How to play together on the same computer? How to play together in Cuphead How to play together in pressure

Hurricane and at times unstoppable mode, where you have to shoot everything in your path and make your way to the final fight with the boss, not forgetting to collect coins and go through bonus levels. The game is presented by developers on two platforms Xbox One and PC and has equal opportunities both when playing on the keyboard and gamepad. However, many players have a desire to share the excitement and play with a friend on the same computer.

Many mistakenly believe that playing together in Cuphead is not realistic and that a joystick is required to play. In this guide, we will try to dispel the myths and tell you how to play the Cuphead game together even with a keyboard.

How to play 2-player Cuphead on PC

Cuphead co-op is only available when using the keyboard and gamepad at the same time. To start the second player, you just need to press the "Start" button on the joystick connected to the computer. The presence of a gamepad for playing together is required. You can't play on different computers, only on one.

How to play 2-player online in Cuphead

Unfortunately, the game engine is built in such a way that it does not have the technical ability to work in a cooperative game mode over the network.


There are two methods by which you could play with other people.

  • The local network.
  • Internet.

At their core, they are very similar and do not differ in many ways, but each has its own nuances that you need to remember. For example, you can build your map for a long time and then make it available for local play. Remember to make a copy, otherwise it will be very disappointing when other players destroy what you painstakingly created.

In any case, you will need some things without which you will not be able to play with other people. This is the Internet, the Minecraft client, "direct" hands. You also need to remember that you will have to make changes to the settings of the computer, so be careful, the entire responsibility for bringing the PC to a non-working state will fall on your shoulders. And now let's figure out how to play Minecraft with friends.

The local network

Imagine that there are a couple of computers without Internet access, and they are located in the same room. Moreover, a local network exists and is configured between them. In this case, you can play Minecraft online. 2 friends must install the same version of the client on both computers. Now the sequence of actions is quite simple:

  1. One of the players must create a single player game with the desired settings.
  2. After that, he needs to press ESC and open the game for multiplayer.
  3. A message will appear in the chat about starting a server with a specific IP address. He must be remembered.
  4. The client also starts on the second computer. Only the other player enters the multiplayer mode already. If the game does not automatically find the server, then you need to add it by entering the IP that you remembered a little earlier in the search bar.

Thus, the question of how to play together in Minecraft on a local network is solved.

Imaginary network

If your computers are separated by a huge distance and connected exclusively by the Internet, you can also play in pairs. There are different ways to play together in Minecraft via the Internet, so first we will consider an option that does not require advanced computer settings.

To do this, you will need to download and install a utility such as Hamachi. Both friends must install it and register, after which one of them creates a server room in the program, to which his friend must connect. This method creates a virtual private network - an analogue of a home local area network, only organized via the Internet. The quick-witted user probably already understood that further actions are similar to the previous paragraph. There is only one "but". If your computers do not see each other, then add Hamachi to the firewall and antivirus exceptions.


If you do not want to be smart again? Theoretically, if you download the same version of the client from one site and perform all the same manipulations as in the first case, you will be able to connect to a friend. On the other hand, you can use Minecraft. Download it on any site specializing in this game, install and run. After that, you will only have to send out your address to people with whom you would like to play together. There is nothing difficult in this. So good luck in mastering the cubic world and trying with a network game. And most importantly, if something does not work out, do not be discouraged and try again and again, then you will certainly succeed.

The essence of the fable is that if you correctly set up the joycons, then you can play the Switch together with a standard set of controllers. Quite comfortable though. And this post is about how to set up one pair of joycons for two players.

Well, how? For example, in order to drive on occasion hour or two in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe together with a friend and not look for / buy a second set of controllers for this.

So, how to set up a standard pair of Nintendo Switch joysticks so that you can play with them together.

#one. First of all, we connect to Switch and turn on the console. You do not need to launch toys or applications yet. Instead, on the main screen, use the joystick to open the "Controllers" menu (a round button with the image of a joycon at the bottom of the screen, 4th from the left).

#2. In the "Controllers" menu, you can configure the joycons as you like. You can even turn on the search for a device lost between sofa cushions. Or look at the battery level of both the console itself and each controller.

#3. Click "Change holding method / order", after which we first disconnect the LEFT joystick from the console, then the right one.

#4. Next, on the “inner” end of the LEFT joycon, we find and press SL button And SR button and wait for it to appear in the list of controllers (see the screen). By the way, on different controllers these buttons are of different colors, so look at the labels.

#five. Disconnect the right controller and do the same (press the SL and SR buttons).

#6. Press button A and fix the new configuration of the joycons.

Well, now we attach straps to the controllers to make it more convenient to hold them, take one joycon for ourselves, give the second to our partner (or partner), finally launch the toy, select the mode for two players and go!

We note, just in case, that you can play on Switch together, firstly, only with standard Nintendo joysticks, and secondly, only if such a mode is provided for in the game (therefore, this should be checked before buying a toy). As of today, the two-player mode is supported by almost all of the most hit Nintendo Switch games, in particular , And . However, there are also a lot of those that do not support this mode or whose multiplayer is only available online (Splatoon 2 is just that).

Switch controllers are reconfigured into a configuration for one user, too simply and also through the “Controllers” menu.

One of the main childhood entertainments of today's young people was the game of "Dandy". Gathering in friendly companies, the guys could run for hours on virtual levels and kill monsters, getting a lot of fun. Unfortunately, for today's children, this is a little more difficult.


  • Get a gamepad. It is popularly called a "joystick", but this name is fundamentally wrong - in stores, a "joystick" is a device that imitates the steering wheel of an aircraft. It is best to buy a gamepad for Xbox360 models, because Microsoft has a monopoly on the PC product market, and if you buy a product with a different compatibility, you will subsequently experience serious inconvenience. This can be either a simple inversion of control, or a complete rejection of the device by the game.
  • Look for the Hot-seat mark. Literally translated as "hot seat", this label is the international standard for games that can be played on a single computer. This feature is not present everywhere - only a very small part of the games support this mode. As a rule, it depends on the features of the gameplay.
  • Two people can play scrollers. This is a genre of games that involves a side view: little men move from left to right across the screen, jump over obstacles, killing monsters. Most games for Dandy and Sega were made in this genre. Of the hits ported to the PC, several parts of the Metal Slug game can be noted.
  • Turn-based strategies almost always have a hot-seat mode. In fact, such games consist of rebuilding a kingdom, conquering neighbors and achieving world power. Thus, nothing interferes with the game together: the moves are made like in chess, in turn, splitting the screen is not required. The most legendary example of this genre of games are Heroes of Might and Magic, in which this possibility was provided from the very first parts.
  • Some racing games allow you to play together. In this case, you have to divide the screen into two parts (usually - the top and bottom, although the left-right option is possible) and watch each player for his half. One of the biggest projects of this kind was Blur. (Note that modern installments of the Need for Speed ​​series do not have this option.)
  • If you still found the days of 8-bit consoles, then a dandy emulator would be an excellent option. By downloading to your computer a small archive with a name like "Dandy emulator and 1500 games for it" from any torrent tracker, you will provide yourself with most of the ancient toys that you can play with a friend. Inside the archive, you will probably find instructions for working with the application.
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