Installing minecraft on pc. Which version should be installed

Disclaimer: This article is educational, and is aimed primarily at the most "green" computer users. This installation is only suitable for licensed Minecraft users.

To install Minecraft, we need to have on hand JRE (Java Runtime Environment), since this game is written in the Java programming language, we need some kind of engine to run this game. Where to get it, you ask? But everything is not so scary, this engine is on every second Minecraft site, but we will use official sources.

So, first we need to download and install the JRE.

You should have a page similar to this one:

Click on the big red button in the center of the screen, then select your operating system (if necessary). You are most likely running Windows and the download should start automatically.

Step 2 Install the downloaded package.

Depending on which installation method you have chosen, you will be provided with two different installation options (Installation in automatic mode, a small file is downloaded, then the installer will download and install Java itself, you will only need to specify the path to the folder where to put it, and installation in semi-automatic mode, the only difference is that in one of the cases you will have to download a larger file (this is not critical).

After completing the installation of Java, you can proceed with the installation of Minecraft itself.

Step 3 Installing Minecraft

To start the installation, you need to download Minecraft from the official site, you can download it by .

After downloading, put the file in Minecraft.exe somewhere convenient for you. (I recommend putting it in a separate folder, because the exe will create folders for itself). After you have everything put in place, run Minecraft.exe.

On first launch, you will see a screen like this:

In the login field, enter your username, in the password field, your password, respectively. Click on the Login button, and you will start downloading files with the game, along the way, folders will be created next to the exe file. You should have the following picture in front of you:

After the download is complete, the installation of Minecraf will be completely finished. You will find yourself in the main menu of the game, after which you can start playing.

Ask your questions in the comments, we will be happy to answer them.

Minecraft Download (Minecraft)

It is difficult to explain in one word to an ignorant person what Minecraft is, and even more difficult - why it has gained wild popularity among players around the world. After all, there is no intricate plot or dizzying graphics in it. However, there are more and more people who want to download Minecraft on PC.

If you try to explain it in a simpler way, then Minecraft is the so-called "sandbox", that is, an open world game. The player throws himself into this world completely defenseless, now he must build his own life. And, literally. You need to extract resources, and use them to build a house for yourself, equip it, interact with other players, etc.

Minecraft 1.14 Java Edition Free Download

A new update for the Minecraft game will be released soon, which again brought with it a large number of different innovations. This time you can easily download Minecraft 1.14 Village and Plunder, which will bring with it a large amount of content, among which there will be new features, weapons, flowers and much more. And in order to carefully deal with all the updates, we will try to consider each item in detail.

Minecraft 1.13.2 Java Edition Download

The developers have been collecting information on their version 1.13 and 1.13.1 for several months in order to detect and fix serious performance problems. Therefore, this version was born!

Minecraft 1.13.1 Java Edition Download

The developers do not change themselves and release several small ones in the field of a major release, with various minor changes and many bugs found after the release.

Minecraft 1.13 Java Edition Free Download

The Minecraft game continues to develop actively and offers much more diverse and interesting add-ons. For example, now users can easily download the new version of Minecraft 1.13, which received quite a few interesting improvements related to the content and technical component. Minor changes, mobs and various blocks were not ignored.

Download Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 (Torrent)

Finally, the continuation of the successful Minecraft Story Mode series with a storyline has come out. In season 2, we are waiting for new adventures with old friends, new acquaintances, as well as even more serious enemies. We have no doubt that the episodes will delight their fans!

Minecraft 1.12.2 Download

The guys from Mojang decided to recall what the edition for computers on the old Java engine is now called. They added Java Edition to the logo on the main screen.

Download Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 (Torrent)

Minecraft Story Mode will help you immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft, which has its own plot and its own characters, the main one of which is Jessie. He and his friends, not of their own free will, will go on an exciting adventure filled with dangers, as well as funny situations.

Minecraft 1.12.1 Download

Enough time has passed since the last major release and of course the developers have released the next version with a focus on fixing bugs and minor changes.

Minecraft 1.12 Download

Minecraft is a game project that has not stopped at the achieved development since its inception. Every time the developers are ready to please us with interesting innovations, as well as the players themselves who create modifications. This time we are waiting for the game version of the client Minecraft 1.12 which you will surely like. After all, it is she who brings to the game a lot of new and interesting gaming moments that can become not only important, but also quite interesting. Next, we will analyze what the new version of the game will bring.

Minecraft 1.11.2 (1.11.1) Download

The developers once again released a couple of release versions with bug fixes, after a major update, which was 1.11. This time, it's Minecraft versions 1.11.2 and 1.11.1. Why just two? This immediately becomes clear after reading the list of changes.

It is noteworthy that outwardly the whole world is represented by primitive textured cubes. And the main character himself - consists of them. Today, this style has become recognizable. Moreover, many followers and imitators of this game appeared.

Meanwhile, the gameplay is very simple: you need to extract resources and exchange them for other resources. Or use what has already been mined in their buildings. The ultimate goal, as in life, does not exist in Minecraft. In principle, you can develop indefinitely.

Probably one of the main reasons why many wish download minecraft free, is a great freedom in self-expression and creativity. After all, you can build not just the house of your dreams, but also a whole castle, equip it with underground passages, decorate it according to your own taste ...

However, no one will interfere with living in some modest shack, hiding the extracted resources from intruders.

There have certainly been open-world games both long before and after Minecraft. In the world of Minecraft, you can freely roam around the world and:

  • extract resources;
  • explore the environment;
  • hunt animals;
  • interact with other players;
  • engage in battle with enemies.

There are also special mods for Minecraft and texture packs that can change one or another version of Minecraft beyond recognition or create a themed world around them. For example, immerse yourself in the universe of Star Wars or the Wild West.

Perhaps rivalry with other players is just what makes many minecraft download: it's always nice: to feel superior to other players.

You can build huge structures, equipping them with the latest technology, just to brag to the rest. Or you can just fight with your neighbors and take all their wealth for yourself. Everyone can go in the game exactly the way that he likes best.

Minecraft has several worlds and several types of game modes - for the widest range of players - both casual and hardcore. Currently there are versions for PC, mobile devices and game consoles. The game incorporates several genres at once, so it is difficult to single out any one here. This is an open-world sandbox, an economic strategy game, a building simulator, a survival game, an RPG, and even a first-person shooter. Perhaps this versatility is the secret to Minecraft's success. However, who knows... Much larger projects have long been forgotten, and this toy is not only actively living, but also developing.

It is possible to describe all the possibilities and features of the game world for a very, very long time. And developers continue to introduce more and more new features into the world of Minecraft.

Installing Minecraft on a computer is quite simple, regardless of which version you need 1.5.2, 1.7.2 or another. It won't take long if you are computer savvy at least at the user level.

For the Minecraft client to work, you need to have Java installed on your device. Go to, select your operating system version and download the utility. Run the setup file and restart your computer.

Next, you can proceed to download and install the game client itself. You can find two versions of Minecraft: free and paid. To install the latest version and updates of Minecraft, go to and download the download file. The paid version costs about 500 rubles, while you will have access to the entire set of features that you can use in the game over the network on various servers. Also, you can try to use the demo version to get started, for which you do not need to pay. There are also clients for mobile devices based on iOS and Android.

To download the file for installing Minecraft, you must first register on the site.

On the desktop, you will be able to see the Minecraft shortcut after the installation is complete. Double click on it. In the window that opens, enter your login, which was indicated when registering on the site, select the game option (network or single player) and enjoy the construction and battles in the cubic world.

How to install crack for Minecraft 1.5.2 or 1.7.2

If you know English well, then the version of the game installed from the official website is quite suitable for you. However, if you want to play Minecraft in your native language, you need to install a Minecraft crack.

To do this, download a special add-on from any site dedicated to the game or from a torrent and start making changes to the Minecraft folder.

Find it through "My Computer". Remember which path you entered when installing Minecraft itself or go to the place where games are copied by default. Open the folder there

"bin". Find the Minecraft.jar file in it, right-click on it and select "Open with archiver (Zip, Rar)".

Hover your mouse over the downloaded crack files, right-click and copy them. Go to the open Minecraft.jar folder, transfer the crack there using the "Paste" command. To make the game work after installing the crack, find the META-INF file and move it to the trash.

Now, thanks to this instruction, you will be able to independently install Minecraft on your computer and the crack on it.

If you need earlier versions of the game, for example, the most popular Minecraft 1.5.2 or Minecraft 1.7.2, you can download the installation files from torrents or from amateur sites, but do not forget to check them with an antivirus beforehand.

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In Minecraft, there are many beautiful worlds that you can travel through using portals, however, even this seems to be not enough for fans of the game, so they create new maps that make it even more interesting to play. If you have created or downloaded a new game world, then you are probably interested in learning how to install a map on Minecraft version 1.5.2 and higher.

How to install a map in Minecraft on a computer

If you have already chosen and downloaded an interesting map for the game, then installing it in Minecraft 1.5.2 is not difficult. First, unpack the downloaded set of files with any archiver into an empty folder.

Open it and find the repository with the level.dat file. It is in it that all information about the created game world is stored. Here is the spawn point, and the level of difficulty, and the weather, and the name of the world and other important parameters. The same folder contains the region section, which contains .mca files with information about all map blocks. In the players section, .dat files store all information about the players (experience and hunger levels, inventory, bed placement, and much more). DIM1 and DIM-1 have built-in data about the lower, upper and other worlds in Minecraft. data stores in-game maps made by players.

A very important function in the folder in question is performed by the session.lock file. It protects the game world map from unauthorized changes, so that new errors do not occur in the game.

Thus, in order to install a map on Minecraft, you need to copy these files and transfer them to the saves folder. It can be found in Windows if you go to "Start" and click the "Run" button by typing %appdata%\.minecraft into the search bar.

If you have a Linux operating system installed, then the root directory of the game can be found at /home/%username%/.minecraft, Mac OS X - users/%username%/Library/Application Support/.minecraft.

If you have the Minecraft client running, you can open the desired folder through the game menu. To do this, click on the "Texturepacks" section in the menu, click on the "Open folder" line and go to the section above.

When the map files are transferred to the saves folder, you can start a new game on the updated Minecraft playing field. To do this, select a new card in the menu.

How to install a map for Minecraft 1.5.2 and higher on the server

Making a new map on the server is quite simple. To do this, the folder with the necessary world files, which was mentioned above, needs to be renamed to world. It needs to be moved to the server files, replacing the old folder with the same name.

You can also go the other way. The unnamed folder with the map must be copied to the folder with the server, open the settings file there and make adjustments to the "level name" line by entering the name of the map folder after the equal sign.

Now you know how to install Minecraft maps on the server and home computer, and therefore you can further diversify your character's gaming life and achieve even greater success.

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Since you have appeared on this page, it means you are a big fan of Minecraft or want to join the ranks of its fans, or at least just decided to try what this world is made of cube blocks. What can be said for sure, you went to the right site. Here you can download both Minecraft itself and everything you need for it.

It all depends on what you want to download and install. The installation order for , and the Minecraft client itself will vary slightly.

Installing the Minecraft client

  1. Select the one you need.
  2. Go to the very bottom of the page.
  3. Wait a few seconds and a direct download link will appear.
  4. Click on the link and download the archive or jar file.
  5. Unzip the archive to a folder on your computer %appdata%\.minecraft .
    1. For Windows 7 and 8 it will be C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
    2. For Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\.minecraft
  6. Everything is ready. You can launch the game through the launcher.

Installing a resource pack with textures

  1. In the resource packs section, find the .
  2. A direct link will appear at the very bottom of the page in a few seconds.
  3. Download the archive file from this link. You don't need to unpack it.
  4. Open the folder on your computer %appdata%\.minecraft\resourcepacks.
  5. Copy the downloaded archive with the resource pack there.
  6. Launch Minecraft, then "Settings" - "Resource Packs". Find your new resource pack in the list and add it to the right field. Click Done.
  7. Everything, the installation is completed, you can play.

Minecraft - installing the game on a PC
Do you want to play the popular minecraft toy, but don't know how to install it? In this case, the guide below will come to the rescue. In order to install minecraft for windows 7 \ vista, xp must first download the game. This can be done (moreover, for free) from the specified resource. Now that you understand how to download minecraft, let's take a closer look at the process of installing it. Screenshots are used for a better visualization.

Installing the game step by step
Minecraft has been downloaded, it remains to install it on your computer. The whole process consists of the following steps:

We find the “exe” file in the downloaded folder with the game (in other words, the launcher). Using the mouse, drag it to the desktop. This file is usually presented in one copy, and many different variants of the toy can run.
The next step is to copy the required minecraft folder to the following addresses: for windows xp - drive C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Application Data\; for windows 7/vista - drive C:\Users\User name\AppData\Rooaming.
This stage often causes difficulties due to the problem of finding the "AppData" folder for windows 7\vista. Therefore, the next section will be entirely devoted to this topic.

appdata folder - search guide
There are two very simple options for finding the desired folder for 7\vista.

Option number 1

This method is remarkable in that it allows you to find any folders. Let's start searching for "AppData".

First, go to the start menu.

In the search, enter the value "Run".

Option number 2

This method is also easy and accessible even for beginners.

We make a mouse click on the presented address bar, as a result we get this:

Copy and paste \AppData\Roaming\. At the end of the steps, we get: С:\Users\User name\AppData\Roaming or instead of \User name\ your username.

Press "Enter". The folder is open.

search appdata for xp
The first step is the "My Computer" folder - drive C.

Select the "Documents and settings" item, look for the user's folder there.

In the user's folder, in the address bar, write the Application data value. The result is this: C:\Documents and settings\Username\Application data.

The last point of this section is the launch of the "exe" file, which was recently transferred to the desktop.

Java installation instructions
After launching the exe, the computer may issue the following remark: Could not find the main class: net.minecraft.MinecraftLauncher.Program will exit.

You shouldn't worry too much. This means that the java engine is not installed on the PC. The minecraft game is written in this programming language. Therefore, you need to download and install java for minecraft for free, and only then will it be possible to launch the game.

Congratulations my dear friend, now you know how to install Minecraft, you can study further.

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