How to get out of the guise of a skyrim vampire lord. Pros, cons and how to recover from vampirism. How to cure vampirism

First of all, you can become a vampire by completing the Bloodline quest - you need to join Harkon, and then the player can become a real horror of the night. There are two more ways - to complete the Chasing Echoes or Kindred Judgment quests, in both cases, Serana will help you become a vampire.

As with werewolves, the Dragonborn can easily transform into a creepy vampire and back again. But unlike the same werewolf, you can transform back and forth several times a day.

As I said, Dawnguard brings two new skill trees to the game, one for the werewolf and one for the vampire. The Vampire Lord skill branch has 11 new perks, but now to get new skills you will need to kill people instead of leveling up. And not just to kill, but with a special bite, sucking blood. This bite can be performed during melee mode; also the Vampire can use Blood Magic in battles - but more on that later. In addition to skills, Vampires have added several new spells of two types.

In addition to new spells and skills, the Dragonborn in the skin of the Vampire Lord gets cool things like wings on his back, which will allow you to soar above the water and move very quickly while sprinting. In addition, in the form of a vampire, the character ignores overloads, so even with a packed backpack, you can quickly run and fly. Don't forget to lay out your gear before transforming back into a human!

In addition, the Vampire Lord has 4 stages of vampirism - the more the character starves (that is, does not suck blood from the NPC), the more the stage of vampirism increases. With each new stage, the damage received from being under the sun's rays increases - a decrease in health, mana and energy, and the player also receives new abilities that affect the character in different ways. In addition, with each new stage, the vampire increases resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire - at the first stage it is 20%, at the second - 30%, then 40% and 50%. At the last stage, all NPCs in sight will start attacking the Dragonborn in the skin of a vampire (the Human Dragonborn - or whatever you play as - will be treated normally).

Let's now take a look at all the available perks in the Vampirism skill tree.

Vampire Lord in Dawnguard

Vampire Lord in Dawnguard


Requirement to receive

Power of the Grave

50 bonus points to life, mana and energy.

Night Spell. Detect all creatures (including dwarven mechs, undead, and corpses).

Power of the Grave

Night Spell. Transform into an invulnerable foggy mist - while restoring health, mana and energy.

Supernatural Reflexes

Night Spell. Sharpens the character's reflexes and allows them to move at lightning speed.

Killing with a bite restores all health

Power of the Grave

Night Spells and Blood Magic cost 33% less mana.

Power of the Grave

Melee attacks deal 20 additional points of Poison Damage

Unearthly Will/Blood Healing

In battle, the character is surrounded by a cloud of bats that will attack enemies and suck their blood.

Blood Magic: Pushes the creature away from the player and deals damage.

Power of the Grave

Blood Magic: Summons a gargoyle to fight for the player.

Blood Magic: Paralyzes the target.

As you can see, some skills are spells - Blood Magic or Night Spells. How are they different and what is it all about? Let's start with Night Spells.

Vampire Lord in Dawnguard

Vampire Lord in Dawnguard

Vampire Lord in Dawnguard

Vampire Lord in Dawnguard

From above, the vampire is in Blood Magic mode, from below - in melee mode.

Spells of the Night are some analogues of dragon cries, however, in addition to cooldowns, they also eat mana. However, they are powerful. Here is their list:
  • 1. (Bats). This skill is available to the Vampire Lord by default. It allows the player to turn into a cloud of bats, like the vampire from the second Heroes. The vampire turns into mice, flies a few steps and turns back into a vampire. Cooldown - 20 seconds. With Amulet of Bats ( Bat Amulet) the player will be able to additionally push and stun enemies by passing through them in the form of bats.
  • 2. Vampire Sight. This skill is available to the Vampire Lord immediately, like the previous one. Vampiric Gaze grants the player Night Vision for 60 seconds.
  • 3. Detect All Creatures. This skill is similar in effect to a mixture of the Aura Whisper shout and the Detect Life and Detect Dead spells. The skill illuminates all creatures at a great distance from the player with a white aura for several seconds. The skill also highlights corpses, dwarven gear, and undead. Reloading takes 3 seconds.
  • 4. Mist Form. This skill turns the character into an invulnerable cloud of fog for 23 seconds. During this time, mana, health and energy are restored. The effect of the skill is similar to the cry of Become Ethereal, however, the character will be invulnerable even to fall damage. The cooldown takes 33 seconds.
  • 5. Supernatural Reflexes. This skill is similar to the Slow Time shout in essence, but the effect is different. The vampire does not slow down time, but acquires the ability to move at lightning speed. His speed of reaction increases significantly. All this lasts no less than 23 seconds, reloading takes 45 seconds.

Now let's move on to Blood Magic. Blood Magic is a special battle mode when a vampire character hangs in the air on his wings and throws his magic spells at enemies. You can't use Blood Magic spells at other times! In addition, in a simple melee combat mode, the character runs on foot and claws opponents, plus he can suck blood from barely alive people, getting new perks and other goodies for this.

  • 1. Drain life. This spell is immediately available to the Vampire Lord. The main attack spell, which automatically falls into the right hand when switching to Blood Magic mode - the rest of the spells, respectively, are only in the left. The character casts a kind of fireball that deals damage to a small area and restores the character's life.
  • 2. Raise Dead. This skill, again, is available by default. It's like an improved version of the Raise Zombie spell, but it can resurrect almost any creature or NPC (dead) for 120 seconds. After this period (or their deliberate death), the Raised Dead turn into ashes.
  • 3. Vampiric Grip. The spell gives the character the ability to lift almost any creature into the air, hold it there, and throw it away from him. This chip does not work on dragons and mammoths, as well as on some other creatures.
  • 4. Summon Gargoyle. The spell works just like any other summoning spell - the character summons a Gargoyle for 120 seconds, she fights bravely for the allotted 120 seconds - well, or dies just as bravely. Amulet of the Gargoyle allows you to summon an additional Gargoyle for 30 seconds.
  • 5. Corpse Curse. The spell works the same as Paralyze. The target is paralyzed for 10 seconds. It's cool.

In addition to Night Spells and Blood Magic, the vampire player also has several additional abilities in his arsenal, such as:

That's all. I introduced you to the amazing world of vampires, blood and bats - and without a single Twilight joke! Thus, the Vampire Lord is a powerful warrior who can fight this way and that. In addition, high-level characters can become vampires just as easily as low-level ones, and vampires can also suck blood from victims and stir up a bunch of other cool things. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new for yourself. If not, then you will be pleased with the bright color illustrations for the post.

In fact, this is not my own analysis of the Vampire Lord, but a free translation of an article from the thematic wiki. Since Dawnguard has not yet been officially released in Russian, I myself translated the names of perks, abilities and quests. This is my first translation (apart from this one), so I will be glad to any comments, questions and suggestions. Something like this. Thanks for reading to the end.

UPD: At the request of the governor, my translations have been removed, leaving only English titles. Despite the fact that in the comments they advised how best to fix the mistakes, I decided not to change it, because the meaning / salt / charm of the phrase is lost - for example, "Kind Court", proposed by Best_Gamer, sounds somehow not in Russian, but "Curse Bodies" by Elle kills the Corpse Curse pun (I tried to play it with the phrase "Corpse Trouble"). However, I am grateful for advice and criticism; everything that does not concern names is corrected. You can read my original perk names in Elle's comment, thanks to her also for her hard work.

In this collection, I have collected the most, in my opinion, the most relevant vampire-themed fashions, as well as animations and quests, I will tell you about all this now. I took mods from different sites, some of them were partially finalized.

1) Retexture of vampire armor, royal armor (Harkon, Serana) and Valerika's armor. The armor is made in amazing quality and, in my opinion, is the best on the retexture of vampire armor. Armor renamed, now Black armor is black, red is red, white is white. All armor can be forged in the forge in the "leather" section. Now the vampire simple armor does not have a brooch of the Volkihar clan (It was decided to remove it with the aim (in my opinion) so that the cave vampires know their place, since without the mod they also had a clan brooch). The annoying pauldrons have been removed from the male royal armor, but the brooch remains - the symbol of the true vampire lord of the Volkihar clan.

2) Vampire Master Armor Set. Now in the room of Lord Harkon you can find a Solitude chest which will contain: Armor, gloves, boots, hood and sword.
Criterion of Armor "increased health by 50 units, destruction spells consume 60% less magic. Gloves - increased magic by the same number of units (50) and damage from one-handed weapons increased by 60%, boots - increased stamina / (stamina) by 50 units, fire resistance 50% (JUST WHAT YOU NEED, BECAUSE THE VAMPIRE IS VULNERABLE BY SO MUCH UNITS), the sword absorbs health, stamina and magic in the amount of 30 units, and on a critical hit it fills a soul gem, with Harkon's sword it's just instant death , if the swords are used in pairs.And here, ATTENTION, the hood - put on the head of a vampire blocks the sun!Urrraaa...

3) Fix for quests for vampires and guards of the dawn.

4) Animation of death (enemies serve instantly, and do not perform on the circle even after death, this also applies to dragons).

5) Normal faces of vampires. After Molag Bal's blood vampire turns into a blood vampire, the dragon's face acquires some changes (the face becomes ugly), with this mod the vampire's face will remain beautiful, as in life, only the vampire's eyes will remain.

6) Vampire fangs and eyes. The mod will help you become a real vampire with blood-brown bright eyes, as well as change the vampire jaw.

7) Wings of the vampire lord. They will become 1.5 times larger.

8) The flight of the vampire lord. Now it will be possible to soar in the form of a vampire lord over Skyrim. All you need to do is press the fast run button and move the mouse in the desired direction. Flies only in a huge room, or in open space.

9) Seductive Serana, Gorgeous Valerika and powerful Harkon. Serana family retexture, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH "SERANA AND HER FAMILY" MOD! In my opinion, the most successful and beautiful retexture of the Serana family, I personally especially like Valerik very much. Therefore, I take it with me with the help of the following modification.

10) Valerika Mother of shadow. Now it will be possible to take Valerika, Serana's mother, as a companion after completing the "Family Court" mission. The character in the kpashka is voiced and translated (the voice acting is English, but very beautiful. VALERIKA IS AN INDEPENDENT CHARACTER, SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE IT TOGETHER WITH SERANA, or with another friend. Valerika can turn you into the Vampire Molag Bal (like Harkon, alas, the deceased and Serana ) if you indulged with Falion and recovered from vampirism. And also after the exchange of things, Valerika has a tome of the "Summon Valerika" spell from the school of witchcraft, he eats a drop of magic, and Valerika instantly flies in the form of bats to the place of the call, wherever you are were not.

11) Marriage to Seran. Pretty simple and clear. A full description of the mod can be found on the Internet. And I'll tell you briefly. Complete the main vampire quest, drive to Riften, find out about weddings, buy Mara's amulet, talk to Valerika, she will give you another amulet, talk to Serana and, hmm, Get married... Well, that's all, thank you all, for reading and downloading. May the light of Auriel keep you. And the anger of the Ancestors on your enemies.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard respectively, game version 1.9.

Skyrim is a very popular game and even though it was released in 2011, players still play it non-stop and it's no surprise. Skyrim is a big world in which there are incredible abilities, many opportunities, magic, interesting characters and much more. Players are also attracted by the freedom to choose how to play the game - through the story, complete additional tasks, or roam the world.

In Skyrim, there are creatures such as vampires who stand for the dark side, that is, for evil. The strongest character who remains the main one among his "retinue" is the vampire lord. Would you like to be? Today you will learn how to become a vampire lord in Skyrim.

In the game, you can become a vampire only when the character reaches level 10. As you progress through the quests in the game, the dragonborn will have the opportunity to go through another one, where the character will meet a vampire girl. Having met her, you will need to make your choice - to be a vampire or to refuse this opportunity.

The girl will ask you to take her home. After a long and hard journey, she will lead the player to a castle inhabited by vampires. Only then will your character be offered to become a vampire. We remind you that this can only be done from the tenth level.

After the player agrees, they will need to complete vampire quests until the "Vampire Lord" spell is unlocked. It can be found by pressing Tab and selecting the "magic" section. Next, find the Z button on the keyboard and press it. To return to normal, you need to find the "Revert Form" spell. The vampire lord has spells that ordinary humans and ordinary vampires do not have. When playing as a dark character, it is worth considering that his progress does not apply to the overall progress of the player.

There are pros and cons to having your character become a vampire lord.


  1. The player will be able to fly, which will increase the speed of movement and avoid danger.
  2. A sprint is equal to a horse's canter, and it can last quite a long time.
  3. Night vision that can be used an unlimited number of times a day.
  4. There is no maximum carry weight limit.
  5. All vampire lord kills are at the expense of the vampire, not the character.
  6. New Vampire Lord ability tree.
  7. The transformation time is unlimited, so the player can use this ability an unlimited number of times per day.


  1. As soon as someone sees the vampire lord, he will immediately attack him.
  2. Weapons cannot be used. Only claws are available for close combat.
  3. Wings make it difficult to pass in narrow places.
  4. You cannot dive into water.
  5. It is hard to fight the undead, dragons and mammoths.
  6. The thirst for blood remains.
  7. Racial and passive bonuses are disabled.
  8. May be stunned.
  9. Only claw kills or life drains count towards experience.
Here are the pros and cons. Everything is pretty simple here. Before you become a vampire lord, you need to carefully consider everything, because it completely changes the gameplay. It is always worth choosing wisely, because if you make the wrong choice, it will take a long time to correct it, and the consequences can be sad. Always think ahead!

For a long time I saw this mod on another site and always dreamed that it was here.

The goal of this mod is to increase the level of epic for the Vampire Lord while still being close to the original vampire gameplay. But the most important thing is fun, right? Is not it so?

Blood transformation
Convert 25 Health to 15 Magicka and Stamina per second. The caster can remove this effect.

An eclipse that lasts 30 seconds, during which time you have 50% more magicka and melee damage. You take 50% less damage. Can only be used in the daytime, outdoors, once a day.

Well developed wings
Your Wings have developed enough to fly. In addition, the lungs have grown along with your wings, giving you 50 stamina points.

Summon Gargoyle
Summons the leader of the Gargoyles, Goliath, to fight by your side.

Rune of Nightmare
Learning how to form the Rune of Nightmare - if the enemy touches it, he will know a real nightmare.

Royal Bloodline
Increases your Health by 50, and also increases your Magicka Health and Stamina recovery by 10%. Your Vampire Lord armor is changed to Harkon's version of the armor.

Perfection of Molag Bal 1/2/3
Your Blood Magic deals 10/20/30% more damage.

Shield of Molag Bal
Powerful shield (separate spell), spends 35 mana per second, blocks 50 damage.

Sharpened Claws 1/2/3
Increases base melee damage by 15/30/45% and grants a 5/10/15% chance to deal a critical hit that deals 10/20/30% additional damage.

There are also some fixes. You deal less damage to Serana when she is escorting you. Tweak: You can now interact with chests and locked doors (may not be compatible with similar mods)

Possible problems
1. The Royal Armor is displayed incorrectly. Any mod replaces the script, make sure that the modification is the last one in the list. If there is an incompatible modification, delete the DLC1PlayerVampireChangeScript file in Skyrim / Data / Scripts
2. How to fly indoors and in cities? After loading a new cell, you need to exit levitation (crtl) and turn it on again.
3. Compatibility of Better Vampires and Belua Sanguine. In general, mods are compatible. Make sure this mod is the last one in the load order. However, the mod replaces some of the spells that mods that are compatible with it can provide.
Place the files from the archive in the Data folder, activate the plugin in the launcher.
The archive also contains throneroom files - they improve Harkon's room
Delete mod files from Data folder.

TES V Skyrim 1.9

The Vampire Lord is the highest and extremely rare vampire species in Skyrim. Reincarnating from an ordinary person into a vampire, the hero receives huge advantages in strength, endurance and vitality. Also, a special quality of the vampire lord is considered to be his terrible and formidable appearance, which is why opponents fighting him instantly fall into horror. Fortunately, the game has the ability to become a vampire lord yourself, but not everyone knows how to do this. In this article we will tell you how to become a vampire lord in skyrim, and what are the pros and cons of this ability.

A clear example of the epic and power of the vampire lord

How to become a vampire lord

So, first of all, you need to download the official DLC called Dawnguard. Usually, when installing Skyrim, this mod comes in a kit, so it's more likely that you already have it. After installing the mod, we go into the game and gain the 10th level. After that, you need to find one of the members of the guardians of the dawn and join this organization. Further, everything is quite simple - in one of the main quests of the guards of the dawn, you will wake up from a deep sleep Serana, the daughter of the main vampire lord from the Volkihar clan named Harkon. After taking Serana to Castle Volkihar, Lord Harkon will thank you and offer to join his family. If you agree, you will be rewarded with the ability to become a vampire lord, but then the guards of the dawn will become your sworn enemies.

Lord Harkon in real life

How to transform into a vampire lord

Immediately after agreeing to become a vampire lord, you will be sent to a small "training" where you will be given all the useful information on how to use this ability and what it gives. But if you, by some miracle, missed the training, then here is a brief instruction:

  1. Click on the button Tab and select the item "Magic".
  2. Find the spell of transformation into "Vampire Lord"(Vampire Lord) and select it.
  3. Close the Magic section and during the game press the button Z. Next, the transformation into the vampire lord will begin, it will take a few seconds.

Vampire Lord Features

As well as with werewolves, vampire lords have some disadvantages, and the advantages of which will be discussed below.

Vampire Lord Benefits:

  1. A large tree of development, which can be developed by sucking blood from the inhabitants of Skyrim.
  2. The power of a vampire lord is comparable to the strength of an entire squad of legionnaires or storm brothers.
  3. The running speed of the vampire lord is only slightly inferior to that of a horse.
  4. Night vision.
  5. The ability to fly above the ground, and this ability can also be used on the water.
  6. You can transform into a vampire lord an unlimited number of times a day.

Vampire Lord - Third Person View

Vampire Lord Disadvantages:

  1. All the inhabitants of Skyrim will attack when you are reincarnated as a vampire lord.
  2. You cannot use magic, weapons, inventory, fast travel, or dialogue as a vampire lord.
  3. You won’t be able to swim and generally dive into the water until you turn into a primordial species.
  4. The Guardians of the Dawn will hunt you down, and will periodically make ambushes and surprise attacks.
  5. Thus, you will go to the dark side, and an interesting line of tasks from the guards of the dawn will not be available to you.

Summing up

Now you know how to become a vampire lord in skyrim, and what this ability will entail. Of course, it is up to you whether you become a vampire lord or not, but know that there will be no turning back. Good luck!

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