categories
  • Fully Customizable Resource Spawners
  • Team Selection GUI
  • Automatic World Reset
  • Colored Player Names
  • Teamchat and Global Chat
  • 229 Languages/Locales - Available for translation by the community
  • Spectator Mode
  • Team Chests (Ender Chest)
  • MySQL or YAML statistics
  • Update Checker
  • Special Items:
    • Arrow Blocker
    • Magnet Shoes
    • Protection Wall
    • Rescue Platform
    • TNT Sheep
    • tracker
    • Warp Powder
  • Custom Target Block (not only "bed")
  • And much more!
Minecraft 1.7: BedwarsRel 1.2.8
Minecraft 1.8: BedwarsRel Latest version
Minecraft 1.9: BedwarsRel Latest version
Minecraft 1.10: BedwarsRel Latest version
Minecraft 1.11: BedwarsRel Latest version

CraftBukkit, Spigot and BungeeCord
BedwarsRel is a CraftBukkit and Spigot compatible plugin and therefore needs to be installed on a server running CraftBukkit or Spigot. There is a config option to set your plugin on BungeeCord mode to support BungeeCord setups with no need to add the plugin to your BungeeCord proxy.

How to setup
The setup process is described on our Github Wiki.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Video: How to set up BedwarsRel | English

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Video: How to set up BedwarsRel | German

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Video: How to set up BedwarsRel | Italian

Configuration options
BedwarsRel offers a great range of configuration options. Every option is described on our Github Wiki.

Plugin Metrics - BedwarsRel is being used on almost 2000 servers!
BedwarsRel captures data about its usage. Data is being sent anonymiously to . These metrics can be disabled in BedwarsRel's config.yml.

If you have a question, please have a look on our FAQ-Area first. You can also ask the community on the or on BedwarsRel's chatroom

If you found a bug, please open an issue on Github

If you own a server running BedwarsRel and having at least 25 concurrent players every day, please contact

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