Geographic latitude and geographic longitude. Geographical coordinates. Coordinate grids of the map. Cartographic, geographic and kilometer grid. Definition of geographic and rectangular coordinates Examples of the use of the word meridian in literature

Geographic grid line coordinates, passing through the poles and determining the longitude of the place

First letter "m"

Second letter "e"

Third letter "r"

The last beech is the letter "n"

Answer for the clue "A grid line of geographic coordinates passing through the poles and determining the longitude of a place", 8 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word meridian

One of the coordinates on the globe

Companion parallels on the globe

Geographical line passing through the poles

Normal to equator

Word definitions for meridian in dictionaries

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
meridian, m. (Latin meridianus, lit. midday). In geography: an imaginary circular line passing through the poles of the globe and crossing the equator at right angles. Earth meridian. The first meridian divides the earth into the eastern and western hemispheres....

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Meridian is a Soviet and Russian musical group (trio) from the city of Ivanovo.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
MERIDIAN is a celestial great circle of the celestial sphere, passing through the poles of the world, zenith and nadir.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
m. An imaginary closed curved line passing through the poles of the globe and crossing the equator at a right angle (in geography).

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
m. noon, an imaginary large circle in the sky (that is, the plane of which passes through the center of the earth) through the poles, vertically to the equinox, and the circle corresponding to it along the earth's surface. Usually, they mean only half or even a quarter of a circle of this, ...

Examples of the use of the word meridian in the literature.

A barrier of primeval rocks two thousand five hundred kilometers long from seventy-two to ninety-five meridian covers two provinces - Agra and Calcutta, two kingdoms - Bhutan and Nepal - a chain of mountains, the average height of which is one third higher than the top of Mont Blanc.

At this time - and here Mazarin made another pause, again spreading his mustache, and then mating his palms, as if to concentrate and at the same time to appeal to heaven for support - at this time we learned that the English doctor Dr. Bird tests a new and ingenious way of calculating meridian, with the use of Sympathetic Powder.

It was as if someone from Europe, daily at one o'clock in the afternoon in the Canary Islands, or at an appointed hour in some other meridian, sent a signal that Byrd received by unknown means at a secret location.

And it exists among pilots and flight attendants of jet aircraft, overcoming thousands and thousands of kilometers in a matter of hours, crossing tens meridians, and then forced to live for several days with a regime shift of several hours, and then, having overcome several time zones again, live for several days, shifting the regime in the other direction.

We set up buoy stations on the segment meridian about five hundred kilometers long.

Video lesson “Geographical latitude and geographical longitude. Geographical coordinates will help you get an idea of ​​the geographic latitude and geographic longitude. The teacher will tell you how to correctly determine the geographical coordinates.

Geographic latitude is the length of the arc in degrees from the equator to the given point.

To determine the latitude of an object, you need to find the parallel on which this object is located.

For example, the latitude of Moscow is 55 degrees and 45 minutes north latitude, it is written as follows: Moscow 55 ° 45 "N; New York latitude - 40 ° 43" N; Sydney - 33°52"S

Geographic longitude is determined by meridians. Longitude can be western (from 0 meridian west to 180 meridian) and eastern (from 0 meridian east to 180 meridian). Longitudes are measured in degrees and minutes. Geographic longitude can have values ​​from 0 to 180 degrees.

Geographic longitude- length of the arc of the equator in degrees from the initial meridian (0 degrees) to the meridian of the given point.

The prime meridian is the Greenwich meridian (0 degrees).

Rice. 2. Definition of longitudes ()

To determine longitude, you need to find the meridian on which the given object is located.

For example, the longitude of Moscow is 37 degrees and 37 minutes of east longitude, it is written as follows: 37 ° 37 "E; the longitude of Mexico City is 99 ° 08" W.

Rice. 3. Geographic latitude and geographic longitude

To accurately determine the location of an object on the surface of the Earth, you need to know its geographic latitude and geographic longitude.

Geographical coordinates- quantities that determine the position of a point on the earth's surface using latitudes and longitudes.

For example, Moscow has the following geographic coordinates: 55°45" N and 37°37" E. The city of Beijing has the following coordinates: 39°56′ N 116°24′ E The latitude value is written first.

Sometimes you need to find an object by already given coordinates, for this you must first assume in which hemispheres this object is located.


Paragraphs 12, 13.

1. What is geographic latitude and longitude?



1. Initial course of geography: Proc. for 6 cells. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukov. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 176 p.

2. Geography. Grade 6: atlas. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2011. - 32 p.

3. Geography. Grade 6: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 32 p.

4. Geography. 6 cells: cont. cards. - M.: DIK, Bustard, 2012. - 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosmen-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

1. Geography: an initial course. Tests. Proc. allowance for students 6 cells. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2011. - 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. Grades 6-10: Teaching aid / A.A. Letyagin. - M .: LLC "Agency" KRPA "Olimp": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

Grids are one of the most important elements of a geographic map. When creating a map, the grid serves as a “framework” for drawing a cartographic image, so the accuracy of the map being compiled will depend on the accuracy of the construction of the cartographic grid. They are necessary for orienting on the map, determining directions, laying routes, drawing content elements. On the grid, we can find the coordinates of points, plot objects on the map by their coordinates, determine the scale of the map, the projection and distribution of distortions in it. Maps use different coordinate grids.

Map grid network of parallels and meridians on the map. (Term geographic grid cannot be applied to a map!)

Geographic grid a network of parallels and meridians on the surface of an ellipsoid, a ball and on globe.

On maps, the lines of the cartographic grid are usually applied at regular intervals: several tens of degrees, several degrees, minutes, seconds, depending on the scale and purpose of the map. The parallels are counted from the equator, and the meridians are counted from the prime meridian. Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) of points are determined from the cartographic grid.

Kilometer grid This is a coordinate grid, the lines of which are drawn on the map through a certain number of kilometers.

The kilometer grid is usually applied to topographic maps and plans, its vertical lines run parallel to the axial meridian of the geodetic zone, and the horizontal lines run parallel to the equator (coordinate axis). Rectangular coordinates, distances, directional angles, etc. are determined from this grid.

    Layout and layout of maps (p. 27-28)

Depending on the scale of the territory to be mapped and its purpose, maps can be issued on one sheet or on several (multi-sheet maps). The division of a map into separate sheets is calledmap layout . Layout may be rectangular And trapezoidal.

At rectangular layout the map is divided along lines parallel and perpendicular to the middle meridian into sheets of the same size. This type of layout is used on various small-scale maps.

IN trapezoid layout the boundaries of the sheets are parallels and meridians. This type of layout is used on topographic and survey topographic maps.

The designation of each sheet is called its nomenclature .

When creating any new map, the question arises: how to draw a frame in relation to the territory, what to include in the frame, where to place the name of the map, scale, legend, inset maps and other additional and auxiliary elements of the map. Therefore, at the very initial stage of creating a map, a layout of its layout is developed.

Placement on a sheet of a map of a mapped territory, determination of its scope, placement of marginal design and additional information are called map layout .

framework maps are parallel lines that delimit the image of the map. At the same time, they distinguish internal and outer frame . The line that limits the cartographic image (closest to the mapped area) is called the inner frame of the card. Sometimes minute or degree divisions may be applied to the innermost frame. The minute and degree frames are necessary for determining geographic coordinates on the map or plotting points on the map by coordinates. The design of the card ends with an outer frame. The layout and design of topographic maps are standard and are made according to the model placed at the end of the tables of conventional signs.

When developing a map layout, many factors are taken into account, for example, the purpose of the map, projection, scale of the map, paper size for printing the map, aesthetic design, ease of use of the map, visibility and information content of the future map, etc. The layout of thematic maps can be very diverse.

    Layout and nomenclature of topographic maps (p. 76-79)

Drawing, or slicing a map, is a system for dividing a multi-sheet map into sheets. Most often, two types of layout are used: trapezoidal, in which the boundaries of the sheets are meridians and parallels, and rectangular, when the map is divided into rectangular or square sheets of the same size. A series of state topographic and thematic maps, including thousands of sheets, have a standard layout in each country. For example, in Russia, topographic maps are based on a 1:1,000,000 scale map, any of its sheets is a trapezoid, which is limited by meridians and parallels drawn through 6 and 4 °, respectively. The layout of maps of larger scales is obtained by dividing a sheet of a millionth map into parts. One sheet of a millionth map contains four map sheets at a scale of 1:500,000, 36 sheets at a scale of 1:200,000, and so on.

The nomenclature is directly related to the layout, i.e. sheet designation system in multisheet series of maps. For topographic and survey topographic maps, a unified state system of nomenclature has been established, which begins with a millionth map and then consistently builds up. Rows of map sheets are indicated by capital letters of the Latin alphabet (from A to V) and they are counted from the equator to the poles. The columns of the sheets are numbered from 1 to 60. The columns are counted from the meridian of 180 degrees from west to east. The nomenclature of a sheet of a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 is composed of an indication of the row (letters) and columns (numbers) at the intersection of which it is located, for example, a sheet with the city of Smolensk has the nomenclature N-36. The columns of sheets of a millionth map coincide with six-degree coordinate zones, into which the surface of the earth's ellipsoid is divided when calculating coordinates and compiling maps in the Gaussian projection. The difference lies only in their numbering: since the coordinate zones are counted from the zero (Greenwich) meridian, and the columns of the sheets of the millionth map are counted from the meridian of 180 degrees, the zone number differs from the column number by 30. Therefore, knowing the nomenclature of the map sheet, it is easy to determine which zone it belongs to. For example, sheet M-35 is located in the 5th zone (35-30), and sheet K-29 is located in the 59th zone (29 + 30). The nomenclature of sheets of maps in scales 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 is composed of the nomenclature of the corresponding sheet of a million map with the addition of a number (numbers) or a letter indicating the location of this sheet on it. The nomenclature of thematic maps may coincide with the nomenclature of topographic maps or be arbitrary, for example, sheets of a hypsometric map of Russia with neighboring countries on a scale of 1: 2,500,000 are indicated by serial numbers. The layout scheme is usually given on a special composite sheet, which shows the contours of the territory covered by a multi-sheet map, the division into separate sheets and the nomenclature of these sheets. In accordance with the layout, the shape of the frames of the cards also changes: they can be trapezoidal or rectangular. In addition, map frames can be represented as circles (for example, for hemisphere maps) and ellipses (for world maps in pseudocylindrical projections). It is customary to distinguish between an internal frame that directly limits the cartographic image, degree and minute frames, on which degree and (or) minute divisions are applied in latitude and longitude, as well as an external frame - it covers the entire map, borders all other frames and has a decorative value.

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