Google step by step map. How to use Google Maps. How to add your company to Google Maps

Two Google Maps maps - scheme and satellite

Hello, dear friends of the portal site!

Two Google Maps (Scheme and Satellite), which can be used to compare any object in any city (street, house) and country in the world. Visibility of a geographical object on the map and a view from space (Google satellite map), street panorama (drag the orange man to the diagram)

It is enough to type the required address in the Google Maps search form. It can be the name of a country, city, street. For a more accurate search, we advise you to combine your query to Google

Example: Moscow Tverskaya 11, or another address in Moscow (as in any city in the world)

In this case, the database of the Google Maps 2019 service will correctly match the coordinates with the address being typed. Believe me, it will do just as well as + show interesting and popular places in the world. This sufficiently guarantees the output of the exact location of the search object.

By default, two maps show the sunny city of Los Angeles (satellite and normal). By changing the proposed scale +/- , you can see in more detail each street with houses (Los Angeles)

The City of Angels is the second most populated city in the United States. Disneyland (Anaheim) and the Hollywood sign are also located there. By zooming out on the satellite map from the satellite (-), you will witness an interesting metamorphosis. It remains to try. Street photos (satellite images) and panoramic view are also available on both maps

By the way, you will find Disneyland itself at these coordinates. Copy Ctrl+C and paste into the search form Ctrl+V


Similar interesting things await here during the zoom out (-). Having zoomed in on the diagram to the maximum, you can also use the Google Maps "Reversal Arrow" tool (appears above the zoom tool).

Back in Los Angeles, there is an office of Google Corporation at Los Angeles 340 Main Street (and type to search). One of 70 offices in 40 countries

In some cases, it is necessary to compare two different objects in the same representation. For example, consider the desired street on a map of the city of Moscow from a satellite - or pictures of roads and squares. First we find the capital of Russia on the map. Previously, they were able to determine the latitude and longitude of any city in the world. Then we switch the map from above to the “Satellite” view (lower left corner). The map in Russian below will remain as it was. Here is a comparison of two Google Maps

⬇ List: popular and interesting places on Maps Google (new ones are added):

  • Zaryadye Park, Moscow 55.751085, 37.628765
  • Belarus, Brest Fortress 52.082599, 23.655529
  • Berlin, Reichstag 52.518712, 13.376100
  • Himalayas, Everest 27.989302, 86.925040
  • Baikonur Cosmodrome 45.996389, 63.563907
  • Mexico, Aztec City 19.692850, -98.843856
  • Monte Carlo, embankment 43.734819, 7.421430
  • Rio de Janeiro, statue of Jesus Christ -22.952264, -43.210662
  • Statue "Motherland", Kyiv 50.426760, 30.563044
  • Statue "Motherland", Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd 48.742342, 44.537109
  • Petronas Towers Malaysia 3.157933, 101.711846
  • London "Big Ben" 51.501021, -0.124660
  • France, Channel Tunnel 50.922493, 1.781868
  • Australia, Sydney Opera House -33.856716, 151.215294
  • UAE Dubai, artificial islands 25.114663, 55.139036

Thank you for the provided data service Google Maps

Cartographic data of cities in Russia, Ukraine and the world

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Recently I wrote about and how you can use them on your site. Now it's the turn of a similar service from another major player in this market - Google Maps. These two products compete in Runet, but Google is the undisputed leader in the world.

In addition, now they are moving to a new type of maps, where much has become more understandable and convenient, and it has also become possible to use the capabilities of Google Earth (once it was a separate application for a computer) without installing additional plug-ins in the browser.

In this article, we will also look at ways to embed Google maps on your site, both when using the old interface and when using the new one. Moreover, this is done quite simply, although the API capabilities, as in the case of Yandex, will provide the developer with almost unlimited possibilities.

Features of Google maps and how to connect a new interface

Google Maps itself was launched in 2005. Almost at the same time, the company acquired a program with similar functionality, which later became known as Google Earth. It was distinguished from the online version by the ability to display the landscape of the area and the buildings of some cities in 3D.

To render such graphics, it was necessary to use additional hardware capabilities of the computer. Subsequently, it became possible to get the same effect in the online version of the maps, but this required the installation of a browser plugin. In the new version of Maps, this feature is integrated into the online version by default and is activated automatically if your computer meets the minimum performance requirements and an acceptable browser is installed. But first things first.

Just like in Yandex, you can add your organization to the Google map and build the best travel route (by car, public transport, plane, on foot or by bike). Not in all places of our vast planet it will be possible to use all these methods, but nevertheless.

In the new interface, it will be enough to enter the starting point in the search bar, and to select the second point, use "How to get there".

By the way, about the new Google Maps interface. It is still being tested (it is possible that by the time you read this publication, it will already be over) and if the browser you are using supports all the features of the novelty, then you will be offered to try it out.

How to add your company to Google Maps

The main view of Google maps lives at You will also be prompted add your company details :

Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity, because despite the fact that users type the bulk of commercial requests in Yandex, its bourgeois counterpart should not be discounted and neglected by various opportunities to attract traffic from it.

In general, there you will only need to check the consent box and click the "Continue" button:

Just in case, you will be prompted to find your company in the Google database, after which you can safely click on “This is not my company. Create a new entry.

After that, you will be asked to fill out a form, i.e. enter data about your organization and add it to the Google Maps database so that this information is shown to users who are in some way interested in receiving this information. In general, this action will not be superfluous.

If for some reason you have not yet been offered take advantage of the new version of Google Maps, then invite yourself by clicking on this link -

As I understand it, the new Google Maps may not work in all browsers and not on all devices. However, in Chrome on a desktop computer, they feel great, and I use this option, because, in my opinion, it is much more usable.

If you don't like the new Google Maps of the future, then back to classic and the familiar interface you can by clicking on the question mark located in the lower right corner and selecting the lowest item:

3D Google Earth objects on Google online maps

And, of course, about 3d Google Earth integrated into the online version is worth mentioning. You can switch to this view mode by clicking on the square with the inscription "Earth" in the lower left corner:

After you do this, the toolbar will change its purpose somewhat and will look something like this (a compass will appear and the ability to change the angle at which you can view the map):

It will be possible to look at satellite images not only from above, but also from the side, discretely changing the angle of inclination. Well, what am I telling you - with Google Earth, you yourself probably played and understand what's what:

By default, the so-called simplified mode may be enabled on your computer when 3D model of the Earth and other 3D objects are not available. The opposite situation is also possible, when the new Google Earth-enabled mode will be too slow on your hardware and you want to switch to a simplified one.

No problem, just use the links:

  1. Forced transition to a simplified mode of displaying new Google maps

If you are still using classic map view, then Google Earth option can be selected by moving the mouse cursor in the upper right corner to the square with the inscription "Satellite", and then clicking on the appeared square "Earth".

If you haven't installed the browser plugin yet, you will be prompted to do so.

Well, in fact, you will end up with the functionality of Google Earth in your browser.

But this functionality is by and large the only difference between Google maps and others. Everything else is available from competitors, but for whom it works better, it's up to you to decide. For example, all the same routing works more or less acceptable in Yandex on the territory of the former Soviet Union, but outside of it, everything is not so great.

Traffic, street view and directions on Google Maps

In Google Maps, by the way, it is also possible to show the traffic situation, i.e. traffic jams. On the classic online version, the layer with traffic jams can be connected in the upper right corner:

In the same place it will be possible to connect a layer with photos to be able to see the pictures taken at the place of interest to you. IN new layer map interface with photos not as such, but they are always present at the bottom under the search bar or open at the bottom of the window using the corresponding arrows:

On the new Google Maps, the traffic layer is activated in the area below the search bar:

Its legend (color differentiation) will be given at the bottom of the window drop-down from the search bar. There you can also see traffic forecast on google maps for the day and hour you need:

Function route planning in the classic interface is available from the right column after pressing the corresponding button:

In general, everything you need is there. You set the start and end point of the route, you get several travel options, which can be different when choosing a mode of transportation: car, public transport or your own feet.

In the new Google Maps interface, everything looks more concise, I think. The one you are currently viewing is taken as the starting point of reference, and to enter the final one, just click on the "How to get there" button located at the bottom of the search bar:

As a result, Google will display several routes on the map (the main one is shown in blue, and the alternative ones in gray), the travel time for which will be calculated taking into account the current traffic situation (traffic jams):

Again, the best route can be calculated for a trip by car, walking or traveling by public transport. For some countries, a calculation for a bike ride or an airplane flight will still be available. In general, everything is grown-up.

You can show or hide traffic jams on the route, add some exceptions hiding under the "Parameters" spoiler, and also get a text description of the constructed route using the "By steps" link.

And finally, the crazy option of any modern online maps - street view(in Yandex it was called panoramas). In Google Maps, it is activated in a rather original way - you will need to drag the yellow man (in the classic version he lives in the upper left corner, and in the new one in the opposite lower corner) to where you want to see the surroundings with your own eyes.

There are a lot of options for using this option - from a banal virtual study of the future route of movement, to a virtual journey where you have never been or have been, but want to refresh your memories or stumble. In Google, this opportunity is even more remarkable, because the whole world opens up before you, and not just the large cities of Russia, as it was in Yandex.

In general, we throw a little man in the right place and see street panorama in this place. You can zoom in and out, move forward, look in all directions, up and down with the mouse or arrows on the keyboard.

It is clear that you are all used to this, but if you think about it, it becomes clear all the tremendous work that has been done by the employees of the Google maps department to realize the full coverage of the entire globe (well, not all, but a significant part of it). There is even an option to travel inside buildings, such as hotels, as shown in this video:

To do this, cars with precise geopositioning systems and a number of cameras traveled around cities and villages, which later allowed them to collect a panorama from the pictures taken. People with equipment worn behind their backs worked in hard-to-reach places. Faces and license plates caught in the photo are blurred on purpose to avoid unnecessary excesses.

How to get google map for your website

With Google Maps, the situation is about the same - in order to insert a location map on your site, you don’t need much intelligence, but only a specialist can do more complex ones, or an extension (plugin) for the engine you use (CMS) will help you with this.

As a result, a window will open where on the second tab "The code" you can choose the size of the window in which your map will fit (you can change it later by replacing the numbers in the width="" height="" attributes of the iframe tag in the code).

It will turn out something like this (the scheme is clickable - the mouse and keyboard buttons react to your passes):

However, this is not exactly what we need. There is no way to draw a route manually, put labels with captions, select the necessary objects. In fact, everything described can be done, but for this we need a special tool. It's called Google Maps Engine Lite .

Choosing an option "Create a new card", you will have at your disposal a constructor with tools already familiar to Yandex - adding a label, drawing lines and routes.

For starters, for example, put a label where your office is located (give it a name, description, and specify the site URL). Then click on it with the left mouse button and select the paving route icon. A field will open on the left, where you will need to enter a starting point (for example, the nearest metro station), after which Google will create a route to your office.

If you wish, you can circle the office building with a line and close it to get it highlighted in the background color (you can also add a name, description and website for this object). As a result, in the Google Maps Engine Lite editor, all this disgrace will look something like this:

Select "Public on the Internet" and save the changes.

Click "Ready" in the previous window. After that, click on the folder icon in the upper left corner of Google Maps Engine Lite and select "Add to site":

Actually, everything. Copy the code, if necessary, adjust the dimensions of the Google map window in width and height (width = "" height = "" attributes of the iframe tag) and paste the code into any page of your site directly (frames should not be cut by the visual editor you use).

How to create a classic map and add it to your site

In the classic Google maps interface you can go to the "My Places" tab and click on the "Create Map" button. As a result, you will be taken to the already familiar Google Maps Engine Lite window. But we have already considered this a little higher and therefore is of no interest.

However, you can also click on the link "Classic UI", where again you will have extensive opportunities to create a map for your site. In the upper left area there are tools for applying your markup to the Google map.

You can put labels of different suits:

You can highlight knowledge by drawing polygons, and create a route from the nearest metro station using the Draw Line Along Roads tool. For each created markup element, you can add a title and description.

The same can be done for the card itself, after which you will need to select "Open access" and click on the button "Ready".

After saving, select the created map and click on the "Link" icon at the top left and select the option shown in the screenshot "Setup and Preview":

In the window that opens, you can set the width and height of the scheme, and using the mouse or the buttons located in the preview area, you can position the objects you added (by changing the scale of the map and moving it), and you can also click on the label to display the name you specified and description in the popup.

That's all, copy the code and paste it on the site (the iframe tag is usually not cut by visual editors and there should be no problems with pasting). In more detail, the issue of insertion is reflected in the article about Yandex maps mentioned at the beginning. The result should be something like this:

Second part of the code:

View Directions in a larger map

I removed the unnecessary link. Well, somewhere like that. If these features are not enough for you, then you are welcome to the Google Maps API for developers. Javascript programming skills are required.

Although you can still try to find plugins for your engine(WordPress, Joomla), who can offer you their own map builder based on the mentioned API. As a result, you can get something original and then inserting the resulting map on the site will not be difficult at all - the plugin will do it for you. If there is something in mind, then I will be glad to add your information to the article. Thank you in advance.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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With Google Maps, you can search for post offices, bus stops, businesses, streets, and more.

Search results will be more accurate if you sign in with your Google account. For example, you can easily find a place you've been looking for, or find out a friend's address by entering their name.

How to find a place on Maps

How to view the entire map

To hide the search box and sidebar, click the arrow to the right of them. This feature is not available in Easy Mode.

How to filter search results

Personalized search

Search results are personalized for each user based on many parameters. If you're using Google+, you'll also be offered places recommended by people in your circles.

What affects the personalization of results

On Google Maps In other Google services

Options that affect the personalization of search results include:

  • your cards in My cards (if any);
  • people and places added to Google Contacts (for example, Pizzeria Delfina);
  • entries, ratings and reviews left by you or your friends on Google+ that contain the place tag.

If you don't want these settings to affect Google Maps search results, please change your settings in the appropriate Google services.

Google Maps- a set of applications built on the basis of a free map service and technologies provided by Google.

Google world map
(The map can be enlarged or reduced, moved with the mouse in different directions)

Service Google Maps is an interactive world map that provides personalized maps and information about local businesses and companies, including information about the location of enterprises, contact information, driving directions, etc. An application is also associated with the service Google Earth - Google EarthI. Google Earth Maps also provides an opportunity to explore maps of any corner of the world.

To move around the map, zoom in, zoom out, change the image angle, use the navigation in the form of arrows and signs + and - at the top of the map. Try also to control the map by holding the right mouse button.

Enter the name of the city:

This is a standalone program for Microsoft Windows, as well as GNU/Linux, Mac OS. Just like Google Maps.
Program Google Earth allows you to view images of the earth's surface, zoom in and out, and build travel routes. Also, to view Google Maps, use one of the following methods:

  • View a web page with an embedded Google map.
  • View Google Maps on a mobile device.
  • Viewing a personal map created with a Google Earth solution

Google Street View (Street View)

For example, in the window below, you can do virtual walk around the city of Moscow using Google Street View. Use the navigation arrows in the upper left corner of the image. You can also change the viewing angle using the arrows on the keyboard. To move around the picture, you can click in the image area. The arrows on the streets of the city show the routes. You can change your position on the city map by dragging the yellow man in the lower right corner of the image with the mouse:

Google Street View allows users Google Maps travel through a three-dimensional projection of the city or some of its streets without leaving home. This functionality is achieved with the help of circular photography of the real area with special equipment in real time. As a result, a 3D photograph is created, which is a photographically accurate model of the city. And if you want to walk around such megacities as New York, Paris, London, Madrid, Rome, Barcelona and Prague without leaving your home, be sure to check out our articles.

Today I decided to tell you about a very useful and interesting tool. This tool is "google maps". This tool is very useful in that you can not only find the place you need, but now you can also look at the streets of the place you are interested in. In general, let's take a closer look at how to use google maps.

How to find google maps.

To find maps, you need to type in the search: "google maps" or "Google Maps". The search engine, most likely, will immediately give the desired result. After you go to the site, you will see a map. Let's figure out what to do next. Consider a classic example. You need to find a certain house, or rather, a house at a certain address.

How to search for addresses on google maps

On the top left you see the search box. In it you need to enter the address you want to find. You only need to enter starting from the city (city, street, house). For example, "Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya 14". Press the search button or the Enter key on the keyboard. On the map, you will be transferred to the desired address.

It is very convenient. Now, look at the screenshot, you can see the icon on the map. This icon shows the house you need. But that's not all you can do with cards.


Pay attention to the lower right corner. There you see a plus and minus sign. With these icons you can scale the map. Also, you can zoom with the scroll wheel of your mouse.

Watch from satellite

Now, pay attention to the lower left corner. There you see a small window with the inscription "Earth". If you click on this box, then you can watch the map, as it were, from a satellite. This is a very interesting look.

How to view photos on google maps

Let's go back to the bottom right corner if you are viewing google map in map mode and not in earth mode. You can see the icons by hovering over with the mouse, on which the words "Show Photos" appear. Click on these icons and you will see photos of nearby places. Please note that when you move the mouse over the photo, a "ray" appears. This ray shows the place where the photo was taken. Click on the photo you are interested in and you will be taken to the photo view mode.

This mode is very interesting in that you can not only look at photos, but also travel around cities and streets. In order to navigate the streets, you need to select a photo, hovering over it, the inscription "Street View" appears. On ordinary photos, the inscription "Photo" appears. In order to exit the photo view mode, you need to click on the arrow in the upper left corner. This arrow will return you to the map view. How to travel around the cities on google maps you can see in the video below.

In general, this is a very interesting service. With the help of the google maps service, you can find the address you need. See the sights. For example, I found an address in my city, which before that I didn’t even know where it was. Also, it is very interesting to travel around cities that you have never been to. Google maps allow you to see not only the CIS countries, but the whole world.

This concludes this note. I wish you success and pleasant and interesting travels. Don't forget to subscribe to stay updated on new content.

Video: Google maps. Travel without leaving home

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