Board printed games for children 3 4. Didactic games for children of the younger group of kindergarten. Sample story "Balloon"

In kindergarten, board games for children 3-4 years old, as well as toddlers and preschoolers, are not just one type of entertainment, but an important tool in the development of emotions, inner world, psychological core, character. The main task of the teacher is the correct selection of games that correspond to the age category of children and their interests in the kindergarten. In modern "computer" time, children are often deprived of the opportunity to fully play at the table at home - looking at adults, they prefer telephones, set-top boxes, televisions. That is why the high-quality organization of table leisure, implemented in the kindergarten, is so important and relevant.

Board games for children 2-3 years old (younger group)

Children 2-3 years old often do not speak yet, do not catch the differences in colors and shapes, do not know the names of objects. The teacher needs to offer such children board games for the development of speech, visual and auditory perception, attentiveness. Children cannot play together without the help of an adult, so the teacher acts as a coordinator and mentor in the kindergarten group.

Children of the younger group are very curious and interested in everything new for themselves. Invite them to play bright pyramids, lotto from pictures, large puzzles, build towers. Each game should be bright, beautiful and as safe as possible. No small parts (chips, cubes), sharp objects - the kindergarten by default should be a place where it is always safe for the child. You can make a finger theater with your own hands and invite you to act out a scene with the children.

"Guess and name"
Pictures with the image of various objects (fruits, vehicles, birds, etc.) are taken out of the box. The child must name what he sees.
"Where is whose house"
The task of the kids is to match the animals with their habitat correctly. These can be printed puzzles, purchased pictures, magnets, or magnetic boards.
"The fourth extra"
The excess is removed from the proposed options for animals, plants, insects, birds, food and other things. The child himself must determine the sign by which to make a choice - in case of failure, the teacher prompts, starting a speech from afar.

Board games for children 3-4 years old (middle group)

At the age of 3 years, the child already actively communicates with his peers around him and is able to study and discover something together with them. At this stage, board games for children 3-4 years old can acquire new rules, and the teacher acts as an arbiter on the "field". The joint activity is designed to develop a sense of justice - kids learn to enjoy not only personal victory, but also the success of their peers. The girl will gladly start playing dress up games with enthusiasm, whether it be paper heroines with various homemade outfits or voluminous dolls. Dressing up can be carried away not only for the sake of a variety of leisure activities, but also for the sake of understanding the principle of and. The boy will perfectly cope with not the most difficult constructor.

Those board games for children 3-4 years old, which were successfully adopted by children in the younger group of the kindergarten, can be slightly complicated for the middle one. For example, as a task assigned to the child, it will not be easy to name the object in the picture, but to give it a versatile characteristic (color, features, purpose). Develop the children’s speech by offering detailed answers to questions, using facial expressions, and pronouncing certain sounds.

"My house"
Children are offered separate parts of the house (door, windows, chimney, stairs) or rooms (sofa, chandelier, painting, refrigerator), which must be assembled into one structure. Moreover, each added detail must be voiced and reasoned. A 4-year-old kid can make an arrangement using the example of his own apartment.
Children are given cards with various images. From the common box, the teacher (or one of the guys) takes out one token and names what is depicted on it. Kids should carefully examine the cards for compliance. Whoever fills in his card correctly faster is the winner.
It is necessary to make pictures by matching all sides of the existing cubes. These are complicated puzzles.

Board games for children 5-6 years old (older group)

Starting from the age of 5, children can be prepared for school: perseverance is brought up, vocabulary and logic are developed, an interest in creativity and knowledge is developed. At this stage, children can independently come up with board games and introduce rules into them, the ability to analyze what is happening without the participation of an adult appears. For a preschooler, kindergarten is the last step before school, from which you need to get the most out of it.

For children 5-6 years old, manufacturers have created many board games where it is necessary to find investigative connections, establish facts. Boys and girls can buy or come up with games on topics: cars, house cleaning, fashion. It would be nice to introduce it so that the children learn the basics of computing by school.

"Nature Calendar"
The child needs to establish a correspondence between the selected months, its inherent precipitation, temperature.
"Find a baby for mom"
It is necessary to match the pictures of various animals, birds and their babies correctly.
"What? Where? When?"
A versatile game for the development of 5-6 year olds. It is built on the principle of a quiz.

The choice of board games for kindergarten children can be made not only by educators, but also by creative parents. The kindergarten, its atmosphere, talented employees and even the boys and girls themselves are able to suggest what it would be most fun for them to play with at the table, what kind of leisure they generally consider to be the most interesting. This is a great help for studying, organizing free time, as well as an alternative to walking in bad weather.

Guess the tree

Didactic task: Differentiate trees by their main features: trunk, leaves.

Game rules: Act on a signal from the teacher. Observe the order.

Game action: Consider and name the similarities or differences between trees and leaves.

Didactic material: cards with the image of trees, leaves.

Game progress

The teacher distributes cards to the children with the image of a maple and a birch. The teacher asks the children to name the cards correctly.

Children name, compare trees, identify similarities and differences.

Maple and birch are trees. They have roots, one trunk, many twigs and leaves.

Maple has a dark trunk, while birch has a white trunk. A maple leaf looks like a palm, and a birch has carved leaf edges.

What tree is the leaf from?

Didactic task: Differentiate the distinctive features of the leaves of maple, birch, mountain ash, etc.

Game rules: Act on a signal from the teacher. Observe the order. Speak clearly and clearly. Answer the question Full answer.

Game action: Find out and name the leaf corresponding to the Tree.

Didactic material: cards depicting leaves: birch, oak, maple, mountain ash.

Game progress

The teacher distributes leaves of different shapes to the children, and the children determine which tree they are from.

This leaf is from a birch, which is why it is called birch.

This leaf is from oak, which is why it is called oak.

This leaf is from mountain ash, therefore it is called mountain ash, etc.

Third wheel

Didactic task

Game rules: Act on a signal from the teacher. Put aside the card with the image of the animal, which is superfluous.

Game action: Find an extra animal on the card and put it aside.

Didactic material: cards depicting domestic and wild animals.

Game progress

Children are given cards with pictures of animals. Children must determine which animal is superfluous.

A lamb, a cow are pets. They live next to a person. The fox is a wild animal; it lives in the forest. The fox is an extra animal. Etc.

Fourth extra

Didactic task: Differentiate domestic and wild animals according to their main characteristics.

Game rules: Cover with a chip only the animal that is superfluous on the card.

Game action: Find an extra animal on the card and close it with a token.

Didactic material: cards for the game "The fourth extra" by the number of children. Chips.

Game progress

Children are sitting at the table. In front of them are cards, divided into four cells. Wild or domestic animals are depicted in three cells. The fourth box depicts a fruit or vegetable. Children must find an extra object and close it with a chip.

The teacher explains the rules of the game before starting the game:

There are cards in front of you. What is depicted on these cards? (children's answers)

If animals live with humans, how do we call these animals? (home)

If animals live in the forest, what do we call such animals? (wild)

Look carefully at the card and cover the extra item with the counter.

From the garden to the dining table

Didactic task: To consolidate in children the knowledge of generalizing concepts: vegetables, fruits, fruits, seeds.

Game rules: Answer questions in the order of priority. Listen to peer responses and help if needed.

Game action: The teacher reads the text and, along the way, puts a picture of the actions on the magnetic board. As the story progresses, he asks the children questions.

Didactic material: magnetic board cards: vegetables, fruits, fruits, etc.

Game progress

The teacher, in the course of his story, lays out plot pictures and asks the children questions:

Autumn has come. People went out into the field, into the beds and began to harvest. What can be collected in the beds? (the children answer, and the teacher lays out: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, etc.)

People went out into the garden and began to gather crops from the trees. What can be collected from trees? (apples, cherries, plums, pears, etc.)

People ate part of the harvest. And they decided to save part of the harvest for the long winter. We took vegetables: tomatoes and cucumbers. We washed them with warm water. They put them in glass jars, salted them, poured boiling water over them and closed them with lids. What can you say about these vegetables, what was done with them? (we canned vegetables, put them in the cellar)

We took potatoes and poured them into a vegetable store.

We took fruit: apples, pears. We washed them with warm water. Then they cut into slices and began to dry. When the apples and pears were completely dry, they put them in a bag and put them in a dry place. What do we call these fruits? (dried fruits)

Winter will come. Mom will get pickles and tomatoes from the cellar. He will take out dry fruits, boil the compote and everyone will again remember the summer. Why?

Who eats what?

Didactic task: Clarify children's knowledge of the names of animals and what they eat. Develop observation and attention.

Game rules: Begin to pick up cards at the signal of the teacher. Perform actions without interfering with each other.

Game action: Search for the cards you want.

Didactic material: cards with pictures of animals and what they eat, according to the number of children.

Game progress

In front of the children are cards depicting animals. Children select the appropriate picture on the table of the animal educator: for a cat - milk in a bowl, for a dog - a bone, for a pig - porridge, for a goat - grass.

What insect, name?

Didactic task: To form the concept of an insect in children. Recognize and name insect representatives: fly, butterfly, dragonfly, etc.

Game rules: Begin your actions at the signal of the teacher. Whoever collects the picture first calls it.

Game action: Finding the parts you want, folding the whole picture.

Didactic material: cards with the image of insects by the number of children.

Game progress

On the tables in front of the children are cut pictures depicting insects.

Children have to collect cut pictures, guess the insect and name it. If children find it difficult to name an insect, the teacher helps by making riddles:

She is nicer than all the bugs

Her back is red.

And there are circles on it

Black dots (ladybug)

She has four wings

The body is as thin as an arrow

And big, big eyes.

They call her ... (dragonfly)

A helicopter landed on a daisy at the gate -

Golden eyes, who are they? (dragonfly)

Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers.

Gives us both wax and honey.

She is dear to all people,

And her name is ... (bee)

Chock, chock, yuk!

He flew to our garden ... (bug)

I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk.

If I'm spinning in the air

I’ll have enough of it. (bug)

We will spread our wings -

The pattern is beautiful on them.

We're spinning, fluttering -

What a lot of space! (butterfly)

Where is whose tail?

Didactic task: Consolidate children's knowledge of animal body parts.

Game rules: take cards in turn and only those that fit the main picture.

Game action: Search for the cards you want.

Didactic material: paired cards with the image of animals and the tails of these animals (according to the number of children).

Game progress

The teacher distributes cards to the children with the image of animal tails. On the table are cards depicting animals without tails. Children take turns taking a card from the table and picking up the appropriate animal: wolf, fox, bear, squirrel, hare, etc.

Find the same flower

Didactic task: Exercise children to find objects similar to the image in the picture. To bring up attentiveness, concentration, to form the speech of children.

Game rules: Act on a signal from the teacher. Observe the order. Show only the item shown in the picture.

Game action: Take a card with a picture of a flower from the table and find a flower similar to the picture in the flower bed.

Didactic material: object pictures depicting flowers. Layout of a flower meadow with flowers.

Game progress

The teacher invites children to the table, on which there are object pictures. Children look at pictures, recognize flowers, name them. They choose pictures with the flowers they like and find flowers similar to the picture in a flower meadow and name them.

Help green friends

Didactic task: Exercise children in finding story cards that logically explain a situation. To bring up attentiveness, concentration, to form the speech of children.

Game rules: Act on a signal from the teacher. Observe the order. Lay out only those cards that fit the plot.

Game action: Take a story card from the table and lay it out in front of you.

Didactic material: Scene pictures depicting situations.

Game progress

The teacher distributes plot cards. Children should only pick those that are appropriate for the situation.

Children dance around the Cheryomukha and Forest lilacs.

Children paint bouquets of lilac and bird cherry near flowering trees.

Children water and tend the trees.

Children are photographed near flowers and flowering trees.

Children sing and play near Ivushka. Etc.

Look, guess and name

Didactic task: To form in children the idea of ​​the main properties of the dishes: the material of manufacture. Give a generalizing concept - glassware.

Game rules: Act on a signal from the teacher. Take only one item.

Game action: Take an item, name it and say what it is made of.

Didactic material: glassware items: cups, spoons, rusks, saucers, etc., Malvina doll.

Game progress

Children take cards one by one (it is better to use real objects) and call:

This is a clear glass vase.

This is a clear glass glass with flowers.

This is a multi-colored glass perfume bottle.

This is a dark glass medicine bottle.

This is a colored glass bottle. Etc.

How can you call all these objects in one word? (these items are glass)

Find the right clothes

Didactic task: Exercise children to distinguish between winter and summer clothing. To educate attention, memory and logical thinking.

Game rules: Choose the right clothes for your doll.

Game action: Finding the right clothes for the doll.

Didactic material: silhouettes of dolls and doll clothes by the number of children. Winter and summer landscape paintings.

Game progress

Silhouettes of dolls and winter and summer clothes lie on the table in front of the children. The teacher alternately shows a picture of the summer and winter seasons. Children should wear appropriate clothing for the dolls.

Who are our assistants?

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about household items that facilitate the work of adults. To cultivate an interest in mechanical objects, a desire to work on our own.

Game rules: Place only one card on the magnetic board and explain the purpose of this item.

Game action: Search for the cards you want.

Didactic material: cards depicting household appliances: vacuum cleaner, washing machine, iron, ironing board, etc.

Game progress

Children one by one take a card with a picture of a household item from the table, attach it to a magnetic board with explanations.

The vacuum cleaner is our assistant. He helps us clean up the trash from the floor.

The washing machine is our helper. She helps us wash our clothes.

The iron is our assistant. He helps us iron our laundry.

The ironing board is our helper. We iron the washed linen on the ironing board. Etc.

Let's assemble the rocket

Didactic task: Exercise children in composing a whole subject from individual parts. Develop design skills. To educate attention, memory and logical thinking.

Game rules: Correctly select and fold the rocket parts.

Game action: Search for the desired position of individual rocket parts. Execution of design based on the reference drawing only.

Didactic material: sample drawings of the rocket. Construction set for each child.

Game progress

Children assemble a rocket from the constructor according to the model.

The teacher informs the children that this is a sample drawing of a rocket.

We will be constructors with you. The designers first look at their blueprint and then design the rocket.

Guess and name

Didactic task: Exercise children in solving riddles. To educate attention, memory and logical thinking.

Game rules: Choose the right item.

Game action: Search for the desired subject. Completion of the task only at the signal of the teacher.

Didactic material: a chest with cards-answers to riddles.

Game progress

The teacher reads the riddle, and the children must find the answer in the chest.

We cut, we cut, we cut,

We help mom to sew. (Scissors)

I am small

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me. (Needle and thread)

All day today

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a little, bear, -

There will be pants for you too.

I sewed a shirt for the bear.

I'll sew him pants.

Who am I?

Well, of course ... (seamstress)

You will find me at the construction site

I'm fidgety and lively.

I nod my head all day

I hammer nails into the boards. (Hammer)

They beat Yermilka on the back of the head,

Well, he doesn't cry

Only the nose hides in the board! (Nail)

She got down to business,

She screamed and sang.

Ate, ate, oak, oak,

Broke a tooth, a tooth. (Saw)

White sawdust is flying

They fly out from under the saw.

Who does it

Windows and floors?

With an ax and a hammer

No hitch, no hitch.

For the guys in our garden

He made the tables! (A carpenter)

Where are we going

Didactic task: Exercise children in naming the types of air, water and land transport: airplane, train, steamer.

Game rules: Show the corresponding card only at the signal of the teacher.

Game action: In the course of the teacher's laying out the picture on the magnetic board, the children find the necessary cards.

Didactic material: cards with the image of transport by the number of children.

Game progress

In the course of the story, the teacher puts up a picture on a magnetic board.

Mishutka, Tiger cub and Frog-Kvakushka decided to come to visit the children. We chose our own transport and drove off. But what kind of transport they chose, we will guess if we guess the riddles.

Where does the Croak Frog live? (in the swamp)

The frog-Kvakushka came out of its swamp and sees - in front of her is a large river.

A house floats on the river

There are even windows in it.

People ran into the house -

They took the frog-quack with them.

What did the Croak Frog come with? (on the boat. Children show the corresponding card)

Who is the most important on the ship? Who is driving the steamer? (captain)

The tiger cub lives very far: beyond the seas, beyond the mountains. It's a long journey by car, you can't get there by boat, but you really want to visit the guys. And he decided to choose the following transport:

This is a bird, a fable bird.

People are sitting inside it,

He says to himself

And at this time, a fable bird

Flies across the sky.

What is this fable bird? (plane. Children show the corresponding card)

What does an airplane have and what a car does not have? (wings)

Who is in charge on the plane? Who is flying the plane? (pilot)

The frog-Kvakushka floats on a steamer. The tiger cub is flying on an airplane. And where is Mishutka?

Where does Mishutka live? (in the forest)

That's right guys.

Mishutka came out of the forest and sees:

There is a staircase near the forest,

The house is on the stairs.

Brothers have equipped themselves for a visit,

They clung to each other,

And they rushed off on a long way,

They only left the smoke!

One brother took Mishutka, and he brought it to the children in kindergarten. Mishutka did not even understand what he had arrived in.

What kind of brothers are they? (trailers)

So what did Mishutka take to visit the guys? (on the train. Children show the corresponding card)

After the children have guessed the riddles, the Mishutka, the Tiger Cub and the Kvakushka Frog appear.

Collect the picture

Didactic task: Exercise children in recognizing and naming individual parts of the vehicle. Develop imagination, fine motor skills, memory, patience, hard work.

Game rules: Begin action at the signal of the educator, follow the sequence.

Game action: Finding the part you want and composing the whole picture.

Didactic material: split picture of a rocket from 6-8 parts.

Game progress

Children collect the picture with the help of a teacher.

Guys, do you want to know what we are going on a trip with today? (the teacher reads the riddle)

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars ... (rocket)

- First, Andryusha will lay out. Carry your piece of the picture. See what's on it? How should we arrange it?

Now Natasha will bring her part of the painting. Etc.

Turn your scooter into a car

Didactic task

Game rules

Game action: Search for the parts you need.

Didactic material: split parts for scooter and car. Crossbar, wheels, steering wheel, body, cabin.

Game progress

On the tables of children there are split parts of a scooter, a cabin, a body. The teacher shows a picture with a picture of a scooter. Children put the scooter on their own. Further, the teacher suggests turning the scooter into a car. Children must install the cab and body on the scooter by themselves.

Lay out the traffic light

Didactic task: Exercise in putting together a whole from separate parts. To cultivate attention, memory, friendships, imagination, design skills.

Game rules: Act only after a signal from the teacher and independently.

Game action: Searching for the necessary details, drawing up a colored circle and sequentially laying out the subject - a traffic light.

Didactic material: cut parts of colored circles: yellow, green, red.

Game progress

Children collect colored parts of circles and lay them out sequentially, depicting a traffic light.

Collect the blueprint

Didactic task: Exercise in composing a whole from separate parts. To cultivate attention, memory, friendships, imagination, design skills.

Game rules: Act only after a signal from the teacher and independently.

Game action: Find the parts you want in the drawing.

Didactic material: Cutaway parts of a five-part fire engine drawing.

Game progress

Children put together cut pictures.

What car drawing did we assemble? (drawing of a fire engine.

How did you guess it was a fire truck? (red car, phone number "01")

Collect the blueprint

Didactic task: Exercise in composing a whole subject from separate parts. To cultivate attention, memory, friendships, imagination, design skills.

Game rules: Act only after a signal from the teacher and independently.

Game action: Find the parts you want in the drawing.

Didactic material: cut details of the drawing of the lunar rover from five to six parts.

Game progress

Children on the table collect individual parts of the drawing. Then a lunar rover is assembled from a large construction set.

Lay out correctly

Didactic task: Exercise in the classification of transport by type: air, land, water. To cultivate attention, memory, friendships, imagination, design skills.

Game rules: Act only after a signal from the teacher and independently.

Game action: Find the right circle for the vehicle. Divide the entire transport into three groups.

Didactic material: cards depicting types of transport: air, land, water.

Game progress

Children follow the instructions of the teacher and differentiate transport according to the place of movement: air, land and water.

Divide the transport cards into three groups.

Sasha, name the transport of the first group (second, third)

How can you call the transport of the first, second, third group in one word? (air, water, land)

What kind of transport do you have on your desk: air, water or land? (more ground transport)

Where does ground transport travel? (ground vehicles move on the ground)

What should be on the ground for the movement of ground vehicles? (for the movement of ground vehicles on the ground there must be roads)

Paired pictures

Didactic task. Exercise children in comparing the objects shown in the picture, in finding similarities and in selecting the same images; to bring up attention, concentration, to form speech, to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Game rules. Show and name only the same picture; whoever selects and names the paired picture correctly gets a token.

Game action... Search for the required cards.

Game progress... The teacher has a set of paired pictures (ready-made, factory-made or made by the teacher himself). The pictures show objects: toys, dishes, clothes, etc. The teacher examines the pictures with the children, the children name them. Then the teacher takes two identical pictures and, showing one of them, asks:

- What is it?

- A cup, - the children answer.

- And in this picture, too, a cup? Look closely and name which cups they are. How can you say about them?

The teacher is in no hurry to answer the question himself. Children guess and say:

- They are the same.

- Yes, they are the same, paired, two cups are a pair, which means they are paired, and the pictures are also paired. Today we will play with paired pictures. (Holds both pictures - cups in his hand.) Listen to how we are going to play. I will put pictures on this table, and I will give you a picture too. Whom I call, he will come up and find the same picture on the table, find a pair for her. The winner is the one who does not make a mistake and names the subject loudly.

The teacher, laying out the pictures on the table, asks the children to name what is depicted on them: whirligig, ball, cup, doll, bear, kettle, etc. Children call all objects in chorus.

“And now I’ll give you pictures,” the teacher says. Whom I call, he will say what his picture is, and he will find the same on my table.

First, he calls on children to be more active, so that they can be an example in following the rules of the game, then the most indecisive, shy ones. A child who comes up looks for a pair and, having found it, raises both pictures. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. Pictures are put in a box.

In order not to lose interest in the game, you can offer another version of the game, a more complicated one: the teacher, having handed out pictures to the children, asks them to be attentive and answer who has the same picture. He himself does not show his card, but talks about the object depicted on it so that the one who has the same card can guess it and show it.

- I have a long-eared, grayish in the picture, eating a carrot. Who has the same picture? - the teacher asks.

Children are looking. The one with the bunny says:

- I also have such a bunny! - and shows the children a picture.

The teacher shows his. Children compare them, confirm:

- Yes, they are the same.

- Let's put them in a box, - we suggest the teacher. Now listen to who I’m going to tell you about. In a red dress with a bow on his head, curly hair, blue eyes, pink cheeks. Who has the same picture?

—- This is a doll. I have one too, - the kid shows the same picture.

They compare two dolls, no one doubts their similarity.

The game continues until all items are described and pairs are found for them. Correct answers are rewarded with a trick. The teacher marks those who completed the task correctly and quickly.

Fold the picture

Didactic task. Exercise children in composing a whole subject from its parts; educate will, perseverance, purposefulness.

Game rule. Make no mistake in your choice. The winner is the one who folded and named his picture earlier than others.

Game actions... Finding parts, folding the whole picture.

Game progress... The box contains whole pictures with images of different objects: vegetables, fruits, toys, plants. The other box contains the same pictures, but only cut into four equal parts vertically or diagonally. The teacher introduces children to pictures. They name what is depicted on them. Then he shows part of the picture and asks:

- What picture do you think this piece is from?

- From an apple, - the children answer.

The teacher superimposes part of the picture onto the whole.

- Now let's find the other parts of the apple.

Children, together with the teacher, are looking for pictures depicting parts of an apple, give them to the teacher. When all the pieces are found and placed next to the whole picture, the teacher says:

- Look, children, it turned out to be a whole apple. Now I will give you pictures. I'll give Sveta a pear and Vika a tomato. Vika, find your picture! And I will give Yulia carrots. Where is the picture? (This is how all children get from a picture.) Now assemble whole pictures from their parts. The cut pictures are on the table.

The very process of searching, finding, folding the parts captivates the children. “I already have a whole carrot”, “And I have a tomato,” they rejoice at the fact that they themselves “made” a whole object from the pieces (tomato, carrot, apple).

“Now let's put all the pictures in place and play differently,” the teacher suggests. “Now I’ll give you not a whole picture, but a piece. And you can guess from this piece which picture you need to collect.

“I’ll probably make an apple,” one of the players guesses.

- Fold it up, and we'll see if you are not mistaken, - the educator carries on with the game.

By complicating the game, the teacher introduces an element of competition: whoever puts the picture first wins, gets the chip. The complication can go both in the number of parts (the picture is then cut into six parts), and in content (in the picture there is not one object, but a short plot: a girl plays with a doll, a bunny eats a carrot, a chanterelle with a bun, etc.).

The game is also carried out with cut cubes. They should be given after the children have learned how to fold cut pictures.


Didactic task. Exercise children in the ability to combine objects according to their place of growth: where that grows; to consolidate the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits, flowers.

Game rule. Cover the cells with only those pictures that correspond to the content of the large map: vegetables - on the map, where the vegetable garden is drawn, fruits - where the garden is drawn, flowers - on the flower garden and flower bed.

Game actions. Find small cards with the image of vegetables, flowers and fruits and cover the cells on the large map with them. Competition - who will be the first to close all the cells.

The course of the game. The teacher has large cards in the box, which depict a vegetable garden, a garden, a flower garden, and small cards with the image of vegetables, fruits, flowers. Children examine small cards, the teacher finds out what is in their hands.

- Where does the cherry grow? - Asks the teacher of the child, who is holding a picture with a cherry in his hands.

- On the tree.

- Where does the cherry tree grow?

- In the garden, - the guys answer.

- Where does the cucumber grow?

- In the garden, in the garden, - the children answer.

- Where do the flowers grow?

- In the forest, in the meadow, in the flower bed.

- Look, children, at these big pictures. What do you see here?

- Vegetable garden.

- And in this picture?

- Flowerbed.

Now you will play so that everything that grows in the garden appears in the garden, that in the flower garden - falls into the flower garden, that in the garden - into the garden, and everyone would stand on their cells. (Shows the cells on the map.) Whoever closes all the cells first wins.

The children exchange cards and the game continues.

Such a game is used when the task is to systematize, consolidate knowledge about other objects, for example, about dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, accessories for work, for classes, etc. Having mastered the rules, children use them in independent games.

Whose kids?

Didactic task. To consolidate knowledge about domestic animals, their cubs, who shouts how; exercise in correct sound pronunciation; develop the ability to correlate the image of cubs with the picture of a large animal.

Game rules. You can put a card with the image of cubs on the flannelegraph only after you hear the voice of an adult animal, which children imitate, and also after you have named the cub correctly.

Game actions. Onomatopoeia. Find the cub in the picture, put it on the flannelgraph next to the adult animal.

The course of the game. The teacher prepares a flannelegraph for the game and a set of pictures depicting animals and their cubs: a cow and a calf, a horse and a foal, a goat and a kid, a dog and a puppy, a cat and a kitten (there may be other animals). Before the start of the game, the teacher examines the pictures with the children, clarifies the children's knowledge of the names of animals and their babies (see Fig.). Children practice onomatopoeia.

- Let's show how a cow bellows. How does a kitten meow? Let's play now. Look (there is a strip of green paper on the flannelgraph) - this is a clearing. What a beautiful lawn! (Demonstrates.) Animals will walk here.

I’ll give you pictures now. Animals will come to the meadow and call their cubs. You will find that cub, whose mother walks in the meadow and calls him to her. You will put the picture only after you hear the voice of the animal. Got it? I went out to the meadow. ... ... (Pause.)

Children call:

- Cow.

The teacher puts the picture on the flannelgraph.

- How does she call her son?

- Moo-moo-moo! - children say in chorus, looking at their pictures.

Vova has a calf. He runs to the flannelegraph with his picture, puts it next to him.

- Who ran to his mother, Vova?

- Calf.

- Right, children?

“Yes,” they confirm.

Other animals are also put in this way. Children pronounce sounds characteristic of each animal.

- Louder, children! Otherwise, the kid will not hear his mother.

The teacher teaches to pronounce sounds loudly and correctly:

be-be-be (or av-av-av, meow-meow-meow, oink-oink-oink). After all the mothers find their cubs, the game ends by repeating the words in chorus and one at a time.

- A cow with a calf, a pig with a pig, a dog with a puppy, a cat with a kitten walks across the meadow, - the teacher finishes the game, while paying attention to the correct pronunciation of the end of words: puppy, pig, kitten.

Another version of the game is also possible: one group of children will have adult animals, and the other - cubs. Some children take turns calling the animal and uttering the appropriate sounds, while others quickly find their cubs, run up to the table and put both pictures with the image of an adult animal and its cub next to it. When all the pictures are matched in pairs, the game can be finished.

Who needs what to work?

Didactic task... To consolidate the knowledge of children that different things, tools of labor help people in their work; to develop an interest in the work of adults, a desire to work themselves.

Game rule. Close the cells on the large map only with those pictures that correspond to its plot (the work of a driver, cook, doctor, piggy).

Game actions. Search for the necessary cards, competition - who will close all the cells on the big map faster.

The course of the game. The game is played according to the "Lotto" type. Large cards depict a cook, a doctor, a chauffeur, a pig, and small ones - items necessary for work. The teacher clarifies the knowledge of children about the professions and the tools of their work. Then it resembles the rules of the familiar lotto game. If the children have not played this game, the rules should be clarified. Take one large card and examine it. Then they select the corresponding pictures for it, for example, for the cook - a saucepan, ladles, a meat grinder, a kettle, a baking sheet, a colander. The teacher helps those who find it difficult with questions: “What else does a doctor need? How does he measure temperature? What does he bandage with? "," Look carefully for all the items that the driver needs. "

This game is carried out after observing the work of people of different professions, paying attention to the tools of their labor. As the children become familiar with the work of adults, they add pictures depicting a builder, postman, seller, milkmaid and their tools.


Didactic task... Strengthen the knowledge of children about different machines that help people; it is correct to name them and select paired images: a car, a truck, a dump truck, a bulldozer, a crane, an irrigation machine, a tractor, a combine and other machines familiar to children.

Game rule. Lay the cards one by one, next to the same picture. The winner is the one who puts all the cards first.

Game action. If the player does not have a paired picture, he skips a move and waits for a paired picture to appear at either end. When the game is repeated, the cards are dealt again.

Game progress... The game begins with a short conversation of the teacher about cars. The teacher finds out the knowledge of the children about how these machines help people to work. Children look at pictures. Then the teacher draws attention to the fact that the card depicts two cars, separated by a vertical strip (as in the game "Domino"):

- I will now give you cards (4 - 6), and we will play the game "Domino". So I put my card down. What kind of cars are shown here? Right. Tractor and crane. Whoever has a tractor in the picture will put it next to mine. (Shows how to put it.) And who has a crane, where will he put his card? (“On the other hand.”) Correct. And now what pictures are on our edges? (“Combine and a Volga passenger car.) Who has such pictures? Place them in a row.

Children find identical pictures and put them on the ends of the formed row. So the game continues until the guys have no pictures left. In conclusion, they can play like this - slowly move the entire row on the table and say at the same time: "Let's go, all our cars have gone." Then all the pictures are put into a box, mixed and distributed again. The game continues. The teacher says:

- And now, children, listen to what rules still need to be followed in the game. Put his cards in turn: Vova will start, then Yulia will put his card, followed by Seryozha. Do you remember? If you do not have the necessary pair picture in your hands, then you will miss a move, say: "I do not have such a picture." And you will wait for your paired picture to appear at the end of the row. The winner is the one who puts all his cards first. Be careful!

When does this happen?

Didactic task... Strengthen the knowledge of children about the seasons, their characteristic features; develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance.

Game rules... Tells about his picture and guesses it the one at whom the arrow points. The picture is not shown until it is guessed.

Game actions. Guessing and guessing pictures. Arrow rotation.

The course of the game. Children sit around the table. The teacher has several pictures with images of different seasons in his hands, 2-3 pictures for each season. For example, a winter landscape, winter fun, the work of children in winter: they clear paths, feed the birds. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

- Children, today we will play like this: look, I have a lot of pictures in my hands. I will not show them to you yet, and you will not

show each other when I give them to you. We will guess what is drawn in the picture. Hear what the rules are in this game. You see, there is an arrow on the table. The one to whom she points, will tell us what is drawn in his picture, and then the arrow will point to the one who should guess. Therefore, be careful, do not be mistaken!

The teacher gives everyone a picture. Then rotates the arrow in a circle. The one to whom the arrow pointed, carefully examines his picture and then talks about its content.

- And now the arrow will point us to the one who guesses what time of year Sasha told us about. (The name of the called child is called.)

After the answer, the first player shows his picture, the children are convinced that the answer was correct (or vice versa). The game continues until the children have told about all the pictures.

This game can be carried out after the children have accumulated knowledge about the characteristic features of the seasons, about the work and play of children.

A variation of this game could be for the educator to read excerpts from fiction about seasonal natural phenomena and search for pictures with relevant content.

The use of this part of the subject-development environment is aimed at:

  • the development of discipline and the ability to complete what was started;
  • improving attention, thought processes, imagination and speech skills;
  • recording the acquired knowledge and skills;
  • the formation of the ability to work in a team, friendliness and the ability to cooperate.

The use of games allows you to identify the sphere of interests of children, determining their preferences during the game. Diverse material teaches preschoolers to generalize objects according to a certain criterion, to distinguish them from each other, depending on their application and purpose. Also, during the game, the child notices the interconnections between objects and learns to make up a whole from the parts received.

An important playful moment is the need to choose a partner for interaction and find your place in the group. Children are divided into pairs or triplets, while the large number of pupils in the group significantly complicates the task.

The teacher is assigned the role of a guide in the game, he pushes the children to the right actions, and does not direct the process. Also, do not forget about praising and encouraging the success of preschoolers.

The card index of board-printed games for children aged 5-6 years used in kindergarten includes the following materials:

  • dominoes;
  • checkers;
  • puzzles with different numbers of details;
  • pictures composed of cubes, the drawing on the edges of which refers to a particular image;
  • mosaics;
  • didactic games in pictures.

The use of games affects visual perception, which is an important element of the educational process at preschool educational institutions. To include printed pedagogical material in the activities of children, it is necessary to remember that the principle of visualization implies the presence of a visual sample. That is, to complete the puzzle, the child will need the original whole picture as an example.

Visual perception is developed by games such as mosaics, cards with images of animals and plants, and plot pictures. For the same purpose, didactic materials are included in the work in the form of a field map with a set of tokens and cubes.

The choice of the game, taking into account the characteristics of the age-related development of the child

The choice of play material is determined by the age group of children. At the age of 5-6 years, board-printed games take into account such developmental features as:

  • the need to work in small groups (2-4 people). Lotto and dominoes with pictures, cubes, puzzles (for example, "Fold a pattern") are suitable for this.
  • awareness of teamwork. This feature is answered by the games from the previous paragraph and others, for example, games with a field card. Materials are actively used to consolidate knowledge about types of transport, the use of objects;
  • at this age, a manifestation of intolerance is possible in relation to the help of a teacher or other adult, which requires independence in the game process. The elder retains the role of the leader. A lesson with the designation of opposite concepts, tasks for mastering professions, is suitable.

When working with children, they make sure that everyone has enough props. Each child should have their own set of cards, tiles, or puzzle pieces. At the first acquaintance with the material, the pupils will need time to study the proposed before the game begins. In the older group, children are offered different puzzle plots, since the very process of combining elements is already receding into the background. If there is free time, children can exchange sets of puzzle pieces.

Examples of board games for children aged 5-6

A ready-made card file of board-printed games for children 5-6 years old in kindergarten should meet the characteristics of age and include materials on different topics. The following can be added to the games card index:

Game "Visiting a fairy tale"

This game is aimed at the social and emotional development of pupils. In the process, the preschooler learns to resolve problem situations and interact with other children in the course of discussion and search for solutions. The set of materials includes:

  • 8 or more playing fields;
  • history cards that contain a problem situation;
  • figurines of fairy-tale characters.

The game is especially effective in a small team. The playing fields and heroes are placed on the table, with each field numbered. Number cards are placed face down on the table. When the pupil takes the card and calls out the number, the presenter describes the essence of the problem situation that the preschooler must solve.

An example of a game situation:

  • Buratino and Malvina played together in the sandbox. The girl did not get Easter cakes and she began to cry, and Buratino began to laugh at her. What would be the best way to act in Buratino's place?

Solution: playing together is much more interesting, Pinocchio was supposed to help Malvina, and not tease her.

  • A mouse, a bunny and a frog were playing in a clearing near the house. A mosquito flew up to them, he wanted to join the game, but he was ashamed. How to deal with this situation?

Solution: the gnat was supposed to say hello and ask if it was possible to join the game.

Game "Find the words"

A game that promotes the development of coherent speech in children. It also allows you to expand your vocabulary. Includes 12 picture cards and 96 with words written on them. Every child needs to get a picture. If there are more children, additional material should be prepared.

The leader shows a card with words, the children read them. The card is taken by the pupil, to whose picture the words fit the meaning. The card index of board-printed games for children 5-6 years old is replenished with such a game and with a purpose.

Example word cards:

  • shop: money, scales, counter, seller, showcase, buyer, checkout, check;
  • sea: fish, ship, jellyfish, sailor, wave, island;
  • circus: clown, trainer, arena, magician, juggler;
  • forest: pine cone, squirrel, path, pine, mushroom, hedgehog.

Game "Labyrinth"

Children are given sheets on which a labyrinth is printed. The ends of the maze are a cat and a kitten, a hen and a chicken, etc. The preschooler must draw a path from one character to another with a pencil. Such, strengthens logical connections and allows you to train your hand for writing.

The Snow Queen game

Gameplay based on the plot of a famous fairy tale. The pupils move the figures across the field, falling into different situations. In the process, logic, memory and visual perception develop.

Game "Zoological Lotto"

Cards with images of animals and birds are used to help learn the names of animals, develop attention and memory.

When working with game material, do not forget about the timing of the lesson, which helps to more effectively perceive information and maintain discipline during the game. The following order is recommended:

  • introduction - 1-2 minutes. The teacher tells the children about the purpose of the laid out materials, reminds or explains the rules of the game;
  • 3-8 minutes is occupied by the action itself, during which the presenter directs the participants;
  • summing up - 1-2 minutes. The teacher always praises each child, regardless of who coped with the task better than others.

Depending on the chosen game, in preschoolers, speech skills, cognitive processes,. In addition, the ability to follow the rules and interact with the team is brought up.

Board-printed games for preschool educational institutions, included in the card index, are indispensable both in the classroom and during the independent activities of children. They provide an opportunity to captivate pupils, while at the same time explaining various concepts in a playful way. Preschoolers 5-6 years old respond positively to the initiative of an adult, with pleasure being included in the game process. The variety of classes conducted allows you to individually approach each child and the group of children as a whole.

Elena Astakhova



Board-printed game for children 4-5 years old


Didactic game« We are friends with nature:

Environmental focus;

Desktop - printed.


To shape:

The desire to protect and protect nature;

Respect and love for nature, to all living things;

Ability to independently compose the rules of human behavior in Nature;

Value orientations that determine respect for natural world.


Ideas about what actions are harmful nature;

Interest and love for all living things;

Ability to work in a team;

Fine motor skills of the hands;

Memory, thinking, attention, imagination.


Knowledge children about the Rules of Conduct in Nature;


Vocabulary of words.

GAME progress:

Option I:

The teacher distributes cards to the children on which the sign of the rules of conduct in nature... The card is cut into 2 even parts.

The teacher offers to collect the rules. The child needs to choose 2 halves so that it turns out to be a whole, explain his choice, and tell what rule is in question.

For the correct completed task, the participant didactic game"Love Nature receives a token.

The game is carried out several times.

The one with the most chips wins

Option II:

The second version of the game is carried out by children independently.

After acquiring the skill of playing, children can play without the help of an adult.

Chips are not used in this variant.


Option I:

The game conducted jointly with the educator (with the help of an adult).

Option II:

Children play on their own.


The game« We are friends with nature

contributes to the education of a caring and respectful attitude towards all living things.

Forms ecological culture and ecological awareness children.


In the course of independent activity children;

During preschool activities with children age GCD for the formation of environmental views on protection and protection nature.


During use didactic game« We are friends with nature activities can be organized children:

individual character;

with subgroup children.

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