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Surely many users who have a console from Sony have repeatedly come across such a service as a PlayStation Plus subscription. However, not everyone knows its main functions. Today we will try to understand this topic in more detail.

What is this service?

The PlayStation Plus subscription is a paid offer distributed across the entire Sony family of consoles (no exceptions). In addition, it is a multi-platform service, so buying one copy will automatically activate it on all other systems.

Who is this service for? Of course, for all those who constantly play on the console, be it a stationary or portable version. The PlayStation Plus PS subscription is suitable for users who are interested in new games and would like to buy them through the digital store.

Free and great deals

Connecting the PlayStation Plus subscription service offers its users strong savings and unique content that is closed to the general audience. What does it mean?

First, on a monthly basis, Plus gives its subscribers a set of free games. Each console receives two projects, which sometimes turn out to be multiplatform. Quite often, among these free games, you can find several popular hits. For example, this month's Playstation Plus subscription for Playstation 4 brings users the latest "Daus X" and "Batman" from Telltale Studios, and the PS3 gets an immersive adventure called The Book of Unwritten Stories 2.

All received games remain active until the Plus ends.

Secondly, all subscribers of the service are invited to take advantage of tempting discounts. Very often, a bargain purchase is hidden from the audience without a subscription and is available only to those who purchased it. For some of the bestsellers, discounts of thirty or even forty percent are given.

Additional bonuses

Most people who buy a Sony PlayStation Plus subscription do so for the sake of free content. However, do not forget about other equally profitable offers.

  • Access to cloud storage. The memory of each set-top box is limited to a certain number of gigabytes, so additional storage simply cannot be superfluous. The online feature allows you to transfer save files from one console to another.
  • SharePlay. With this function, you can share the purchased game with your friends and enjoy the passage already together.
  • Voting for new monthly titles. Plus subscribers can take part in the selection of the next games, which will become free.
  • Multiplayer. This option only works with a PlayStation Plus subscription for PS4, i.e. the latest generation consoles. This decision is considered by many to be controversial and undesirable, especially considering that initially the game on the network was available absolutely free of charge. There are no restrictions on multiplayer on PS3 and PS Vita.
  • Demos and beta versions of games. It's no secret that Plus subscribers get more exclusive content than regular users. Very often they are given special demos and beta versions that allow them to try out a particular product in advance. Something comes out earlier, but something is given in the form of an exclusive.

How much is it?

Perhaps the most important question that worries users who have not yet decided to purchase a subscription, but are already thinking about it. Several years ago, even before the change in Sony's pricing policy, the purchase of an annual PlayStation Plus cost only a couple of thousand rubles. Now the price has risen to four thousand rubles, which is twice as much as the original offer. Similar changes were made to other subscriptions - monthly and three-month.

Does the Plus offer make it profitable? Even with a higher price tag, a $ 4,000 subscription can be a huge savings in future costs. Especially, as we mentioned earlier, this is beneficial for those who prefer to shop for games all year round. For a subscription, the user receives more than sixty games, the price of each of which exceeds a thousand rubles.

Have you made up your mind? Next step: connect

Buying and activating a PlayStation Plus subscription is very simple. And this is not surprising, because Sony has always been interested in attracting the largest possible audience.

To connect, follow these steps:

  1. Select the PlayStationStore icon from the menu.
  2. Find in the list of Plus offers.
  3. Choose one of three subscription options and pay for it.

By the way, if the user has never used the "Plus" and this is his first time, then PlayStation offers to try a free trial, which lasts fourteen days. We recommend that you do not miss this opportunity and first activate the two-week subscription, and only then switch to the paid one.

PlayStationPlus can be paid in two ways: by card or internal balance. The service also allows automatic renewal - in this case, if the subscription ends, the necessary funds will be debited from the user's account to renew it.

How do I disable PlayStationPlus?

There can be many factors for unsubscribing: this is dissatisfaction with the pricing policy, and lack of time, as a result of which there is no need for new games, and much more. How can you disable this service?

Here, as in the case of connection, everything is also simple. If the user opted out of automatic renewal at the stage of connection, the subscription will terminate on its own. After that, it will no longer be possible to enter all the free games that were distributed through the "Plus".

If the automatic renewal function was enabled, the subscription is disabled manually. Otherwise, your card will lose a significant amount of money every month.

  1. Go to https: // account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/.
  2. Go to your profile and go to your account settings.
  3. Select Plus in the "Multimedia" tab.
  4. Click and disable the automatic update function.

"Why do I need a PlayStation Plus membership?" When buying a PlayStation, some people have this question. Many people think that it is not needed, but now I will try to convince you otherwise, because this subscription provides you with a large number of new opportunities.

Against the background of the fact that the ruble has become completely, I wasted no time deciding to buy myself some equipment. The next morning, prices skyrocketed and I didn't buy the iPhone 6, but now it's not about it. I bought myself a PlayStation 4, I'll tell you more about this in a separate review of the PlayStation itself, where I'll tell you about what made me happy and what upset me. But back to the PlayStation Plus subscription.

The PlayStation Plus subscription is a paid subscription for PSN users (PlayStation Network is an analogue of a gaming social system), which gives access to a lot of interesting things.

What features does PlayStation Plus provide?

  • Every month you will receive six free games, two for each platform (PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita).
  • Discounts on certain games. These are mostly indie games, but on international holidays you usually got a lot of interesting things. The discount for the game varies from 10 to 50 percent.
  • The ability to play the full version of the game for 1 hour.
  • An opportunity to play exclusive demo versions of games. Access to beta testing of the game.
  • Auto-update console content. Some features are available without a subscription.
  • A large number of PS + exclusive themes and profile avatars.
  • 10 gigabytes of network storage for your achievements, gameplay saves and so on.
  • The main feature that a PS Plus subscription gives is multiplayer / online play. This feature is only relevant for the PlayStation 4.
  • Share Play is a game with your friends over the network, but in one game. For example, you are playing a game where there is an opportunity to play together. Through Share Play, you transfer control of the second joystick to your friend, who is sitting at home. The game is streamed to him on the PlayStation.
  • Game Vote - Sony is giving a vote on the game that will be available by subscription. At the end of the month, the winner is determined, which the players will receive.

How much does a PlayStation Plus membership cost?

At the moment, the official price for the PlayStation Plus in Russia is as follows:

  • One month subscription - 449 rubles
  • Subscription for 3 months (90 days) - 999 rubles (price of one month 333 rubles)
  • Subscription for 1 year (365 days) - 3199 rubles (price for one month 266 rubles)

You have the option to get a trial subscription for 14 days. This subscription can only be obtained if PS + subscriptions have never been purchased and activated on your account. Personally, I made a mistake and activated the subscription not for 14 days, but for only 2 days, therefore, because of this, I could not activate the subscription for 14 days. You may also be asked to enter a valid Maestro / Visa card for activation.

Keep an eye on discounts and promotions in the Playstation Store, because on holidays, for example, new year, a subscription for a year can be sold at a reduced price. Basically, this is a 25% discount and the cost is 2399 rubles. A very good offer.

How do I buy a PlasStation Plus subscription?

Purchasing a subscription is very easy, you just add your bank card to your PSN account and make a purchase. You can purchase a subscription on the next page - buy .

But you can also purchase just such a box, which will contain the code for activating the subscription. In my case, there was no such box for a subscription for a year, so I bought a voucher for 2500 rubles for 2500 rubles (+ a free box, #Jane), after which I activated this money and made a purchase on PSN.

For how long are subscription games available?

The games that you purchased using a PS + subscription will be yours forever, but you can only launch them when you have an active subscription. Games that you purchased using a discount, after paying money, will run regardless of the subscription. Also, themes and avatars will remain available to you.

What are PSN games? In addition to the fact that these are games that you can buy without getting up from the couch, PSN games are, first of all, small projects in which the emphasis is placed on some one component of the gameplay. In most cases, for a successful passage, you need to focus on some single element and play-play-play until you get bored. Then, finally, go to sleep for a couple of hours, so that in the morning you can play again and go through the whole game. And then buy additional levels (if that glorious only aspect still attracts you).

Yes, games are often as simple as two pennies, but this makes them no less popular.

In our country, the PSN service and the PS Store, surprisingly, have great chances, even greater than in Europe. There is such interesting statistics: more than 70 percent of all Playstation3 owners in our country use its online capabilities (i.e., at least once a month they go to a store and download some content); while in European countries this figure is "about 30 percent".

More good news: the service is being actively pursued, trying to support various European promotions, a kind of "hot deals" (some games from today's selection were sold at a reduced price for a limited time). There is also very little hope for the emergence of the possibility of paying for games using Yandex money (only shhh, negotiations are now at an early stage).

If you have an interest in PSN toys, but do not know how to spend your hard-earned money, I suggest today's selection. There are both quite old games and new projects, in the first release I chose quite versatile toys for a change.

List of games

Super stardust hd

  • Language: Russian
  • Permission: 1080p
  • Sound: 5.1
  • Supplements: there is. New levels (new game modes, music) 140 rubles
  • PSP version- yes (sold separately)
  • Demo version available: Yes
  • Price: 275 rubles (complete pack - 345 rubles)

It is based on the old classic Asteroids: we control a ship, on which asteroids fly from all directions (720 degrees), we have to shoot back from them. Here is absolutely the same idea: we move around the planet (control the left "mushroom") and destroy various asteroids (the right "mushroom" is responsible for the direction of fire) that fall on its surface. There are three types of materials that make up these space debris, we have three corresponding weapons at our disposal. Weapons can be upgraded by finding green stones inside asteroids. There are also enemies at the level, in fact, the goal of each level is to reflect a certain number of attacks.

Points are awarded for our achievements, the level must be completed as quickly as possible, then bonuses will also be credited. After counting your successes, the points scored go to the world table of the best results, so you can improve your skills until you become "the best stardaster on the planet."

And if at first it is easy enough to play - you can choose one weapon and destroy everything around them, then for a successful further passage you will have to use all three types of weapons.

By old habit, I immediately started the game on normal difficulty - I don't like "easy" game modes. Even the passage of the first planet (out of 4) caused some difficulties. After a dozen attempts, I decided to launch an easy game mode - then the first planet (5 levels) was passed at a time.

Little by little, as you pass, there are so many different objects on the screen that you have to develop tactics, otherwise your spaceship will quickly dissolve into cosmic dust.

The game has very nice graphics in the highest possible resolution, as well as nice electronic music in 5.1 format (each planet has its own track), which fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game.

With Stardust, you can easily take a break after doing something important. You can also play together, and after downloading the add-on (paid) - and four on one screen. Playing with friends, as is usually the case, is much more interesting, the game in this case adds to the dynamism.


  • Language: English
  • Permission: 720p
  • Sound: 5.1
  • Supplements: there is. New game modes, levels, characters - paid
  • PSP version- No
  • Demo version available: No
  • Price: 275 rubles

In this game, you control a catapult. We charge some funny character and "launch" it further away. The main task is to knock down as many objects as possible during the flight. And the objects are at the level of a wild lot: here are cafes with tables and chairs, and all sorts of passers-by, passing cars, window-doors and parts of the facades of buildings. Even more variety in the gameplay is introduced by the ability to cling to various objects - you can grab a chair in flight and throw it somewhere, thereby increasing the total number of objects involved, and hence the points earned. In addition, in different places on the level there are boxes with explosives, which, as you probably already guessed, can help you "fly" around the level.

The game, despite its rather bloodthirsty meaning, is absolutely not bloody - the levels, characters and objects are made in a semi-cartoon, humorous style. Despite the seeming simplicity, it is not so easy to achieve an impressive result (which can be seen in the world table of ranks).

For an additional fee, you can add other levels to the game, as well as characters with which we will "pass" the location.

Recently, the developers have released new types of games: darts and castle defense. In the first, you need to accurately shoot the character and, ideally, hit the bull's-eye of the target. And in the second, you need to destroy the castle with the help of the character. New types of games are aimed at the second wave of interest in the project (PAIN has long been available for purchase in the PS Store) and have a pronounced focus on playing with friends (behind one TV) or online.

Actually, I highly recommend it to cheerful companies seeking to spend their free time with enthusiasm.

High velocity bowling

  • Language: English
  • Permission: 1080p
  • Sound: 5.1
  • Supplements: there is. New balls - paid
  • PSP version- No
  • Demo version available: No
  • Price: 275 rubles

This is a bowling alley, that is, an ordinary bowling alley, as many people love it. In this case, the joystick must be held as if you were holding a bowling ball: swing and throw with a proprietary movement. Strike!

You can also spin the thrown projectile, choose the force of the throw.

Various virtual rivals are available in the game, the developers deserve a kick behind their faces, since the characters are quite ugly here, and besides, they clearly felt sorry for the polygons. The rest of the game is pretty cute, although how can a bowling toy stand out - balls and paths shine, what else do you need? By the way, these same balls have different characteristics (affects the gameplay), and also have different colors. In the store, for a fee or for free, you can download additional balls of various colors, often they appear in sets (for example, fireballs or dedicated to a holiday, painted in the appropriate style).

The game of stars from the sky is not enough, although this is the case when you know eighty percent of what to expect from the game, immediately after the logo of the development team appeared on the screen. The game could not tighten me, however, I have never been a special fan of knocking down pins.

Up to 4 people can swing the joysticks at the same time - bowling fans should like this pastime.

The last guy

  • Russian language
  • Resolution: 1080p
  • Sound: 5.1
  • Supplements: no
  • PSP version - no
  • Demo version: yes
  • Price: 275 rubles

The game "The Last Guy" develops the idea of ​​the "snake" we all know. Before us is a top view of the level, which is a satellite image of some location (real cities in North America, Europe and Asia), we control a kind of hero (cape available) who runs around the level and gathers people. Residents of the city can be right on the road, sit in a park or hide in a building, in order to "collect" them, you need to run alongside. Gathering, the people form a living tail that follows you along the streets. To quickly collect people from any building, you need to run around it so that the tail, reaching after you, completely surrounds this building, then all the hiding will join you. The rescued men must be taken to the landing zone, where after the time has elapsed (the passage of the level is given from 5 minutes) a ship will arrive and take everyone.

But that would be very simple and uninteresting. In order to maximize the level of pleasure and adrenaline from the game, there are monsters on the levels, which, seeing your "living tail" of little men, will definitely want to feast on them.

So while running, you need to manage not to catch the eyes of the monsters. You have a thermal imager that shows people (but does not show monsters), you also have the ability to quickly run and regroup (I call this "pulling up the tail" - the extended queue will quickly gather into a small pile).

The number of points depends on how many people you saved in total, what is the maximum number of people you brought to the rescue zone at a time. The result is placed in the table of records - your achievements can be compared with other PS3 users.


  • Language: Russian
  • Permission: 1080p
  • Sound: 5.1
  • Supplements: No
  • PSP version- yes (sold separately)
  • Demo version available: Yes
  • Price: 345 rubles

Echochrome is the best gymnastics for the mind, as the developers call it.

The design uses a minimum of color - black and white levels. This monochrome is used in order to focus all attention on the gameplay. And here he is simple and complex at the same time, at first glance, some may not understand what the game is about.

For successful business, you will have to learn five laws:

  1. Law of motion: change your perspective and follow wherever you want.
  2. Fall law: the body will land on the place below it.
  3. The law of existence: if you do not see the path, it does not mean that it does not exist.
  4. Law of absence: the obstacle can always be hidden.
  5. Jump law: jump wherever you want.

Having adopted these 5 laws, you can try to go through the first few levels - it will become clear whether you have managed to "turn" the course of your thoughts in the right way, or you still need training. If everything is fine, you can go on this black and white journey and "click" levels one by one, using all 5 laws of "optical illusion". If nothing worked out for you initially, do not despair, perhaps this is simply not yours - look for something more acceptable from today's selection.

I think the game can attract a large number of older people - they love such competitions with ingenuity. The only thing, it seems to me, the portable PSP version of the game is more conducive to thoughtful and numerous attempts to complete puzzles.


  • Language: English
  • Permission: 1080p
  • Sound: 5.1
  • Supplements: No
  • PSP version- No
  • Demo version available: Yes
  • Price: 535 rubles

Imagine that you are evil aliens who cannot be fed with bread, let them circle over the fields, frightening the grazing animals. Have you presented? Now you can play this kind of fun. You have a flying saucer in your power, from which a ray shines. These lighting effects scare the sheep very much, using this circumstance, you can lure the curly cattle anywhere (into a spaceship in this case).

Also, with the help of the beam, your plate can attract various objects, this opportunity must be used to pass the levels: for example, you can pull out a section of the fence from the ground and put it as a bridge over the abyss.

There is also a possibility opposite to attraction - acceptance. Yes, the favorite pastime of aliens is to draw crop circles, here it can also be done.

Sheep also have all sorts of different, some shrink under the influence of water, some are not averse to falling in love with the opposite sex.

And then there are other animals: chickens, pigs (you can play pinball with them), cows (great for bowling). Fun to the fullest - 65 different puzzle levels in total.

The graphics in the game are cartoonish and very cute, both kids and adults should like it.

PS4 owners can expect a real treat in 2019, at least in terms of exclusive games. The most significant of them are already preparing to leave. In 2019, you will definitely not regret purchasing a console.
It's been 5 years since the PS4 release date, and its popularity is growing. It breaks sales records that recently surpassed 86 billion consoles (which cannot be said for the Xbox 360). 5 years is quite a long time, there are suspicions that the console will last no more than 2 years. Moreover, there are many rumors and speculations that in 2020 the company will introduce a new model - PS 5.
Wait at least another 2 years, which means there will be many PS4 exclusive games ahead. Some of the new items in 2019 are considered the most anticipated in recent years. Studio Naughty Dog will finally present the sequel to the zombie action The Last of Us, and Hideo Kojima promises to release Death Stranding, his first development since leaving Konami. So the new year will pleasantly surprise all PS4 owners.
Days gone
Release date: April 26, 2019
Developer: SIE Bend Studio
Publisher: Sony
It may seem like the topic of zombie games is over, especially since The Last of Us 2 has eclipsed most of them. Nevertheless, fans of the genre should definitely visit another post-apocalyptic world. Days Gone is a survival adventure game with horror elements. The former criminal becomes a bounty hunter in a world destroyed by a pandemic - an epidemic that has killed almost all of humanity and turned the survivors into zombies. And these zombies are evolving rapidly. The peculiarity of Days Gone in changeable weather conditions, as well as the change of day and night, which significantly affects the zombies: in the dark, they become faster and more ferocious, as in Dying Light.
The last of us 2
Release date: 2019
Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony
The second half of 2018, Naughty Dog worked on a trailer for The Last of Us 2, including gameplay for E3. It was so good that some professionals started claiming it was a fake. The developer reassured fans of The Last of us 2 that the gameplay is real. However, the exact release date is not yet known, only the year is 2019. The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world several years after The Last of Us. Ellie's girl has grown up and continues to fight the zombies alone.
Ghost of tsushima
Release date: 2019
Developer: Sucker Punch
Publisher: Sony
Imagine being the last samurai on the Japanese island of Tsushima during the first Mongol invasion in 1274. This is the intro to Ghost of Tsushima, a 2019 action-adventure game from Sucker Punch. The game takes you to an endless world, where, against the backdrop of historical events, you in the role of Samurai Jin must master a new style of fighting - the "way of the warrior." Your mission is to defeat the Mongols in the struggle for the freedom of their people.
Death stranding
Release date: 2019
Developer: Kojima Productions
Publisher: Sony
Despite the fact that the information about the release date of the game Death Stranding is still unknown, it will 100% appear in 2019. There is an unprecedented excitement around her, because this is the first game of Hideo Kojima after his resignation from Konami. From trailers and teasers, the game seems confusing and overly complicated. However, true fans are looking forward to meeting Death stranding, especially considering which celebrities are involved - Norman Reedus, Guillermo del Toro, Mads Mikkelsen and Lindsay Wagner. The plot revolves around the theme of life and death, but the details are still a secret.

  • 6th January
  • From
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