How to assemble a square from triangles. Tangram game for kids, printable tangram charts for kids. Creative tasks for the developing game "Tangram"

This is an ancient Chinese game. If you divide the square into seven geometric shapes, as shown in the figure, then from them you can make up a huge number (several hundred) of a wide variety of silhouettes: a person, household items, toys, various types of transport, numbers, letters.

The game is very easy to make. A square (its size can practically be any: 5 × 5, 7 × 7, 10 × 10, 12 × 12 cm, etc.) made of cardboard or plastic, equally painted on both sides, is cut into 7 parts. The result is 2 large, 1 medium and 2 small triangles, a square equal in size to two small triangles, and a parallelogram equal in area to a square.

Rules of the game:

1. Each assembled figure must include all seven elements.
2. When drawing up figures, the elements should not overlap each other.
3. The elements of the figures must adjoin one another.

When drawing up silhouettes, an adult constantly reminds children that it is necessary to use all parts of the set, tightly attaching them to each other.

An adult can use some techniques that will help the preschooler achieve the best results: offer an analysis of the sample as a whole or its most complex part, indicate the location of one or two figures in the silhouette being made, start laying out, and then invite the child to finish the silhouette or, conversely, complete that that was started by a child. It is necessary to constantly confirm the correctness of the child’s thoughts and actions, encourage him to plan the course of his work, discuss ways of laying out and results, encourage the desire to complete the work begun, overcoming difficulties in achieving the goal, fulfilling the plan.
Assistance to the child should be tactful, encouraging independence, activity, perseverance, initiative actions leading to the achievement of results. Direct instructions on what to do and how to do it should be avoided. Such advice to children is appropriate: “Look (look) at the picture carefully. What figures is it made up of?”, “Try to do it again, but in a different way”, “Remember how you laid it out last time, and start the same way”, “Think well first, and then do it.”

The game "Tangram" arouses great interest in children, contributes to the development of analytical-synthetic and planning activities, opens up new opportunities for improving sensory, developing creative, productive thinking, as well as moral and volitional qualities of a person.

The history of this game is interesting. Almost two and a half thousand years ago, the long-awaited son and heir was born to the elderly emperor of China. Years passed. The boy grew up healthy and quick-witted beyond his years. It gave the boy great pleasure to play with toys all day long. And then the emperor called to himself three wise men, one of whom was known as a mathematician, the other became famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher. And he ordered them to come up with a game, having fun with which, his son would comprehend the beginnings of mathematics, learn to look at the world around him with the gaze of an artist, become patient, like a true philosopher, and also understand that often complex things consist of simple things. Three wise men came up with "Shi-Chao-Chu" - a square cut into seven parts.

Stages of mastering the game "Tangram"

First step - familiarization with a set of figures for the game, converting them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

Target. Exercise children in comparing triangles in size, composing new geometric shapes from them: squares, quadrangles, triangles.
Material: children have sets of figures for the game "Tangram", the teacher has a flannelograph and a set of figures for him.
Working process. The teacher invites the children to consider a set of figures, name them, count and determine the total number. Gives tasks:
1. Select all triangles, count. Compare in size, superimposing one on top of the other.
Questions for analysis: “How many large triangles of the same size? How many little ones? Compare this triangle (medium size) with the big one and the small one. (It is larger than the smallest and smaller than the largest available.) How many triangles are there and how big are they? (Two large, 2 small and 1 medium.)
2. Take 2 large triangles and make them sequentially: square, triangle, quadrilateral. One of the children makes figures on the flannelgraph. The teacher asks to name the newly received figure and say what figures it is made of.
3. From 2 small triangles, make the same figures, placing them differently in space.
4. Make a quadrilateral from large and medium-sized triangles.
Questions for analysis: “What figure will we make? How? (Let's attach a medium triangle to a large one or vice versa.) Show the sides and corners of the quadrangle, each individual figure.
As a result, the teacher generalizes: “Triangles can be used to make new various shapes - squares, quadrangles, triangles. The figures join one another on the sides. (Shows on flannelgraph)

Target. Exercise children in the ability to compose new geometric shapes from existing ones according to the model and design.
Material: for children - sets of figures for the game "Tangram". The teacher has a flannelograph and tables with geometric figures depicted on them.
Working process. Children, having examined the figures, divide them on the instructions of the teacher into 2 groups: triangles and quadrangles.
The teacher explains that this is a set of figures for the game, it is called a puzzle or tangram; so she was named after the scientist; who invented the game. You can compose many interesting images.
1. Make a quadrilateral from large and medium triangles.
2. Make a new figure from a square and 2 small triangles. (First a square, then a quadrilateral.).
3. Compose a new figure from 2 large and medium triangles. (Pentagon and quadrilateral.)
4. The teacher shows the tables and asks the children to make the same figures (see fig.). Children sequentially make figures, tell how they did it, name them.
The teacher composes them on a flannelograph.

The task is given to draw up several figures according to the children's own plan.
So, at the first stage of mastering the Tangram game, a series of exercises are carried out aimed at developing children's spatial representations, elements of geometric imagination, at developing practical skills in composing new figures by attaching one of them to another, the ratio of the sides of the figures by size. Tasks are changing. Children make up new figures according to the model, oral task, plan. They are offered to complete the task in terms of representation, and then practically: “What figure can be made up of 2 triangles and 1 square? Say first, then compose.

Second phase - drawing up silhouette figures according to dissected samples. The second stage of work with children is the most important for them to master more complex ways of drawing figures in the future. Games should be effectively used by the educator not only for the purpose of exercising in the arrangement of the parts of the figure being composed, but also in introducing children to the visual and mental analysis of the sample.

Drawing a silhouette figure of a hare
Target. To teach children to analyze the way the parts are arranged, to compose, a silhouette figure, focusing on a sample.
Material: for children - a set of figures for the game "Tangram", a sample.

Working process. The teacher shows the children a sample of the hare's silhouette figure (see the figure) and says: “Look carefully at the hare and tell how it is composed. What geometric shapes are made up of the torso, head, legs of a hare? It is necessary to name the figure and its size, since the triangles that make up the hare (shows) are of different sizes; invites several children to answer.

R. The head of the hare is made up of a square, the ear is made of a quadrilateral, the body is made of two triangles, and the paws are also made of triangles.

IN. Was Kolya correct? If you spot errors, correct them.
The teacher asks another child to tell.

R. The body must be made up of 2 large triangles, the paw (this one) - from the middle triangle and the small one, and the other - from the small triangle.

IN. Now look at what geometric figure 2 large triangles form. Show the sides and angles of this figure.

R. This is a quadrilateral (shows its outline, counts angles, sides).

IN. And what shape does the middle and small triangle form together?

R. This is a quadrilateral, here (shows) not like a rectangle.

IN. So we looked at how the hare is made up, from what figures the body, head, and paws are made up. Now take your kits and compose. Who will complete the task, check whether it is correct.
After the figure is composed, the teacher asks two children to tell how they made the figure, that is, to name the location of the components in order.

R. I made it this way: the head and ear - from a square and a quadrangle, the body - from 2 large triangles, paws - from a medium and small one, and 1 paw - from a small triangle.

R. My ear is made up of a quadrangle, my head is made of a square, my paw is made of a triangle, my torso is made of large triangles, my paws - these are - from 2 triangles.
Sample analysis in this case was carried out under the guidance of a teacher. In the future, children should be invited to independently analyze the figure and draw it up.

Third stage mastering the game - recreating figures according to contour patterns (undivided)

Recreation of the figure-silhouette of a running goose
Target. To teach children to presumably tell the way the parts are arranged in the figure being composed, to plan the course of compilation.
Material: sets, figures for the game "Tangram", flannelgraph, sample, board and chalk.

Working process. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the sample: “Look carefully at this sample. The figure of a running goose can be made up of 7 parts of the game. We must first tell you how this can be done. What geometric shapes can be used to make the body, head, neck, legs of a goose?

R. I think that the body is made up of 2 large triangles, the head is made of a small triangle, the neck is made of a square, the paws are triangles.

R. I think that the head is made up from the middle triangle, and then everything is the same as Lena said.

R. The head is from a middle triangle, the neck is from a square, and the body is from 2 large triangles, like this they lie (shows), and a quadrangle, and the legs are from small triangles.

IN. Take the figures and compose. And we will find out which of the guys is right.

After most of the children make up the silhouette of a goose, the teacher calls one child who draws the location of the parts with chalk on the board. All children check the figures they have compiled with the image on the board.

In the future, it is possible to analyze the sample of the figure being compiled not at the beginning of the lesson, but during it, when the children test various ways of drawing up on the basis of a presumptive independent analysis.

For the development of spatial representations of children, constructive thinking, logic, imagination and ingenuity, geometric puzzle games are very useful. One of these games is the ancient Chinese game TANGRAM. She was born in China 3000 years ago. Of the 7 elements into which the square is divided, you can make up many different objects and animal figures.

Tangram for kids scheme

Template for cutting

For ease of use, we take the black and white version. It is convenient to print or draw it yourself. It is better to do this on thick paper or cardboard. Then the square must be carefully cut along the lines.

To get started, ask your child to make a square out of these pieces. It is better if the child copes with the task without looking at the drawing of the square. But if it does not work, then of course, you can use the sample.

A variety of silhouettes are laid out from the elements of the tangram. It is easier for a child to do this using patterns with traced components. Contour patterns are more difficult to reproduce.

Tangram game rules

In the game of tangram, the following rules must be observed:

  • When compiling images, the entire set of parts is used;
  • The details of the geometric constructor are attached to each other;
  • Items cannot be overlapped.

Riddles allow you to make the TANGRAM game even more interesting.

I bring to your attention a few pages from my book. Guessing riddles and, at the same time building a guess from the elements of the tangram, perfectly develops, and.

Download the book by O. Naumov "Tangram with riddles" (demo version)

You can also offer your child assemble the same object in different ways or find differences in ready-made constructions.

To further develop the imagination and, invite the child to make some figure himself, after placing a real image of this object in front of him.

There are many options, take your pick. But, of course, you should start with the simplest construction according to the model.

With a tangram, the child will learn how to analyze images, highlighting geometric shapes, visually break the whole object into parts and vice versa. This game develops imagination, combinatorial abilities, the ability to work according to instructions, quick wit, ingenuity, as well as perseverance and. Good luck!

Sincerely, Olga Naumova

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To develop the thinking and imagination of a child, you can use various means and methods, one of which is the tangram game. You can start working with such a fascinating and useful puzzle at preschool age. It will be interesting for children to fold a house, a fish or a cat from simple shapes, and colorful diagrams will help them avoid mistakes.

What it is?

The puzzle itself came to us from ancient China, and the fact that it is more than a thousand years old indicates that it is fascinating and useful. The word, somewhat unusual for native Russian speakers, in Chinese means "seven boards of skill."

The essence of the game is simple: from seven geometric figures on a plane, you need to build something given by the scheme. It can be a figure of a person or an animal, plants, some household items, toys, and older preschoolers can be asked to build numbers and letters.

The composition of the set is as follows:

  • triangles (five of them) differ in size - large and small, two each, the middle one;
  • parallelogram;
  • square.

Interestingly, if you add the elements in a certain sequence, you get a square. You can buy a ready-made puzzle, and even more interesting - make it yourself from thick cardboard, painted in different colors - so it will be easier for the baby to navigate the diagrams.

The freedom of creativity is limited by two simple rules - one element cannot be superimposed on another, and all of them must be involved in the construction.

Brief history of the technique

Legend has it that a certain emperor of China began to use the tangram for the first time, who was very worried that his future heir did not show due interest in the learning process. Then the monarch called for the help of three wise men - a mathematician, an artist and a philosopher, who, by joint efforts, came up with a magic square. Thanks to him, you can perform a huge number of tasks. And the capricious prince finally began to learn.

It is known that even Napoleon at one time was engaged in folding tangram figures.

About the benefits

Puzzle exercises are certainly useful for preschool children, as they develop useful skills in an unobtrusive way:

  • teach spatial thinking;
  • form and consolidate the concepts of color and shape;
  • improve attention, imagination;
  • develop the ability to "read" the scheme-instruction;
  • learn to visually divide the whole object into parts;
  • help the development of fine motor skills, since the kids put the figures on the table with their fingers.

The purpose of such training is to improve the thinking of the child. At the same time, the variety of schemes helps to maintain interest.

Variety of tasks

Tangram for preschoolers is an exciting and useful activity that you can start from 4-5 years old. First, the kids get acquainted with a new set for themselves, study its elements, find a triangle on the instructions of their parents, show which one is large and which is small. Next, adults print out the diagram in full size, inviting the crumbs to overlay the elements on the drawing. It can be houses, animals, birds, fish, a Christmas tree, a little man.

Gradually, the tasks become more complicated, the children are offered a hint scheme, which in size may no longer correspond to the real “dimensions” of the figures, and the task is to fold something, such as a bird.

Children, as a rule, also become interested in the fact that several varieties of birds can be added from a specific number of elements.

To prevent preschoolers from being bored, you should come up with a plot - for example, compose a fairy tale about animals that would like to settle in a house. In order for each of them to take their own "room", you must assemble the beast from the elements of the puzzle. Next, preschoolers are offered the following scheme:

They make a cat, a hare, a horse, a fish, a duck, a dog. Next to the house, we can “plant” a fir tree to make it beautiful (its diagram is also presented above). Finally, a man built a dwelling for the menagerie - his figure is also on the diagram.

You should not torment the child with numerous compilations of animals, for one lesson 2-3 is enough, the next day you can continue the "settlement".

Cat lovers can be invited to compose these animals from puzzle elements according to the following schemes:

The installation is given something like this: today is the day of cats, let's try to collect as many different species as possible. Or another option: a cat came to visit us, told a lot of new things about her relatives. Let's show her how we can collect cats.

The houses are also very interesting, of which you can make a huge variety of tangram elements:

Together with the child, you should discuss what kind of house he would like to build, for example, for his pets, and then invite him to work. If something does not work out, do not be nervous and shout at the baby, such an attitude will only destroy his desire to comprehend the secrets of the Chinese puzzle. It is best to help, hold, praise for the efforts, then the result will be very soon.

When working with a tangram, it is important to use the game element, invent fairy tales and fascinating stories. Otherwise, the baby will quickly get bored and will be engaged through force. Therefore, it is better to tell him about the magic square, which, at the behest of a good sorceress, broke up into several fragments, literally everything can be created from them. But the sorceress needs an assistant, so the child is temporarily endowed with miraculous power, and according to the magic book (drawings and diagrams), he will populate the fictional kingdom with various inhabitants, build houses, boats, Christmas trees and so on.

Tangram is a great mental workout that will help you have fun and consolidate useful skills. Among the huge number of schemes, you can find those that will appeal to every preschooler.

Do you like to play?

    The importance and indispensability of the game in our life has long been proven by many psychologists, scientists and life itself. We have been playing since childhood, we learn to communicate in the process of playing, to build relationships.
    Gathering with the whole family or with friends, chatting about different things, treating everyone with something tasty, playing some exciting games in a board game - all this is what gives our life a special flavor.

    Today, the passion for board games takes on a total character. After all, modern board games are not only "walkers", but also strategic, economic, detective, logic games.

    There are already up to 10 thousand board games of various subjects in the world. Of course, you can't keep up with all the innovations, and some games are too expensive. But the game can be made with your own hands
Here are some games.


Puzzle games for recreating figurative images from geometric shapes are used to improve visual perception and analysis, visual memory, and combinatorics. Sets of figures are parts of a figure cut in a certain way: a square, a rectangle, a circle or an oval. They are interesting for children. The children were fascinated by the result - to compose what they saw on the sample or what they intended.

The success of mastering the game in children depends on the sensory development of children. Children called geometric shapes, their properties, their distinguishing features, freely move the shapes. Children develop the ability to analyze images, identify geometric shapes, modify shapes by cutting and compose them from parts.

There are various puzzle games for recreating planar images of objects, animals, birds, houses, ships from geometric shapes, such as: "Tangram", "Pythagoras", "Sphinx", "Magic Circle", "Columbus Egg", "Leaf" , "Vietnamese Game", "Pentamino".

But now we will consider only one of them - "Tangram".

The appearance of this Chinese puzzle is associated with a beautiful legend. Almost two and a half thousand years ago, the long-awaited son and heir was born to the elderly emperor of China. Years passed. The boy grew up healthy and quick-witted beyond his years. One thing bothered the old emperor. The boy took great pleasure in playing with toys all day long. The emperor called three wise men to himself, one of whom was known as a mathematician, the other became famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher, and ordered them to come up with a game, having fun with which, his son would comprehend the beginnings of mathematics, learned to look at the world around him with the gaze of an artist , would become patient, like a true philosopher, and would understand that often complex things are made up of simple things. Three wise men came up with "Shi-Chao-Chu" - a square cut into seven parts.

It is said that the tangram was the favorite game of Napoleon, who, having lost his throne, spent long hours in exile playing this game, "exercising his patience and resourcefulness"

The essence of the game is to create a variety of figures, silhouettes of objects according to a model or design on a plane of seven parts of a square. Commercial kits usually come with task cards.

1 option: Simplest. If the child is small, invite him to make a figure by superimposing the elements on the sample divided into its component parts.

Option 2: If you figured out the first one, then you can make figures according to the example, that is, the picture is in front of you and you compose the elements already looking at the figures divided into parts.

3 option: For older children, you can leave only the contours in the figure.

4 option: Actually creative tasks - to come up with and fold the figure yourself.

Toddlers can also join the puzzle. For them, you can come up with very simple tasks. For example, fold from two triangles or from two rectangles - squares, from triangles - a large triangle or parallelogram. This method can be used to study the basic geometric shapes.

You can make a tangram yourself. It's very simple. You will need a puzzle template. Print the Tangram or draw it yourself according to the sample. You can use multi-colored elements, if the child is small - at the same time remember the colors, and it’s more interesting to work - play with colorful


When solving the puzzle, two rules must be observed: the first is that all seven figures of the tangram must be used, and the second is that the figures must not overlap with each other. Having adopted the mathematical science - combinatorics, more than 5000 possible variants of folded figures were obtained.

Assembly examples:


Puzzle Pythagorasvery similar to the good old Tangram.Puzzlehas the shape of a square, cut into 7 parts, combining which, you can create a huge number of geometric shapes, silhouettes of animals, people, various objects, etc. All the details are of different sizes, this is the difficulty, so it is quite difficult to put together a figure from them.

In the instructions for puzzle15 different tasks are offered.Puzzle Pythagorascan be used in math classes, at home or at school, because it perfectly contributes to the development of imagination, logic, attention, spatial thinking, mathematical and creative abilities. You can make from cardboard or cut from plastic.pythagoras puzzleand your family are guaranteed positive emotions and good discord.


The Magic Square geometric puzzle belongs to the second level of difficulty and is suitable for children aged 4 years and over. Working with a puzzle, the child will get acquainted with simple geometric shapes: a triangle, a trapezoid, a square.

Puzzle “Mongolian game”

A kind of geometric puzzle, in the likeness of "Tangram" or "Pythagorean Square".

The puzzle is a square cut into 11 pieces: 2 squares, one large rectangle, 4 small rectangles, 4 triangles. It is best to make such a puzzle from double-sided cardboard or plastic.

The essence of the game- collect figures from these elements according to the mosaic principle.

How to play:

Compose geometric shapes. On the Internet, you can find ready-made tasks with answers, or you can come up with tasks for your child yourself.
In order to draw the figures you will need a checkered sheet. You can take a regular sheet of school paper. The elements that make up the “Mongolian Game” are very simple, and it will not be difficult for you to compose compositions from them.

Here, for example, are a few figures made up of puzzle pieces.

If the child is small, then you can make figures according to the example, that is, figures divided into component parts. For older children, you can leave only the contours in the figure.

Toddlers can also join the puzzle. For them, you can come up with very simple tasks. For example, fold from two triangles or from two rectangles - squares, from triangles - a large triangle or parallelogram. This method can be used to study the basic geometric shapes.

Puzzle "SPHINX"

The Sphinx puzzle consists of a variety of geometric shapes: from
4 triangles and 3 quadrilaterals with different aspect ratios. From
elements can be assembled silhouettes of birds, humans, animals, developing
observation and geometric imagination.

The instruction contains
schemes for building more than two dozen figures:

Games - puzzles develop spatial imagination, combinatorial abilities, ingenuity, ingenuity, resourcefulness. Easy to understand, but quite difficult to solve, puzzles are on the fine line between fun play and intellectual development.

Puzzles from Alexey Shamshin

And another one

Puzzle Archimedes STOMACHION

The proposed puzzle Archimedean game is a unique geometric constructor, which was played in ancient times. Its other name is "Stomachion".

The elements of the game are obtained by arbitrary division of the rectangle into 14 parts. From the resulting details, various subject silhouettes are constructed on a plane, for example, a sitting dog, a running person, various flowers, birds. You can also add multi-figure compositions. It is necessary to introduce the child to the game gradually.

Exercise your baby in distinguishing geometric shapes. You can invite the child to count the sides, angles, group the shapes according to shape, size, name them. Then try to construct the simplest images. To facilitate the puzzle of the Archimedean game, it is proposed to first lay out the figures according to the attached diagrams.

Puzzle "LEAF"

Geometric puzzle-mosaic Leaf is designed for children aged 4+.igura resembling a lilac leaf. This lilac leaf is made of other shapes: triangles, squares, trapezoids.

Working with a puzzle develops a child's eye, perception of form, hand-eye coordination, spatial thinking and imagination.Promotes the development of arbitrariness (the ability to play by the rules and follow instructions), cognitive activity, fine motor skills, imagination, the formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, combinatorial abilities,abstract thinking.

"Magic Circle"

The circle is cut into 10 parts. The rules of the game are the same as in other similar games: use all 10 parts to make up the silhouette, without overlapping one another. The cut circle should be colored the same on both sides.


The composition of the "Vietnamese game" includes a circle divided into seven parts and a frame in which the elements fit. All pieces of the puzzle are streamlined, some of them are the same size. Invite your child to construct a silhouette of some animal or bird from intricate details. At first, you can not use all the elements, then gradually complicate the tasks.

You can design according to the schemes, or you can invent your own plot compositions.

By constructing simple figurative figures, children learn to perceive the form, the ability to distinguish a figure from the background, and to highlight the main features of an object. The puzzle develops the eye, analytical and synthetic functions, imagination (reproductive and creative), hand-eye coordination, and the ability to work according to the rules. The game is intended for children from 4 years old


There is a story - maybe fictional. The discoverer of America Columbus was invited to the almighty Cardinal Mendoza. At the table, at the request of the guests, he began to tell how exactly he discovered the New World (which, however, he considered India). One of those present, a limited but self-confident person, shrugged his shoulders and said: “Is everything so simple?”

Columbus looked at him and handed him a chicken egg lying on a dish: "Make it stand on its toe." Of course, attempts to install the egg were unsuccessful. "It's unthinkable..." - said the discouraged interlocutor of Columbus. "It's very simple!" - the navigator answered with a grin and, breaking the toe of the egg on the table, easily forced him to stand.

The expression "Columbian egg" - has become the embodiment of a witty and unexpected way out of difficulty, a synonym for a simple solution to difficult issues.

We get acquainted with the fascinating puzzle game Columbus egg, which will perfectly brighten up the time on the road, waiting in the clinic and, of course, develop the logic and thinking of the child. The principle of the game is simple. Cut along the lines of the egg figure into small parts. The task of the child is to assemble the figurine according to the model. But sometimes you can dream up and come up with your own options, see a familiar image in the figure.

Here are the figures with tasks


Famous logic puzzle game. It was this game that inspired Alexey Pajitnov to create the popular Tetris computer game.

Pentomino is a very popular logic game and puzzle at the same time. The elements in the game are flat figures, each of which consists of five identical squares. In total, there are 12 elements of pentomino, denoted by Latin letters, the shape of which they resemble

You can make a pentomino from cubes, but then you will need to glue and glue 60 cubes with colored film - it's difficult. We propose to make elements of their thick cardboard.

  • We draw each element on a solid cardboard, cut it out, check that the element is included in the “U” element. Trim if needed. We drew details from 2.5x2.5 cm squares.
  • We circle the finished cardboard element on colored paper folded in half and cut out two colored parts at once. It is better to make colored parts smaller than cardboard ones, and they stick better, and the corners will be more even.
  • We glue colored paper with glue-pencil on both sides of the cardboard.
  • We find a box for storing parts, where we will also put the schemes and tasks for the game.

The theme of cats is not over yet. I present to you the game tangram "Cats". Tangram (from the Chinese "seven boards of skill") is a puzzle consisting of seven flat figures that are folded in a certain way to get another, more complex one - we have cats. When solving the puzzle, two conditions must be met: first, all seven tangram figures must be used, and second, the figures must not overlap.

With a tangram, a child will learn to analyze images, highlight geometric shapes in them, learn to visually break an entire object into parts, and vice versa - to compose a given model from elements, and most importantly - to think logically.

This game has different levels of difficulty that can be used with children of different ages.

1. Compiling figures by superimposing on a tangram scheme. The child is given a diagram of a tangram figure, he must put all the elements of the tangram on it.

2. Compilation of figures according to the model. The child is given a tangram scheme, but he must already fold the figure from the elements next to it on the table.

3. Compilation of figures according to the contour image. The child must fold the tangram figure along its contour.

4. Compilation of figures according to one's own design. At this stage, the child independently comes up with figures for drawing up, which develops the imagination very well.

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