World of Tanks Blitz: secrets and tips for the game. How to run the World of Tanks Blitz game on a computer or laptop. How to set up control

Years have passed since the IS-3 Defender became an overnight legend. In the first fight, this heavy came up against several enemy tanks ... and the Defender destroyed them all; it was almost too easy. Then there was more fighting, more battles and there were thousands of fallen enemies. It seemed that no opponent or teammate would ever match up against this Soviet heavy. But sooner or later, the balance would be restored.

Somewhere in a desert across the ocean, behind thick barbed fences and beyond barriers and checkpoints, in a sterile garage, a tired engineer in a white robe said: “Done!” There was a strange hum. The siren then blared, and the gate opened, the rays of the sun beamed down and hit the blackened armor. At the rear of the vehicle and on its long-barreled gun lightning sparked, and the black armored vehicle soon shot off. This was the T28 Defender seeking its first fight, and it will soon go down in history.

Until 8 March, you will have the opportunity to get your hands on the T28 Defender, or if you prefer, get both of these unique machines, the IS-3 Defender and T28 Defender, with full equipment loadouts. Get hold of these unstoppable powers!

Dossier: T28 Defender

A folder with these documents was found in a roadside motel room in Nevada. We don’t know who the guy who left them is, we just know he arrived late last night, frightened and shaken up. Any sound would make him twitchy and turn around to check it out. Plus, the headlights of a passing car spooked him so much he almost ran away. Something was definitely up. He just seemed to disappear after locking himself in his room. No-one saw him leave. It's all too strange.

We don’t even know what we are working on. We never get any information ahead of time, it's all on a day-to-day basis. The work plan, if such a thing exists, is kept somewhere among the black jackets, but the soldiers stand guard up at the entrance to their wing at all hours of the day. They say it’s for our safety. I don’t believe a word of it.

Increased Protection

A T28 Prototype was delivered to the base and then the project name was revealed-Defender.

The first point was strengthening the armor. We increased the thickness of the turret's front to 215 mm, then we added a roof for extra protection. When the TD was on the firing and artillery range, tests showed that at mid- to long-range, the turret could withstand hits from medium tank weaponry.

The frontal armor was left unchanged: 203 mm tilted at such an angle that it's an effort to hit it at mid-range. Of course, especially powerful weapons at short distances will be able to penetrate this, but the T28 Defender isn’t one for close combat.

We also took care of the sides: instead of 50 mm, there’s now 75 mm over the tracks. This will allow the T28 Defender to confidently angle its armor to block shells when firing from cover. The tracks have also been covered with 5-mm screens, this means that the vehicle will be harder to stop and penetrate with HE or HEAT shells.

Yesterday, we spent the entire day signing the non-disclosure agreement. Then suddenly this morning, we discovered this thing in the garage, similar to an aircraft turbine. It was the engine, and according to documents, it boasts 750 horsepower. That’s all we know at the moment. How it even works is unclear. It took several days to prepare the hull and install the engine. When it started, we saw lightning running through the engine compartment. What is this thing?

This strange engine did the trick. There are rumors going around that it's some sort of extra-terrestrial technology. When tested, the T28 Defender was able to hit 20 km / h in about 3 seconds and reach top speed of 30 km / h in about 7 seconds. Even rough terrain barely slows this monster down.

The turret is one of the key features of the T28 Prototype, and we managed to keep it. Despite its rotational restriction of 286 degrees, the T28 Defender is able to quickly respond to the emergence of new targets. Thanks to the turret, the low turning speed of the chassis isn’t so noticeable. And that’s not to mention it’s increased the chance of survival in battle.

The railgun already exists!

The theory of a gun based on an electromagnetic accelerator is known to us, but today we saw it in an actual real-life weapon. The best design engineers are within our team and none of us have created such a weapon-we were just instructed to turn the screws, here and there. Who made this weapon ...?

Through one way or another, this weapon has enormous power. Its magazine can store 3 rounds, each recharging in 6.67 seconds, and reloading entirely takes 22 seconds. This gun isn’t the most accurate, but it can penetrate 225 mm with standard ammunition and deals 400 damage per shot. In just 14 secs, the T28 Defender can take away 1,200 HP from enemy forces!

The weapon testing went amazingly, and the project reached its final stage. We are proud to have helped create the T28 Defender, a weapon seriously ahead of its time in all respects. This vehicle is designed for fighting on the second line and the mighty armor and the autoloading gun make it a formidable opponent. Team up with a heavy tank that can cover when you need to reload and this T28 variant can quickly remove the enemy’s key machines from the fight.

Everything has its price: our team already knows so many secrets that it would be dangerous for us to leave here, plus they can put us to work on creating more weapons of the future. But I have an escape plan. The time’s come to put it into action!

9 comments Read more

Meet Update 5.8!

Update 5.8 brings fun activities for every taste:
Research the new branch of Chinese tank destroyers, including a hardcore WZ-113G FT at Tier X.
Start the Trophy Hunt. Fight and receive gold, credits, and Premium Account time.
Prepare to go mad again! The Mad Games arenas will be open for a limited time to give you a chance to plunge into battles with mad modifications on all maps again.

About this game

Jump into a free-to-play MMO action shooter featuring a huge roster of over 300 massive tanks, stunning graphics, and intuitive touch-screen controls. Take on short, action-packed 7-vs-7 tank battles where real and alternate histories collide-no matter where you are!

World of Tanks Blitz is built specifically for optimal online mobile gameplay and is currently available on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

"The very best multiplayer you" ll find for your mobile. "
- Pocket Gamer

"A lot of tanks, a lot of people and a lot of fun."

Requires an Internet connection and iPad 2 / iPhone 4S or better to play.


  • Over 300 iconic vehicles from nations across the world
  • 26 unique battle arenas
  • Strategic 7-vs-7 online multiplayer
  • Free-to-win: equal access to in-game elements for everyone
  • Deep progression system: 10 tiers of tanks to unlock and explore
  • Innovative crew upgrades to enhance your tank and refine your gaming style
  • Constant updates and graphical enhancements; optimization for various devices
  • Easy to learn, intuitive touch-screen controls
  • In-game and Clan chat functionality
  • Battle Missions that open up new, personalized challenges and let players earn bonuses and achievements
  • Clan functionality allowing players to unite in their pursuit of victory and invite their friends to play online
Download World of Tanks Blitz now for free!

Is a free action game for Android, where users are expected to take on intense tank battles in the spirit of the bygone World War II, but still exciting the imagination. To win a difficult battle, you need competent tactics, modern weapons and complete confidence in success.

Screenshots of World of Tanks Blitz →

Legendary vehicles, real battle maps, as well as gorgeous graphic design deployed on the screen of a smartphone or tablet in the front space. Only in the combination of a well-thought-out strategy and technical strength will it be possible to achieve successful results. You can download the game World of Tanks Blitz for Android here, in Russian.

Advantages of the game

  • Choose from over 200 famous tanks.
  • A perfect 10-level system for the development of an arsenal of military devices.
  • 18 locations with their own characteristics and combat features.
  • Massive 7v7 blitz attacks.
  • Ease of correspondence with all players or members of only your clan.
  • Creation of a platoon in case of playing with friends.

In order to gain a foothold in new positions and achieve even modest results, in World of Tanks you should immediately abandon hasty actions and focus on planning your tactics. First of all, you need to very clearly understand the capabilities of your own tanks, because it is they who help to win brilliant victories or show high discretion.

In addition, it is worth taking a close look at the mini-map, assessing the directions of potential attacks and seeing exactly where other fighters of the clan have placed marks.

It is very important to maintain close contact with other members of the clan, because it is the mismatch of actions that leads to very unpleasant defeats. The mass of tanks in the game World of Tanks Blitz directly affects their characteristics, on which the chosen tactics also depends. Particular attention should be paid to tank destroyers, as they bring certain death to tanks.

announces a general mobilization! The legendary World of Tanks is coming to mobile spaces. A world of steel armor, dashing ricochets and the roar of guns awaits you. Rush into the attack, lead your team to victory and become a real hero! Download World of Tanks Blitz and join a multi-million army of tankers! The richest arsenal, a variety of combat maps, stunning graphics and intuitive controls will turn your mobile device into a real battlefield where everything depends on you and your team.

Distribution list and WHAT'S NEW:
Team up with other tankers in the battle for tank dominance: clans have appeared in the game!
Players can now adjust graphics and customize animations.
"Burning Sands" and "Baltic Shield" will delight you with an improved landscape.
Panther / M10, M4A2E4 Sherman, T-25, Valentine II, Object 140 and other tanks have changed their combat characteristics.
Try new innovations in battle!

1. Installation arch file: World of Tanks Blitz.v. .apk
Cache for different accelerators:


Developers Answers:
1) When will American LTEs appear?
2) When will different balance weights be introduced for vehicle classes?
3) Will there be a WF branch. E 100?

1. Coming soon.
2. Balance and balance weights are constantly being worked on.
3. Will be.
1) Will players get the option to download ob263 and ob140?

1.Ob. 140 yes. According to Ob. 263 data is not yet available.
1) Please comment on how things are now with the accrual and activation of a premium account for various promotions and for knowledge base.
Previously, the premium was accrued and activated at the moment of entering the account (if you did not play for a long time or simply did not have the opportunity to enter the game), recently the opposite is more and more noticeable - the account is credited and activated regardless of whether the player entered the game at that time or not ...
Please be clear.

1.As I answered earlier, a premium account for an upgrade is a reward, and in order to receive a reward, you need to work hard. Starting from the next update, to get 2 days of premium account, you will need to log in within 2 days and play 1 battle. This will be absolutely true for those who really want to make the most of this award.
1) Is it planned to enter the Pz.Kpfw. V / IV? If so, in what form: as in the BB or as on the XBox 360 (preferably in this form :))

1. It is planned, but it is too early to discuss in detail in what form.
Interesting question

What new premium cars are you planning to introduce in the near future? (At least a class of equipment is enough)

Almost all.
In what form will BRs with a reward in the form of a tank be implemented, can they be completed only for a certain period of time, or will they not be limited in time?

They will be different, both limited in time and without a time limit. Implementation will be through milestone combat missions.
Are you planning to introduce VK 16.02?

We are planning, but not in the near future.

Additional Information:
- About 100 legendary tanks in your arsenal.
- 11 combat locations, including the "Mines" map familiar to fans of the original World of Tanks.
- Unique system of 7 vs 7 session blitz battles.
- Incredibly bright and spectacular graphics that are automatically optimized for the capabilities of your mobile device.
- System Free-2-Win, providing free access to all combat capabilities.
- Realistic physics model, comparable in level of elaboration of mechanics with the "adult" versions for PC and Xbox 360.
- Ability to create platoons, playing side by side with friends.
- Intuitive touchscreen control with flexible customization options.

Attention!!! Everyone must read:
Even if you downloaded the cache and specified the path to it correctly, but still the game asks to download 930 with something mb, then this is normal, since the game needs a game installer. Patch Android \ data \ net.wargaming.wot.blitz \ files \ dlc_working_dir, which will further unpack the cache itself, these caches in the header are only needed if your.patch does not fully unpack your cache

Now we insert the link into any download manager (DVGet, LD) or Download Master on a PC and download it without fear that the download will be interrupted.
After the file has loaded, we change its name to Remote.patch and move it along the path agreeing to a replacement:

That's all! We launch the game and rejoice.

P.S also in the download manager, you can immediately set the desired name and path, but after that you can start the game only after the download is complete

Installation description:
In the distribution there are three archives for each video accelerator.

1. First, download the program (Apk file).
2. To install the application, allow "Unknown sources" ... (check the box)
3. Next, install the program like a normal application, BUT DO NOT RUN !!!
And the cache:
4. Before installing, please read the topic: Instructions for installing games with a cache
Obb for the game World of Tanks Blitz: unpack the folder from the archive into / sdcard / Android / data /
It should look like this: /sdcard/Android/data/net.wargaming.wot.blitz/

Video review:

World of Tanks Blitz is a legendary tank shooter from Wargaming. The developers of the Belarusian company continue to amaze fans of the world of tanks with fascinating novelties. Released in 2014, the game quickly gained popularity in the international gaming community. If you want to download World of Tanks Blitz to your computer, familiarize yourself with its features and gameplay features to make the immersion into the gameplay as comfortable as possible.

About the game

Take part in tank battles during the Second World War. The equipment of the USSR, Germany, Japan, France and other countries is at your disposal. Visit real-life locations where the most significant hostilities once took place. You will hear the roar of numerous engines, the grinding of metal and many deafening shots. Try to quickly navigate in such a situation and inflict a crushing blow on the enemy.

World of Tanks Blitz on pc is an analogue of the "big" game, only slightly simplified. Naturally, this was done to optimize the required resources. Maps are reduced, as well as the branches of pumping, artillery is completely removed. And the number of team members has been halved. However, the fascination did not suffer from this, so you can easily put up with most of the nuances.

Video review


There is only one mode in the game - teams start from opposite sides of the map, and you need to either destroy all opponents or capture the base. The first option is preferable, since for it they give more precious experience and silver for pumping vehicles. By making a significant contribution to the overall victory, you get the opportunity to quickly unlock new weapons, turrets, engines, and of course tanks. The crew here, unfortunately, is impersonal.

Important! The game was originally conceived as a multiplayer competitive action game, so the single player is completely absent here. To take part in the battle, you must constantly be connected to the Internet.

Each battle is allocated 7 minutes, but in most cases, players cope much faster. Hence the main difference from a full-fledged game - here all actions take place more actively, from the start it is necessary to rush into battle. It will not be possible to sit behind a hill or a wall of a building. Many will like it - after all, in the full-fledged version of the tactics often requires leisurely and thoughtful study of the situation. Here you won't even be able to quietly disperse - they are already shining on you, firing at or capturing the base.

Mistakes are not forgiven here. You will have to carefully study the game mechanics in order to correctly consider the possibility of ricochet and penetration, as well as the radio transmission range. Courage is only partly necessary, the main thing is attentiveness and accuracy.

Important! Constantly watch out so as not to light up and do not end up under enemy crossfire. Keeping your equipment in working order, as well as accurate shots, is the key to the victory of your team.

Despite the high activity of the game, it is not necessary to have a phenomenal reaction here. This is facilitated by the inactivity of armored vehicles, slow turret rotation and information, rather long reloading time. You just need to take the correct and comfortable position, make a timely maneuver, accurately aim at the opponent, shoot and go for cover. If your tank is hit, you will not be able to go into another battle before the end of the previous one. However, due to the transience of the battles, this does not cause any particular inconvenience.

As in the progenitor, there are all the components of a free-to-play system. You can play for free, or you can purchase premium access and gold. The only difference is that in the second case, the development of technology will be faster. Therefore, it is completely unnecessary to attract real money. At the start, they give a certain amount of gold. You can spend it on hangar spots or exclusive tanks. With the latter, it is much easier to accumulate gold and additional experience.

Important! The account here is shared across all Wargaming games, but premium currency must be purchased separately.

Regular shells are cheap and available for purchase to absolutely everyone. Elite ammunition has slightly higher damage. It is paid for with gold or its silver equivalent.

As for premium vehicles, you need to remember that you cannot customize it - you won't be able to change a turret or a gun, and all modules are preinstalled. Therefore, you should not strive to acquire them. Conventional cars are often much nicer to drive and even better performance.

Features of the game on PC

  • A huge and varied tank world. You have at your disposal about 250 models of equipment, both actually existing and those that remained only at the design stage.
  • 20 game locations where you have to fight in teams of 7 tanks. Each battle will be unique in its own way, where you have to act in accordance with the situation.
  • Excellent graphics that automatically adjust to the resources of a particular device. It can be adjusted manually, thereby achieving a balance between normal FPS and the picture.
  • The ability to create platoons and participate in the life of clans, being in the circle of like-minded people. Accumulate a rating, fight in tournaments and get valuable prizes.
  • Carefully thought out pumping system. Start with the simplest tier 1 vehicle and work your way up to the monster-like one of the highest tier 10. Each vehicle can be equipped with a suitable camouflage, customize additional equipment and install a more powerful cannon.

How to install World of Tanks Blitz on a computer

To run World of Tanks Blitz on windows, you need to use an emulator. There is nothing difficult here. This instruction will help you do this without any problems:

  1. Register a Google account if necessary. You need it to enter its app store.
  2. Download the program and install. You do not need to enter any settings here. If you wish, you can only specify the installation folder.
  3. Start the emulator. When prompted, enter your Google login and password. This must be done only the first time, subsequent launches will be performed without a request.
  4. Having successfully logged in, use the search bar to find the game you want and click "Install". Wait a little while it downloads and installs.

Now you can play. Launch through the corresponding shortcut in the program window.

To easily play World of Tanks Blitz on your computer, make sure your system meets the following requirements:

  • CPU clock speed - from 2 GHz, optimally - from 3.3 GHz;
  • free space on the hard drive - from 4 GB;
  • RAM - from 2 GB, optimally - from 6 GB;
  • stable broadband internet access;
  • OS - Windows XP or later, preferably Windows 10.

Also, you must have the latest drivers installed on the video card and have administrator access.

  • 3D Tank War. Join a multi-thousand armored army of real players around the world. Choose the one that suits you and go to fight the enemy in various locations. Several combat modes, all sorts of upgrades, the ability to create tank platoons - all the conditions for a fun pastime.
  • World of Warships Blitz. Free naval action game that will allow you to control a battleship and fight online with rivals in a 7v7 format. Japanese, American, German and Soviet vehicles await you - all together over 90 classes. Create a team with friends and show your skills.
  • War Machines. Take part in dynamic battles in real time. You have only 3 minutes to crush as many opponents as possible. Choose a tank suitable for your favorite tactics and go ahead. Just do not forget to study the battlefield in order to have a significant advantage over the rest.


In general terms, this game in relation to the progenitor is like mini-football to traditional football. The rules and objectives are similar, but the scope is different. Many people have already downloaded World of Tanks Blitz to their computer, thanks to which it now occupies a solid place in the leading positions in application stores such as Google Play and the App Store. Join the multi-million army of fans too.

Sep 13, 2016 Game Guides

Welcome to the front, tankman! Now you can play World of Tanks Blitz using BlueStacks, which means that your time has finally come for heroic military exploits with a mouse and keyboard at the ready! But wait, do not rush into battle - first read the instructions for using BlueStacks in combat conditions and understand the simple and understandable rules of the game even for the sluts, which the in-game training mode will not teach you.

How to get started?

First, make sure you have installedBlueStacks version 2.4.44or higher - you can download the current version of the program on the main page of our website or simply by clicking on the button “" right here.

Second, deal with your BlueStacks by linking a personal Google account to it or by creating a new one. It's not difficult - just follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen and you will be fine. Having done this, type in the search line “World of Tanks Blitz” and you will see the game icon. Click and you will find yourself in the Play Market on the game page - click on install, wait a little and open the application. As you will see, he will need to download the data for installation - 1.6 GB (at the moment) of archives will be downloaded and they will be unpacked into 3 GB of data. Tanks will ask where you want to install the data - choose any option offered, it doesn't matter for BlueStacks. The main thing is that you need to provide at least 12 GB of free space on the hard drive of your computer, which is used by BlueStacks (by default, this is drive C :).

Thirdly, wait until the download and installation of the game data is complete. After that, the game will start and you will be prompted to log in with an existing account or create a new one. If you already have a username-password for an account for, you most likely know what to do, and if not, just create a new one and wait for a letter to the mailbox specified during registration (be sure to check “Spam” or “Promotions” if you don't see emails in your inbox! ). The letter will contain a link - you will go and your account will be activated. Are you ready to play!

If something goes wrong at any of this stage - first of all try to restart BlueStacks and start over.

How to move and shoot

When the game starts, first of all, you will be guided through the tutorial. One of the first learning points that is incredibly “important” for you is “Learning to hold the tablet correctly”. You will be required to simultaneously press with two fingers in two zones of the screen - and, of course, not your monitor screen. What if there is only one mouse and it is impossible to click on two points at once? You need to familiarize yourself with the management! For this particular task, you can click on the left side of the screen with the mouse, and clicking on the right emulates the Space key. The very same control of the tank using the keyboard and mouse is as follows:

WASDare responsible for controlling the tank. Press them and you will see an image of the joystick on the left side of the screen, and a green trajectory will appear in front of the tank and it will begin to move. If suddenly the motion control "sticks" (which happens infrequently) - try to press the keyZ- it emulates tap on the movement cross.

The mouse controls the view: press the mouse button on the right side of the screen and drive it in any direction - the turret of the tank and your sight will also rotate there.

To shoot, click onSpace- the projectile will go to the point at which you aim. To zoom in, use the keyF... On this, in principle, everything!

If you want to look at the controls during the game, or you want to try to reconfigure it - just click on the icon with the image of the WASD keys in the upper right part of the screen.

Basic game rules

Most likely you will be taught everything by excellent game training - but if for some reason you did not read and missed all the messages, or simply did not understand something completely, now I will try to put everything on the shelves.

Most often in the game you will see two main game screens - the hangar, where you set up and purchase tanks and equipment, and the battlefield, where you will test all your tanker abilities (battlefields, of course, are different).

In your hangar, as it was written above, you are engaged in setting up your combat vehicle. At the beginning of the game, you will be allowed to choose one of five tanks - Soviet, American, German, English or Japanese. Remember that the game has no plot - the fact that someone plays the tanks of the Axis countries does not make anyone a Nazi, just as the choice of only Soviet tanks does not characterize you as a patriot. This is primarily a game, so start from the technical characteristics of the tank, if you want to find the right one for yourself! But simply choosing a tank is not enough - it also needs to be improved. The tutorial will guide you through the basics of upgrading and buying a new tank, but I will clarify - during the game you will download a certain branch of tanks from a particular country. To open some tanks, some improvements are needed, and to open others, respectively others. Choose between a machine gun or a new turret and you will come to different tanks in your development! Of course, no one bothers to buy all the improvements and open all the tanks - but in this case, you will fight for a long time at the lower levels and control not the most powerful tanks. Also, of course, you can always change the "branch" by buying and upgrading tanks from another country. Didn't like the English ones? Go to the Soviet! But keep in mind that you won't be able to keep all tanks in your hangar at the same time - the number of tank slots is limited to eight (but you can buy additional places for gold). In addition to purchasing tank upgrades, you can buy equipment for tanks - camouflage, equipment, ammunition and ammunition. These items are valid for one or more battles and from time to time you should buy them again - if, of course, you use them. Also, in addition to improving and equipping tanks, you can start training the crew - each new tank must be driven around, so at first the crew's level of ownership of each tank is only 50% and some combat characteristics are initially reduced. You can raise these characteristics with the help of training - 12,500 credits will raise ownership to 75%, and 150 gold to 100% - or by participating in battles. Having learned the crew up to 100%, you will be able to train the skills of the crew - they give certain bonuses in battle and allow you to drive faster and shoot more accurately.

But the most interesting thing is, of course, the battle! By clicking on the bright yellow button in the middle of the hangar screen, you will be taken into battle with other players. The goal is obvious enough - to kill all opponents! Competently moving across the battlefield and using cover, avoid contact with enemy shells and deliver decisive blows to your enemies! The main advice I can give is to try to move as often as possible and always face the enemy, and even better - at an angle. Why is that? Because the frontal armor of a tank is the most powerful part of it and you will suffer less damage, and a shell hitting a corner of the tank can ricochet and you will hardly take any damage from it. This is where the following tips come from - shoot the enemy in the side or rear and you can kill him faster than he will kill you (most likely). Height is also a decisive factor in World of Tanks Blitz. It is easier to hit from above and you can always hide from the sight of the enemy sitting under you. For the rest, remember that the main thing in a tank battle is to work together, so join the battle only next to your comrades and try not to interfere with anyone's retreat or maneuver. Experience and my next guides will teach you many combat tactics and you will be able to get out alive from most battles!


Now you have become a tough tanker and you can play World of Tanks Blitz on a computer using a mouse and keyboard, and you also have a rough idea of ​​what and how it works in the game. I hope this will help you and you will still have a lot of fun from the game, collecting the perfect war machine for yourself and blowing up enemy tanks!

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