Educational portal. Game program for traffic rules for elementary school Game program for traffic rules for elementary school

Anastasia Dubinina
Sports and game program on traffic rules for children of the preschool educational institution "We need to know the rules and always follow them"

Sports and game program for children of the preschool educational institution on the topic of traffic rules

« We need to know the rules and always follow them.» .


1. Form and develop children road safety skills.

2. Cultivate a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules.

3. Consolidate knowledge of road signs and the awareness that safety is paramount Total.

Characters: Traffic light (may be dressed in accordance with the colors of the traffic light, or maybe a foam suit leading.

The song sounds "In Every Little Child", the presenter comes out from behind the scenes.

AT. : Hello children!

D. : Hello!

AT. : Children, tell me, do you know why we have gathered today?

Children: No!

AT. : And we gathered in order to consolidate, and to someone only to get acquainted with traffic rules.

Music sounds "From a smile a gloomy day is brighter". A traffic light comes out from behind the scenes. In his hand is a sheet of paper and a pencil, he thoughtfully strolls around the hall, as if composing something. Noticed children.

AT. : Oh, children, look who is this?

D. : Traffic light!

FROM. : Hello, children and adults.

I am here writing a letter to all the children of the Earth and did not even notice how I got to you! What are you doing here?

AT. : And we, the traffic light, remember regulations traffic and it's very handy that you looked at us.

FROM. : Children, do you know the poems about traffic rules?

The children of the older group come out and read poetry:

1 child:

Be careful all the time

And remember ahead:

Has its own regulations

Driver and pedestrian.

2 child:

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red.

FROM. A: Thank you children, okay. Now let me tell you riddles!

1. It won’t oblige you to drive quietly, turning close will show

And it will remind you what and how you are on the way .... (Road sign)

2. The bus does not roll here. Trams will not pass here.

Pedestrians walk along the street calmly here.

For cars and trams, the path is different (Sidewalk)

3. Well, what if the sidewalk is not on the way for a pedestrian?

If a pedestrian needs to cross the pavement?

The pedestrian is immediately looking for a road sign .... (Transition)

4. Iron beasts growl and buzz.

Eyes, like those of cats, burn at night. (Cars).

FROM. : Excellent, you are just great. Well, it's time to play. The game is familiar to you, it's called "Automobile". But the rules have changed a bit. We are divided into two teams. 1 team "Cars", 2 team "Pedestrians". Unfolds on the floor "Zebra". While the music of Rauchverger is playing "Automobile", a team of drivers moves as if on a road, in two lanes. When the music ends, the cars stop in front "Zebra" and "Pedestrians" are crossing the road. If someone breaks regulations, leaves the game and at the end will have to answer why he was excluded from the game. The host conducts the game, and while the music is playing, the children "Ride in cars", The traffic light goes backstage and changes colors in some places.

AT. : Well done! Where is our traffic light?

The traffic light comes out, the colors on it are located not properly.

FROM. : Children, look, all the colors are mixed up on me. Gotta fix it. Let's play a game "Collect a traffic light".

Two teams. Two tables. On them lie multi-colored squares of paper, two of each color on the table. The first one runs and takes the red square, the second yellow, the third green, etc. Whose team came first and right collected two traffic lights, won.

FROM. A: Thank you guys. All fixed. I see very young guests at our holiday. And now I will tell you the main Traffic Laws:

1. Walk on the sidewalks, only with right side.

2. Cross the street at the pedestrian crossing.

3. Cross the street at the green traffic light.

4. You must not cross the street on red and yellow traffic lights.

5. When crossing the road, look for danger, if there are cars nearby.

6. You can not bypass the standing bus - it's dangerous. Wait for the bus to leave the stop.

7. When crossing the street, look first to the left, walk to the middle, then look right and keep going.

8. Never run across the road in front of a nearby vehicle.

9. Outside the city you need to go along the side of the road, towards traffic flow.

You are only growing up and do not know much, listen to adults, listen to elders and you will not be afraid to be on the street.

I'm a tricolor traffic light

Visible to everyone on the road.

Look at me

I'll tell you when to go.

If the red light

Many people are unaware

Pedestrian, stop

The passage is closed, watch out.

If the yellow flashes

Get ready, don't yawn.

All transport presses on the brakes,

Gives a way for a pedestrian.

And the green color was said,

For you to walk boldly.

With a brisk step together in step,

On the pedestrian crossing.

AT. : Children, and now I will show you road signs, and you you will to talk about what each sign warns us about.

FROM. : What are you good fellows! It's so much fun with you, but I have to go. You can't be on the road without me. Goodbye!

D. : Goodbye!

The traffic light is gone.

AT. : Very important for children know,

Rules respect traffic.

Do not neglect road signs.

Do not cross the road in the wrong place.

Well, our meeting has come to an end. Is always be careful and careful on the road. See you soon.

The song sounds "Pro Traffic Laws» and everyone leaves.

Used Books:

1. Poems about traffic rules for children(№2, Irkutsk)

2. Poems of own composition.

3. Internet network.

4. "Pinocchio at the piano", publishing house "Composer St. Petersburg" 2014

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Image Library:

The goals of the teacher: updating knowledge on the rules of the road; education of cultural behavior on the streets and roads.


A poster depicting an ancient traffic light in the form of a rock with a “cut through” window and sheets of colored paper: yellow-brown, red-white-black, black and blue - or white;

9 balls (3 each red, yellow, green) for the game "Air Traffic Light";

A traffic light with plastic windows on a piece of paper, a flashlight for the game “What does each color tell us? And how we listen to advice”;

Two sets of 8 cardboard strips (4 black, 4 white) for the Zebrata contest;

Balloons in yellow, green, red for the final dance.

The course of the game program

This event can be held by students of grades 5-8 for first-graders of their school or senior preschoolers, boarding school students, pupils of an orphanage as patronage assistance.

Leading. Guys, we live in a big, big world. This whole world lives by the rules. There are a lot of them, but today we will remember special rules: the rules of the road. We can't do without them. Are there those among you who have never crossed the road? No. Therefore, the rules are very necessary for everyone!

In ancient times, when there were no houses, no cars, no streets, no roads, people lived in caves and they were faced not with the question: “To cross - not to cross the road?”, But “To leave or not to leave the cave? ". The primitive traffic light was a window in a cave. (A poster is hung out with a painted rock in which one window is “cut through”. In the course of the story, sheets of colored paper are attached to the window on the back side: first yellow-brown, then red-white-black, then black, the last color is blue or white.) If such a color loomed in the window, then people knew that a predatory lizard was wandering nearby in search of food, if it was a different color, then most likely a saber-toothed tiger had come, a predatory panther was wandering nearby ... It was dangerous to go out! And when the sunlight appeared with a piece of blue sky, it was not dangerous to leave the cave! This is the very first traffic light. It has been improved over the centuries and at the present stage it looks the way you see it on the streets.

Guys, all of you have seen a traffic light and you know that it looks like a three-story house with lights. Each floor has one color: red, yellow and green. Do you remember which color lives on which floor? Now let's check!

Air traffic light game.

Two (three, four) groups of three people are invited to participate. Each group receives three balloons (red, yellow and green). On command, the players must fold the traffic light, placing the balls vertically in accordance with the location in the traffic lights. Each child has one ball. The group that folds the traffic light the fastest wins. Children can do this task easily and quickly. Then the task becomes more difficult, other participants are invited: the traffic light is assembled by teams not of three people, but of two. And the teams are up to the challenge. The task becomes more complicated once again: individual participants are invited to put together a traffic light from three balls. The host can offer the participants the order of folding (one ball is clamped between the knees, the other is pressed to the stomach, the third is crushed over the head, or all three balls are held in their hands, placing them vertically in front of them, or all three balls are held in their hands, but placed behind their backs) , or suggest improvising. Folding a traffic light alone is difficult, but fun.

Leading. On which floor which color lives, you guys know very well, but do you know what each color tells us?

The game “What does each color tell us? And how we listen to advice.

The presenter approaches with a flashlight to the image of a traffic light, which is drawn on a piece of paper. The three windows are cut out and sealed with green, yellow, and red plastic wrap (you can use binder covers available at office supply stores). As the game progresses, the host substitutes the included flashlight for the desired color, an imitation of a working traffic light is created. If the red light lights up, then the audience shouts in unison: “Stop!” If it is yellow, they clap their hands, and if it is green, they stomp their feet.

Leading. Guys, you all know the rules of the road. Do you follow them? Do your friends comply? Do you notice who on the streets follows the rules of the road and who does not? Let's find out!

The game "What is good, what is bad."

The host reads poetry, and the audience evaluates the behavior of the characters: if they do the right thing (“good”), then they clap their hands, and if they do it wrong (“badly”), then they threaten them with a finger.

Verse options:

1. Even if there are no cars,

Olya is waiting for the green light.

2. On the road, a jeep looms,

And the ball bounces so merrily ...

Sasha and Misha played,

And on the road were...

3. Where he wants, a cat walks there,

And not where the transition ...

4. Borya saw a friend,

Ran across the road...

5. Sveta got off the tram,

He was run from behind...

And Sasha knows: ahead

You always bypass the tram!

6. Petya knows everything

And, of course, he does!

7. All the guys at school know:

The transition is only where there are "zebras".

Leading. And now let's remember what a pedestrian crossing looks like - a striped path. And right here we will build two pedestrian crossings.

Zebra Contest.

Two teams of 6 or 8 people are invited to participate in the competition. Each team receives a set of black and white stripes. Participants must divide the strips into all (each one) and, on command, begin “building the transition” in one of the proposed ways: participants place the strips vertically in front of them and line up or “build the transition” vertically, placing the strips horizontally with a common canvas. The second way is much more difficult.

The game can be played twice with different teams using both zebra patterns.

Final dance.

General dance: each child receives a balloon, and a group dance with a balloon is performed to the music according to the principle “who is in what much”.


  • Involve parents in joint entertainment in order to consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals, about transport of various types (freight, passenger, air, water), about traffic signs.
  • Arouse the desire to act together, together, to give children the joy of communicating with relatives.

Event progress

I opening speech

In the hall where the parent meeting is held, children enter and sit in previously prepared places.

Leading. Dear parents and children! We invite you to take part in the educational and game program on the rules of the road "Red, Yellow, Green". But for this we need to divide into three teams: "Cyclists", "Motorcyclists", "Motorists".

Let's welcome the teams. And so we begin!

II Joint assignments

1. Remember and sing songs about any type of transport(each team in turn performs one verse of the song). The team that remembers the most songs wins.

2. Crosswalk(you need to lay out strips (made of paper) in turn), for this you need to run to the sign, first put a white strip near the sign, run around it, climb into the underpass (tunnel) and return to your team. The next player does the same, but carries the next black stripe). The team that completes first wins.

3. Draw a traffic light. Each team member runs up to the board in turn and draws a part of the traffic light. The team that completes the task first wins.

4. Decompose and name signs.

Road signs are:

Warning (red triangles)

Forbidding (red circles)

Information-indicative (blue rectangles)

Tasks for children

5. What does this sign mean?(For example, underground and pedestrian crossings and so on)

6. Be careful(clap your hands when the host calls the water mode of transport). The team that makes the fewest mistakes wins.

7. Word game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends"

How many of you give up your seat to the old people in the cramped bus?

- "Which of you goes forward only where the transition is?"

Children answer: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Does anyone know that a red light means "no move"?

Children answer: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Who knows that the green light is “the path is open”, the yellow light is “attention?”

Children answer: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

And which of you, going home, walks on the roadway?

Children answer: “No, not me, no, not me, and all my friends”

8. "Question - answer"

What do all people become: both big and small, when they go out on the road? (Pedestrians)

What do you think is the most important thing when crossing a street? (Have a good view of the roadway in all directions of the street, be careful.)

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk)

Tasks for parents

9. Explain the following concepts to the children.

1st team: traffic police, street, traffic light

2nd team: gas station, traffic controller, road sign

3rd team: traffic police, siren, sidewalk

10. "Question - answer"

When the car is moving, which wheel is not spinning? (Spare)

Why do they always walk? (On the stairs)

What is a controlled intersection? (Intersection at which traffic is regulated by a traffic light or a policeman - traffic controller)

Why do preschoolers need to memorize the rules of behavior on the street if they walk with adults and must strictly follow their instructions? (The child must consciously follow the rules)

How should you hold a child's hand when crossing the street? (Hold the wrist firmly so that the child does not break out)

How should an adult with a child enter the bus? (The child enters first, followed by an adult).

In the conclusion of the cognitive-game program, you can use a poetic appeal to children:

Through the city, down the street

They don't just go like this:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember ahead:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.


Leading. Thank you all for your participation. The teams coped with the task just fine and, as they say, friendship won! All teams are awarded diplomas and sweet prizes (sweets).

Target: generalization of students' knowledge of the rules of the road.

- to form in students an awareness of the need for knowledge of traffic rules to ensure their own safety;
- develop the ability to work in a group, be able to make the right decisions in the shortest possible time;
- to develop the skills to follow the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

Game progress:

The game is played by two teams.
The music sounds “We know from A to Z the rules of the road”
Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you. We have gathered to talk about a very important, necessary and serious topic - the rules of the road. Guys, many of you were familiar with the rules of the road in kindergarten. And how well you know them, and most importantly - observe them, we will now check by playing the game "Road Scholar".

You will learn the names of your teams by solving riddles:
1. At the very intersection.
Hanging three-eyed sorcerer.
But never looks
Three eyes at once.(Traffic light)

2.Here is a road riddle:
What is the name of that horse
What lay down on the transition
where pedestrians walk.(Zebra)

Leading: Well done! Now let's start the game. Our game program consists of several competitions. Each team, completing a certain task, earns tokens. For violation of discipline, one token is removed. At the end of the game program, the number of tokens will be counted. The team with the most tokens will win.
And for starters, a little warm-up.

Guys, do you remember how your mother read and told you fairy tales as a child? Remember? Let's recall some of them. So, I will name a fairy-tale character or a literary hero, and you have to name their vehicle for me.
1. On what vehicle did the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka travel?(train)
2. What did Emelya ride to the tsar in the palace? (on the stove)
3. What is Leopold's cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport?(bike)
4. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella?(in a carriage)
5. Name the means of transportation controlled by Baba Yaga.(mortar, broom)
6. What vehicle did the robber Ali Baba have?(horse)
(teams are given tokens)
Leading: The teams successfully completed the warm-up and received their first earned tokens. And we keep playing. It is no secret that every mother wants a smart, intelligent baby to grow up from her child, and already in childhood, mothers try to develop their children by buying them all kinds of educational games and mosaics. Let's remember one of the favorite games for children - to collect puzzles. Does everyone remember what it is? Then I suggest you show it to us in a contest.
"Road sign broke..."

In 1 minute you need to fold a road sign, give an answer, what is the name of the sign. Time has gone!
(teams collect signs)
Leading: Guys, you will probably agree with me that mothers are not only attentive educators and wonderful needlewomen, they are also cool entertainers. What unforgettable holidays they arrange, birthdays. Mom manages not only to bake a cake, but also decorates the apartment with balloons.And our next contest is related to balloons, with their help you will need to make a traffic light. And we continue our competition with an interesting relay called
"Funny traffic light"
I explain the terms. Each team must light a traffic light, for this you are provided with three balloons and threads. You will need to inflate the balloons and place them in the correct order on the board. The winner is the team that will light the cheerful traffic light faster and better. So, to the start, attention, march!

Sounds music V. Leontiev. "Green light" is the relay race "Merry traffic light".
(the results of the relay race "Cheerful traffic light" are summed up, the teams are given tokens)
Leading: Guys, tell me, do you like to relax with your parents in nature, with a tent, with a fire, where there is a river, dads enjoy fishing, and moms cook fish soup. Great! Our next competition is called
In this competition, our captains will show all their dexterity and accuracy. I ask the captains to come to me. Here are the fishing rods, and at a distance of 2 meters there is the so-called "lake", where the "fish" live. Captains take places at the cone of the corresponding color.
Your task is to catch as many fish from the lake as possible in 1 minute and give the correct answers to the questions. Get started, pay attention. We started. Time has gone.
1. Who do we call "road users"?(Pedestrians, drivers, passengers.)
2. What is the name of the walkway?(Sidewalk.)
3. The bus stopped at a stop, you got off it. How do you cross the road correctly?(You have to wait for the bus to leave or go to the pedestrian crossing.)
4. How to move on a country road?(On the side of the road, towards the moving traffic).
5. List four types of special transport!(Ambulance, police, fire engine, gas service.)
6. What road sign is installed near schools?(Children.)
7. Which side should you stick to when walking on the sidewalk?(Right side.)
8. At what age are children allowed to ride in the front seat of a car?(since 12)
Host: Game "Find a couple."
Guests are issued 10 traffic signs. Each participant receives a riddle about the sign in poetic form. The guests raise the signs so that the participants can see them well. The task of the participants, having solved the riddle, is to bring the guest with the sign to their team. The team that quickly and correctly selects their name for the signs wins. For example, to a sign that depicts a red circle with a white stripe - "Entry is prohibited", to a white triangle with a red border and silhouettes of running children - "Children".
At the landing sites

Transport passengers are waiting
Established order
You can't break it here either.
"Bus or trolley bus stop"

This sign is like this:
He is guarding the pedestrian.
Let's go with the doll together
We make our way to this place.
On the roads for pedestrians
It became easier with the transition.
Under the ground even the area
Going is much easier.
"Underground crossing"
Only cars drive here
Tires flash threateningly.
Do you have a bike?
So stop!
There is no road!
"Biking is prohibited"
I'm in a circle with a red outline,
It means it's dangerous here.
Here, understand, prohibition
Pedestrian traffic.
"No Pedestrians"
The man in the blue circle
This is clear to the whole district:
Cars won't go here
Pedestrians are welcome.
Lida with a doll in alarm:
They need a doctor on the road.
Don't look sad
-Help is near! The doctor is near!
« First aid point»
The car rushes at full speed,
And suddenly towards the sign:
It has a fence on it.
I rub my eyes, look straight ahead:
Highway closed to the fence?
And what is this sign?
"Railway crossing with a barrier"
Man is digging the earth.
Why is there no way?
Maybe they're looking for treasure here.
and old coins
Are they in a big chest?
They are here, probably old
Hid a very greedy king.
"Road works"
I want to ask about the sign
Drawn like this:
Guys in the triangle
They are running with all their might.
My friend says:
- It means - the way is closed.
With numbers on the chest.
On the road - relay race,
The kids need to run somewhere...
But I'm afraid, however,
The sign has a different meaning...
(the results of the "Find a Pair" contest are summed up, the teams are given tokens)

Next competition"Solve the puzzle"
Leading: So our game has come to an end.Many thanks to everyone for an interesting game. We hand over traffic rules to all guests. Remember! Observing the Rules of the Road, we save the most precious thing - life!
Dear friends, good luck and safe journeys!


1. Rules of the road. - M, 2004.
2. Repin Ya.S. Road alphabet. - M: DOSAAF, 1987
3. Three traffic lights. Didactic games, quizzes. - M: Enlightenment, 1998
4. Kovalko V.I. Game modular course on traffic rules. - M, 2004

Irina Valerievna Kashina
The scenario of the entertainment and game program according to the traffic rules "Road Adventures"

Region Integration: physical development, social and communicative development.

Age group: middle group

Target: Deliver positive emotions and good mood to children from the event.

Tasks: 1. Activate and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights, road signs, traffic rules;

2. To improve the motor activity of children, to develop speed, agility, coordination of movements, orientation in space.

3. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and a desire to interact with peers.

Material and equipment: traffic light blanks (black rectangle, three circles - red, green, yellow, black semicircle and a strip - for the legs of the traffic light, a white sheet of paper on which the traffic light will be glued, suits for the truck and the traffic light, circles - red, yellow, green, steering wheels on the number of children, road signs, musical accompaniment.

Leading: Lived in the light of a truck

He is neither small nor great.

Didn't want to go to school

And learn the rules of the road.

He said to everyone and everywhere: I will not study! I'm having fun as well!

In freedom, freedom, freedom, I have more fun than at school!

Sounds music "leaves" the truck.

Truck: I will pass all the streets of the path in half an hour.

My four legs are four wheels.

Runs into the leader.

Leading: Ay, yai, yai ... Be careful! Truck, you gotta watch where you're going! You almost crushed me...

Truck: You need to watch where you are! Stay right on the road! That's why it so happened that I almost crushed you ...

Leading: That's right, I'm standing on the road, but this part of the road is called "pedestrian island." Now, if you went to school, you would know that this part of the road is just for pedestrians, and there is no place for cars here.

Truck: Back to school…. I don't want to study!

Leading: Truck, you still need to learn, because knowledge has not yet harmed anyone. And the guys and I are ready to help you learn the rules of the road. True guys.

Children: Truth.

Truck: Okay, agreed. Let's teach me.

Leading: Helping for a long time

Children, our friend - TRAFFIC LIGHT.

Explain without stress

Rules for children.

And you, Trucker, a traffic light will help you move along the road, but first you need to learn its signals.

Listen and remember

And always follow them.

The RED light came on,

Stop, baby, there's no way.

YELLOW light, look, it's on -

Get ready says.

And the GREEN light came on -

Come on, my scientist friend.

Contest "Collect a traffic light"

There are traffic light blanks on the tables (a black rectangle, three circles - red, green, yellow, black semicircle and a strip for the traffic light leg, a white sheet of paper on which the traffic light will be glued). To the music, children must assemble and stick a traffic light on a piece of paper.

Truck: What good fellows you are!

Leading: Now let's see how you learned and play the game "Traffic Light"

Mobile game "Traffic light"

A child in a traffic light costume shows the traffic lights in turn to the music. Children perform the corresponding movements. Red - stand still, yellow - walk in place, green - "roll" around the hall.

Leading: Well done, Truck, I see you remember all the traffic lights.

Truck: Indeed, you need to study. Learning is also fun!

Leading: Fun, fun. But then, as they say, "let's move on"?

Truck: Yes, yes, let's go!

Leading: On the road, in addition to the traffic lights, there are also assistants.

Truck: Yes? And who is it?

Leading: These are road signs. Now we are with the guys and introduce you to them.

Competition "Road signs"

Various road signs hang on easels. The host reads riddles about road signs, and the children, guessing them, find the answer on the easel.

Tell the driver everything

The correct speed will indicate.

By the road like a lighthouse

Good friend ... (Road sign)

Where the steps lead down

Get down, don't be lazy.

Pedestrian must know:

Here ... (underpass)

Under this sign, oddly enough,

Everyone is waiting for something all the time.

Some are sitting, some are standing...

What kind of place is this? (Place of stopover)

You can find a sign like this

On the fast road

Where is the big hole

And it's dangerous to walk straight

Where the district is being built,

School, house or stadium. (No Pedestrians)

In the white triangle

With a red border

Little schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

Know everything in the world

be careful

On the road ... (Children)

Leading: Remember, Truck, road signs?

Truck: I remember, I remember. Now. When I drive around the roads of the city, I will definitely pay attention to road signs.

Leading: Well done Trucker. Then let's play some more.

Truck: Of course let's play something I love.

"Collect the road sign"

There are road signs on the children's tables. To the music, children must collect road signs and name them.

Leading: Well done! Did you like Truck?

Truck: Of course! It's so much fun, and I also know the road signs now.

Leading: You are all great!

Truck: While I was studying, time flew by quickly and it was time for me to go home.

Leading: Of course, of course, but before you go home, the guys want to play with you.

Truck: Okay, let's play.

Mobile game "Colored cars"

Children sit along the wall, they are cars. Each is given a flag of some color. The teacher stands facing the players, in the center. In the hand - 3 colored flags, according to the colors of the traffic light. He raises a flag, children with a flag of this color run around the site in any direction, on the go they buzz, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop, and at the signal “Cars are returning!” - go step by step to their garage. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, but can raise both 2 and all 3 flags together, then all the cars leave the garage.

Truck: Wow, how fun!

Leading: But now it's time for you, Trucker, to go home. Papa Truck is already waiting for you in the garage.

Truck: thank you guys! Now I will go to school and learn the rules of the road. Goodbye!

Leading: Goodbye Trucker! Remember the rules of motion like a multiplication table!

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