What is the name of the Pokonon Dragon. Where are the poisonous pokemon in Pokemon GOU. Characteristics and efficacy of dragon Pokemon

Charmanander- Wonderful pokemon. It is ideal for beginner coaches, since he has a good character. However, he at the initial stage there are a number of flaws that disappear over time.

Charmanander - Starting pokemon of fire type from the first generation of Pokemon. He has three steps of evolutionwhich occur on 16 and 32 levels in and, accordingly. The more he becomes, the more opportunities and abilities appear and the more terrible adversary he can become. In the semoix has serial number 004..

Short description

Externally, Charmanander resembles a nice little dragon. It has reddish-orange color. The belly is painted in cream color. In the first generation, this Pokemon had small spikes, but in the future they disappeared. At the tip of the tail burning a small light. It is believed that if it goes out, the animal will die, therefore Charmanander carefully protects him. It appears at birth and makes a sound similar to the fire. However, hear it is possible only with complete silence.

Interestingly, this flame does not fade away from the impact of wind or water. Otherwise, it could be very easy to kill. it flame is a continuation of his bodythat fades if the vitality in the Pokemon almost did not remain.

Despite the cute appearance he is enough Grozen and is able to destroy their prey using fire attacks or sharp talons. They are on the rear and front paws. Three pieces on the paw.

There were no special differences between males and females. The ratio of male and female individuals is 87.5% to 12.5%.

He has only one type - Fire. Refers to the Monsters group.

Weighs such a young only 8.5 kg, and its height is 0.6 meters. This is the highest starting pokemon of fire type.

Hatch These types from Yaitz.

Abilities and nature

Charmanander good both in the near and far battle. For near attacks he uses his sharp talons, and if the enemy is at a distance, then sends in his direction fire stream from mouth. The power of the fiery attack directly depends on the physical condition of the Pokemon. An experienced trainer can also teach Charmantera such attacks as flamethrower and fiery explosion. If Pokemon will explore the rage of the Dragon, then learn how to exhale the fire of blue. Available hidden SOLAR POWER propertywhich works only when the sun shines brightly. This ability involves a significant increase in damage due to the vital energy of Charmantera. The impact force may increase almost twice.

Despite his abilities, he has enough flaky CharacterIf compared with later steps of its evolution.

Flame on his tail can give coach information about the mood of Pokemon.. So, if he is angry, it flared up.

Such a tip can help a beginner ceremony of Pokemon, that is why many begin their way from Charmantera.

Unfortunately, in nature wild individuals are extremely rare. When this Pokemon is found in the wild environment, some coaches may have difficulties with catching. However, just just one label throw to conquer to conquer Charmantera.

Habitat - where to find charmantera

Most of Charmanners already lives with coaches. However, in the natural environment, they can also be found. Necessary search in hot places: Near volcanoes or geysers. Less often they meet on rocky terrain or cavesLocated along the coast. Usually, Charmanners live alone, but in some cases you can meet a whole pack, which formed in order to hunt a large game. As a rule, after the destruction of the goal, they are returned to a single lifestyle.

Pokemon parameters

For starting pokemon charmantera performance is quite good. If you evaluate them on a ten-point scale, you can tell the following: best parameter - speed. It was estimated at 4 points. This is a rather high parameter, since few other pokemon levels of level level 1 can boast such an indicator. The level of attack and special attack - 3 points, but protection, special protection and vital energy are quite low. Total 2 points. However, this is perfectly compensated by its mobility and the ability to shy away from the blows of rivals.

Charmanander is not very good against water pokemon. The struggle on Earth is not his skate, but also in the rocks, he also does not shine.

Specialists argue that Charmanander initially has a number of flaws. But this is not a reason to abandon its use in battles. Over time, all these flaws disappear, and Pokemon becomes one of the strongest and terrible opponents.

It is strong enough and very fast. Active coaches can use these qualities for victory over fiery, terrestrial and herbal coocyons.

At the same time, it is not recommended to be put against aquatic pokemon 2 and 3 levels of evolution, as well as against the terrestrial individuals of the highest level of evolution. Despite its high speed, Charmanander can drop out of the battle only from one powerful blow of such a pokemon.

Aug 3, 2016 Catherine

At first, the players thoughtlessly catch all the Pokemon in a row, but playing for some time for some time, each player wants to start catching certain pokemon and wonders where what pokemon are found in Pokemon Go.

What types of pokemon are caught in Pokemon Go

There is already 17 types of Pokemon, and each of them can be caught in a variety of areas:

  • Normal
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Herbal
  • Electric
  • Icy
  • Combat
  • Poisonous
  • Earthman
  • Flying
  • Psychic
  • Insects
  • Stone
  • Ghosts
  • Drakonie
  • Dark
  • Steel

Some types can "first", i.e. The same pokemon can belong to both dragons and fiery coocyons.

Below we will look at where to look for Pokemon in Pokemon go and where what are found, but about each type in detail (what type of Pokemon is better to fight against a certain other type) we will tell in a separate article.

Pokemon Go where to catch water pokemon

Water pokemons are found on the ground nearby of water bodies (seas, oceans, rivers, lakes). But if there is no nearby of such water bodies, even a small pond is suitable in your park or even a landmark, "dedicated to" water!

Channels, docks, harbor, lakes, seas, beaches, rivers, reservoirs, swamps, ports and even water parks.

If you have a very "tight" with water, for example, you live in a arid climate or in the desert, but for the fighting you need a strong water pokemon:

  1. "Sit down" water climb from egg
  2. Get Vaporeon, evolving Eevee.

All Water Pokemon Pokemon Go:Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Psyduck, Golduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Seel, Dewgong, Shellder, Cloyster, Krabby, Kingler, Horsea, Seadra, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Goldeen, Seaking, Staryu, Starmie, Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras and Vaporeon.

Where are the fiery pokemon in Pokemon go

Fiery Pokemon are the exact opposite of water. They are found in the arid climate, but the chance to catch such a pokemon is everywhere, but significantly lower.

Locations where water pokemon are found: Cities, dry / arid climate, warm climate, beaches, parks.
Unconfirmed Fishing Places: Car parking, refueling

There are several more ways to catch Fiery Pokemon:

  • You can evolve Eevee in Flareon. Very strong fiery pokemon.
  • Also a high chance to catch the most popular fiery pokemon - Charmantera, there are in parks. Players also note that it meets in stadiums.

What are the fiery pokemon in Pokemon Go (12 types): Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Vulpix, Ninetales, Growlithe, Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash, Magmar, Flareon and Moltres (is the legendary pokemon).

Herbal Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Herbal Pokemon are found everywhere, catching simple pokemon will not be especially difficult. They live everywhere where there is "greens".

Places where herbal pokemon are found: Parks, agricultural land, forests, gardens, fields (for example, football), meadows, natural reserves.

What are herbal pokemon in Pokemon Go (14 types): Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Vileplume, Odish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell, Exegcute, Exeggutor, Tangela, Paras and Parast.

Electric pokemones

Electrical Pokemon are mainly found near universities and schools, so found in industrial areas of cities.

Places where to catch herbal pokemon:Universities, colleges, industrial areas, schools, railway station, commercial real estate, bin.

What are the electric Pokemon in Pokemon Go (9 types): Pikachu, Raichu, Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz, Jolteon and Zapdos (Legendary Pokemon).

Places of Appearance of Stone Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Stone Pokemon are catching in the "rocky" area - in the mountains, quarries, etc.

Places where cathed stone Pokemon:Mountains, careers, agricultural land, suburban reserves. Perhaps the appearance in shopping centers

What are the stone pokemon in Pokemon Go (11 types): Geodude, Graveyler, Golem, Onix, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Omanyte, OmaStar, Kabuto, Kabutops and Aerodactyl.

Where to catch mental pokemon

Mental Pokemon most often appear at night, players celebrate their appearance also in the hospital area.

Places where to catch psychic pokemon: Residential neighborhoods of cities (at night), hospitals. Perhaps the appearance in libraries and beaches.

(11 types): Abra, Cadabab, Alakazam, Drowzee, Hypno, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, SlowBrow, SlowBrow Jynx, Mr, Mine, Mew and MewTwo (Latest Wildlife)

Where are the insects Pokemon

Pokemon insects are found in the same locations as herbal - forests, parks, reserves, etc. By the way, parks are the best place to catch insects.

Places where to catch insect Pokemon: Parks, Forests, Gardens, Meadows, Natural Reserves

What are the mental Pokemon in Pokemon Go (12 species): Caterpy, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Paras, Parast, Venonat, Venomoth, Scyther and Pinsir.

Habitat earthy pokemon

Earthy Pokemon are found in the same places as stone. Agricultural facilities are a favorite habitat of this type of Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

Places where to catch earthen pokemon: Agricultural Labor, Careers, Parks

What are earthy pokemon in Pokemon Go (14 species): Sandshrew, Sandslash, DiGlett, Dugtrio, Geodude, Graveyler, Golem, Onix, Kubon, Marowak, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Nidoqueen and Nidoking.

Where are the poisonous pokemon in Pokemon Gow

Most often, a poisonous pokemon can be caught in a swampy terrain, less often appear in large industrial areas of cities. Almost all poisonous pokemon have the second (adjacent type), so they are easy to catch in other areas.

Places where to catch poisonous Pokemon:Swampy terrain, industrial areas, lakes.

What are the poisonous pokemon in Pokemon Go (33 species): Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Vileplume, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Venonat, Venomoth, Bellsprout, Weepinbel, VictreeBel, Ekans, Arbok, Nidoran (Woman), Nidoran (Male), Nidorina, Nidoqueen , Nidorino, Nidoking, Zubat, Golbat, Grimer, Muk, Koffing, Weezing, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Gastly, Haunter and Gengar.

Where normal pokemon

Normal pokemon are catching everywhere. They are not difficult to find them, but among this type of Pokemon there are also rare species. Often, normal pokemones are hatched from eggs.

Places where to catch Normal Pokemon: residential areas, parking, universities

What are Normal Pokemon in Pokemon Go (22 Views): Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, FEAROW, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Meowth, Persian, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Dodrio, Lickitung, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon and Snorlax .

Where to catch the Pokemon-Dragon in Pokemon Go

The easiest way to get a dragon, catch herbal dratini and evolve it in Dragonight. The dragon can also be caught in the "big" sights.

Places where Pokemon Dragons: Attractions

What are the dragons of Pokemon in Pokemon Go (Total 3 species): Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite.

Where are the magic pokemon

Magic Pokemon can be found near the attractions, the players also note that the pokemon of this type appear in churches and in cemeteries.

Places where to catch magic pokemon: attractions, churches, cemeteries.

What are the magical pokemon in Pokemon Go (total 5 species): Clefairy, Clefable, JigglyPuff, Wigglytuff and Mr. Mine.

Where the combat pokemon in Pokemon Go

Places where to catch the fighting Pokemon: stadiums, sports clubs and centers, recreation areas.

What are the fighting pokemon in Pokemon Go (Total 8 types): Mankey, Primeape, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Poliwrath.

Ghost Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Places where to catch pokemon ghosts: This type of Pokemon is caught everywhere at night. The players reported that they could be found in cemeteries.

What are the ghost pokemon in Pokemon Go (3 species): Gastly, Haunter and Gengar.

Where to catch an ice pokemon

Often this pokemon can be obtained from the egg. But from the name it is clear that they are found in the cold climate, where snow-covered areas are dominated.

Places where to catch ice pokemon: Ski resorts, glaciers, rollers, cold climates

What are Ice Pokemon in Pokemon Go (5 species): Jynx, Dewgong, Cloyster, Lapras and Articuno, Articuno (is the legendary pokemon and is not found in the wild).

note that rarity Pokemon in Pokemon - the concept of relative. If for the area in which you live a certain kind of very hard to meet, then on the other continent these pokemon can occur everywhere.

A vivid example of this Pinser, which lives in the Central Park of New York.

Remember that in addition to the geographical factors of the appearance of Pokemon, there is still a time factor of day, etc.

Pokemon Pokemon Type Type

Below B. pokemon GO Type Type We will look at what kinds are "stronger" in battle against what kinds, and what weaker.

Pokemon GO Type Diagram Strong counter Weak counter
Normal type Strong against: Not Weak against: Combat
Insects Strong against: Herbal, mental, ghosts Weak against: Flying Fire, Stone
Poison type Strong against: Herbal, magical Weak against: Earth, mental
Herbal type Strong against: Water, Earthwood, Stone Weak against: Flying, poisonous, Fire, Ice
Water type Strong against: Fire, Earthwood, Stone Weak against: Electric, herbal
Fire Type Strong against: Steel, Insects, Ice, Herbal Weak against: Land, Stone, Water
Earth type Strong against: Fire, Electric, Poisonous, Stone, Steel Weak against: Water, herbal, ice
Battle type Strong against: Normal Weak against: Flying, magical
Stone Type Strong against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Insects Weak against: Water, herbal, combat, earthy, steel
Magic Type Strong against: Combat, Dragons, Ghosts Weak against: Poisonous, steel
Electric type Strong against: Water, flying Weak against: Herbal, Steel, Dragons
Mental Type Strong against: Combat, poisonous Weak against: Insects, ghosts
Phantom type Strong against: Mental, ghosts Weak against: Ghosts
Dragons Strong against: Dragons Weak against: Ice, magic
Ice type Strong against: Herbal, Earthwood, Flying, Dragons Weak against: Fire, earthwood, steel
Flying type Strong against: Herbal, Combat, Insects Weak against: Electric, santy, earthy
Phantom type Strong against: Mental, ghosts Weak against: Magic, magical
Metal type Strong against: Magic, Ice, Earth Weak against: Combat, fiery, earthy

The strongest Pokemon Go of each type

A type The strongest pokemones
Normal Snorlax Wigglytuff Clefable.
Insects Pinsir Scyther Venomoth
Poisonous VieSaur Vileplume Muk.
Herbal Exeggutor Venusaur VictreeBel.
Water Lapras Vaporeon Gyarados.
Fire Arcanine Charizard Flareon
Earthman Nidoking Rhydon Nidoqueen.
Combat Machamp Poliwrath Primeape
Stone Rhydon Omastar Golem.
Eleptic Jolteon Electabuzz Raichu.
Psychic Slowbro Exeggutor Hypno.
Flying Dragonite Gyarados Charizard

In contact with

The game Pokemon GO presents 151 pocket monster, out of 724 existing in nature. Each of them belongs to a specific type. There are 17 of them. Let's figure it out in detail.

This is very useful information, since each of the types of Pokemon is inherent in its own habitat, as well as unique combat characteristics. Knowledge of all types will allow you to better figure out the locations and time when you have more chances to catch them.

Type ordinary pokemones

They are distributed over the entire location and are found in forests, megalopolis, parks and roads. Perhaps one of them is now sitting in your bathroom or in the kitchen in the refrigerator. Pokemon this type is quite weak in attacking the remaining types (especially stone and steel), but are considered one of the best in defense. To the "purebred" coocyons of normal type include: Clefabe, Rattat, Ratikate, Klefeiri.

Battle Pokemon

This type belongs to Pokemon Manka, Machop, Holyam and others. Locations of their habitat are stadiums, arena, large sports halls and some boxing clubs. The combat type is considered one of the strongest. His attacks are effective against pokemon steel, stone, ice, steel and dark types. But the Pokemones of a poisonous and mental type, they oppose with less efficiency.

Water type Pokemon

This is the most numerous type, you can say the Chinese among Pokemon. Skvirtle, Psyzdak, Shellder, Krabby, Goldin - all of them belong to this type. In battles, the most effectively use the water type against fiery, earthy and stone pokemon. They live in the oceans, rivers and lakes. If you live in a country house, tags to check your pond, and do not forget to check the bath too.

Magic type Pokemon

This is where the most interesting thing begins. Magic Pokemon are quite rare, and their habitats are not only monuments, altars and churches. It is possible that you will have to take a taxi and go to one of the nearest cemeteries. There you can find one of Pokemon: Togepi, Klefairi, Klefabe, Probbull, Oblaba and Spritsti. Magic Pokemon will be most effective against a dragon type. But in front of dark and poisonous cochons, they are most vulnerable.

Dragon type Pokemon

Representatives of this type have fewer weaknesses, but they are quite difficult to raise and evolve. Dragon type is effective against all types of Pokemon. If ready for painstaking work, to grow a dragon, then look for this type in the most famous places of your city (such as historical monuments), which developers are known to the Ocean.
Here are several names that you are not mistaken: Dratini, ackla, Haxorus and Shelgon.

Earth type

I would call them a dacha type, but alas, I'm just a player, not a developer. Pokemon earthen type is as efficient against steel, poisonous, stone, fiery and electric types. But against the flying type, they are absolutely useless. This "Casta" includes the following Pokemon: Sandshru, Diglett, Kubon, Donfan and others. Locations of landscapes of an earth type: ground roads, fields and construction sites.

Stone type Pokemon

Total is known 37 Pokemon Stone Type, including ships, Rospasss, Reggrook and Cranedos. In the game Pokemon Go, you can catch one of the pocket monsters in such locations: careers, parking, highway and large trading buildings. Stone type is better not to use against combat, earthy and steel Pokemon.

Ice type pokemon

In Pokemon GO, this type can be found on glass surfaces (the same shopping centers), ice and ski resorts. However, do not rush to go for Christmas to the Alps. Ice type one of the worst in terms of protection. He can't keep a blow from one of the types. Among the famous 29 species, you can meet such: Snowrant, Glali, Regais and Gostera.

Flying type Pokemon

Low protection level of this type compensates high speed and powerful attacks. Dual damage Flying type inflicts insects insect, herbal and combat types. You can attribute to Fiery Pokemones: Charizard, Tornadus, Butterfi, Piges and Spyro. Locations for Pokemon catch: suburb, farm, fields, meadows, large parks, as well as open areas.

Pokemon insects

I will immediately say that insect Pokemon should be sought together with the flying type. They have almost the same locations. This species will be very useful in battles with pampeons of dark, mental and herbal type. Interestingly, insects are the very first pocket monsters that come across the path of the novice coach, such as Caterpi.

Type of ghosts

The smallest group consisting of 18 species. However, they will have to hunt. If you're an avid stalker, then it will be pleasure for you. Search for them in borrowings and in cemeteries. Surely a couple have already hid in Chernobyl. Related features are the resistance in front of the Pokhähchyami type. But the dark type of Pokemon can cause your pet dual damage. So be careful.

Mental type Pokemon

Yes Yes. You probably guessed where to look for a similar type of Pokemon. In hospitals, their most. Additional locations serve large green areas and beaches, which is unexpected. Mental Pokemon, such as Abra, Drozi, Mute and Spoinka are very effective in battles with poisonous and combat types. But the dark type is not at all the teeth.

Steel type

Pokemon of this type, often hide inside the iron structures, on railways and in buildings. The combat qualities of steel Pokemon are effective in relation to ice and stone type. There are no less effective attacks against fiery, water and electric type of monsters. Poocones of pure steel type include: Regguitil, Clunk, Klang, Clinking.

Herbal type Pokemon

Tangela, Chicharit, Beloss, Trickko, Celebroi - all these "pets" are based on arable land, farms, forests, gardens and some landscaped locations. Along with stone coocyons, this type has rather weak protection. Although in battles against earthwood, stone and water pokemon, he causes a maximum damage.

Pokemon fiery type

Even those who are not very silent in the Pokemon will remember who Charmanander. He is one of the pokemon belonging to the fiery type. In their authorities, to deal with the monsters of herbal, insect, steel and ice types. Specific information, where to look for now not published. But I will add from myself that it is worth looking into the nearest volcano, the steel production or you will be lucky and it will fall in one of the sleeping areas of the city. Keep a brief list: Charmilion, Wulpix, nine-dollar, groruli, arkanine, pony and rapidash.

Electric type

In the hunt for this type of Pokemon, maybe you will have to visit your institute or school. This location is very popular among electrical monsters. Also, they can hide in industries and power plants. Such Pokemon is best used in battles with water and flying type. But against the earthen type, the attacks will be absolutely useless. This "team" includes: Pikachu, Voltobon, Pich, Marip, Phlaffic and Raiko.

Poisonous type of Pokemon

In the overgrown areas and swamps you have the most chances of catching one of these Pokemon: Escans, Arbok, Nidoran, Nidorino, Piemer, Mac and Kofin. Each of them will be useful in the fights with herbal-type cochons. They will be useless against a steel type pokemon.

Helpful advice! Catching one of the pokemon, you can give him your own name. If you do not immediately know how to call him. No problem. At any time you can go to the settings and edit the name of your monster.

Pokemon Go game is founded in such a way that you not only traveleled as far as possible and in the most skipping places, but also played the game at night when you can find rare pokemon in exotic places on the selection of cemeteries. But everything is good in moderation. Therefore, it is not worth a breaking head to climb on a bare wire or dive into a volcano.

Pokemon dragons are a separate type of pocket monsters, which belongs to one of the 17 spare subtypes. They received their name thanks to the external similarity with the heroes of fairy tales.

Pokemon Dragons are popular with coaches, as they have the ability to superarats and can resist almost anyone

Dragon Type: Quick Feature

Pokemon Dragons There are practically every Pokemon coach, as they are universal soldiers - strong, hardy, capable of damage to the overwhelming majority of species.

The only drawback of dragons (compared to other types of pocket monsters) - their long evolution. Pokemon coaches are always interested in developing their characters to the perfect stage, and the dragon type in this regard implements himself much later.

But the strength and attacking ability of the Dragons is so great that even the starting stages of these monsters guarantee the victory in battles against rivals of other species that have already evolved. Wed (average power, endurance and attack of Pokemon) In the game Pokemon Go, the dragons are always high, and there is no need to develop them ahead of time.

Dragon attack: against anyone unaware of these Pokemon?

Dragons are able to fight and apply a crushing blow to all types of Pokemon, except for steel monsters - against them attacking the power of flying giants powerless. However, if Pokemon does not apply to pure A is a double type Fiery / Dragon, then using fireproof, it can confront even his sword enemy.

Maximum efficiency in the amount of 200% attack in dragons is applied against its own type. Electric, fiery, herbal and water pocket monsters are caused by dragons damage in the amount of 50%, but it is worth the fear of ice pokemon - their attacks have a double threat (200%).

Although the dragons are strong in nature, the number of attacks in their arsenal reaches only 12. And 10 of them are precisely the physical power of the dragon-type type, and the rest is the ability to analyze (intelligent attack).

Pokemon Dragons: List

The number of pocket monsters whose dragon type, the only or basic, reaches only 22. They are second to the smallest number of Pokemon in the spontaneous type, yielding only to ghosts.

To 100% dragons include:

  • Dratini.
  • Dragoreir.
  • Dradigon.
  • Haxorus.
  • Fracksur.
  • Ack.
  • Big.
  • Silgon.

Dragonight, Altaria, Salamens, Lyas, Lindos, Rakevas, Glill, Gabit, Garchhamp, Demists, Zekrom, Kuram, are considered practically "purebred" dragons. The last dragon is the rare case when Ice attacks will be powerless, as Pokemon combines the power of ice pokemon.

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