Mail in the game fidelity. Loyalty: Knights and Princesses. How to find out your gift limit and what are the limits

Loyalty: Knights and Princesses is a browser game in which the atmosphere of the fabulous Middle Ages reigns. Here, brave gentlemen spend their days in a military camp, and languid ladies maintain home comfort and develop their own land. A feature of this browser is a radically different gameplay for the hero and the heroine.

When you first enter the game, you need to choose the gender of your character and come up with a name for it. In Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, the choice you make determines what you will do in the future. Men will dress in iron armor and on horseback will try to defeat rivals in various tournaments. The women will dedicate themselves to growing crops and taking care of the farmhouse.

§ Specifics of the gameplay Loyalty: Knights and Princesses

Despite all the differences, Vernost: Rycari i Princessy has features that are the same for all heroes:

- interaction with other characters;

- pumping characteristics;

- receiving income;

- landscaping of the surrounding area;

- creation of collections.

For the land to flourish, it will take a lot of effort. In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, even the simple construction of a sawmill can be difficult if there are not enough stones at hand. They, in turn, are mined by workers who need to cook food.

§ Resources and combat system Vernost: Rycari i Princessy

The main source of wood is the Tin Woodman, who needs to be constantly looked after. Otherwise, it will be inactive and act only as a decoration of the infield. In the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, the collected collections can help in the arrangement of the estate. For example, a collection of butterflies can be exchanged for nails, which are always in short supply.

In the game, battles look like this: two warriors gallop towards each other on horseback and with raised spears. In Vernost: Rycari i Princessy, each of the participants in the tournament has unique moves that can be offensive or defensive. It is important to learn how to correctly guess the moment, and strike at the weakest point of the enemy. Also available are particularly devastating attacks, which require the accumulation of rage.

In the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, in order to successfully complete tournaments, male heroes must spend a lot of time in a military camp. It is there that you can upgrade your weapons and armor, which gradually lose their strength and become unusable. There are two ways to get new things: forge in a forge or buy on the market.

Loyalty: Knights & Princesses is a social game that wouldn't be as fun if it didn't have the ability to romance. Such alliances are beneficial for everyone: it increases characteristics, brings additional fame, resources and gifts. For example, a lady under the patronage of a knight will no longer suffer from raids by thieving neighbors who used to take chests and bird nests for themselves.

Loyalty: Knights and Princesses is an interesting project whose characters look like animated cartoon characters. Here you can feel like a resident of the fabulous Middle Ages, where men perform feats, and women wear magnificent dresses. To gain success, you will need to cooperate with other players, marry or maintain friendships.

§ How to start playing Loyalty: Knights and Princesses?

Loyalty: Knights and Princesses is a browser game, i.e. does not require downloading the client, and to start the game you just need to click on the button "PLAY!" located below. After that, you will be automatically redirected to the official website Vernost: Rycari i Princessy , where you can immediately start playing by going through a simple procedure registration in Game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses .

Video review of the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses

The Middle Ages seem so romantic to us: the ladies wave to the knights from the balconies, cheering them on during the tournament, and the knights prove their prowess in battles, win the princess's heart, protect state lands, serve the king. It would be possible to regret the glorious times long gone if not for the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses.

Reviving the medieval spirit

Potential princesses and modern knights will be able to prove themselves in a multiplayer toy. That's right - Loyalty: Knights and Princesses can be played in different modes, i.e. choose a hero or heroine to go one of the proposed paths:

  • Becoming a lady, you have to take care of the estate with an adjacent farm
  • Choosing the role of a knight - go to the military camp

Each role has its own characteristics, but there are many common points:

  • Terrain Development
  • Increasing the characteristics of the hero
  • Receiving a profit
  • Character interaction
  • Ruby mining
  • Building a collection

Life of heroes in general terms

Women's destiny is to grow plants and take care of animals, decorate the estate, cook food, make the necessary items in the workshop, count on the help of gentlemen.

Knights live in a military camp, and a special place is given to opportunities to show courage in tournaments. To do this, they need to constantly update their arsenal and uniforms, because they gradually wear out and lose strength. All this can be bought at the market or made at the forge.
To join one of the selected game parties, you need a simple registration in Allegiance: Knights and Princesses.

We replenish the treasury and earn fame

There are two types of finance: coins and rubies. Rubies are an important element when exchanging them for exclusive items and other necessities. You can replenish your treasury in several ways: by completing quests, changing to the voices of friends, passing levels, posting news on your wall.

Everyone earns coins in their own way: knights get rich after a successful battle and completing tasks; princesses - taking care of the farm and also after completing tasks.

They will improve the financial situation and collections, and items get there from chests and when harvesting grass. But if the princess finds the chest after destroying a stone, cutting down a tree, or a large harvest of a fruit tree, the procedure for obtaining a chest from the prince is somewhat different and requires a relationship with the fair sex. For example, the princess must treat the knight with dishes prepared by her, and when he finishes the meal, she must remove the leftovers, after which chests will appear, which the knight will pick up.

The relationship between the sexes is beneficial to both players. Here's another example: rising fame. This is the same as the rating or status of the character. The higher his fame, the more opportunities: get a new title, expand the collection, gain more fans. To earn a piece of glory, you can complete errands, some work with neighbors in the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses iPlayer, or collect bonuses after the visit of neighbors. The knights pick them up at the tent, and the princesses in the estate.

The lady leaves cooked dishes on the knight's table, he devours them, in return brings her fame, while increasing her own characteristics. Then the knight dedicates the battle to the same lady, wins and brings glory to both - himself and her. Such an alliance, however, is possible only if the knight and the lady are engaged or sympathize with each other. Such an alliance will be mutually beneficial, and in addition to exchanging gifts, resources and collections, the knight will provide protection to the lady’s castle, and neighbors will not be able to carry bird nests and chests from her.

Loyalty: Knights & Princesses knowledge base contains answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as other useful information about the game.

Answers on questions

Why does a knight need a lady

As you know, if you devote fights to a lady, then she will cook for free, and if she is not there, you will have to buy food in a shop for coins and rubies. What exactly a lady can cook depends on her kitchen, as ladies with a cool kitchen can cook dishes that are not even in the shop for diamonds. Also, thanks to the dinners prepared by the ladies, their knights become much stronger in battles.

After the dinner prepared by the lady, before the fight, whole heaps of garbage will appear in the estate, which the lady will clean up, after which chests with valuable items will appear. If there is no lady, then chests should not be expected. Also, "heavy stones" grow in the estates of the ladies. Cutting them down, the knight gains experience and items of unique collections. It is also worth noting that outside knights will not be able to remove these stones.

Also, if there is no lady, the knight will not be able to complete some tasks and achievements, such as Stonebreaker, Treasure Guardian, Suitor, Ladies Man and many others.

If the lady has a carriage, then the knight can spend time with her there, which will bring him energy, collection elements, experience, as well as special bonuses in the form of doubling the crop and regeneration in battle. Please note that with your lady, the chance to win the battle is much higher than with a stranger.

Why a knight to a lady

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that rides in a carriage bring the same bonuses to a lady as to a knight, given that this is her fiancé.

Again, when a knight removes stones from a lady's estate, she will receive the same chests with valuable contents.

If a lady does not have a knight, then she has no one to cook for, which means that the kitchen is not needed. And after the knight eats before the battle, the remnants of feasts will appear on his estate, after cleaning which the lady will receive experience and collection items.

A good knight will devote fights to his lady, which means valuable combat trophies, experience, coins, collection items and fertilizers. No matter how strange it may sound, but the lady can fight herself, but the number of trophies will be much less.

Why breed animals

Animals, first of all, make it possible to pass achievements. In addition, animals will be needed for the production of items and cooking in the kitchen. Another interesting fact is that animals after their death turn into golden statues, breaking which you can get experience and products.

Why plant trees and plants

Plants will be needed to open territories, some buildings, as well as in the production of items and dishes. In addition, growing plants and trees on the quest gives you the opportunity to get achievements, and plants can also be sold on the market. Trees in the game bear fruit only 10 times, after which they turn into chests, opening which you can get experience, collection elements and useful materials.

What to do if the quest is lost

Some quests are temporary. As a rule, next to them is a timer that counts down the execution time. After the time expires, the quest will be canceled and you will not be able to complete it. But such quests can be taken again and tried again.

What to do if I can't get the Golden Statue

If the statue is behind a building, you should try to move it away. If the Golden Statue is behind a fence that leads to neighboring lands, then you can get it only when you open these lands. If the object is in the seaside area, where the menu is, rotate the screen using the icon, move the screen so that it exits the menu area, and collect the objects.

What are "bet fights" and "glorious fights"

Bets fights are fights at the "Bookmaker's Table". The bookmaker's table can be obtained for completing the Special Training quest. To participate in betting battles, you just need to select the type of bet, the amount and wait for someone to respond. Also, knights can dedicate betting fights to their queens, while queens cannot. Glorious battles are battles with a player who is older than you in level (at least +1).

How to find out your gift limit and what are the limits

Each player can receive daily gifts from their friends. Gifts are of different types:
  • free gifts;
  • gifts from the warehouse from neighbors;
  • gifts from admirers/admirers;
  • gifts from your spouse.

To find out your gift limit, you need to open the "Gifts" tab, immediately after which you will see 4 tabs in front of you: Couple / Fans / Other / Free. In each of them, there are 2 amounts at the top: the amount of accepted gifts and the amount that you can receive. It is worth noting that gifts from other players cannot exceed 25,000 coins, and from half - 333,333. In the case of fans, the limit can be different according to the principle "the more fans, the higher the limit."

In order to make the game more interesting and enjoyable for the user, we have prepared for you some secrets that will help you in every battle.

There are several tricks to help you win:

  • Try to build up as much rage as possible by landing a few attacks at the beginning of the battles, as you may need to use Heal, so you should have it double and with maximum strength and minimum rage. Thanks to this, you will be able to repel enemy attacks with a Shield and counterattack with an Assault with a greater chance.
  • Starve an enemy by breaking their Shield when they are low on Rage and unable to refresh their moves. After breaking the Shield, hit with Evil Eye or Attack / Assault. Do not forget, if you broke the Shield of the enemy, then it is better not to run into the Evil Eye with the Evil Eye, because you yourself will receive the damage that was intended for the enemy.
  • Try not to use the Evil Eye in cases where the enemy hits weaker than you, for example, when his spear is broken. But do not forget that at the end of the battle, your weapon may also break or you will have less health than the enemy. In such cases, you can take a chance and hit with the Evil Eye, because it is possible that the enemy also uses the Evil Eye and will receive all the damage to himself.
  • If the damage strength is about the same, you can try to reduce the enemy's Rage to 0. Let him block, use Assault, and at that time you hit with the Evil Eye. But when his Rage is over, use Assault for crushing attacks.
  • Many fighters rarely use the Shield, which is a clear mistake, since it is able to return up to 50% of the damage to the enemy. The most advantageous is to use Block when the enemy has both Assault (to break his spear) and Heal (this way you reduce the healing power by 50%).
  • If you are going to a glorious fight, that is, you are going to fight with an opponent above your level, and an opponent is too strong in the arena, then you can simply update the game, while changing your opponent to another one.
  • Knights and Ladies, don't forget about duels with your neighbors! Choose an opponent from the friends feed. In battles with neighbors, energy is not consumed, and only 5 such duels can be held per day.
  • If your shield is broken in battle, and the enemy does not have the Evil Eye, then thanks to the use of Healing, you will be able to restore health exactly as much as the enemy would inflict on you. But do not forget that then you have to update the techniques.
  • As you upgrade your moves when you level up, don't miss the chance to equip yourself with two non-upgrading moves - Hex, Heal, and Onslaught. This is a very good solution for every player.
  • Don't forget about good nutrition, as it increases combat performance. Ladies, feed your Knights deliciously and they will dedicate their victories to you!
  • Fights take a lot of effort, time and energy. Therefore, do not forget about additional bonuses for battles, battle rings: Berserk, Greater Curse, Furious Healing and Ring of Ragnar.

Location cards in Loyalty: Knights & Princesses come in a wide variety. Their total number is twenty-two, and some of them will be discussed in the article with a description, the main attractions and how to get to them.


In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, location cards include a variety of points of interest. On the territory called "Battlefield" the player may encounter the head of a bandit gang. He hides in the lair, which is located in the center on the west side. This will be the main building after the victory, which can be improved after killing the boss. Almost immediately near the entrance on the right side, you can free the prisoner, and the captive girl is a few steps diagonally in the forest. In order to turn the bandit's lair back into a huge beautiful estate, you need to bring the Throne inside. This item can be found in the upper left corner from the entrance to the territory. The development of the building will help in the accumulation of resources, they are also issued for the release of captives.

"Magical forest"

If your character has reached level 10, then among all the location cards in Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, you must first visit the Enchanted Forest. On this territory, the main building opens to the eye immediately after arrival, because it is located near the entrance. Also in the vastness of this region you can find lakes and magic gates. For the discovery of the latter, valuable prizes in the form of resources are provided. The main task will be to search for an unknown animal with the body of a horse and a horn on its head. First of all, the player will have to bring the "Magic Rainbow" into working condition, then start creating the "Magic Wand" in this area, and only then go in search of a secret creation. Of all the cards in Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, this one can be turned into a real tribute settlement. To do this, you need to clear the bridgehead from thickets, do excavations and follow the instructions. Adventures and a lot of work are provided for the player here.

"Lava Craters"

Among the Loyalty: Knights and Princesses location cards, the Lava Craters territory is available only from level 20. You can fly here by airship for forty units of fuel. The first attraction here will be a stone statue of the Istukan. You can get to it if from the entrance at the first turn go left and straight to the other end. This decoration can be taken away without restoration. To restore the main building in the form of a water tower, it is necessary to build a water pipe through three craters in the corners of the map: two from the bottom and one from the top left. The valves on the ground should be the guideline for the correct solution. If everything is done properly, the craters will become piles of sulfur. From them, it will be possible to collect tokens for the ancient machine in the native territory. Also, various treasures are scattered throughout the region, but you should be prepared for a collision with robbers. They can be killed in normal combat or by spending energy on instant destruction.

"Ancient Temple"

In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, the Ancient Temple card is also available from character level 20. Initially, these lands will be shrouded in fog and will open up only as resources are cut down from this region. Then a lot of interesting things will open up to the user's gaze. The location has many buildings that can be restored. This list includes "Stonecutters", "Elder's House" and the main building "Ancient Temple". It is the last of them that needs to be restored so that treasures regularly fall into the player's piggy bank. Access to the "Treasury" will open only after bringing all the totems into working condition. In total, there are twelve types of gifts that a character can receive. The map also has a huge amount of vegetation that needs to be removed. Only after that it is possible to conduct geological work on it, to extract malachite and iron, for this there are three veins.

"Ghost town"

In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, the location cards of all territories are unique in their own way, including Ghost Town. You can get there by airship with the cost of fifty units of fuel. If you go through quests related to the location, you can find out the story of an ancient city that suddenly completely died out. The main building on the territory is the “Abandoned Bungalow”, which can only be restored with the help of pirate or gold amulets. Not far from the entrance there is a "Dwarf Camp", where you can hire future workers for yourself. There are seven more similar places with small creatures, and they are placed along the outline of the map. There are treasure chests in the west and east in the central part in the direction from the entrance. This location can also be turned into a gnome settlement and collect tribute from it. There are also many other places in the game that you can visit during your travels. The player is waiting for different missions and interesting stories.

This game has conquered millions of players, what Secret Loyalty Knights and Princesses. In this article you will find all the answers, new 2017 codes for money, rubies and coins. How to get resources to the account for free, and is it possible to use cheats. We will discuss all questions and answers in a short review and guide on the game. Loyalty Knights and Princesses is a flash game that is free to play without downloading. Vkontakte, classmates and other networks, you can start the game and choose the role of a prince or princess. And a lot will depend on this choice, each of the characters fulfills their roles. By choosing a woman, you will play a classic farm, grow plants, take care of your territories and look for a prince. By choosing a prince, in addition to the farm, you get the opportunity to fight in the arena. In any case, you will get a small kingdom, you have to expand it, buy new items, buildings, animals and more. To get money in the game, everyone can use secrets.

Cheats Allegiance Knights and Princesses:

  • 1,100,000 coins - nknkfezo*372
  • 2 400 000 coins for free - ldriil1o*318
  • 1,960 rubies - 4kqfkjvm*740
  • 4,300 rubies for free - dyk45dib*759

The purchase of ordinary items in the game is made for coins, this is the main currency. Rubies are a premium currency that is bought with votes (real money), with their help the player will be able to buy premium items, speed up processes and feel complete freedom. In addition, the game has an energy that limits your actions. When completing tasks, you spend energy, using the resources you receive, you can restore it for free. To get the benefit, the player does not need to download cheat allegiance knights and princesses, or other programs that violate the rules of the game.

Of course, the game is worth the attention of all fans of farms, it is not for nothing that it fell in love with millions. Colorful graphics, an interesting plot and the ability to farm, as well as participate in battles in one game. Having reached a high level, a knight player can get a wife who will feed him deliciously and run errands, than not a dream;). The battles in the game are quite simple, but have a feature common to all free games. Whoever has more money has better skills and a greater advantage.

This forces the player to make a purchase, or search Hack Loyalty Knights and Princesses. But the game has strong protection against the external influence of programs, bots. Their use may result in blocking your account. Use the game store to get resources, it's fast and safe, codes will help you with this.

The developers of the game have created a truly entertaining gameplay with a division into women and men. In addition to differences depending on gender, each player can find a soul mate, and the game contributes to this in every possible way. Such a farm, a fighting game for dating. By choosing a knight, you will be able to devote the battle to your chosen one, thus attracting attention. Rubies Loyalty Knights and Princesses make the possibilities here endless. After all, you can dedicate the victory not only to girl friends, but also make new acquaintances. This is very exciting, and having money will allow you to give gifts and dispose.

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