Open a laser tag club. How to open a laser tag club. Profitable entertainment business. Laser tag is fun for all ages

Due to the fact that in modern society the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is increasing, most of the population is adherents of this lifestyle. All this contributes to an increase in demand not only for healthy food, but also for sports. People resort to sports in several cases: to keep the body in shape or bring it into the desired shape, and also to have a good time on their days off. Therefore, the laser tag club business plan will be very popular among.

The goal pursued by the laser tag club is to create the first such type of activity in the city. To date, laser tag is considered the most popular and dynamically developing sporting event.

And this is not surprising, if we stick to the statistics, then over the past two years the demand for this service has increased by almost 8 times. About 300 clubs have opened on the territory of Russia alone, offering to use the entertainment service "laser tag". All this indicates that you can safely find your niche and who will later become our regular visitors and will contribute to the emergence of a new audience from among their friends and acquaintances.

We can use an example of a business plan for a laser tag club with calculations as a visual information aid for a future entrepreneur, so that it would be possible to assess their capabilities, compare with other types of activities, and also assess financial capabilities in order to make this project a reality. But do not forget that we can also use it to attract. We can participate in banking programs for obtaining a loan on favorable terms.

The goal of a sample laser tag club business plan is to create the first such club in the city. This is due to the fact that such a sports and entertainment service is gaining popularity around the world. Over the past few years, the popularity of this sport has grown almost 8 times, which contributed to the opening of 300 clubs throughout Russia. All this indicates that you can freely occupy a niche and calmly open. Because this industry has a promising direction.

Brief description of the club

Let's take a closer look at what laser tag is. Laser tag is a type of sporting event in which teams of a certain number of people must be present. People come to these establishments for entertainment. During the game, participants are provided with special clothes, as well as light weapons. When using it, it is possible to shoot infrared rays.

This game has several scenarios for participants. The game must have a field. For these purposes, open areas or forests are often used. During the game, there must be cover for both teams. For these purposes, use a natural shelter, if available, or create artificially. Like any other game, laser tag has its own essence, which is to hit your opponent with the help of an infrared beam from a given light weapon. These shots are completely safe for any player.

In order to determine whether a player is hit or not, use the registration of the beam in the process of touching with opponents. Let's consider how the beam registration process takes place - there are sensors on the clothes of each player. At the moment when the infrared beam touches them, the player's defeat is registered.

Any event or game, regardless of its characteristics, has both positive and negative aspects.

Consider the advantages of this recreational-sports game:

  1. In order to participate in the game, it is not necessary to have any skills and physical training in certain areas. The game of laser tag is based on the simplest and most accessible rules that absolutely anyone can do. Therefore, absolutely anyone who does not have serious health problems and is allowed to exercise and exercise can participate in this competition.
  2. The whole process of the game takes place in an open area, in the fresh air. In some cases, rooms are used. The whole game is associated with the manifestation of activity. In this case, there is no division of players according to certain criteria, for example, by age, gender, weight category or height.
  3. The main advantage that distinguishes laser tag from the same paintball is the absence of pain. If during the game of paintball players shoot each other with balls containing paint. As a result, traces remain, which later turn into bruises. In lasertak, infrared rays are used, which, when in contact with sensors on the players’ clothes, fix the defeat, and the field sensations are completely absent.
  4. If we continue to compare laser tag with, then the first option also wins here. When playing paintball, there is paint that should be washed off. There is no garbage in laser tag.

Additional features

If you start comparing this type of service with other games, then there is a special attraction for fans of sports games. The laser tag game allows its players to participate in a military sports event. All this makes it possible for each person to begin to control possible aggression and relieve stress if necessary.

This sport can be used for young people as a preparation for military service. Also, a teenager can be taught to take care of equipment - weapons and clothes, if necessary, distract him from the street, interested in a sports game.

In the course of the game, team building takes place. During the game, a leader is sure to stand out, who leads the whole team and leads it to victory. This option is very useful for some corporations, organizations, if you need to choose a leading person for a certain position, but it is difficult to do this within the office.

During the game, positive emotions are developed, especially if they are associated with victory. All this contributes to the appropriate mood for the rest of the day.

The required amount of funds that will be required for the implementation of the project

In order to implement the business plan of a laser tag club, it is necessary to have a certain amount of funds for opening and developing a business. For these purposes, we plan to receive all the necessary amount from the state. To do this, you will need to take part in or receive a grant to open an organization.

In this case, we can get about 300 thousand rubles. All this amount will be directed to the purchase of machinery and equipment. Also, part of the funds can be invested by the future entrepreneur from his own funds - this is 700 thousand rubles. This amount will be spent on the purchase of special clothing and additional equipment.

Primary expenses

In order to equip the area for the games we will have to buy;

  • Complex for the game brand AK-74b in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.
  • Complex for the game brand M16 worth 26 thousand rubles.
  • Complex for the game brand M16-661 worth 19 thousand rubles.
  • Two complexes for games brand MP-512 worth 36 thousand rubles.
  • Complex for the game brand MP-514K worth 18 thousand rubles.
  • Complex for the game brand P90 worth 25 thousand rubles.
  • Complex for the game brand ZPK-74M worth 25 thousand rubles.
  • Eight additional gaming complexes in the amount of 128 thousand rubles.
  • Two control points, digital - 9 thousand rubles.
  • Base for infrared rays - 2 thousand rubles.
  • Two first-aid kits - 4 thousand rubles.
  • Complex for the game brand Bomba worth 3 thousand rubles.
  • To play, you need to purchase a walkie-talkie - 3 thousand 300 rubles.
  • You will also need to have a mouthpiece - 2 thousand rubles.
  • Adapters - 900 rubles.
  • Special army camouflage clothing for players. In total, you need to purchase 20 sets of clothes in the amount of 28 thousand 800 rubles.

Thus, at this stage we have to spend 370 thousand rubles.

Selecting an OKVED code

In order for, LLC, the business owner must indicate, when writing an application to the tax office, the OKVED code of the selected activity. Since we will provide services in the field of sports, we can choose the code 92.62.

Laser tag games are planned to be held not only in the city, but also outside it. Since for this we will need to install equipment and playgrounds on someone's plots of land, we must obtain permission from the owner to regularly use their land and constantly hold our sports events.

We plan to play games:

  • In forested areas within the city.
  • On the territory of farms that no longer operate. For these purposes, you will have to travel outside the city.
  • Hold games at inactive factories, if any.
  • Use unfinished buildings or partially destroyed, but after obtaining permission from the owner.

In order to facilitate access for everyone, you need to use those areas that can be reached by public transport. Otherwise, we may lose a significant part of the audience due to problems with the access to the polygon we have chosen. If clients wish to participate in extreme sports, we will offer the opportunity to travel outside the city for these purposes.

For our clients, we will constantly look for new places for laser tag games.

Territory Requirements

But it is worth considering that certain requirements must be presented to each place, namely:

  • The playing area must be completely safe for all participants.
  • It must be interesting.
  • And most importantly, located close to the city.

In order to transport customers to the venue of the game, we must use a personal vehicle.

Details Published: 17.02.2011 12:16

The article provides a detailed analysis of various myths and misconceptions encountered by entrepreneurs who are going to open a laser tag club and start their own business. We have tried to answer the following questions:

  • What are the features of running a laser tag business?
  • Who are the main competitors of rental laser tag clubs?
  • How many kits are enough to get started?
  • What equipment to choose, is it worth overpaying for a brand?
  • How to avoid problems and additional costs during operation?
  • What are the ways to use laser tag equipment?

    It is enough to buy equipment, and customers will appear. Laser tag market - services are not developed, competition is weak, people will come running to the novelty.

Head of a laser tag club, it is necessary to understand that, entering the service market, it will compete not with other laser tag clubs (of which there are really few), but with a whole galaxy entertainment enterprises different direction. Paintball clubs, amusement parks, event agencies organizing holidays, organization of extreme recreation and many others fill this industry at the moment. When opening a rental laser tag club, you need to be aware that web pages on free hosting and several invitations sent to large companies will not bring any results. laser tag- a serious business, and requires a serious attitude to itself. When deciding to open your own business, you need to understand that the path to success lies through the infusion of your own strength, time and money. The formula for the end result is simple: how serious you are about starting a business, how serious your profit will be.

    You can start with 8-10 sets, and gradually expand the fleet of equipment using the profit received.

Ask yourself a question: how many markers are there in the nearest paintball club? Try to imagine how much profit an eatery with three standing mushrooms gets instead of tables and a cozy cafe, the equipment of which has been invested several times more.

LLC sales statistics Polygon» for several years is as follows: clubs that have purchased 10 kits are quite tolerable exist, but rarely buy additional equipment. Clubs that purchased 15-20 kits expand equipment fleet with a fair amount of consistency. From which we dare to conclude that a rental club with 10 sets may well provide an average income for a family of 2-3 people, but it is hardly enough for the development of working capital. A club with a large arsenal can serve large corporate orders, has more bandwidth and, as a result, provides a different level of income.

A small number of sets is ideal as addition to an already existing business, as an extension of the range of servants. 6-8 play sets will help the owner of the boarding house to expand the attractiveness of his business or amusement park, especially if you supplement them with an electronic shooting range compatible with the selected weapon. A pair of weapon kits in combination with a shooting range can bring additional bonuses to owners of cinema halls or nightclubs. If you want to open a rental club, start with a set of at least 16 sets.

    All equipment is the same, and it makes no sense to overpay for expensive brands.

The cost of purchased equipment for laser tag, of course, plays a very important role, but is it the only one? When buying a car, mobile phone, personal computer, what other parameters do you pay attention to? Power, comfort, technical capabilities, after-sales service, the ability to upgrade and modernize. There are many such parameters. When choosing which equipment to buy, you consider means of production, where upgradeability, developer support, operational reliability – not a pleasant addition, but a vital necessity for running a normal business.

    Laser tag does not require any costs during operation.

Of course, laser tag equipment is much less expensive than, for example, paintball equipment. No need to buy balloons, no need to look for gas stations, no need to carry a gas cylinder with you if you are going to hold an outdoor event. However, are you planning to rolling(or close to it) business. Among all distributors of any direction there is a saying: "Rental equipment is damn equipment."

Players, having paid for your service, do not at all suffer from careful attitude to the kits. Can drastically reduce the number of breakdowns choosing not plastic vending machines, but steel products of our military-industrial complex, you can abandon telephone wires in favor of special wires with metal connectors, you can provide each electronic unit with a protective cover, but this will only reduce your time and the number of minor repairs that will have to be carried out with a fair amount of consistency. In most cases, this does not require the intervention of warranty centers or special skills, but when opening a business, don't believe to those who will tell you: "THIS never breaks." General rule for all types of rolled products: everything that can be broken off, unscrewed and rolled up will definitely be broken off, unscrewed and rolled up. This should not scare you, but you must know what you are going to work with.

    Laser tag is used only as rental clubs.

Laser tag technology is used in many areas of entertainment. Game kits that simulate two-way fire contact are not the only embodiment of this technology. As an additional service, you can use different gaming gadgets.

Do you have unused 10-12 square meters in your club/boarding house/cinema? Perhaps a panel will fit there remarkably electronic shooting range? And although shooting from an electronic marker is not as beautifully destructive as in crossbow or pneumatic shooting ranges, how many people refuse to shoot from a real heavy machine gun installed at the “firing line”? And most importantly - such shooting galleries are absolutely cost-free and safe. And do not require any additional approvals for installation. Or arrange a battlefield there " autobots” - radio-controlled cars equipped with laser tag electronics that will shoot safe pulses at each other and capture “electronic flags” located on the field. If you have a room of 20-30 meters, the use of which you have not yet found, you can place it there " spetsnaz training range». This is an electronic device that forces the player in the center of the room, reacting to sound and light, to destroy at least 15 targets turned on by the computer in different directions from him and in an unpredictable sequence. Does your amusement park have electric cars, on which even adults are not averse to knocking? If two of them are equipped with laser tag equipment, then you can arrange funny electronic duels, and the “struck” cars will notify those around you with loud sirens and flashing lights.

If you suddenly came up with the idea of ​​some other application of laser tag technology, ask us. Perhaps we have already prepared it, or we will do it especially for you.

In large cities, the sphere of recreation and entertainment is quite well developed, and a variety of interactive events are developing especially actively, which allow residents of megacities to spend their leisure time interestingly. One of these options for active recreation for companies - laser tag - is in great demand, especially among children and young people. Whether this occupation is profitable for a novice entrepreneur will be shown by our laser tag business plan, an example of which can become a starting project for a similar business idea.

Project Summary

It is planned to open a club in a large city in Russia, because. it is in a large metropolis that there will be enough target audience not only to return the investments invested in equipment, but also to earn a good profit.

The target audience:

  • Families with children aged 6 to 16 (60%).
  • Young people aged 16 to 25 (40%).

The main target audience is children from 6 to 16 years old. paintball is not yet available to them, but they want to play "shooters".

The club will work on weekdays from 14:00 to 20:00, and on weekends from 12:00 to 21:00 in summer and from 10:00 to 16:00 in cold weather.

We will rent a small area on which we will build trenches, obstacles and purchase the necessary decorations. In addition, we will travel on individual orders and work in parks and private clubs, the customer will pay for the premises individually. During off-site events we will use a private vehicle.

Key business risks

Risk Solution Possibility
Bruises and injuries of players It is necessary to purchase and use special sensors for players, control the presence of tube emitters and headbands
The emergence of strong competitors in the city Use original and interesting scenarios, promotional offers and bonus programs
Unforeseen equipment failure Put an additional amount in the budget for the repair or purchase of the necessary equipment
Sharp increase in the cost of leased land To prevent the landlord from significantly increasing the price of the leased land or selling it, it is necessary to conclude a long-term lease agreement. If large funds are invested in the territory, the right of first priority in the event of a sale should be prescribed in the contract

The laser tag business plan with calculations should include reserve costs for the quick restoration of equipment and decorations so as not to waste time and not lose customers. In addition, the advertising budget should include funds for an active advertising campaign when strong competitors appear.


In order to avoid problems with the law, it is necessary to register with the tax authorities. To do this, you need to submit an application to the tax office, indicate the form of registration of activities, choose a convenient taxation system and register the OKVED code.

We register as an individual entrepreneur, use the STS 15%.

Activity code: OKVED 93.11 "Organization and holding of sports events in the open air or indoors."

No special permits and licenses are required to organize an outdoor laser tag club.

1 thousand rubles will be enough for self-issuance of an IP certificate.

Territory rent

It is planned to carry out the activities of the club on a leased municipal territory outside the city, where a cleared area with artificial obstacles and a small area of ​​an oak grove will be occupied. Accordingly, we will have two active sites with a size of about 150 x 80 m each. Renting such a territory outside the city will cost us 40 thousand rubles a month. According to the contract, we need to pay immediately for 2 months of rent.

Trenches will be dug on the territory, barriers of concrete walls and blocks will be built. It is necessary to spend at least 50 thousand rubles on stone and wooden decorations. At the same time, with an increase in demand, scenarios will need to be changed along with the scenery.

In addition, the club will have an administrative office with an area of ​​20 sq. m. We will purchase and install a change house for this at a price of 80 thousand rubles.

For these purposes, 210 thousand rubles will be spent.


The club will need a small staff to operate. The functions of the administrator and manager will be performed by the owner, but an instructor will be required to work with the audience, and in the future, 2-3 such employees. At the start, we are counting on one instructor with a salary of 20,000 rubles.

From the 4-5th month, his salary will be piecework, salary + 10% of profit.


Interesting and exciting laser tag scenarios are a key approach and a unique offer for customers. The attendance of the club and its popularity will depend on this. Therefore, initially we will develop at least 4 game scenarios:

  1. Four of a kind is the simplest game for children from 6 to 8 years old. The group of children is divided into two subgroups and the team that first "killed" the players of the other team wins.
  2. Invader and protector. One group is the defenders of the fortress, the other, respectively, the invaders. The team that achieves its goal before the end of the game wins.
  3. Capture the Flag. Each team has its own flag. The task is to intercept the enemy flag and deliver it to your base.
  4. TopGun - everyone plays for themselves. This scenario is suitable for a small number of people. The participants of the game must spread out over the entire area in different directions and from the moment they start, they begin to “kill” opponents. The survivor is the winner. This game is suitable for an older audience of 16 and older.
  5. Predator and Iron Man. Thematic campaign with division into 2 teams fighting each other.

During each scenario for children aged 6 to 8 there will be a 5-minute break. At the end of each game, an award ceremony is held and a general photo of the participants in costumes is taken.

Game time: 60-90 minutes.

Weekend prices:

  • 1 hour - 350 rubles.
  • 2 hours - 600 rubles.
  • 3 hours - 750 rubles.
  • 4 hours - 900 rubles.
  • Full game day (1 barrel for 10 hours) - 1,500 rubles.
  • Full game day (from 10 barrels for 10 hours) - 1,200 rubles per barrel.

Weekday prices:

  • 1 hour - 300 rubles.
  • 2 hours - 500 rubles.
  • 3 hours - 650 rubles.
  • 4 hours - 750 rubles.
  • Full game day (1 barrel for 10 hours) - 1,200 rubles.
  • Full game day (from 10 barrels for 10 hours) - 1,000 rubles.

The cost of games will also depend on seasonality (warm months are more expensive, winter months are big discounts). A club system of discounts for regular customers will be provided. The more often you play, the higher the discount for each game.

Purchase of equipment and decorations

The role of equipment and creative scenery is actually very great. Therefore, we must purchase good, but inexpensive sets of weapons and protection, universal, practical and at the same time interesting decorations that will be needed both on the territory of the club and will be used at outdoor events.

So, to provide 4 scenarios, we need to purchase kits, decorations, etc.

Estimate in the table:

Name price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Bandage with defeat sensors 4 000 30 12 000
Camouflage 10 000
Game sets "Predator" 14 000 10 140 000
Game sets "Phoenix" with a sight 13 000 10 130 000
Batteries 1 500 20 30 000
Emitters 1 500 20 30 000
radio bomb 5 000 2 10 000
USB base 2 000 5 10 000
Remote PRO 3 000 3 000
Check Point 1 000 5 5 000
Scenery 70 000
Used laptop 15 000 15 000
MFP 2 000 2 000
Paper 1000 1 000
Table and chair for the office 8000 8 000
Total 476 000

Marketing and Advertising

To attract the maximum number of customers from the very beginning, it is necessary to develop an active advertising strategy. We will use both printing and, in most cases, Internet promotion throughout the city and region. Advertising estimate in the table:

Monthly, you will need to spend money on targeting in social networks, contextual advertising and ads, landing promotion about 20,000 rubles.

Investments in advertising are required, because. the club is located outside the city and it is impossible to attract an audience passing by. Accordingly, profit and profitability will depend, first of all, on an effective advertising campaign, especially in the starting period.

In addition, promotions and profitable offers will be held.

For example:

  • Progressive system of discounts for regular customers.
  • Contests of reposts in social networks.
  • Birthday 10% discount.

You can send commercial offers to local organizations to attract corporate customers.

Expenses and income

Here we will summarize the general tables of starting and monthly expenses, calculate the estimated profit based on plans from the 3rd month of work, determine the profitability and payback period.

Starting costs

It is planned to allocate 707,000 rubles for the launch of the business.

Monthly expenses


Profitability will gradually increase up to the first year. The main thing is to acquire a pool of regular customers who will bring up to 70% of the company's income.

On average, one game of laser tag brings in 2,000 rubles in revenue. Since there are no costs for consumables, unlike paintball, they will all go to net income. On weekends, there are usually at least 6 games a day, on weekdays - 3 games. This gives us a monthly revenue of 236 thousand rubles.

Taking into account tax costs, net profit can be about 200 thousand rubles. The profitability in this case will be about 200%, which can be considered an excellent result. However, such attendance is possible only in the summer at a well-promoted club. In the first year, do not expect to earn more than 100 thousand rubles per season.

Let's calculate the payback period of the project:

707,000 / 100,000 = 8 months. Already during the first year, the costs will pay off and begin to make a profit.


Laser tag shows the highest profitability in combination with paintball, since you can find a place for both sites in one arena. Moreover, the target audience, in general, does not overlap, so you can reach a larger number of people. However, in such a business, investments will be required twice or three times more. In the future, it is possible to open several such points in a large region and reach the level of a franchise offer.

Currently, laser tag is a rapidly growing type of sports and entertainment services. It should be noted that this type of service came from abroad, where it has long earned great popularity. This indicates the high prospects of this business and potentially high demand. As a result, the payback period of this project is 8 months, the break-even point falls on the 4th month of the project.

Initially, to open, you will need to rent a land plot from municipal authorities or private owners. It is advisable to look for land in the countryside, and near the forest. You will also need to hire 4 people.

The average monthly number of visitors will be about 600 people. That is, on average, 20 people will visit the club every day. But it is worth noting that the greatest demand will fall on weekends. The average check per person will be 650 rubles. Considering these operational indicators, the financial results of the project will be as follows:

Amount of initial investment - 655 000 rubles;

Monthly profit - 112 000 rubles;

Payback period - 8 months;

Break even - 4 month;

Profitability of sales - 38% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

To date, more than 500 laser tags have been opened in Russia throughout the country. But despite the significant number of active clubs, there is still a large market share for new entrepreneurs to take.

The main task of the club is to provide services for holding a sports and technical game using light weapons. The light weapon is a blaster that shoots and hits the enemy with IR beams. The essence of the game is to hit the enemy with safe light beams from a blaster machine gun. The defeat is fixed by registering the beam with special sensors that are located on the headband or on the vest.

Shooting is carried out in the infrared zone. The firing range reaches from 350 meters to 600 meters, depending on the modification of the weapon.

Games can be played outdoors or in the woods. It all depends on the scenarios of the game that you develop. Therefore, for the games you will need to rent a land plot. Approximately 3,000 m2 will be enough. It is advisable to look for premises outside the city, near forests. On the territory you can develop different types of maps.

The main scenarios of the game include:

  • capture the Flag
  • wall to wall
  • all against all

These scenarios are highly dynamic and allow you to play the game as efficiently as possible.

Also, to create a sense of hostilities, it is necessary to build various defense structures, obstacle courses, shelters on the territory of the site.

Compared to paintball, laser tag has several advantages:

  • less traumatic;
  • environmentally friendly game (unlike paintball)
  • a wider target audience, as minimal physical fitness is required.

Also, for the games you will need to purchase the equipment itself. It includes:

  • game set (weapon + headband with hit sensors)
  • camouflage for each player
  • IR base
  • Digital breakpoints
  • Walkie-talkies.

In addition to gaming equipment, you need to purchase:

  • checkout
  • a laptop
  • mouthpiece
  • first aid kit.

This equipment will fully ensure the activities of the club.

There will also be a monthly purchase of grenades and other accessories for the game, which will be sold separately. In addition, the club will earn on the sale of snacks and soft drinks.

There is no regulatory regulation of this activity. But for better customer service, look into consumer law, health regulations, and more.

3. Description of the market

The success of this business is determined by the quality of services, as well as the novelty of this service. The main competitors include paintball clubs.

The main target audience are:

  • individuals

Individuals mainly gather for personal recreation, anniversaries and birthdays. Also, athletes, members of various associations, etc. can gather in large teams. This segment of customers consists mainly of people aged 16 to 45 years.

For this category of customers, be sure to consider a discount system to attract regular customers. Also, constantly hold promotional competitions to expand its target audience.

  • legal entities

For this category of clients, be sure to provide the possibility of deferred payment and other flexible terms of cooperation. This will help you maintain a constant demand and attendance at your club.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

So, how to open laser tag? What equipment do you need to buy? What are the nuances to calculate so that the profitability of the enterprise is high?

A modern person with office work needs a rich and active rest, where you can dump the accumulated negativity. That is why various quest games, skydiving, wind tunnels and other extreme activities are gaining popularity. One of the newest entertainments is laser tag - for some it is an opportunity to enjoy the game, but for an entrepreneur it is a promising line of business.

What is laser tag: features and benefits of business

Surely, there is no such person who would not know what paintball is, many have seen how this game is played, and some even had a chance to participate. Laser tag is a similar military-tactical team entertainment, but it uses a weapon that shoots beams that are fixed on the clothes of the participants due to sensors.

There are several benefits to this business:

  • no need to buy protective equipment to play;
  • no consumables required;
  • judges are not needed - everything happens automatically;
  • entertainment is not dangerous, regardless of age and physical fitness;
  • you can create a lot of scenarios, place the playground in any area.

These factors can significantly reduce costs - you can open a laser tag with minimal investment.

How to choose a place to play?

Before ordering gaming equipment and conducting an advertising campaign, you should consider the organization of the club. To play, you need a large playground located in one of the selected places:

  1. Forest and field - an area where you can hide among the vegetation, and there are no artificial buildings.
  2. Abandoned premises - for example, an old factory or warehouse with a large number of offices and rooms. You can also use the yard.
  3. An abandoned construction site is ideal if there are foundation ditches, already erected walls, stacks of materials;
  4. A special room is a labyrinth.

The main criterion is that the site must be safe. The businessman is responsible for the participants, so opening your laser tag club in an emergency building will not work. At first, it is better to choose a suburban area that will not need to be rented, after which you can conclude an agreement with the owners of comfortable premises.

There are several requirements for the location for laser tag:

  1. The area must be accessible to participants - that is, public transport must go to these areas or good access roads are required. Be sure to accurately indicate the way with special signs so that your customers do not get lost.
  2. The arena must be safe - to equip a site in the middle of the forest, where it is impossible to full of wild animals, the same applies to buildings with deep basements - the player may fail unsuccessfully.
  3. Additional entertainment is provided - it’s good if there is a cafe or at least a grocery store next door. If you open a site in a comfortable room, take care of installing a coffee and sweets machine, heating, and free internet.

Of course, organizing a laser tag business club according to such requirements will be a costly undertaking. It is advisable to do this in the city so that the participants spend a little time on the road to you.

The prospects of a business depend on how new and original your idea will be for a particular area.

Even if such a club is open in your town, you should not despair, just go and play with competitors. If you see that the organization is not organized at the highest level, the reviews on the Internet are far from the most positive, the players are disappointed, do better. And then customers will be drawn to you.

If there is no club yet, become a pioneer, even in a city with a population of over 100 thousand people, the demand will be high.

Ways to organize entertainment

Your business plan for a working laser tag club should include game scenarios. You can develop them yourself, combine them, arrange specific entertainment on certain days of the week or at the request of the participants themselves. There are some of the most popular options:

  • Teams play against each other until the last member is killed.
  • One side is trying to seize territory and plant its flag, the other is defending and repelling the attack.
  • Capture operation - one team can capture the leader of the other, an important folder with secret enemy papers or a flag. The task is not only to take it from the enemies, but also to deliver it to your headquarters.
  • If there are few participants, everyone plays for himself, the one who last remains alive wins, and the well-aimed participant who kills a large number of opponents will receive an additional prize.

You can make a funny children's scenario, where everything will be organized kindly, or you can arrange more extreme entertainment - at the request of the players.

Purchase of equipment and organizational issues

To play, you need to buy equipment. It can be taken both new and used. In case the business fails, you can sell the outfit. So what do you need to buy:

  1. Laptop - choose powerful models with a good battery that lasts for several hours if you plan to play outdoors. This is where you install the software.
  2. Equipment deactivator - required for the game to be terminated at the end of the paid time.
  3. Weapon dummies are the most expensive part, you need to choose high-quality equipment that will not fail at the most inopportune moment. If you consider that 11 barrels are required for one team of 10 participants, you need to buy 2 of these sets. Headbands for players that determine hits will be sold immediately with them, the most modern of them work without wires.

The best choice is Russian manufacturers of laser tag equipment, of course, you can use Chinese analogues, but the quality of such equipment may not be the most worthy.

Additionally, you will have to purchase protective vests, server connection modules, first-aid kits for players, various sensors, spare bandages. A couple more spare barrels will not be superfluous. Don't forget to buy targets as well - players need to aim before the fun starts.

You should also understand that a laser tag business is impossible without hiring staff. At first, you can also play the role of director yourself, there is no need to hire an accountant - since your business is small, a specialist who comes once a quarter will be enough.

Who will have to be hired to make your project profitable and profitable?

  • Technician - a person who monitors the performance and serviceability of equipment, has experience in this area.
  • An instructor, he can also do the work of a judge and cashier. Must competently and clearly explain how to use weapons, how to shoot, what are the rules of the game and the scenario.
  • Additional staff, such as a cleaning lady and a driver, if your club is on the outskirts, and you decide to bring players to and from the place.

The expenditure side of a laser tag club as a business also includes formal expenses - registration of a legal entity in the Russian Federation, ordering a print, opening a current account. To open a small club, an ordinary LLC company is enough - in Russia this is one of the most convenient forms for doing business.

Video: laser tag business webinar.

How will customers hear about you, and will the first income appear if you do not engage in advertising? How much does a player acquisition campaign cost? It all depends on where you go, whether you will promote your company yourself or ask agencies for help. The least marketing at all can be free. Laser tag as a business can be advertised in many ways, for example:

  1. You will create your own website and group in social networks.
  2. Enlist the support of the media - in small towns they will gladly shoot a report about you, since other news is rare there.
  3. Order advertising on TV, in newspapers, thematic groups in your city and local educational institutions.
  4. Acquire partners by doing mutual advertising, for example, you can "make friends" with bars and nightclubs.
  5. You will distribute leaflets or scatter them in mailboxes - the method is not the most profitable.
  6. Launch the production of T-shirts, calendars and pens with your logo.

Laser tag is a very profitable and successful business that will definitely bring you income if you make a good project, planning will become an integral part of it, you will not forget about advertising. It is important that the club works constantly, the equipment is of high quality, there were no failures in the game.

Business plan

Expenditure part

Opening costs - 10 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment:

  • 20 pcs. AK "Predator" - 250 thousand rubles;
  • 4 things. AK 74 - 100 thousand rubles;
  • 4 things. MP 512 "sniper" - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Three control points - 12 thousand rubles;
  • Two basic first aid kits - 5 thousand rubles;
  • Universal remote control - 3 thousand rubles;
  • 3 chargers and 7 battery chargers - 10 thousand rubles;
  • IR base - 2 thousand rubles;
  • 20 sights for predators - 23 thousand rubles;
  • 20 sets of forms - 14 thousand rubles.


  • Freelance accountant - 2000 rubles. per quarter;
  • Instructor - 500 rubles per game;
  • Freelance technician - 2000 rubles. per month.
  • Printing business cards - 2000 rubles.
  • Ordering advertising on the Internet - 5000 rubles.
  • Website development - 20,000 rubles.

Revenue part

  • Ticket price - 500 rubles for 2 hours of play.
  • The number of orders depends on the size of the city and other factors. On average - 10 games per month for 20 participants.
  • The cost of one game is 10,000 rubles.
  • Monthly income - 100,000 rubles.

Payback: business pays off on average in 8-12 months.

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