How to make private warp

In Minecraft, it is possible to instantly move to any place of the world. To do this, you just need to install in the right place of warp. As a rule, the very first place of binding most players make their own home so that in case of danger, it could be safely avoided. In order to do this, you need to install one of several existing plug-ins, each of which can be downloaded below.

This is one of the simplest plugins. With it, you can make a sign and install it at the place of warp, making an appropriate inscription on it.

  • 1st line - inscription.
  • 2nd line name of the place of movement.

The third and fourth lines can be left empty. This plugin is compatible with any, in the functionality of which there is a warp. One of the most common is "Essentials". In addition to the help of a certain set of commands, you can try yourself as God or get an infinite stream of resources.

This plugin is intended for version 1.7.2 and as well as in the previous embodiment plates are used.

  • On the first line also prescribate the word.
  • And on the second - the name.

Teams for this plugin.

  • / Warp - Create teleport to the title point;
  • / SetWarp - Create a place;
  • / Delwarp - remove it.


This plugin allows not only to create places for moving, but also share them with your friends.

Teams in minecraft, which can be given to the teleport. Any of them after slash (/) begins with the words "MyWarp" and the following text.

  • / [Name] -Prenos.
  • / Create / Set [Name] - Create a public teleport on the place where you are.
  • / PCREATE [Name] - Create personal on the place where you are.
  • / Delete / Remove - Delete.
  • / Update [Name] - Turn the point to the place where you are now.
  • / Welcome - changes the welcome message.
  • / Point - she focuses the compass arrow to a specified one. If you ask it without entering the name, it will take place.
  • / ASSETS / PINFO / PSTATS / LIMITS - offers a list of all available teleports from this player.
  • / List - Represents a list of all points that can be visited.
  • / INFO / STATS [Name] - provides all available information about the specified warp.
  • / Help (#) - Displays the Help menu with the list of all commands.

There is also a list of additional teams in the minecraft that other players provide you. Each of them begins with the word "/ Warp"

  • give-Allow access;
  • invite invitation;
  • uninvite deletes invitations;
  • public- Your WarP will become publicly available;
  • private - Your Warp will become private;
  • / Warp-teleport.

In the latest versions, the game removed the possibilities to remove someone else's warp. And also players with the status of VIP, VIP-Pro and Deluxe can create 1.2 and 5 points, respectively. If someone thought about the possible creation of traps at the site of teleportation, he would have to disappoint it - it is impossible. The system, in case of danger at the place of movement, will select the optimal place in the near radius. If it does not detect a safe place, then an error will be issued when trying to move.

The game has many qualities that can hook an ordinary player. First of all, the game won the hearts of gamers with their immense open world, in which you can do what your heart is, and at the same time realizing that it is just a video game.

I mention, what popularity, Minecraft gained, always worth saying about online mode

From the name, you can understand that you can play with other people, or simply on the server with random people from different places of our planet, and with friends who are in the nearest house. Online mode is an inseparable part of the game, because after a person possessed himself in the game itself, he may be bored. And the online mode allows players to feel the game in a new way.

It may seem that the online regime does not actually do anything, because the player does the same as in a single game, only with other players. In fact, those functions that are available in Minecraft are disclosed in multiplayer mode.

The main component of any multiplayer game is the server

The server is the "room" that one player creates, and in which any other can be logged in. The complexity of creating its own "room" will depend on what platform a person plays. The biggest problems are waiting for a player on a personal computer.

Creating a server can take a sufficient amount of time, so if a person does not want to create a personal room with his rules, then you can use public servers that can be found on the Internet.

Modern Minecraft servers possess various plugins that give server players new features. At the moment, a huge number of plugins have been created, and on a particular server you can meet certain plugins. This article will be discussed about such a plugin, or rather the plugins that allow you to create so called WarP.

The essence of this warp is that the player can write in a common chat one team, and instantly moves to a point given by the creator of this warp. And many admins of public servers are interested in how to create a warp in minecraft on the server. First you need to install a special plugin on the server that allows admins, or simply guests of the server to create warps.

On the sites where you can download such plugins, often specify special commands with which you can install warp. These commands need to be inserted into the chat string, where the usual text is written. Often, teams are often indicated by which another player could use this warp.

Many public servers for the multiplayer regime in Mininraft have a little different specificity than survival in solitary mode. The fact is that the gamers often need to use the function of teleportation, but each time you create portals from undergraduates, to carry out communication between them and so on is not a very convenient method. That is why there was a plugin that allows you to create warps. He decided this complex problem, and now gamers can calmly teleport throughout the map, if a sufficient price is paid. In this article you will learn what kind of warp is, how to create it, as well as how to remove a warp, if you do not need it.

What is warp?

Before you consider questions about how to create or how to remove a warp, you'd rather understand that it represents in principle. So, the WarP is a specific point on the map, where you can teleport at any time, without spending any resources. You no longer need to create portals, make additional operations to achieve the desired result. This teleport exists outside the gaming space, that is, it does not have a physical shell. It is simply marked by coordinates, and that's all. But there are a large number of commands that you can use to control it. Naturally, among them are those that allow you to create a warp and get rid of it. Next, you will learn the very commands to create this type of teleport, and also figure out how to remove a warp if necessary.

Creating warp

To create a warp, you need to go on the point where you want your teleport. After that, you need to make sure that you have in stock 75 emeralds, because its creation costs exactly so much. If you want your warp to be public, that is, everyone could use them, then you will need to use the Warp Create command, then specify the name. If you do not want your teleport to be those gamers that did not pay 75 emeralds for it, then you should use another team - Warp Pcreate (Naturally, with the name after the command). In this case, a private warp is created, which can only be used. Well, now you can create teleports yourself for yourself - it remains only to learn how to remove the warp.

Removal of warp

In the final part of the article, you will learn how to remove warp in Minecraft. To do this, you need the Warp Delete command - by tradition after it you need to specify the name, only this time you will need to write the name of the already existing warp. Unfortunately, even the deletion of teleport will not be free - you will have to pay three times less money than you paid for creating, that is, 25 emeralds. You can also use the Warp Remove command, but it does not change anything. Just do not rush to remove if you put the warp not in the place where you would like. You can move the existing warp to anywhere where you will stand - but for it will also have to pay emeralds. But you received the basic information - now you know how to remove warp on the server.

Move occurs on a predetermined place that will be a teleport point.

Teleport can be installed on the server only for money. Many will have to pay, as WarP is a kind of cheat.

Plugin to create teleportation points

We are talking about the MYWARP plugin. It is used to create teleport points to minecraft. It is very convenient, because you can create a teleport point even in your store and give it the name "Shop". Other players can easily teleport in your kiosk. Without this plug-in teleportation is impossible.

How to put warp

To create a warp in the Minecraft server, you need to have at least one solid block.

  1. Install the block in the place where you plan to be after teleportation. It will be a point of teleportation. First warp set at home to move there in case of danger.
  2. By installing the block, stand up on it and enter the "/ SetWarp Name" command, where the name serves as a name for the warp.
  3. Destroy the block.
  4. Check the performance of the warp. To do this, go out to several blocks and enter the "/ Warp Name" command. If everything is done correctly, you instantly move to the selected place. Teleportation - the service is paid, but this is at times cheaper than creating a warp itself in minecraft.

Major Warps to move

  • Type / Warp and move to the teleport point.
  • Dial / Warp Create<название> And create a new point.
  • Dial / Warp PCreate and create a public teleport point.
  • Dial / Warp Delete and remove the warp.
  • Dial / Warp Welcome and change the welcome message.
  • Type / Warp Point and the compass arrow will show on the warp.
  • Type / Warp List and view all teleport points available for you.
  • Type / Warp Search and find your warps.

Additional warps

  • Dial / Warp Give and give your warp to another player.
  • Dial / Warp Invite and give players access to your warp.
  • Type / Warp Uninvite and disable access to Warp.
  • Dial / Warp Public and make teleport public.
  • Dial / Warp Private and make teleport private.

Teams enter in the chat by clicking on "T". Using this instruction, you can easily create the necessary warp.

The game has many qualities that can hook an ordinary player. First of all, the game won the hearts of gamers with their immense open world, in which you can do what your heart is, and at the same time realizing that it is just a video game.

I mention, what popularity, Minecraft gained, always worth saying about online mode

From the name, you can understand that you can play with other people, or simply on the server with random people from different places of our planet, and with friends who are in the nearest house. Online mode is an inseparable part of the game, because after a person possessed himself in the game itself, he may be bored. And the online mode allows players to feel the game in a new way.

It may seem that the online regime does not actually do anything, because the player does the same as in a single game, only with other players. In fact, those functions that are available in Minecraft are disclosed in multiplayer mode.

The main component of any multiplayer game is the server

The server is the "room" that one player creates, and in which any other can be logged in. The complexity of creating its own "room" will depend on what platform a person plays. The biggest problems are waiting for a player on a personal computer.

Creating a server can take a sufficient amount of time, so if a person does not want to create a personal room with his rules, then you can use public servers that can be found on the Internet.

Modern Minecraft servers possess various plugins that give server players new features. At the moment, a huge number of plugins have been created, and on a particular server you can meet certain plugins. This article will be discussed about such a plugin, or rather the plugins that allow you to create so called WarP.

The essence of this warp is that the player can write in a common chat one team, and instantly moves to a point given by the creator of this warp. And many admins of public servers are interested in how to create a warp in minecraft on the server. First you need to install a special plugin on the server that allows admins, or simply guests of the server to create warps.

On the sites where you can download such plugins, often specify special commands with which you can install warp. These commands need to be inserted into the chat string, where the usual text is written. Often, teams are often indicated by which another player could use this warp.
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