Outdoor games for preschoolers. Outdoor games for older preschool children in the fresh air in summer. I was born a gardener

Group games (no division into teams)


1. Fifteen is one of the most popular games. The players scatter around the court, and the tag (driver) catches them. The one he tarnishes becomes a "tag." A number of additional rules and complications can be introduced into this game, then it will become even more interesting. Here is some of them:

2. If the tag is chasing one of the players, and another player crosses the road for him, then he must chase the one who crossed the road.

3. Fifteen can only stain a running player. As soon as the escaper crouches down, he is already safe.

4. The player can save himself from the tag by standing near the tree and hugging it with his arms.
Fifteen cannot stain the player who, in a moment of danger, joins hands with another player.

5. Fifteen cannot spot players standing on one leg and holding the other leg back with two hands.

6. All players, except for the tag, have a ribbon at their belts. Fifteen, catching up with the fleeing one, pulls the tape from him and plugs it into his belt. The one left without the tape becomes a tag, raises his hand and says: "I am a tag!"

7. Two players hold a rope (by the ends) and run together. The stained one replaces the tag.

8. Fifteen gets the ball and throws it at the runner. Whoever he hits becomes a tag, but if the driver misses, any player can pick up the ball from the ground and begin tossing with other players. To regain possession of the ball, the tag must steal it (intercept) or stain the player while he is holding the ball.

9. The site is divided into two, three and even four sections. Each site has its own tag (they must have distinctive signs). The rest of the players can run all over the site. At each site, one mug is drawn, this is a rest house for players tired of running. The player touched by the tag becomes the driver only in the area where he was overtaken.

10. If there are few players, you can offer this version of the game. From among the players, one is chosen by a shepherd, two by wolves and 4-5 by sheep. The wolves try to grease the sheep, and the shepherd tries to grease the wolves. The hardened ones leave the game. The shepherd wins if he bites two wolves, the wolves - if they bark all the sheep.

Salki in two circles

The participants in the game form two circles: one is internal, the other is external. Both circles move in opposite directions. At a signal from the leader, they stop, and all the players in the inner circle try to shower the players in the outer circle (that is, touch someone with their hand) before they have time to sit down. Those who are caught move into the inner circle and the game starts over. The game ends when there are few players left in the outer circle (5-6 people).


The guys form three large circles. All those standing in the inner circle are given paper hats (visors, kokoshniks). Holding hands, the guys with the song move in a circle: the outer circles in one direction, and the inner ones in the other. Suddenly a whistle is blown, along which the players of the two outer circles join hands in pairs, trying to take one of the players of the inner circle into the ring. If the player from the inner circle has time to sit down, he is not touched. Those who are trapped have their caps taken away. This is how the game is played several times. All the guys who managed to keep their hats are considered winners.


The players form a circle and stand two steps away from each other, facing the center. Every 6th or 8th player (at the discretion of the leader, depending on the number of players) joins hands with his neighbor on the right. They raise their hands up, forming a collar - traps, and turn so that the collar is above the line of the circle. At the command of the leader, the players turn to the right and start running in a circle. At the same time, they must run through all traps along the way. On the whistle (or other conventional signal), the traps are slammed (couples holding hands lower them down) and the players who are caught (stuck in the traps) enter the middle of the circle. New pairs are formed from them, which, holding hands, stand in different places of the circle, increasing the number of traps. The game continues until 5-6 players remain uncaught. They are considered winners.

Kite and hen

10-12 children participate in the game. One of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a brood hen. All the rest are chickens. They stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone is holding on to each other, and the one in front is holding on to the hen. The kite stands three or four paces from the column. At a signal from the leader, he tries to grab the last chicken standing. To do this, he needs to go around the column and sit behind. But this is not easy to do, since the brood hen always turns to face him and blocks the path, stretching out her arms to the sides, and the whole column deviates in the opposite direction from him.

The game continues for several minutes. If during this time the kite fails to grab the chicken, a new kite is chosen, and the game is repeated.

Hunter and watchman

A hunter and a watchman are selected from among the players. The watchman stands in the middle of the platform. A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn near it. The rest of the players (animals) scatter around the site in different directions. The hunter chases after them, trying to tarnish someone. Those caught are taken into a circle under the guard of a watchman. You can help them out. To do this, it is enough to hit the person standing in the circle on his outstretched arm (those who are caught cannot cross the line of the circle). But if the watchman or the hunter stains the rescuer, he himself goes to the circle.

The rescued beasts run away and join the rest. The game is terminated at the discretion of the manager.

Jumping Sparrows

A circle is drawn on the floor or on the court of such a size that all the players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players is a cat, it is placed in the center of the circle. The rest of the playing - sparrows stand behind the circle, at the very line. At the signal of the head, the sparrows begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the cat tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a cat, and the cat becomes a sparrow, and the game repeats itself.

In the future, you can set a rule: jump in and jump out only on one leg.

Manage to take a place

Players form a circle and are counted in numerical order. The driver takes a place in the center of the circle. He loudly calls out any two numbers. The called numbers must be swapped immediately. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. If he succeeds, then the one who is left without a place goes to drive.

The numbers assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the driver.

Find yourself a mate

The players stand in pairs in one common circle. The driver is in the middle of the circle. At the command of the head "Face to face!" players in each pair turn to face each other, then the command "Get in!" follows. On the command "Back to back!" they turn their backs to each other. On the command "Change in pairs!" everyone is looking for a different partner. At this time, the driver is trying to become a pair with someone. The one who is left without a pair becomes a driver.

Animals, prick up your ears

The guys stand in a circle, holding hands. The leader goes around the circle and disconnects it in several places. From the formed links, small circles are created - houses of bunnies, squirrels, foxes, bears.

To the music, the leader walks past the animals standing in the houses and invites them to follow him. Squirrels move quickly, squirming with their feet, hares - in small jumps, bears - stepping heavily, waddling from foot to foot, foxes - with a soft, insinuating gait. Having formed a common circle, everyone dances.

Suddenly, the leader gives the command: "The hunters are coming!" The animals rush to their places and try to form circles (houses) as soon as possible. The group that does it faster than others wins.

The guys stand in a circle, in the middle of which the driver enters. He is blindfolded. The players follow the leader in a circle, repeating his movements (gymnastic or dance), then stop and say:

We played a little
And now we have stood in a circle.
Guess the riddle
Who called you - find out!

The leader silently points to one of the players, who exclaims: "Find out who I am!" The driver must say his name. If he guessed correctly, the recognized person becomes the driver; if he makes a mistake, the game repeats. When the guys begin to distinguish the voices of their comrades, you can allow them to change their voice to make the game more difficult.

Ball in the air

The players form a circle, stand at a distance stretched to the sides, the guiding one is in the middle of the circle. Those standing in a circle begin to throw the ball to each other, preventing the driver from touching him. The driver, running in the middle of the circle, seeks to touch the ball when it is in the air, on the ground or in the hands of one of the players. If he succeeded, in his place is the player, after the throw of which the ball was rejected.

Defense of the fortress

A large circle is drawn on the ground. All players stand behind the line of the circle, facing the center. Only one driver remains in the circle. Five clubs or pins are placed in the middle of the circle. This is a fortress that the driver must defend.

You need a volleyball to play. The players, throwing the ball between themselves, try to catch a convenient moment when: the defender of the fortress gags, and hitting the ball to knock down the clubs.

The defender has the right to hit the ball in any way. The one who succeeds in destroying the fortress becomes a new defender.

The fortress can also be made in the form of a tripod from sticks tied at the top. A ball is placed on the tripod.


The game can take part from 10 to 20 people. The players are positioned in a circle at arm's length, facing the center. The ball rolls inside a circle on the ground. Those who play with their hands bounce the ball away from themselves, trying to hit the other with it. The ball is a bumblebee. If someone does not have time to hit the ball and is hit by it (no higher than the knees), then it is considered stung. He turns his back to the center of the circle and does not take part in the game until the next one is harassed. Then the first stung comes into play again, and the second turns his back to the center. You cannot catch the ball and kick it.


A line is drawn on the ground, behind which all the players stand. A second line is drawn 40 m from it. At the signal from the leader, everyone starts to walk, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. It is necessary to ensure that no one’s step turns into running or jumping.

The winner is the one who, without breaking the rules, reaches the finish line first.


The players stand in a circle. A rope lies on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding on to it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely
The carousels spun
And then round and round,
All run, run, run.

The players move slowly at first, and after the words "run" they run. At the command of the head "Turn!" they quickly grab the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't rush!
Stop the carousel.
One and two, one and two
The game is over!

The carousel movement gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run across the court. At the signal, they rush to sit down on the merry-go-round again, that is, grab the rope with their hand, and the game resumes. You can take seats on the carousel only until the third bell (clap). The latecomer does not ride the carousel.


The guys stand in a circle. One of the players goes to the middle of the circle, he will represent the owl, and the rest - bugs, butterflies, birds. At the command of the host: "The day is coming - everything comes to life!" all the bugs, butterflies, birds run in a circle, waving their wings, the owl sleeps at this time, that is, it stands in the middle of the circle with its eyes closed. When the presenter commands: "Night comes - everything freezes!", The birds, bugs and butterflies stop and stand motionless, hiding, the owl at this moment runs out to hunt. She looks out for those who move or laugh, and takes the guilty ones to her nest - the middle of the circle; they also become owls and when the game is repeated they all fly out to hunt together.

Magic wand

This is one of the most common and favorite games among toddlers.

All the players, except for one, are hiding. When they hid, the driver comes out with a lifesaver. His task is to find everyone who has hidden. He notifies of his arrival by striking a tree, bench or other object near which it will lie (the place should be known to everyone). At the same time, he says: "The magic wand, our game is ahead, the magic wand, whoever misses - drive!" - and, leaving the wand in place, goes to look for the hiding. Noticing someone, he runs to the stick, hits it and shouts that such and such is found, he is there. Then again, putting the wand back in place, he goes to look for the others, but he himself is afraid to move far from the wand, since each of the not found can come running, knock with his wand and say: "The magic wand, help me out!" After that, everyone (and those who were found) must hide again, and the driver must seek. Seeing that one of the players, not found by him, runs to the wand, he must try to get ahead of him, run up to the wand and, before being grabbed, hit it and say that such and such has been found.

Team games

Manage to take a pin

The players line up in two lines and face each other. The distance between them is 10 m. The players of each of the ranks are calculated in numerical order. A pin is placed between the ranks (at an equal distance from them). The manager calls a number. Players with this number run out. Everyone strives to be the first to grab the pin. Anyone who manages to do this runs away to his line, and the enemy tries to stain him. If the player with the pins returns to the line without being stained, his team receives two points, and if he is stained - one point. Then the leader calls another number and other players run. The team with the most points wins.

Knock the ball down

The players line up in two lines and face each other at a distance of 10-15 m. Both teams are calculated in numerical order. A line is drawn in front of the players' socks of each line. A chair is placed between the rows at an equal distance from them and a ball is placed on it. The manager calls some number. Players with this number run out. They must run to the opposite line, step on the line and knock the ball off the chair on the way back. The team whose representative performs this, ahead of the opponent, a point is awarded. The team with the most points wins.

Running for flags

The players are divided into two equal teams and line up against each other at opposite ends of the site. Parallel to these lines, in the middle of the site, there is a strip 1.5-2 m wide, on which flags are laid out. At the signal of the leader, the players of both teams quickly run out to the cross strip and try to collect as many flags as possible, and then with flags return to their lines and line up. Team captains collect and count the flags brought by their players. For each flag, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points wins. Each player can collect any number of flags. The flags cannot be taken away; for each violation of this rule, the team receives a penalty point. You cannot run into the strip with flags.

Drag in a circle

The players are divided into two equal teams and are located one outside and the other inside the circle line facing each other. The task of the players in the circle is to drag their rivals into the circle, and the players in the outside of the circle are to pull the opponent out of the circle. The game is played in the form of short bouts lasting 1-2 minutes. Those drawn in and out of the circle are out of the game. You can only pull by grabbing your partner by the arms or by the belt. The winner is the team in which after 4-6 fights there are more players left.


In the middle of the site, a line is drawn dividing it into two equal parts. At 20-30 steps from this line, on each side, they draw another line - captivity.

The players are divided into two teams. Each team is freely located on its own field. The leader, standing in the middle of the site, tosses the ball. The first team to enter the game is the team on whose side the ball falls. A firefight begins. Each team seeks to shoot the ball against the players of the other team. The hardened go beyond the captivity line (on the side of the enemy).

Players are not allowed to cross the middle line to the opponent's field. A player is not considered shot if he catches the ball on the fly, as well as if the ball hits him, bouncing off the ground. Running with the ball and holding it in your hands is not allowed. If the rules are violated, the ball is passed to the other team. Prisoners can be rescued. To do this, you need to throw the ball to the captive (across the opponent's field) so that he catches it without crossing the captivity line. Anyone who succeeds is considered released and returns to his place.

If the ball hits the line of captivity, it is thrown from there by the prisoners towards their team (and if they are not there - any participant in the game who happens to be nearby).

You can play for a while. In this case, by the end of the game (after 10-15 minutes), the number of players in each team is counted. The team with the most of them wins.

Race with the ball in a circle

10-12 people play. They stand in a circle at a distance of outstretched arms from one another, and then they are calculated for the first and second numbers. This is how two teams are composed: one with even numbers, the other with odd numbers.

The leader gives volleyballs to two players standing next to each other, that is, the first and second numbers. At the signal, they run in opposite directions, going around the circle from the outside. Each of this pair, returning to their seat, immediately throws the ball to the nearest teammate. This player, having caught the ball, immediately runs around the circle, takes his place and from here throws the ball further over one person, etc.

The winner is the team in which all the players run faster in a circle with the ball.

Passing the ball in a circle

The two teams line up to the back of each other in two separate circles. Each team chooses a captain. The captains receive a volleyball. At the signal, each captain raises the ball over his head, passes it to the one standing behind, and then the ball passes in a circle from hand to hand. When the ball returns to the captain after going around the circle, he directs it to the front (i.e. in the opposite direction). After that, everyone, at the command of the captain, turns their backs to the center of the circle and passes the ball from hand to hand to the right, then everyone turns to face the center and passes the ball in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the captain, he lifts it over his head. The team that wins the ball will return to the captain faster.

The leader first conducts the game, building everyone in one common circle. When the players learn the rules of the game (how to pass the ball, when and where to turn), he divides the players into two teams and holds a competition between them.

Ball middle

The players form 3-4 circles. They must have an equal number of children. Inside each circle there is a driver. He receives the ball and must throw it in turn to each of the players standing in the circle, not letting anyone pass, and catch it back. If the ball is not caught, then the one who missed runs after it, returns to its place, and the throw is repeated. When the ball returns to the driver from the last player, he lifts it above his head. The team that finishes the toss of the ball earlier wins.

Change of places

Two teams of 8-10 people line up in rows facing each other, at opposite ends of the site, behind the city lines (distance 10-12 m) and diverge to the width of outstretched arms. At the signal of the leader, they run towards each other, trying to find themselves outside the border of the opposite city as quickly as possible, turn to face the center of the site and line up. The team that does it faster wins. When dashing, players, in order not to interfere with each other and not collide with those running towards them, must adhere to the right side.

When repeating the game, you can change the methods, movements: move by jumping on two legs, on one leg, jump rope, etc.

Relay Games

Relays take a special place among team games. Carrying out them does not require much preparation, and the content, depending on the age and composition of the players, can vary: it can be simplified and complicated. In relay races, the competitive start is very great and the results are clear, so they always arouse great interest not only among the participants, but also among the audience, which, of course, is also very important.

Teams for participation in relay games can be created arbitrarily from among those who wish, but they can also represent various children's groups: stars, groups, classes. In this case, each of the participants experiences a special responsibility to the team that he represents, and therefore his activity, interest in the game and the will to win especially increase.

To participate in the relay games, two (or 3-4) teams are created, equal in number of participants and, if possible, equal in strength. Teams line up in parallel columns one by one at a distance of 2-3 m from one another (other structures are also possible). Each team should have no more than 8-10 people. To monitor strict adherence to the rules (not to run out ahead of time, put all items in their places, etc.), the head can appoint assistants who are attached to the teams and monitor the actions of the players. Assistants have the right to return the player to the start line in order to repeat the action if he violated the established rules.

Before starting the competition (especially with younger students), it is necessary to conduct a rehearsal without offsetting the results, so that everyone can learn well what is required of him and adapt to the game.

Here is a description of relay races of different content that can be included in the game program. You can also hold a special evening of funny relay races with preliminary preparation and training of participants, with awarding the winners. Such an evening will be remembered for a long time by both participants and spectators.

What does the word "relay" mean? Children are undoubtedly interested in learning about this.

In ancient times, when there were no railways, no cars, no planes, letters and other urgent papers were delivered by relay mail. From one post station to another, the coachman drove a troika of horses. At the stations, the horses were harnessed, and a new troika of mail raced on. People said so - "send the papers by the relay race", "delivered by the relay race".

And even earlier (700-800 years ago) in some countries, mail was sent by runners. They ran from one station to another. Bells hung from their belts warned of the approach of the postman with their ringing. Changing each other, messengers quickly delivered news.

Now the word "relay" has lost its former meaning. A relay race is a game in which each of the participants at the appropriate stage must pass to the other an object (relay baton, ball, hoop) or perform some actions one after the other, while trying to outstrip their rivals from the other team in speed.

Running over bumps

In front of each team, from the start line to the finish line, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other, circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm are drawn (in a straight or winding line). At the signal of the head, the first numbers, jumping from circle to circle, reach the final line, after which they return along the shortest path and pass the batons to the next players. Having handed the baton to the next number, each player stands at the end of the column. The team that finished the game earlier wins.

Relay with hoops

For the game you need hoops and batons according to the number of teams. A flag is placed 10-15 steps from the start line in front of each team. In the middle of the distance, it is placed on the hoop. The first numbers in the teams receive the batons.

At the signal of the head, the first numbers reach the hoops lying on the ground and, without releasing the sticks, raise the hoops, crawl through them, put them in place (it should be indicated) and run further to the flags. Having rounded the flags, they come back, crawl through the hoop again and hand over the batons to the second numbers, while they themselves stand at the end of their column. The second numbers do the same and pass the baton to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game earlier wins.

Planting vegetables

Two or three teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of the teams at the opposite end of the site, 5 circles are drawn. The first players are given a bag with items conventionally denoting vegetables (garlic, onions, beets, carrots, potatoes). At the signal, the children run, put all the "vegetables" in their mugs and pass the empty bag to the second numbers. The second numbers run, collect the "vegetables" and pass the bag of "vegetables" to the third, etc. The team that finished the game earlier wins.

Running centipedes

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-12 people. Each team receives a long rope. The players are evenly spaced on either side of the rope, which they hold on to, respectively, with their right or left hand. At the signal, the teams run to the finish line (distance of 30-40 m), all the while holding onto the rope. The first team to run to the finish line wins, provided that none of its participants dropped the ropes.

This game can be played in another way. Each team forms a column one by one. All raise their right hand up and hold on to the cord stretched along the column. On a signal, both teams go to the finish line (10-15 m) and return. The team that returned earlier wins.


In teams of 6-7 people. Each team forms a column one at a time. At the signal, the one standing first quickly turns around, after which the second takes him by the belt and they rotate together, then three, etc. The game ends as soon as the last member of one of the teams joins his column and all the guys turn around the axis.

Express train

Flags are placed 6-7 m from each team. At the command "March!" the first players with a brisk step (it is forbidden to run) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they do the same path again, etc. The players hold each other by the elbows and in while walking, they move their hands like a locomotive connecting rod. When the locomotive (front player) returns to its place with a full train, it should sound a long whistle. The first team to arrive at the station wins.

To a new place

The two teams line up in columns one at a time. A line is drawn at a distance of 15-20 m from them. At the signal of the leader, the first and second numbers of each team, holding hands, run over the line. The first numbers remain in their new place, and the second ones come back, join hands with the third players and again run to the line. Then the second numbers remain, and the third ones come back to team up with the fourth ones, and so on. The team wins, all the players of which will be the first to be on the other side.

Relay with balls

To play, you need volleyballs according to the number of teams. A chair is placed 6-7 steps from the start line in front of each team. The first numbers, having received a ball, run to their chairs, stand behind them and from this place throw balls to the second numbers, after which they return and stand at the end of their column. The second and subsequent numbers, having caught the ball, do the same. If the next player does not catch the ball, he must run after it, return to his place and only after that continue the game. The team wins if the ball, having passed all the players, will return to the first number earlier.

Transferred - sit down

The players are divided into several teams of 5-6 people each, choose captains and line up at the line in columns one by one. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5-6 steps. The captains receive the ball. On signal, each captain throws the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, the player returns it to the captain and sits on the ground (in the gymnasium - on the gymnastic bench). The captains throw the ball to the second, then to the third players, etc. Each of them, having returned the ball to the captain, sits down. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up.

The winning team is the team whose captain lifted the ball first and whose players jumped first.

If during the game any of the players drops the ball, he must pick it up and throw it to the captain, having previously taken his place.

Relay with a puck

Team members line up in columns one at a time. A flag (or a chair) is placed in front of each team at 10-12 m. 11 the first numbers in the teams are given a stick and a puck. At the signal, they must, knocking the puck with a club, circle it around the flag and return it back to the starting line. Then the stick is passed to the second player, who, in turn, dribbles the puck around the flag, and so on. The first team to complete the game wins.

When repeating the game, you can set the task of leading not one, but two pucks at the same time and return both to the starting line.

Cancer moves backwards

Teams are formed in columns one by one. A flag is placed in front of each team at 10-15 m. At the signal, the first players turn around and walk to the flags with their backs forward, go around them on the right, and in exactly the same way - with their backs forward - return to their place. As soon as they cross the starting line, the second players go into the ties, then the third players, etc. The team that finished the competition first wins.

It is not allowed to look around while driving.

Passing balls

The players are divided into two teams and line up one against the other. The first in each line is given a ball. At the signal of the head, they pass the ball to their neighbors, and they pass it on. When the ball reaches the last player, he must hit the ball on the floor, catch it and return it to the neighbor. Then the ball is passed from hand to hand in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the first player, he must lift it over his head. The first team to pass the ball wins.

Needle and thread

For the game, you need to prepare two fake needles (100-120 cm long) and two balls of colored cord (thin rope).

The players line up in two lines (10-12 people in each), one against the other. The first numbers of each line are given a needle, and the last numbers - a ball of cord.

At the signal, while unwinding the ball (the player does not let go of his hands), the end of the cord is passed from hand to hand along the line. When it gets to the first player, he passes it through the eye of the needle and returns it to the second, who passes it further along the line in the opposite direction. When the end of the cord returns to the last player and the cord threaded through the needle turns out to be folded in half, everyone turns to the right (or to the left) and follows the leader, holding on to the thread (as the Russian proverb says: "Where the needle is, there is the thread"), fast walk around the perimeter at a step (the boundaries must be marked) and return to their original place. The winner is the team that completed the task earlier (if all the rules were followed exactly).

Competitions - duels


The players stand opposite each other on one leg, keep the other leg bent, fold their arms over their chest. Jumping on one leg, everyone tries to push the opponent with his shoulder, make him lose balance and lower the other leg - then the fight is won.

You can play while sitting. The belt (braid) is tied with a ring. The players squat and put the ring on their knees so that their legs cannot be straightened. Hands are stuck under the knees. Jumping in this position on toes, the players try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who does not keep his balance loses.

The game "Cockfight" should be held within a small area, beyond the boundaries of which you cannot go.

Don't lose your balance

The players stand facing each other at arm's length. Their feet are closed. Raising their hands to chest level, each alternately strikes with one or both palms on the palms of the opponent. You can dodge the blow by suddenly spreading your arms. Whoever moves with just one foot loses.

Who will knock the puck

Two circles with a diameter of 40-50 cm are drawn on the ground. The center of one should be approximately 80 cm from the center of the other. Two players stand behind the circles. Each of them gets a club. Place a puck in the center of each circle. You need to knock the puck out of the opponent's circle and keep yours.

Pull the cord

A rope is placed on the ground, with sandbags tied to the ends. At the ends of the rope, two players stand with their backs to each other. A checkbox is placed in front of each of them in 5-6 steps. At the signal, the players run to their flags and, returning, try to pull the rope in their direction, ahead of their comrade. The winner is the one who manages to do it. The competition is repeated three times.

Racket fight

This skill game is played by two. Each player receives a racket. The rackets can be from table tennis or homemade. A small cube or flat toy is placed on each of them.

The players, taking the racket in their left hand, take it to the side. On a signal, moving freely, they try to take a cube from the opponent's racket without dropping their own.

The winner in the duel is the one who manages to remove the cube from the partner's racket three times in a row.

Big game with a small ball

Ball games, which people of all ages are fond of, are very diverse. But in childhood, and especially at a young age, the most common "school of the ball". This is the name of the small ball exercise system in order of increasing difficulty.

You can start with the simplest.

- Who knows how to throw the ball high up and catch it with both hands? - the teacher asks the children.

There are many who wish, everyone knows how and. ready to prove it. Then the leader offers the children other, more difficult tasks: toss the ball and catch it only with his right hand, only with his left hand; toss the ball, make a full turn in place and catch it, etc.

Not everyone will be able to perform these exercises. But some of the pre-trained guys will do them easily and freely. And all kids will understand that exercise takes practice.

Calling the days of the week

Several players set up a queue with the help of a counting room. The beginner tosses the ball high and catches it, naming all the days of the week in sequence: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. (there is one throw per day). When all the days of the week have been named (or in the case of misses), the player passes the ball to the next player and steps aside. When all participants have completed this exercise, they count how many misses. The winners are those who played without any mistakes or who had fewer of them.

The next time you toss the ball, you can agree to name not the days of the week, but the months: January, February, March, etc. Each cycle in this game consists of not 7, but 12 throws.

You can also suggest tossing the ball over all letters of the alphabet in a row. It is very difficult to do this without a miss (this kind of game helps children learn the alphabet better).

Don't miss the ball

The two players stand side by side. One of them has a ball. He must, hitting the ball with his palm, make it bounce off the floor 10 times in a row, and on the 11th pass (without stopping the game) to the second player. He, having made 10 hits, must return the ball to the first. And so on until one of them misses the ball. The one who dropped the ball is out of the game. Another player is appointed in his place and the competition continues. The winner is the one who stays in the game the longest.

You can agree that the player dribbling the ball does not stand still, but walks around with him some object, for example a chair, and, returning, passes it to the second.

You can play the game simultaneously with several pairs of players. The winner is the pair that manages to keep the ball in play longer than the others.

Jumping ropes

Just like the "ball school", exercises with a short and long skipping rope have always been the constant companions of childhood. And this is no coincidence. They have; of great importance for strengthening the health and physical development of children and occupy an important place in outdoor games.

Jumping rope develops and trains such qualities that everyone needs as fast, light and elastic movements, endurance and attention, a sense of rhythm. Many honored masters of sports, preparing for competitions in athletics, boxing, various sports games, practice jumping rope during training. This helps them to better prepare for the competition, to make their movements faster, more accurate and confident, their legs are strong. And what interesting, complex and beautiful rope exercises are included in rhythmic gymnastics competitions!

All this should be told to children in order to make them more interested in jumping rope.

All (or almost all) girls of school age are able to jump with a rope, but not all boys, and it is also very important to captivate them with games with a rope.

Usually, children perform exercises with a skipping rope only the simplest, primitive ones. The teacher must constantly complicate the task: to jump not only while standing still, but also on the move, on the run, on the right, on the left leg, jump once, and skip the rope under his feet twice, jump together (while facing each other and in the back of the head ), three of us with two skipping ropes, etc. Jumping should be soft, springy and performed on toes.

The short rope should be appropriate for the child's height. Everyone can determine the desired length himself in the following way: stand in the middle of the rope, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, pull the rope along the body. Its ends should reach the waist.

For a long rope, you need a rope 10-12 mm thick and 5-6 m long.

Relay with skipping ropes

Two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 15-20 m from one another. At the first line, two or three teams line up in the back of the head. Players in front of the column are holding a rope. On the opposite line, opposite each team, a checkbox is placed. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers begin to run, jumping over the rope, and, having rounded the flag, return back and pass the rope to the next player. He, without stopping, jumps over the rope and rushes forward. The last participant, having reached the finish line, raises his hand with the rope up. The first team to finish the relay wins.

Long rope relay

The players line up in two columns, one at the start line at a distance of 4-5 steps, one column from the other. Two players with a long rope stand in front of each team in 5-6 steps. At the signal of the leader, they begin to evenly twist the rope towards their teams. On the same signal, the first numbers run forward. Their task is to run under the rope without touching it, go back, touch the second players with a hand and stand at the end of their column. After that, the second numbers run forward, followed by the third, etc. The one who has been touched by the rope must return and try again.

The first team to finish jumping wins.

When the game is repeated, those who twisted the rope are replaced by others.

Outdoor games are not only good for health, they also develop communication skills in children. Children begin to understand what mutual assistance is, how sometimes it is important to subordinate their desires to common interests, and all this will be useful to them in adult life.

Active games in the fresh air saturate the child's body with oxygen, and this improves both muscle work and brain activity. You can play on the playground in the courtyard, as well as in parks, recreation areas. So that children do not get tired quickly, it is better to alternate outdoor games with more calm ones.

1. Touch the ball

Children stand in a circle, their task is to pass the ball on outstretched arms so that the driver behind the circle does not get the ball. Whoever has the ball "stained" in his hands becomes the driver instead. According to the rule: the ball cannot be thrown to each other, and if someone drops the ball, then it is out of the game.

2. The locomotive

Children stand behind each other, hold on to the one in front. At the head of the locomotive, the leader is the driver who leads him along his route. Children should follow the leader, repeat his movements. If he jumps, then the guys standing behind him must jump one after the other, too, if he turns around the tree, then the "locomotive" follows him. According to the rule: children should not unhook from each other, the leader is not allowed to run fast.

3. Bees

The kids are in a line, a line is drawn in front of them 15-20 meters with chalk. This is a bee house. Two or three people (bees) stand behind the line and, at the command of the leader, begin to slowly move towards the guys with the words: “We went to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through bushes and bumps, through branches and stumps. Look - the hollow of a tall tree. Evil bees are flying out! " The bees begin to spin. At this time, the players say the words: "We are not afraid of the swarm of bees, we will run home now" and try to run behind the line that is behind the bees. They are trying to catch the guys, "sting". Whom the bee "stung", in the next round it becomes instead of it.

4. Into the forest for berries

The driver is chosen - a bear. He "sleeps" in a designated place - a den. Children go out of the house (outline a circle) into the forest for berries (instead of berries, you can use any light objects). They say: The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries. The bear is hateful, froze on the stove. " At a sign from the leader, the bear suddenly wakes up and rushes to catch the children in the clearing. The winner is not only the one who ran away from the bear, but also brought home more berries. Whom the driver caught first takes his place in the next round.

5. Cat and mouse

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, in the center - "mouse". There is a "cat" behind the circle at a short distance. The hands of children are raised up, when the cat approaches, the hands are lowered - the gate closes. If the cat tries to get through the bottom, then the children squat, preventing the cat from climbing into the circle. If she manages to run through the screen, the opposite side quickly releases the mouse from the circle, then closing the passage for the cat. This game is for attention and quick reaction.

6. Sparrows

A circle is outlined - with a diameter of 3-4 m, inside it there is a driver - a "falcon". The rest of the children are "little sparrows". Their task is to "peck the grains" that are inside the circle. Therefore, they jump in and out of the circle in such a way that the falcon does not stain them. Whom the falcon touches becomes the driver in the next round.

7. The quieter you go, the farther you will be

Two lines are drawn at a distance of about 5 m. The driver is selected. In one feature, the player becomes, in the second - the driver with his back to the player. The driver says: “The quieter you go, the farther you will be. Stop "and turns around abruptly. At this time, the player moving in his direction must stop. If he did not have time to "freeze", then he becomes instead of the driver. Several people can take part in the game.

8. Lions and zebras

A place is chosen - a steppe, where zebras graze, the river is indicated by lines. Children are zebras. A leader is chosen - a lion, who stands on the dais (his lair) and says: “A lion went out to hunt, his anger is very terrible! One, two, three, start the game. " The lion is trying to catch the "prey", the zebras run away. They can "jump" over the river, there is a safe place where the lion cannot reach them. If a lion catches a zebra, he takes it to his den.

9. "The King Loves"

The driver is chosen - the king. A line is drawn, on it the king turns with his back to the players and says two phrases: "The king loves ..." and "The king does not love ...", while naming two colors. For example, if the king says: "The king loves the color blue," then children in blue clothes pass by the king calmly. If he says: “The king does not like red,” then the guys in clothes with red inserts or drawings should run past the king behind the line so that he does not touch them.

Summer vacation is in full swing and you need to inspire your child to play outside. After all, this is much more useful than sitting at a computer, TV or lying on the couch with a phone. For inspiration, I found on the Internet the most interesting outdoor games for children on the street in the summer in the fresh air, and you choose the options that are suitable for your age and character.

At the end there is a selection of games that the child can play alone. If suddenly friends have left and there is no company.

Outdoor games for children outdoors in summer

Rubber bands

It will take: 3-4 people, elastic band.

How to play: take a linen gum so that it fits in size for this game, tie the ends together to make a ring. 2 children stand opposite each other, and an elastic band pulls between them.

How to jump: first you need to stand on one side of the rubber band (for example, on the right), JUMP - legs are on both sides of the right rubber band, JUMP, legs are on both sides of the left rubber band, JUMP, both legs are to the left of the rubber band. Watch the video to make it clearer, and show the child by example.

The rubber level gradually rises. At the first stage - between the ankles, after each successfully passed level, the elastic is lifted higher: knees, hips, waist, chest, armpits and even the neck! The girls take turns jumping over the rubber bands, and if a mistake is made, the next player replaces the participant. The loser gets up to "hold the rubber bands."

The game develops: coordination, attentiveness and vestibular apparatus. Teaches the child to jump well, train and overcome difficulties.


It will take: chalk, asphalt flat area, stone. The number of players can be any - from 1 to 10 or more.

How to play: on a flat surface, draw 10 cells with chalk and enter numbers in them. The player throws a stone so as to get into some kind of cell. After that, you need to jump on one or two legs to the stone through the cells, and return back in the same way. The ideal walkthrough is to collect all the numbers from 1 to 10.

However, there are more complex versions of this game, and you can see the more complicated rules in the video below:

The game develops: Accuracy, agility, ability to concentrate, ability to jump on one or two legs. Kids playfully study the numbers.


It will take: more than 8 people, an even number of players.

How to play: Participants are divided into 2 equal teams, which stand opposite each other by a line - there should be 10-15 m between the teams. Players hold hands tightly. During the game, you need to read certain speeches:

The first team shouts: “Chains, chains, who do you want? Choose one! "
The second command answers: "My friend."
First: "What is his name?"
The second team confers and selects someone from the opposite team.

The selected player must scatter and try to break the opposing team's chain.

  • If this works, he can choose any participant and bring him to his room.
  • If it fails to break through, the participant joins the opposing team, becoming their chain.

In the next round, everything repeats, and the losing team chooses a "friend". The team that has more participants wins.

The game develops: team qualities, stick together, try to break through in a “one against all” situation.


It will take: more than 4-5 participants and free running space.

How to play: This is one of the varieties of salochka. The driving player must catch up with one of the participants in the game, and touch him (batter). A scorched participant extends his arms to the sides, and other players must touch him to "disenchant". The goal of the presenter is to enchant (touch) all participants in the game, and they must help each other out and unfreeze.

The game develops: ability to run quickly, agility, teaches mutual assistance.

This game can be played with water pistols in the summer - even more fun and interesting.

Black horse

How to play: everything is the same as in the last game, but only the hardened participant shouts "Disenchant me, black horse!"

Robber Cossacks

It will take: even number of participants (more than 4), chalk.

How to play: players are divided into two equal teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". The territory within which the game is played is stipulated. The robbers need to agree on a secret word, and the Cossacks must find out it.

The Cossacks close their eyes and wait a few minutes, while the Robbers run away and mark in which direction they ran. They must run through a given area, from time to time leaving chalk arrows on the walls, asphalt, trees, curbs.

The Cossacks must hunt down the Rogues along the arrows, and stain them. If one Rogue is tainted, the Cossack must take him to the Prison. While the Cossack holds his hand on the Rogue, he cannot escape, but if he loosened his grip and moved his hand away, the Rogue can escape. Other Rogues can rescue a friend if they taint the Cossack, the leading prisoner. Or this Cossack can tarnish the player who is trying to help the prisoner, and there will be 2 captured Rogues.

In prison, the Cossack must find out a secret word by tickling or other friendly "torture". The robbers can make their way to the prison, touch the prisoner and then he can escape.

Purpose of the game: catch all the Rogues or find out their secret word.

The game develops: to track down in the footsteps of a person, the ability to hide and navigate the terrain, not to surrender their own.

12 sticks (hide and seek)

It will take: a lever (a board and a brick or stone under it), 12 ice cream sticks or twigs.

How to play: put the lever on the stone so that one third of it hangs in the air. On the larger half (rests on the ground), put 12 sticks or twigs. The driver must step on the short tip with force so that 12 sticks fly around. While he collects and puts them back, the players must have time to quickly hide.

Now the driver must find the player when he notices shouting "tuki-ta Name" and runs to the lever. If he manages to run ahead of the found player and step on the lever, then the loser becomes the leader - collects sticks and looks for players.

If the spotted player manages to reach the lever ahead of the driver, he steps on it and scatters the sticks. The driver starts all over again and continues to search for players.

You can play the game indefinitely.

The game develops: attentiveness, reaction, the ability to hide quickly and competently, to run quickly if necessary.


It will take: blindfold, more than 3 players.

How to play: the driver is blindfolded, spun in place and scattered in all directions. The driver must, without peeping, find other players who clap their location. When it smothers, I have to recognize it by touch. It turned out - the caught player drives in the next round.

The game develops: ability to navigate by sounds, reactions.

Bell ringer

It will take: bell and bandages for all players (minus one).

How to play: like blind man's buff, just the opposite. All the players except one blindfold, and a bell is hung around his neck and his hands are tied behind him (so as not to interfere with the ringing of the bell). And his task is to slip between the players, and they must catch him, focusing on the sound of the bell. For the game, it is better to choose a not very large space to make it more interesting.

The game develops: resourcefulness, ability to navigate by sounds.

Higher feet off the ground

It will take: a platform with different places where you can climb (benches, horizontal bar, trees, stumps, etc.).

How to play: the driver must catch up with other players and try to touch them, as in any catch-up. But there is one rule - the player becomes inviolable if his feet do not touch the ground. To do this, you can climb a tree or hang on a horizontal bar. It is impossible to rise above the ground for a very long time, as soon as the driver leaves, you need to return to the game.

The game develops: reaction, the ability to run quickly, look for hills.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

It will take: a platform with dimensions of 20 meters.

How to play: you need to draw 2 lines, the distance between them should be 20 meters (at least). The driver stands behind one of them, with his back to the other players. The rest are "at the start" next to the other. The driver with different speeds should pronounce the phrase “the quieter you go, the further you will be. STOP! ”, And immediately turns around.

While this phrase is being spoken, participants can move from the starting line towards the water. When the word "stop" is heard, everyone should freeze in place and not move. If the driver notices any movement, points to the participant and he is eliminated.

The goal of the game is to get to the finish line and touch the driver, then you yourself take his place.

The game develops: reaction, the ability to run quickly and stop at a signal.

Hot potato

It will take: ball and at least 3 players.

How to play: participants stood in a circle and threw a ball to each other. If someone drops or does not hit the ball, he sits in the center. From there, you can try to catch the ball flying over your head, but without getting up from your haunches. If he could, all the prisoners leave the circle, and the thrower sits down in their place.

The game develops


It will take: ball and wall, preferably chalk.

How to play: Draw a chalk line on the wall at the level of the players' knee-belt. You cannot throw the ball below it, otherwise you will lose. In turn, you need to throw the ball so that it bounces off the wall and flies towards the players. The throwing participant must have time to jump over it. If it did not work out, the letters "frog" are assigned in turn. I made a mistake 7 times - I became a frog.

The game develops: accuracy, reaction, coordination.


It will take: ball, company of 4 or more players.

How to play: "Bouncers" stand on both sides of the playing court at a distance of 8-10 meters. There are other players in between. Bouncers should throw the ball to each other and try to hit one of the players between them. Those, in turn, must dodge the ball. If the ball reaches the goal, the player is out of the game.

The remaining center players can catch the ball with their hands (if it did not touch the ground) and return the eliminated player to play. If you catch a ball bouncing off the ground, then you yourself are eliminated.

Sooner or later, one player remains on the court, and then he needs to dodge the sword as many times as he is. It turned out - all the players return to their places and the game continues. If not, then he takes the place of one of the bouncers.

The game develops: accuracy, dexterity, ability to dodge, mutual assistance.

Outdoor games for children in summer

This section contains games that are not very active, but still very interesting and will appeal to children. You can play them when you no longer have the strength to run, but the desire to play remains. Then calmer and less active games will come in handy.

I know 5 names

It will take: ball, company of at least 3 players.

How to play: the player picks up the ball, says “I know five names of girls,” hits the ball with his hand so that it bounces off the ground, and calls: Tanya - one, Katya - two, and so on until 5. Then he uses other versions of this phrase: I know five ... names of boys, flowers, animals, cities ... All these topics are usually discussed before the start of the game or come up after a successfully completed stage.

When a player does not have time to say the right word while hitting the ball or it flies to the side, the ball goes to another participant. All other players make their mistakes, and then it goes back to the first player. He starts the game with the wrong phrase.

The game develops: erudition, multitasking, agility, the ability to accept their mistakes and move on.


It will take: ball and at least 2 players.

How to play: the players need to stand in a row, and the driver throws the ball to the first of them. Before the throw, he says a word, and the player's task is to quickly navigate. If the named item can be eaten (edible), it catches the ball. If it cannot be eaten (inedible), it beats off. The driver must confuse the player, first naming edible products, and then suddenly inedible. If the player catches the ball on an inedible object or throws away the edible, he becomes the driver.

The game develops: attentiveness, quick reaction, a sense of humor.


It will take: knife

How to play: players draw a circle on sand or ground, divide into equal shares according to the number of participants. After that, they try to throw a knife so that its tip stuck into the ground in the enemy's area. If possible, the player cuts off a part of the neighbor from the place where the knife fell, erases the border and "conquers" the land. The goal of the game is to capture as much territory as possible, preferably the entire one.

You can throw in different ways: the usual, from the palm, from the fist, from the elbow, etc. It is advisable to play under the supervision of an adult so that children do not get hurt and keep their distance.

The game develops: attentiveness, accuracy, caution, learn to handle cold weapons.


It will take: small item (coin, button, ring), more than 4 players.

How to play: participants sit in a row, they fold their palms in a boat in front of them. The presenter holds the "ring" with his palms folded in a boat, and in turn puts his palms into the players' boat. At the same time, she reads out a little count "I wear-wear a ring and will give it to someone." At some point, he must attach a small item to one of the players. When he bypasses all the players in a row, he says "Ring-ring, go out on the porch!"

At this moment, the player who has a ring put in his palms must quickly get up and run to the leader. The rest of the participants sitting in the row must stop him.

The game develops: quick reaction, agility, attentiveness, ability to follow the manipulations of other players.

Will you go to the ball?

It will take: more than 2 players.

How to play: a driver is chosen, who at the beginning of the game reads out a counting-out with the rules "don't say yes and no, don't name black and white, will you go to the ball?" The participant answers "probably", and the presenter bombards him with various questions, asking about the details of the trip. What will he ride with, with whom, the colors of dresses or suits, the color of some object at the holiday, etc. The host is trying with all his might to force the player to say the forbidden words: yes, no, black, white. The player needs to answer all questions, but not using these words.

The game develops: think quickly and outside the box, control your speech.

Kis scatter meow

It will take: boys and girls, preferably in equal amounts.

How to play: players line up, the leader stands facing them, and chooses one participant, who turns his back to everyone. The presenter points at all the seated players and asks the question "kitty?" The participant, standing with his back, can answer "scatter", then the leader shows another player, if he answers "meow", then the leader asks "what color?" Each color has its own meaning:

  • White - 5 minutes alone at the entrance.
  • Green - the participant is asked any three questions, and he can only answer "yes". For example, "do you love him?"
  • Red - you need to kiss on the lips.
  • Pink is a kiss on the cheek.
  • Yellow - the players are alone and you can ask any 3 questions, having received honest answers.
  • Orange - walk down the street holding hands for everyone to see.
  • Blue - you need to kiss your hand.
  • Purple - make a small dirty trick (pull the tail or pick up the hairpin).
  • Black - to give a "pendel in the ass", but girls are usually offended by such a choice.

The game develops: teaches you to communicate with the other sex

Ocean is shaking

It will take: a small group of cheerful children

How to play: the presenter must turn away from the players and read the rhyme

The sea is worried once
The sea is worried two,
The sea waves three,
Sea figure freeze!

During it was considered, participants should randomly move their hands, depicting waves with their hands. When the counting is over, you need to freeze in a certain position. The presenter chooses any player, touches him and the participant must depict his figure in motion. The leader must guess what the participant is depicting, and if it does not work out, the one who showed the figure becomes the leader.

The game develops: imagination, artistry, spontaneity.

Solitary interesting games for children on the street in summer

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to recruit the required number of participants for some games. And in some situations, you need to teach your child to have fun on their own, independently of other people. It is for this that I have highlighted the separate points of games that you can safely play alone or with your mother.

For a start, you can simply give bike, rollers, skate and other similar equipment that will allow you to have a fun and active day outdoors in the summer. Even alone, such an activity will bring a charge of positive emotions.

Tennis with a wall

It will take: racket, tennis ball and wall.

How to play: throw a ball in front of you, and hit it with a racket so that it hits the wall. The ball will bounce off it and fly back, the player needs to hit the ball so that it hits the wall again. Play continues until the ball hits the ground or the player misses.

The game develops: coordination, accuracy, reaction.

If there are two players, you can play tennis with each other or play badminton, replacing the tennis ball with a shuttlecock.

Ball game

It will take: wall and bouncing ball.

How to play: you need to stand a few steps from the wall (the distance is determined by eye, depending on the child's skills). You need to throw the ball against the wall and catch it, every 10 moves the game becomes more difficult:

  • Just throw and catch with both hands.
  • Clap - you need to have time to clap your hands.
  • Criss-cross - cross your arms over your chest.
  • On the side - slap your palms on the sides.
  • Knee - slap yourself on the knees.
  • Log - have time to fold your hands as if you are sitting at a desk.
  • Squirrels - jump in place.
  • Arrows - sit down and rise.
  • Plates - spin around in place.
  • Two candles - catch the ball while holding the hands with the "class" sign (thumbs up).
  • Bricks - Catch with your fists.
  • Sticks - with straight palms.
  • Boys - clap their hands at the seams.
  • Girls - grab the hem of the dress (or pretend).
  • Front and back - clap your hands first in front of you, then behind your back.
  • Behind and in front - on the contrary, first behind the back, then in front of you.
  • The point is to clap your palms over your head.

You can invent your own figures to make the game more difficult: slap 3 times, stomp 5 times, jump and make a turn around the axis.

The game develops: coordination, agility, accuracy.

Treasure hunt

It will take: help of a mother who will hide the "treasure"

How to play: parents need to hide the treasure in a certain place, and then draw a map of the area and mark the place with the treasure with a cross. You can depict a tree schematically, and point from it with an arrow to a reference point to the next schematic object. Following the prompts, the child gets to the treasure and rejoices at the find.

You can change the game a little and replace the "treasure map" with notes with tips. Write the first note indicating where the second is hidden. And so the child will find them in turn, and at the end he will reach the destination.

It is advisable to stipulate the search area in advance so that the child does not get lost in search of treasures.

The game develops: teaches you to navigate the terrain, purposefulness, attentiveness.


It will take: water balls, ropes and a "bit" (you can use a stick).

How to play: parents or the player himself fills balls with water, ties them with ropes and a tree. The child takes the bat and hits the air bombs, enjoying the water spray.

The game develops: accuracy, coordination.

There are many interesting outdoor games for children outside in the summer outdoors, I have listed only those that I remembered and found a description on the Internet. I found the point “the game develops” especially interesting, because as a child I didn’t even think that such games teach anything. Therefore, teach your children not to sit at home in the summer, but to play with friends on the street! And parents can connect too - it's nice to plunge into these carefree games.

In the comments add the games that you played with your friends) It is very interesting to remember them, as if you are reliving all these amazing impressions)

Every mother wants to see her baby in the future as an intelligent and successful person. However, this requires a lot of effort. And you need to start working with a crumb from the earliest years. An excellent element of teaching and upbringing a baby is outdoor games. This is what I want to talk about in this article.

For the smallest (2-3 year olds)

One should not think that a child who has only recently learned to walk does not need a wide variety of games. Quite the opposite, the more the baby plays, the sooner he will develop not only mentally, but also physically. The first block of games provided below is intended for children one and a half to three years old.

Hen and chickens

Considering outdoor games in the fresh air, you definitely need to pay attention to a rather simple, but interesting fun for two-year-old kids, which is called "Hen and Chickens". To organize it, you will need one adult and several children (from two toddlers and more). An adult (mother-hen) stands in the center of the platform or circle and begins to call for baby chickens:

Where-where, where-where,

All chickens, all over here!

Quickly under my wing!

Where did everyone get carried away ?!

Under these words, the kids should come running to their mother chicken. You can continue to play this way until the guys get tired of it. For more interest, you can put on pre-prepared masks on the children and on the mother-hen.

Handkerchief and ball

What other outdoor games are there for two-year-olds? So, for the next game, you need some props: a ball and a rather large scarf. Mom puts a ball on the handkerchief, picks it up with the child (mother for two corners and the baby for two corners). Next, you need to shake the handkerchief so that the ball jumped as high as possible. The baby's task is to run after the ball and bring it back. You can play until the little one is bored.

Round dance

We consider further outdoor games. A 3-year-old child is a time when the baby already understands everything and plays with pleasure everything that is offered to him. And it should be said that at this age children really like various collective fun. Why not have a round dance with the guys? To do this, all the children and the adult presenter take hold of the handles and begin to walk in a circle. In this case, the presenter says:

We walk, we walk, we lead a round dance

At one time: sit down

Two: got up

Three: bent over

Four: turned

At five: let's go single file

Six: become a circle

At seven we will meow

At eight - we crow

At nine: let's run

At ten: let's lie down!

If it's summer, on the count of ten, kids might just sit or fall on the grass. The counting device can be changed at your discretion. The main thing is that the children repeat what the presenter says.

Baby crocodile

What other outdoor games will the smallest children like? So, you can play "Children's Crocodile". To do this, an adult must guess simple riddles for the kids, and the children must show the answer. Example: mustachioed striped, meows, loves fish (cat). The child should say "meow" and perhaps show some kind of feline movement. Etc. By the way, it will be more interesting if an adult picks up riddles in a rhymed form, the kids really like the rhymes.

For children of middle kindergarten age

The older the child becomes, the more complex games he will be interested in. A baby, who is 4 years old, will not be particularly interested in running under the wing of a mother-hen. In this case, outdoor games for children will be somewhat different from those listed above.

Frog frogs

This is quite an addicting game that is suitable for 4-5 year olds. To do this, you need to choose a presenter from the crowd of children (who, however, will change periodically). The presenter is ahead of the entire group of children. His task is to transfer the kids from one swamp to another. For this, the child will jump. However, each jump must be different from the previous one. First, you can jump with your hands on your belt, then - keeping your hands along your body. The third time - by touching the floor with your hands. And so on, as far as the child's fantasy becomes. The children, after the leader, must repeat all the movements. When the frogs get to another swamp, everyone should say "Kva-kva" in unison. Now the presenter is changing, and the children come back in the same way. The leader becomes the one who, in the opinion of the educator or adult observer, performed the movements best of all.

Ball games

When choosing outdoor games for children, it is worth remembering that some of them will need props. Now I want to tell you what games you can play with a four-year-old child if you have a ball:

  1. Accuracy. Further, a couple of meters from the child, a box is placed into which the child must hit the ball. If a child gets hit, he needs to be encouraged. If not, punish (for example, make you sit down a couple of times). You can play as a couple with a child or with a crowd of kids who will simply take turns throwing a ball into the box, competing with each other.
  2. Edible-inedible. You need to stand in front of the baby and, throwing a ball to him, name the object. If it is edible, the baby must catch the ball. If inedible, beat it off.
  3. Football. You can even play together with a child, simply by passing the ball to each other. Children like it very much, the game can take a long time.


What are the outdoor games in kindergarten? So why not play a sporting event? Moreover, organizing them is quite simple. To do this, draw a straight line on the asphalt with chalk. Children should jump along it in one direction on one leg, back on the other. The winner is the one who has never put his raised foot on the asphalt.


What other outdoor games are there? 4 years old baby - this is the time when the child is already sufficiently developed for various physical activities. Well, it will not be a secret for anyone that at this age kids love to run. An excellent game for them called "Kvach". You need to choose one child who will catch up with the rest. When the leader catches up with a certain kid, he should touch him and say: "you are kvach!", Which means that the leader has changed. So you can play almost indefinitely, until the guys themselves get bored.

Games for senior kindergarten age

With age, children's outdoor games become more difficult. And for 5-6-year-old kids, they will be even more difficult than for children of the previous age period. However, at this age, it is already possible to play with kids almost anything: children are well prepared physically, and their mental development allows them to fulfill the conditions of almost any outdoor game.

"Two Frosts"

Children love all seasons the same way. Therefore, it is good to play with them the so-called winter outdoor games in the summer (i.e. those games where you can remember the winter). For this fun you need to choose two hosts: Frost - Red Nose, and Frost - Blue Nose. They stand in the center of the site. The goal of the rest of the children: to run from one side to the other so that the Frost does not touch them. Whom Frost touched, he remains in place and is considered frozen. In this case, the child should spread his arms to prevent other children from running over to the other side. You can play until that hour, until there is one player left, who will be considered the winner.


Watching outdoor games for children, why not remember such fun as "Stream". For this, the children are divided into pairs. Couples should stand one after another, holding hands and lifting them up. Such a corridor is formed, along which the leader will run. His goal: to take the hand of the comrade you like and stand with him at the beginning of the stream. Now the freed player becomes the leader. The game can go on as long as the little ones get bored.

Sea figure

What outdoor games can you play in kindergarten? So why not play Sea Figure? For this, a presenter is selected who will pronounce the following words to a crowd of children:

The sea is worried - one!

The sea is worried - two!

The sea is worried - three!

Freeze the sea figure in place!

At the same time, all children should freeze in the form of marine life: animal plants. Whoever laughs at the same time is out of the game. If desired, the phrase "sea figure" can be changed to the phrase "forest figure", etc.

Hide and seek

What are the outdoor games (active, fun)? Why not play the familiar hide and seek? Moreover, the kids really like this fun. Everything is simple here: the presenter closes his eyes, pronounces a certain counting line (for example: 1-2-3-4-5, I'm going to look! Those who didn't hide - I'm not to blame!). At this time, all the children are hiding. Whom the presenter found last, he won.

Magic word

What kind of outdoor games can you think of in a group? Why not play the magic word? To do this, the children stand in a circle, and the leader is in the center of it. He must give commands to the players. For example: "Everyone stood on one leg!" or "everyone closed their eyes!" If the presenter says the magic word "please", this command must be executed. If the magic word does not follow, you do not need to execute the command. Those who still listened to the presenter without hearing the magic word are eliminated from the game.

"Little Red Riding Hood, White Feather"

Why not remember the long-standing children's outdoor games? So, at all times, children loved to play "Little Red Riding Hood, White Feather." For this game, children are divided into two identical teams. Each team lines up and uses their hands to form a strong chain. Now the captain must shout to the opposing team: “Little Red Riding Hood, White Feather! I call (child's name) and no one else! " In this case, the goal of the summoned player is to break the chain from the hands of the opposing team with a running start. If this succeeds, he takes one person to his team. If not, the losing team loses its turn. The winner is the group of children where there are more children at the end of the game.


What other outdoor games are there? Children can play Colors. To do this, you need to select one leader. He will have to pronounce the following phrase "Everyone must touch the yellow color!". In this case, the children should touch the yellow object that is nearby. It can be a painted wheel on the site, a friend's jacket, a flower. Those who have not coped with the task are eliminated. Then the presenter names the next color. The game continues until all the colors have gone over.

Caught a fish

We watch further outdoor games (5 years old kids). The little ones can play a game called "Catch the fish." Three players join hands, forming such a net. Their goal: to catch fish (other players) in the net. The caught fish becomes part of the seine and helps to catch the rest. And so on until the last player.

Broken phone

A very fun game for kids - a ruined phone. The kids stand in a row. The first of them whispers a certain word in the ear of the nearest player. He further conveys what he heard. The result of the last player will be very interesting. It is unlikely to coincide with the word that the first player whispered in his neighbor's ear.

Day Night

We consider further children's outdoor games (6 years old children). At this age, you can play the game "Day-Night". For this, the host is selected - the Owl. All other children are field mice. When the teacher says "Day", the children run and play. When he says the word "Night", the kids should freeze in one place. This is where the Owl (which sleeps during the day) comes into play. Its goal is to walk between players and see who is laughing or moving. The found person is eliminated from the game and is located next to the Owl's nest. Interestingly, behind the Owl's back, when she does not see, the kids love to move on purpose and even grimace.

Catch and guess

This is a very interesting outdoor game for toddlers. Here you need to choose one driver who needs to be blindfolded. Its purpose: to catch the player and guess by sensations who he got. If the driver guesses, he is replaced by the caught person. If not, the game continues.

Snow fight

This is a fun outdoor game that can be played in a kindergarten group. To do this, you must first prepare snowballs from paper. The more there are, the better. Then the children are divided into two teams. The teacher gives the command: "Fight!". At this time, the kids should throw the clods to the side where the other team is. The winners are those with fewer snowballs.


For this game, you need to choose one driver, who stands in the center of the circle formed by other players. Required Inventory: Jump Rope. The presenter crouches down and begins to twist the rope in a circle near the floor itself. Players must jump over it. Those who are hooked are eliminated from the game. Each round becomes more difficult: the height of the rope that is being rotated by the leader increases.

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